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Paranormal Fishing Stories 2024

fishing user avatarPz3 reply : 

I want to hear some of your stories on the darker side of fishing. Stories of shadow people, ghosts, aliens, UFOs etc. Surely some of us have seen some strange things.

Like tonight. Doing a little canal fishing I use my head lamp to check the water for snakes and gators before I approach the shore. After looking around I kill the light.

Immidiately across the bank a figure appears kneeling down by the water. Looking at it hard I figure it has to be a shadow casted from grass or something. Kick the head lamp back on and look around. No grass is any where near the shore line and the figure disapears. Click the light back off and the figure is there again. Not only is it there this time I notice the shadow is reflecting in the water as well.

I continued to fish while watching and it never moved. There was no earthly way it was a shadow from grass or a tree.


Anyone else have some stories?

fishing user avatarbmac31 reply : 

Every thing looks strange on the water after dark.

fishing user avatar0119 reply : 

Heard the skunk ape once

fishing user avatarporkleaker reply : 

Was just fishing off the dock and kept seeing these lights on the other side of the bay. They were going into the water and hovering around it..I went and got my binoculars to get a better view. Oh...Just people using those blinking/ lit up bobbers lol

fishing user avatarJd_Phillips_Fishin reply : 
  On 5/10/2014 at 8:13 PM, 119 said:

Heard the skunk ape once

Do people besides them idiots on tv actually believe that those make-believe creatures exist?

fishing user avatar1234567 reply : 

Ive not seen a skunk ape...but ive heard some scary noises out there that made me question am I safe right now??

fishing user avatarBassnChris reply : 
  On 5/11/2014 at 2:53 AM, 1234567 said:

Ive not seen a skunk ape...but ive heard some scary noises out there that made me question am I safe right now??


When I get that's the same as open fire :gunfight19:


Just kidding.........I have stories but nothing fishing related.........talked about them while out on Lake Wilson during the road trip when we came upon a spooky feeling cove.


this in the back of the cove surrounded by visible trails, roads, docks or structures.


S.P.O.O.K.Y.    Spooooooky!



fishing user avatarRAMBLER reply : 
  On 5/11/2014 at 10:37 AM, BassnChris said:


When I get that's the same as open fire :gunfight19:


Just kidding.........I have stories but nothing fishing related.........talked about them while out on Lake Wilson during the road trip when we came upon a spooky feeling cove.


this in the back of the cove surrounded by visible trails, roads, docks or structures.


S.P.O.O.K.Y.    Spooooooky!



Hey guy, can't you tell by the cross right in front, that's a skunk ape's chapel.

fishing user avatarSnazzySenko reply : 

My first time fishing at night I went to a small lake by my house. We were there for about 10 minutes and we kept hearing weird noises. Sounded like "whoosh" lol..... Back n forth back n forth for about 20 seconds. We looked around for cars, didn't sound like one, airplanes, helicopters, nothing. About 5 minutes later I noticed a pale orange light up in the sky it wasn't the size of a light from an airplane. Then I heard the sound again and it got very small about the size of the light from a star and disappeared instantaneously. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. It didn't pop up again after that. I do believe in life outside of earth, make fun if you want, but that ***** was scary!

fishing user avatarChris at Tech reply : 

While preparing for the excursion to Lake Baccarac this past March, the "bait chupacabra" (south-of-the-border relative to the "bait monkey") made be buy way too much tackle. Does that count?

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Nothing paranormal, but there is an old family cemetery about 30 feet up the dam on one of the small lakes that I fish.

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

You can kid if you want but like the gator Hunter says he hears noises at night in the swamps at night that he doesn't want to know what it is.

I been stalked during the day and night at my camp. It watches me.

fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 
  On 5/11/2014 at 11:22 PM, bigbill said:

You can kid if you want but like the gator Hunter says he hears noises at night in the swamps at night that he doesn't want to know what it is.

I been stalked during the day and night at my camp. It watches me.

you obviously seem to have some possible bigfoot related stories, share them, i wont think youre crazy

fishing user avatarMaster Bait'r reply : 
  On 5/12/2014 at 7:02 AM, Red Earth said:

you obviously seem to have some possible bigfoot related stories, share them, i wont think youre crazy



I can't say I won't think he's crazy but I like crazy people too.  They have awesome stories.   :hangloose:

fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 

Bait monkey must have abducted me at one point. That's the only thing I can come up with as to how he can control me. Does that count?

fishing user avatarMaster Bait'r reply : 
  On 5/12/2014 at 11:05 PM, WIGuide said:

Bait monkey must have abducted me at one point. That's the only thing I can come up with as to how he can control me. Does that count?



As long as you weren't probed!   :laugh5:

fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 
  On 5/12/2014 at 11:17 PM, Master Bait said:

As long as you weren't probed!   :laugh5:

Haha no no, had he tried any of that I would have smoked him up side the head with one of those heavy tungsten weights he made me buy!

fishing user avatarRighteousFishing WI reply : 

I was fishing pool 10 on Mississippi river about a hour half away from me so I left early, we pulled up still was pretty dark out so we got out just messed around, all of sudden we seen these lights about a foot or two above the water, no way it was a boat, they blinked once poof 10feet down the river blinked again it was really bright then 10 ft back up the river. They were all over the river happened for about Ten mins, they were all over the place, me n my buddy have no idea what those were, we talked about the whole trip. bass fishing almost toke a backseat that trip.

Am not saying anything just don't what it was.

Also not a barge or spotlight.

fishing user avatarChristian M reply : 

Me and a good friend were fishing a lake deep in the Pine Barrens around 2am when we saw a light in the sky. It kept changing from red, to a blueish white. The strange part was that the light kept darting from one spot in the sky to another, closer then further, pausing for up to 10 minutes at a time. We watched it for about an hour, then it was gone. I have no clue what it was, but we never saw it again.

fishing user avatarJd_Phillips_Fishin reply : 
  On 5/11/2014 at 10:37 AM, BassnChris said:


When I get that's the same as open fire :gunfight19:


Just kidding.........I have stories but nothing fishing related.........talked about them while out on Lake Wilson during the road trip when we came upon a spooky feeling cove.


this in the back of the cove surrounded by visible trails, roads, docks or structures.


