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What's The Worst Thing That's Ever Happened To You While Fishing? 2024

fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 

Last year I was dock fishing on the Potomac and I slipped off the dock into the shallows, By chance my shin landed on a cement slab underwater. The cement had pencil thick rebar protruding out of it and one of them impaled my shin about an inch and a half deep. I was thrashing underwater as I could not get my leg off the rebar, it must have taken me 15 seconds to rip my shin off the rebar. Adrenaline kept the pain down but it wouldn't stop bleeding. Fixed it up and I kept fishing, now a week later it was healing fine, a nurse looked at it and gave me the thumbs up. Fast forward 3 weeks my left leg ( the one that got injured by rebar ) was 3 times the size of my other leg, I knew something was wrong, I could not stand and when I tried I felt liquid in my entire leg, I went to the ER and it turned out I had gotten MRSA, luckily they were able to save my leg but man.. That was scary.

fishing user avatartelmomarques reply : 

nothing serious happend to me, i had slipped on a dock to the water, thus destroyiong my phone

fishing user avatarfadetoblack21 reply : 

The only real bad thing that has happened to me while fishing was having a Pop-R imbedded into the side of my neck by a very bad cast by a friend. He stood there laughing while I stood there thinking I was going to die with a d**n pop-r stuck in my jugular. Luckily the hooks only hit muscle, and my buddy paid the ER bill.

I have also fallen out of the boat after hitting the trolling motor, not realizing that it was pointed to the right. No harm to me but my phone didn't take the swim too well. . .

fishing user avatarTriton21 reply : 

I didn't catch any fish!!!


fishing user avatarFishes in trees reply : 

One spring a few years ago I fell out of my boat into 45 or so degree water. A gust of wind blew my boat sideways and the trolling motor caught a large stump and over I went. It is an interesting sensation looking up and seeing the bottom of you boat and knowing "this ain't good".

Fortunately I was wearing Frogg Toggs instead of my heavier Guide Wear rain suit. They fit a lot looser and a lot of air was caught inside the suit and I popped right back up to the surface. Then adrenaline kicked in and three kicks later I was hanging on to the side of my boat.

Call me anal, but the first year I got my boat I practiced falling in ( middle of summer in 85 degree water) and then getting back into my boat. I feel like that practice a few years earlier saved me that day.

When I got home from that experience, I pulled out the Bass Pro catalog and ordered myself an inflatable life jacket and I'm pretty religious about wearing it now.

Other than that, I've stuck hooks into myself a few times and back when I was a bank fisherman I had a few encounters with snakes.

While trailering my boat, I've had a couple of close highway traffic encounters, for the most part not my fault.

I don't count losing equipment or cell phones (lost 1) as serious, because I figure I've just got temporary custody of that stuff anyway.

fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 
  On 4/17/2012 at 1:59 AM, Fishes in trees said:

One spring a few years ago I fell out of my boat into 45 or so degree water. A gust of wind blew my boat sideways and the trolling motor caught a large stump and over I went. It is an interesting sensation looking up and seeing the bottom of you boat and knowing "this ain't good".

Fortunately I was wearing Frogg Toggs instead of my heavier Guide Wear rain suit. They fit a lot looser and a lot of air was caught inside the suit and I popped right back up to the surface. Then adrenaline kicked in and three kicks later I was hanging on to the side of my boat.

Call me anal, but the first year I got my boat I practiced falling in ( middle of summer in 85 degree water) and then getting back into my boat. I feel like that practice a few years earlier saved me that day.

When I got home from that experience, I pulled out the Bass Pro catalog and ordered myself an inflatable life jacket and I'm pretty religious about wearing it now.

Other than that, I've stuck hooks into myself a few times and back when I was a bank fisherman I had a few encounters with snakes.

While trailering my boat, I've had a couple of close highway traffic encounters, for the most part not my fault.

I don't count losing equipment or cell phones (lost 1) as serious, because I figure I've just got temporary custody of that stuff anyway.

I practice flipping in my kayak, it can be pretty scary if you panic.
fishing user avatarBassmanDan reply : 

I fished from the back of the boat after my partner had a pot full of chili beans the night before...and he kept me downwind all day.

fishing user avatar200racing reply : 

i used a crankbait to attach myself to a fish by the finger.

fishing user avatarDiablos reply : 

I was backing my boat down and it slid off the trailer but forgot to tie off my rope. Bye Bye boat.

