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How Many Of You Dont Eat Fish? 2024

fishing user avatarwngan9447 reply : 

I'm not talking about the fish we catch, i'm talking about fish in general.


My friend was busting my chops the other day saying i'm the only fisherman in the world that don't eat fish. Being new to fishing, I've spent a substantial amount of money trying to get a decent tackle box together and getting decent gear. Went from 0 rods to 5 rods in 4 months.... had the bug. It definitely doesn't make sense to people that don't fish getting that much gear and not bring fish home.


I'd have to say i'm the minority, but i'm curious.


Thank god my girlfriend doesn't eat fish either, i'd never hear the end of it. haha

fishing user avataraquaholic reply : 

I love fish, not so much salmon though. Maybe i just havent had it cooked properly.


Jim gaffigan had a good bit about people not liking fish.

" I like fish, just not when it tastes fishy.... I got news for you, you probably dont like fish"

fishing user avatarnascar2428 reply : 

I eat fish once every two weeks on average. None that I catch, strictly catch and release. And I hear a lot of flack from other fisherman about not keeping and eating them. Not that big a deal to me.

fishing user avatargripnrip reply : 

I eat crappie and catfish on occasion.  I always catch and release the bass I catch.  I do however don't have a problem with someone that does keep the bass as long as they are legal.  I have to say though, we had a 2 day tournament earlier this year with my club.  The place where we stayed, the owner had a bucket of bass that he just recently caught.  And rite on top was a 5 plus!  That was hard to see but he has a rite to filet and eat those fish.  I just choose not to.

fishing user avatarTC235 <*))))>< reply : 

Im in the same boat...Cant stand the taste of fish unless it's fried and at that point you shouldn't even call it fish lol.

fishing user avatarMike L reply : 


The ONLY fish I'll eat is fresh Walleye, thats it...


Now, shell fish..Lobster, Clams and Oyster's I can eat all day.]





fishing user avatarLoop_Dad reply : 

I grew up eating fish daily basis almost, so not eating fish makes me feel guilty as the same way as not eating my vegetable. However, because of my limited cooking skill (how you cook makes huge differences) and the limited fish selection at the local market, I don't eat daily now.

fishing user avatarScott F reply : 

I only eat fish once or twice a year when I'm on fishing trip. If we get  walleye or two, or a pike, we'll fillet that up but never a bass. I don't like any fish that has been frozen or not REALLY fresh. If it wasn't alive an hour before it hit the frying pan, I won't eat it.

fishing user avatarMarkH024 reply : 

Smoked salmon is amazing. I love sea food and fish in general. I am not a picky eater by any means.

fishing user avatarwakeeater reply : 

i don't care for fish.  i'll eat it, but would much rather have something else....hell, like pb&j.   i love shell fish, though.  lobster, crab, mussels, & oysters are my style of "fish".

fishing user avatarSmallmouth Hunter reply : 

I'm the same way... I will only eat fried catfish. Everything else is just nasty.

fishing user avatarbgraham91 reply : 

Never like it, just like catching them

fishing user avatarGeorgiaBassBros reply : 

i like all types of fish served any way, i have been known to catch a mess of bream or catfish and fry em up  :eyebrows:

fishing user avatargreyleg33 reply : 

For the most part I just don't care for fish. Crappie are pretty tasty but I'm too lazy to clean 'em.

fishing user avatar5fishlimit reply : 

I won't eat freshwater fish, but I'll destroy sushi any chance I get.


I don't know why either.  I've been fed Lake Erie perch and walleye and thought it was pretty good, but it's just not something that I would go out and get on my own for myself.

fishing user avatarBassfink86 reply : 

i dont eat fish, but i love to catch them all day long...not eating fish doesn't make you less of a fisherman

fishing user avatarBrian Needham reply : 

last time I ate fish was 2 years ago

fishing user avatarPreytorien reply : 

I have had an allergy to fish/seafood all of my life. Admittedly that was when I was much younger. My mom has the same allergy and gradually as she aged it got so much worse that now doctors are afraid it would kill her. Since I've shown many of the same signs when I was younger, I am all too cautious to try it again.


