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Caught without a License 2024

fishing user avatarbassmasta7 reply : 

Luckily, I have a fishing license but a kid at school who rarely fishes was caught at a public lake without one. The ranger gave him a ticket. I was wondering if anyone else has been caught without one or knows how much the fine is? IMOI think it is stupid that people who fish once a year for bluegill (and arent gonna catch anything) have to pay a fine.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

It is absoulutely for the benefit of all that fishing licences are required.  Most states, (but not all) will return a portion of the license revenue to the resource.  That means part of the license money goes for improving the fishing.

as far as fishing once a year.  How does the ranger know that?  Should he take the anglers word for it  ::)

fishing user avatarMuddpuppy reply : 

Here you can get what they call a Day Plus licence package that can be purchased for one or more specified days.

fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 

PA has two free days a year to expose people to fishing and experience the thrill of catching fish. Are there any more states out there that do the same? I think it's a good deal.


The Pa Angler

fishing user avatarKenDammit28 reply : 

I know that Kentucky does it...I think its one day at the beginning of April where people are allowed to fish without a license. After that day, the wardens are like nazi's over fishing licenses. They will follow boats forever, just waiting to see if they're going to fish and then roll up and ask to see licenses if they see a pole. If caught without one..confiscation happens, no questions asked...thats been my experience.  Luckily, I have never fished without a license but have been asked to show mine more than a few times.

fishing user avatarpaparock reply : 

Here in Arkansas they have one weekend each year where you can fish without a license. Remember that the money from the license fees in most states go back into maintaining the fishery to pay for things like stocking the fish you might catch. The same can be said for the sale taxes on fishing tackle.

If he only received a ticket he should be thankful. Some locals got caught boating down a local river spot lighting game at night. They lost their boats, trailers, all tackle and their vehicles. It only takes a minute to check the laws and buy the license but not doing so can bring years of regret if you lose hunting and fishing privileges, pay fines and lose expensive gear.

Personally I don't mind paying and in fact donate money and time to aid the Arkansas Game and Fish. These guys make very little pay and deal with more armed citizens than any other law enforcement agency. Most are good guys that don't abuse their authority but when one does it sure gives them all a bad name. When comes right down to it fish or hunting without a license is stealing from all the rest of us that do always pay. I know some will say what if a man is feeding his family and can't afford the price of a license. Well I guess I would have to question if he could not afford a license how is he affording to fish? But then some of the Game Wardens I know are such good men that if they knew a man really could not afford a license and was in the straits that if he caught no fish his kids would go to bed hungry. They would buy him a license out of their own pocket. I have seen it at the resort I once owned. So there is no really good excuse to get caught without a license. There are only excuses that make us feel better or justified about getting caught without one.

fishing user avatarMaster_Hunter_1977 reply : 

I am from Oregon and I know here that the ticket can be as much as $300.  I think its good that its that much.  I think it doesn't matter if you fish once or twice you should buy a license.


fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

In Ms you can get a 3 day license or a week license, but a whole year's license is only $7.00.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

WEll Bassmasta7.  The Forum has spoken.

Still think it's stupid?

I hope you can educate your friend.

And why not teach him how to bass fish while your at it  

fishing user avatarScootZilla reply : 
In Ms you can get a 3 day license or a week license, but a whole year's license is only $7.00.

Man i wish i was you only 7 bucks.Here in Indianapolius it is like double that for a year pass.


fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

I got caught years ago in VT when I first moved there.  Went out to investigate some of the ponds I saw in the area.  Had every intention of buying one, this was just an exploratory ride.

Made a few casts at the wrong place and the wrong time.  Took my gear for 1 yr, $50 fine and couldn't get a license in VT for 1yr.


Lesson learned

fishing user avatarRLinNH reply : 

OUCH LBH!!! Getting caught in NH is just as stiff though. They take whatever you have for gear, revoke your license for a year.