I panicked and forgot to put my truck in park and it went in and got a foot of water in the back seats. Luckily there was no damage to the car after it dried out.

After standing there for 15 minutes the stiff 3mph wind blew my boat back to the ramp.

fishing user avatarCaptain Shane Procell reply : 

I sank my boat in an area that had alligators all over. Took 2 hours to to get enough water out of boat so that we could get back in. The entire time we were in the water we were seeing gators come up and watch us.

fishing user avatarWookieeJedi reply : 

A striper hung both trebles of a pencil popper in the palm of my hand while he was still on and thrashing.

fishing user avatarEdgy reply : 

I was trying to rip my bait out of the weeds, and well it came undone, but it came back so fast that the 1/4 oz bullet weight hit me right in my knee. Left a nice mark lol

fishing user avatartelmomarques reply : 
  On 4/18/2012 at 2:12 AM, Edgy said:

I was trying to rip my bait out of the weeds, and well it came undone, but it came back so fast that the 1/4 oz bullet weight hit me right in my knee. Left a nice mark lol

i used to like fishing until i took a bullet weight to the knee

fishing user avatarriskkid 2 reply : 

I was up on the front deck (I was fishing from the back) trying to free a hung lure. My buddy thought I had returned to the back deck and proceeded to cast. He hung a jig in my lip on his back cast. Trip to the ER ensued!!

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

When I was 18 I was catfishing from some rip rap. I got up to check one of my rigs and when I stepped down on a rock it turned over on me. My right knee came down on a rock w/ a point on it. I got a hole in my knee that was about 1/2" wide. Wrapped up my knee and kept fishing.

Later on that night my knee started to swell up. It got so big that it wouldn't bend any longer, and I decided that I needed a Dr. to look at it. They took an x-ray and the picture showed a crack like you would see in a windshield. The edge was in one piece and the center was busted up.

Even though the ER couldn't do anything but put a dressing on it they recommended that I treat it like a regular break and take it easy for about 4 weeks. Now I have a nice little scar right where the hole was.

fishing user avatar2006HD reply : 

While making an overhead cast standing on a canal bank I slipped a little. I felt a HARD smack on the back of my head. It was my Zara Spook Jr. It hooked me through my hat and into my head. After trying to yank it and work it out I finally went to the ER to get it removed. I still have that lure, haven't fished with it since though.

fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 
  On 4/18/2012 at 7:14 AM, Bankbeater said:

When I was 18 I was catfishing from some rip rap. I got up to check one of my rigs and when I stepped down on a rock it turned over on me. My right knee came down on a rock w/ a point on it. I got a hole in my knee that was about 1/2" wide. Wrapped up my knee and kept fishing.

Later on that night my knee started to swell up. It got so big that it wouldn't bend any longer, and I decided that I needed a Dr. to look at it. They took an x-ray and the picture showed a crack like you would see in a windshield. The edge was in one piece and the center was busted up.

Even though the ER couldn't do anything but put a dressing on it they recommended that I treat it like a regular break and take it easy for about 4 weeks. Now I have a nice little scar right where the hole was.

Sounds like my experience! Hah.
fishing user avatarmikesjet reply : 

Scariest thing for me was 3 years ago. Wife and I put boat in the water at 4am, foggy as all get out. We had to idle to where I wanted to fish, took approx 45min to get to where we were going. Wife and I were sitting still for the entire time, until we got close and I moved my foot and realized it was cold. I reached down and there was water coming up through the floor drain at the helm!! I thought we had a good sized hole somewhere. I paniced, I could just start to see as the sun was coming up and opened it up and headed for the nearest ramp, bilge pump running entire time. We hit the ramp with enough water both batteries were covered in the bilge. Beached it shallow so it couldn't sink out of sight, and we sat there while I bitched and moaned about the predicament we were in. Suddenly in a moment in between rants I heard a hum. Then it is hit me "look at the dash", in the dark I hit the switch for the livewell fill pump, and it was filling the entire boat. That next weekend I installed illuminated switches.

fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 
  On 4/19/2012 at 4:05 AM, mikesjet said:

Scariest thing for me was 3 years ago. Wife and I put boat in the water at 4am, foggy as all get out. We had to idle to where I wanted to fish, took approx 45min to get to where we were going. Wife and I were sitting still for the entire time, until we got close and I moved my foot and realized it was cold. I reached down and there was water coming up through the floor drain at the helm!! I thought we had a good sized hole somewhere. I paniced, I could just start to see as the sun was coming up and opened it up and headed for the nearest ramp, bilge pump running entire time. We hit the ramp with enough water both batteries were covered in the bilge. Beached it shallow so it couldn't sink out of sight, and we sat there while I bitched and moaned about the predicament we were in. Suddenly in a moment in between rants I heard a hum. Then it is hit me "look at the dash", in the dark I hit the switch for the livewell fill pump, and it was filling the entire boat. That next weekend I installed illuminated switches.

That's gotta make you panic, especially with the wife on board in the fog.
fishing user avatarjignfule reply : 

The worst thing that happens to me happens quit often. I stop and go home, always a traumatic experience.

fishing user avatarfadetoblack21 reply : 
  On 4/18/2012 at 3:57 AM, telmomarques said:

i used to like fishing until i took a bullet weight to the knee

You just reminded me of a painful memory from last year. Ripping a 3/4oz jig from a snag and having it hit me in the, um, twig and berry's. . . Now every time I do that I flinch and turn sideways.

fishing user avatard3bf48 reply : 

Running some unexpected rapids in my sit on top kayak. Flipped me over and I hung on to my kayak as I was carried downstream. Ended up getting smashed up against a big boulder and for a few seconds I was thinking I was going to drown but adrenaline kicked in and I got my self out.

Another was last year, one of the first days out in my kayak after I bought it. It was an unusually warm day with not a cloud in sight. My kayak is a sit on top so my legs are fully exposed. I was wearing shorts and I didn't put on sunscreen and was out for 8+ hours with my legs getting blasted by sun. I could feel them getting burnt but thought, "whatever, it's just my legs, they could use a little sun since they never get any". That was the whole problem, my legs NEVER see sun. The day later my legs were red and painful. A week later they were so swollen I could hardly walk. They were actually filled with a "hard, mushy" liquid. I could take my index finger and push on my shin and my finger would slowly create a 1" deep dent on my shin.

fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 
  On 4/20/2012 at 10:26 AM, d3bf48 said:

Running some unexpected rapids in my sit on top kayak. Flipped me over and I hung on to my kayak as I was carried downstream. Ended up getting smashed up against a big boulder and for a few seconds I was thinking I was going to drown but adrenaline kicked in and I got my self out.

Another was last year, one of the first days out in my kayak after I bought it. It was an unusually warm day with not a cloud in sight. My kayak is a sit on top so my legs are fully exposed. I was wearing shorts and I didn't put on sunscreen and was out for 8+ hours with my legs getting blasted by sun. I could feel them getting burnt but thought, "whatever, it's just my legs, they could use a little sun since they never get any". That was the whole problem, my legs NEVER see sun. The day later my legs were red and painful. A week later they were so swollen I could hardly walk. They were actually filled with a "hard, mushy" liquid. I could take my index finger and push on my shin and my finger would slowly create a 1" deep dent on my shin.

My chest got a 3rd degree sunburn when I was out kayaking.. I was in tears for a week, it cracked and bled, pus oozing. Hair follicles won't grow so my chest looks waxed in a spot haha.
fishing user avatarjoebills78 reply : 

Two for me.

First one, my cousin was demonstrating to me how to set a hook. He got a bite, set the hook hard and out of the water came a 2 1/2lbs bass.

Flew right into my man region, dehooked the bass and hooked the, how do you say this rod tip. I just stood there for 30 seconds staring at it in fear. THANK GOD it came out easy.

The second time was with my wife. The waves were out pretty good and I sarcasticly told her to get her "sea legs" on. As I was casting from the front on a downward wave the boat fell on a stump throwing me in the water. This was this year in January. After making sure I was ok my wife laughed her butt off.

fishing user avatarfadetoblack21 reply : 
  On 4/20/2012 at 10:26 AM, d3bf48 said:

Running some unexpected rapids in my sit on top kayak. Flipped me over and I hung on to my kayak as I was carried downstream. Ended up getting smashed up against a big boulder and for a few seconds I was thinking I was going to drown but adrenaline kicked in and I got my self out.

