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Catch Phrase 2024

fishing user avatarpad slammer reply : 

Some of my buddies have pretty good catch phrases when they set the hook. Some are funny some are just straight up annoying. I don't think they actually realize there saying it. I personally don't say a thing when I hook up. I thought it would be fun to hear some of your catch phrases and if you do or don't have one. ;D

fishing user avatarShad_Master reply : 

Several years ago I was fishing with a guy and throughout the day, he would occasionally grunt, groan or gasp - each time I would ask him if he had one on and he didn't - finally I asked him what do you say when you get a bite - he said "here, hold my beer".

fishing user avatarGangley reply : 

"There he is"

fishing user avatarpad slammer reply : 
Several years ago I was fishing with a guy and throughout the day, he would occasionally grunt, groan or gasp - each time I would ask him if he had one on and he didn't - finally I asked him what do you say when you get a bite - he said "here, hold my beer".

Thats funny right there... Thanks for the laugh

fishing user avatarfishermantony reply : 

"There goes one."

fishing user avatarBig Tom reply : 

I usually say, "Fish."

fishing user avatardeep reply : 

I usually say "got one" pretty much aloud just after I set the hook, even when I am by myself. I think I picked it up from one of the pros.

The funny thing is that English is not my native language.

fishing user avatarzerofivenismo reply : 

GGGG-Unit!  Just kidding; no catch phrase when I stick one. 

fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 

I have found myself recently saying "fish on" and not knowing it.

I believe I picked it up from Jeremy Wade of "Monster Fish" on TV.

fishing user avatarpad slammer reply : 

These are great guys...Keep them coming! Just talked to my buddy he said I say (hooked up) sometimes or

(thats a good one) but he did say it's rare i say anything. He says (there we go)

fishing user avatarShad_Master reply : 

What's especially interesting to me about this is I am not consciously aware that I actually say anything - but it bugs me to death when another guy in the boat hooks one and actually doesn't say anything.

fishing user avatarI.rar reply : 

i say 'boo-yah!!!' and throw a couple fist pumps in there when theyre taking line.

nah , not really. i dont usually say anything since i fish by myself 95% of the time. but i have caught myself saying 'fish!' or 'she took it!' or something along those lines before.

fishing user avatarrowyourboat reply : 

im an "ike-aholic".... so i yell "BIG ONE!!!!, ITS HUGE!!!!!" even if its a dink haha

fishing user avatarOHIO reply : 

I usually say "Oh yeah" or "Yeah buddy"

fishing user avatarJayJayBenham reply : 

I dont catch too many fish but when i do i get pretty excited... ill yell all kinds of stuff...then you look stupid when you pull out a tiny fish

fishing user avatarStasher1 reply : 

I don't believe I say anything when I catch one...but I have been known to blurt out expletives when I lose one.  ;D

fishing user avatarSenkoman12 reply : 

"theres one", "fish on", "fish" for hooked fish and $%!#* when one is lost

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

"fish on"

fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 

I use "fish on" when I think I need to announce that I'm now occupied with fighting/landing the fish; for instance, if I have nearby boat traffic and I might be drifting/not steering as I work the fish.

Otherwise, I often talk to the fish during the fight - like: "don't come unbuttoned on me," "what were you doing in that shallow water...don't you know the books say you're supposed to be deep right now," "nice fish, come to papa," etc, etc. ;D

fishing user avatarGale1980 reply : 

i usually say "there he is" or when reeling in a stick ect.. something to the effect of "he's not a real big swimmer" or "he's not a big fan of swimming" or "he's a non swimmer"

fishing user avatarBassThumb reply : 

Once in a while, my buddy says, in his best Southern accent, "You gotta rip 'em back thru the sticks!"  He says he's mocking a line from a corny fishing show he saw a while back.

I don't say much of anything when I hook up.

fishing user avatarpaangler3117 reply : 

I say fish,  fish on, or some variation!


fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

"There's one," is what pops out most of the time, even when I'm fishing alone. Like Goose I also find myself talking to the fish from time to time. Should I be concerned about these habits? :-/ To this point the fish have not talked back... ;)

fishing user avatartbird reply : 

I say "Got you you ba****d

fishing user avatarswilly78 reply : 

"Get On!"  I have no idea why i say it, its just what usually comes out on the hookset.  Also, like Goose and some others, I talk to the fish as Im playin it in.

fishing user avatarBig Bass Chaser reply : 

I usually say "Fish on", however if I reel down before I set the hook I often make something up on the spot.  Today on a jig bite as I reeled down I said "And here we .." and then "GO!" when I set the hook.  Also caught one on the crank and I believe I said "Ohp, there's one."

fishing user avatarpad slammer reply : 
I usually say "Fish on", however if I reel down before I set the hook I often make something up on the spot. Today on a jig bite as I reeled down I said "And here we .." and then "GO!" when I set the hook. Also caught one on the crank and I believe I said "Ohp, there's one."

