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Bass Pro Shops Vs. Walmart 2024

fishing user avatarRMcDuffee726 reply : 

So I want to start a discussion, I mean any store can be decided to be compared but I just have noticed some things from my Walmart visit to my Bass Pro Shops visit.  So I went to Bass Pro Shops in (Hooksett, New Hampshire) and I was surprised by the lack of variety that they carried for certain styles of fishing.  I went to pick up a few new jigs, and was very disappointed.  They seemed to only care a few types such as football, finesse and maybe a few swimming jigs.  On top of the lack of variety they also all seemed to all have rattles on them.  Literally the Bass Pro Shop was exclusively selling jigs with rattles.  I went up to the counter and asked a Fishing Representative about the issue and he responded "Well the fisherman seem to only want the ones with rattles, so that is all we are selling."...What?  At this point I was astonished.  I couldn't believe what I was hearing.  I then decided to go on over to the fishing line section to pick up "Berkley Vanish 17 Lb. Fluorocarbon" and they didn't carry it.  Once again my face turned ghost white and I decide it was time to leave the store.  They also didn't have any Berkley Line in general.


Conveniently there is a Walmart that is located directly across the Bass Pro Shops parking lot so I decided to head over there.  Well, when I went over there I found everything I was looking for.  It seems so odd to me that a Walmart would carry a much more variety of certain fishing items such as jigs.  I guess I look at Bass Pro Shops sometimes and feel that I'm only going there for the name.  I deep down think Bass Pro kind of sucks.  Maybe it is just the one close to me that sucks, any thoughts?  I usually will just do my buying through ***.com

fishing user avatarJigMe reply : 

There are two Walmart store within 10 miles of my house and they carry different fishing items. I am able to pick up 4 dollar senko from time to time at one store. Then if i want to buy some pan fish items, i need to head over to a different store. After a while I am tired of it, and just order everything online.

fishing user avatarBig C reply : 

I am really not a fan of BPS.  They are a quantity over quality retailer.  They kinda scratch the backs of the HUGE lure companies (Strike King, Zoom, ect) , which isn't a bad thing.  They don't sell a ton of those brands that are really good at one or two things. TW is where it's at.

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

In my neck of the woods it is the exact opposite.  My local super Walmart's fishing section is nothing more than pathetic.  It consists of one 20' shelf section, with lures, line,rods,reels, etc. on one side, and boating equipment on the other.  On the other hand,  BPS's store has aisle upon aisle of fishing gear.  Further, my local Academy Sports store also blows Walmart out of the water with it's selection.

fishing user avatardavecon reply : 

I despise Walmart !

In my area when they first opened Walmart had a huge fishing section, remarkable selection of top lures, well stocked and replenished, all at really good prices. They literally ran the majority of the small tackle shops out of business. Once the small independants went out of business Walmart reduced the size of their fishing section, minimized the selection, never have "new" products in their line, and don't replenish their inventory very often. With most of the smaller shops now gone you had to order online.

Fortunately a BPS opened a couple of months ago in our area. Do they have anything and everything you could possibly want ? Of course they don't, but think about it, with all the products, sizes, colors, models, etc that is virtually impossible !

After watching what Walmart did locally they could rot for all I care.

fishing user avatarBaitMonkey1984 reply : 

So let me help you out. The Hooksett BPS store is 20 minutes from my house. It has mostly everything I want/need. However, before the Hooksett store opened two years ago I would have to go to the BPS in Foxboro by Patriot Place. Those two stores are night and day. Foxboro is 2 floors, has a pub, and likely 4x the space. I love it but is is 45+ minutes away, so most of the time I can get by with the Hooksett store. Also, being in NH it is tax free so when making big purchases like graphs etc it rocks. 


Also, the new cabelas (this year) opened in Hudson, MA is on the way to Foxboro from your neck of the woods, so you can hit up both. One thing that drives me crazy is that after the explosion of the ned rig, I can't find it in any stores and still have to order it on TW. 

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

My experience is more like Long Mike's. My Walmart has a limited selection of the things I want at best. The St. Louis area Bass Pro Shop has a great selection. It doesn't always have everything I want, but I am a fan. Their customer service is second to none. Try finding someone who gives a rip at Walmart; there are some, but your odds aren't good.

fishing user avatarHurricane reply : 

They built a Cabelas by me a year ago and I love it.. Beats Dicks Sporting Goods by a mile..

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

*cough* ACADEMY *cough* *cough*

fishing user avatarDogBone_384 reply : 

I wrote a case study on Walmart for my MBA.

In short they were charged with, and found guilty of locking employees in stores until they were finished working while not paying them OT.

They also bought a chain of stores in Canada as part of their expansion: only the chain's non-union stores.

I could go on for pages....

I don't shop there.

As far a BPS, they've got nearly everything I look for though I've noticed during the last year or so much more shelf space is allocated to the 'house brand', which makes sense from a retail perspective. After all, whose name is on the door?

fishing user avatarPourMyOwn reply : 
  On 10/10/2015 at 10:12 AM, Catch and Grease said:

*cough* ACADEMY *cough* *cough*

We don't have those up here, sadly. I can sympathize with the OP, the Hooksett BPS is not that great.

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

I don't understand walmart(FLW) each Wal-Mart fishing department is different. The Wal-Mart in Bristol,ct when it first opened had everything in there fishing department. I was impressed so much I sent a email to there corporate CEO.

Why can't every Wal-Mart look like that. The only difference I can see if a Wal-Mart is near the ocean/saltwater then they need to add the saltwater fishing stuff.

I was up in Maine at a super Wal-Mart. The gal in the sports department knew modern guns, military guns, ammo and fishing too. It was a pleasure to talk with her. We talked about hunting too.

Why don't these stores hire sports minded sales clerks.

