Alright guys, let's see PICTURES of everyone's PB. I don't want to hear "oh I caught a 17 on powerbait, but I don't have a picture". We wanna see some proof. It doesn't matter if it is a 3 from vermont, or a obese western toad, just throw them up! Maybe we can try and limit it to just the pics, not a bunch of back slapping replies. I think a solid thread of PBs would be sick!
In my avatar.
Lake Fork
March 25, 2005
10 lbs 8 oz.
Strike King Series 4s crankbait
actually, this one was bigger.]
Burp, opps, sorry, I ate mine!... ;D ;D
What??? I was hungry!
7 Pounds 2 Ounces
Rainy Overcast Morning w/ Chartreuse Booya Spinner
6lb. cajun red line
heres mine
5.2lbs on a black 1/2oz booyah buzzbait.
This reminds me that I need to get my boss to email me the pic from our company fishing trip where I caught my PB... it wasn't measured but everyone agreed that it was the 2nd largest fish of the trip. The largest was a 10lb striper that was around 24".
Several people mentioned that mine probably went 22"-23" and 9 to 9 1/2 lbs. There is a pic, and thanks for reminding me to get it!
It was caught on live spot in the Chesapeke Bay on a charter trip.
I'll post the pic as soon as I get it.
Around 8.5lb.
Thats how much line was out when she hit.
In my Avatar.
7lbs 11oz in NH no less, came on a JP.
Caught and Released 5/23/2001
OK Heres my PB
What else did u expect from the Mud Man?
No scale, pretty big for MD though.
6.5 lbs caught in a small pond in south Louisiana in 1982. Black/chartrues arkie jig withUncle Josh black widow eel. Have caught hundreds of Bass since, but none bigger. A few were real close, but I plan to crush this PB at Lake Fork next spring.
Ocala Florida
Horny Toad
Released to fight another day...
Brag boyz while you can !! Fish Chris is coming to humble y 'all away. ;D
wow sirmo, that is a HOG!
11 pounds on a Shimano spring scale.
dont know how muuch she weighed dont really care that much, she put up a great fight and and in person she looked greattt!!
Quoteheres mine, it was when i was 15 on a spinnerbait. it was 18" long but i had no scale im guessing like 4lbs or just under, ive come close this year but its still my biggest
as of yesterday this is no longer my PB see new post on page 4 for updated PB
Quotebut I plan to crush this PB at Lake Fork next spring. least you'll be in the company of several members to watch you reel it in!
Here's mine!
This one was caught back in '05. Don't know the weight...anyone wanna guess? I'm saying 3 or 3 and 1/2 lbs.
And here's a good one I recently caught. Weighed 2 and 1/2 lbs on the spring scale.
I have missed various others that would have been my PB, including one that I caught on video. That video has became pretty popular here on the forum... : :
QuoteAlright guys, let's see PICTURES of everyone's PB. I don't want to hear "oh I caught a 17 on powerbait, but I don't have a picture". We wanna see some proof. It doesn't matter if it is a 3 from vermont, or a obese western toad, just throw them up! Maybe we can try and limit it to just the pics, not a bunch of back slapping replies. I think a solid thread of PBs would be sick!
hey wheres the pic of your PB huh?
Capt. Cali .... That's one of the prettiest bass I have ever seen.
I agree with KU_Bassmaster, that is a beautiful bass and a great picture, too.
QuoteCapt. Cali .... That's one of the prettiest bass I have ever seen.
QuoteI agree with KU_Bassmaster, that is a beautiful bass and a great picture, too.
Actuuuaaalllllyyyy ... Let me take that back. THE prettiest one I have ever seen is the one on my thumb in my avatar. ;D ;D ;D
I still kind of wish I would have went back to my motel room and got the "real" digital camera (My dad's fault) and more and better pics. But I wanted to ensure she would swim another day. She was purty though and not a mark on her.
QuoteQuoteAlright guys, let's see PICTURES of everyone's PB. I don't want to hear "oh I caught a 17 on powerbait, but I don't have a picture". We wanna see some proof. It doesn't matter if it is a 3 from vermont, or a obese western toad, just throw them up! Maybe we can try and limit it to just the pics, not a bunch of back slapping replies. I think a solid thread of PBs would be sick!hey wheres the pic of your PB huh?
