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Who is your favorite bass fishing TV celebrity? 2024

fishing user avatarshorefisher reply : 

I'm gonna say Bill Dance by far. The guy just kinda makes ya feel good. The funny thing is I've never seen him catch all that big of a fish but he's just plain fun to watch. Favorite quotes:

"He's got that thing all up in his face."

"See ya lil buddy."

You can watch all your favorite shows for free at MyOutdoorTV


fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

I couldn't vote :-[

While Bill Dance is my favorite of this grouping he is my second favorite

My Top three


2. Bill Dance

3.Mike D>>> putting it on for the everyday angler 8-)

fishing user avatarshorefisher reply : 

Fixed that for ya muddy

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Thanks Linder it is 8-)

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

hank parker when he had a fishing show, i loved him because see is such a nice guy. he gives tips and good advice.

1) hank parker

2) bill dance

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

I'm kind of biased,lol


fishing user avatarCertified Public Angler reply : 

definitely Mike D, followed closely by Roland Martin.

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

Al Lindner is the man. I'd love to spend a few days fishing with him.


fishing user avatarNitroMan reply : 

Bill Dance is always catching the big ones and it doesn't even phase him!!! ;)

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Jimmy Houston.

Funny, articulate and he gives good tips to the viewers.  :)

fishing user avatarJ_Zink reply : 

Bill Dance followed by Jimmy Houston and Al Lindner.  

I also enjoyed Hank Parker and Orlando Wilson.

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 

Al Lindner....hands down! He tells you "how" to fish with versatility. Bill Dance is pretty good, but he catches the same bass, in the same pond, with every bait he is trying to sell. You don't him telling what body of water he always fishes. I think his show is just a bit too.....convenient!

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

I voted for Parker. Can't vote for Dance as he only wants to fish regulated pay or private lakes that most cannot get access to. You see the same pine tree point in the background on almost every show. Those trees have grown from 10' saplings to 40 footers over the last 15 years.

fishing user avatarCujo reply : 

Bill Dance

He gives great tips and doesn't try to sell you something every second of the show.  You can just enjoy fishing.  What would a fishing show be without fish.   ;)

fishing user avatarmatt metzger reply : 

i defintely say bill dance hes just a funny guy in general whos on the fish

fishing user avatarMike D from Lunkerville reply : 

aw shucks, i'm just happy to be on the ballot :) you guys are cool.

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

mike d.

i dont even watch the show that much, but hes a real person, not a celebrity, and he doesnt plug sponsors every 3 seconds.

that makes him my favorite :)

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 

It is a toss up between Jimmy Houston and Bill Dance. I like them both, but I voted Houston because he make me laugh.

fishing user avatarAndrew Coleman reply : 

Bill Dance. All the way.

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 

I voted Al Lindner.

You forgot ol' Shaw. I really get a kick out of that guy and his utter excitement from even catching a dink :)

fishing user avatarSenkoShawn reply : 

none of the above lol. ive had some personal issues with mike. not saying hes a bad person, and i love what he does. but i wont vote. and roland im REALLY not a fan of.

fishing user avatarCookieMonst3r reply : 

Bill Dance followed by Jimmy Houston.

fishing user avatarskillet reply : 

Bill Dance got the pick just because his name came first (couldn't vote for 2). In reality it would be a toss-up between him and Jimmy Houston ;)...

                           As Ever,


fishing user avatarSuskyDude reply : 

Toss up between ol' Bill and the Lindners.

The Lindner's because they'll catch any fish, anywhere.

Ol' Bill because he just seems to make you feel all warm and fuzzy, it's like fishing with Grandpa. (except I HATE the way he makes it a point to break the fishes jaw after pulls it out of the water)

fishing user avatarEddie Munster reply : 

Jimmy Houston. Been watching him since I was 14 years old.

Only one of those I've seen in person. In 1993-4, the wife and I were driving on I-20 West of Atlanta heading West coming home from a Wedding in downtown. She's grabbing some zzz's while I'm driving and I notice a guy coming up on my left pulling a nice Ranger (I think) boat. I glance over at this blonde guy with a bowl cut and he glances over at me. I immediately look back point at him and he grins pointing back at me. I start holding up my index finger for him to hold on 1 second. By this time I'm elbowing the wife to wake up and take a picture of this guy in the truck next to me. He stayed parallel to me while my wife snapped a picture that never turned out. He was a great sport about it and seems like a great guy.

fishing user avatarfishbear reply : 

Hank Parker, he just seems like a buddies dad that likes to take people fishing.. and teach them how to fish.

fishing user avatarthetr20one reply : 

I voted Dance because he entertains and I have IMO have learned the most from him and the linders, but he is alot more charasmatic. But I also love the Linders, Hank Parker. These are the only fishing shows I watch besides Basmaster series. Zona has a new one but I didn't think much of it.