Each chain store I find is different.

fishing user avatarSnakehead Whisperer reply : 
  On 10/10/2015 at 9:23 AM, RMcDuffee726 said:


So I went to Bass Pro Shops in (Hooksett, New Hampshire)

Does this BassPro carry a good selection of saltwater gear? The store nearest me (Hanover, MD) caters to a lot of saltwater anglers because of our close proximity to the Atlantic/Chesapeake. Because of this, the freshwater selection is smaller than other BassPro stores. Hooksett is close to the ocean, if I remember correctly. Cool name for a town, by the way.


If you go inland BassPro stores have an incredible selection of freshwater (bass) gear. I've been to BassPro stores in several states, and the selection of bass stuff tends to get better the further you get from the coast. 

fishing user avatarBass newb reply : 

Bass pro shops in Leeds Al carries infinity bass fishing items. Local wal mart carries almost nothing by comparison. Neither store however, carries a jig with a double weed guard.

fishing user avatarChance_Taker4 reply : 

BPS used to be the only place I shopped for tackle but a couple months ago I interviewed for the fishing department head manager position. I was beat out by a guy that doesn't fish but had years of managerial expirience. I was told I could be a part time associate wiry my knowledge but fishing knowledge isn't a requirment for employment. One of the major responsibilities of the managment spots I wanted was to decide what products to put on the shelf. Im pretty sure you need some fishing knowledge to do that. So I quit going to bps. I now get my stuff online or Walmart. My Walmart has a fantastic selection. I bought my last 2 revo stx there and my veritas 2.0 rods at Walmart.

fishing user avatarRob96 reply : 

All within 10-30 minutes of my house I ha 3 Wamarts, 2 DSG's and a Cabela's. BPS is an hour and a half trip one way and not worth it. The selection is not that great and pricing is higher than the others I can go to.

fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 

I've found some killer deals at Walmart; it's my place to go when I need a couple of things or the bait monkey is leading me to get something on sale (I'm a sucker for sales :D). My main complaint with them is the employees. You know how some people look like they're having a bad day? Well, the outdoor section employees in my walmart look like that every day, and they don't treat you very nicely. 


BPS is pretty good, especially for rods and reels, I enjoy going there. 

fishing user avatarTodd2 reply : 

I have a Cabelas and BPS both around 30 mins from my house. There is now an Academy about 5 mins away and I like it a lot. Not really a need to go anywhere else, except a little local shop (also about 5 mins from my house) that sells Mccoy line and I'll grab some plastics and stuff there too to support the local guy.

fishing user avataredfitzvb reply : 

Here in Tidewater Virginia I live about 10 minutes away from two Walmarts, and two DSG stores. The BPS is about 40 minutes away, so it is still do-able. No Academy, no Cabelas. BPS has by far the best selection, but Walmart has the best sales during the off-season when I buy most of my lures. Additionally, DSG has good off-season buys on clearance stuff. Bought several reels a couple of years ago because of that.Having said that, I do probably 75% of my tackle buying online and second hand. I like getting a BANG for my buck.

fishing user avatarkadas reply : 
  On 10/10/2015 at 10:09 AM, LastCast721 said:

They built a Cabelas by me a year ago and I love it.. Beats Dicks Sporting Goods by a mile..

Same here--New Cabela's store just down the road--it also has my Dick's Sporting Good store beat hands down but that is not saying much--My Dick's Sporting use to have a pretty good hunting and fishing but it has slowly gone by the wayside to make room for more clothes and shoes--very seldom even go there anymore-just stop in once in a while to see if it is still as bad as it was :grin:

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

It's getting to be that time of the year.  I hope TW has their annual Christmas sale on gift cards.  Ten percent off.  You can get a hundred dollar gift card for ninety bucks.


Their customer service is excellent, and if you want your order quickly, you have options.  Five dollars for two day shipping, ten dollars for one day.  That depends on when they get your order.  If you order late in the day, it won't get shipped until the next day, so you have to add a day to the quick delivery options. 


If you buy stuff on sale, using your discounted gift card you get a heck of a deal.


I like BPS, but not their prices.  It's an hour's ride, so it takes about six gallons of gas, round trip.  That is currently twelve dollars.  More expensive than the ten dollar one day shipping, not to mention the savings on the order.


When my wife goes to the outlet mall we pass within five miles of the BPS.  If I need something, I may make the side trip to pick up the fishing gloves, or a hat with the side curtains.   Maybe some two cycle oil for the bass boat. 


It's a nice place to stroll around and take in all the sights and new items.

fishing user avatarhatrix reply : 

I live in Cleveland where no one ever goes fishing or owns a boat so we don't have any BPS or Cabelas anywhere close. There is no point in even opening one up around here. I could see if maybe Cleveland was on like one of the biggest bodies of water on the planet and actually had like a thousand people out fishing everyday. Then maybe we would have stores like that.

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 

I find myself at BPS to browse and catch an occasional sale. Occasional being operative because their sale prices still tend to be on the high side.

I research there and then buy elsewhere more often than not.

As for WalMart. They have all the essentials at good pricez. Take it from someone who travels for work ... they never disappoint for those essentials and local favorites. Case in point in LA I got Roboworms. In Texas the mag Ol Monsters. In NY craws, craws and more craws.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

When I lived in McAllen I had 2 Academy Sports from where to choose ( one is actually in McAllen and the other one is in Mission ) I made my everyday tackle purchases there, they had pretty much most of the stuff I "needed", Walmart, well I had two stores nearby and ....... do they have a fishing tackle section ? :Idontknow:  I also ordered on-line fro BPS and TW, only a few times I did make the travel to BPS San Antonio, it does have a good selection of stuff but the truth is that the trip was just to visit the store, Cabela´s ? I think, if memory does´t fail me, that I´ve ordered three times from them, got to admit that I got a really good clearance price on TDZs, $100 bucks off per reel, so I just had to order 4 of them :eyebrows:

fishing user avatarhatrix reply : 

I haven't ordered online from bps in quite some time. The last time I had items that shipped out on 3 separate days and got hit for shipping 3x on that deal. Needless to say I wasn't very happy when I found out.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

If I can find what I need at a local mom & pop bass tackle shop that is where spend my hard earned money.