            In NH they have 1 free fishing day a year where you can go fish anything you want and not have to worry about a license. Also, kids under the age of 16 do not need a license. Good thing as A lot of my spare time as a kid was spent on a river chasing big shiners.  ;D

fishing user avatarPanamoka_Bassin reply : 

In NY, or at least on Long Island, people mostly fish salt water, for which you don't need a license at all (unless you are going to sell your catch).  Fresh water licenses are available in just about every tackle shop, though, as well as town/county halls and even at Wal-Mart.  I agree that there should be a hefty fine for fishing without, seeing as a yearly license is only $14.  There's a new program up here called a "Lifetime License", but at the moment the price evades me.  I'll probably sign up for that at the end of this year.

fishing user avatarFlyRod reply : 

I have this belief that if a person thinks a fine is "Stupid", regardless of the clearly written and legally ordained ordinance that imposes it, said person will, himself, show up on the police/warden blotter sooner than later.

So, Bassmasta, how do ya' look in stripes ?


fishing user avatarChris at Tech reply : 

They can take your freakin' gear???  That seems a bit excessive to me...

My GF was visiting me in NJ and we got her a 1 day pass.  Lucky we did, because that was the first and only time I had ever seen rangers checking.  But the kicker was he didn't believe the license was legit...

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

MD has one or two "fish for free" days a year as well and also offer a 7 day license. I don't worry about it cause I get mine license within the first 2-3 days of the new year (can't go long without wetting some line!). I had a friend two years ago that accidently left his license in his car (which was about 500 yards from him at the time) and a park ranger gave him a $25 ticket for not having his license on him. I got stopped once a few years back with out my license in PA (was a spur of the moment outing and I had left all my gear in MD, including my license). Luckily, this ranger was pretty cool! All I had to do was fax a copy of my PA license to him.

fishing user avatarRLinNH reply : 

Excessive? Some people think so Chris. But, it's tha law here in NH, and it's done all the time.

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 
PA has two free days a year to expose people to fishing and experience the thrill of catching fish. Are there any more states out there that do the same? I think it's a good deal.


The Pa Angler

California does the same thing. 2 free days each year.

1 Day California License = about $11

2 Day California License = about $17

1 Year California License = $34.90

2nd Rod Stamp = About $4

Saltwater Stamp = About $4

The license must be worn above your waist and visable for anyone to see.

I think if you're under 16 or a minor you can fish without a license if you're with a licensed adult.

I've heard rumors of fines being anywhere from $150 to $700 for fishing with out a license. I really don't know what to believe but I've heard the $700 number from a lot of people. I'm guessing it's up to the judge.

fishing user avatargoldenmonkey reply : 

I've never even been asked by a ranger to see my liscense before, althoguh I always have one.  Ive been stopped and asked to see my boaters safety course certificate a couple times tho.

fishing user avatarZebco202 reply : 

Here in Tennessee, we have a "Free Fishing Day" every year.  This year I think it's in June.  This is for anyone to fish without a license.  I think they have a an entire week where anyone under the age of 18 can fish without a license.

In-state License in Tennessee is $28

Out of state is $41

There is also an additional fee for Trout.

I think you have to have a license if your over 13 or 14.  Under that age you can fish without one.

fishing user avatargrove83 reply : 

Well lets put it this way.  If, in PA, you are caught "spotting" deer at night, during deer season, you lose your license, all your guns and you have to pay a fine.  So I think that losing your fishing gear is appropriate.  No matter how you look at it, you are poaching!  If I take my gun in the woods, without a license, "knowing" that I won't shoot anything, I'm STILL poaching.  Poaching=the illegal harvesting of wildlife, whether it be fish, deer, moose, elk, bear, or whatever you are "hunting".  Yes fishermen are hunters also.  That being said I think that the kid got off EASY.  We have to pay over 30 dollars, thats with the trout stamp, to fish.  Just my 2 cents.....