S.P.O.O.K.Y.    Spooooooky!



Man, Id LOVE to get out some 65lb. braid and an 8 ft. rod with a big tungsten weight and flip that stuff. :respect-059:

fishing user avatarHeavyFisher reply : 
  On 5/10/2014 at 12:24 PM, Pz3 said:

Immidiately across the bank a figure appears kneeling down by the water. Looking at it hard I figure it has to be a shadow casted from grass or something. Kick the head lamp back on and look around. No grass is any where near the shore line and the figure disapears. Click the light back off and the figure is there again. Not only is it there this time I notice the shadow is reflecting in the water as well.

I continued to fish while watching and it never moved. There was no earthly way it was a shadow from grass or a tree.


Anyone else have some stories?


Homeless people can be extremely stealthy when they want to. 

fishing user avatarBrian Needham reply : 
  On 5/10/2014 at 12:24 PM, Pz3 said:

I want to hear some of your stories on the darker side of fishing. Stories of shadow people, ghosts, aliens, UFOs etc. Surely some of us have seen some strange things.

Like tonight. Doing a little canal fishing I use my head lamp to check the water for snakes and gators before I approach the shore. After looking around I kill the light.

Immidiately across the bank a figure appears kneeling down by the water. Looking at it hard I figure it has to be a shadow casted from grass or something. Kick the head lamp back on and look around. No grass is any where near the shore line and the figure disapears. Click the light back off and the figure is there again. Not only is it there this time I notice the shadow is reflecting in the water as well.

I continued to fish while watching and it never moved. There was no earthly way it was a shadow from grass or a tree.


Anyone else have some stories?


I am getting the hell out of there.............and THAT is the reason I will not and can not fish at night.

fishing user avatarBrian Needham reply : 
  On 5/11/2014 at 10:37 AM, BassnChris said:


When I get that's the same as open fire :gunfight19:


Just kidding.........I have stories but nothing fishing related.........talked about them while out on Lake Wilson during the road trip when we came upon a spooky feeling cove.


this in the back of the cove surrounded by visible trails, roads, docks or structures.


S.P.O.O.K.Y.    Spooooooky!





I remember seeing that too......


I looked up and said "oh look a stake bed"...... wait a minute...... this lake is at full pool right now.


I don't remember seeing the cross in front, but I remember feeling weird, not to the point of saying anything to others in the boats, but it just felt odd!

fishing user avatariabass8 reply : 
  On 5/10/2014 at 12:24 PM, Pz3 said:

I want to hear some of your stories on the darker side of fishing. Stories of shadow people, ghosts, aliens, UFOs etc. Surely some of us have seen some strange things.

Like tonight. Doing a little canal fishing I use my head lamp to check the water for snakes and gators before I approach the shore. After looking around I kill the light.

Immidiately across the bank a figure appears kneeling down by the water. Looking at it hard I figure it has to be a shadow casted from grass or something. Kick the head lamp back on and look around. No grass is any where near the shore line and the figure disapears. Click the light back off and the figure is there again. Not only is it there this time I notice the shadow is reflecting in the water as well.

I continued to fish while watching and it never moved. There was no earthly way it was a shadow from grass or a tree.


Anyone else have some stories?


F#$8 that....

fishing user avatarBrian Needham reply : 

fishing user avatarBrian Needham reply : 
  On 5/14/2014 at 10:08 AM, iabass8 said:

F#$8 that....

exactly.........either shoot it, or bug out....but I aint hangin' around.

fishing user avatartatertester reply : 

Not quite the same , but, I'm fishing in a small cove, casting, and it's quiet as can be, SUDDENLY , it's like a 12 guage shotgun went off right next to the boat, bout had a heartattack!.....d**n! About 50lb beaver smacked his big tail on the water to chase me away from his den!....I mean to tell ya that was scary!

fishing user avatarPz3 reply : 

Thats awesome. I was in a canoe. Similare story, about 4am and litteraly right next to me a dolphin pops up and blows out with everything he had. No warning.

Scared me more then the 12ft alligator popping up.

fishing user avataraavery2 reply : 

I once casted my bait into a possessed tree along the bank, I gave a tug at it and the tree shot it back at my face at the speed of light.   It was truly frightening.

fishing user avatarBassguytom reply : 

Crawling along in the fog one morning I hear a weed eater engine and then heard a splash and then silent. Scared the crap out of us. About an hour later the fog lifted and we saw a guy on the bank looking for his remote control plane. We found the plane and I gave it back to the guy in pieces and said that was a couple hundred dollar mistake wasn't it? He said thanks but more like a $1,000. Planes shouldn't fly in fog.

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

One time I caught a bass.

fishing user avatarmod479 reply : 
  On 5/15/2014 at 1:24 AM, 5 Dollar Fishing Game said:

One time I caught a bass.


Lies. Why make this up? Are you gunning for your own reality tv show ?

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

I hear something similair to wind chimes coming from to deep woods. There are no houses near me.

I'm fishing off a low bridge in a channel when I hear branches being moved at my car that's 100' away. I'm on the road with guard rails on both sides with no where to go. I'm in the dark at 4:am. I stood my ground and fished till dawn. There was a bear sighting not far away from me. Bears are very noisy when they think there alone. I spilled some bass attracting on the bumper of my car and inside the hatch. I spilled obstinate garlic scent. My car smelled like an Italian salad. I hear bear hoots at night there too. Bears hoot because they can't call 1-800-collect. It's there way to talk to other bears. It's three short hoots and one long hoot at the end. If you listen closely you will hear the direction of the first hoot then the answer hoot will come from a distant direction.

