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You're either a Tackle Junky...or Not. 2024

fishing user avatarThe_Natural reply : 

There is no in-between. It's hard for a Tackle Junky like myself to imagine someone not getting super-excited about an equipment purchase, or even just planning an equipment purchase. I keep several catalogs in the crapper...and even though I've memorized them, I still look through them on every trip to the bathroom. I think it all started when I was 12 and saved up for a Berkley Lightning Rod. I was so proud of that darn thing....and nearly slept with it. I think Tackle Junkies represent the minority though, judging by the numerous tournaments I've fished and Bass Clubs I have been a part of. Putting on reel covers and carefully placing your setups so they don't bang together on a run seems natural for me, but I've never seen a partner I was paired with do this. I was born this way I guess....after getting a pair of shoes I thought were awesome in 1st mom said I just kept staring at them on the way home. I proceeded to tell her that 'I had the same feeling that I got when we went to the Circus'. True story. So who here is a Tackle Junky? If you aren't a Tackle you get excited about any purchases? I even get excited when I need to shop for a new electric toothbrush or Razor. How about you?

fishing user avatarCODbasser reply : 

im a tackle junky, but i dont use reel covers...i just through my stuff down and go...but then again i fish alot faster than most....haha...when my stuff is a few months old it looks like its a few years old lol...

fishing user avatarpa mountain man reply : 

I am not a junkie...I'm a collector of fine sporting goods. ;)

When I moved into my house, I had a room, no wait...a Man Cave devoted to my love of the outdoors, one wall devoted to fishing, another to archery, and one lined with gun cabinets. As time marched on, I acquired more "collectibles", and needed to expand.

Three years ago, I finished my attic, and is now where I spend alot of nights refining my understanding of nature. My wife would frequently ask me to have a yard sale! Imagine that! My life's work being auctioned off to the lowest bidder. :'( "How many guns do you need" she would ask, "each has a purpose" I'd say, "How many fishing poles do you need?, how many arrows?" ect. ect.

Now that my house looks like it was built by Cabela's, some of it has rubbed off on her, I guess I'll need to expand again for her "collectibles"...Life's looking good.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 
....... I even get excited when I need to shop for a new electric toothbrush or Razor. How about you?

The Doctor Phil types have a syndrome named for folks like this.  Can't remember what it is.  The purchase has less to do with need but more about fulfillment of a desire to own and the rush one receives when actually making the purchase.

Ultimately, once the initial purchase thrill is gone,  the item winds up on a pile with all the other previous purchases.  Sometimes much of it never gets used.

After 40 + years of fishing, I look at all tackle as tools and I evaluate new stuff as to how it might fill a niche in what I already have or how it might work better than what I have in various fishing conditions.

But hey, the tackle industry needs guys like you to survive.   ;)

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Thank God I'm out of that stage . I just buy what is needed now.

fishing user avatarDock Master reply : 

    I also get excited about getting anything new, whether it is fishing related or not.

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

After every purchase i tell myself that's it, no more. I am going to finish all the gear i have before i buy more. Then, a few days later i am either at the tackle shop again or hitting the PAY NOW button online!!!!  ;D

I need rehab....................... ;)

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Life experience, and Murhpy's law both teach that the thing you don't have is the thing you'll need.

Ever have something hanging around for years.  You look at it, decide you'll never need it, and toss it.  Within a few days, guaranteed you'll need it.

The exception to the above rule are the coffee cans and/or boxes full of nails, nuts, and bolts.  Trying to find the right one is looking for the needle in the haystack.

Spend ten dollars worth of your time, twenty dollars worth of aggravation and frustration trying to find a two or ten cent item.  Been there done that.

Toss 'em.  Easier and cheaper to make the five or ten minute run to the hardware store and buy a new one.

Back to the topic at hand.

I rarely buy one of anything, except for a pack of plastics that contains several baits.

When I find a particular bait works very well, I may buy two or three backups.  

Even in the plastics, I'll buy a couple of packages of a particular item.  Murphy's law again.  When I need to replenish, the local tackle stores will invariably not have that particular item in the particular size and color I want.

Backups are my security blankie.  I get uneasy when my stock of an item is running low.

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Not me! I have made purchases of stuff I regret, and once I had them I wondered why I got them inm the first place.

