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Welcome To The New Forums! 2024

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

By now you've discovered things look different. We've upgraded the forums!  The changes go further than cosmetic. We've made many improvements across the board to make these forums more flexible and easier to use, especially for mobile users.

The design is responsive meaning it looks great whether you’re on a desktop or a mobile phone, or anything in between (and we do that the right way: we don’t just remove things on smaller screens).

Our new editor supports drag-and-drop uploading, automatic media embedding, auto-saving and mentions. These are just a few of the countless features that make the new updates so great.


You’ll immediately notice it’s much faster, but you’ll also notice many, MANY new updates and improvements to the editor.  Many of the updates allow for both speed and greater reliability, as well as a MUCH better experience for mobile members. This does mean some things work a bit differently but you will quickly see the very small learning changes are worth the editor being so responsive.

There’s just too many new features to list.  But a few highlights are:

·        You can now move quote boxes with your mouse to embed them or move them above/below existing text.

·        A small, but useful improvements is allowing @member mentions to be selectable by keyboard. Just do @member and use the arrows and tab key on your keyboard to select the member.

·        Another great feature is the new cmd/ctrl right-click menu that allow for contextual options such as options to remove or break-out of quotes, edit links and edit image properties

·        Pasting formatted text asks if you want to convert to plain text (such as pasting from Word or PDF files)

·        Automatic saving now occurs every few seconds, instead of 2 minute intervals.  It also supports attachments. So if you've uploaded files, these too will be automatically recovered. Essentially if you're in the middle of typing a post and you refresh the page, everything will reappear exactly as you left it.

·        There now no longer needs to be a "BBCode mode" - you can type BBCode straight into the editor, even complicated stuff like lists spanning multiple lines, and it comes out looking great.

·        Image uploads now support drag-n-drop functionality.

·        Videos from YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, College Humor or Hulu now automatically embed when you post a link to the video.

The new editor is a total rework and we hope you enjoy the new speed, stability, and options. Using the editor is the core function of any community so getting it right is very important.


Activity Streams

I hope you will see just how powerful and flexible Activity Streams are. You can do everything you could do in previous versions of our forums plus a whole lot more. 

Areas such as View New Content, My Content, My Followed Content, Status page, and such are replaced by the new Activity Streams, a powerful new tool for viewing content.  Think of this new feature as a way of creating custom filtered views.  For example, we’ve created several for you:

·         View New Content

C    Content I Started

·        Content I Follow

·        Content by people I follow

·        Status updates

But now, YOU can create your own custom views.  You can either click an existing view and edit it to your liking, or create new ones by clicking “Custom Streams”.  For example, you can show posts by only one member – or several members – and call it anything you want (“Moderator Wisdom” for example).

Use cases for Activity Streams are endless. Some examples might be:

  • The current View New Content type of result.  This is a custom stream I created to work just like the previous “View New Content” view.
  • A Stream of all content from members you follow.
  • Show a list of unread items from a specific list of members (perhaps members of staff).
  • Maybe you are a prolific Gallery contributor and you want to see a feed of all unread comments on images that you posted.
  • Rather than following every item you reply to, you can choose to create a feed of all content you have ever participated in.
  • Get really fine-tuned and create a Stream showing unread comments in a specific forum only from members you follow.

The Activity Streams feature is very flexibly and you can get really imaginative with its uses. It is a really big addition to the BassResource forums, and we think you will enjoy it. We already do!

And if you create a really cool view that others might like, you can share it with others so they can add it to their activity stream list!

Then, once you actually view a stream, you can choose how you want to see it. In the full format or in condensed by clicking the box icon on the upper right of the stream. Once you select your preferred view format the system will remember it.


Picture Gallery Enhancements

There are two changes to the Picture Gallery that may seem small at a glance but actually make using the Picture Gallery much easier and more flexible.

·        There is now a new upload process which makes adding images or videos much easier to understand. You can more easily see the category, album, or album creation options on the screen.

·        Once you actually upload your image you can more easily add descriptions and other data to your images either individually or all at once.

This direct change to how you add images should result in a much more pleasant experience when adding images to the Picture Gallery.

We also now support reviews on Picture Gallery images in addition to comments.


Updated Search Interface

We have given our search interface a revamp to more effectively use space and be easier to use (especially on mobile).

As well as simplifying the way filters appear, we have separated member searching from content searching. This made sense given that the filters available for finding members are entirely different to those you see when finding content, so this visual separation should make that more apparent to you. This new approach to filters also becomes the new Advanced Search view, with results loading dynamically below when submitted.

