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Anyone else like bad weather? 2024

fishing user avatarMassYak85 reply : 

Does anyone else get that "itch to fish" a little more when there's some rain or wind? I know we usually associate those conditions with better fishing but I think it goes beyond that. Something about having a lake or pond to yourself and being able to enjoy the outdoors on days most people want to be inside just has a certain appeal to me I guess. 

fishing user avatarYeajray231 reply : 

I like anytime I can get out on the water. As long as it's not dangerous I will go if my time allows. 


I'd take anything over still, dead heat 

fishing user avatarfishballer06 reply : 

Some of my best days have been in the pounding rain or howling wind. It's certainly not just a coincidence. 

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 

Snowing sideways is what i wait for every year 

fishing user avatarJediAmoeba reply : 

I just got a new rod and reel.  I wasn't about to let a little rain and 40 mile an hour winds get in my way.


fishing user avatarNYWayfarer reply : 

Not a big fan of wind and rain while fishing. It does keep most of the dog walkers away though. 

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

It doesn't bother me to be out in the wind and rain, but if it starts to lightning I run like a scared rabbit.

fishing user avatarHKBasser reply : 

Some of my best days of fishing were flood warning days.  Super muddy water with almost no visibility...

fishing user avatarjimmyjoe reply : 

  Yup. Everyone else (almost) comes home, and I go fishing. Storms are a gift to fishermen, especially shorecasters.     jj

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

no , dont like it hot either .

fishing user avatarPhishLI reply : 

Right this minute the wind is howling. It's Dusk. It's overcast. The air pressure is low. My buddy's there right now hammering them. I'm stuck home in the midst of a digestive emergency instead of there slinging with him. How come nobody's invented wading diapers yet???

fishing user avatarBruce424 reply : 

oh yeah! having the lake pretty much to myself in bad weather is awesome. wife thinks im crazy though...

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

For me rainy windy weather was good for bass fishing in the pre spawn cycle and fall duck or goose hunting season. Now I don't enjoy being cold anytime of the year.


fishing user avatarkeagbassr reply : 

I do but not with the blind ambition I had in the past. I like it best when it works with the over all weather pattern that clicks in my head ' this could be good'. And i won't fish in torrential rain as I've seen how fast it can fill my jonboat with @JediAmoeba  i went out today for a few hours in the wind. 


fishing user avatarN Florida Mike reply : 

I don’t go much anymore when it’s bad weather. I rarely ever fish in the rain but will if I get caught in it. I have not done well bass fishing in the rain anyway. ( catfishing is a different story) I don’t fool with lightning.

I can fish on my home lake with a lot of wind and often do. The best day I ever had for numbers was one of the windier days I ever fished. I caught my PB on a very windy day also. I generally prefer a light but steady breeze- just enough to put a nice ripple on the water.

I have a inshore saltwater spot that is absolute money for redfish when it’s NE winds 20 + and high tide. If you can’t fish anywhere else, that’s the best place to be.

fishing user avatargimruis reply : 

I actually look for and target days with rain in the forecast during the warmer summer months. There’s definitely less traffic on the lake and the fishing is often better because there’s low pressure. This time of year, not so much.

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 

@keagbassr, always keep an empty Taco Bell cup in the boat! I haven’t sank yet.......

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 

I have caught some of my biggest bass and other nice fish on rainy days. 

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

I don't mind the wind or rain, as long as it's not super cold out. Not a huge fan of wind driven rain, but if the bit is on, I'm there..Even at my age..haha

fishing user avatarPickle_Power reply : 

I definitely get the itch when the wind kicks up and there are some ominous looking clouds.  If it's raining pretty steadily before I'm already fishing, I usually just don't go.

fishing user avatarkeagbassr reply : 
  On 10/18/2019 at 7:37 AM, TnRiver46 said:

@keagbassr, always keep an empty Taco Bell cup in the boat! I haven’t sank yet.......

I've got a half 2 liter bottle at all times as the epo that lives down the road and I cross paths a few times each year and he tells me I have to have a bailing cup in the boat just in case in spring a leak.

fishing user avatarJediAmoeba reply : 
  On 10/18/2019 at 7:11 AM, keagbassr said:

I do but not with the blind ambition I had in the past. I like it best when it works with the over all weather pattern that clicks in my head ' this could be good'. And i won't fish in torrential rain as I've seen how fast it can fill my jonboat with @JediAmoeba  i went out today for a few hours in the wind. 


When I was 18 or 19 we were fishing out of an old aluminum boat and it was raining really hard - the boat was filling up and my friend removed the plug to let the water "out". 