I have my stuff narrowed down to what works for me, I buy the most ecopnomical stuff I can and I concentrate on finding them now

Catts Rule: It.s not whats in your wallet, it's whats between your ears

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
Ultimately, once the initial purchase thrill is gone, the item winds up on a pile with all the other previous purchases. Sometimes much of it never gets used.

I think this is the difference between a tackle junkie and a hoarder... true tackle junkies, myself included, use it all... and appreciate it's every use.

Catts Rule: It's not whats in your wallet, it's whats between your ears

I agree 100% with Catt's rule but that's not what this is about. Being a tackle enthusiast and a good stick are completely independent of one another. I'll fish head to head with a mid 80's lightning rod and a second hand $30 abu reel... and still hang with most worm fishermen here. But the enjoyment I get out of a perfectly balanced, featherlight custom rod/50 MG combo is an experience in itself.  

Neither are wrong, just different.

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

I never considered it that way. I don't knock any one and how they spend money or what equipment they use, as that's not my business anyway.I just found for me personally when I found things I liked and worked for me, and got out of the upgrade mode, I started to do better. What it amounted to was I needed to learn a whole lot more about bass fishing at this time and spend less time worrying about equipment. I guess that may or may not come later on but at this point I need to be paying a whole lot more attention to the fish.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

I am a Connoisseur of bass fishing tackle.

I would not call me a junkie.

My wife would call me a junkie, but I see myself as a Connoisseur.  ;D   ;D   ;D

fishing user avatarBig Mike in Fl reply : 

my name's Mike, and I have a problem...I've been tackle buying free for 2 days ;D ;D

I'm pretty bad,I know the tackle I wanna buy, and I search all over for info on it, reviews, good and bad etc etc, and just dream for the day when I can buy it (I'll be buying a few new revo S reels here soon, so thats now my main goal) with money being so tight, sometimes it takes me a while get what I want, which builds the excitement even more.

I also have the issue of, I find a Bait I like,so I load up on them,and competitor brands to see which is better, for instance, I liked senkos, so I tried dingers, tiki sticks, stickos etc etc, or I started doing real well on horney toads, so I loaded up on different colors to try and find the ones that where catching the best (WE all know how the color debate goes)

I baught the big green okeechobee fats bag about 2 years ago, thinking I would never fill that its over flowing and I'm trying to figure out how to make everything work. :o

fishing user avatarSuskyDude reply : 

Put me down for "not". I did have a time back in the day when I felt I needed all of it. Got over that and couldn't be happier.

fishing user avatarHooked_On_Bass reply : 

Tackle Junky here!

I know exactly how you feel with regards to a new purchase

The_Natural. It's great.

fishing user avatarFishingPirate reply : 

I am a tackle junky but I use what I buy. Ive got my purchases pretty well narrowed down though.

1. Daiwa reels

2. Carrot Sticks

3. Baits that I enjoy fishing, screw fad baits that people rant about.

fishing user avatarBtech reply : 

Oh yeah im a junkie, I know because i havnt eatten anything in the past week trying to get me a new pole!  JK (well mcdonalds dollar menu)

I enjoy the rush of buying anything i think will work just so i can have a good excuse to get to the water.

If you buy a pack of worms lay them out until your wife demands you pick them up, tell her you need them to be put on a hook and in the water to make them go away ... It works for me.

She usualy just gets mad and tells me to go away - Which I do, With my worms and gear.

It all works together!

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Tackle junky   .... who ?   me ?   nah.

fishing user avatarfathom reply : 

guilty and not guilty.

not guilty, because the k.i.s.s. principle works for me...learned a long time ago, would rather have 5 or 6 good combos than 40 or so heinz 57's.

guilty, when it comes to what those 5 or 6 combo's are...let's just say the 50mg is my backup reel and let it go at that.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

I hardly ever buy new tackle. Okay, so I've had a lot of nice stuff given to me (sponsors) but even before that, I was already scrapping the stuff I never used, and narrowing it WAAY down to just the stuff I actually catch fish with.

What excites me is a sticking a BIG fish ! A new rod or reel will just be dirty in a few trips anyway..... but as long as it still works, I won't hardly ever think twice about it.