Another change we have made is to adjust the text snippet to show you the context of the result hit. For example, if you search ‘topwater’, the results will now show you the text surrounding the first match. This small improvement can greatly improve the quality of results.


Instant Notifications

Instant notifications has been a long-requested feature, and we are pleased to say they are included in this new version.

If you are active in the window, instant notifications will show as a standard flash message at the bottom of your screen; if you are not active, and your browser supports them, you will get a desktop notification instead, and a chime will sound to alert you. Clicking the notification box will take you to the new item (or open the notification menu if alert is telling you about multiple items).

Retina Emoticons

Many of our well-loved emoticons have had a facelift (pun intended) and now look great on high-resolution retina screens and dark backgrounds.


Profiles are one of the key sections of a community, as everyone knows. They are what represent you; where your information is shown and your content is gathered. When members contribute quality content to your community, their profile is where other members go to find it in one place. In short, it's an important area.

In the update, profiles have had a complete makeover. There's a lot to cover, so grab a cup of coffee.  Here we go…


1 - Header images

In the previous version, members could customize their profiles by uploading a background image. In practice, this didn't work well when the software was integrated into an existing website design, and the options presented often ended up with a garish profile. It looked so bad, that we disabled that feature.  In addition, social networks like Facebook and Twitter have adjusted user expectations on how profiles are customized.

In the new update, instead of page backgrounds, members instead get to customize their profile header image. This provides the best of both worlds - ample space to choose something creative, but it's contained and won't mess up a website design.

2 - Reputation

The member’s current reputation count is shown prominently in the info column, letting other members know if this member is an asset to the community.

3 - Followers

Followers replace friends in the update, and the member’s followers are shown in this block. Instead of requiring mutual acknowledgement as with the traditional friends system (an approach that isn't entirely useful in a community of anonymous members), in the update you follow members whom you find interesting in order to be updated when they contribute to the community. Members can of course prevent others from following them, if that is a concern to them.

4 - About the member

Traditional information about the member is shown in the next block, including custom profile fields such as your favorite lake and biggest fish.

5 - Recent visitors

Recent visitors to this member’s profile are shown next. As with the previous version, this can be toggled on and off by the profile owner. In the version, this is done by clicking the X in the corner of the block.

6 - Follow/Message member

These primary buttons enable others to follow the member (if enabled), and send a new message inline, without leaving the page.

7 - Member’s content

Previously, browsing a member’s content was handled by the search area of the community (though links were available in the member’s profile and hovercard). We felt this wasn't the best place for it, though. After all, a member’s content should be available in their profile.

That's what this button does. It switches the profile view to 'content browsing' mode, where you can see everything the member has done. It's smooth and buttery, and because it all loads dynamically, it feels like a true part of the profile.

8 - User's 'Nodes'

A node is a fancy developer term for content containers that a member creates themselves, like gallery albums (as opposed to forum categories, which are created by the admin). In the new version, a member’s 'nodes' are shown right on their profile page, making it easy to find more interesting content from the member.

9 - Status feed

The status feed from the previous version is of course still present, and the interaction is all inline without leaving the page.

Embeddable Content

The previous version supports "My Media", which enables you to share other content from within the community by using the "My Media" button on the editor. While this works, it has a few shortcomings:

  • The styling of the block isn't really designed for each type of content it might show
  • Members have to click the My Media button, then browse for the item, when they probably already know the URL they want to link to
  • Not all content types are supported; e.g. you can't use My Media to link to a topic.

We wanted to make sharing existing content much easier. "Embeddable content" is our solution.

How to use it

To embed content from elsewhere in the community, here's a step by step guide:

  • Paste a link to it

That's it! When you paste a link to almost any kind of content, whether it's a forum topic, gallery album or more, it will automatically embed a small preview of the content, designed specifically for that content. In order to not disrupt an existing paragraph of text however, the embedded block won't be used if the link is surrounded by text. Embedded content only shows if the link is pasted on its own line, giving you more control over your post.

Embedded content can be used anywhere as you'd expect, including posts and comments, but also status updates, and so on.



Years ago, the messenger system on other websites was much like email - you sent one message at a time, with little continuity between messages. We were one of the first, on the entire of the web, to introduce what we called "personal conversations" - a sort of "private topic" between invited members - it was a really exciting idea back then.