Getting an aluminum boat to shore that is filled with water and emptying it is not fun or easy!  

fishing user avatarThe Bassman reply : 

We had windy, cloudy, upper 40's weather a couple of days ago. Came home from work mid afternoon just itching to get out. Went to a favorite HOA lake and the bass were going crazy. Lipless crank had 'em chasing and hitting at my feet. I caught several between 2 and 3.5 lb. in a short time. Quite the rush.

fishing user avatarBird reply : 

I don't particularly care to do anything outside in high winds, especially at my age.

Sold the bass boat and went to a fishing Yak and let me tell you.....that things is a kite on the water.

Little rain is good.

fishing user avatarFryDog62 reply : 

If windy, I head to a small-mid sized river with high banks for protection.  Also fishing just before a storm front comes in can be fantastic... but if there’s lightning, time to get off the water...


When we do trips in Canada and are there for a set number

of days, it’s amazing the kind of cold wet crappy weather we’ve gone out in.  Actually not very smart and I do a lot less of that as I age.. 

fishing user avatarDerek1 reply : 

Usually, I work outside. anytime I get rained out in the morning during the warmer months I go fishing. It’s usually is a good day. Not yesterday though, not a bite. This fall fishing thing has been terrible for me. They’ve been shut right down for what feels like months. 

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 

Not yesterday here in the northeast. Way too windy. The Nor'Easter that rolled thru dropped the pressure by 30 millibars. Not worth the casting practice.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

If you can fish as the front moves through your area you will have a successful adventure as the bass will be feeding.


The next day, with a rise in barometric pressure and blue bird skies plus full bellies, the fishing will be difficult.


So yes, one of the best days of my life was fishing as the front moved through. Not one of the smartest days of my life, but one of the most successful.


Won't do that again.

fishing user avatarCam R reply : 

Windy is the worst because its hard to cast or bottom fish. Small amount of rain is ok but if its down pour it messes up visibility in the water and its hard for the fish to see. 

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

When I plan my outings I look for the most pleasant weather in the forecast . 

fishing user avatarLonnieP reply : 

I love fishing in the rain. Some of the best fishing I've ever experienced have been during downpours. I don't like fishing in the wind, but won't let it stop me unless it's really gusty out.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

My personal best was caught on a nasty cold morning with Northwest winds at 15-20 mph, a slight misty rain falling, and temperatures in the middle 30's. 


Coming from a strong tournament background the one thing you cannot pick is weather. Which is why I preferred open tournaments, i had a option of go or nogo!


I the only weather I don't like is wet & really cold or lighting!

fishing user avatarDanielG reply : 

I have a quiet platform electric outboard boat with a bimini top that covers the entire boat. I love it when it's balmy, the lake is like glass, and there is a slight breeze. I often fish as the sun is rising. Sometimes those conditions with an overcast or light sprinkle improves the bite. I'm not a fan of gale force winds and cold or hot weather fishing but I still do it. I live on the lake so I can pick my times. 5:30 am to about 8:00 am usually.

Spoiled I guess....

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Yes, I guess so. But... today, I'm not on the water bc a front is bearing down faster than expected, and altered what I was working on. Blew it up. Wind, and no good heating. Oh, well. Hopefully I'll get another crack at it after the front blows through. Otherwise, I guess I wait til next year to pick that question back up again. Such is life on the planet.

fishing user avatarHarold Scoggins reply : 
  On 10/18/2019 at 2:47 AM, MassYak85 said:

Does anyone else get that "itch to fish" a little more when there's some rain or wind?

You like wind do you? Come down to Oklahoma and try holding your kayak in position in a 20-22 mph wind like we had this morning. FUN!

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

My best days are usually during the worst weather, and it keeps the fair weather fishermen and pleasure boaters at home. Nice weather rarely equals good fishing except maybe in the early spring/late winter period for me.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 
  On 10/19/2019 at 1:44 AM, Paul Roberts said:

Yes, I guess so. But... today, I'm not on the water bc a front is bearing down faster than expected, and altered what I was working on. Blew it up. Wind, and no good heating. Oh, well. Hopefully I'll get another crack at it after the front blows through. Otherwise, I guess I wait til next year to pick that question back up again. Such is life on the planet.

Follow-up: Front blew through. Was able to pick things back up. The fall transition is progressing as usual. Was windy, but that's one of the pluses of being in a float tube. I can keep my rod tip right on the water. ????The fish I was targeting were tough, in a foot of water and spooky. Bad, challenging weather, is part of it. Fish still want to eat, esp this time of year here.