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

I voted for Jimmy. As impressive a fisherman as Al Lindner is, no one makes me laugh like Jimmy. And no one can laugh as well as Jimmy. Sometimes I laugh for a long time at the way he laughs - no restraint  ;D

fishing user avatarslomoe reply : 

I'm goin with the skins fan on this one..

fishing user avatarkikstand454 reply : 

i dont know.  

old school- bill dance. new school- mark zona.

best theme song.....without  a doubt...jimmy houston.

"well its late in the day and the suns gettin low...." thatll always be imprinted in my mind.

fishing user avatarshawnmc reply : 

Jimmy Houston

Bill Dance

Mike D

Roland Martin

fishing user avatarSimp reply : 

I must protest where is Mark Zona??? Somebody who invents the phrase "Man Bear Pig" to descibe a bass must be on this list. Then again I am a young guy and the HD production is top notch. So maybe that's why I like it so much? I also love Dance and consider him part of the family. ;)

fishing user avatarBassFishingMachine reply : 

I didn't vote, I like Mike Iaconelli's show called City Limits, basiclly because he actually shows you with a great view, what specific bait hes throwing, and how/where hes fishing it. He will also change baits commonly and switch to relate to the cover/area he is fishing. I hate to see a the celebrity fisherman throwing the same bait the entire show, it just gets old. And I find all these celebrities are mostly trying to sell something which is why they're fishing the bait in the first place.

I am not interested in buying new products, I watch the show to learn new techniques and tactics on the art of bassing, not to shop, if I wanted to shop I'd go to a store or a tackle website.

I find Bill Dance does give some good tips every now and again, but I can't stand the how he fishes his private lake. I am not interested in seeing a guy catch fish after fish in some incredible lake that I will most likely never fish or rarely ever have the opportunity to fish. If I wanted to see a guy nailin em right after left with not much work involved I'd go to a seminar at a fishing show, you know the ones where the guy stands above the tank and every little bait he throws in that tank the bass engulf within seconds.. cmon lets face reality.. like thats going to happen in real life fishing..

The reason I like City Limits is because they fish in lakes that are nothing amazing, you see them work for the fish and you see them fail, it is more realistic. They are rarely ever trying to sell a product, they are merely fishing a lake and trying to catch a quota of fish displaying different techniques and commonly used baits while in the process. Although I also do like a show entitled The Bass Pros, I find this offers tons of techniques in real life fishing situations, they explain fishing different peices of cover and baits on fishing them, and every episode each pro goes in to detail about a specific bait or tactic and shows you how to work it. I find alot of the celebrity bass shows are more revolved around selling baits. They are fun to watch because its usually people catching fish left and right, but I rarely learn much from them.

fishing user avatarDADto4 reply : 

My vote goes out to Bill Dance.

Heck my first artificial lure I ever bought with my own money as a kid was a "Dancing Eel"....Anyone still have one? I know I do!!

Does anyone remember the short lived era of Fish Fisburne, that guy had an episode where he put hooks on a golfball and caught fish?? real or not? you decide

fishing user avatarsoroted51 reply : 

Watch them all, but can only relate to Mike D

fishing user avatarAaron reply : 

I like Hank Parker a lot.  Next would Bill dance then Roland Martin.  I haven't watched Mike D yet but I am sure it's good.

fishing user avatarPoBoy reply : 

Bill Dance!!  He always gives advice and tips. He doesn't just spend the whole show catching fish and not telling you how, why, and what he is doing.  

I wonder if each show is filmed over a couple of days, because there is no way he is catching that many 4 lbs.+ fish in one day!! :-?

fishing user avataravid reply : 

I have been following this thread with great anticipation.

Long Mike...where are you when we need you dawg?!!

Dangling a participle is a transgression most would overlook,

but asking "What is your favorite celebrity"? is grammatical homicide.

Mike, are you still breathing?