Refuse to enter a Walmart store, they kill off local business. I like to touch and feel stuff before buying, however in the past, mail ordered from BPS and Cabelas, no longer do that. I wil mail order things I can't find locally from TW, Amazon or direct.


fishing user avatarbowhunter63 reply : 

Im lucky,Lews just built there new building and store about a half mile from my house.Plus our Bass pro is the biggest around.I dont go to wal-mart.

fishing user avatarMIbassyaker reply : 

I have not entered a Walmart in over 10 years, and have no intention of doing so for exactly the reasons mentioned by Dogbone and WRB above. The closest two BPS are two hours away; I will stop and browse if I'm in the area, but I don't stock up on anything there. I have DSG, Cablea's and Gander in town, and will occasionally visit them for deals.


But it's my local independent store that always gets my in-person business first; been around for 50 years, and the tackle guys there know every local species and body of water like the backs of their hands. If they don't have what i want, they can order it, or I'll order it online from TW, or get it direct from the company; online storefronts of regional tacklemakers will always get a look.

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 
  On 10/10/2015 at 9:57 AM, BaitMonkey1984 said:

So let me help you out. The Hooksett BPS store is 20 minutes from my house. It has mostly everything I want/need. However, before the Hooksett store opened two years ago I would have to go to the BPS in Foxboro by Patriot Place. Those two stores are night and day. Foxboro is 2 floors, has a pub, and likely 4x the space. I love it but is is 45+ minutes away, so most of the time I can get by with the Hooksett store. Also, being in NH it is tax free so when making big purchases like graphs etc it rocks. 


Also, the new cabelas (this year) opened in Hudson, MA is on the way to Foxboro from your neck of the woods, so you can hit up both. One thing that drives me crazy is that after the explosion of the ned rig, I can't find it in any stores and still have to order it on TW. 


Pretty much right on.. the Hooksett store is like a poor mans BPS, the Foxboro store is the nuts, plus it's next to the stadium where the greatest NFL franchise ever plays their games. I am doing a job around the corner from the new cabelas in Hudson Ma, and hit the lowes next door of course I had to hit the cabelas since I was in the parking sucks..went in one time, bought nothing, never go back.

fishing user avatarJrob78 reply : 

In this day and age when you can order anything you want online, tax free with free shipping, I see no reason to worry about whether a store has what you want.   If I have to rely on Walmart for fishing tackle, I might as well find a new hobby.

fishing user avatarPenguino reply : 

DSG is tha Easily best deals in my area. I have 4 walmarts within 40 minutes, all the tackles and fishing stuff is bottom quality. DSG has some really nice St.Croixs and G Loomiss, and has a lot of really good reels. Also, at DSG, the clearance section is always filled with high quality tackle

fishing user avatarmilehisnk reply : 

It definitely varies.  I recently took a vacation to Florida and couldn't believe the amount of tackle the Walmart had down there for bass.  Where I live (Colorado) they have a couple packs of Mustad hooks, a few bags of Strike King plastics, a couple square bills and the rest of the aisle is rooster tails, small rapalas, etc.  Trout gear.  There's more powerbait trout dough than crankbaits.  Bass Pro hasn't been here very long, but their selection is big, and they are expanding.  I still tend to get more from tackle warehouse than anywhere else though, because they don't have much of a selection of what I use most.  They just recently started getting War Eagle spinnerbaits, and their Lucky Craft selection is almost non-existent.  They also have pretty much gotten rid of G Loomis except the new e6x, St. Croix (except Triumph and Premier) rods and have replaced them with more of their house brands. 


Cabela's and BPS are both about 30 minutes away.  I've got Walmart and Dicks about 10 minutes away and Gander Mountain 15 minutes away.  They all have different things.  I've gotten lucky at Walmart, they were clearancing out Strike King Tungsten weights for $1.00.  Gander is the only one that carries Spro cranks.  Cabelas has different brands as well.  Anymore, I only go to BPS because that's where my bass club meets monthly.



Edited:  Hit submit too soon.

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 
  On 10/11/2015 at 1:59 AM, Jrob78 said:

In this day and age when you can order anything you want online, tax free with free shipping, I see no reason to worry about whether a store has what you want.   If I have to rely on Walmart for fishing tackle, I might as well find a new hobby.

Well said.

Why a bass fishing superstore is being compared to a general merchandise store is already perplexing.

fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

Walmart-Evil, won't buy from them, heck I would be happy if the whole d**n company went away!

Cabelas-OK but they think bass fishing is an afterthought up north

Academy-None locally but good for online purchases

BPS-None locally and it's a hassle to buy from them online

TW-The best place to buy online in my opinion.


I got sick of driving around town looking for jigs so I started making my own. I order most of the parts from fishing

fishing user avatarLogan S reply : 

I always have rewards points to spend from my BPS credit card, plus I get BPS gift cards pretty frequently.  Yea, it's a little more expensive than TW...But I can't spend that 'money' anywhere else so it doesn't really matter :).  I also happen to enjoy going there in general just to be able to check things out and walk around.


My local BPS has really improved in bass fishing stuff over the past couple years so if I need or want something, they typically have it now.  I've never been to a Walmart that had anything more than basic fishing stuff, to me there's no comparison.  

fishing user avatarPourMyOwn reply : 
  On 10/11/2015 at 5:26 AM, Stratos20SS said:

I always have rewards points to spend from my BPS credit card, plus I get BPS gift cards pretty frequently.  Yea, it's a little more expensive than TW...But I can't spend that 'money' anywhere else so it doesn't really matter :).  I also happen to enjoy going there in general just to be able to check things out and walk around.