13lbs 1oz 27in by 22 in
PB this year was 4.52 lbs. , a little low but It was a good year as far as numbers go. My real PB is 7.3 oz. caught a little over a year ago. The picture was taking with a non digital camera and I would have to scan it to put it up here, a little annoying to me. Well here is the pb from this year, a beautiful fish.
P.S. I think Cali and FB's fish could eat mine in one gulp. MY GOD!
Here's mine that I just cought this past weekend in my first tournament. It was the lunker 5.17lb. and helped me come in second place.
FourBizzle, that is a really pretty fish. I love how the cali bass differ so much than my georgia bass. yours is alot lighter colered and has a football shape. i love it.
the above picture is why i want to live down south.
btw awsome, AWSOME fish ryan.
ahah there it is. I have been looking for that picture for a while now. That thing is an absolute monster.
10 pounder caught on a Bomber Fat Free Shad Deep Diving Crank.
:o Holy Cow!
We dont have anything like this in ohio. ;D
Senko, thatas where my dog went... Your fish ate it, god that thing is so fat
8lbs 3oz
5'10" 148lbs
Quote8lbs 3oz
5'10" 148lbs
I notice they were both caught in the same spot.
FourBizzle, that is a really pretty fish. I love how the cali bass differ so much than my georgia bass. yours is alot lighter colered and has a football shape. i love it.
Senko77... Every time I see one of your pics (especially your avatar), it makes me smile!!! Thanks!!!
Heres mine.
I was fishing a frog at Clear Lake California. She weighed 10.1 lbs
Welcome aboard!
That's the way to start withyour first post.
FourBizzle, that is a really pretty fish. I love how the cali bass differ so much than my georgia bass. yours is alot lighter colered and has a football shape. i love it.
Senko77... Every time I see one of your pics (especially your avatar), it makes me smile!!! Thanks!!!
LOL. well im glad you like it. gotta give the yelling fish pic props to lbh. he showed me that pose
Great pics everyone!
QuoteCapt. Cali .... That's one of the prettiest bass I have ever seen.
QuoteI agree with KU_Bassmaster, that is a beautiful bass and a great picture, too.
Thanks guys. I am really happy with the picture, especially because I was solo. I guess taking solo pics of all the 2 and 3 pounders was for a reason. Practice! All I could think about the rest of that night was the picture. It turned out better than I could have asked for. Man...I can still remember reaching down to lip that beast. Total shock! The picture my buddy took of the 10.5 I caught 15 days later was a big disappointment though.
Same camera...
I took this pic...
A friend took this...
Here's my son holding one of my PB's.......don't laugh guys! I just started bass fishing this year. I've fished as a kid and a little in the last few years but this is the first year for me for serious bass fishing and not recreational trips.
It weighed 2.25 on my old spring scale but it's not very accurate. I think it weighed closer to 3lbs. It was my first keeper bass at 15in.
Here's another one that I snagged on a chartreuse buzzbait on Labor Day. It weighed about 2lbs I'd guess. It was around 14-15in.
3lbs, 12oz.... ;D
jb, your boy looks like a mini you.
bucketmouth has my pic on his PC so maybe he can post it for me
it was a little more than five pounds
BR weight calculator says 9.2lbs, no scales at that time :'(. Who cares, I got this picture! ;D
Hey bassackward...I truly beleive in catch and release, but thats the nicest mount I've ever seen!!
Wheres Fish Chris? LOL : :
Hi everybody,
Here is mine, caught August 28 2006 on a lipless crankbait. Not a giant at 5lb 10oz, but nevertheless a beauty, which was returned to grow more! Caught several more quite near that size, but still trying to break the 6lb barrier!
FourBizzle, that is a really pretty fish. I love how the cali bass differ so much than my georgia bass. yours is alot lighter colered and has a football shape. i love it.
I knew you had a donkey, but that thing is SICK! She scares me. I like it! ;D
Mine wasn't as bleached out as she looks, I think it had something to do with my UBER flash on my camera,
Let me see if I can find the pic... I'm up to 77 bass over 5 pounds since March, with 3 over 10.
and I must say, Now I do regret keeping this one.
4.2lbs Chartreuse Buzzbait...caught out of my pontoon
my PB for trout was 20lbs (according to the lenght/girth ratio put out by the Co. dept of wildlife for mysis shrimp fed tailwaters). Could have possibly been the state record if I pursued!
QuoteWheres Fish Chris? LOL : :![]()
We have two options to justify his lack of presence in the thread:
1.- He is fishing for them big momma kaliforny bass therefore he 's been busy and hasn 't jumped in.
