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Keeping your tackle hidden from wifee? 2024

fishing user avatarcwen reply : 

I have a small room in my basement that is solely dedicated to fishing tackle- and I need a whole room. My wife would kill me if she ever went down there. To hide all this, I always make sure the first few feet of the basement are a little messy. Now, she never goes in the basement. How do all of you keep the gear hidden?

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 

I have no need to hide anything.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I don't hide anything from my wife  ;)

fishing user avatarCSimon2 reply : 

My wife has no clue what I have and don't have.  She knows I go to Bass Pro and buys things, but she doesn't know about all of my trips to Bass Pro.  She doesn't ask and I don't tell.  I also have about 20 rods, so if I slip a new one in there, she doesn't notice.   ;)

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Hide fishing equipment from the wife , that's juvenile.Why are you afaird of her ?

fishing user avatarRed reply : 

I don't hide anything from my wife, in fact, she handles ALL the finances in this household so if I want some new gear or baits or whatever, I just ask her if I can have $50 bucks or whatever.  If the money is available then I buy whatever I want, if it is not available then she lets me know when it is.  She also doesn't mind when I go fishing everynight after work (summetrime)  plus everyday during the weekend.   ;D


fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
I don't hide anything from my wife, in fact, she handles ALL the finances in this household so if I want some new gear or baits or whatever, I just ask her if I can have $50 bucks or whatever. If the money is available then I buy whatever I want, if it is not available then she lets me know when it is. She also doesn't mind when I go fishing everynight after work (summetrime) plus everyday during the weekend. ;D



That's the way we work it as well.

Accordingly - we fish Together Every Chance we get.

It's the best.

You want to hide something - try hiding a puppy !



fishing user avatarJigMe reply : 

Never had to hide anything from my wife, she doesn't like the idea I spent hundreds on tackles.

fishing user avatarMFBAB reply : 

I don't go snooping around in her closet and she doesn't go in my tackle box :) 

fishing user avatarTXBasshunter reply : 

We have separate accounts and we buy what we want.

fishing user avatarUncle Leo reply : 

I use to think I had to. Than I realized that she could no longer hide the amount of purses and shoes she had. Life is good! ::):D

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Pffft!  No need to hide anything. We fish together ALL the time, and often share tackle. She spends more on tackle than me!  ;D :D

fishing user avatarbrushhoggin reply : 

You really shouldn't have to hide these things. ideally a wife would just be a hot best friend right?   you tell your best friends everything right? I simply wouldn't marry anyone i felt was controlling in the slightest

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 

LOL - have to agree here.

Hiding stuff and not having full disclosure is a recipe for bad stuff.

fishing user avatarLuke at Gouldsboro reply : 

I'm single. If you go through all that trouble for fishing gear, where do you keep porn? In a secret bunker somewhere? Lol ;D

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

It's your duty as a loyal soldier of the baitmonkey, to stand up to, and defeat the enemy. If you fail at this, it's cement shoes for you buddy. ;D

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 

My wife hates it sometimes,I have tackle just about everywhere in my house that I frequent.I even had some crankbaits on the backsplash shelf behind the wash machine that I put there after listing them on Ebay. Somehow they got knocked into the wash machine when she did a load of laundry. Can you imagine the evil eyes and sore words I got from that experience. It was such an unbelievable experience,she got it on camera. She shakes her head at me sometimes when it comes to this obsess...Err...Hobby.

I see it as not really too much a big deal. She knew when she married me,This is who I am,this is what I like to do.She put up with it for 5 years while we were dating,why would she suddenly NOT put up with it after getting married?

Its my character,if things suddently changed,and I didnt spend a dime on tackle anymore and sold off everything fishing related,she'd probably think I was ill.

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 
I have a small room in my basement that is solely dedicated to fishing tackle- and I need a whole room. My wife would kill me if she ever went down there. To hide all this, I always make sure the first few feet of the basement are a little messy. Now, she never goes in the basement. How do all of you keep the gear hidden?

If you give in to the wife EVER over some fishing tackle,well have to revoke your MAN card!!

fishing user avatarIma Bass Ninja reply : 
We have separate accounts and we buy what we want.

same here.....We dedicate a certain percentage of our checks to the joint account for household needs and the rest goes into separate accounts for us to use as we please. Most times however  we end up spending our own money on each other for presents  birthdays,holidays, etc.

fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 

My dad just upgraded to the new blue Stalker tackle bag (awesome btw) from the old red 370 Qualifier. When my mom noticed a different color and him wearing it has a backpack she questioned him. My dad's response was "No, I've always had this one!"