For this update, we wanted to really focus on the experience of using the messenger - making it super fast and easy to compose, navigate and participate in conversations.

We recognize that when members send a new message, it is often as a response to content read. You can now send messages in place without disrupting your flow. We have improved all aspects of sending, receiving and managing messages and are confident these changes will make communicating with other members in private simpler and faster. And the whole messenger works and looks great whether you're on a desktop or on your phone!


We hope you like the new features.  We’ve spent a tremendous amount of work on this update.  Take some time to kick the tires, try them out, and familiarize yourself with the way things work.  I expect there will be a small learning curve, but after you get the hang of things, you will really enjoy the new forums!



If You're Having Problems

If you see any error messages, or cannot view a post, then you need to clear your cache and restart your  browser.

Click here for logon issues

How to See the Desktop View on Mobile Devices

fishing user avatarJosh Smith reply : 

I like it, Glenn.  There are a couple things I might change, but that's only because I'm used to vBulletin.

Good job.



fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Best update so far

Really Good.

Thank You


fishing user avatarMontanaro reply : 

Looks good so far and should be a big improvement for mobile which i appreciate as i dont have laptop.:P

fishing user avatarSnakehead Whisperer reply : 

Welcome to the future! Going to take some getting used to, but I trust you guys.

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 

Hats off to you. I'm well aware of the time you and the mods put into the site and hopefully some of the changes you've made will also speed things up for you and make keeping this the most informative bass fishing, information sharing site around.:thumbsup1:

fishing user avatariabass8 reply : 

Really like the desktop upgrade.

edit:mobile looks to be fixed now. Much better

fishing user avatarlanzbass reply : 

Looking Lot's Better Glen :)  Thanks :) 

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Usually, these changes throw me for a loop.  Takes a while to get used to them.  

My first thought when I just connected to the forum was, "Ooooops, here we go again."  But it only took a few minutes to realize that the changes in the appearance were mostly cosmetic, such as the circular avatars.  I know the changes go much deeper than that, but the basic navigating seems to be unchanged.

I'm glad the "switch" in the "task bar" at the top of the page which disabled the editing features is gonzo.  It was located right where I clicked to open a page and automatically disabled the editing options.  Took a while, until someone pointed out that I needed to turn the editing on by clicking on that switch.

I also had to click "enter" twice to start a new paragraph.  That has been changed to a one click does all.

As for the appearance, the changes are minor, and have not left me flummoxed until I adapt.

The new site is noticeably faster, but the old site was still faster than most of the other sites on the 'net.

Historically, when Glenn has made an upgrade, there have been a few hiccups during the changes in format. 

So, kudos to you Glenn.  This change did not leave me scratching my head while adapting to the new site.  There may be some head scratching down the road, but so far, so good.

fishing user avatarHurricane reply : 

Mobile version is good.. 

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Looks nice.

You all did an excellent upgrade.

Congrats to Glenn and his IT people for continuing to help us communicate with each other.

A great Christmas present to us all!

fishing user avatarMontanaro reply : 

Only issue with mobile is load speeds compared to previous version.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Very fresh look.... like any thing new there will be learning curves. It will take some time to adapt but we'll get the hang of it quick. 

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I like it.

fishing user avatarjbw252 reply : 

Although most people resist change, I think that the BR upgrade was needed.  It looks fresh & sporty.  Thanks Glenn for making BR the best site on the web.  Kudos to all the moderators & IT folks behind the scene.  I hope everyone has a safe & joyous holiday.  Peace.

fishing user avatarSprocket reply : 

Wow!  Should be good.  I thought I was in the wrong forum for a minute.


SE Kansas grass grower

fishing user avatarToeshots reply : 

Looks great! Love the fact that you can add a picture straight from your phone's library.

I only have 1 question - In the mobile version, is there a way to get back to the main index from any place on the forum? Like if I'm reading a thread do I need to navigate back through each subforum to return to the main forum page? Not a big deal at all, but just curious if I am missing it somewhere because I know the previous version had this.

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 
  On 12/18/2015 at 11:42 AM, A-Jay said:

Best update so far

Really Good.