On another trip I heard tree knocking. Early in the morning. Again the first tree knock and another one from a different direction. Bigfoot? Never seen what it was.


At my camp in vt. My first experience was while cooking my bacon cheese burgers in the wilds of the green mountains. The screams we heard were so loud and intense like someone being skinned alive. This was the middle of October. In the third week in November it was back after I cooked my bacon cheeseburgers again. I contacted the BFRO BIGFOOT researchers and they sent up a local rep to investigate it. He found Bigfoot beds up on the mountain above my camp. I'm watched day and night while on my land. It follows us in and out of the woods when we hike. Next time I'll make some cheeseburgers for him too.


I'm not afraid. At home I have a 359#/400# black bear on my property. As long as it doesn't grab me.


Now when I was logging in the winter time I seen something move through the air like predator. From one stone wall across the dirt road to the stone wall on the other side.

This went on for a few days while I was logging there. I asked my buddy who is the forest ranger what's going on up there and why didn't the first logger there finish his job? He told me to walk up the hill there till I see the many piles of rocks there because they think there graves, very old Indian graves. I found them and they covered the hill side. I stayed away from them and finished my cut. I found out this area did have an Indian tribe.

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 


I caught a few. :-)

Joe's tv show. Lol

fishing user avatarChris9999 reply : 
  On 5/16/2014 at 12:11 AM, mod479 said:

Lies. Why make this up? Are you gunning for your own reality tv show ?


Id watch it

fishing user avatarfishinthedacks reply : 
  On 5/14/2014 at 2:33 PM, aavery2 said:

I once casted my bait into a possessed tree along the bank, I gave a tug at it and the tree shot it back at my face at the speed of light.   It was truly frightening.


Ha I think I found that same tree a few weeks ago. Trying to mauever my line in a nice pool but only had about a 3 ft hole. Sent that d**n 1/2 oz football jig back at me at lightning speed. Left a nice welt on my right shoulder.

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

I would have crazy high tv ratings!!!!

fishing user avatarPz3 reply : 
  On 5/20/2014 at 1:14 AM, fishinthedacks said:

Ha I think I found that same tree a few weeks ago. Trying to mauever my line in a nice pool but only had about a 3 ft hole. Sent that d**n 1/2 oz football jig back at me at lightning speed. Left a nice welt on my right shoulder.

Had this happen before too. I wonder how fast they really are going. Looks and feels like 300fps easily.

fishing user avatareverythingthatswims reply : 
  On 5/14/2014 at 11:29 AM, tatertester said:

Not quite the same , but, I'm fishing in a small cove, casting, and it's quiet as can be, SUDDENLY , it's like a 12 guage shotgun went off right next to the boat, bout had a heartattack!.....d**n! About 50lb beaver smacked his big tail on the water to chase me away from his den!....I mean to tell ya that was scary!

Had one do that when I was out alone before sunrise setting up duck decoys... I jumped pretty bad

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

I have a 48" long beaver do that to me all the time. He wants me to leave but I stay there. He ran by me onetime on the ground that's how I know how long he is.

fishing user avatarAvalonjohn44 reply : 

Scariest thing that ever happened to me was a huge hawk buzzing my head three or four times. I got the hint and got the heck out of there.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Given cabin fever is setting in, might be a good time to resurrect this thread.  Aaaand Go!

fishing user avatarschplurg reply : 
  On 5/17/2014 at 10:14 AM, bigbill said:



This was the middle of October. In the third week in November it was back after I cooked my bacon cheeseburgers again. I contacted the BFRO BIGFOOT researchers and they sent up a local rep to investigate it. He found Bigfoot beds up on the mountain above my camp. I'm watched day and night while on my land. It follows us in and out of the woods when we hike. Next time I'll make some cheeseburgers for him too.



Hilarious. Not homeless beds or campers beds - no they found Bigfoot beds! I guess the hair samples found in the beds proved it. I mean my sheets are full of hair and I'm probably not as hairy as a Bigfoot would be if they were real, so surely they found hairs and toothbrushes and dentures and all kinds of DNA evidence. Can't wait to hear from the scientists that they submitted the samples to. ;)

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

This one time at band camp  . . . . . . . . 



fishing user avatarNorcalBassin reply : 

Re-reading this made me long for some more of bigbill's stories.

fishing user avatarOutdoors reply : 

One time I've seen a big piece of floating foam... thought it was a body at first.

fishing user avatarN Florida Mike reply : 

I have been in the woods and on the water all my life and have plenty of outdoor stories. Not many scary stories though.

One night we were riding around back in the woods in this area known to locals as the flatwoods. There were trails all through it, but you had to make all the right turns or you wouldnt make it through to the other side. And it was thousands of acres. I took a wrong turn and went way down a road and it just ended. It was very hard to turn around because there were deep  ditches right off the road on either side. As we were going back I kept watching for a turn off I missed and never saw one. The road was long and straight and NO turn offs or anywhere to pull over even.

Suddenly, I saw headlights way back down that road, in the direction we had just come from. I was genuinely shocked because there was just no way another truck was back there. We hightailed it on out of there and never went back down that road again.

 Not far from there a friend was hunting one time and as they were heading in, there was a truck locked with the engine running, nobody in it. When they came back later, same thing. Someone else found a man with his head cut off out there. There was even a road through it the locals called " Ghost light "rd. We went out there as teens and seen that light moving way down that rd between the pines. Figured later maybe it was just cars going by where the other road went by.

We were camping once in the Ocala nat. forest. Very remote primitive campsite. Late at night I was awakened by a catlike grunt/ scream out somewhere in the woods. We figured maybe it was one of the very rare, or the last  Florida panther left in N. Central florida.