Another was last year, one of the first days out in my kayak after I bought it. It was an unusually warm day with not a cloud in sight. My kayak is a sit on top so my legs are fully exposed. I was wearing shorts and I didn't put on sunscreen and was out for 8+ hours with my legs getting blasted by sun. I could feel them getting burnt but thought, "whatever, it's just my legs, they could use a little sun since they never get any". That was the whole problem, my legs NEVER see sun. The day later my legs were red and painful. A week later they were so swollen I could hardly walk. They were actually filled with a "hard, mushy" liquid. I could take my index finger and push on my shin and my finger would slowly create a 1" deep dent on my shin.

I've had blisters, but never pitting edema from a sunburn. That had to hurt something fierce.

fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 

I fell/slid off the rocks at Aquia landing. The water was low so the rocks were wet and covered in that slimy sh**. I stepped down to lip my bass and phew! I slid in on my back. I had numerous scratches and cuts (Which is pretty dangerous,... Its the Potomac) but I did have the presence of mind to hold my combo way up in the air. Not a scratch 8) Man's gotta have his priorities lol :D

fishing user avatarStinkyBass reply : 

i've lost 3 phones... i guess i get to join the "should've left the phone in the car" club

fishing user avatarwisconsin heat reply : 

breaking a rod always sucks

fishing user avatarfxdwgkd reply : 

Luckily I have never had many bad thing happen to me. Last year at KY Lake the bilge pump quit working on the boat and the water was leaking in at a fairly good clip. So I have the great idea to have my friend run the boat on plane while I remove the bilge plug and let the water drain. All was going well untill he decided he needed to turn the boat and the steering rod jabbed me in hte chest. I was yelling at him to turn the other way but he could not hear me over the engine. It ended up tearing my skin and left a pretty good scar. Got the water out though!

fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 
  On 4/21/2012 at 9:36 AM, BASSclary said:

I fell/slid off the rocks at Aquia landing. The water was low so the rocks were wet and covered in that slimy sh**. I stepped down to lip my bass and phew! I slid in on my back. I had numerous scratches and cuts (Which is pretty dangerous,... Its the Potomac) but I did have the presence of mind to hold my combo way up in the air. Not a scratch 8) Man's gotta have his priorities lol :D

Always put the combo first! Hahaha, yeah, that potomac is terrible, I love fishing it but man.. That MRSA infection I got was scary. Gotta watch out.
fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

Lots of broken crap, rods, reels, things on the boat, etc....... I have dropped at least three phones in the water, and my landing net once. One time I stuffed a wave and the water took $100's of dollars worth of tungsten sinkers and other assorted terminal tackle in a plano box off my front deck. Been stuck with hooks a few times. I have had my boat get away from me lauching it twice when I forgot to hook the bow rope I use to the trailer. I took some allergy meds once before gong out, the fishng was slow, so I sat down for a minute, next thing I know I woke up and the boat had drifted the complete length of the lake (a few miles) while I was sleeping sprawled out on the center seats. None of this stuff seems as bad as when I don't do well fishing just burns me in a way I can't describe.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I had low blood sugar, in my kayak, about a mile from shore. Imagine my horror when I realized I had forgotten emergency glucose, and had to paddle to shore for help. My BG was 32. Luckily I phoned friends that were on the water, and they met me at the docks with a bottle of Mountain Dew. Thank God for them. I told them if they saw my paddles stop moving just to call 911. I was THAT scared.

I never forget a quick source of sugar anymore. Ever.

fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 
  On 4/24/2012 at 2:32 AM, J Francho said:

I had low blood sugar, in my kayak, about a mile from shore. Imagine my horror when I realized I had forgotten emergency glucose, and had to paddle to shore for help. My BG was 32. Luckily I phoned friends that were on the water, and they met me at the docks with a bottle of Mountain Dew. Thank God for them. I told them if they saw my paddles stop moving just to call 911. I was THAT scared.

