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Some of you guys have no clue! 2024

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Ok you guys make a big deal about a $1000 offer. If they were unsportsman like they could have crowded Kyle and fished for the same fish but of cource they didnt. I would have offered him what ever money i had too.

Every body talkes about the million dollar fish. SAYS WHO!!!!!!!!!!!!! you think people are going to come running with money in hand and start throwing it at them. they may get some indorsments but they would have to work very hard to get any whare near a million for it.

Ok now here is the big one.......Pay atention..........Its not about the money. I dont care about the $1000 offer that means nothing.    Its about prestige respect and clout. Who ever catches the biggest fish is king. Those guys work at casinos and make alot of money. They are not in it for the money its all about who catches the biggest bass. A lot of trophy hunters(myself included) dont fish tournaments. Our way of competition and reward is being known for the big fish we catch.  That is the mindset.

I wish you guys would leave the guy alone. He just caught the biggest bass in recorded history and let it go because he foul hooked it. Imagin how heartbreaking that must have been to see that fish come up with the jig outside the mouth. He knew what he was fishing for. He knew how to make it bite. He just misjudged it.

fishing user avatarChris reply :
fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

Well said Matt. A lot of people don't understand the mindset of these guys. It's really NOT about the money and I truly believe that. I don't even want to know how much they've invested of their money in this pursuit. I bet it's a lot. Of course with all this hype about the "Million Dollar Fish" everyone will think it is about the money. The story gets twisted every which way, even after the record has been set straight.

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Thats just that guys opinion. The fish and fisherman would have to be marketable. They would also have to work for it. Imigin if some poor Mexican caught the fish, documented it properly and then ate it. Do you think he would get much money out of it? my point is the money is not guaranteed. Its assumed. I think way to many people focus on the whole money aspect of the WR . you guys probably think I am full of it but I would be completly happy being the recognized WR holder and not make any money from it. Would I try to make money from it? sure but that is only secondary. Its the TITLE

I think people have seen too many scamers like the Trews and the lady that had a weight in the fishes belly. This is not the same. Mac wanted to catch the fish more than he wanted to get paid. He knew it was the record there is no way in hell he intentualy tried to snag it.

and just for the record. These guys are not my freinds. I am not sure if I like them or not but i do respect them.

fishing user avatarChris reply : 

I think the underlining point was that if a guy just went out with the sole purpose of ****** hooking a record fish should it be a record. Not knowing anything about the guy or how it was caught or foul hooked people just had the picture stuck in their heads that someone ****** hooked a record and should it stand. You have so many hoops to jump just for a record to stand and if the guy didn't go through all the motions it will not stand. Part of the reason for all the BS is because everyone wants that title and if they are going to give it they need to make darn sure. Measurements need to be taken, DNA, Certified weight, and when everything is said and done you might end up killing the fish. If the guy caught the fish and didn't snag it on purpose the record should stand. The problem is that the fish was not measured, weighed on a certified scale, had pictures taken verifying everything (length, girth, weight)or an official of some sort. We don't live in a world that will take a man at his word.  I wish we did he deserves it.

fishing user avatarChris reply : 

oh yeah Matt here is a question for ya

fishing user avatarbobo reply : 

How does he deserve it? Like i've said I give people the benefit of the doubt, always. Until they show other wise.

He catches this fish with a foul hook, finds out if unintentional, it still may be ok. Decides to pursue record. Day later, doesn't see support so decides to withdraw it? Says he's worried about keeping the fish alive, but goes out for a 15 minutes celebration with the fish in tow on a stringer? Says he doesn't know the rules in one sentence, and in another says they are proffessional world record  bass hunters... The only controversy is what he brought on himself. We're all just spectators..

Maybe it's a cali thing, but if I catch a 25.1 bass with a foul hook and I think it's legit i'm going to try to have it official, not gonna ponder over the next couple days whether to make it official, regardless of fines, outcome , etc.... If I catch I 25.1lb bass with a foul hook and think it's not legit, I'm not gonna ponder over the next few days whether to make it official either, i'm gonna say it's not legit and be done with it....

I'm finding it hard to take this guys word, when it took a couple days to figure out what he wanted to say...but lets keep some perspective here, thinking he may be a little on the shady side isn't calling him a cop killer or anything.

Money had a little to do with it, but sometimes you can't put a price on fame. Those are to huge factors on catching a 25.1 bass. I agree though, money to be made would be no where near the fame. Oddly enough, you can make alot of money off fame :)

And btw way, the first day, I thought this guy was the new WR holder, he was legit regardless of it went official. Needless to say, I've considerably changed me opinion.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Just for the record,I thought the lady with the fish that had the 1lb lead ball in it's belly wasn't a WR but still held up because after autopsy, the biologist learned that the stomach had built a lining around the ball to seperate it from the stomach therefor concluding that she didn't put it there.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Is this the same lady from Mirmar in the late80/early 90's with the 2.5 pound diving weight, she was credited for the fish minus the diving weight.

I don't understand killing a fish to do an autopsy,  I can X-ray anything with out killing it and find abnormal weight hidden inside.

fishing user avatarpaparock reply : 

If I ever caught a fish I thought even came close to a world record, I would photograph it on my scale take some quick pics and if there is a share a lunker program try to get the fish to them healthy. If I had any doubt about the fish's health I would release it. I would have serious doubts about submitting it to be an official record because of all the BS people would through at you. I don't know the man or what motivates him but I would have to take some time to think about if I really wanted to go through the pain of trying to break such a record. I'm just one of those people that fish for fun but try to target bigger fish. Those that target trophy bass have their place and more power to them because if they succeed they suffer from all those that will try to deny them their moment of fame, whatever their motivation. To me I doubt it would be worth all the character assassination and rumor mongering that follows.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 
....... If the guy caught the fish and didn't snag it on purpose the record should stand. The problem is that the fish was not measured, weighed on a certified scale, had pictures taken verifying everything (length, girth, weight)or an official of some sort. .......

No, it shouldn't.  Amoungst all the requirements of the IGFA for certification of a world record is the one that states the fish must be caught within the bounds of local game and fish laws. Clearly that was not followed here.