Speak to us man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh, I voted for Jimmy Houston.  Man makes me laugh.

fishing user avatarIDbasser reply : 

I voted Bill Dance, close tie with Roland Martin.

fishing user avatarHooked_On_Bass reply : 

Al Lindner.

fishing user avatarboondocks reply : 

Al Lindner! Hands down. Seems like a real class act. ;)

fishing user avatarshorefisher reply : 
I have been following this thread with great anticipation.

Long Mike...where are you when we need you dawg?!!

Dangling a participle is a transgression most would overlook,

but asking "What is your favorite celebrity"? is grammatical homicide.

Mike, are you still breathing?

Speak to us man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh, I voted for Jimmy Houston. Man makes me laugh.

LOL dammit avid...but you're right it makes me look like i ain't edumacated

fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 

Hank - he seems like someone you could hang out with.

fishing user avatarJoe Boss reply : 
I find Bill Dance does give some good tips every now and again, but I can't stand the how he fishes his private lake. I am not interested in seeing a guy catch fish after fish in some incredible lake that I will most likely never fish or rarely ever have the opportunity to fish. If I wanted to see a guy nailin em right after left with not much work involved I'd go to a seminar at a fishing show, you know the ones where the guy stands above the tank and every little bait he throws in that tank the bass engulf within seconds.. cmon lets face reality.. like thats going to happen in real life fishing...

I like Bill's show but this is the reason I couldn't vote for him.

My vote went to Roland Martin for a few reasons. First is you can really tell he loves fishing. Every fish he catches (and he must have caught a million by now) seems like its his first. I love his excitement and energy.

Second is he really will fish anywhere. I love the fact that one week he will be fishing for Bass and the next he will be in the ocean fishing for Grouper. Living on the Northeast coast I can relate to that. I have had times where I fished for smallies one weekend then went downstate and took a trip with my father-in-law off Long Island for Fluke and Blackfish. I would love to know how many states he has fished.

Third is he fishes for lots of different species. As above one week his show will be about Bass fishing, next week will be about Redfish, etc. I like the variety.

fishing user avatarsnapper G reply : 

I love bill dances TV show! He focuses more on the lures and how to use them, than the fish he catches! Great show to watch for tips!

fishing user avatarMike D from Lunkerville reply : 

woweeewow!... the poll is exceeding even my wildest expectations... just to be mentioned with all these other TV guys is a huge thrill!

i have to keep reminding myself that i really do have a fishing show and people like it!... how cool is that? ...thanks a bunch everyone for voting for me... when i started Lunkerville a few years back, i didn't dream that we'd have the kind of success we've had... it really was a part time thing, a side project that i'd hope to turn into a full time career someday... well, it's working and i love doing it!... and if it weren't for all you passionate and interesting everyday bass anglers out there, the show wouldn't even exist... thanks a ton and i look forward to making more shows, year after year, with more of you!

fishing user avatarCaptin Obvious reply : 

Jimmy Houston!

great show!

great hair!

taught me how to kiss a bass!

thats it ..........noth'in else matters

fishing user avatardallas0996 reply : 

I have to go with kikstand and simp on this one...

Mark Zona-

friggin' bear pig.......singin to fish, about fish and everything's like the guy is on a constant sugar/caffeine high...but in a good way...

The tournament episode with KVD and Shaw for the Fla-Mich cup cracked me up....

I want his job...

fishing user avatarSimp reply : 
I have to go with kikstand and simp on this one...

Mark Zona-

friggin' bear pig.......singin to fish, about fish and everything's like the guy is on a constant sugar/caffeine high...but in a good way...

The tournament episode with KVD and Shaw for the Fla-Mich cup cracked me up....

I want his job...

I'm sure that isn't the first time KVD has cut a boat off either. ;D

fishing user avatarRich K reply : 

I like Al Lindner. Very down to earth and does his best to share everything he has learned from his experience.

I would also vote for Mark Zona - he is hilarious!

fishing user avatarTsuprum reply : 

Man these are all great teachers.

I had to vote for Hank Parker. I have caught more Bass on his Mann's classic spinnerbait or as Hank refers to them, spinnerbugs then any other lure.

It cracks me up when he call them spinnerbugs. I guess I'm just simple.

fishing user avatarFR0G reply : 

Wheres Mark Zona?!?!?

fishing user avatarBigBubbaBassMan reply : 

Whatever happened to Fish Fishburn? His show was the only one that I watch consistently! That guy was always entertaining!...I don't know how much knowledge he imparted though.