I never forget a quick source of sugar anymore. Ever.

that's scary man!!! Jezz!
fishing user avatar0119 reply : 

Fishing on a beach one day with a buddy, he says hey a cop car is pulling up behind us. I didnt think anything of it since I was a cop. I looked back and saw that it was one of my agency and we were miles out of our jurisdiction. A deputy stepped out looking square in my eyes and I got a sinking feeling. He walked down to me and told me my Dad had a stroke and was in a hospital 50 miles away and not expected to make it. He survived but was a vegetable

fishing user avatarDakota wendt reply : 

My friend and I were fishing a lake with 30 mph winds rain and it was about 45 out caught a lot of fish decided to head in got half way back and ran out of gas. It was an interesting ride back to the ramp in 3 foot waves with a trolling motor that was going dead!!

fishing user avatarmrmacwvu1 reply : 

The first time that I went fishing on lake Erie I was hung over. I had been deep sea fishing many times and never got sea sick. However I always took medicine the night before so I was fine. Well I did not know how far out we were going out to perch fish. Needless to say the ways kicked up and they issued a small craft advisory. I turned gree. I do not think that I have ever felt that bad before. It was somewhere between the drunken college days hugging the toilet lying to God that you will never drink again and the the worst case of food poisoning ever. I will never make that mistake again. The dick move is that my father-in-law took his medicine and did not think to tell me.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 
  On 4/25/2012 at 12:51 AM, mrmacwvu1 said:
The first time that I went fishing on lake Erie I was hung over. I had been deep sea fishing many times and never got sea sick. However I always took medicine the night before so I was fine. Well I did not know how far out we were going out to perch fish. Needless to say the ways kicked up and they issued a small craft advisory. I turned gree. I do not think that I have ever felt that bad before. It was somewhere between the drunken college days hugging the toilet lying to God that you will never drink again and the the worst case of food poisoning ever. I will never make that mistake again. The dick move is that my father-in-law took his medicine and did not think to tell me.

The first time I went out on Erie I got a little woozy, and I was not hung over. It was not all the rough either, rolling 3-4 footers,I was fine bobbing up and down in the waves for a few hours, then I broke off on something and when I concentrated on hit me. I didn't puke , put it felt like I was going to at any moment. The rest of the day sucked, and once it hits, there is nothing you can do to stop it. Back on solid ground, it took about 10-15 mins of sitting in the AC in my buddys truck and I felt ok again. Now I don't go out there with out taking something before we hit the water. Even tho the last few times I have been there it has been calm, I take some anyways.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

To add to this for the first time ever I fell out of the boat.

fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 
  On 4/26/2012 at 9:51 AM, ww2farmer said:

To add to this for the first time ever I fell out of the boat.

ouch man, you okay?
fishing user avatartugsandpulls reply : 

my wife called me to come home

fishing user avatarConnor Ramsdell reply : 

i unknowingly fished over a fresh human corpse stuck in a car...what a shock to discover the next day why there were so many helicopters flying over my fishing hole =[

fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 
  On 4/28/2012 at 9:05 AM, Connor Ramsdell said:

i unknowingly fished over a fresh human corpse stuck in a car...what a shock to discover the next day why there were so many helicopters flying over my fishing hole =[

fishing user avatartheonethatgotaway reply : 

i had some good falls but nothing compares to leaving your fishing glasses at home

fishing user avatartheonethatgotaway reply : 
  On 4/28/2012 at 9:05 AM, Connor Ramsdell said:

i unknowingly fished over a fresh human corpse stuck in a car...what a shock to discover the next day why there were so many helicopters flying over my fishing hole =[

man thats crazy

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 
  On 4/26/2012 at 11:00 AM, outdoorsman110 said:
ouch man, you okay?

Fine, thanks for asking. Got nothing but wet, and actually laughed about it.

fishing user avatariceintheveins reply : 

I've had fish drive several hooks into my fingers, which sucks bigtime. By far though, the worst thing was when my 16 year collie english shepherd mix Ginger passed away from unknown causes, but probably old age while I was gone fishing. Still miss her terribly to this day. I also lost my 16 old border collie mix Sam, who passed away of his cancer at home with my mom while I was gone fishing. Wish I would have been there, as both died suddenly and unexpectedly while I wasn't there, as we thought both of them had quite a bit of time left before he started to suffer. I will miss them forever, but I am very lucky to have a wonderful young German Shorthair/Aussie Shepherd mix named Reiver.