According to CA law, a fish hooked outside the mouth is a non-catch. It must be released immediately. No weighing, no pictures, no length or girth measurements and certainly no sticking the thing on a stringer while you decide what to do with it.

While the IGFA will consider a foul hooked fish, they won't consider a fish taken outside of local game law whether they had all the other requirements or not.

And that's how it should be.

fishing user avatarcakes reply : 

A I have said in another post:

I think he is somewhere in the middle.  Not a standup guy like Abe Lincoln who walked miles to return a penny,lol.  But not some ahole who was trying to buy a WR.  This guy has been trying for years for these monsters.  In his present state, which he was probably in near hysteria, he wanted that bass so bad he could taste it.  So what if he offered a grand to buy the guy out.  Who had admittedly fished it all day and couldn't get it to bite.  Who here hasn't bought or tipped someone to get preferred service?

As for what he was trying to or would have done is all speculation.  Maybe he and the eventual WR holder should be given lie detector tests.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Matt, I have re-read your original post and can't believe that YOU believe what you wrote.  You really doubt that the manufacturers wouldn't come chasing after the world record holder with bushels of money?  You are in the business.  How many of your baits would you sell if the next wr were caught on a matt lure?  The chatterbait can't keep up with production and they are only known to followers of the pro circuit.  

C'mon Matt.  You want to express an opinion? Fine.  But get off your high horse.  Some of us are not so clueless.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Come on Avid, you made me re-read my last post.  LOL, I believe its the other Matt.



fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Sorry Mattfly  :o  I did mean the OTHER Matt, the thread starter. Hoo boy, the ruckus this big fish is a rasin'  ;D

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

Some of you just don't understand the mindset of TRUE trophy hunters. Everyone else seems to be money hunters, not true trophy hunters.

Let me ask everyone this, if Mac offered Kyle $1000 to fish for the bass and would split the "million dollars" if he caught it, would you still have a problem with such an offer?

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 


I have stayed out of the conversation because I don't have enough information to judge the man's character or motivation. Some have offered opinions that I do not agree with, but that does not mean they are clueless. This site has over 4000 members who bring many different points of view to the discussion. We are all united by our love of bass fishing, but we come with a variety of worldviews and life experience. I very much enjoy the exchange of ideas, as long as it is done with respect. Just my .02

fishing user avatarTriton_Mike reply : 

I agree with Matt 100%.  He made a very good example if a hispanic person caught the fish fishing with a cane pole.  IS he an instant millionaire??  I seriously doubt it.  Now if KVD caught it with his marketing abilities you bet he'd be in the chips.  Another thing.  Takahiro Omori won the Classic 2 years ago.  He didn't benefit nowhere near 1 million bucks.  It's all about marketing.  Yes the chatterbait guys and sweet beaver guys would benefit but if the hispanic guy can't speak english or even worst can't market himself he's not going to get much of squat.  Theres a HUGE difference between marketability and catching a WR fish.  

T Mike

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Mike, if he can talk and answer questions, every talk show, every magazine, every fishing company that can be tied to it, is gonna do something to get their names mentioned.     Eagle claw hooks would pay dearly to have on their packages of hooks.    World record bass caught on eagle claw hooks.  You change that to a rod and reel and artificail bait and that door opened up wide.

Worse case scenerio, cane pole, and little kid.     Any other avid bass fisherman stands to have lots of seminars ahead, bookdeals and anything else.      


fishing user avatarpaparock reply : 

Money makes some things easier but it also adds a whole different set of troubles. I agree with the "marketing ability" posts. It's just so hard for me to identify with all the turmoil that gets stirred up when someone may break some record. Life's to short for all that kind of hassle.

I can't take money with me when I die but I would like to take  'my honor and my word ' with me.

fishing user avatarFisher of Men reply : 

IMO, No matter who catches it, they will be criticized no matter what. That's just the way we've become as a society. We are skepticle of everything. So many crooked people have committed dishonest acts, we have been pre-programmed to feel that way about anyone who achieves something of World Record status. It is sad that we can't take anyone's word anymore. The pope himself could catch the world record bass while a crowd of thousands watched him and he would still be criticized. That's just the way we are.

As far as the opportunity to make $$$ off of this record, there is no doubt that, in the right hands, alot of money could be made. I don't know about a million dollars, but obviously there is no question that thousands could be made from it.   This guy knew what he was doing. He would have went after the $$$ had questions not arose regarding snagging the fish. If no-one else would have witnessed this event, he would be applying for the record. In this case, the California tourism industry is going to be the winner. And, it will be just a matter of time before this comes up again.

fishing user avatarBiglouie reply : 
How does he deserve it? Like i've said I give people the benefit of the doubt, always. Until they show other wise.


And on you previous post about this fish....

....Until I see something that says otherwise, i'm leaning towards shady... Click my name, read all my posts about this.  

Bobo, you kill me.  LOL!

fishing user avatarTriton_Mike reply : 

OK Matt Fly,  If a chinese dude weekend angler with a cork and bobber catches the WR on it do you really think someone is going to pay this guy the big chips for his story?  Would you buy the same cork and bobber he used?  I am not saying the guy won't make ANY money.  What I am saying is if a guy is marketable he'll be alot closer to the cool Million than the chinese guy in my story.  

T Mike

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 
You change that to a rod and reel and artificail bait and that door opened up wide.

Worse case scenerio, cane pole, and little kid. Any other avid bass fisherman stands to have lots of seminars ahead, bookdeals and anything else. $$$$$$$$$$$

Mike, I agree with you.  I didn't like the reference to Mexican, and just noticed you wrote hispanic in its place when you replied, nothing to do with you or your post, I just think it was an extreme example and doors would open up for a bass fishermen, granted none of us would do as well as KVD, the man who is BASS CLASS.

fishing user avatarChris reply : 
....... If the guy caught the fish and didn't snag it on purpose the record should stand. The problem is that the fish was not measured, weighed on a certified scale, had pictures taken verifying everything (length, girth, weight)or an official of some sort. .......

No, it shouldn't. Amoungst all the requirements of the IGFA for certification of a world record is the one that states the fish must be caught within the bounds of local game and fish laws. Clearly that was not followed here.