Me and Dad keep our tackle obsession between each other  ;D

fishing user avatarhookingem reply : 

I'm never getting married haha  :D

fishing user avatarMr SwimJig reply : 

Sometimes I hide stuff sometimes I don't, at least she lets me think I am getting away with it when I try and hide


fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

I've been married for almost 38 years.  There has to be a level of trust. I have a policy that has served me well, no overtime-no stuff.  I was able to justify my current boat because of a promotion and only 30% of that wage increase went to the boat. We live in a single income home and she earns everything I make and then some.  ;)

fishing user avatarSDoolittle reply : 

If you don't want your wife to find it, don't bring it home. Duh! Keep it at your girlfriend's house.

fishing user avatarskunked_again reply : 

i dont hide my gear. i hid a pistol from my wife once and after that catastrophe ive never done it again.

plus, she lets me buy what i need and i plan for what i want.

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 
If you don't want your wife to find it, don't bring it home. Duh! Keep it at your girlfriends house.

Thats Awesome!!!

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

I don't keep my tackle hidden from my wife and she does not keep her quilting stuff hidden from me.

Life is easier that way.  ;)

fishing user avatarMonarkMcfaster reply : 
I don't hide anything from my wife, in fact, she handles ALL the finances in this household so if I want some new gear or baits or whatever, I just ask her if I can have $50 bucks or whatever. If the money is available then I buy whatever I want, if it is not available then she lets me know when it is. She also doesn't mind when I go fishing everynight after work (summetrime) plus everyday during the weekend. ;D


This is the same as I am. I usually only go 1 day on the weekend though so that we do have sometime to spend together ;)

The way I feel about having the monkey control me is, I don't drink, do drugs, gamble or party so If all it takes to make me get "high" is to spend a few dollars a week on new baits that I never fish with then I am doing pretty good!

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I'm sorry but I don't understand the need to lie to your spouse ;)

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 
I'm sorry but I don't understand the need to lie to your spouse ;)

DITTO. And, anyone who thinks he can hide something from a woman is clearly delusional.

fishing user avatarbassfisherjk reply : 

I don't have to.Although she does think I have too much. :D

fishing user avatarshootermcbob reply : 

Several years ago as my wife and I were exiting the archery shop we did business with, she looked over at these pidgeons in the parking lot across the street(100 feet away or more) and says..."hey, look at that one legged pidgeon". I took out the binoculars and sure enough one of those birds was hopping on one leg!!!

No, I am smart enough not to try to hide anything from my wife.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I don't hide anything.

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 

I can honestly say that I don't hide anything from my wife.  I can also say that I just don't bother to confess to her what I do buy.   

If it is big enough for her to notice, it would be foolish to try.  :)

fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 
Pffft! No need to hide anything. We fish together ALL the time, and often share tackle. She spends more on tackle than me! ;D :D

X2 Nicole has nothing but Fenwick and St croix rods, KVD and Clunn Signature reels and her own compartment in the boat where she keeps HER stuff.

If I hide anything, it's to keep her from stealing it. ;D ;D

fishing user avatarprincecraft papa reply : 

my wife takes care of the money, when we have some "extra cash", we buy some toys!

Hell, if I was in charge of paying the bills, the bank would own my house & a whole lot of fishing gear!!

fishing user avatarGetfished reply : 

My wife has better equipment than I do. I never hide it but she always needs something new. It's a great arrangement. She fishes avids while I have to fish falcons so who's counting?

fishing user avatarCWB reply : 

As the immortal Al Bundy would have said:

Hide it in a place she'll never go. The kitchen.  ;D

fishing user avatarBassmanDan reply : 

I don't "deliberately" hide my stuff...but she did recently find out I have the Visa number memorized...what was I thinking?

fishing user avatarbwell reply : 
I don't hide anything from my wife, in fact, she handles ALL the finances in this household so if I want some new gear or baits or whatever, I just ask her if I can have $50 bucks or whatever. If the money is available then I buy whatever I want, if it is not available then she lets me know when it is. She also doesn't mind when I go fishing everynight after work (summetrime) plus everyday during the weekend. ;D


I'm in the same boat, if I handled the finances we would be in trouble.  I will ask her and she always says sure if we have the funds.

fishing user avatareyedabassman reply : 

She will kill me when she finds out that I am going to buy the Humminbird 898 SI. Or she will want to put me in the nut house! But I guide so that will help!

fishing user avatarSausageFingers23 reply : 

I don't hide anything

fishing user avatarBrianinMD reply : 

If you have to hide things from your spouse, your problems go far deeper then what fishing gear you have.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

If I had to conceal the money spent on my favorite pastime it wouldn't be much of a marriage.

fishing user avatarGangley reply : 

She buys a 4 dollar frappe' before work, I buy a 4 dollar pack of worms after work.  I know she enjoys her coffee so I like her to have them, and she knows I enjoy fishing so she is happy for me to get my lures.  As long as the bills are paid and the auto transfer goes into savings, she doesnt worry about my lures and I don't worry about her coffee's.  ;)

fishing user avatarCaptain Obvious reply : 

Not being married I can't talk about hiding from a wife.

