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is fishing your "main" thing? 2024

fishing user avatardeermaster reply : 

just wondering freshwater fishing is your 12 month a year hobby?  i started out as a deer hunting nut, but lost all the land i had, poachers and baiters ruined the small tracts of public land, and it came down to me waiting all year to hunt, only to have one or two un ruined trips per year.  it was a waste of my time.  so i had to look elsewhere for an addiction, and i think ive found it.  i absolutely love bass fishing, although i totally suk at it.  its a blast.  im now looking for a canoe or small tin boat to turn into a bass slayer.  the cool thing about this sport is, you can go as big or little into it, and still be able to catch nice fish.  fishing from the bank, a canoe or little tin boat, or thousands dollar bass boat, you can have fun and still catch nice bass.  its all i can think about lol.  i am planning to do some duck hunting in december and january, and that only leaves one slow month, febuary, and all the rest i can bass fish!  is bass fishing what takes the main place of your hobbies?  what else do you enjoy doing?  im getting into knife collecting, its also an addicting hobby.  may do some surf fishing this summer for drum on assatueage island, but other than that, i think ill try to catch some bass  ;D ;D

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

My "true love" has and always will be Bass fishing. My secondary love is drag racing. I have a 1991 Mustang GT that will do 10 sec 1/4 miles all motor. It is currently for sale because the boat gets waaaaaay more attention than it does now a days. That and i can't afford two hobbies and a wife, LOL!!!         ;)

fishing user avatardeermaster reply : 
My "true love" has and always will be Bass fishing. My secondary love is drag racing. I have a 1991 Mustang GT that will do 10 sec 1/4 miles all motor. It is currently for sale because the boat gets waaaaaay more attention than it does now a days. That and i can't afford two hobbies and a wife, LOL!!!       ;)

thats the kinda post i was looking for.  its cool to hear what you like the best, and also what other things you enjoy.

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Nah Family and friends always come first

fishing user avatardeermaster reply : 
Nah Family and friends always come first

i guess i figured most people put familiy and friends and religion first and didnt mention it...should have, as you said, it should be first.  

so, i guess i really meant whats second to family and friends  ;)

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Oh Okay




I m an old man, don't take much to please me

fishing user avatarJ-B reply : 

Work first (bills to pay, fishing materials to buy), kids second (Fishing second when fishing with the kids), FISHING THIRD, wife last .

No, seriously....Kids and wife come first, fishing any other timer that is available.  Work is only a necessity.

fishing user avatarWar Party reply : 

My deerhunting comes in about even with fishing.

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

Fishing is my number one hobby. Followed by eating and sleeping. I like a good cigar now and then. I love to read and watch movies but nothing even comes close to fishing.

fishing user avatarK.Russ reply : 




Fishin in the summer

Huntin in the winter


fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

I've been bass fishing for over 50 years, but have also been into many other sports.

From my teens to my mid-40s I'd have to say that my first love has been waterfowling followed by saltwater fishing and deer archery. Also in the mix were drag racing, bowling, small game hunting and woodchuck hunting. Today I no longer hunt and only occasionally fish saltwater, so freshwater fishing has been Number One during the past 20 years or so.


fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

I've been into other things.  But currently, fishing is my hobby.  I absolutely need it to keep my sanity.  It gives me something to think about, even when I'm not doing it.  It keeps me honest.  

fishing user avatarCaptain Obvious reply : 

If we are talking just hobbies the its



tackle making

B.S. on  ;D

If we are talking what the most important things in my life are then its

God and religion

Family and friends



fishing user avatarBig Tom reply : 

Guitar was my first passion but as I fish more and more often, I find myself playing less and less.  

fishing user avatarumahunter reply : 

i am a duck hunter but turn to fish in the off season :)

fishing user avatarJellyMan reply : 

Actually surfing is my main thing.

I also ride motocross, golf, and a few other hobbies. Actually it goes in phases. But fishing is a close second.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Well, not neccessarily "bass fishing" specifically, but multi-species fishing in general, has always been my absolute #1 passion.