Not paranormal, but those things are like phantoms. There could be one right next to you and you wouldnt know it.


fishing user avatarGlaucus reply : 

These stories are why I can not and will not fish in the dark alone. Unknown fact around here is that I have Aspergers. The dark can spook me.

fishing user avatarGundog reply : 

One time I was fishing at this pond near a football field. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, a guy is a puffy suit comes gliding down from the heavens and lands no more than 50 feet from me. Talk about para-normal. :roflmao1:

fishing user avatarLog Catcher reply : 

Many years ago I was fishing a lake I didn't fish very often. It was late September or October as it was getting dark fairly early. I decided to fish a while in a cove before I went in even though it was getting dark. Suddenly something let out a blood curdling scream in a heavily wooded area by where I was fishing. Didn't see or hear anything else for a while. About 30 minutes later it did it again. Never did know what it was. Someone told me later that skunks can make those screams. I will never know.

This is story about weather. Fishing one day and the lake was not super busy. After awhile I noticed everything getting really calm. Middle of the day and the wind quits blowing, the birds and insects were silent, and no boats or people around to be heard anywhere. Never seen it like that before. About 3 hours later right after I left the boat ramp to go home a big rain storm hit. Glad I wasn't on the water then.

fishing user avatarGReb reply : 

Nothing paranormal while fishing. Have had a few of those experiences though and am not a fan


I will say that I’ve heard some scary noises at night. Cougars will make you crap your pants real quick. We had a red wolve circle our tent one night. At one point his nose was a foot from mine. Just a thin tent between us. That wasn’t pleasurable 

fishing user avatarRHuff reply : 
  On 12/10/2018 at 11:14 AM, GReb said:

Nothing paranormal while fishing. Have had a few of those experiences though and am not a fan


I will say that I’ve heard some scary noises at night. Cougars will make you crap your pants real quick. We had a red wolve circle our tent one night. At one point his nose was a foot from mine. Just a thin tent between us. That wasn’t pleasurable 


Did you go “Boo” and scare him off?? 



J/K I bet that was a scary thing..

fishing user avatarTroy85 reply : 

Mine isn't very exciting, but it was creepy in moment.


A few years back, I was going squirrel hunting with my brother and cousin. We were walking together though the woods to get to the area where we were going to split up and start hunting.  It was still about 15 minutes or so before legal shooting hours and pretty close to pitch dark in the woods.  I remember you could just see well enough to not trip over stuff, but other than that it was black.  We are moving down this mostly dry sandy creek, so we are about as quiet as you can be.  I heard this faint sound and I froze and said "psst", my brother and cousin both froze to listen.  When we stopped the sound got louder, it was something breathing and the sound was coming from right in front of us and it sounded like it was coming from eye level. Its hard to describe how it sounded exactly, the  I can best describe it was angry wheezy breathing, with some sort of growl mixed in.  I've been hunting my entire life and I've never heard anything like it.  We raised our guns, it was so dark that we couldn't see what it was that was making the noise. The sound started moving away and out of the creek and we could hear it snapping what sounded like some very large branches as it walked off.  All 3 of us had our flashlights in our backpack, so we never got a chance to hit whatever it was with a light.  I don't know what it was, but it sounded big.  I've heard we  have a few black bears around(I've never seen one though), so maybe that's what it was, either that or the mother of all wild hogs, but I've never heard a wild hog make that sound.  I guess I'll never know.

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

We have a Blackbear problem now. I was getting in the car when a 150lb Bear was ten feet from me. I got out of the car raised my arms and screamed at the bear because the wife wasn’t in the car yet. We spotted him all summer. My dog goes crazy when this bear is nearby. One time he was on my front porch looking in the picture window nose to nose with my barking dog. Not good.

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 5/10/2014 at 12:24 PM, Pz3 said:

I want to hear some of your stories on the darker side of fishing. Stories of shadow people, ghosts, aliens, UFOs etc. Surely some of us have seen some strange things.

Like tonight. Doing a little canal fishing I use my head lamp to check the water for snakes and gators before I approach the shore. After looking around I kill the light.

Immidiately across the bank a figure appears kneeling down by the water. Looking at it hard I figure it has to be a shadow casted from grass or something. Kick the head lamp back on and look around. No grass is any where near the shore line and the figure disapears. Click the light back off and the figure is there again. Not only is it there this time I notice the shadow is reflecting in the water as well.

I continued to fish while watching and it never moved. There was no earthly way it was a shadow from grass or a tree.


Anyone else have some stories?

Ghost of Osceola

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 

I have a stupid little unexplained mystery


I was catfishing at my family's lake house when I was maybe 12. It was raining so I cast my bait out, tightened up the line, set the rod in a holder and went to sit under shelter. It took a long time to get a bite. I finally did and ran down to set the hook. It was a strong one and put up a good fight. Suddenly the fight stopped but I could still feel some weight. I reeled up the bait and there was nothing but the head of a catfish on it, hooked in the mouth. And the head appeared to have been dead for a while, with glassed over eyes. My guess is, since I was using hot dogs for bait, a turtle had been cruising, eating a dead catfish, when it came across my gourmet meal and took a bite of it as well. I told my parents the story and they accused me of telling "fish tales".

fishing user avatarArlo Smithereen reply : 

I've never had any paranormal experiences, but it's not for lack of trying. I want so bad to believe. I fish a lot at night, and occasionally get spooked by noises, but that's about it, Unrelated to fishing, but in my line of work I occasionally work in places where people have died violent deaths. I call out to the ghosts/spirits/demons, I ask them to give me a sign, I tell them they don't scare me, so far none of them have ever showed themselves to me in any way. I'll keep trying though.

fishing user avatarHook2Jaw reply : 

@Arlo Smithereen what's the pay like in the necromancer field, if you don't mind me asking?

fishing user avatarArlo Smithereen reply : 
  On 12/14/2018 at 3:06 AM, Hook2Jaw said:

@Arlo Smithereen what's the pay like in the necromancer field, if you don't mind me asking?