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 
 If I take my gun in the woods, without a license, "knowing" that I won't shoot anything, I'm STILL poaching.  Poaching=the illegal harvesting of wildlife, whether it be fish, deer, moose, elk, bear, or whatever you are "hunting".

How is it poaching if you don't harvest anything? You would have to shoot and kill something if you wanted to poach. So if I take a gun into to woods for PROTECTION and have no intention of shooting for the sake of hunting, I'm poaching? I don't get that... :-?

fishing user avatargrove83 reply : 

I should have said...."during the hunting season".  :-[  My point is that the kid had a line in the water....same if I was in the woods....sitting, waiting for an animal.   I am still in the act of attempting to harvest an animal illegally.  According to my uncle, a PGC officer, it is still poaching.  Although to be convicted...i'd have to at least shoot at an animal.  Fishing differs because the "shooting" is when the line is in the water.  That was just explained to me.  Bad choice of words....but you get my point.

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

Georgia has three free days. June 3, June 10 and September 23, 2006. Goldenmonkey. We are not required to have a boaters safety course yet. I think it's good idea though, just like the Hunter Safety courses are.

fishing user avatargrove83 reply : 

correction....I didn't need to say during the hunting season.  If you are in the act of "hunting".  

Rattletrap- I agree!!! Although I don't if we have to have the boaters saftey course here.....I don't think we do but it is "recommended".

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Down here if you fish from the bank you don 't need a license, from a boat the fee is 45 dollars per year and your license is valid in all the mexican territory, it doesn 't matter in which state you paid the fee.

fishing user avatarDeuceu72 reply : 

Here in Colorado, we have 2 free fishing days per year..........

fishing user avatardeadeye32. reply : 

I too am from indianapolis and I had two buddies go out with me one afternoon that were from out of town. My buddies both got tickets and I felt really bad because they never go fishing.  The funny thing was that the C.O. went to the same high school and college as all of us and he still wrote them up.  One of my friends actually plays for the Dallas Cowboys and he was in town for just the weekend.  This C.O. knew him and still gave him the ticket.  I guess they can be brutal here in Indy.

fishing user avatarSkidder reply : 

I hope the penalty is nice and stiff!

I don't know how much the fine is but I bet the license is a Hell of a lot less! ;D ;D

How stupid is this guy?

"Only goes fishing once a year and shouldn't have to buy a license"

Try telling the officer, I only go driving once a year, I didn't think I needed a license."

And as far as walking in the woods with a gun for "protection", You can't be serious? :-?

fishing user avatarMinuteman reply : 
One of my friends actually plays for the Dallas Cowboys and he was in town for just the weekend.  This C.O. knew him and still gave him the ticket.  I guess they can be brutal here in Indy.

Good thing he didn't get caught fishing w/o license in Philly. We would never have heard from the guy again ;D

fishing user avatarbgbfflochp reply : 

I don't understand them not letting you get a license for a year if you're caught without one.  Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose?  I know if I want to fish, I'm going to fish.  If you won't sell me a license...then I just won't have a license then.  As rarely as they check, I'm willing to pay the 50 dollar fine (might happen once a year if I fish A LOT).  I'm perfectly fine with the confiscation of deserve it IMO.  That's like suspending kids from school for skipping school.  I don't get the idea behind the punishment at all?  They should have in-school suspension.  I think they should include the price of a license in the fine.  

I don't know, just doesn't make sense to me

fishing user avatarMadhouse27 reply : 

The Wardens up here in Maine are courteous but take their job protecting the resource very seriously. Often times they work with a partner. It's not unusual to have them board your boat during a routine license check. The first thing they want to look in is your livewell. Unfortunately, illegal stocking has taken it's toll on many waters that were once exclusively brook trout and salmon fisheries. While pike and musky are the front page news problems, there have been plenty of illegal stocking situations involving bass. In some ways it has tainted the bass fisherman's image up here. Another thing they are looking for are people operating boats under the influence of alcohol and drugs. On one lake in particular I only allow three beers apiece for me and my fishing partner because I know we are going to get a visit.

fishing user avatarbassmasta7 reply : 
I have this belief that if a person thinks a fine is "Stupid", regardless of the clearly written and legally ordained ordinance that imposes it, said person will, himself, show up on the police/warden blotter sooner than later.