Thank You


I can't agree more. I've been here since 2010 and have seen a few updates to this site and I think this one takes the cake.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

Nice job Glenn. As an old guy, it will take me a while to figure out all the new features and get used to the changes. I have just about figured out how a smart phone works so I should be good to go.:D

fishing user avatarPreytorien reply : 

I like it! Thanks guys! This is the best site out there!

fishing user avatarMike L reply : 
  On 12/18/2015 at 10:04 PM, K_Mac said:

Nice job Glenn. As an old guy, it will take me a while to figure out all the new features and get used to the changes. I have just about figured out how a smart phone works so I should be good to go.:D


If I mess something up don't everybody get mad at me !



fishing user avatarCody21w reply : 

It's sad to say but honestly if he made the site terrible in every way, I'd still be on here every. single. day.. lol i like the new look. thanks!

fishing user avatartander reply : 

It will take some time to get use to it but I believe it will be for the best. Thanks to Glenn and everyone who works on the site.

fishing user avatargrampa1114 reply : 

I like it....Nicely done guys!!!

fishing user avatarStyx reply : 

Thanks Glenn.

fishing user avatarzeth reply : 

wow ok interesting.... glad you are making the site more mobile friendly etc but something with the design is throwing me off. harder to scan through the forum topics. for me at least.

fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 

Looks great @Glenn! Keep up the good work!

fishing user avatarbadhatharry reply : 

At first blush......looks great!!!:wub:    However, looks like I need a new avatar.

fishing user avatarFloridaFishinFool reply : 
  On 12/18/2015 at 10:56 AM, Glenn said:

     -Videos from YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, College Humor or Hulu now automatically embed when you post a link to the video.

Glenn thanks for explaining the topic stacking issue. Your suggestion fixed it.

And, for some reason when I click on "quote" to respond to a post or comment I can not cancel or clear out the quote request if I choose to delete it before posting it.

I have tried to simply delete the text in the box, but I can not get rid of the quote box. And if I can not cancel out the quote request, it prevents me from moving on to the next comment I want to quote.

Just trying to figure this new forum out! Thanks!

fishing user avatarJosh Smith reply : 


I was finally able to use the mobile version.  It does not work well for me.

Keep in mind that I run a Blackberry 8320 and Opera browser, not Android.  It's old technology.  I have thought of upgrading and may do so.  Last time I went to upgrade, I couldn't find an Android phone with physical QWERTY keyboard.

I don't expect much from this meshing of technology, and I don't get much.  The icons for View New Content, Like, and a few others are just small black boxes, leaving me to guess what they might be.  Others options are entirely absent. 

I'm not complaining -- like I said, old technology -- but this might give you an idea as to what a few others might be seeing if they're not running newer phones with Android.



fishing user avatarOntarioFishingGuy reply : 

Looks good, thanks guys.

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

It's not my style, I don't like the open concept systems like apple pushed, but it's not my forum.


I thought the other version was perfect, I'm just one voice though...

fishing user avatarnascar2428 reply : 

At first I thought the site had been hacked(LOL), this looks awesome. This site never fails to amaze!! 

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I think the forums - mobile and desktop - look great!  I haven't been able to test everything yet but I am pretty sure I will be adequately satisfied with the new features.  

fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 

I decided to do some browsing before I gave an opinion, so now after about 30 minutes of doing so, here are my thoughts. 

Overall: LOVE IT! Love the instant notifications, love the ease of posting pictures, love the overall fresh look. 

The only con I have is that a lot of the previously posted pics are gone. Look at the "Show off your stuff" thread, for example. It may just be me but a lot of the pics on there aren't showing. 

fishing user avatarJd_Phillips_Fishin reply : 

How can I find My Content?

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

Clean design, good fonts. Smooth. I like it.

Will take a little getting used to stuff, but
not a big deal.

fishing user avatarRAMBLER reply : 

I am so computer NOT savvy that when I read your description of the new changes, I don't understand a word you said.  I will probably get use to the new site as I use it.

fishing user avatarncbassfisher1496 reply : 

I may have missed this, but is there a way to only view unread posts instead of having to find the last one you read? I know the last mobile version just automatically took me to the first unread post. Thanks

fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 

I also love the fact that you can now see where topics have been moved.

Thanks guys for all your hard work getting the update and now fixing glitches. Really appreciate the effort.

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

Thanks Glen for all your hard work.  The success of this site is directly do to the leadership at the top.  You have created a great site that will continue for years to come.

fishing user avatarHoosierHawgs reply : 

Enjoying the new format. Having similar format from desktop to mobile that still looks and works intuitively on the mobile is awesome. Don't have to reload pages to like post is plus as well. Also enjoying the new editor. All in all nice OS you've got here. No kinks for me so far. Fresh, clean look. Much more intuitive design and interface.

fishing user avatarJolly Green reply : 

I like it, nice job Glenn and team.  Will there be a grammar filter or is that still just Long Mike?

fishing user avatarJd_Phillips_Fishin reply : 

How do I find all of my old 'liked' posts?