According to CA law, a fish hooked outside the mouth is a non-catch. It must be released immediately. No weighing, no pictures, no length or girth measurements and certainly no sticking the thing on a stringer while you decide what to do with it.

While the IGFA will consider a foul hooked fish, they won't consider a fish taken outside of local game law whether they had all the other requirements or not.

And that's how it should be.

no wonder BASS don't fish there you just ruled out 90% of my tackle box

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 
Ok you guys make a big deal about a $1000 offer. If they were unsportsman like they could have crowded Kyle and fished for the same fish but of cource they didnt. I would have offered him what ever money i had too.

Every body talkes about the million dollar fish. SAYS WHO!!!!!!!!!!!!! you think people are going to come running with money in hand and start throwing it at them. they may get some indorsments but they would have to work very hard to get any whare near a million for it.

Ok now here is the big one.......Pay atention..........Its not about the money. I dont care about the $1000 offer that means nothing. Its about prestige respect and clout. Who ever catches the biggest fish is king. Those guys work at casinos and make alot of money. They are not in it for the money its all about who catches the biggest bass. A lot of trophy hunters(myself included) dont fish tournaments. Our way of competition and reward is being known for the big fish we catch. That is the mindset.

I wish you guys would leave the guy alone. He just caught the biggest bass in recorded history and let it go because he foul hooked it. Imagin how heartbreaking that must have been to see that fish come up with the jig outside the mouth. He knew what he was fishing for. He knew how to make it bite. He just misjudged it.

I'll quit beating the dead horse, but obviously, you guys know I monitor big fish and always have.

Matt said its not about money. Read the bottom article of one of the anglers who said he's contacting all the tackle companies for products and money.

And the last piece of info is: In 2003, this same fish we are talking about with the dot was found dead shortly after it was caught in April 2003, in NOV.

Mattlure spoke up about their passions and this articles said different, so until the real guys should speak instead of having someone else speak so they don't get bashed as we have b een accused.

fishing user avatarbobo reply : 

what do ya mean I kill you? The first day, i gave him the benefit of the doubt.. Since then his actions have showed until something dramatic happens it's to shady... How much plainer could I be, I he caught it, i believed it. after his actions I went to the thinking he was shady, end of story. This is all about timeline.

If anyone is killing one, it's you guys, I mean, heh, I mean praising this guy for nada... No one is trying to take his glory, he caught a big fish, that won't be official.  

If he caught a fish tomorrow that broke the record. First thng I'd ask is was there a witness, (beisdes budies), if none, i'd give him the benefit of the doubt. But after this fish, his story better be solid.

fishing user avatarVermonster reply : 

Actually Roger, there is some talk by Mike Long that he found a floater that he believes is his original fish with the black dot......

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey t-Mike - Make up your mind.

In this post you have the wr being caught by a chinese guy with a bobber.

In another post you have a mexican with a cane pole

what's next - an armenian with a hand line?

we can all come up with possible ways the wr fish could be caught and not make a dime for it's catcher.

How about a mentally challenged woman who catches the wr while on a recreation outing with her group home?

So can we get real now?

The typical bass fisherman is an american guy who has some education, some common sense, uses store bought equipment, and fishes from some kind of boat.

I know that YOU know, he will make a ton of money.

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 
Actually Roger, there is some talk by Mike Long that he found a floater that he believes is his original fish with the black dot......

Rumors...It's also thought that Mike was trying to get peoples minds off the lake. It probably worked too.

So what now?? They used a marker to place the birthmark on the fish since that fish was found dead and did not exsist anymore?? Give me a break!

fishing user avatarVermonster reply : 
Actually Roger, there is some talk by Mike Long that he found a floater that he believes is his original fish with the black dot......

Rumors...It's also thought that Mike was trying to get peoples minds off the lake. It probably worked too.

So what now?? They used a marker to place the birthmark on the fish since that fish was found dead and did not exsist anymore?? Give me a break!

Dude, you're getting a little hostile here.  I was actually on your side in most of this, but you're getting a little too wired.

Now, as much as you can say that's the same fish, you can't prove it.  You think there is only one bass out there with a black mark on it's gills?????  Hardly.  I really don't care if it is or isn't.  It would be neat if it was, to use it to track a fishes development over the years, but it's not stone-cold proof.......

Besides, what's all the fuss over about this being the same fish or not.  It's a HOG either way, whether or not it was caught before.......

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

I'm sorry. I didn't mean that post directly at you and that was hardly being hostile. I apologize if you took it that way. It's just with all of these conspiracy theories it's getting old.

fishing user avatarVermonster reply : 

I agree, the conspiracy theory is getting old.  The guy snagged (Intentional or not) a HUGE fish, threw it back, and the legend grows....  ;)

fishing user avatarHula Popper reply : 

I agree with Vermonster and Roger310. The conspiracy theory is getting very old!

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Avid. Of cource I think there would be money to be made but you would still have to market it. My point was its not gauranteed and depending on who or how the fish was caught would make a big diference in how much money the catch was worth. Everybody always says a million. Well its posible under the right surcomstances but its also psoible it could be worth a lot less.

My main point was pursuing the record is not about the money for these guys. I am hunting it too. I dont have the time to put into it so i will probably never even get close but at lease I am targeting it. The money is not why i want to catch it. I want to catch a bigger bass than anybody else. Thats why. Now after the fact is when the money factor might set in. I dont know what i would do or how I would act but I do know I would have to be squeeky clean and so did they and they did the right thing by releasing the fish.

BTW when I said Mexican I meant Mexican, like sombody in Mexico catching the fish. If I was talking about someone hear in the states I would have said Hispanic.

And one more thing Avid. If the record was caught on my bait I couldnt sell any more baits than I already am. I am backed up on my stores and I have no idea when I will ever get caught up. I think if that happened I would try and sell my company :)

The clueless thing was about people thinking they are only in it for the money.

fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 
I agree with Matt 100%. He made a very good example if a hispanic person caught the fish fishing with a cane pole. IS he an instant millionaire?? I seriously doubt it. Now if KVD caught it with his marketing abilities you bet he'd be in the chips. Another thing. Takahiro Omori won the Classic 2 years ago. He didn't benefit nowhere near 1 million bucks. It's all about marketing. Yes the chatterbait guys and sweet beaver guys would benefit but if the hispanic guy can't speak english or even worst can't market himself he's not going to get much of squat. Theres a HUGE difference between marketability and catching a WR fish.