2.- He has humbled us enough in the past and he 's giving us a break.
2 Amberjack using bonitas for bait (the bait was probably bigger than my PB bass). I caught one, my wife caught the other...btw that's the boat captain, not my wife...I can tell by the facial hair.
You guys saw this a week ago, but here she is again on this thread, too.
Well okay guys..... Although I am certainly proud of my PB(s), sometimes I start to get concerned, that some guys might be feeling like, "Ahhh geez (eyes rolling) here he comes again", and "Who cares".... and "If I lived, and fished in Cali....."
I guess I'm just constantly walking a fine line, while telling myself, "I'm not near so lame, as that small percentage of haters, would have you believe"...... But I'm not really so "great" either. I'm just a guy who loves to fish, and who has been very blessed to fish as much as I do, in the places I do.
So anyway, I have certainly been watching this thread, and their are a whole bunch of beautiful fish here ! Hats off to all of you guys !
Don't worry FC, most of us know you are a class act. You don't have anything to prove to this group. Most of us are bass green with *** sometimes, but we appreciate your contribution to the board. I think everyone gets a kick out of the pics of them West coast beauties you post. JMHO
QuoteDon't worry FC, most of us know you are a class act.You don't have anything to prove to this group. Most of us are bass green with *** sometimes, but we appreciate your contribution to the board. I think everyone gets a kick out of the pics of them West coast beauties you post. JMHO
Don't let the haters get you worried dude. Everyone understands what size is considered big in what areas of the country. I know you realize how AWESOME some of these northern fish are that guys on here have caught. We are asking for everyones. Not "Everyone except Fish, because his are so big it makes us sad". Everytime I see one of your fish, especially your big 3, I get all excited! Nobody gets tired of seeing your pictures dude, thats what its all about!
Post em up FC....we love seeing those bad boys!!, girls ;D
i agreee post um up fish ive never even seen the top 3
QuoteWell okay guys..... Although I am certainly proud of my PB(s), sometimes I start to get concerned, that some guys might be feeling like, "Ahhh geez (eyes rolling) here he comes again", and "Who cares".... and "If I lived, and fished in Cali....."I guess I'm just constantly walking a fine line, while telling myself, "I'm not near so lame, as that small percentage of haters, would have you believe"...... But I'm not really so "great" either. I'm just a guy who loves to fish, and who has been very blessed to fish as much as I do, in the places I do.
So anyway, I have certainly been watching this thread, and their are a whole bunch of beautiful fish here ! Hats off to all of you guys !
First off, I just wanted to let you know that I look up to you more than any other member on here. Everytime I read your posts I'm itching to get out on the lake again. Most of the people who "roll there eyes" dont understand that you have worked your butt off to catch those fish. It's not usual for someone out of town to walk on there and wear the big ones out. If I went to your lake, and you gave me your boat, favorite rod and reel and bait, and sent me out for a month I could garuntee I wouldnt catch one of those big ones unless I got realllllly lucky. They also dont realize how many hours you put on the water no matter what mother nature throws at you. There all idiots who can bend over and take it up the rear. Dont listen to them. Keep posting those beauties.
I really appreciate the kind words guys.
So okay... okay. Mine is my 18.4 lb'er (18 lbs 6.4 oz). I was really just dumbfounded when I caught her. I mean, after all the research I had done in the years before that catch, I knew exactly how big of a deal that fish was. Their have been 3 "certified" bass up here in Nor Cal, which were slightly bigger. An 18lb 9oz from lake don Pedro (I don't believe the gentleman had ever caught a bass over 10 lbs before this catch). An 18.6 lb'er lb'er from the Ca Delta (this guy is quite an angler, and had caught a few over 10lbs previously). And an 18.7 lb'er from San Pablo Dam Res. (caught by a trout angler).
I guess one could say, I did it the hard way.... I just kept sticking DD after DD, until one of them ended up being a monster :-)
I was never that thrilled with the photos..... Wish I would have taken a few of myself, by myself..... But that would have seemed goofy, as I was pretty much instantly surrounded by people, all willing to take photos for me. So anyway....
Digital shot...
The old film camera....
......but I'm going to keep messing around until I get a "big one" !!! :-)
Geeeee thanks FC. Those pics make me absolutely unhappy with my PB. LOL. I am going to catch one over 16. Thats my goal. You'll see it soon as pretty much all my 8+'s have come at the end of fall through winter. I have been bass fishing for 3 years now. Every winter I get a new PB. Let's hope that 16 takes a tru-tungsten jig That will make them very, very happy!!