However, that doesn't stop me from catching them! :)

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Ill eat salt water fish from time to time, rarely though but NEVER a largemouth bass

fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 

i used to eat fish when i was a kid, then one day i just didnt like it anymore. i wont eat it now either. i will however keep fish for family every now and then, but thats only striper and catfish

fishing user avatarcdaggett reply : 

I get so much crap for not liking fish... I think I have been scarred from my elementary school! :grin:

fishing user avataraquaholic reply : 

I cant believe so many of you dont like fish. Its a shocker.

fishing user avatarbassmaster99 reply : 

I eat all fish that don't taste nasty, except bass or trout.

fishing user avatarmikeg reply : 

I love fish! Like aquaholic, I don't like salmon either.

Unfortunately, I'm the only one in my house who does like fish which is a limiting factor in how often I can eat it.

fishing user avatarJeziHogg reply : 
  On 7/28/2013 at 1:04 AM, Mike L said:


The ONLY fish I'll eat is fresh Walleye, thats it...


Now, shell fish..Lobster, Clams and Oyster's I can eat all day.]






fishing user avatarDelcoSol reply : 

No fish or seafood for me. I also get a lot of flack for it. It all taste like fish to me  :teeth:

fishing user avatarplumworm reply : 

I don't even like to be in a room where it's being cooked.

fishing user avatarBuckMaxx reply : 

I like fish I just don't like killing and cleaning em. So I buy them.

fishing user avatarJrob78 reply : 
  On 7/29/2013 at 5:33 AM, BuckMaxx said:

I like fish I just don't like killing and cleaning em. So I buy them.

Me too.  I love eating fish but very rarely keep my catch.

fishing user avatarzoniezz reply : 

I catch and release everything except trout from the rivers.........

fishing user avatarMarkH024 reply : 
  On 7/29/2013 at 6:05 AM, zoniezz said:

I catch and release everything except trout from the rivers.........

Rainbows on the grill stuffed with lemon and lime slices, garlic and herbs. Deeeellllish
fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

I don't like farm raised fish, the trout and catfish stocking taste like dog food like thee feed.

The better tasting fish come from the river.

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 
  On 7/27/2013 at 10:10 PM, wngan9447 said:

I'm not talking about the fish we catch, i'm talking about fish in general.

My friend was busting my chops the other day saying i'm the only fisherman in the world that don't eat fish. Being new to fishing, I've spent a substantial amount of money trying to get a decent tackle box together and getting decent gear. Went from 0 rods to 5 rods in 4 months.... had the bug. It definitely doesn't make sense to people that don't fish getting that much gear and not bring fish home.

I'd have to say i'm the minority, but i'm curious.

Thank god my girlfriend doesn't eat fish either, i'd never hear the end of it. haha

Have had, but don't like to eat fish. Sushi, however....
fishing user avatarKhong reply : 

I love Bass too much to eat them.  If I wanted a fish to eat fish that I can catch then it'll be Crappies, Perch, and Walleye. :)

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

The only fish I like is mainly saltwater fish, seared ahi steaks, halibut, grouper, all good. I don't really eat of the fish I catch anymore. I'll eat about any other kind of seafood, just not a big fan of fish.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

The only freshwater fish I don't care for is bass.  My favorites are crappie, bluegill, cat, and walleye.

fishing user avatarNice_Bass reply : 

I eat fish several times a week- sometimes fresh caught...sometimes from the freezer of fresh caught.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

So we all know that the senses of smell and taste are tied together and we all know the fishy smell you get on your hands when you are catching fish.  When fish are cooked, and they have that fishy taste/smell, I can eat them but that taste does take quite a bit away from the experience.   I don't hate it but I don't love it either.  However, when freshwater fish is cooked and handled correctly that smell/taste is eliminated and I love those fish.  I soak my freshwater fish in milk for at least an hour before cooking and that fishy taste is removed.  I don't fish for them that often but when I do, I'll eat freshwater crappie, walleye, bluegill, white bass, stripers, and catfish.  I also eat saltwater fish and most types of seafood, though raw sushi and seared fish are not among my favorites.  And I only like calamari from certain restaurants that do it right (usually expensive restaurants). 