T Mike

hey   mike ever been to japan since takshiro won that classic   well i have and ill be damned if his picture isnt in all of the fishing stores i went to   the japanese have sponsored the hell out of him over there and they pay pretty good so im sure hes cleaned out over a million bucks here and there

and why  are some of you crying about not knowing what a true trophy hunter thinks  cause you dont even know i doubt if that guy called you personally and said hey this is nwhat im thinking about   everyones entitled to there own opinion  but get off the mans  n@#s  hes not a god hes a human whos capable of good and bad things just like the rest of us  so did he or didnt he who cares

good fishing to al

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

I've got a clue, i've got a clue. I know which state still owns the WR LMB. ;)

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

I'm with avid on this one. My opinion is if a hispanic caught this fish on a cane pole that fish would have been ate and nobody would have even known about it in the first place. It's right there in the history of the current world record when the bait company that produced the lure that george perry caught his on advertised there lure caught the world record bass. Whoever catches the next offical world record bass is going to be makeing money, even the angler who fishes once or twice a year is going to be smart enough to see a money making oppurtinity with a fish like that.  Sorry guy's I don't buy it. they are not just doing it for the prestige of it there in it for the money as well   Lets see here market my catch for every penny I can or just keep working for all my money hmmm I think I'm going to milk it for every dime I can.

fishing user avatartennsopher reply : 

Im all for the Chinese guy with a bobber.At least he wouldnt be birdogged onto a fish he could pester untill it was foul hooked protecting its nest.Why even bother to fish outside the spawn if you want that elusive trophy?Sorry,thats just my opinion on his catch.

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 
The clueless thing was about people thinking they are only in it for the money.

The most bogus statement out there is"I love my job, I'd keep on working even if I won a million". Liar!!! It's all about the money. That's the facts. Mac was out in the boat discussing if he could get that bass to pass an IGFA inspection. He turned the fish back in because there were too many witnesses that saw him snag it. That's the facts....The fish would not take the lure, so he snagged it. What's so hard to believe about that. $$$$$$$$$ make some people do things they normally would not do. Remember. IMO.....

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Oh you must mean how Perry lied? That is a fact too! You dont know these guys. You dont know what they said or what they were thinking. YOUR OPINION IS NOT FACT!!!!!!!!  I dont know how much money they make but they get to fish pretty much every day. They drive VERY expensive cars and have high paying jobs. Is it so outrageouse to believ they like thier jobs. I dont doubt they were talking about what they should do in the middle of the lake. I think I would have been discussing all my options at that point too. Who knows maybe they were tempted to say they caught it the mouth, But guess what MR FACTS. They didnt. They did the right thing. they let the fish go and didnt even submit it for the record. Why dont you watch basscenter this saterday. they were their interviewing everybody including all the wittneses.

You say they only let it go because people saw them foul hook it. Well they knew that the second the fish was in the net and everybody was watching.

They knew it wasnt right for the record to be caught like that.

It doesnt even matter what you say because it is the biggest bass ever caught.

fishing user avatarbuzzbaitfool12 reply : 

Come on all are about as naive as my first prom date when I told her I loved her for the big prize ;D..I am sure these guys love to fish, but you are telling me if they caught and not snagged the fish they wouldnt want to collect on the handsome reward that someone would receive if the wr bass was caught and not snagged would bring in..Come on..These cats want to get paid..Roger you keep making the guys to sound like some knights in shining armour but the bottom line is if they were so knowledgeable about being trophy hunters, they would have had everything in place but they got nervous when they to me intentionally snagged this fish..They panicked and made mistakes and wanted to put back in so they could really go back and catch the fish and not snag it..I have read in the last two years in major fishing magazines about the big bounty someone would collect if the wr bass would be caught..I am going to listen to the people behind the lines about this because I think if you caught the fish you would be like the subway guy jarrod that made millions for losing weight..YOU WOULD MAKE CLOSE TO A MILLION>>We will have to see about this when the record is caught and not snagged..Buzz

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

I might be making them seem like knights in shining armor but a lot of others are so quick to trash them. It goes both ways. I could call out a lot of people on this forum for trashing them. I think what they did was right so I will defend their actions.

The fact is they caught the bass, it was foul hooked, they discussed their options, weighed and pictured the fish, then released it.

I've read post from others, not necessarily on this site, that say they would have killed the bass so they could mount it. Regardless if it was foul hooked, illegal to keep, and wouldn't have been the WR. I would be the first person all over that guy for doing something so stupid.

Give them credit for ultimately doing the right thing. Don't speculate on the details in between that only the few people that were there will ever truly know about.

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

You guys must not read the whole posts. Just because sombody wants to get paid after wards doesnt mean thats what drives them.

here is my point I want to catch the WR because I want to catch a bigger bass than anybody else period.

That is my #1 reason.

My #2 reason is I feel the current WR is a disgrace. I think it is the biggest frad in fishing history.

Now see if you can understand this. I honestly would be happy with just those two thing and thats what drives me to throw big swimbaits all day insted of worm fishing.

BUT of cource I would try to get paid if I caught it. Can you guys understand this. just because sombody tries to make some money AFTER the fact doesnt mean thats why they did it in the first place.

Like I said before. Its about the recognition.

I have fished Dixon many times and I have bed fished there. The big fish are spooky and just because the water is clear doesnt mean you can clearly see whats happening on the bed. There is wind chop and that particular day it was overcast and misty.

here is another thing some of the haters fail to realize. You say they intentionaly snagged it and then realized people had seen them so the panicked..WRONG people were watching them the entire time they were fishing for that fish including the ranger and they new that. Mac made the fish bite a few times and missed. It is verry common for a bed fish to inhale and exhale a bait in less than a second. They rarly hold on to the bait for longer than a couple seconds. The fish went down and it looked like it bit (maybe it even did bite ad spit it) so Mac swung. With 6 witnesses watching his every move. He knew it was the WR there is no way he would intentionaly snag it. he believed that the foul hooking disqualified it so he released it.