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I have tears in my eyes...I've gotta use that on "ohp, there's one"

fishing user avatarFrog Turds reply : 

a simple "gotcha" or if i miss a fish & get'em the second time around. then its "i gotcha this time f#@!er"

or i'll mess around and do the roland martin impression "SON!! or son thats a good bass"

fishing user avatarTriton Jones reply : 

I say normally  "there he is". :D

fishing user avatarburce reply : 

I usually say something like "there he is" or something, then talk to the fish when bringing it in like "come on baby come on" as I try to land it haha

fishing user avatar90x reply : 

Mine is trademarked

" I found him sirrrrr!"


"Here we go"


my personal favorite

*hard hookset with grunting noise*

fishing user avatarSyppy reply : 

Dunno why, but lately I've been prone to cackling and proclaiming "GOTCHA!"

fishing user avatarsockey reply : 

For me, if I say anything, it's a "there he is!" when I set the hook, then maybe a "SUCKUH!" a la Mr. T when I get that fish by the lip  :D

fishing user avatarnatanestaban reply : 

'Hey net boy, get ready"

fishing user avatarElite Image Fishing reply : 

There's one, that's 95% of the time, but sometimes I use a pretty weird one: " That's the spirit!"

fishing user avatarDeanFishesNY reply : 

I usually say "There's one" or "Booyah baby" LOL

fishing user avatarrowyourboat reply : 
'Hey net boy, get ready"


fishing user avatarScorcher214 reply : 

I haven't been having much luck with fish staying on. I've said a lot of

"son of.....?"


"How the?"

fishing user avatarboneil reply : 

if it's a bad day " well it's bout time" followed by an explicit

but usually it's " here we go", "there she is" or "hot d**n"

fishing user avatargotarheelz14 reply : 

I usually just get excited and say "oohp!" when I let them take it a little I usually start to get a little more creative.

Last time I said PIG because well, he was a pig. He gobbled up that shakey head!

fishing user avatarCasca reply : 

if i'm fishin' with someone,it's "I'm on." by myself i don't verbalize anything,but my inner dialog is usually "stay on,stay on."



fishing user avatarShaneK1990 reply : 

I usually say "ShaneK master angler!" And then something bad happens lol. So thats been way less frequent lately bahahah.

fishing user avatarNorCalFishinguru reply : 

"Yee ta deeee" Ive been watching to much rippnlipps on you tube. Theyre actually pretty good

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I usually say "Got him", or "Turn off the motor I have a fish".

fishing user avatarculprit71 reply : 

I usually say "Nope........rock bass." :P

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 
'Hey net boy, get ready"

Nice. I call my son Netboy. It really gets under his skin.

The "catch" phrase starts "Fish On"... "Is it a keeper?" During a tourney it follows with" ...G Dammit it's a musky (or pike, walleye, etc.)"

fishing user avatarWoolleyBass reply : 

"There's one"


fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 

I recall doing this awhile back and it was a lot of fun.

I am a Got'em kind of person but have been known to vary it.

Other popular ones were:

There he is

There she is

Fish On

Oh Shi... I got one. ;D

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

I might some times go "oooh yeah" like the kool-aide commercials and when I let them go I will usually say thanks for playing.

fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 

Lol i like to say SON! or usualy i say theres a fish.If im really happy then i start singing the lyrics in my signature sometimes lol

fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 
'Hey net boy, get ready"

LMFAO x 10000 :D

fishing user avatarmrjinkx reply : 

I start with a "he we go" when the line goes down.

fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 
What's especially interesting to me about this is I am not consciously aware that I actually say anything - but it bugs me to death when another guy in the boat hooks one and actually doesn't say anything.

me too! When I look over and someone is unhooking a fish, it's kinda like I don't understand... Didn't even know you had one on.

I usually say "I got it" then i'll talk to the fish as i'm reeling in, saying things like "come on girl, you can make it"

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 

Mine is :

ohh....ohhh.. OHHH.!!!!

fishing user avatarRory_MO reply : 

I say "good to go" making fun of one of my buddies.

fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 

when my buddy gets a good one, he says "holy sxxt... get the net ready!"  but we have never, not once carried a net on the boat lol. 

fishing user avatarTriton21 reply : 

"GET THE NET", if my fishing buddy is not as fast as I think he should be it's "GET THE F*%&ING NET"


fishing user avatarVinny Chase reply : 

"About Frickin Time" hah

fishing user avatarVinny Chase reply : 
'Hey net boy, get ready"

Nice. I call my son Netboy. It really gets under his skin.

The "catch" phrase starts "Fish On"... "Is it a keeper?" During a tourney it follows with" ...G Dammit it's a musky (or pike, walleye, etc.)"