I do the same with my Cabelas card. I haven't paid cash for a rod or reel since 05. Everything but the car payment and mortgage go on that card, points pile up fast.

fishing user avatarBig C reply : 
  On 10/11/2015 at 1:52 AM, deaknh03 said:

The Foxboro store is the nuts, plus it's next to the stadium where the greatest NFL franchise ever plays their games.



I didn't know the Foxboro store was in Indianapolis.

fishing user avatarJd_Phillips_Fishin reply : 

I like BPS because of good selection, but the prices can get a little high.

Academy seems to have better prices in general, but smaller selection.

Walmart doesn't carry much and I don't but a lot from there. But they at times will have VERY good sales. I found reel grips that normally go for $5, and i got em for .99

fishing user avatarlo n slo reply : 

My local Walmart carries some items that I use alot, Gamakatsu hooks in the 25 pack, Seaguar line, Spike it, limited Zoom and Berkley plastics, Startron, and Quicksilver synthetic blend oil. They're usually cheaper than BPS and Gander Mountain. I'll use my Christmas BPS gift cards on the March Madness sale and then buy in bulk. BPS is a half hour from the house, a new Cabela's south of Charlotte, but that stretch of I 77 is brutal.

fishing user avatarRMcDuffee726 reply : 

I always support the one Local tackle shop I have around my house, I always find that they have stuff Bass Pro Shops would never carry and they also do my reel maintenance which is super clutch.  I don't hate Bass Pro shops by any means, I just wish they carried a little more variety.  Somebody above said they favor big companies (Strike King and such) and I understand why.  It was just such an odd situation I encountered I felt like I had to make a post about it.

fishing user avatarbassarmy7 reply : 

Man yall are lucky i live 15-20 minutes from toledo bend . Our walmart sucks and theres no big fishing stores within 2hrs. We do have a dicks and academy about 45 min to an hr away. Luckily a guy i work with also owns a tackle shop so he helps me out with deals.

fishing user avatarkcdinkerz reply : 

Location location location lol they carry what sells can't blame that. I'm a tw guy tough. Can't just walk into a store and pick up a few jigs or a pack of worms, I start seeing stuff I want then 10 bucks turns into 50 real quick.

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 

I order whatever I can off Amazon because we have Prime so shipping's free. If they don't have it, I drive past a Walmart 20 more miles and look at Academy. They rarely let me down. If Walmart carries an item that I really want because it's in-season, they'll be out of it. ie: Bubble Gum color Trick Worm. This, Limetreuse and Methiolate are the BEST producing colors. WM usually is out of Bubble Gum and doesn't carry the other two!


I also need gold in a lot of lures. WM carries the basics. I wen't on a Sunday a few weeks ago to get a boat drain plug. Standard Item, right? They had an empty box on the shelf. Was there a run on drain plugs? I was fishing the next day. I rigged one with a screw, washers and the rubber from the broken plug.

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 

And Dick's doesn't even seem to know we fish for bass around here.

fishing user avatarbassinhole reply : 

I've been dissatisfied with BPS for years. However, they just opened a new one near me, and they completely redeemed themselves. Even though I am in a coastal area their Bass fishing sections were just as large as their salt. and they had a large assortment of non-BPS gear which is something I have found lacking in the Ft Lauderdale, Miami, and Ft Myers stores. Another thing I have to give BPS the nod for is their Fly Fishing sections. It's tough to find decent selections of flys/materials anywhere else unless you happen to have a local fly shop nearby.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

RMc, your post highlights the "buyers" input on what fishing tackle each store will stock.

Stores near saltwater fishing will have more saltwater than freshwater equipment.

Same is true for a store with a high population of freshwater fishermen - more freshwater gear.

Both stores have a specific number of fee for each product offered. Whatever is selling best goes into those specific feet of space.

This is why shopping on the Internet is so attractive to bass fishing guys.

We can find what we need and have it shipped to our homes without taking our time and treasury to drive to each local retailer.

For example. Castaways Tackle shop in Chester has the most Senkos of any store I have visited.

The Wal-Mart on Forest Hill Avenue in Richmond caters to the freshwater guys with catfish and freshwater equipment.

Tackle Express on Midlothian in Chesterfield County has a good selection of Zoom products.

So to have your BPS or Wal-Mart carry what you want to buy you need to ask for the buyer and speak with that person.

Just remember, if it does not sell previously the product will not be offered.

fishing user avatarTodd2 reply : 
  On 10/11/2015 at 1:13 AM, WRB said:

If I can find what I need at a local mom & pop bass tackle shop that is where spend my hard earned money.



fishing user avatarNeil McCauley reply : 

These big box stores always seem to collapse from within the bigger they get.

Bass Pro used to not only be the best tackle store in terms of availability and variety, it also had the best website in the late 90s. But now they seem more focused on selling 10 thousand different varieties of scented candles and beef jerky seasonings. They have an art gallery for crissake. There is not enough profit margin for selling quality items. Selling junk assembled by 7 year olds in China to idiotic impulse buyers- soccer moms, kids, gift shoppers, people who've never fished or stepped foot outdoors in their lives- is far easier and more lucrative.

Still the best places to buy tackle are the small father/son tackle shops. The prices aren't always bargains but I almost always find lures and tackle I'm looking for. Size 14 snap swivels, oversized 8" crankbaits, whatever. They cater to a different crowd.

fishing user avatarblckshirt98 reply : 

I've only been to one BPS, and that's the one in Manteca, CA.  It's in the central valley closer to the Sierra mountains than the coast.  It's huge but they have a ton of floor space dedicated to clothing and hunting gear.  Their fishing section is large and it's primarily freshwater stuff, a decent trout section too.  Their saltwater section is an afterthought.  They're probably targeting the people from the Bay Area passing through on their way to one of the bajillion places to fish in the Sierras.