Gaw! I love that fish! She is just gorgeous. She even swam away for another angler to catch!
FC, that is just a beautiful fish. I'm happy just looking at her.
hey fish, do you ever get back pains from holding up those fish? ;D
Holy crap.
You are THE man.
wow fish chris. that is one mega huge bass.
heres my PB 5.8 lbs spotted bass and a little smaller spotted bass I caught the 5.8 on a kielime pie finness worm on spotsticker jig head on 8lb line I was piching docks when she hit.
sorry dont know how to make pic smaller
Here is my PB, came from a 2 or 3 acre Iowa farm pond in the middle of July. This is the best picture I could find even though it isnt me in it. She went 23.5 inches and 7 lb 14 oz.
hey guys i got a new PB i posted it up already but i figured id add it to this great thread
19.5 inches 4lbs cought yesterday woo hoo
8# Caught at Mountain Lake, Oklahoma 5-16-2003. Bait was 5/16 brown Eakins jig. Left Oklahoma behind for Michigan in March of this year. Have caught many good fish this summer but doubt if I'll ever see one like this this far north.
Quotebucketmouth has my pic on his PC so maybe he can post it for meit was a little more than five pounds
Yeah, i was there when bassholebuster cought his PB, and i took the pictures and gave him the printouts.
here it is, a little over 5lbs on a spring scale:
very nice bass, cought on a booyah buzzbait i think...
(note: that aint my fish, that is bassholebuster14's)
8lbs 3oz, 25.5" long - caught back in May of this year on 3:16 No Bull Frog.
Panbowl Lake Jackson, Kentucky May 11, 2005. Cast a buzzbait onto a partially submerged dock hit as soon as it hit the water off the dock.
Not my PB but close, caught it on a Texas Rigged Gene Larew 7 ½ Salty Ring Worm Cinnamon Pepper Neon/June Bug Laminated (Camouflage).
6.25lb Smallmouth this summer.
Now, that's what I'm talking about!
Forget about those green bass, you got da Man!
Buddy, that's a fish.
Yes I agree, that's a nice smallie.
thats not a smallie, it is a football. My god is that thing fat.
Quote8lbs 3oz
5'10" 148lbs
I know the hook in finger as well. Don't know how you got yours out I just wiggled mine around till it popped out. There was a little pain but I wasn't coming off the water for hook removal.
This is a Bass that I caught at Black Lake, NY 5+lbs.
Dont know how big, requesting guesses....
Its hard to see the girth but I would say its around 5 1/2 lbs...nice fish!!
I agree that it looks much bigger to me than most people are saying. But it just isn't worth establishing a "PB" that you don't know the weight of. Weigh the next 5+ you catch and call that your PB. Great fish though dude!
Caught her in a small pond with a black and blue jig and a grub trailer. She was 6.4 lbs and put up a nice fight. Boy do I miss her!
Its close between these 2
this one was caught in the middle of july, in the middle of the day. weighed 5-11. Caught on a buzzbait¤t=scan0018.jpg&refPage=&imgAnch=imgAnch17
didnt weigh or measure this one. Im guessing it is bigger. Caught it days after ice out im straight brown water (super muddy) on a pumpkin colored 5 inch dinger. One of the first fish of the year.¤t=bigfisj.jpg&refPage=&imgAnch=imgAnch1
hey rocknfish: i say the seccond one is around 6-7lbs, but it is hard too tell. It is denfanetly bigger than the seccond one.
i dont think my pb is the biggest bass ive caught. im pretty sure that what i previously considered my pb was well over 6 but it wasnt measured or weighed and i got tired of not really knowing and not being sure. so the next time i caught a big bass that was my pb. i think its nice to have a precise goal to shoot for.
hey speedbead my guess is that fish is between 6-8lbs thats a really big bass
I don't have a pic but my biggest LM is 7lbs. 4oz. caught on a white 1/2oz. Lunker lure buzzbait in my homelake.
But here is my pb smallie, 3lbs. 7oz., caught this past august on a small matzuo jerkbait in the Rivanna River.
I set two PB's so far this year. The first was a 22", 5lb 12oz largemouth caught out of a small community pond.
And the second was a toothy critter. This one was 45 1/8" and weighed 25lbs I caught on the Potomac.