I have to apologize to 90% of you guys, but I never liked Al Linder...nothing personal, but he didn't fish for bass often enough and a lot of the fish that he did fish for, like walleye, salmon, musky etc aren't found anywhere near my neck of the woods so I had no interest in watching him.

...So I couldn't vote

fishing user avatarejtaylor822 reply : 

Really like all those mentioned but Bill Dance is probably favorite "TV personality"  Very entertaining and informative.  Al Linder would be a very, very close second.

fishing user avatarFlameseeker reply : 

Without a doubt it has to be Bill Dance. He's always catching the big ones and I pay close attention to what he's using. Al Lindner would be a close second though. He seems to show how much he enjoys fishing in general. I like to enjoy my fishing trips and in turn by catching a really nice one it makes it that much more enjoyable. LOL

fishing user avatarGrandpa reply : 

Al Linder gets my vote

fishing user avatarBlack Bass reply : 

Bill Dance is the best of the bunch. Parker and Linder are also good.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Mike D, Doug Stange and the rest of In-Fisherman TV, The Lindners, and Babe Winkelman.

fishing user avatarvegasfinfan reply : 

I grew up watching Bill Dance, Jimmy Houston, Roland Martin and fishing the Big O and the Glades in south Fla. My fav used to be Roland Martin (when bass fishin was ALL he used to do) now it would have to be Bill Dance.

I just finished watching Dance's show and I've never seen so many hogs caught on one show. He had two that were 9-10 lbs +, a couple 7 pounders, and a couple more in the five/six range.

I didn't catch the first part of the show to see what lake he was fishing but he was using a tandem blade boo yah buzz bait in some heavy lily pad cover the whole time.

As a couple members mentioned earlier in this thread, it is possible that it was a private lake that he always fishes....who knows. If so, that would be a little disappointing.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
I grew up watching Bill Dance, Jimmy Houston, Roland Martin and fishing the Big O and the Glades in south Fla. My fav used to be Roland Martin (when bass fishin was ALL he used to do) now it would have to be Bill Dance.

I just finished watching Dance's show and I've never seen so many hogs caught on one show. He had two that were 9-10 lbs +, a couple 7 pounders, and a couple more in the five/six range.

I didn't catch the first part of the show to see what lake he was fishing but he was using a tandem blade boo yah buzz bait in some heavy lily pad cover the whole time.

As a couple members mentioned earlier in this thread, it is possible that it was a private lake that he always fishes....who knows. If so, that would be a little disappointing.

Looks like you are going to be a little disappointed then. Most of the lakes he fishes are private that he probably helped design.

fishing user avatarflatbass reply : 

One guy that I like to watch that wasn't listed is Joe Thomas. He just seems like a real person. Makes you realize how hard it is to be a professional fisherman. You see him fishing when he is sick and discouraged because he pretty much has to. He has never won a BASS tournament but watch him and you realize he is still scary good.

fishing user avatarNCgreenheads reply : 

Shaw Grigsby - He looks like he's out there just having fun.  He's excited about the fish.  And it doesn't look like an info-mercial.  My opinion.

fishing user avatarDogface reply : 

Wow, somebody likes Babe Winkleman! ;D

fishing user avatarCrumb reply : 

1 Al Linder

2.1 Hank Parker

2.2 Jimmy Houston

2.3 Mark Zona

I always liked the Orlando Wilson show, and yes that song is still stuck in my head too.

fishing user avatarsouthwestoh reply : 

learning something =Dance,Parker

Entertaining= Zona(worlds greatest fishing show)

fishing user avatarswimbait reply : 
Wow, somebody likes Babe Winkleman!  

I think that was him voting. JK ;D

I voted for Parker. Hes a good guy and a good fisherman. I agree with many of you Dance is funny but the private waters get old.

Zona, funny, I like watcing him.

fishing user avatarGRIZZ reply : the best!
fishing user avatarsouthernyankee reply : 

Mike D number 1.

Mark Zona 2 (but that schmuck Tommy Sanders has to go)

Parker and Linder I like also.

Bill Dance I do not like. He owns the lake he fishes on (I know this because I have been there with a friend in my club that knows him since they were kids.) He is WAY too commericial (and yes I know its his job to plug the sponsors i just feel he goes overboard with it). And last but not least but not least I hate UT with a passion.