One thing I noticed is that their rods/reels/lures are stocked very heavy on their in-house, Strike King, Berkley/Pure Fishing, Zoom, and Rapala/VMC brands.  I'd guess those companies make up probably 80% of their stock.  Now if you're looking for something from those brands, their color selection can't be beat and you'll probably find something to your liking.  If you're looking for something from a smaller regional or niche tackle company, you're probably out of luck.  I'm assuming BPS buys in such huge volumes to stock all of their stores that they can get the best bulk deals from those big brands, which provide the biggest profit margins, so they focus on those.  BPS also NEVER has sales/closeouts of any note, not even on their website.  Maybe a dozen items on ine, or a small bookend rack at the end of an aisle in-store, and even then it's mostly their in-house brand items.  One really odd thing I noticed was that I was looking to buy some barrel swivels (like the Spro Power Swivel style) and the BPS had NO barrel swivels of that style.


There's a new BPS opening in San Jose in a month or two, so I'm curious to see how they stock that store.  I'm guessing they'll have a larger saltwater selection.  All of the local Sports Authority stores got rid of their fishing sections a couple of years back after BPS announced their plans.  The local Wal Marts have an aisle for fishing, but it's the usual essentials with a little bit of everything freshwater/saltwater/trout/panfish/catfish/carp/etc so the typical family could get what they needed if they wanted to go fishing.

fishing user avatarJaw1 reply : 
  On 10/11/2015 at 12:35 PM, kcdinkerz said:
Location location location lol they carry what sells can't blame that. I'm a tw guy tough. Can't just walk into a store and pick up a few jigs or a pack of worms, I start seeing stuff I want then 10 bucks turns into 50 real quick.[/quote

Toledo tackle? I live in the home state of walmart and there was a time when or local ones had a great fishing department. That was a long time ago they suck now. I thought it would get better when they started their affiliation with the flw back up ,but it hasn't. We had a bps open a little over a yr ago about 45 min to an hour from me and I shop there when I'm in town but it's really just a place where my son and I can hang out while my wife and daughter are shopping elsewhere. The prices are higher at bps and I enjoy hitting the smaller shops that I've always frequented. The smaller shops usually have newer stuff sooner and their rod selection is better. I also hit academy for better prices. The gandermountains fishing section isn't very good around here and dsg is a 2hr drive one way so I don't see it very often. Not sure where the closest cabelas is.TW gets most of my winter business.

fishing user avatarJaw1 reply : 

Sorry wrong quote

fishing user avatarJaw1 reply : 
  On 10/11/2015 at 9:49 AM, bassarmy7 said:

Man yall are lucky i live 15-20 minutes from toledo bend . Our walmart sucks and theres no big fishing stores within 2hrs. We do have a dicks and academy about 45 min to an hr away. Luckily a guy i work with also owns a tackle shop so he helps me out with deals.

This is the one that should have been quoted. I've been to Toledotackle and like it but I like most of the smaller shops.

fishing user avatarbassarmy7 reply : 
  On 10/12/2015 at 9:52 AM, Jaw1 said:

This is the one that should have been quoted. I've been to Toledotackle and like it but I like most of the smaller shops.

That one is a drive from where im at B&B outdoor and tidbits and tackle are both on my way to the lake

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

Good luck trying to get a Walmart "associate" to go back at the counter to sell you a fishing license.  I swear I see tumble weeds bouncing past.

fishing user avatarogbfishing reply : 

Both stores are unreliable, easier to just save money and time searching and buy everything on Tackle Warehouse, plus the 20% off sales are clean af.

fishing user avatarScarborough817 reply : 

I have bought at both bps and wal-mart I prefer bps but I still find it annoying that they don't have an online stock system. Instead their site is an online store then when you go to store they don't have what you saw on the site that you wanted. I have recently been going to both sail as well as a shop on the way up to my cottage, I like their selection and price as well and why not support a local place if I need something really specific I will probably end up ordering them from tw 

fishing user avatarbasscatcher8 reply : 

This is why I build as much of my own stuff as I can. Beats hunting down what you want or being stuck with what the big companies want you to use, also beats waiting on the UPS guy to show up. It makes it easier cause when I do need something its simple like a live bait hook or something and Walmart always has that as well as a full stock of Gammy hooks so I can get those easy. Now I'm building rods cause I'm tired of chasing down what I want across the internet or BPS stores.

fishing user avatarboostr reply : 

You also got to remember that BPS has 2 different stores, a mega, and an outpost. The Mega having the restaurant and or bar, plus the candle shop etc with the larger selection of gear, then the outpost is smaller with non of the frills and less gear. Op might be comparing an outpost to the Walmart.

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 

I buy in Wal-Mart when it has the exact tackle I want and it is usually cheaper than Bass Pro Shops. If Wal-Mart doesn't  have what I want I go to Bass Pro Shops and purchase it there.

fishing user avatarRMcDuffee726 reply : 
  On 10/14/2015 at 12:04 AM, ogbfishing said:

Both stores are unreliable, easier to just save money and time searching and buy everything on Tackle Warehouse, plus the 20% off sales are clean af.


fishing user avatarMissourifishin reply : 
  On 10/10/2015 at 9:45 AM, Long Mike said:

In my neck of the woods it is the exact opposite.  My local super Walmart's fishing section is nothing more than pathetic.  It consists of one 20' shelf section, with lures, line,rods,reels, etc. on one side, and boating equipment on the other.  On the other hand,  BPS's store has aisle upon aisle of fishing gear.  Further, my local Academy Sports store also blows Walmart out of the water with it's selection.