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I love certain fish.  Sushi is a favorite of mine.  I eat some type of fish two or three times a week.  It is very good for you.  For non fish eaters, I recommend tilapia, haddock, or cod.  All are light and lack a fishy flavor.  Once you've grown accustom to the texture and flavor, you can branch out, and try salmon, tuna, swordfish, grouper, and redfish. As far as eating what I catch, that is limited to spring and fall walleye, perch, northern pike, and panfish.  I prefer fish that come from deep, cool water.  Spring time bullhead are another favorite.  Bullhead cookouts are a tradition up here.

fishing user avatarclayton86 reply : 

I'm not a huge fan of fish I used to hate it but I've learned to eat just about anything thanks to MRE's and military I will keep a walleye if I catch one in season I started ice fishing also for perch and blue gills but my boys eat them before I can get a bite.

fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

I love salmon, trout and walleye. I suppose Id eat any fish that was done well. I agree that fresh fish are the best by far. I don't eat fish from a restaurant to often but a freshly caught and grilled salmon is to die for!

fishing user avatarbigbear74 reply : 

I eat fish but I don't eat bass. I would eat a lot more fish but the wife does not like it.There is only two type of fish she will eat. She will once in a great while eat cod or walleye but that is it. I would eat fish a couple of times a week if I could.

fishing user avatarCaylub reply : 

I've never eaten a fish that I didn't like. Halibut is my favorite. I've eaten LM bass once. I was hesitant but it was surprisingly good. I still C & R though. Hybrid bass are also very good.

fishing user avatar0119 reply : 

I don't eat the fish I catch, too much run off and pollution here.  I love to eat fish and try to often. But I as a personal thing wont eat farm raised fish/shrimp. Especially salmon since farming it has destroyed so much free range fish with its pollution and the sea lice epidemic.  Sushi and sashimi are my favorite.  Fresh caught catfish holds special memories too.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Lunch today....



fishing user avatarBrianSnat reply : 

I don't care for the taste of most freshwater fish, so generally won't eat it.  Farm raised catfish, that's about it.  I enjoy many kinds of saltwater fish though.

fishing user avatarwngan9447 reply : 
  On 8/1/2013 at 1:58 AM, J Francho said:

Lunch today....


Very nice... Looks expensive.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

$13.95 and comes with miso soup and ginger salad.

fishing user avatarcdaggett reply : 

Oh god I could not eat that ^^

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 8/1/2013 at 2:31 AM, cdaggett said:

Oh god I could not eat that ^^


For years, I thought the same.  It simply grossed me out.  But, I eventually tried it, and turns out I love it. It's very good for you, too.


For what it's worth, the California roll in the back, the eel in the lower left, the shrimp, and the octopus are smoked, steamed or "cooked" in some way.  I think the octopus is "cooked" in a marinade.  Not sure about it though.   If you're going to try it for the first time, I recommend a veggie roll, or tempura, which is battered and deep fried.  When you're ready to graduate, the smoked eel is excellent.  For raw fish, I recommend starting out with a spicy tuna roll.  Tuna is very bland and has a unoffensive texture. Squid on the other hand....uh, no thanks!

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
  On 8/1/2013 at 4:03 AM, J Francho said:

For years, I thought the same.  It simply grossed me out.  But, I eventually tried it, and turns out I love it. It's very good for you, too.


For what it's worth, the California roll in the back, the eel in the lower left, the shrimp, and the octopus are smoked, steamed or "cooked" in some way.  I think the octopus is "cooked" in a marinade.  Not sure about it though.   If you're going to try it for the first time, I recommend a veggie roll, or tempura, which is battered and deep fried.  When you're ready to graduate, the smoked eel is excellent.  For raw fish, I recommend starting out with a spicy tuna roll.  Tuna is very bland and has a unoffensive texture. Squid on the other hand....uh, no thanks!


I agree that a tempura roll is a good place to start if you want to try sushi but are put off by the raw stuff. 

fishing user avatarSmallmouth Hunter reply : 
  On 8/1/2013 at 4:03 AM, J Francho said:

For years, I thought the same.  It simply grossed me out.  But, I eventually tried it, and turns out I love it. It's very good for you, too.