Roland Martin I lost all respect for after he refused a Make-A-Wish Foundation request to fish with a kid who had cancer and requested to fish with him.

fishing user avatarFR0G reply : 

Mark Zona

Mike Iacanelli

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

Doug Stange because he teaches as he fishes, and he's a multi-species guy.

Also Joe Thomas from when he had his "Angler on Tour" show on the Outdoor Channel. Joe wasn't just fishing stocked honeyholes, he really showed you how hard it could be to put together a pattern and catch fish on big public waters.

fishing user avatarks cranker reply : 

Joe Thomas - Reel in the Outdoors

Jimmy Houston

Bob Izumi - Real Fishing

Mark Zuna - WGFS

Thank God for DVR's

fishing user avatarTop reply : 

Bill Dance is a genuine guy and I owe him a debt of gratitude for his taking care of me in Iraq by sending me some VERY cool things.. *sigh* so cool that someone stole the DVDs ... grrrr

NOT to take anything away from Mike D.. he sent me some serious SWAG too :)  

Bill just is a hoot... specially when he gets ticked and says DAG GUMMIT.. when you KNOW what he really wants to say hahahaha


fishing user avatarkikstand454 reply : 

im not sure why its a big deal that bill fishes private lakes. his show is about teaching techniques and introducing new lures. much like the above post, when you go to a seminar, you want to see thhe fish iin the tank be caught. its to illustate a point. i dont care if he catches 10 10lbers in a row, its the point that big fish like the lure/ presentation in the conditions that hes in. no matter if its private or not, you can bet that he does a show based on the conditions that week and adjusts lures and stuff accordingly. other wise hed catch nothinng. all the other t.v. shows do it too. just not as obvious.

btw ive seen bill do shows on big o and in tenn river and other public waters and while there wasnt the same ratio of lunkers, he still was catching them better than you and me.

fishing user avatarjack1 reply : 

Al Lindner

He teaches anglers how to fish for all freshwater species no matter what type of water you maybe on.  I really hate watching guys catch fish for 30 minutes and offering little to no important information.  Al's character on and off television is superb.  I had the chance to meet him a few years back and the guy was everything I had expected, a classy guy.

fishing user avatarindyBASShunter reply : 

I grew up watching Bill Dance, So i would say he is my favorite

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Welcome aboard!


fishing user avatarBayou Bass reply : 
Mark Zona

Mike Iacanelli

That is my top two also.  That show "city limits" is fantastic.

fishing user avatarRed Possum Strangler reply : 

Chigger Brumbalow from Bassmasters and Bass Tech!!

fishing user avatarMrs. Matstone reply : 

Definitely Bill Dance and I was even lucky enough to get an autographed T-hat. ;D I don't wear it very much though I don't want to ruin it. It hangs proudly on my wall. The perfect addition to any home decor. ;D

My autographed T-hat..


fishing user avatarRed Possum Strangler reply : 

Who signed that hat??

fishing user avatarRed Possum Strangler reply : 

My wife laughs anytime she sees Jimmy Houston! She thinks that his hair cut is hilarious!

fishing user avatarMrs. Matstone reply : 

Mr. Bill Dance did.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I've watched Bill Dance since the early days and he was an inspiration to fish for bass.  That's enough to make him one of my favorites.  These days, I prefer watching the guys on "The Bass Pros," especially Kevin Van Dam.  

Daniel My Brother mentioned a couple of guys that I like to watch as well.  Any day on the water is a good day, but when I would have a bad day of catching fish I could just go home and watch Joe Thomas and I would always feel better.   ;)  

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I like Bill Dance.I've heard that he fishes water that is like shooting fish in a barrel,but it's a great escape from the day to day grind.I also like Roland, Scott Martin,and Jimmy.

fishing user avatarbig bass reply : 

my vote was for Parker. i'm surprised that Shaw was not on here though... he is high on my list, also like the Linder boys...

dance is good to watch, but he is too good with the BIG bass. Roland just bugs the snot out of me (too cocky/arrogant for me) but i watch him occasionally.

good thread and poll

fishing user avatarFordNFishinLover reply : 

Im going to have to say Hank Parker.

Mainly because he gives loads of tips and im all about learning as much as i can about fishing.

Bill Dance is hilarouis but i dont like how he fishes from his Overly Stocked pond repeatidly.


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