fishing user avatarMissouribassman95 reply : 

Nothing terrible, but one of the ponds I fish has an electric fence all along one side of the lake. well I was fishing on a fallen down tree in the water, and as I was trying to get down I slipped, scraped up my knee real bad, and landed right on the electric fence. Shocked the crap outta my arm.

fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 
  On 4/29/2012 at 8:33 AM, Missouribassman95 said:

Nothing terrible, but one of the ponds I fish has an electric fence all along one side of the lake. well I was fishing on a fallen down tree in the water, and as I was trying to get down I slipped, scraped up my knee real bad, and landed right on the electric fence. Shocked the crap outta my arm.

I peed on one.. Lol. Dares gone to far.
fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 
  On 4/29/2012 at 4:26 AM, iceintheveins said:

I've had fish drive several hooks into my fingers, which sucks bigtime. By far though, the worst thing was when my 16 year collie english shepherd mix Ginger passed away from unknown causes, but probably old age while I was gone fishing. Still miss her terribly to this day. I also lost my 16 old border collie mix Sam, who passed away of his cancer at home with my mom while I was gone fishing. Wish I would have been there, as both died suddenly and unexpectedly while I wasn't there, as we thought both of them had quite a bit of time left before he started to suffer. I will miss them forever, but I am very lucky to have a wonderful young German Shorthair/Aussie Shepherd mix named Reiver.

That's terrible man.. I'm sorry. Losing a dog is probably one of the hardest things I've gone thru.
fishing user avatarTucson reply : 

Never broke a rod in my life but last trip out I broke 3 of them. #1 Landed a small bass and when I released him the tip had broken off about 2" down. #2 snagged up and the rod broke trying to release the hook. #3 Set the hook on a Senko strike and snapped off the rod tip about 4" down. I literally ran out of spinning rods and had to use my bait caster for everything. Just ordered a new rod this morning.

As bad as that was........I once ran extremely low on cocktail ice. Thought I might have to drink tepid Kamikazes but I made it back ok. Guess someone was looking out for me!

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Nothing too bad, but the worst so far was when I lived in VA I had an hour drive with a few spots on the way. I was fishing one spot in the summer, the pond was real low, and the creek that feeds the pond was a trickle. I went to step over this little trickle and as I stepped on the other side I landed in the softest mud and went up to my crouch and I luckily got my other leg on solid ground. Needless to say I went to work covered in grey soupy mud, smelling like a swamp.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

I was fishing at "17 Fathoms", a bluewater tuna hole about 15 miles offshore of Sandy Hook, NJ.

Early in my journey back to port I lost my engine, it was shortly before sunset and a storm was scheduled that night.

That experience taught me the meaning of "visceral anxiety".


fishing user avatarGrundleLove reply : 

When i lift my back window down to let my Veritas rod stick out, only to forget that it was sticking out and rolling up the window and breaking it. Having only used it twice. Then after i got over it 5 min later i went to launch my boat, only to realize the pin that makes the engine grab the transom unit snapped and i couldnt use my engine.

OR the time when i wrestled a large mouth i caught out of a dogs mouth that was running without a leash at my local park and grabbed it right as i brought it over the bridge railing, then proceed to almost get into a fist fight with the owner about it. It was ugly.

fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 
  On 5/3/2012 at 3:56 AM, GrundleLove said:

When i lift my back window down to let my Veritas rod stick out, only to forget that it was sticking out and rolling up the window and breaking it. Having only used it twice. Then after i got over it 5 min later i went to launch my boat, only to realize the pin that makes the engine grab the transom unit snapped and i couldnt use my engine.

OR the time when i wrestled a large mouth i caught out of a dogs mouth that was running without a leash at my local park and grabbed it right as i brought it over the bridge railing, then proceed to almost get into a fist fight with the owner about it. It was ugly.