It is my opinion(not fact) that they were hoping it would go right back to the bed so they could catch it the right way. As of today it has not returned yet.

fishing user avatarbobo reply : 

Matt, are you saying money might factor into a guy doing shady things but fame, (recognigition) wouldn't?

Here is the main thing for me. Give him a pat on the back, say , Good job, tough break. But defending this guy to those of us that things went on  that may question him throughout this, doesn't make much sense to me anyway, but to each his own.

To me, there just seems contradiction. Each day that passes I have more questions and more uhh, huh? heh

Like why not call the game warden down there and clarify rules on the spot? Why not go through the motions you'd expect a self-proclaimed WR bass hunter to do, to certify this? Why wait a couple days and one day start getting ready to apply and the next withdraw?

Anyway, all the answers to just those few questions brings up more questions and then that is where I feel the contradiction comes in.

I think they are pretty legit, I don't think it's trashing the guy at all... I mean I could ask alot more questiosn than those, and maybe the answer is to them all can be "mistake".  But then that brings up the big fact this guy is a WR bass hunter, and that drives me to think it's very unlikely so many mistakes could have been made. And then wonders in the thought of intent.....shady intent.... Now if that is to be considered trashing the guy.... I guess I'm guilty to I figure out the answers or they get clarified. heh

fishing user avatartennsopher reply : 

The biggest problem I have with the "catch" ,is the whole bed fishing deal.Matt, you said the fish had not returned to the nest.My thoughts are GO FISH GO AND DONT LOOK BACK! Seriously,if the lake is as small as stated,with renowned trophy hunters after her,she will be caught.Hopefully in a more sportsmanlike manner.I dont think any of us were around to witness Perrys catch either,but I dont believe it was a bed fish.Heck,if we could find Osamas bed I bet we could catch him too!

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

I find it somewhat amusing that these guys are self proclaiming themselves as World Record fisherman.  In the less than a week since this has happened these guys have basically come off as 3 noobs who accidently (maybe, maybe not) snagged a bass of world record proportions and seemingly didn't seem to understand the rules or significance of the catch.  

And as for what great sportsman they are for releasing the fish...  ::)

A real sportsman would've realized the minute that bass came up boatside, foul hooked, that it was a non-catch per the rules of the state of California.  Removed the fish from the water, taken some measurements, pictures and then released it back into the water, NOT drug it back to the dock, string it, go out in a boat and hold a secret meeting on what to do next, then come back, weigh and take pictures and THEN release the fish.

All you've done is stress that very old bass out.  Not only are the odds of that fish spawning successfully diminished due to the undue stress but that bass maybe dead at the bottom of the lake right now.

I have a feeling had there not been witnesses to verify the fish had been foul hooked, we'd have 3 guys trying to pawn off that bass as the next world record with a lot of questions and controversy as to how that big gash got into the top of the fish by the dorsal fin.

JMO of course.  ;)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

As far as the money situation goes I think different people have different motivation.

For example, I have a couple friends who are MD's.  One of them is very dedicated and truly went into the medical field to help people.  He is a great guy and a dedicated healer.  PS, he probably makes around 500k a year - Not bad for a dedicated healer.  Another doctor I know went into it for the money and prestige of being a doctor.  He too is an excellent physician who makes a ton of money.  I trust each of these men with my health and the health of my family.  Both are very good at what they do both make alot of money.  But one went into it for the money, the other for the satisfaction.  Does it really make that much difference??

fishing user avatarearthworm77 reply : 

the lady that had a weight in the fishes belly.

Sandy Defresno

I see this from both points. First, I am from the camp that believes Mac did the right thing and I can't fathom how anyone can question his integrity here. Right now besides being known as the guy who caught the largest bass in history, he is the new poster child for catch and release. It doesn't matter what circumstances occurred, who cares what he offered that guy to fish the spot, he caught and released the biggest bass in history. I guarantee one thing, Perry's official "record" hasn't garnered 1/10th of the interest as this one fish has for the sport and its only a few days old. And we all know that it is a true 25lb fish.

None of us know if he intentionally snagged this fish. Because his group is persuing a WWR, it wouldn't make sense if he did. Next, I do not care how high and mighty you think you are, how much of a staunch advocate of C&R that you are, if any of you caught that fish, you would be well within your rights to celebrate for 15 minutes with the fish in tow. AND DON'T THINK THAT YOU WOULDN'T. As a former TX director, I take extreme measures to release every fish I or anyone on my boat caught. That said, Mac is a better man than me because that sow would have come home with me or at least gotten weighed and certified the correct way.

Now, from the perspective that knows a little bit about Mac and his crew, I can't understand why they were so unprepared. I mean they went to extremes to make sure they got on the water before everyone else, they had the right equipment. Why the heck wouldn't you have some type of livewell for this fish....50qt cooler? Has to be better than a stringer.

I like the way that many of you guys second guess the situation. I've read some pretty moronic statements regarding this incident. All some can do is speculate because you are likely never going to haver to worry about catching a 25lb + largemouth.

Mattlures, the only point I disagree with is that any large lure manufacturer who learns that this fish was taken on their bait will offer a payday to make that info public. Imagaine a Scuppernong Berkely Power Giblett is the bait that does it, their already signing the blank check.

And guys, for those of you who think there guys are inexperienced, read Sowbelly, each of them has a decent write up in that book. 2 of the three of them currently hold tbass in the top 15 of all time. I guess we can argue that now they all do. They may not have the experience that Mike Long and John Kerr have but they certainly have been dedicated to catching a record, despite the mistakes that they made. They didn't start at this a week ago.

Look at it this way, normally a mistake costs the angler the fish, these guys are guilty of not having a plan once the fish is landed, can I state that all of us would likely be unprepared to some degree as well, after all, none of us has handled a fish like that. It is easy to sit behind a keyboard and chop at someone without sticking your neck out on the block.

My #2 reason is I feel the current WR is a disgrace. I think it is the biggest frad in fishing history.