So, Bassmasta, how do ya' look in stripes ?


First off, I obeyed the law and got my fishing license as soon as I turned 16, so I would not be breaking the law. I just think the fine for fishing when you do it 1 time a year is stupid. At this lake, you cannot buy a fishing license here. You have to drive 20 minutes the other way to go to walmart.

I look good in anything I wear. :)

fishing user avatarbassmasta7 reply : 

Also, I doubt the kid would have cared if they took all of his equipment. I would bet he probly had about one hook, a slice of bread, and a $10 Zebco (Barbie edition ;D).

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
I too am from indianapolis and I had two buddies go out with me one afternoon that were from out of town. My buddies both got tickets and I felt really bad because they never go fishing. The funny thing was that the C.O. went to the same high school and college as all of us and he still wrote them up. One of my friends actually plays for the Dallas Cowboys and he was in town for just the weekend. This C.O. knew him and still gave him the ticket. I guess they can be brutal here in Indy.

The money from our licenses benefits fisheries and everyone who fishes.  If these people are getting a benefit from the lakes of that state, they should be willing to pay for the license, or a temporary licence in this case.  As for the guy who plays for the Cowboys, Big Deal.  He puts his pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of us.  IMO, his fine should have been larger, because he should have no problems paying for a license.  

fishing user avatardarcy tucker reply : 

I got caught without a license the morning of bass opener in Ontario a few years back at 7am (last saturday in June).  I just did not buy it yet and planned to buy one after I went fishing that day.  The conservation officer was a ***** though.

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 
I got caught without a license the morning of bass opener in Ontario a few years back at 7am (last saturday in June). I just did not buy it yet and planned to buy one after I went fishing that day. The conservation officer was a ***** though.

How was the officer being a *****? He was doing his job. You were the one who made the mistake of going out without the license. How long would it have taken you to buy a license before your fishing trip that day? probably just a few minutes. I say good job to that officer for doing his job.

Here in Missouri our licenses can be purchased on the 1st of March and are good all the way until Feb. 28th (or 29th). First of March every year the first thing I go do is plop down my $11 on the counter at Walmart for my 1 yr. license.

fishing user avatarbassmasta7 reply : 

$9 in GA

fishing user avatardarcy tucker reply : 
I got caught without a license the morning of bass opener in Ontario a few years back at 7am (last saturday in June).  I just did not buy it yet and planned to buy one after I went fishing that day.  The conservation officer was a ***** though.

How was the officer being a *****? He was doing his job. You were the one who made the mistake of going out without the license. How long would it have taken you to buy a license before your fishing trip that day? probably just a few minutes. I say good job to that officer for doing his job.

Here in Missouri our licenses can be purchased on the 1st of March and are good all the way until Feb. 28th (or 29th). First of March every year the first thing I go do is plop down my $11 on the counter at Walmart for my 1 yr. license.

There was no place open at 6am. Obviously I should have bought it the day before but I was not sure if I was going.  He was a ***** because instead of just giving me the ticket he felt he had the right to judge me.  

fishing user avatarmike90 reply : 

bassmasta if they just let everyone off noone would buy a license and just say oh oficer i only fish one day a year  ;D ;D

fishing user avatarGeneinTX reply : 

I grew up on Long Island and had my rod and tackle box taken by a Consevation Officer for fishing with live bait in an artificial only pond.

If this fellow gets a license and takes it to court they probobly dismiss the charge. I had a young soldier that worked for me in TX do that and all charges were dismissed.