I'm also pretty heavy into photography (see my Yosemite thread in the "everything else" section) ..... and I'd like to be more into cars, trucks, and car audio.... if I wasn't a poor man, who fishes too much, and doesn't work enough.



fishing user avatarbass or bass ? reply : 

Besides fishing I'm also a lifetime pro/semi pro musician. I play electric and upright bass, harmonica, and vocals, hence my posting name of bass or bass?  8-)    Happy fishing.


fishing user avatargrizzly1654 reply : 

fishing is #1 but somedays i cant decide if i want to take the fishing boat or ski boat to the lake

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

#1 - Work

#2 - Fishing

#3 - Video Games

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

I've had many hobbies, from playin basketball, tennis and golf (5 handicap) to gettinto drag racing, rode dirtbikes,  then I did some motorcycle roadracing, all of which I had to give up due to injuries.. :( Now I mostly fish, for Bass, I also play a little geetar, which I've done for the last 8 yrs..and still not very good at

So, I


eat sleep


fishing user avatarSammyLee reply : 

Rock climbing until I got too old and weak, though I will still hit some easy routes just to get high. I especially love Yosemite. Used to hunt but not in the last few years. Scuba diving was my main thing when I lived in West Palm Beach.

I've always fished. Its been the most constant hobby of my life. I can't remember learning cause I started when I was about three years old.

Since I have a pretty nice lake, three houses down, I've been fishing more than anything else lately. Heck, it's almost one am and I just got back from night fishing on that lake. (caught a small lmb)

I still have a thousand plus things to learn about bass fishing and I hate to be ignorant so I study it a lot and read this forum every day. One day, I'm gonna land a 6 pounder. And I'll bet it will be before the year is up.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Whatever I do I jump in with both feet.

I've been a golfer for 55 years and a fisherman for 60.

I put in 5 hours of salt and about 2 of sweetwater every day thruout the year.

Have cut back on the golf and I live on a course.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
Oh Okay




I m an old man, don't take much to please me

LOL.  I'm an old man too, but I find it takes more than it used to to please me.

Back to the question.

Regarding recreation, (keeping in mind this is a family forum), it's fishing and golf, in that order.

Around here neither is really a year round activity for everyone.  There are always a few die hards who fish or golf year round.  I used to be one.

fishing user avatartnhiker44 reply : 

I'm also pretty heavy into photography ...

I too am into photography. I used to be into golfing, but my clubs have been in punishment for about two years now for not letting my handicap get below 10. I split my rec. time between fishing, photography, jumping out of airplanes, scuba diving and every couple of years golf. I used to do a lot of caving as a younger man, but now I live in an area that has little to no caves.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

I used to be into photography.  I'm clueless though on the digital aspect.  I much more enjoyed working with different film types and how they could be manipulated.

Golf.  You wind up getting good to a point until you need to spend $$ on lessons.  Frustrating game where success is almost completely dependent on swing mechanics.

Auto racing, specifically Indy car racing.  The CART/IRL split in 1996 pretty much took the wind out of my sales for that one.  I watch some races now and still order my tickets to the Indy 500 but I'm not the passionate fan I once was.

Bar B queing/Smoking meat.  I'm just getting into this.  Looks like fun with tasty rewards.

All in all I've been hooked by bass fishing since I was probably 10 years old.  That's 41 years and the desire and thrill of catching a LMB is the same now as it was way back then.

fishing user avatarwavewalker reply : 

heart of a lion . over 55 years of fishing . did a lot of things.still try out things . still night fish .

fishing user avatartnhiker44 reply : 
I used to be into photography. I'm clueless though on the digital aspect. I much more enjoyed working with different film types and how they could be manipulated.

I got into photography during the digital age, so it is film that is Greek to me. I like digital due to the manipulation of the data you captured. Do not get me wrong... I absolutely am against creating data, i.e. adding something that was not captured. But being able to right a wrong in the 'digital darkroom' is awesome! I shoot almost exclusively in RAW format, which opens a huge arena in which adjustments can/could be made. Obviously one wants to look at a shot and conclude that no adjustments are necessary... but I ain't that good. Besides, film and developing seems rather expensive when I can look (and trash) before printing anything in digital!

fishing user avatar-HAWK- reply : 

My main thing changes constantly, but fishing has been a part of my life since I was about 5 years old. I just recently got into targeting Largemouth Bass primarily over the Last two years. I would say this is my Main thing at this time. But previously for most of my life it has been Saltwater fishing.

fishing user avatarTim Ford reply : 

I have two seasons in my life:

September to Mid-February: Football Season

Mid-February to September: Fishing Season

During Football Season I'm going to Tuscaloosa for Alabama games, or watching away games at home.  I also love NFL football, and go to Titans games every chance I get.