I don't know what that word is, so I don't know what it pays, either. My work involves cleanup of all different kinds, including suicides, etc. It pays pretty d**n well.

fishing user avatarTOXIC reply : 

How about a positive story?


One of the most traumatic experiences of my life was losing my maternal Grandfather to leukemia.  He was 52.  I was in my teens.  I am 1 of 4 grandchildren.  Only child of his daughter and oldest of the four grandkids.  My maternal Uncle has 2 boys and a girl.  I spent every summer growing up with my grandparents on the farm in Iowa.  We lived in Omaha, Nebraska.  My grandparents went to Canada every year, Lake Lac la Ronge in Saskatchewan.  Back then you had to drive 150 miles of gravel road to get to the cabins they stayed at (Lindy's).  It was no cushy trip.  You had to split your own wood for heat and carry your own water.  The standing rule for the grandkids was that you could go as soon as you were old enough to pull your own weight.  I was the first and only one to make the trip before he passed.  He brought his own twin 35 hp Johnson motors for the deep v wooden boats used.  He had the same Indian guide every year.  To say it was a trip of a lifetime is an understatement.  We had shore lunch every day, we caught walleye, pike and musky by the hundreds.  We did a fly in to an even more remote lake by seaplane.  It instilled in me my love for fishing.  When he passed, I gave up fishing.  It was too painful.  Fast forward 25 years.  A neighbor prodded me back into picking up a fishing rod again.  We went every once in a while and I got interested in smallmouth wading on the Shenandoah river here in Virginia.  I had access to 3 miles of isolated riverfront and camped there often.  It was on a warm summer's morning, I woke up just before sunrise, gathered my spinning rod, put on my waders and headed out to the middle of the river in a heavy fog.  I could only see about 4 feet in front of me but I knew this section of the river like the back of my hand.  The river was perfect, the air cool, the current smooth, no wind and other than the sound of the river, there was beautiful quiet and calm.  Made a few casts, caught a couple smallmouth when all of a sudden I felt someone touch my shoulders as if putting their arm over them.  I don't know how I knew, but I knew it was my grandfather.  Just as sure as I sit here and type this I knew it was him.  No doubt in my mind.  I heard his voice and saw his smile all in my mind.  It was if he was standing right next to me.  I felt his joy.  Just at that same time, out of the mist and fog came a herd of about 15 deer wading across the river.  They didn't spook, they split and went around me on both sides, close enough I could have touched them.  As they disappeared into the fog, I found myself once again alone in the river with total peace and serenity covering me like a blanket.  From that day forward I was a fisherman at heart and to this day, every time I pick up a fishing rod, a little bit of that memory resurfaces and I smile.  Every time.   

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 12/14/2018 at 3:53 AM, Arlo Smithereen said:

I don't know what that word is, so I don't know what it pays, either. My work involves cleanup of all different kinds, including suicides, etc. It pays pretty d**n well.

Aye Carumba!

  On 12/14/2018 at 4:03 AM, TOXIC said:

How about a positive story?


One of the most traumatic experiences of my life was losing my maternal Grandfather to leukemia.  He was 52.  I was in my teens.  I am 1 of 4 grandchildren.  Only child of his daughter and oldest of the four grandkids.  My maternal Uncle has 2 boys and a girl.  I spent every summer growing up with my grandparents on the farm in Iowa.  We lived in Omaha, Nebraska.  My grandparents went to Canada every year, Lake Lac la Ronge in Saskatchewan.  Back then you had to drive 150 miles of gravel road to get to the cabins they stayed at (Lindy's).  It was no cushy trip.  You had to split your own wood for heat and carry your own water.  The standing rule for the grandkids was that you could go as soon as you were old enough to pull your own weight.  I was the first and only one to make the trip before he passed.  He brought his own twin 35 hp Johnson motors for the deep v wooden boats used.  He had the same Indian guide every year.  To say it was a trip of a lifetime is an understatement.  We had shore lunch every day, we caught walleye, pike and musky by the hundreds.  We did a fly in to an even more remote lake by seaplane.  It instilled in me my love for fishing.  When he passed, I gave up fishing.  It was too painful.  Fast forward 25 years.  A neighbor prodded me back into picking up a fishing rod again.  We went every once in a while and I got interested in smallmouth wading on the Shenandoah river here in Virginia.  I had access to 3 miles of isolated riverfront and camped there often.  It was on a warm summer's morning, I woke up just before sunrise, gathered my spinning rod, put on my waders and headed out to the middle of the river in a heavy fog.  I could only see about 4 feet in front of me but I knew this section of the river like the back of my hand.  The river was perfect, the air cool, the current smooth, no wind and other than the sound of the river, there was beautiful quiet and calm.  Made a few casts, caught a couple smallmouth when all of a sudden I felt someone touch my shoulders as if putting their arm over them.  I don't know how I knew, but I knew it was my grandfather.  Just as sure as I sit here and type this I knew it was him.  No doubt in my mind.  I heard his voice and saw his smile all in my mind.  It was if he was standing right next to me.  I felt his joy.  Just at that same time, out of the mist and fog came a herd of about 15 deer wading across the river.  They didn't spook, they split and went around me on both sides, close enough I could have touched them.  As they disappeared into the fog, I found myself once again alone in the river with total peace and serenity covering me like a blanket.  From that day forward I was a fisherman at heart and to this day, every time I pick up a fishing rod, a little bit of that memory resurfaces and I smile.  Every time.   

That made me misty eyed. Just a beautiful experience.

fishing user avatarBassWhole! reply : 

None fishing, but I've had a couple of strange and odd experiences that I cannot explain, and I don't tell folks about cause they'd either wouldn't believe me or think me crazy or both. 

fishing user avatarBig Rick reply : 
  On 12/15/2018 at 7:30 AM, reason said:

None fishing, but I've had a couple of strange and odd experiences that I cannot explain, and I don't tell folks about cause they'd either wouldn't believe me or think me crazy or both. 