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

Took me all evening to figure out how to log in. Old site I had to have the compatibility view on my computer set to on, had to turn it off to get the new site to work. Just figured out log in on the mobile version as well. Kept hitting the sign in button and it kept kicking me out....then I put my glasses on. I was hitting the sign up button It's hell getting old  

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 
  On 12/19/2015 at 1:41 AM, FloridaFishinFool said:

And, for some reason when I click on "quote" to respond to a post or comment I can not cancel or clear out the quote request if I choose to delete it before posting it.

I have tried to simply delete the text in the box, but I can not get rid of the quote box. And if I can not cancel out the quote request, it prevents me from moving on to the next comment I want to quote

Here are a few options I did in a video: 


Sum it up: 

1. Must select the outside wrapper of the quote then backspace.

2. CMD/Ctrl + right click will give you editor options. 

3. Which I didn’t show in a video, click source delete the code.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 
  On 12/19/2015 at 10:49 AM, Carolina Bassin said:

How do I find all of my old 'liked' posts?

I suspect you mean "followed" posts. 

To find those, look in the upper right above the search field.  See your name there with a little down arrow next to it?  Click it.  Then click on "Manage Followed Content".

fishing user avatarBig C reply : 

All right, honestly I was not a fan of the changes at first.  But, after spending some time figuring it all out, the changes are awesome.  I especially like the new way to see the first and last post of a thread, where you let the cursor hover over the topic header and you can take a peek at the content.  And the new way to get to the first unread post in a thread by clicking on the green dot or star next to the topic. 

Nice job Glenn, you made some great improvements.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 
  On 12/21/2015 at 5:01 AM, Dypsis said:

I guess I'm looking for a way to set it so if I comment on any thread at any point - I want to see if a new comment has been made.

When you post a comment, there's a toggle to the left of the "submit reply" button that says "Notify me of replies".


fishing user avatarFloridaFishinFool reply : 

Hello Glenn! Thanks for all your help in getting to know the new format better.

I wanted to ask you about one small issue I was hoping could be tweaked moving forward...

A lot of us come back to a thread we may have commented on or are following without actually asking the forum to track it or follow it for us. And when I click on a thread title that has multiple pages of comments, it takes me right back to page 1 every time, and then I have to search through the thread and sometimes backtrack the thread going backwards to locate the last place where I left off reading.

Is there a way to click on a thread title and have it land on the last page I was reading with the beginning of the latest updated comments rather than on page 1 every time?

Ideally, if this could be programmed into the forum for operational purposes, it would be a convenience for us when we click on the title of a thread we are following that it takes us directly to the beginning of newest comments we have not read yet- on any page.

Not sure if such a thing is possible but I thought I would mention it. I have some catching up to do with your other solutions mentioned above...

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 12/21/2015 at 8:40 PM, FloridaFishinFool said:

Hello Glenn! Thanks for all your help in getting to know the new format better.

I wanted to ask you about one small issue I was hoping could be tweaked moving forward...

A lot of us come back to a thread we may have commented on or are following without actually asking the forum to track it or follow it for us. And when I click on a thread title that has multiple pages of comments, it takes me right back to page 1 every time, and then I have to search through the thread and sometimes backtrack the thread going backwards to locate the last place where I left off reading.

Is there a way to click on a thread title and have it land on the last page I was reading with the beginning of the latest updated comments rather than on page 1 every time?

Ideally, if this could be programmed into the forum for operational purposes, it would be a convenience for us when we click on the title of a thread we are following that it takes us directly to the beginning of newest comments we have not read yet- on any page.

Not sure if such a thing is possible but I thought I would mention it. I have some catching up to do with your other solutions mentioned above...

Try this - open up your profile.  Scroll down into your activity (your own posts) find the post you're interested in reading.

Then click the Time stamp at the bottom left of that post.  It will take you directly to that section of the thread, regardless of length and you can read on from there with out having to search or back track.


fishing user avatarFloridaFishinFool reply : 

Thanks! I will try it.

fishing user avatarSnakehead Whisperer reply : 
  On 12/21/2015 at 9:48 PM, FloridaFishinFool said:

Thanks! I will try it.