To me, getting excited about fishing tackle, is like a carpenter getting all happy goofy, every time he opens his tool box ;-) Fishing gear, and even a fishing boat, are just tools. And as long as they work, theirs no need, or desire to replace them. I spend PLENTY of $ as it is, on gas to get to and from my fishing holes, and day use fees.

The bait monkey would starve if he depended on guys like me.



fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I have no budget whatsoever for equipment and tackle, that said my equipment is pretty much moderate in price and I buy little in the way of tackle, as compared to what I see.  My fresh water tackle fits in my pocket and my saltwater stuff I just walk around with 1 lure or spoon on the rod and backup in my pocket.  Me a junkie HAHAH, I'm a fisherman.

What excites me is a sticking a BIG fish

and it happens almost everyday.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

Not a junkie.

I will however, find a lure that produces well and buy a dozen or so of them in different colors. This happens right often.

I will also jump on a deal if I spot one. I just cant resist a good deal whether I actually need it or not. This happens all the time.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
Not a junkie.

I will however, find a lure that produces well and buy a dozen or so of them in different colors. This happens right often.

I will also jump on a deal if I spot one. I just cant resist a good deal whether I actually need it or not. This happens all the time.

Sounds like you are a junkie in denial. Or, like my wife at TJ Maxx.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

To paraphrase Richard Nixon.  

"I am not a junkie!"  

I can quit anytime I want to.

Haven't any of you ever heard, "He who dies with the most toys wins."?

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

I love buying lures.

Problem is i never have enough money to buy them.


I compare buying fishing lures like a heavy scotch drinker likes his liquor.It'll dry your bank account right up.

fishing user avatarCODbasser reply : 
I hardly ever buy new tackle. Okay, so I've had a lot of nice stuff given to me (sponsors) but even before that, I was already scrapping the stuff I never used, and narrowing it WAAY down to just the stuff I actually catch fish with.

What excites me is a sticking a BIG fish ! A new rod or reel will just be dirty in a few trips anyway..... but as long as it still works, I won't hardly ever think twice about it.

To me, getting excited about fishing tackle, is like a carpenter getting all happy goofy, every time he opens his tool box ;-) Fishing gear, and even a fishing boat, are just tools. And as long as they work, theirs no need, or desire to replace them. I spend PLENTY of $ as it is, on gas to get to and from my fishing holes, and day use fees.

The bait monkey would starve if he depended on guys like me.



although i do agree that rods,reels, tackle ect are tools for fishing...for most of is not a job, so we dont see our tackle like a carpenter would see his tools. This is our hobby so we get enjoyment out of buying something that might make us be able to catch more like fbl i buy alot of what works...cheaper to buy in bulk

fishing user avatarbass wrangler569 reply : 

I'm definitely a tackle junkie. In fact, this thread has reminded me that I probably have something I need to buy...

fishing user avatarMitchIsFishin reply : 

No, I'm actually the opposite. Like SirSnook and others, I buy moderate gear. Recently bought two reels, returned one, and I'm very careful on picking out my lures & all of my tackle. I, personally, don't wish to waste money on buying stuff I won't use or don't like. Now, my OHP, nothing more, tackle junkies are like those who can't own too much camera gear, car stuff or you name it. OCD. To me, (and me only), it appears to be looking for a way to waste money. IF that is what you want to do, God Bless ya, no problem on my end. Do you need to do that to feed a hobby? Far from it, and really just the opposite.

fishing user avatarZeNoob reply : 

a neighbor of mine passed away this past winter. his wife is having a garage sale and is gonna sale all of his fishing gear. He gots a single car garage packed full of fishing gear and a shed in the back yard over flowing with gear.

needless to say ive been saving and saving and trying not to buy anything from the store so i could aquire a ton more crap next weekend.

fishing user avatarJake. reply : 

I am, mostly thanks to some of the guys on here and TT.  ::)

fishing user avatarEddie Munster reply : 

I'm too cheap to just go hog wild and buy everything I WANT but I do buy more than I NEED.

I'm trying to break the habit of falling back to the ol' reliables and fish more of a variety so I am buying a couple different lures.