This has been my experience as well. My local bass pro blows my local walmart supercenter away. However, one of the things I used to love about the bass pro here was the whole shopping experience. There were several guys in the fishing department who were truly passionate about fishing and seemed to thoroughly enjoy answering any questions you had. Unfortunately, at least 2 of them seem to be gone now, so it has gotten harder to find someone who is both knowledgeable and excited about fishing. Also, the people selling timeshares and/or vacation packages have really decreased how much I enjoy shopping there. 

fishing user avatarblckshirt98 reply : 
  On 10/14/2015 at 12:04 PM, Missourifishin said:

This has been my experience as well. My local bass pro blows my local walmart supercenter away. However, one of the things I used to love about the bass pro here was the whole shopping experience. There were several guys in the fishing department who were truly passionate about fishing and seemed to thoroughly enjoy answering any questions you had. Unfortunately, at least 2 of them seem to be gone now, so it has gotten harder to find someone who is both knowledgeable and excited about fishing. Also, the people selling timeshares and/or vacation packages have really decreased how much I enjoy shopping there. 


LOL YES the vacation packages!  They hang out by the big display fish tank too so you have to kind of work to avoid them by waiting until they're looking the other way or walking past them with a quick nod.

fishing user avatarHoosierHawgs reply : 
  On 10/10/2015 at 11:07 AM, DogBone_384 said:

I wrote a case study on Walmart for my MBA.

In short they were charged with, and found guilty of locking employees in stores until they were finished working while not paying them OT.

They also bought a chain of stores in Canada as part of their expansion: only the chain's non-union stores.

I could go on for pages....

I don't shop there.

As far a BPS, they've got nearly everything I look for though I've noticed during the last year or so much more shelf space is allocated to the 'house brand', which makes sense from a retail perspective. After all, whose name is on the door?

I also do not shop at Walmart. I will no longer step foot in one if given the option to go somewhere else. As for BPS, the house brand stuff is one of the main reasons I go there. I have two BPS rods, and plan on buying a third. I also like the baits, good colors and decent quality at a good price. I own several. Also, each BPS will vary from location to location. The BPS in Destin, FL carries much more saltwater fishing equipment, while the BPS in Clarksville, IN carries lots of Bass and Deer equipment, because that's what people do around here, so that's what sells. I love the Clarksville location, its one of the biggest I've been to. For reference I've been too locations in Pigeon Forge, Destin, Lawrenceville, Cincinnati, Clarksville, and Myrtle Beach. I plan on visiting the Portage location next spring.  

fishing user avatarHoosierHawgs reply : 
  On 10/11/2015 at 6:12 AM, Big C said:

I didn't know the Foxboro store was in Indianapolis.

Lets be real now.... I'm from Indy and we suck. We thought buying a back would solve our running game... Oh wait we need an O-Line too? Who would've thought?!?!

fishing user avatarBig C reply : 
  On 10/14/2015 at 9:01 PM, HoosierHawgs said:

Lets be real now.... I'm from Indy and we suck. We thought buying a back would solve our running game... Oh wait we need an O-Line too? Who would've thought?!?!



Last year it looked like we were on the right track, but this year...

fishing user avatarNathanW reply : 

I have been very unimpressed by both BPS and Cabellas when it comes to selection of bass fishing gear. Still enjoy going into the store, especially with the kids.


I have absolutely no moral or social discrimination against Wal-Mart. I have a hard time dogging on a company allows me to save money and provides a steady paycheck to the disabled as well as many folks who would struggle to find employment elsewhere. They have a decent selection of hard lures, line, Planos and soft-baits at okay pricing. They typically don't beat online retailers in price but sometimes are very convenient. You want union checkers? Go to Safeway where it will cost you about $15-$20 a trip when you are filling up your shopping cart. 

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 

I've been in HQ Sales and Retail for a while and the point that is missed here is that the individual stores have little or no say over what they carry.  Buying decisions for Walmart are made in Bentonville, AR and BPS from Springfield, MO.  

Regional leaders can influence the decisions to some degree, but ultimately it all comes down to a decision made at the HQ level.  It all boils down to shelf space, product turns/inventory and brand.  

Both of these retailers are hit or miss for me.  In my area, I prefer Dick's Sporting Goods or whenever I come across them, ACADEMY (hard to beat these guys).

Funny side note, go to a K Mart (yes they still exist) in South Florida.  I was blown away at the amount of fishing stuff they had there.  And good selections too!

fishing user avatarHoosierHawgs reply : 
  On 10/15/2015 at 9:42 PM, buzzed bait said:

I've been in HQ Sales and Retail for a while and the point that is missed here is that the individual stores have little or no say over what they carry. Buying decisions for Walmart are made in Bentonville, AR and BPS from Springfield, MO.

Regional leaders can influence the decisions to some degree, but ultimately it all comes down to a decision made at the HQ level. It all boils down to shelf space, product turns/inventory and brand.

Both of these retailers are hit or miss for me. In my area, I prefer Dick's Sporting Goods or whenever I come across them, ACADEMY (hard to beat these guys).

Funny side note, go to a K Mart (yes they still exist) in South Florida. I was blown away at the amount of fishing stuff they had there. And good selections too!

DSG stores are based on the individual store. Each store makes its buying decisions, and then some stores are "dumping grounds" where overstock inventory goes, like one in town here. The other one hs a better, but not great selection.

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 
  On 10/15/2015 at 9:48 PM, HoosierHawgs said:

DSG stores are based on the individual store. Each store makes its buying decisions, and then some stores are "dumping grounds" where overstock inventory goes, like one in town here. The other one hs a better, but not great selection.


not to say that individual stores can't ask for particular assortments of products, but an individual store cannot just start carrying brand X or item X without it first being approved/negotiated/etc. at a corporate level.  

There is a huge shift right now in retail from carrying items/assortments based on experiences/habits of buyers/regional managers and store managers to now making those decisions solely based on analytics and SKU rationalization.

fishing user avatarBob C reply : 
  On 10/11/2015 at 1:51 AM, MIbassyaker said:

I have not entered a Walmart in over 10 years, and have no intention of doing so for exactly the reasons mentioned by Dogbone and WRB above. The closest two BPS are two hours away; I will stop and browse if I'm in the area, but I don't stock up on anything there. I have DSG, Cablea's and Gander in town, and will occasionally visit them for deals.