Iol at the dog
fishing user avatarJacob34 reply : 

I have a Heart/Neurological problem and I tend to pass out a lot. I was out fishing the Green river this last Nov. with my brother and two cousins and in the middle of fighting a fish on my fly rod I passed out and drifted down the river past my brother and one of my cousins. I ended up about 200 yds down from where I was in a shallow back eddy. If I didn't end up in that eddy I more than likely wouldn't be alive. There where some nasty rapids right ahead. My brother still is bothered somewhat about that incident. Another time while fishing in a bass tournament at Jordanelle res. I passed out while drop shot fishing and ended up in the lake. My boater didn't even realize I felt out of the boat until I came to and called for him to help me.

fishing user avatarVictorDevano reply : 

I was fishing off a concrete dam and found some loose gravel/sand that caused me to slip. I slid down and could never get any traction. Worse yet, once I hit water, the concrete there was mossy so I could not climb out. Another guy had to come down and pull me out.

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 

This happened to me yesterday. While reaching down in the bait locker to grab a box of Space Monkeys, I heard this terrible ripping sound. Yes, my old, favorite pair of comfortable, UV protection, fishing pants ripped from the waist band down the seam to the leg. Felt a little breezy too, but at least I was wearing a bathing suit underneath.. My husband asked "what happened" and I said, I guess there's still a super moon over Toho.

BTW, we kept fishing with me sitting down when we passed near other boats, and I continued to catch some nice bass.

fishing user avatarWookieeJedi reply : 
  On 5/8/2012 at 4:45 AM, Fishing Cowgirl said:

This happened to me yesterday. While reaching down in the bait locker to grab a box of Space Monkeys, I heard this terrible ripping sound. Yes, my old, favorite pair of comfortable, UV protection, fishing pants ripped from the waist band down the seam to the leg. Felt a little breezy too, but at least I was wearing a bathing suit underneath.. My husband asked "what happened" and I said, I guess there's still a super moon over Toho.

BTW, we kept fishing with me sitting down when we passed near other boats, and I continued to catch some nice bass.

That's a good one! I'm glad you didn't let a little thing like that stop your fishing.

My college roommate used to come out with me when the stripers would run in the summer, and sometimes he would bring his GF, she would fish, but always wore a bikini. (It was the 80's, the sun was good for you then) One day we are fishing parked side by side, catching them on grubs and chewing the fat. His GF got a hook into a good one, and it made a run under the boat. She had to jump up from the seat to get her rod over the side. I guess the seat had pinched the string, because the bottom came right off, and stayed attached to the seat. Like a good redneck girl, she was unfazed, untied the other side to get loose and fought the 18 pound fish to the boat. It took her about five minutes to land him, and ran her all around the boat.

fishing user avatarTraveler2586 reply : 

My worst moment on the water was in Oct, 2010, the day I broke my back.

I was out alone in my Ranger 185. A large yacht was heading north on the Potomac, I was heading south, as it passed me I was amazed by the very large and long plume of water being ejected out the back of the yacht by its twin hulls. My distraction was broken as I realized I was quickly approaching the yacht wake; my boat and I went airborne on its leading edge; the boat came down on the trailing side of the trough created by the wake, and then bounced up again; it was at this point I landed in my seat _ HARD.

The pain in my back and gut was so bad it took my breath away; all I could do was pull my safety lanyard, hug the steering wheel, and go with the rocking boat. After a while most of the pain subsided and I took it very slowly back to the launch. The launch was deserted, so it was up to me to do what I had to do, and somehow I got the boat on the trailer and made it home.

An hour later, an ER x-ray revealed I had a compression fracture of L-1 and bulging disks at L-4 & L-5. I’m still living with the after effects of the event today.

You’re probably asking why I didn’t call for help; after all I had a marine radio and a cellphone. Answer: I could not imagine abandoning my boat to whoever or whatever.

fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 
  On 5/8/2012 at 6:14 AM, Traveler2586 said:

My worst moment on the water was in Oct, 2010, the day I broke my back.

I was out alone in my Ranger 185. A large yacht was heading north on the Potomac, I was heading south, as it passed me I was amazed by the very large and long plume of water being ejected out the back of the yacht by its twin hulls. My distraction was broken as I realized I was quickly approaching the yacht wake; my boat and I went airborne on its leading edge; the boat came down on the trailing side of the trough created by the wake, and then bounced up again; it was at this point I landed in my seat _ HARD.

The pain in my back and gut was so bad it took my breath away; all I could do was pull my safety lanyard, hug the steering wheel, and go with the rocking boat. After a while most of the pain subsided and I took it very slowly back to the launch. The launch was deserted, so it was up to me to do what I had to do, and somehow I got the boat on the trailer and made it home.