There's also a small blue line across the screen that indicates the beginning on new content since the last time you loaded the page.

fishing user avatarQUAKEnSHAKE reply : 
  On 12/21/2015 at 10:33 PM, Snakehead Whisperer said:

There's also a small blue line across the screen that indicates the beginning on new content since the last time you loaded the page.

Could you post a screen print of the blue line please?

fishing user avatarSnakehead Whisperer reply : 
  On 12/21/2015 at 11:32 PM, QUAKEnSHAKE said:

Could you post a screen print of the blue line please?



fishing user avatarNeil McCauley reply : 

Disappointed to see that many pics are no longer viewable in old threads and posts. Particularly fishing reports. Not sure if the issue was file size or number of pics, or if this is intentional or what, but bottom line is content has been lost.

Couple examples:

fishing user avatarQUAKEnSHAKE reply : 
  On 12/22/2015 at 3:26 AM, Snakehead Whisperer said:



Thank You

That line I see it inside the thread. Im looking for a cut on the index screen like prior to update, only showing posts made while I was gone. Like I was just gone 3 hours but still have many posts still showing from past visit.

fishing user avatarSnakehead Whisperer reply : 
  On 12/22/2015 at 3:44 AM, QUAKEnSHAKE said:

Thank You

That line I see it inside the thread. Im looking for a cut on the index screen like prior to update, only showing posts made while I was gone. Like I was just gone 3 hours but still have many posts still showing from past visit.

I see. Do you mean like when you would click on "My Content" on the old site? I too am trying to figure that out, but I just haven't really had time to mess with it yet. I'll let you know if I figure that out. 

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 
  On 12/21/2015 at 9:45 PM, A-Jay said:

Is there a way to click on a thread title and have it land on the last page I was reading with the beginning of the latest updated comments rather than on page 1 every time?

Click the blue dot next to the thread title when viewing lists of threads.


fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 
  On 12/22/2015 at 3:37 AM, Neil McCauley said:
  On 12/22/2015 at 3:37 AM, Neil McCauley said:

Disappointed to see that many pics are no longer viewable in old threads and posts. Particularly fishing reports. Not sure if the issue was file size or number of pics, or if this is intentional or what, but bottom line is content has been lost.

Couple examples:

Disappointed to see that many pics are no longer viewable in old threads and posts. Particularly fishing reports. Not sure if the issue was file size or number of pics, or if this is intentional or what, but bottom line is content has been lost.


This isn't a result of the update. All of the missing images on that link are facebook images for the user "Dead River" that are missing, which all have access denied. I would check other pages you have seen and see if this is the same user. If so, ensure he hasnt simply switched off his facebook/made it private or moved the images in question.


fishing user avatarNeil McCauley reply : 
  On 12/22/2015 at 9:36 PM, Glenn said:


This isn't a result of the update. All of the missing images on that link are facebook images for the user "Dead River" that are missing, which all have access denied. I would check other pages you have seen and see if this is the same user. If so, ensure he hasnt simply switched off his facebook/made it private or moved the images in question.


You may be right. I first noticed it after looking back at one of my own reports (below) that was missing about half the pics. Now on a different browser/computer they're working, except for the last one in that post. Not sure why. The missing image links from those above threads make sense. Thanks for the explanation.



fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

That last one has an issue with the site where it's hosted on.

Click the link to see the error.

fishing user avatarfishing48 reply : 

Great looking New Forum. Love all the new changes. Some of them are, it's easier to use on other devices, Love the quick uploading on the drag and drop features, and the greater speed and reliability. There are many more updates for me to checkout. Great job.

fishing user avatarClackerBuzz reply : 

The new site is great Glenn.  Thanks to you and the mods for all ur hard work.


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Tournament Fishing vs. Trophy Fishing
Random noises out on the water
People that leave trash
Music While Fishing
Sensitive subject
Do You Keep a Fishing Log?
Anyone else enjoy fishing in the rain?
Measure or Weigh?
Listening to music while bass fishing
are western fishermen the best of the best??
The Five Percent Or The Other Ninety-Five Percent
Dream Bass fishing trips
My Lifejacket Saved Me Today.
Your Dream Trip
How Good Do Bass, Bluegill, Etc Taste?
The winter blues ...
If you could, WHERE?
Most Underated Technique or Tackle?
Caught without a License
Light waves underwater

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Tournament Fishing vs. Trophy Fishing -- General Bass Fishing Forum