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

Just how bad are we talking about?  A little rain and wind is fine.  Desireable, sometimes.  But if there are whitecaps, no thank you.  And not like the kind below:


Got ran off a lake this spring.  The lake we were on was trolling motor only and it ran parallel to a pretty busy highway.  As luck would have it, we were about as far away from the ramp as we could get.  The weather forecast was calling for storms in the evening but this was only around noon.  I heard some light rumbling but the skies were still pretty clear.  Hazy but clear.  I asked my buddy if he heard anything and he said he hadn't but it was probably just semi trucks rumbling on the highway.  Seemed reasonable.  Until the rumbling increased and far in the distance, the sky was getting a darker blue.  Checked the weather map on our phone and sure enough, a BIG bright red blob was moving our way.  Oh crap!!!!  Few things feel more desperate than trying to cover a LOT of water quickly with only a trolling motor (We had two on the boat but the second picked that day to quit.  Yay!)  We were just BARELY able to load the boat on the trailer before the brunt of the storm arrived.  A few miles north, a tornado was sighted.  So, that kind of bad weather I can do without.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Anyone else like bad weather?


Not today!


Everything hurts, ankles, knees, hips, lower back, shoulders, elbows, wrists, & muscles.


Have a shiver all the way to the core!


See y'all later!  ????

fishing user avatarjimmyjoe reply : 
  On 10/22/2019 at 8:04 AM, Catt said:

Anyone else like bad weather?


Not today!


Everything hurts, ankles, knees, hips, lower back, shoulders, elbows, wrists, & muscles.


Have a shiver all the way to the core!


See y'all later!  ????

   Sounds like a certain someone should have gotten a flu shot!        jj

fishing user avatarschplurg reply : 
  On 10/22/2019 at 8:13 AM, jimmyjoe said:

   Sounds like a certain someone should have gotten a flu shot!        jj



Or is a bank fisherman! I know some days for me (and I quote) "Everything hurts, ankles, knees, hips, lower back, shoulders, elbows, wrists, & muscles." :D



Why won't this emoji window get out of my way after typing my little smiley? I can't even see me typing this. Weird.

fishing user avatarThe Bassman reply : 

Again, as last Wed. windy and dark. Got out for about an hour and a half. Caught 17 very aggressive bass. (Most were hooked outside the mouth.) Yesterday was clear and calm. Very little activity. Foul weather makes a big difference. I'm a bank fisherman and can deal with wind. Like @Catt mentioned I also deal with pain (knees, feet). Had just gotten home from work (I paint). The notion that fish were active was more incentive than aches and pain. Tonight I'm paying for it.

fishing user avatarFrog Turds reply : 

i cuss more on those assy weather days, but i consistently pull bigger fish and bigger bags the more assy it is out...


i cant pick the days no matter, so i fish what ever cards the weather dealer deals me, exception is lightening...but i'll take an assy day over a blue bird with winds light and variable day without question...

fishing user avatarjbmaine reply : 

The last couple of years I've found overcast, drizzly days have been by far the best fishing for me. I'll fish days like this over sunny days anytime.

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 
  On 10/22/2019 at 4:25 PM, jbmaine said:

The last couple of years I've found overcast, drizzly days have been by far the best fishing for me. I'll fish days like this over sunny days anytime.

Overcast drizzly days are wonderful . Buckets of rain days I'm staying in .

fishing user avatarJohnbt reply : 

"Just how bad are we talking about?  A little rain and wind is fine."


We got 3.5" day before yesterday. That was just too much. My sandwich and chips would have been soggy before I got them into my mouth and the bilge pump would have been running before I got the boat backed down the ramp.


I have clothes for winter weather duck hunting and surf fishing. I'm just not sure I'd want to spend much time sitting in a boat bass fishing while wearing insulated chest waders.

fishing user avatarKrux5506 reply : 

Give me thick cloud cover and cool temps this time of year or early spring and I'm at total peace with myself out on the water regardless of how the fishing is. Something about the dog days of summer just totally drains me mentally when it comes to fishing. It seems like everyone else waits all year for that perfect summer weather and I feel like I'm the opposite. Maybe it's the opposite of seasonal depression. 

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
  On 10/22/2019 at 8:13 AM, jimmyjoe said:

   Sounds like a certain someone should have gotten a flu shot!        jj


No sir that's what a severe sinus infection feels like!


Nowadays the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak ????