During Fishing Season, well... I'm fishing.

fishing user avatartnhiker44 reply : 

During Football Season I'm going to Tuscaloosa for Alabama games, or watching away games at home. .

So, let me get this straight. During football season you root for a team named after a fungus (red tide) that has an elephant for a mascot??

Well at least you fish.

Just joking my man!! Should be an interesting year in the SEC.. I wish your red fungus team all the luck... they will need it!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarnickb reply : 

My thing, along with fishing, is running.  I'm 20, and I've already completed 6 marathons, while qualifying for the Boston Marathon twice.  When I'm not running, I'm either fishing or reading this forum.  The wife makes me work on the weekdays.  :(

fishing user avatarMrs. Matstone reply : 




;D ;D

fishing user avatarCWB reply : 

1) Fishing

2) Eating

3) Time alone with my wife (if you know what I mean)

Not necessarily in that order.

Weather might switch 3 with 1

fishing user avatarOlebiker reply : 

I have been bass fishing since I was 15, but it has become my main recreational focus over the last 18 months, especially since I joined a bass club and acquired my father's old Bass Tracker.

I still do a bit of bicycling and wooddorking when I can make time between work on the house, playing with my grandchildren, and entertaining SWMBO. ;)

fishing user avatarEddie Munster reply : 

My main thing is drinking Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain......

Wife and kids battle for #1 spot depending upon their needs with the wife edging them out if all things are equal. She'll be there long after they've moved on.

From March to September bass fishing is my main thing. Come September though it's Pro Football time so it's GO STEELERS time. I also do Fantasy Football in a church league so I'll watch every game I can even if it's the Lions vs Raiduhs.

That pretty much takes me to February and I'll take those 28 days to recover and start chasing the bait monkey.

fishing user avatarAnthonyS reply : 

What is this a confession thread? hahhaha

My list is (in no order):

Photography (D90 with a bunch of lenses) - I do weddings and other events as a part time thing (

Cars (Integra Type R) - I enjoy road racing and doing HPDE's 4 to 6 times a year


small dirt bikes - I used to race MX but I dont feel like messing with the injuries anymore

hangin with the wife

Church Stuff

I do about everything equaly. I need to drop a few things though. There is just not enough time to do all the things I would like to do. 8-)

fishing user avatarSam reply : 


fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 


fishing user avatarSDoolittle reply : 

Fishing is my #1 main thing, but I'm also a college football junkie.

fishing user avatarluger306 reply : 

I have fished as long as I could remember. my wife also fishes so it is something we do together along with camping. I hunt,reload and shoot long range I also do some woodworking but fishing and shooting does take up a lot of my time(talking,learning and doing)it's a close race

fishing user avatarmrlitetackle reply : 

1. fishing

2. surfing (although its been a while since ive been out, fishing has kinda taken over)

3. gym

the rest gets thrown to the old battle axe

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

duck hunting is my favorite with bass fishing a very close second

fishing user avatarCODbasser reply : 

bass fishing is my main hobby, i used to hunt but i just dont have the heart to kill anything anymore...i know this doesnt sound like a hobby but i really enjoy college...I had a writing class last semester and it kinda got me into writing; i like photography a cannon man... like the digital but i am thinking about going back to film...the film pics seem to have more depth...and i can scan the negatives and do anything with them i can do with digital..

fishing user avatarLuke at Gouldsboro reply : 

I've always enjoyed fishing (been doing it since I was a kid). I had never caught a bass before and a month ago I got my first one. Now I spend as much time on the water as possible, looking to catch a bigger fish. It's really addicting. I don't hunt, but I play guitar, drums, and bass guitar/ and I play gigs on weekends for extra Fishing gear cash!!!

fishing user avatarbass wrangler569 reply : 

Fishing is definitely my main thing but guitar is a very close second. I honestly don't think I could live without either. I enjoy playing drums as well and I also spend a lot of time doing artwork and hunting.

luke on g-borough, sounds like we have a good bit in common  :D

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Until I moved to Tennessee, hunting and golf were my passion. When

I move to the South it coincided with the discovery of the GYCB Senko.