But my mom can read my mind and it doesn't matter if I hide them at my girl friends house (her dad would use it then >:() My mom would still find out that I bought some new stuff.

The price I pay for eating well and not having to pay for a crap dorm at school.

fishing user avatarIneedanewscreenname20170204 reply : 

I'm the boss in my house so I don't have to hide anything from my wife.  Ooops here she comes gotta go.

fishing user avatarbrophog reply : 

It could be worse........she could fish, too.

I spend at least twice as much at the tackle store with her than without her. Women have no natural defense against the bait monkey.  :-?

fishing user avatarHot Rod reply : 

"It is much easier to ask for (and receive) forgiveness than it is to ask for (and recieve) permission!" ;D

fishing user avatarGrandpa reply : 

I tell my wife everything I buy, which she feels I would not do unless we could afford it, which is true.

However, I find that when I am telling her about a new reel or pole I bought as I am giving her a new pair of earrings or necklace she never asks what I paid for anything.

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 
Pffft! No need to hide anything. We fish together ALL the time, and often share tackle. She spends more on tackle than me! ;D :D

My husband would Ditto this.. ;D

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 
It could be worse........she could fish, too.

I spend at least twice as much at the tackle store with her than without her. Women have no natural defense against the bait monkey. :-?

"guilty" ;)

fishing user avatarnorthern basser reply : 
I'm never getting married haha :D

Good idea

fishing user avatarBASSINATORBIGJOE reply : 

Pleeeeeeez.......Mike 8-)

fishing user avatardone reply : 

No need to hide anything from the missus. Unless I go overboard she ain't gonna care. She really don't care what is in the tackle box anyway.

fishing user avatarvapredhunter reply : 

Ok guys so I don't hide anything from my wife. But when I'm dead and gone if she sells all my fishing and hunting crap for what I told her I paid for it. ::)

Then all my fishing and hunting buddies are going to walking around with big smiles like they just hit the lottery. 8-)

d**n I hate to miss a good sale :D

fishing user avatardulouz reply : 
I'm the boss in my house so I don't have to hide anything from my wife. Ooops here she comes gotta go.

That's funny! I have been able to squeeze in some things by selling some stuff from my other hobby, music. I don't necessarily try to hide stuff, but I do pay for as much as I can in cash. No paper trail. It also helps to justify it in her terms: focus on how much I saved by buying it on sale.

fishing user avatarStasher1 reply : 

I generally keep my "fun money" seperate from the household money, especially since I haven't held a full-time job in close to two years. If I find something that I want, I just sell a few of my "extras" to cover it.

fishing user avatardone reply : 
Ok guys so I don't hide anything from my wife. But when I'm dead and gone if she sells all my fishing and hunting crap for what I told her I paid for it. ::)

Then all my fishing and hunting buddies are going to walking around with big smiles like they just hit the lottery. 8-)

d**n I hate to miss a good sale :D

Think of it this way, your friends will always remember you, course not sure you want them to look back on your death as a good thing. lol.

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

Never marry. :)  Besieds, if I ever did, I'd make sure to include all my tackle in the prenup. 

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

I don't need to hide anything from my girlfriend although she does get annoyed when I continue to spend money on baits every time I'm at BPS or the local tackle shop.

I actually don't think it's THAT bad although I'll admit that I won't use them up in my life time. I don't have other hobbies so a few hundred bucks a year ain't so bad.

fishing user avatarNBR reply : 

I can't remember my wife ever complaining more than just a comment like. " Don't you have one of those. "

fishing user avatarjwtrader reply : 
I have a small room in my basement that is solely dedicated to fishing tackle- and I need a whole room. My wife would kill me if she ever went down there. To hide all this, I always make sure the first few feet of the basement are a little messy. Now, she never goes in the basement. How do all of you keep the gear hidden?

I dont hide my gear from my wife, she was there when I bought 4 Skeet ease polls, 3 Abu Garcia Reveo SX-HS bait casters, a new spinning real, and $350 worth of tackle.......18 YEARS OF MARRIAGE, NEVER HIDE ANYTHING FROM THEM...JUST MY OPINION


fishing user avataraceman387 reply : 

Luckily i have an understanding wife. For those of you that are not so fortunate maybe you can stash it small piles around the garage and the house, so at least when she stumbles upon your tackle it wont look massive and cause a fight.

fishing user avatarSherlock 60 reply : 
I don't go snooping around in her closet and she doesn't go in my tackle box :)

Same here. She used to comment occasionally on all my stuff till I pointed out the hundreds of fabric samples she has for quilting that she will probably never use.

fishing user avatarMudwalker reply : 

My wife is the one who has to hide her tackle from me!

fishing user avatarlaus reply : 

Cool, Mudwalkr! True for me too. If somebody loves ya, what's the problem, really??

fishing user avatarMaico1 reply : 

What is to hide....My wife has a Griffon Zero attached to her key ring......She loves Megabass.