An hour later, an ER x-ray revealed I had a compression fracture of L-1 and bulging disks at L-4 & L-5. I’m still living with the after effects of the event today.

You’re probably asking why I didn’t call for help; after all I had a marine radio and a cellphone. Answer: I could not imagine abandoning my boat to whoever or whatever.

Holy crap man.. Ouch. Good to hear you're okay.
fishing user avatarfowlskies reply : 
  On 5/8/2012 at 6:00 AM, WookieeJedi said:

That's a good one! I'm glad you didn't let a little thing like that stop your fishing.

My college roommate used to come out with me when the stripers would run in the summer, and sometimes he would bring his GF, she would fish, but always wore a bikini. (It was the 80's, the sun was good for you then) One day we are fishing parked side by side, catching them on grubs and chewing the fat. His GF got a hook into a good one, and it made a run under the boat. She had to jump up from the seat to get her rod over the side. I guess the seat had pinched the string, because the bottom came right off, and stayed attached to the seat. Like a good redneck girl, she was unfazed, untied the other side to get loose and fought the 18 pound fish to the boat. It took her about five minutes to land him, and ran her all around the boat.

Ha...That sounds like the best thing to ever happen to you while fishing. You need to start a new thread, man. Actually I guess that depends if she was good looking or not so it could go either way!

fishing user avatarBassun reply : 

My worst has been pretty mild compared to some of these... The first year I had my boat, there were three boats out of my old bass club fishing an 8p-8a night tournament. On a lake that I had been on once. We all three had radios but the range was very overrated and never really heard anyone on the radios. Well, we fished alot and ran little most of the night. At about 3 am we decided we were going to fire up and move a bit down the lake. So I hit the motor, Wrr wrr wr nothing. We're a couple miles from where we put in at (if we were right about where we were) and had a dead battery. No biggie, i flipped the wires from the motor to the trolling battery and immediately heard an ominous pop. I didn't realize it but when they set the batteries they had one + - the other - + so i just reveresed the wires and blew something. So for the next 30 mins I searched for fuses... never found them.

We decided to use the trolling motor and start working our way back, very slowly. We tried calling and radioing the other boats but never got any response. Finally we made it to the main body and the wind was blowing to hard. We called a little marina where we launched from, and they sent a rescue boat out and drug us back in. Once we got there, we found out that BOTH the other boats had problems before we did and had already left. Luckily they left word with the marina owners that we were out there so they at least knew to be on the lookout. Our 12 hour trip turned into a 16 hour mess. I did learn a lot on that trip though... like how to manually raise your motor if you have no electricy at all; which I have had to do once since then...

The next closest is a massive sunburn the day before going on vacation. Long story short - we rented a jon boat, got hot - had the sun at our backs fishing most of the day. Next day I drove for 8 hours with blisters... that evening they really came up. By back was covered with huge blisters about an inch tall and some over 3 inches in diamater. I didn't sleep at all that night. We were at the beach and I figured the best I could do was to let mother nature I went into the water with my shirt on and soaked in salt water. it burned but i figured it would help...and shortly it did. But as I was walking out, I didn't catch a breaker and it smashed right on my back instantaniously busting all of the blisters. IT HURT...but only breifly. I went back to the hotel, cleaned it up a bit; and by the next day I was tender but no worse than a normal sunburn.

fishing user avatarTalmadge reply : 

been bit by a cotton mouth while noodling and almost drowned from some huge fish wedging themselves in the hole while my hand is in their mouths luckily i havent run into any big turtles like in my avatar in the holes, that wouldnt be fun!

fishing user avatarJigs 4 Pigs reply : 

A couple years ago I went down to Alabama with my uncle to visit some family friends. We were fishing a private pond and I happened to get hung up on a log or something. I was doing everything I could think of to try to get my lure back besides going in the water. After about ten minutes of yanking on this thing, my lure came flying out of the water like a missle headed straight for me. Tried to get out of the way, but I ended up taking a x-rap treble hook right in the calf. Had to pull it out with pliers, didn't hurt at the time because I think I was in shock. The next morning when I woke up I could barely walk, felt like someone shot me in my leg. I learned my lesson and I'm way more careful now. Trebles = Trouble


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