I guess it's like some drug users; I'm not a junkie but a recreational  buyer.

fishing user avatarSDoolittle reply : 

I'm don't think I'm a junkie, but I've been told that denial is the first sign.

fishing user avatarskillet reply : 

I take it in stages (phases of the moon, or something :-/). I can stay away from Bass Pro (fishing dept. at Walley World) for ages and use what I've got. Then, I wake up one morning and all my money is gone, a big burnt hole in my pocket and all these new lures and stuff in a bag next to me. Then it hits me, I have no memory of what happened to my money or how all this stuff got here :-[...


fishing user avatarThe_Natural reply : 
....... I even get excited when I need to shop for a new electric toothbrush or Razor. How about you?

The Doctor Phil types have a syndrome named for folks like this. Can't remember what it is. The purchase has less to do with need but more about fulfillment of a desire to own and the rush one receives when actually making the purchase.

Ultimately, once the initial purchase thrill is gone, the item winds up on a pile with all the other previous purchases. Sometimes much of it never gets used.

True condition....that condition is actually treated like an addiction with medication and therapy. That's on the extreme end though...I don't make purchases just to make a purchases.  People like that compulsively buy....usually on a daily basis and need that rush like a heroin addict needs heroin.  Let's just say I love beer, but I'm not an alcoholic  :)

fishing user avatarCatBassin reply : 

Hello, my name is Nice Bass You Got There, and I'm a Tackle Junky. I get excited about making purchases and have to look even if I'm not going to make a purchase.

It feels a lot better to admit that out loud.

fishing user avatarCaptain Obvious reply : 

I'm ready to lay down $100 and say that no one in the world is a bigger tackle junkie than me!!!!!

And I wouldn't have it any other way,



fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Hey MitchIsFishing, it's funny you said

tackle junkies are like those who can't own too much camera gear, car stuff or you name it.

Because when it comes to cameras or stuff for my new truck, I'm completely the opposite as I am with fishing tackle.  I could spend litterally 10's of thousands of $$$ on cameras and truck stuff, if I had it !  :o

Heck, I have 7 cameras now.... but would just love to buy a top of the line pro DSLR, and a full assortment of lenses.... that would be $50K right there ! And a couple more top of the line fixed lens cams.... and a good digital video recorder....

And I know I could easily dump $50K or more, into my truck too.

So, as you can see, for me, fishing is the FAR cheaper choice ;-)



fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

I take care of all my stuff.  Sometimes it borders on OCD, putting on the reel covers and rod sleeves, wiping off the spinnerbait blades and hooks on cranks.  It bugs me when I get a little debris on the frame of my reels after a day of fishing.  I will come home and wipe off the reel, if need be, I will take it apart and clean it that way.  I do get a rush out of tackle purchases.  It makes me feel good to have nice stuff to fish with but my mind does all the fishing instead of the gear on the lake.

fishing user avatarrboat reply : 

I would have to say definite junky. It started as a kid going through dad's tackle box looking at the shiny lures until my fingers bled from hook pointers. I love lures, old and new. It is fun to try different lures and see what happens. Some of the newer stuff is more like true art. I use most of what I have. I figure when I get too old to fish I can make a nice display, give them to my son, or sell them and pay for his schooling. I do check out BPS regularly and sometimes make it home without a purchase, but TW and Ebay can be a different story. This addition makes me happy so I live with it.

fishing user avatarMuad Dib reply : 

My name is travis and i am a tackle junkie. the last time i used (my credit card) was 3 days ago.  :D and i wont use again for a while! or until my *** order comes in this wednesday. i do agree with catt but my question for him is how much stuff does he own now compared to when he started. ive been fishing hardcore for the past year and learning as much as i can. the only way i can increase the stuff between my ears is to try what that bait monkey and the tackle junkie tell me to buy and find out what works when.  and i like buying fishing stuff. hahahaha

t- rage

fishing user avatarlure junkie reply : 

everone's got a thing. whether it's cars,tools,women,this site, and fishing tackle is mine.i get a great deal of satisfaction from trying,learning,and later customizing different lures and techniques to fit my specific needs and applications. it's the one thing i can do from sunrise to sunset .i can make it as cheap and simple or as complex and expensive as i choose.

                                                                  hence the screen name

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Like many of our members, I'm a collector. I enjoy playing with

my equipment as much as actually fishing. To me, having the exact

tool for a specific function is key, even if I rarely (never) use it!