Aw, man, you're crazy!  There's no way I would believe that!

fishing user avatarDomQ reply : 
  On 12/15/2018 at 7:30 AM, reason said:

None fishing, but I've had a couple of strange and odd experiences that I cannot explain, and I don't tell folks about cause they'd either wouldn't believe me or think me crazy or both. 

Spilllllll the beans!!!

fishing user avatarRHuff reply : 

I’ve had beavers slap their tails on the water 10 ft from my boat in pitch dark... That’ll make you jump a time or two.

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 
  On 1/4/2019 at 12:35 AM, RHuff said:

I’ve had beavers slap their tails on the water 10 ft from my boat in pitch dark... That’ll make you jump a time or two.

I like to catfish on a small river and those beavers do that a lot . Also sitting on a rock bar with a lantern and fire going , not being able to see past the lit up area ,  and then hearing foot steps on the rocks but not be able to see anything . 

fishing user avatarlo n slo reply : 

i thought i saw Elvis one time when it was foggy

fishing user avatarFishTank reply : 

For me the creepiest thing was a strip pit/quarry in a campgrounds called Dietz Lake near Centerpoint, IN.  There are several unmarked and untouched pits on the campgrounds.  We discovered this one hiking when I was a little kid.  It had a sheer cliff drop on one side of about 25+ feet to the water that was crescent shaped and it had a line of a barbed wire and field of sticker bushes on the other.  We cut a path to the pit on the side with the crescent so we could better check it out. We noticed if we stood at the edge of the cliff we could sort of see the bottom during the highest sunny part of the day.  


We brought some fishing line one day and dropped over 100 feet of it to lake and could see the spoon lure all the way down.  It was sort of like looking into a magnifying glass.  


As kids, we visited the pit often but none of us were brave enough to jump in.  It was always eerie there, no sound or wind or noise for that matter.   Then one day, around the 4th of July, we went to lake during mid day and the sun had cleared a section of trees over the water for the first time and hit it in way that caused us kids to term that day "Crystal Lake Day".  


What had happened, we found out, is that miners during the late 1800's had hit a natural spring pocket of super high alkaline water that would cause the water not only to be crystal clear but also deadly to anything that drank from it or touched for very long.  On the bottom were big pieces of crystal that looked like diamonds on the bottom when the sun hit it that day but it also reveled all of the dead animals that had sunk to the bottom. They were sort of embalmed by the water. 


So every year until I was about 16, we would gather at the edge of the cliff face around July 4th during the middle of the day and wait for the diamond lake to light up with all of the dead animals and watch in silence.  




fishing user avatarCrankFate reply : 

I have no ghost stories, no UFO’s or paranormal stories. Had a run in with a tremendous black bear once, but when he came over to sniff at us, he wasn’t interested in eating us and continued on his way. I rarely fish at night, all the ghosts and UFOs come out at night

fishing user avatarCrow Horse reply : 

Readers Digest version- Although I wasn't fishing, I was with my GF in the fishing section of a fair sized outdoor store. My GF is a sensitive (read psychic, medium, etc. etc.)  and it's not uncommon for us to have "paranormal" experiences. To both of us, we view them as SOP and are quite normal.


While I was looking at their lures, she announced that we weren't alone. There was a distinct cold spot that I even felt (it had nothing to do with their HVAC or drafts). I asked her to describe who was with us and she told me in great detail who he was  and why he was there. Apparently, when he was alive he used to stop in the store to drink coffee and shoot the breeze with the employees. She even knew what he passed from, lung cancer.


I found an older employee that appeared to have worked there a long time and asked him if there was a guy who used to hang out and drink coffee at the store. He replied there was and he described him but the descriptions didn't match. The guy he was describing was tall and the fellow that my GF was sensing was short and a little on the heavy side. I asked the employee if there was anyone else, maybe someone short. He then replied "Oh, that's so and so (I forgot his name) and he used to hang out here too. He went on to describe him and that he had  passed from lung cancer. The physical descriptions matched perfectly.......


At the launch site of our favorite pond, she sometimes "sees" anomalies and when she points them out I have on occasion have seen them as well. More often than not what I see is a "shimmer" or an obvious disturbance in the fabric of time and space. We also sense that we are being watched. That said, every time we go there, I leave a tobacco offering for the woods and another tobacco offering for the water and prayers of gratitude and thanks are said before I begin fishing. I do this every time as I follow Native ways...

fishing user avatarIgotWood reply : 

I used to striped bass fish behind an abandoned asylum in Connecticut. Up north, striker fishing typically happens at night. We’d hike through the property at night to get to the beach. When you’re exhausted, standing in the water in the middle of the night your mind tends to play tricks on you. If you turn around you’ll see the building with a giant steeple standing against the moonlight. There are rumors about what took place here way back when. It’s a very eerie place to be at night by yourself. And it’s always very quiet foggy out there. You’ll sometimes hear some movement close by, but when you turn to look there is nothing there. It always drove me nuts being there. I always had goosebumps when I was there. If the fishing weren’t so d**n good, I’d have nothing to do with that place. The worst part is hiking out of there by yourself after a long night of no fish. 



fishing user avatarEGbassing reply : 
  On 1/13/2019 at 5:36 AM, Crow Horse said:

Readers Digest version- Although I wasn't fishing, I was with my GF in the fishing section of a fair sized outdoor store. My GF is a sensitive (read psychic, medium, etc. etc.)  and it's not uncommon for us to have "paranormal" experiences. To both of us, we view them as SOP and are quite normal.


While I was looking at their lures, she announced that we weren't alone. There was a distinct cold spot that I even felt (it had nothing to do with their HVAC or drafts). I asked her to describe who was with us and she told me in great detail who he was  and why he was there. Apparently, when he was alive he used to stop in the store to drink coffee and shoot the breeze with the employees. She even knew what he passed from, lung cancer.