You get an amen from the congregation on that. The only photo of Perry with a fish was a 13.4lber that won the following years fishing derby at Field and Stream, the only thing was that the fish in the photo was clearly only about 6lbs. But not having any valid proof of the current world record is ok and sits well with many of you guys. That's great. I'm only 250 miles away from Georgia and I know its a scam. Viva California bass!

fishing user avatarbobo reply : 

Yup, no doubt about poster child for catch and release. Just put my lawyer's number in the cell to instadial before I release my next fish.... heh

The fish was oustanding, I don't care if he foul hooked it intentionally, or out right cheated. He caught the biggest bass EVER, regardless. It's pretty remarkable. If a guy caught a 24 lb bass tomorrow and was certified, and not one bit of controversy, I'd still see it as the second biggest bass ever caught.... It just the biggest is unofficial... that dont mean it didn't happen.

I just can't get over guys are praising these 3 heh, i'm starting to feel bad for em.

fishing user avatarearthworm77 reply : 

I'm not sure anyone is praising these guys as much as defending them/ I don't understand why there are being ostracized. I don't know them, they aren't friends but I think the outcome of this incident has been handled the way it should have been.

fishing user avatarSoulAces reply : 

Every body talkes about the million dollar fish. SAYS WHO!!!!!!!!!!!!! you think people are going to come running with money in hand and start throwing it at them. they may get some indorsments but they would have to work very hard to get any whare near a million for it.

matt i think you might be the one with no clue... read the another site weakley Q & A article that came out a few days ago, it CLEARLY states that the BBRC (big bass record club) will pay the angler who catches the world record largemouth 1 million dollars.

sponsorships and endorsements are after that fact. it really is a million dollar fish, in a literal sense. The simple fact is, the person who catches the next world record will instantly be a millionaire. Not only that, but after sponsorships and endorsements - he will pretty much be set for the rest of his life.

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 
I'm not sure anyone is praising these guys as much as defending them/ I don't understand why there are being ostracized. I don't know them, they aren't friends but I think the outcome of this incident has been handled the way it should have been.

Exactly my thoughts. It's the monday morning quarterback syndrom.

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Hey Soulaces your a little out dated. first of to get any money from the world record club you would have had to been a member. Oh and guess what? It was 7million but the key word is WAS. The last time Jed caught that same fish it weighed 22lbs 9oz. but by the time the ofiicials had got to the lake (wich was hours later) the fish had lost enough weight to be only 21.7. When this happend, the Insurance company that backed the WWBC gut scared and would not reniew the policy. There is no world record bass club!!!! So again i say there is no GARANTEED MONEY. Yes there could be alot of money in indorsments if the conditions are reight.  I never said there wouldnt be or that the fish is not worth a mil. I said it not a given. It all comes down to maketability.

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

The only thing really getting ostracized is the guys posting how great Big Bass hunters these guys are. They made so many rookie mistakes it's pitiful. It's great that they released the bass, but don't build these guys up like great hunters. You could have fooled me. They were completely clueless, and lost on the water. Hopefully they learned from there mistakes. Has anybody got their address, I'll send them all a IGFA Certification book. ;D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

In my opinion the only hero in this drama is the guy who found the fish, not the guy who offered a thousand dollars for the exclusive right to snag it.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 
The only thing really getting ostracized is the guys posting how great Big Bass hunters these guys are. They made so many rookie mistakes it's pitiful. It's great that they released the bass, but don't build these guys up like great hunters. You could have fooled me. These were completely clueless, and lost on the water. Hopefully they learned from there mistakes. Has anybody got their address, I'll send them all a IGFA Certification book.  ;D

Really! These guys knew that fish was there. At the very least I would've had a large cooler with portable aeration system setup ready to go. A friggin stringer ? Geez, Big bass hunters NOT!  ;D

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

One of those big saltwater coolers would make an excellent big bass live well. You could have it mounted in the back of your truck. Just like a real Big Deer Trophy Hunter, he is totally prepared with everything he needs to bag that trophy buck. These guys are not prepared, it's a wonder they did not kiil that bass with their own ignorance. If you are going to trophy hunt for a big bass, you better have a live well near by. That's the most important thing if you expect to keep that bass alive to release later. Rookies almost killed that bass.

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

The stringer system has worked for 3 times now with that bass and it hasnt died from it yet. You can not bring your own boat into Dixon. They have tiny little rental boats and the cooler bairly fit and mad it dificult to move at all. I personaly have brought a huge cooler with me and it was a pain. Pl;us they needed to get in the boat and on that fish before anybody else . They didnt have time to be loading up excess stuff. Theese "rookies" have caught  many huge fish and are anything buy rookies. They didnt need a cooler or a certified scale. Why? because had they hooked the fish in the mouth they would have waited at the lake for the DFG to come certify the catch. You guys make it seem like they were soooo unprepaired. I am sure that foul hooking or intentualy snagging the fish was never even considered. Thats why they didnt know exactly what to do once it happened.  So what did they do?  The right thing. They let it go and did not submit it. yet there are stiil some of you guys critsizing evry little detail and speculating what they talked about or what thier intentions were.

If some incredibly hot girl wants  to sleep with you and you are married. Are you a cheat for thinking about it or talking to one of you buddies about it? NO you are a cheat if you do it.

I am not saying they even considered anything wrong but even if they did, In the end they still did the right thing.

Put your self in Macs shoes. He knows the fish is there. he does all he can think of to be able to fish it.

He knows its the record and has his attorny's # ready for when he catches it. He knows the process because he was there when Jed Caught it. You call Fish and game and they will come measure and weigh and certify the fish. Ok now you actualy catch the fish but you realize its been foul hooked. there are several wittness to this fact. Now what do you do. Up until this point they were prepaired, Now they dont know what to do. I doubt any of you guys would of at that moment either. So they talked about, called their atorney and decided to release the fish becuase they knew(or at least though) it would not count.

and for you haters that said he couldnt make it bite so he snagged it.    COME ON  Mac caught the fish at 8 in the morning. it wasnt like he was running out of time. he had all day to fish that one fish and they werent going to leave it. He though the fish bit(and it might have) so he swung the rest is history.

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 
They let it go and did not submit it. yet there are stiil some of you guys critsizing evry little detail and speculating what they talked about or what thier intentions were.  