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 

The main problem I have is there is rarely any “bad” weather in east TN. (Good problem to have I guess) Yet almost everyone constantly complains about it. Oh well I get lots of casting practice in short sleeves 

fishing user avatarjimmyjoe reply : 
  On 10/23/2019 at 1:59 AM, Catt said:

Nowadays the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak ????

   Man oh man, do I understand that!   ????????   jj

fishing user avatarjbmaine reply : 

Maybe one of the reasons I like fishing in bad weather is because if it gets too bad I can duck under cover. Sometimes having a multi species boat has it's advantages. ???? Gets you out of the sun too!



fishing user avatarRB 77 reply : 
  On 10/18/2019 at 2:52 AM, Yeajray231 said:

I like anytime I can get out on the water. As long as it's not dangerous I will go if my time allows. 


I'd take anything over still, dead heat 


This. I can't stand hot, windless days.

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

Not sure if I've mentioned this here.....but I'm a mailman type of fisherman....or was....or maybe hope to be again.  Rain....snow...sleet....hail...I was there....Then when I got up in morning and saw daylight again it was off for another adventure.  Good thing I had a gracious wife who tried to give me some responsibility so I could earn gas money.

fishing user avatarHarold Scoggins reply : 

We had a little snow and freezing rain yesterday, it might be over for me this year.

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 
  On 10/25/2019 at 4:07 PM, Oregon Native said:

Not sure if I've mentioned this here.....but I'm a mailman type of fisherman....or was....or maybe hope to be again.  Rain....snow...sleet....hail...I was there....Then when I got up in morning and saw daylight again it was off for another adventure.  Good thing I had a gracious wife who tried to give me some responsibility so I could earn gas money.

Living in the pacific northwest and then the smoky mountains, you never really had much of a choice! Haha

fishing user avatarriverat reply : 
  On 10/18/2019 at 2:47 AM, MassYak85 said:

Does anyone else get that "itch to fish" a little more when there's some rain or wind? I know we usually associate those conditions with better fishing but I think it goes beyond that. Something about having a lake or pond to yourself and being able to enjoy the outdoors on days most people want to be inside just has a certain appeal to me I guess. 


Agree 100%. The only thing that will keep me off the water is lightning.

fishing user avatarCrankFate reply : 

I have caught most of my biggest fish of all kinds in bad weather. I still do not intentionally fish bad weather, because for every one of my best bad weather fish, there were countless bad weather trips that produced nothing.

fishing user avatarFishin Dad reply : 

Only fish bad weather if there is a tournament scheduled. I have my summers off, I fish during the week and have many lakes to myself.   No reason to fish in nasty weather.  I have quality rain gear, goretex shoes, etc., but not my favorite to have to use it.   I also hate fishing with my hands frozen for bass.  I ice fish, but don’t have to cast accurately and can usually see the bite on my sonar, so I can have mittens on waiting for the bite.  

fishing user avatarScott F reply : 

You guys who like bad weather should have been here today. Mid 40s, constant rain blowing sideways all day. You’d be in heaven.

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 
  On 10/27/2019 at 12:05 PM, Scott F said:

You guys who like bad weather should have been here today. Mid 40s, constant rain blowing sideways all day. You’d be in heaven.

Fishing in heavy rain is ok until it’s below 40. After that, snow is much more pleasant 

fishing user avatarYumeya reply : 

It snowed here today, I don't mind a little rain and cooler weather but I hate snow..


But Ice fishing is close but I would rather be on my boat any day.

fishing user avatarLionHeart reply : 

Nope.  Give me 80 degrees, with partly overcast and 5-10 mph wind.

fishing user avatarBass_Fishing_Socal reply : 

I normally don’t fish bad weather, but being in CA, we hardly have bad weather to begin with. I remembered my first hudds fish caught in pretty cold windy and rainy weather in early February, still gave me a thrill until this day. Why? Because I almost fall down the rip-rap that day, and every time I see the spot, I think to myself, was I stupid.

fishing user avatarElkins45 reply : 

I can’t stand hot, humid weather so I don’t fish much in the summer. I do most of my fishing in the spring and fall. Unfortunately we have had very short good weather seasons the last couple of years since I retired. It’s either been blazing hot, freezing cold or pouring down rain.


If I’m going on a multi-day trip to fish a lake out of state then I fish regardless of what the weather is doing any particular day. When I’m at home and considering going somewhere close I usually won’t go if there are storms in the forecast.

fishing user avatara1712 reply : 

Got out today with a 30 degree temp drop and gale force winds and lit them up on a Squarebill. So today wasn't so bad. Brian.

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

All you midwest guys should love fishing today. I went yesterday .????


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