As for lures...well...I still collect them, but less than 25% have ever

(will ever) be used. I always test them new out of the box, but for

most, they will never get wet again.


fishing user avatarHAMMER23 reply : 

Trust me you are not alone about your equipment. I will keep this short, bought a carrot stick I just had to have ,could not go on living without it, waited on delivery for it to get here then the moment it arrived gave it to my son 20 seconds later because it had 1/8 inch scratch on the base of the handle.

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 
I'm too cheap to just go hog wild and buy everything I WANT but I do buy more than I NEED.

This is how I would describe myself.

fishing user avatarBassmanDan reply : 
Trust me you are not alone about your equipment. I will keep this short, bought a carrot stick I just had to have ,could not go on living without it, waited on delivery for it to get here then the moment it arrived gave it to my son 20 seconds later because it had 1/8 inch scratch on the base of the handle.

...will you adopt me? :)

I had a BIG addiction for tackle after the bass bug bit...I wouldn't consider myself cured but now I spend more time fishing than buying and looking. And I would MUCH rather wait and buy the best I can afford when it comes to equipment...having the "perfect" rod and reel combo still makes me go schwing!

fishing user avatarJoe Boss reply : 

I am a tackle junkie.

I am on the wagon though. I promised myself, no new rods or reels this year. I am trying to use the ones I have.

fishing user avatarbigtimfish reply : 

Im a soft plastics junkie. i have more things in more colors than i will ever use.

fishing user avatarstik_in_Texas reply : 

I agree...........I am also a tackle junkie but I think I might have taken it even a step further. Even when I really don't need any particular lure and I am just cruising the aisles of Academy/Gander/WallyWorld I will look (for instance) at the crankbaits and if there is only two of a certain color remaining (even if I don't need them) I will buy both of them because the little fisherman on my shoulder (or maybe it's the monkey on my back) will tell me that they are working for SOMEONE. So I have all of this stuff that I have never used that will probably be passed on to my grandkids or my wife's next husband (although she says if she ever gets rid of me she will never marry another fisherman LOL). In the meantime I could restock WallyWorld if I had to.

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

I am not a junkie. I tend to get excited when I make purchases and when I get it. I usually just toss it to the side. There are a few items that I always take out and look at (eg. my spro little johns and lc pointers). Other than that, I do take care of my stuff, but I'm not even close to being a junkie.

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

I'm not a junkie.  But I do like better-than-average equipment.  I also understand it's a means to an end.   I like solid, functional equipment that helps me enjoy myself.  Catching fish is incidental to that.  

fishing user avatarI.rar reply : 

i <3 tackle.

everytime i go into a tackle store , i have to walk out with something. a $4 pack of plastics , bags of weights or a rod/reel. if i dont , i wont sleep well.

i am coming to the point to where i know what works for me but there are so many baits out now , that im sure one will work better than the other and im trying to find 'the one/s'.

i am getting better at my spending since my financial advisor (fiance) has been on my case about all my fishing crap. but im sure once she gets her pink trion spinning combo , she'll be alright.


fishing user avatarCODbasser reply : 

i once told a previous girlfriend..."i fished and bought fishing tackle before i met you, and i will do the same now, and when your gone" needless to say...she is now gone.. lol

fishing user avatarretiredbosn reply : 

Umm  I think I definitely fit the category of a tackle junkie.  Right now I have more plastics than I will ever be able to use, but I still buy new stuff.  I once kept a bag of worms that didn't work worth a flip for 7 years, just in case I may need them.  So not only am I tackle junkie but I'm also a pack rat.

fishing user avatarbroncoboxer reply : 
after getting a pair of shoes I thought were awesome in 1st mom said I just kept staring at them on the way home. I proceeded to tell her that 'I had the same feeling that I got when we went to the Circus'.

I love this.  Well said.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

This is my worst story...

The "Live" Pointer sucks. I bought one when they were first introduced.

Even though I knew they sucked!, I bought two more at BPS when

they put them on sale for $5.


fishing user avatarfathom reply : 

i once tried to claim finland on my w-2.

fishing user avatardman reply : 
i once tried to claim finland on my w-2.

;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarHossFly reply : 

I guess i fall into the "recovering" tackle-junkie catagory; don't know the cure......oh, yeah, it might be the wife, house, grandbaby, vehicles, etc,etc,etc,etc.

I have to admit, though , i do BINGE on occasion.