You are speculating your opinions, and we are speculating our opinions. Are you saying ours are speculation, and yours are facts?  :)

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

When did I ever say any of my opinions are facts. I might have but didnt mean to. Show me

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

I was just asking. Usually when somebody is stating their opinions, and they call the other guys opinions speculations, they are insinuating that they are right and the other guy is wrong. If you are saying you are right then you have to be stating facts. Right? Nobody here knows the real facts. That's why I'm stating my opinions based on my on fishing knowledge. It's just the way I perceive the issues at hand. I'm not trying to start a fight. I'm might want to hook up with one of you guys in Cali someday to get on those big hawgs!!! :)

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Hmmm, four pages of debate and not much gained. Just a reminder to keep it friendly and respectful. Fishing is fun, remember? :)

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

Wow,some thread you guys have going here.

I buy into that clout/prestige/recognition theory,however,the "WR hunters" all know that the WR bass could generate tons of money.I can fully understand that being a factor in why they fish exclusively for WR fish.Heck,if I lived in California,I may fish for the WR exclusively too........and you could bet the ranch that I would have dollar signs in my eyes if I was ever to see the WR on a bed.

Those guys know about the loot that fish could bring,they arent fooling anybody.

Carry on.

fishing user avatarbobo reply : 

Earthworm, I gotta disgree, if anything they are the poster child of how NOT to handle the siuation. I'll say it again, the only controversy is what they make it. And they left the door wide open. The only real controversy should be is the rules, definitions and interpertations. I'm not a wr hunter. I don't have the slightest idea of the rules. How well defined is the wording? Does illegal define uncertifiable in the wording is that just something taken for granted? Does retaining fish mean it can't be documented even if you let it go right after? So his catch is perfectly legal in a state where foul hooks count if unintentional? It's 25lb fish, I mean WOW!

These guys have more clout than anyone at this moment on the world record and everything surrounding the catching of one. The could make alot of statements about rules and regulations. heck, If I were him I'd already be making about a book about the whole story. He said he didn't wanna make money, but it could def be a great way to raise money for a foundation.... or try to make changes to better the sport...

I'd love for this guy to show up on the forum and start filling in the details. Just insta ban anyone that outright inuslts him and let the rest of us enjoy the event that took place last place. Sure, I ma ask him some tough questions that might him feel uncomfortable, but it's a 25lb bass, heh, you gonna have to expect that... Heck some of us may not be around around the next time sometihng like this happens!

This is by far the biggest (no pun intended) event in the history of bass fishing. I'm kinda surprised by how it unfolded over the past week... /shrug

fishing user avatarearthworm77 reply : 

BBRC (big bass record club)

I believe this organization folded in 2003.

Bobo, unfortunately everything these guys did that day is under scrutiny by people who do not have any experience doing what they do. We can all sit here and look at it and pick it apart, saying what they did wrong and how "WE" would have done it. I believe only a tiny percentage of us would have even landed that fish let alone knew what to do once it was onboard. I've taken fish up to 14lbs and I'll be the first to syaI'd have crapped my pants and huddled in the corner of the boat like a scared school girl if I got this thing on the boat. You all would have picked my actions apart and likely anyone else who caught that fish.

I don't know these guys, but I've read alot about them before this all happened. But whatever, insulting these guys and calling them rookies is plain ignorant.

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 
I've taken fish up to 14lbs and I'll be the first to syaI'd have crapped my pants and huddled in the corner of the boat like a scared school girl if I got this thing on the boat.

Not if somebody is a so-called Big Bass hunter.

fishing user avatarsnowpawn reply : 

[  If the record was caught on my bait I couldnt sell any more baits than I already am. I am backed up on my stores and I have no idea when I will ever get caught up. I think if that happened I would try and sell my company :)

The clueless thing was about people thinking they are only in it for the money.

fishing user avatarbobo reply : 

Well i've called him shady, I'm i'm gonna take that back. However I disagree about the "what we would do" And I'lll explain that.

I think these guy knew exactly what to do. They knew the fish wasn't gonna go.... but you know dang well you aren't gonna catch a 25lb and just toss it over the boat. You're gonna do exactly what they did, you gonna take it to the dock and get video and and atleast get it recognized. It hit me after I posted they called the lawyer.  

So to that point, I don't believe in anyway, not even a regular angler not even interested in the WR would make the mistakes these guys made. So it leads me to think, they weren't mistakes. It was just a matter of they knew it wsan't going to go, so lets just get it recognized and back in the water. Maybe, they should have come out and said from the start they had no intention of trying, but I can't say i blame them for not shutting that door, even though you probably should. I think that is what i learned from this, . If anything ever happens like this, don't leave any doors open, if you do the controversy will build.

So, I take back what I said about being shady. But seeing how this is a 25lb bass and he did give those few days for the pot to stir, i'd love to bombard him with questions! But I don't think I'd be as tough on him as before.

I can't get over how big this was, not just the fish but for bass fishing in general.

fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 

According to Basscenter, California law states that a snagged fish is illegal and the fish to be a record must comply with the laws in the state in which it is caught therefore the Bass record would not hold up under the official international sanctioning body. There was video of it's weight on a digital Berkley scale of course that scale was not certified by weights and measures ESPN put a 25lb weight on it and the scale came up clean. In closing the Angler did the right thing a snagged fish is an illegal catch in California and should not count as a world record.


The Pa Angler

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

bobo again you are missing the main point. The fish was caught at 8 in the morning. They had all day. They knew they could get it to bite. they know how to get it to bite. It was not like they had a perfectly clear view. It was overcast and still a little dark outside the fish was in about 12ft. They could see it it but sometimes its very hard to tell exactly whats happening. When your on a big fish like that you cant sit on top of it. The idea is to be as far away as you can but still see it. If your too close the fish will spook. I think it is absolutly ridiculous to assume they tried to snagg it. They had another 9-10 hours left. They were on the fish it was their shot. The fish was obviously locked on the bed. It was just a matter of time. Mac has already caught a 19 and Jed has caught a 21 both on beds. They know how to fish them. They simply misjudged the bite and set the hook. Eye wittnesses said the fish had already bit and they missed it before he actualy hooked it. Plus the jig he was using was a single hook. no trailer or nothing.

WHY do you guys want to try and paint thses gus into shady people. Their not!!!!!!

They mistakenly foul hooked the fish and didnt know exactly what to do about it so they talked it over, brought the fish in, weighed it, took a couple pics and hoped it would come back.