I found an older employee that appeared to have worked there a long time and asked him if there was a guy who used to hang out and drink coffee at the store. He replied there was and he described him but the descriptions didn't match. The guy he was describing was tall and the fellow that my GF was sensing was short and a little on the heavy side. I asked the employee if there was anyone else, maybe someone short. He then replied "Oh, that's so and so (I forgot his name) and he used to hang out here too. He went on to describe him and that he had  passed from lung cancer. The physical descriptions matched perfectly.......


At the launch site of our favorite pond, she sometimes "sees" anomalies and when she points them out I have on occasion have seen them as well. More often than not what I see is a "shimmer" or an obvious disturbance in the fabric of time and space. We also sense that we are being watched. That said, every time we go there, I leave a tobacco offering for the woods and another tobacco offering for the water and prayers of gratitude and thanks are said before I begin fishing. I do this every time as I follow Native ways...


fishing user avatarFCPhil reply : 

I went to my favorite tackle website...and then I found all these charges to my credit card...

fishing user avatarSam reply : 
  On 12/11/2018 at 12:08 AM, Troy85 said:

Mine isn't very exciting, but it was creepy in moment.


A few years back, I was going squirrel hunting with my brother and cousin. We were walking together though the woods to get to the area where we were going to split up and start hunting.  It was still about 15 minutes or so before legal shooting hours and pretty close to pitch dark in the woods.  I remember you could just see well enough to not trip over stuff, but other than that it was black.  We are moving down this mostly dry sandy creek, so we are about as quiet as you can be.  I heard this faint sound and I froze and said "psst", my brother and cousin both froze to listen.  When we stopped the sound got louder, it was something breathing and the sound was coming from right in front of us and it sounded like it was coming from eye level. Its hard to describe how it sounded exactly, the  I can best describe it was angry wheezy breathing, with some sort of growl mixed in.  I've been hunting my entire life and I've never heard anything like it.  We raised our guns, it was so dark that we couldn't see what it was that was making the noise. The sound started moving away and out of the creek and we could hear it snapping what sounded like some very large branches as it walked off.  All 3 of us had our flashlights in our backpack, so we never got a chance to hit whatever it was with a light.  I don't know what it was, but it sounded big.  I've heard we  have a few black bears around(I've never seen one though), so maybe that's what it was, either that or the mother of all wild hogs, but I've never heard a wild hog make that sound.  I guess I'll never know.

Sounds exactly like a Rougaroux.


Or a Toolame cheerleader practicing.

fishing user avatarCrow Horse reply : 
  On 1/13/2019 at 12:24 PM, EGbassing said:



fishing user avatarlo n slo reply : 
  On 1/13/2019 at 7:42 AM, IgotWood said:

I used to striped bass fish behind an abandoned asylum in Connecticut. Up north, striker fishing typically happens at night. We’d hike through the property at night to get to the beach. When you’re exhausted, standing in the water in the middle of the night your mind tends to play tricks on you. If you turn around you’ll see the building with a giant steeple standing against the moonlight. There are rumors about what took place here way back when. It’s a very eerie place to be at night by yourself. And it’s always very quiet foggy out there. You’ll sometimes hear some movement close by, but when you turn to look there is nothing there. It always drove me nuts being there. I always had goosebumps when I was there. If the fishing weren’t so d**n good, I’d have nothing to do with that place. The worst part is hiking out of there by yourself after a long night of no fish. 



no thanks! ????

fishing user avatarCrow Horse reply : 
  On 1/13/2019 at 7:42 AM, IgotWood said:

I used to striped bass fish behind an abandoned asylum in Connecticut. Up north, striker fishing typically happens at night. We’d hike through the property at night to get to the beach. When you’re exhausted, standing in the water in the middle of the night your mind tends to play tricks on you. If you turn around you’ll see the building with a giant steeple standing against the moonlight. There are rumors about what took place here way back when. It’s a very eerie place to be at night by yourself. And it’s always very quiet foggy out there. You’ll sometimes hear some movement close by, but when you turn to look there is nothing there. It always drove me nuts being there. I always had goosebumps when I was there. If the fishing weren’t so d**n good, I’d have nothing to do with that place. The worst part is hiking out of there by yourself after a long night of no fish. 



Sometimes it's not the mind that is playing tricks on you....

fishing user avatarSam reply : 
  On 1/13/2019 at 12:24 PM, EGbassing said:


A future University of Alabama student for sure.


I think what he does is great.


I am sure EG and his girlfriend have had some interesting encounters. ;) 


My paranormal story: Not about bass fishing, but a client of mine in Alexandria, Virginia, had a building that the janitors have said for years was haunted. In fact, they refused to go into the basement area. And some would not return to clean the building at night. They were 100% scared.


So big ole me said I will go down to the basement and check it out on one of my visits. Well, I went down the stairs, felt the cold air, felt something looking at me in the dark, and I set a new record for going back up the stairs and out of the basement. Never ever considered going back.


Found out later that the building was built over an old Indian graveyard and that there had been many instances of "hauntings" in the building. Plus the fact that no one, even the executives, would go into the basement.


Building was torn down and the graves moved to another cemetery so no more problems.


I still get goose bumps when I think of going down into that basement. EG is on to something.

And by the way, my house in Richmond is haunted.


Ghost smokes a pipe and he has been a good ghost for the past year.


Have seen some "flashes" of something moving fast in the upstairs hallway from time to time, but he has stopped moving things which is nice and my wife appreciates it.


As I have mentioned on this site before, there are three cemeteries on the old plantation where my house is built and so far the archeologists have found only two. I think I know where the third one is located.

fishing user avatarEGbassing reply : 
  On 1/13/2019 at 10:13 PM, Sam said:

A future University of Alabama student for sure.


I think what he does is great.