But it's my local independent store that always gets my in-person business first; been around for 50 years, and the tackle guys there know every local species and body of water like the backs of their hands. If they don't have what i want, they can order it, or I'll order it online from TW, or get it direct from the company; online storefronts of regional tacklemakers will always get a look.

Same here. Haven't been in Wal Mart in years. I'm not sure why anyone would go there or to Sams.

fishing user avatarCheo Carrillo reply : 

We don't have BPS or Cabelas in El Paso but we have lots of Walmart 2 Academy's and 1 Dicks . Academy has a very wide variety and competitive prices with Walmart. Dick's is ok and the guy in charge of the fishing department does not have a clue about tackle, lures hooks etc. 

fishing user avatarMaxximus Redneckus reply : 

I like mom and pop stores but very rare to others have said they usaully have odd things i need and sometimes better prices on usual things.if i was a single guy with no family i wouldnt mind paying a premium for hunting and fishing stuff and id mom and pop all the time,but now its a case of do i feed your family or mine thats a no brainer.

fishing user avatarHoosierHawgs reply : 
  On 10/16/2015 at 6:39 AM, Maxximus Redneckus said:

I like mom and pop stores but very rare to others have said they usaully have odd things i need and sometimes better prices on usual things.if i was a single guy with no family i wouldnt mind paying a premium for hunting and fishing stuff and id mom and pop all the time,but now its a case of do i feed your family or mine thats a no brainer.

Sorry kiddies, daddy wanted a new Lucky Craft, so no dinner tonight!
fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I usually go to BPS or shop online at TW. I do swing by Wal-mart every once in a while because you can get some good deals usually in the fall or spring when they change the inventory.

fishing user avatarPourMyOwn reply : 
  On 10/16/2015 at 6:39 AM, Maxximus Redneckus said:

I like mom and pop stores but very rare to others have said they usaully have odd things i need and sometimes better prices on usual things.if i was a single guy with no family i wouldnt mind paying a premium for hunting and fishing stuff and id mom and pop all the time,but now its a case of do i feed your family or mine thats a no brainer.

I agree completely.

I would argue that the mom and pop stores in 2015 are all online anyway. Overhead is low, and they can be competitive and still offer a good selection.

fishing user avatarEricDkk reply : 

Like academy and cabela's. 

fishing user avatarsmr_hga reply : 

Depends whether you want fishing gear or groceries...

For me the BPS in Orlando is amazing! Walmart isnt bad ethier though... However it is hard to say which is better since Orlando is the only BPS i've been to.

fishing user avatarHoosierHawgs reply : 
  On 10/22/2015 at 1:07 PM, LiftedSquare13 said:

Depends whether you want fishing gear or groceries...

For me the BPS in Orlando is amazing! Walmart isnt bad ethier though... However it is hard to say which is better since Orlando is the only BPS i've been to.

Orlando was OK. Pigeon Forge is a good one. Even when it comes to groceries, WalMart can get bent for all I care.
fishing user avatarBassMaster17 reply : 
  On 10/10/2015 at 3:49 PM, Chance Brown said:



  On 10/10/2015 at 3:49 PM, Chance Brown said:

BPS used to be the only place I shopped for tackle but a couple months ago I interviewed for the fishing department head manager position. I was beat out by a guy that doesn't fish but had years of managerial expirience. I was told I could be a part time associate wiry my knowledge but fishing knowledge isn't a requirment for employment. One of the major responsibilities of the managment spots I wanted was to decide what products to put on the shelf. Im pretty sure you need some fishing knowledge to do that. So I quit going to bps. I now get my stuff online or Walmart. My Walmart has a fantastic selection. I bought my last 2 revo stx there and my veritas 2.0 rods at Walmart.

very true, if your the person deciding whats going on the shelves, then you need to have some experience with whats good to put on the shelves.

fishing user avatarLast_Cast reply : 

The walmarts by me suck.

I dont have a BPS or Cabelas.


Luck you. Lol.


All online shopping for me, for the most part

fishing user avatarJDJ reply : 
  On 10/11/2015 at 6:12 AM, Big C said:

I didn't know the Foxboro store was in Indianapolis.

It's not ... it's in Charlotte!

fishing user avatarMikeFL52 reply : 

There are three Walmarts within 30 miles, the nearest being the best, but that is not to say it's great.  Two Dicks within twenty miles, in different directions, they're like two totally different businesses, with one head and shoulders better than the other, the fishing department in one probably double in size than the other.  BPS, 30 miles away in Atlantic City, not bad, not great, better than the Walmarts, but not better than the second Dick's which I mentioned. This past Monday I drove 55 miles to Cabela's in Delaware, fantastic.  I could have spent hours in there, they've mostly been my go to Online store and other than buying just odds and ends nearby, they're now my brick and mortar place, despite the distance.  Cabela's #1

fishing user avatarMissourifishin reply : 
  On 10/28/2015 at 8:24 PM, chris7390 said:

The walmarts by me suck.

I dont have a BPS or Cabelas.


Luck you. Lol.