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 
I've taken fish up to 14lbs and I'll be the first to syaI'd have crapped my pants and huddled in the corner of the boat like a scared school girl if I got this thing on the boat.

Not if somebody is a so-called Big Bass hunter.

::)Come on. I don't care who you are that fish is going to make your brain turn into jello and your pants will be soiled. Big bass hunter or not. Just because they are big bass hunters doesn't mean they don't have emotion when a big bass is caught. Just think of the adrenaline rush these guys were on once they saw the fish. Everyone seems to think they are numb when it comes to big bass.

As far as making sure there is no controversy (or as little as possible) about the catch, I believe that is why they aren't submitting for WR status correct? Because there is too much controversy about the catch.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 


I'm  ;D 8-) :-*

fishing user avatarbobo reply : 

huh matt? what part of , I take back they being shady didn't ya understand?

There is no possible way they made so many mistakes. Or could be so confused about what to do..

As far as the foul hook, I understand the anticpation, I don't even consider the foul hook as a mistake, just something that happened... which of course sucked. Sure, hindsight, you can call it a mistake, maybe coulda been more patient or whatever. But I consider it just bad luck on the foul hook more so than a mistake.

I'm pretty sure they knew the fish wouldn't go, and when they caught it, it was just decided not to make the decision on the spot about going it being certified. Which I consider thier only mistake. It left room for controversy.

It would be different if this was thier first time in California. Or if they had been just regular fishermen on an outing. If they thought there was even the slightest chance the fish was a legal catch, they would have atleast taken measurements and called the warden down.

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

Out of curiosity was this the first time these guys fished this lake.

fishing user avatarearthworm77 reply : 

No, they do it quite regularly....maybe a shade over 250 times a year.

Roger I 100% agree with your assessment on big bass. It doesn't matter how much experience anyone has, each fish is different and well, nobody really knows just how big until it is weighed. Those guys who are telling you that they would have done it the right way obviously never casted to a large fish, let alone hooked it.

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 
No, they do it quite regularly....maybe a shade over 250 times a year.

That one makes me think a little different about things

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

Yeah, they fish at Dixon up to 5 times per week I believe. Some weeks it maybe more or less.

Monday morning quarterbacks... ::)

fishing user avatarbuzzbaitfool12 reply : 

It was not like they had a perfectly clear view. It was overcast and still a little dark outside the fish was in about 12ft. They could see it it but sometimes its very hard to tell exactly whats happening. When your on a big fish like that you cant sit on top of it. The idea is to be as far away as you can but still see it. If your too close the fish will spook. I think it is absolutly ridiculous to assume they tried to snagg it. They had another 9-10 hours left. They were on the fish it was their shot. The fish was obviously locked on the bed. It was just a matter of time. Mac has already caught a 19 and Jed has caught a 21 both on beds. They know how to fish them. They simply misjudged the bite and set the hook. Eye wittnesses said the fish had already bit and they missed it before he actualy hooked it. Plus the jig he was using was a single hook. no trailer or nothing.  

This is quote from Mattlure above..dont know how to box quotes in Im from Georgia..

Mattlures if it was hard to see the fish in 10 to 12 feet of water how would some bystanders from I would guess 15 to 40 yards see the fish try to take the lure when these guys are swinging and missing..Did the bystanders have xray vision..Just because they swung and missed doesnt mean the fish is trying to hit the lure..Just like rolo said maybe they were tyring to get lucky and foul hook it outside the mouth..There is no guaranteed the fish would have stayed around nine hours..who knows it may have got spooky. :o

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Well the fish stayed there all sunday and it was there monday when they got there. It ws locked and it wasnt going anyware. You are correct in that the witnesses couldnt tell if it bit but they did see Mac Swing. I have personaly seen people snagg fish and I believe you can tell by thier actions if they are trying to snagg it or set the hook. It is also MY opinion that the fish was going to go. It was a matter of time. THE ONLY MISTAKE THEY MAD WAS FOUL HOOKING IT. the certified scale meant nothing because they knew it wouldnt count becuase of the foul hook. Not getting measurements ment nothing to them becuase they knew it wouldnt count. It wasnt till after the first day that the IGFA made a statement saying they would consider the catch so Mac decided to submit it. Acording to him he didnt have enough support so he decided to not submit the aplication. He did every thing right except hook the fish in the mouth. He knew it wouldnt count so he took a few pics weighed it and released it. Just like he should have. The facts are the only thing he did wrong was foul hook the fish period. yeah he kept it long enough to get some pics but not even the fish in game is going to fault him for that. The rest is just opinions and speculation. I believe I have laid it out pretty simple for all of you to understand but some people are so stubborn they will never accept anything if they have to admit they were wrong.

BTW most of my information that I am getting is from MAc himself he has answered all of your "tough" questions in interviews on other sites. Glenn has told me not to link to this site specificaly so I will respect his wishes. Mac also did a radio interview tonight but I missed it. You could listen on the computor and you maybe able to download it but i am not sure. Google it and you will probably find these things

fishing user avatarbuzzbaitfool12 reply : 

Mattlures I appreciate your opinion about this..Thanks for your insight...Time to move on..

How do I get some of your lures?  Thanks Buzz

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Just click the "www" button in his posts.   ;)

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
Just click the "www" button in his posts. ;)


I assume I linked a site you don't approve of, if so, I'm sorry. (as to my post getting deleted) The link on Matt's posts are only to the 5" baits and do not have the 6" trout baits. (which is why I listed both)

Sorry for the confusion.


fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

No issues with the links.  Just trying to encourage people to use the forum functions.   :)

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Flechero. I dont feel right about answering buisiness questions on Glen's forum. I have no problem giving advise on how to use them or recomended gear though. Send me an email from my website and I will tell you how you can get my 6in



fishing user avatarflechero reply : 


I knew you wouldn't be comfortable with that.  I have a bunch of you baits already, but posted links for a previous poster that wondered where to buy them.  Glenn stepped in to remind us you had the link already on your posts.  (somehow I missed that)

Anyway, that's that.  

By the way, I'll be "excercising" several of your creations this weekend for the first time, for real.  (they look great in my pool)


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