For what it's worth, the California roll in the back, the eel in the lower left, the shrimp, and the octopus are smoked, steamed or "cooked" in some way.  I think the octopus is "cooked" in a marinade.  Not sure about it though.   If you're going to try it for the first time, I recommend a veggie roll, or tempura, which is battered and deep fried.  When you're ready to graduate, the smoked eel is excellent.  For raw fish, I recommend starting out with a spicy tuna roll.  Tuna is very bland and has a unoffensive texture. Squid on the other hand....uh, no thanks!

Is calamari squid or octopus? That is probably the only other fish I will eat.

fishing user avatarChris007 reply : 

Hardly ever eat fish anymore. When I was younger I would eat anything that came out of the water, I guess I ate so much that I got burnt out on it. I just catch and release these days..


Tight Lines Guys

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

If it "smells like fish" it isn't fresh. 


If the gills aren't bright red, it's not fresh.


If the eyes aren't full and firm, it's not fresh.


I've been in a lot of fillet houses in New Bedford to get lobster bait.  Those who buy only the best fish at the auction don't smell fishy.  The fish plants that do have a fishy smell are only suitable for lobster bait, pet food, or fertilizer.


A partial list of the fish I'll eat.  Swordfish, flounder and all other forms of flatfish, cod, haddock, salmon, mahi mahi, grouper, and eel.  River eels are the sweetest of them all.  Eels and johnnycakes, a New England tradition.  The northern equivalent to hush puppies, but are pan fried like pancakes rather than deep fired.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 8/1/2013 at 5:24 AM, Crankenstein said:

Is calamari squid or octopus? That is probably the only other fish I will eat.



fishing user avatarNeebles reply : 

I used to like fish sticks as a kid lol, but I don't like the taste of any fish anymore.... My inlaws are big fish eaters, so they will have a fish fry for the family after a fishing trip....  Its a fun gathering, lots of fish to be had... They are kind enough to fry me up some chicken....

fishing user avataraquaholic reply : 

is fried sushi still sushi or is it fried fish?

fishing user avatarwngan9447 reply : 
  On 8/5/2013 at 7:43 AM, aquaholic said:

is fried sushi still sushi or is it fried fish?

The tempura is fried usually.

Good beginners intro to sushi.

I do the soft shell crab tempura when I'm stuck in a sushi restaurant.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 8/5/2013 at 7:43 AM, aquaholic said:

is fried sushi still sushi or is it fried fish?


Some rolls are made with raw fish, then the entire roll is dipped in tempura and fried.  The fish is usually still raw, but the coating gives the roll a crispy texture.  Other rolls are made with cooked fish.  Always ask your server to clarify what you're ordering.  If they cannot, leave.  Seriously.


Here is a fire California roll, dipped and deep fried.




And here is a Miami roll, which is half dipped in tempura and fried:



This is a bento (box) lunch.  Everything here is cooked.  It's some stir fry chicken dish.




And here is another bento, tempura shrimp and veggies with ngere sushi.  The shrimp and veggies are obviously cooked.  The spicy tuna roll up left and the maguro ngere (tuna shushi) are raw.



fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

I like fish.. but I don't have the urge to eat it all the time... I do the stripe bass run on the Hudson river and the striper is an AMAZING fish... but I don't fish just to eat them the fight is unreal.. most of the time I let them go unless one of my buddies asks me to get him one.. other than that im not that into fish eating just catching..

fishing user avatarIowaHusker28 reply : 

I also hate the taste of fish. From the flakyness to the smell and taste, other than the catching part I do and could go without fish year round!

fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 

Rarely and if I do its battered and fried. Id like to eat it more tho(taste isnt my fav)

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

It's all in the way you prepare it.


Some yummy pike fillets...




A smallie that didn't make it through a weigh in. Very tasty - surprised me.




Some delicious springtime brown trout:




Baked steelhead fillets:



fishing user avatarTHE BASS WHISPERER reply : 

NO! not really , Tuna Yes but bass no way! great to catch and let go!

fishing user avatarMontanaro reply : 

Trout yes


would like to try bluegill and crappie (especially deep fried whole bluegill)


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