I have given up both golf and hunting, now fishing year around.

Other primary interests are cooking, gardening, NFL Football and

college ball to a lesser degree.


fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

After my wife, kids, and grandkids, fishing is my passion. Recently. all my grandkids have been VERY interested in fishing with Papa. When they come to visit, they all run to get the PFD's and rods and reels.

In the winter, I like to do some small wood working projects. Just recently, I made my granddaughters bunk beds for their dolls. I've also made some crankbaits.


fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Family, job (love it but man it can eat up my time LOL), home/farm, community (strong advocate of children, parenting, and public education).

After that I'm a naturalist first, and fishing, hunting, birding, botany, entomology, herpetology, .... are all part of it. I am fascinated with the natural world and my life, outside the above priority list, revolves around it. I try to stay connected. And it's tough to do.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

God, Family, & Friends then its Big Ole Fat Bass ;)

fishing user avatarsimplejoe reply : 

My main hobby is fishing, but family comes first and work is second (workaholic) when I get time you better believe my boat and I disappear for some much needed time on the lake. Winter time I go hunting.

fishing user avatarTom H. reply : 

During the summer it is between fishing and dog training , during the fall it's all about the ducks .  Also run a lot of hunt tests and field trials with the dogs during the summer

fishing user avatarfisher of bass reply : 

god is and always first followed by the three F's

1. family

2. fishing

3. football

fishing user avatarDock Master reply : 


fishing user avatarSkunked in DR reply : 

Yes, however here its a 6 month at best prospect.  Still looking for something to fill the winters.

As already noted, family and friends come first, then fishing, then a tie between cooking and soccer.

fishing user avatarScorcher214 reply : 

Fishing is my favorite thing to do, i cant do it in the winter because of me being a northern guy but i love it. Lacrosse is second. Sucks because lacrosse season is in the spring...

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 


fishing user avatarBama_Bass_Tracker reply : 

My #1 hobby is being with my wife cause she loves fishing as much as I do.  Our Daughter even fishes with from time to time.

fishing user avatarHawghead reply : 

As far as hobbies bass fishing and deer hunting, especially bow hunting, are tied I think now.  

I also coach high school basketball, that takes A LOT of time from hunting in the fall/winter and eats a lot of time in the summer with camps.

fishing user avatarJ-B reply : 
But currently, fishing is my hobby. I absolutely need it to keep my sanity.

After living in a house with a wife, 2 dogs, 1 cat and 5 kids.  I fully agree with the needing it to keep my sanity thing.   ;)

fishing user avatarNasTMcfingas reply : 

The Lord and Family has to be first, friends will be in the boat with me or on the shore with me, everyone else will either get my voice mail or a call back between cast.  Bass fishing for me is therapy.  The smell of being outdoor, the sounds of the birds, water rushing the banks, for those moments in time everything is on hold and I'm at peace with myself and my surrounding.  

fishing user avatarBassmanDan reply : 

Well I just spent two days on the water and haven't seen my wife or dog so I'd have to say yes.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I just spent 10 days straight on the water - hit 7 WNY lakes.  Yes, its my thing, LOL.

fishing user avatarbassmedic46 reply : 

When I'm not working my two 24s I'm fishing with my kids. Whether it be ice fishing or fishing in the summer.  

fishing user avatarBillO reply : 

Living in AZ, it's fishing, fishing, and fishing... Year round. If I'm not fishing, I'm getting the boat ready to go fishing. ::)

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

The only thing.