I am sure EG and his girlfriend have had some interesting encounters. ;) 


My paranormal story: Not about bass fishing, but a client of mine in Alexandria, Virginia, had a building that the janitors have said for years was haunted. In fact, they refused to go into the basement area. And some would not return to clean the building at night. They were 100% scared.


So big ole me said I will go down to the basement and check it out on one of my visits. Well, I went down the stairs, felt the cold air, felt something looking at me in the dark, and I set a new record for going back up the stairs and out of the basement. Never ever considered going back.


Found out later that the building was built over an old Indian graveyard and that there had been many instances of "hauntings" in the building. Plus the fact that no one, even the executives, would go into the basement.


Building was torn down and the graves moved to another cemetery so no more problems.


I still get goose bumps when I think of going down into that basement. EG is on to something.

And by the way, my house in Richmond is haunted.


Ghost smokes a pipe and he has been a good ghost for the past year.


Have seen some "flashes" of something moving fast in the upstairs hallway from time to time, but he has stopped moving things which is nice and my wife appreciates it.


As I have mentioned on this site before, there are three cemeteries on the old plantation where my house is built and so far the archeologists have found only two. I think I know where the third one is located.

Why are there no pictures or any evidence of any kind if ghosts are real? 

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

There are photos of ghosts.


In Louisiana, at The Myrtles in St. Francisville, the place is haunted and there is at least one photo of a ghost in a photo. You can see the photo and its explanation as it is on display.


People have been known to leave in the middle of the night due to the ghosts and the ghosts behavior.


My wife and I toured the place during daylight hours and the tour was excellent. Did not see any ghosts and left for Baton Rouge for an LSU football game so we did not stay the night.


I suggest you and your girlfriend make a visit one weekend to The Myrtles and let us know if you made it through the night. :) 

fishing user avatarEGbassing reply : 
  On 1/14/2019 at 12:00 AM, Sam said:

There are photos of ghosts.


In Louisiana, at The Myrtles in St. Francisville, the place is haunted and there is at least one photo of a ghost in a photo. You can see the photo and its explanation as it is on display.


People have been known to leave in the middle of the night due to the ghosts and the ghosts behavior.


My wife and I toured the place during daylight hours and the tour was excellent. Did not see any ghosts and left for Baton Rouge for an LSU football game so we did not stay the night.


I suggest you and your girlfriend make a visit one weekend to The Myrtles and let us know if you made it through the night. :) 

That picture could be of anything. Or it could be photoshopped. Also, if ghosts were real, I think we would see them everywhere.

fishing user avatarEGbassing reply : 
  On 1/13/2019 at 7:20 PM, Crow Horse said:


No offense, and I wasn't there, but I just can't believe that happened.

fishing user avatarCrow Horse reply : 
  On 1/14/2019 at 3:41 AM, EGbassing said:

No offense, and I wasn't there, but I just can't believe that happened.

None taken.....

"A mind is like a parachute. Neither work well unless they are open."......


If one embraces only the physical world, I recognize that things of this nature sound like Bovine Scatology. In western society, it's perfectly acceptable to go to synagogue, mosque, church or other places of accepted worship and pray to something unseen. In indigenous cultures, the world of spirit is very real and permeates everyday life. It's really about one's perception of reality.


Research in neuro-physiology tells us our brain processes 400 billion bits of information a second yet we are only aware of something in the order of 2000 bits of information per second. If so, then what are we missing? Answer - nearly everything. Society (western) conditions us to believe these things don't exist and are of little value. Children "see" perfectly, meaning that they sense and intuit things that most adults cannot. This aperture of "seeing" slowly closes for most until it is completely gone. For a few it does remain open. For others, a traumatic event awakens this ability. One of my favorite teachers who was a former Ranger company commander was shot in the head by a machine gun bullet travelling 2832 feet per second when a machine gunner in a support by fire position shifted the wrong way during a lift and shift. Miraculously, he survived. Not only did he survive, but he also had clairvoyant/pyschic abilities when he had none previously.


That said,and assuming you are young, I would suggest you keep an open mind in your life's travels. Think outside the box, and new worlds errupt.....

  On 1/14/2019 at 12:09 AM, EGbassing said:

That picture could be of anything. Or it could be photoshopped. Also, if ghosts were real, I think we would see them everywhere. 

If I remember correctly, there's something that psychologists call reticular activating systems, where the brain screens out images that it's been conditioned to believe don't exist. If you have been conditioned to believe they don't exist, then you won't see what's really there....

fishing user avatarCrow Horse reply : 
  On 1/13/2019 at 11:46 PM, EGbassing said:

Why are there no pictures or any evidence of any kind if ghosts are real? 

There is, but for the reason that you mentioned, any photographic evidence, no matter how compelling, will be said to be altered in some way.


A very good way to photograph spirits is with a full spectrum camera which few people have....


The most compelling evidence is direct experience. I'm not suggesting that you get a Spirit Board and summon spirits. That's a wrong and a very dangerous approach. Never summon what you cannot dismiss....


fishing user avatarSam reply : 
  On 1/14/2019 at 12:09 AM, EGbassing said:

That picture could be of anything. Or it could be photoshopped. Also, if ghosts were real, I think we would see them everywhere.

Go to the Myrtles for the tours and stay in the plantation for one night and let us know what happens.

fishing user avatarCrow Horse reply : 
  On 1/14/2019 at 9:11 AM, Sam said:

Go to the Myrtles for the tours and stay in the plantation for one night and let us know what happens.

I recognize that this wasn't directed towards me but I feel the need to chime in. I've been on several paranormal investigations and have a diverse background in this arena, yet I would be extremely cautious when visiting such places. Attachments can and do happen even with  proper preparations and that can get really bad really quickly. This is just my opinion based on my experiences.......


The event I shared is just the tip of the iceberg regarding my experiences. I've had 3 other significant experiences and you definitely won't believe yet they happened and two of the three were witnessed by others....


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