To me, tackle is sort of like tools, YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TO MUCH!!

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
This is my worst story...

The "Live" Pointer sucks. I bought one when they were first introduced.

Even though I knew they sucked!, I bought two more at BPS when

they put them on sale for $5.


How can anyone refuse such a deal ? not me !  :D

fishing user avatarJ-B reply : 

Yes, I am.

fishing user avatarZeNoob reply : 

hahahaha just went to an early opening of a garage sale. droped $60 got 3 tackle boxes a dozen spinners(some brand new and name brand) a dozen bags of plastic worms, a ton of hooks and sinkers, and a fishing pole.  ;D

fishing user avatarCSB reply : 

Im not a tackle junkie per se. I mean I buy a good amount of stuff but its mostly just the items that I know work well. Cant ever have too many jigs, hooks, Senkos, etc. especially with how often I get hung up.

fishing user avatartwitchfish reply : 

My name is Twitch and in my present state of denial, I too am an addict and it has been 7 hours and 38 minutes since I last used (1/16th&1/8th oz. weighted Gammy hooks and a small banking tackle bag), I would like to address this panel of peers I so admire and respect.

I would like to know if there is a dollar amount spent or a volume of tackle aquired that I can refrain from calling myself a "junky" and start being addressed as " An Enthusiast"?

Thanks - Twitch

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 
I would like to know if there is a dollar amount spent or a volume of tackle aquired that I can refrain from calling myself a "junky" and start being addressed as " An Enthusiast"?

Thanks - Twitch

Taking out an extra insurance policy on your tackle is a good sign you have reached that level.

fishing user avatartwitchfish reply : 

YYYIIIIIPPPPPEEEEEEE!!!! And HOT d**n, A GOAL!! I just set meself a new goal.  

Certainly the family, the counselors and therapists will be proud of me now?

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

K.I.S.S. That's Me ;)

I believe in keeping my tools simple, functional, durable & dependable

Being Ole School I've seen it all come and go which makes it hard for me to buy into new fads and fancies. My biggest weakness is Texas Rigs and plastic baits that can be Texas Rigged; I have 5 old hard Plano boxes that weight 35 pounds each.  

While I believe the #1 key to consistently catching bass is between your ears not between the folds of your wallet. I also believe If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you always got; that statement can be either positive or negative.

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
Ultimately, once the initial purchase thrill is gone, the item winds up on a pile with all the other previous purchases. Sometimes much of it never gets used.

I think this is the difference between a tackle junkie and a hoarder... true tackle junkies, myself included, use it all... and appreciate it's every use.

Catts Rule: It's not whats in your wallet, it's whats between your ears

I agree 100% with Catt's rule but that's not what this is about. Being a tackle enthusiast and a good stick are completely independent of one another. I'll fish head to head with a mid 80's lightning rod and a second hand $30 abu reel... and still hang with most worm fishermen here. But the enjoyment I get out of a perfectly balanced, featherlight custom rod/50 MG combo is an experience in itself.

Neither are wrong, just different.

Just wanted to reiterate the highlighted portion.

fishing user avatarJ-B reply : 

Just added another $50 worth of stuff this morning before work. It is about time to add another tackle box. :D

fishing user avatarHAMMER23 reply : 

Not a junky , I'M OCD MAN !!!

fishing user avatarJellyMan reply : 

omg... I am a junkie. I go to BassProShop on a regular basis and just look at the same crap over and over and say to myself... i need to get this...ooh, good idea. i need that.

What is the worst is when you get a new reel and you get new everything else. rod, line, lures, blah, blah.

I love it tho.

fishing user avatarChris W reply : 

This is such a great post I too am as my wife says a tackleholic my garage has more baits than most tackle stores that you walk into not including the 15k worth in the boat and you know I just ordered a new rod and reel yesterday to go along with the 48 others I already have so yes I guess I am a tackle junkie but hey you have to spend it somewhere and there is alot of worse ways to spend it.