I set records drag racing when I was younger, but the fishing was still #1

fishing user avatarJacobK reply : 

how ironic i just had a conversation with my good friend about this subject today. i felt like i had too many hobbies and if i quit some of them i might become proficient in one of them. ;D

here are a few of my hobbies:

0) Fishing

1) Acoustic Guitar

2) Basketball

3) Computers (gaming & multimedia)

4) home entertainment

5) Automobiles

6) Photography (i recently sold off majority of my equipment)

7) Fashion (nothing too wild, i'm just not too interested in wearing my pants below my waist and a shirt big enough to be a dress, i also know how to tie a tie ;))

I'm the jack of all trades, master of none.  ;D ;D

fishing user avatarcato reply : 

Depends on the weather....time of of the week...etc lol....

I am an avid golfer and I would say thats my first love. I put a lot of work into it so it takes up a lot of time. I just shot my first round in the 60's a couple of weeks ago so that gets me pumped up just as much as a lunker bass. I would say after that in warm weather comes fishing and in the cold winter months I'll be deer hunting. I'll be fair and split the three 30/30/30.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

A round in the 60's is very impressive.

fishing user avatarbaboosicbass08 reply : 

Fishings definately up there on the list but I would have to label my main things as


1. The gym

2. Fishing

3. Basketball


1. The Gym

2. Hunting

3. Fishing

fishing user avatarbocabasser reply : 

when not fishing i surf. we have had some super fun wind chop the last couple of weeks.  this summer i hope to get back on the golf course. i had my game down to a 10 handicap, but then i started fishing bass tournaments------------------needless to say i haven't golfed in 3 years.

fishing user avatarcato reply : 
A round in the 60's is very impressive.

Thanks, I've scratched the surface a lot but thats my first breakthrough. Many times 2 or 3 under on the front and lose it on the back! I think my lack of concentration hurts my fishing too!!!  :D

fishing user avatarmynameisgeorgel reply : 

hunting (deer, ducks, turkey, pheasant, quail)

Saltwater fishing

bass fishing

knife collecting

Other than that, just trying to finish up college and get into law school

fishing user avatarBernie Mac reply : 

Fishing isn't my "main" thing but I would like for it to be since (besides my family) fishing is all I really think about. But I do love to work out and want to start riding motorcycles again, love to cook, haven't sketched in a very long time, pro football with some college (just about any sport I love to play), and a lil bit of a gamer too.

fishing user avatarKy_Lake_Dude reply : 

fishing barely outweighs deer and turkey hunting

fishing user avatarKy_Lake_Dude reply : 

and football is definitely even with fishing

fishing user avatarThe_Natural reply : 

Definitely.  I honestly couldn't afford another hobby if I wanted one.  I've modified cars, raced RC cars, etc., and it is all expensive.  Modding cars takes the cake though....super expensive.  

fishing user avatarfishing1971 reply : 

Born to fish, forced to work....that's me!



fishing user avatarHooked_On_Bass reply : 


fishing user avatar6pointbuck2003 reply : 

Well it depends on the season


1 Fishing

2 Trapping

3 Hunting


1 Trapping

2 Hunting

3 Fishing

fishing user avatarBASS33470 reply : 

I fish all year round, but I also go mudding with my truck.

Here is my truck:

and here are some of the baddest ones out there:

fishing user avatarMike__D reply : 

Fishing as a number one hobby or pass time followed by camping. Unfortunatley up in Montreal the camping/fishing season is only 4 months out of the year. All winter i tend to play video games and weight train.


fishing user avatarBig Bait Fishing reply : 

any time im not working or with my son , im fishing . the last two weeks i've fished everyday except 1 . and yes they are FULL days !!! so yeah , fishing is my main ''hobby'' , actually my addiction !!! and it's a full time hobby  ;)

fishing user avatar-FisherGal- reply : 

Softball has to be my #1, I coach 2 high school teams where I work and I also play...

but here lately i have really gotten into fishing the last few years, i love it.....=) and bow huntin may be 3rd because it has became a new found favorite...

although cooking has to go somewhere, i love cooking!

fishing user avatarohioriversmallie reply : 






More Trapping

then alittle Hunting

fishing user avatar-FisherGal- reply : 





More Trapping

then alittle Hunting

YEA! another softball player, I like it!


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