I would never complain about a musky....even in a tourny

fishing user avatar6pointbuck2003 reply : 

I normally say "here we go" then set the hook

fishing user avatarpudmunk reply : 

fish on


oooooooph (grunting)

love it :D

fishing user avatarNice_Bass reply : 

Non tourney, i say "get me a beer"...I am not allowed to start drinking until i get a fish.  (note: sometimes I must start drinking in order to catch a fish, so it is up to my own discretion) 

Family time or tourney...I say nothing unless it is a pig...then I yell randomly.

fishing user avatarchristopherjake reply : 

Got One!!! 

fishing user avatarchristopherjake reply : 

If it's a big one I would say "OH MAMA!! It's a big one, get the net!"

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 

Usually "there it is" and lately it's followed up with "stay down"! I can't tell you how many have come unbuttoned lately after a jump or the fish races for the weeds you can't see. If they do come unbuttoned it's "WT.." You can fill in that blank.  ;D

fishing user avatarcoryjames reply : 

i say "what a sweet little butter ball".then send him cartwheeling over my shoulder ;)

fishing user avatarunknownbbq2 reply : 

i usually say dance monkeys!!!!! or dance!!!! or something like that ;D

fishing user avatarpad slammer reply : 

Since this post Ive been trying to use a catch phrase but all that seems to come out is... uuuhhhhh or oohhhhpppp

fishing user avatarbigtimfish reply : 

I usually say, it's about da** time, finally or ooops it's just grass

fishing user avatarL a r r y reply : 

When I feel those first few ticks while fishing soft plastics...I yell....Use them tiger teeth, bite it like a lil monkey

fishing user avatarBwickfisher reply : 

I usually say "there he is", or "got one". If it's big I say " get the net, it's Bubba" or "he's a chunckster". I also talk a lot as I'm releasing them. I say stuff like "nice to meet ya" and " thanks buddy".

fishing user avatarSuskyDude reply : 

"There's one"

Various grunts.

"Slama-Jama ding-dong!" and "BOOM-shaka-laka!" have been used on special occasions, usually when under the influence. ;D

fishing user avatarbigtimfish reply : 
"There's one"

Various grunts.

"Slama-Jama ding-dong!" and "BOOM-shaka-laka!" have been used on special occasions, usually when under the influence. ;D

slama jama ding dong. ha

fishing user avatarpad slammer reply : 


fishing user avatarFivePoundBluegill reply : 


fishing user avatarhookset on 3 reply : 

" its a hawg. It all depends. upon release I usually say "see ya" like Mr. Dance.

fishing user avatarDr. Watson reply : 

"pit-chu ya", just kidding Its more like "I have you now" (James Earl Jones voice)

fishing user avatarKorea_Bassin reply : 

A friend I fish with, if he's on the verge of getting skunked but finally hooks one up, he always yells out a Gerald Swindle-like "I DON'T SUUUUCK!"

fishing user avatarNOLERSWAMP reply : 

i'm ususally a "mmmhhmm" fella

fishing user avatargadawgsr1 reply : 

I, too, fish alone much of the time and I think that is why when I do have someone with me, I have to call their name to get their attention; otherwise, they have no idea I have one in the boat. This is the case unless the fish splashes at the boat. Then... it speaks for itself and I don't have to say a word. --just smile. ;D It is at that point they always speak... You dawg! or You've got to be kidding me, another one? ...just sayin'. ::)

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

Today i put a beating on them small mouth river bass...I was consistently saying "Woooo baby" and "fly baby fly!" Every time they got some air time.

I looked like a dork out there today.... :-/ It's been so long since i had a day like this.I couldn't help myself.  :-[

fishing user avatarnashontheriver reply : 

i usually go with an "ohhh yeah", or "Bam!" My most colorful phrases come out when one gets away!

fishing user avatarculprit71 reply : 

Yeah lately I've been fishing with my 9 yo daughter and 7 yo son and when we have a big one we say "Bruuuuuce" and when it's little we say "Nemo!"

fishing user avatarKC Bass Fanatic reply : 

I fish a lot of partner tournaments so I've conditioned myself to say "fish on" every time so my partner can grab the net.  Usually it's 2-stage: One of us says "fish on!" then either "little one" or "get the net!".

fishing user avatarVickers reply : 

I fish a lot with my brother in law. HE can NOT STAND that I say NOTHING! During the whole bite, hook set, fight and landing... I say NOTHING! He always gets mad because I have a bad habit of swinging em in the boat instead of netting them...

We were in Toledo and I had a 5 lb'er on side of the boat before he knew I was hooked up. The look on his face when he saw that hog laying on her side was priceless.

fishing user avatarMichiganFisherman reply : 

"Ohhh yeahhh!" (Snap into a Slim Jim!)  ;D


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