All online shopping for me, for the most part


There is nothing wrong with online shopping. If you know what you're doing you can probably get some of the best deals that way. That being said, I do enjoy being right down the street from a Bass Pro.

fishing user avatarLast_Cast reply : 

I like online shopping. I get a huge variety to look at but it would be nice to be able to go to a bps and just shop around and look at cool stuff. =p

fishing user avatarMissourifishin reply : 
  On 10/29/2015 at 8:35 PM, chris7390 said:

I like online shopping. I get a huge variety to look at but it would be nice to be able to go to a bps and just shop around and look at cool stuff. =p

Exactly. I rarely buy more than a couple inexpensive items in person. I spend much more money online. But I enjoy going into a store with a lot of gear just for fun, and to actually handle reels and rods, etc.

fishing user avatarJIGSNCRANKS reply : 

I am fortunate to have a Cabela's and a Academy within 10 miles of my house. I never grace the doors of Walmart, and BPS is an hour and a half drive.

fishing user avatarLast_Cast reply : 
  On 10/29/2015 at 8:57 PM, Missourifishin said:

Exactly. I rarely buy more than a couple inexpensive items in person. I spend much more money online. But I enjoy going into a store with a lot of gear just for fun, and to actually handle reels and rods, etc.

Im with you 100 percent.!!

fishing user avataruncustered reply : 

I have communicated to bps headquarters 3 times on the poor selection and rude work force at the Hampton Virginia store.

The Richmond Va. Store isn't much better.

Thank God for places like Greentop, Bobcats, fishing frenzy (NC), Nuese sports shop.

These "mom and pop' stores are on business because they want to. 90% of my fishing money is spent at these and 10% on line.

Bps is last choice, worst case scenario.

I mean, really,I contacted corporate 3 times and no response. Screw them.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
  On 10/11/2015 at 5:26 AM, Logan S said:

I always have rewards points to spend from my BPS credit card, plus I get BPS gift cards pretty frequently.  Yea, it's a little more expensive than TW...But I can't spend that 'money' anywhere else so it doesn't really matter :).  I also happen to enjoy going there in general just to be able to check things out and walk around.


My local BPS has really improved in bass fishing stuff over the past couple years so if I need or want something, they typically have it now.  I've never been to a Walmart that had anything more than basic fishing stuff, to me there's no comparison.  


You might be surprised to find that you may be able to "spend" that BPS card at Tackle Warehouse.  I'm not sure how it works but a few years ago there was a thread, or a post, about that very thing.


Here's an answer at Yahoo that tells a little more about that.


"             Best Answer:  Most, if not all gift cards like the Visa gift card will require an activation fee. You can use the Visa ones to order things online. You would use the numbers on front, like it was a real credit card. I think other gift cards for a specific store that don't have the numbers on the front can still be used to order things online. They just make you use the scratch off code on the back or the barcode. "

fishing user avatarblckshirt98 reply : 

Protip about Bass Pro Shops - buy electronic/physical/mobile gift cards online from gift card resale places.  Bass Pro Shops are one of the retailers that get a hefty discount of roughly 17% off.

fishing user avatarSandhillcrab reply : 

I'm not a fan of ..pbs. Been there a few times. I wasn't happy with what they had. The Walmart down the road I'm not happy with either. I normaly shop at cabeals or fleet farm for most of my fishing needs.

fishing user avatarBigTonyB reply : 

I'm lucky.  I've got a BPS, Academy, DSG and a few smaller shops within a few miles of my house.  The BPS in Bossier City is right on the Red River, a world-class fishery.  When given a choice I usually go with BPS for my larger purchases because they have a 10% military discount.  There's a boat dealer (Bayou Outdoors Supercenter) that has a small fishing tackle section with some great items.  There are also some small mom & pop shops near Caddo Lake, Lake Claiborne, and Grand Bayou that I've been in and several I've not been in.  When I travel to the east side of Toledo Bend I usually stop at Toledo Town and there's a small shop near Sam Rayburn that I've visited.  My local Wal-Mart Supercenters are not good choices for tackle at all.  The inventory is a mess and the prices are not good enough to spend time sifting through the mess. 





fishing user avatarNick49 reply : 

I like to browse at one of three different BPSs in areas I occasionally visit.  And aside from BPS signature products (& they do have some good ones IMO, such as Carbonlite rods and Pro Qualifier reels), you can find an even better selection online through Tackle Warehouse - or in the case of rods and reels as well as some lures, Amazon.  BPS has a lot of expensive overhead and it shows up in their pricing.  I bought a Tracker boat a couple years ago but worked thru a dealer who made all the electronic and trolling motor adaptations and upgrades while quoting a price that was well below BPS' offer.  You would also think that BPS employees would bring a higher level of insight regarding their products but I have not seen this to be the case.  A few of the sales associates are experienced fisherman, but most have less knowledge than most average fishermen.  Wallyworld is a good source for available terminal tackle and selected lures as well as soft plastics.

fishing user avatarRingonu reply : 

One thing great about BPS is their price match. Cabelas has the hot pot 2 marked down to $40. I showed the associate and he knocks $15 off the price plus my 5% back in points. I should have bought a jig mold since Cabelas is $15 cheaper too. They matched no questions asked. Said they would match wal-mart too

fishing user avatar5fishlimit reply : 
  On 10/10/2015 at 10:27 PM, hatrix said:

I live in Cleveland where no one ever goes fishing or owns a boat so we don't have any BPS or Cabelas anywhere close. There is no point in even opening one up around here. I could see if maybe Cleveland was on like one of the biggest bodies of water on the planet and actually had like a thousand people out fishing everyday. Then maybe we would have stores like that.


There is a Cabela's opening out in Avon, and a BPS opening out by Boston Mills right off the Turnpike and the RT 8 exit.

fishing user avatarbaxtervol reply : 

Bass Pro in Nashville seems to do more business in hunting than fishing. They have as good a bait selection as you can ask for, but their rod and reel selection is below average to me. In fact, my local tackle store has a much better rod and reel selection. As far as pricing, I see little difference between them, Wal Mart, or my local store- Outdoor Junction. My local place is a bit higher on accessories, but as far as crank baits, plastics, terminal tackle, and rods, they are very competitive with the big boys. In addition, they have staff with knowledge of fishing and can answer questions, which is huge for me.

fishing user avatarmonkeyman3dee reply : 

just noticed my walmart (right next to BPS) is selling senkos for 6 something. BPS is 8 something.







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