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

My wife doesn't care what I spend my money on or how much crap I have. If she did she would probably kill me considering the amount of money I spend on fishing tackle, electronics, and gaming gear.

fishing user avatarRaider Nation Fisher reply : 

I believe my wife is just happy its not guns anymore. We both have money for ourselves for the week so she really doesn't care what I spend it on as long as I don't spend over what I have.

fishing user avatarNorcalBassin reply : 

I fortunately don't have to hide any tackle, but I don't mind when she's gone when the UPS guy drops of my orders from TW! Only problem for the tackle junkies is that she has every right to spend the same amount as we do on anything she wants (and we think is a waste of money just like she does with all the fishing tackle/gear).

fishing user avatar0119 reply : 

Get your wife involved in scrapbooking. I couldnt possibly spend as much as her now that she scrapbooks. That hobby makes fishing look like kindergarden!

fishing user avatargrampa1114 reply : 
I have a small room in my basement that is solely dedicated to fishing tackle- and I need a whole room. My wife would kill me if she ever went down there. To hide all this, I always make sure the first few feet of the basement are a little messy. Now, she never goes in the basement. How do all of you keep the gear hidden?

What delusion brings you to believe that she doesn't know?

fishing user avatardulouz reply : 

My wife was venting about my spending to the wife of one of my mentors and she replied regarding her husband, "It keeps him happy and out of the house, so I don't mind."

fishing user avatarhookingem reply : 

All these wife stories make me laugh. This is why I will be buying the bass boat before I get married and its gonna be part of the deal that the boat stays! ;D

fishing user avatarbrushhoggin reply : 
Never marry. :) Besieds, if I ever did, I'd make sure to include all my tackle in the prenup.

yeah right!! ;D ;D ;D like she'd want half of all that crap anyways ;D

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
Never marry. :) Besieds, if I ever did, I'd make sure to include all my tackle in the prenup.

yeah right!! ;D ;D ;D like she'd want half of all that crap anyways ;D

Calling his equipment  "crap" is hilariously funny.

fishing user avatarHuntnfish reply : 

Stay single my friends

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

I have no reason to hide it.  I'm kinda like Glenn.  If I take her to a tackle shop she wants to buy alot. 

fishing user avatartholmes reply : 
Never marry. :) Besieds, if I ever did, I'd make sure to include all my tackle in the prenup.

yeah right!! ;D ;D ;D like she'd want half of all that crap anyways ;D

No, she probably wouldn't want your fishing stuff, but she'll want 1/2 the value of anything you bought after you were married.

Yes, this is the voice of experience talkin' here.


fishing user avatarCaptain Obvious reply : 
All these wife stories make me laugh. This is why I will be buying the bass boat before I get married and its gonna be part of the deal that the boat stays!

Hookingem you do that and your going to need one of these

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 
All these wife stories make me laugh. This is why I will be buying the bass boat before I get married and its gonna be part of the deal that the boat stays! ;D

Yeah, good luck with that.  If you marry someone who doesn't "approve" from the git go, she'll still nag you to death about it.  Whomever the lucky bride turns out to be-she doesn't have to like fishing so long as she respects you.  So be picky and pick wisely.

fishing user avatarGavin reply : 

No need to hide my stuff or new purchases but she does get annoyed when there is fishing tackle & camping gear strewn about in my big boy play areas. Keep my areas of the basement and garage complaints.

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 

My wife loves to check out my new stuff and if I did want to hide it, we would probably need a guest house. ;)

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 

I bought the boat  ;)

fishing user avatarUncle Leo reply : 
I bought the boat ;)


fishing user avatarUSMCAngler89 reply : 

I have nothing to hide from my wife, if anything when i loose a lure its replaced before i can get to it by my wife.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Ever since day one, Lois and I have always hunted and fished together (hence RoLo).

The thought of hiding fishing tackle from her is quite hilarious to me.

As it stands today, Lois buys and owns more angling tackle than I do.

The fact is, she also outfishes me on a regular basis.

Not to sell myself short, I'm one heckuva net man 8-) ;D


fishing user avatarBassAssassin85 reply : 

Just recently married in feburary and my wife thinks its just rediculous the amount of tackle and poles and reels i have bought in the last year. She also realizes that im serious about fishing and dont do much with myself besides work so its my hobby it just so happens i spend alot of money on it. If i cant go fishing im buying cranks or whatever!


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