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

im not a junkie i just need to have 2 of every thing possible on the market that might one day be the only thing that fish will hit.

fishing user avatarThe_Natural reply : 

hehe....everybody seems to be affected.

fishing user avatarYNCBASSMAN reply : 

i just can't stop!!!  i've tried and i've tried.  my wife is going to kill me!!  i HAD to get some shaky heads, and oh i needed worms for the shaky heads (as if the 5000 ones i have won't do), oh yeah, i need some new senkos, wait, what about the xrap i lost last week, i need to replace that.  i'll get 2 xraps in case i lose one.  i can't drive by BPS without throwing $50 at it.  now i need a new rod, how can i justify that with the wife?

fishing user avatarRebbasser reply : 
Not a junky , I'M OCD MAN !!!

Nossir.  OCFD, as in Obsessive Compulsive FISHING disorder.  Along with me :D ;D!

Tackle junkie?  GUILTY!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 

Although I tend to agree there is no in between, I still like to think of myself as being in between  ;D It makes me feel better.

I guess I'm as big a tackle junky as I can be, given my income.

fishing user avatarJ-B reply : 

LOL...Just spent another $100 on a rod and a pack of senkos.  I am addicted.  Wife will try to kill me but I am happy.  Now to find enough space to stuff the worms into my box.

fishing user avatarbalsabaiter reply : 

I used to not buy enough.  I am now trying the best way I know how to find forgiveness for those past sins.


fishing user avatarAnthonyS reply : 
Hey MitchIsFishing, it's funny you said
tackle junkies are like those who can't own too much camera gear, car stuff or you name it.

Because when it comes to cameras or stuff for my new truck, I'm completely the opposite as I am with fishing tackle. I could spend litterally 10's of thousands of $$$ on cameras and truck stuff, if I had it ! :o

Heck, I have 7 cameras now.... but would just love to buy a top of the line pro DSLR, and a full assortment of lenses.... that would be $50K right there ! And a couple more top of the line fixed lens cams.... and a good digital video recorder....

And I know I could easily dump $50K or more, into my truck too.

So, as you can see, for me, fishing is the FAR cheaper choice ;-)



HAHAHHAHAHAHA! That is how I justify it to my wife as well!

"Baby fishing is CHEAP compared to my other hobbies"

<Tackle Junkie  8-)

fishing user avatarJellyMan reply : 

I like stuff.

Lotsa stuuuuuff!!!

fishing user avatarHopper reply : 

My wife buys shoes and clothes, I buy fishing tackle!! I actually bought 10 bags of worms on the day I got laid off at work, they were on sale!!!! ;)

fishing user avatarSammyLee reply : 

My wife actually said to me tonight, "Honey, it looks like you need a new, larger tackle box, don't you think?"

Hmmm, let me think about it for a second.  "Yeah, you're right!"

Since I bought that Shimano Saros reel and a St. Croix rod, all of my old stuff feels like a grit grinder of some sort.  Plus, that reel is just a beautiful piece of machinery.  I'll never buy a cheap, low quality outfit ever again.

fishing user avatarbroncoboxer reply : 

Yeah, I'm a junky.  

fishing user avatarBama_Bass_Tracker reply : 

Hmmm I wonder if my wife and I qualify as Junkies. Between the two of us we have 13 rods and reels 3 tackle boxes 2 fillet knives a few "spare rods and reels, and a freezer full of bass and bream ready for the next family fish fry.


fishing user avatarThe_Natural reply : 
Hmmm I wonder if my wife and I qualify as Junkies. Between the two of us we have 13 rods and reels 3 tackle boxes 2 fillet knives a few "spare rods and reels, and a freezer full of bass and bream ready for the next family fish fry.

I may have you beat on rods and reels, but I'm envious of your freezer!  I'm slacking in the panfish area....I need to take my wife soon.  There aren't any fish in the sea that compare to crappie, sand bass, or bluegill IMHO.  I'll bring the cornmeal!

fishing user avatarBama_Bass_Tracker reply : 
Hmmm I wonder if my wife and I qualify as Junkies. Between the two of us we have 13 rods and reels 3 tackle boxes 2 fillet knives a few "spare rods and reels, and a freezer full of bass and bream ready for the next family fish fry.

I may have you beat on rods and reels, but I'm envious of your freezer! I'm slacking in the panfish area....I need to take my wife soon. There aren't any fish in the sea that compare to crappie, sand bass, or bluegill IMHO. I'll bring the cornmeal!

Come on down, the wife makes killer fish batter. We'll even toss in some crawfish, sausage, and shrimp. Chase it all down with some ice cold brew and make it REAL party!  ;D


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