It could work and provides all of the money for the year back to the resource. Win-Win

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

The law is the law.  As for the fine, I've never been caught but someone I know has. His fine was around $60 or so.  As stated,  fishing licenses are relatively cheap, under $15 in most states and most of those states have a free fishing weekend.  If the guy only fishes once a year, why not just wait until the free fishing weekend?

Sorry, I have no sympathy for him.

fishing user avatarSkidder reply : 
I too am from indianapolis and I had two buddies go out with me one afternoon that were from out of town. My buddies both got tickets and I felt really bad because they never go fishing. The funny thing was that the C.O. went to the same high school and college as all of us and he still wrote them up. One of my friends actually plays for the Dallas Cowboys and he was in town for just the weekend. This C.O. knew him and still gave him the ticket. I guess they can be brutal here in Indy.

I was wondering, If the officer would have let him off with a warning, until he found out he played for Dallas. If I was the judge that would get him the max! ;D

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
They can take your freakin' gear??? That seems a bit excessive to me..

That's nothing!  Here in RI, if you get caught fishing the Scituate Reservoir,our main water supply for the entire state,they not only take your gear, but THE VEHICLE YOU USED TO ASSIST IN BREAKING THE LAW.  Yes,your car,truck,or whatever.  Just like a drug dealer.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
I don't understand them not letting you get a license for a year if you're caught without one. Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose? I know if I want to fish, I'm going to fish. If you won't sell me a license...then I just won't have a license then. As rarely as they check, I'm willing to pay the 50 dollar fine (might happen once a year if I fish A LOT). I'm perfectly fine with the confiscation of deserve it IMO. That's like suspending kids from school for skipping school. I don't get the idea behind the punishment at all? They should have in-school suspension. I think they should include the price of a license in the fine.

I don't know, just doesn't make sense to me

You may be fine with the $50 fine but it is a deterrent and merely a way to document a "first offense".  Many times, the guilty angler plans on getting a license but either it's the first time out and they havn't gotten it yet or maybe a whim of the moment, getting out earlier than planned but didn't get it yet.  They are not "criminals" persay but now it is documented.  When you get caught again that year, you lose $500 and risk 30 days in jail.  Still don't care?  Still gonna go risk fishing the rest of that season?  Not me!

fishing user avatartelecaster reply : 

I always buy a license. When I have a license I never see a GameWarden.The day I try to fish without one I'm sure I'll get caught.

fishing user avatarmgmoore7 reply : 
They can take your freakin' gear??? That seems a bit excessive to me..

That's nothing! Here in RI, if you get caught fishing the Scituate Reservoir,our main water supply for the entire state,they not only take your gear, but THE VEHICLE YOU USED TO ASSIST IN BREAKING THE LAW. Yes,your car,truck,or whatever. Just like a drug dealer.

I know "the law is the law" but who made these laws?  Where is the common sense?  If I go fishing without a license and get caught with a line and hook in the water, my car and gear will be taken?  That is rediculous.  Isn't it more appropriate to take the car of someone who is doing 40mph in a 25 zone in a neighborhood where kids play.  Let't take their drivers license away for a year as well while we are at it.  We are talking about fish not people's lives.  

Now if someone gets caught with 100 bass (or whatever fish) and the limit is 5, then by all means the full extent of the law should be enforced.  This is why there are judges to sentence people so that there can be some variability in the sentence to fit the crime.  

Don't get me wrong.  I am for the licenses but some of the penalties that are being described here seem outragous.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Bassmasta7.   I know your only 16 but please stop saying that it is "stupid" to fine someone for breaking the law because they only do it once a year.

fishing user avatarTucson reply : 

Let's see...if you know you need a license and fail to get one somehow it's society's fault that you behaved inappropriately.  Man, does anyone accept responsibility for their actions anymore?  On the other hand seizing your vehicle seems completely out of line, more fallout from the war on drugs policies.  Why not seize your home and savings also, justify it with the RICO rulings.  

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

Look at it this way, it is the one thing that the goverment requires us to pay that actually gives us a little enjoyment.  Traffic tickets don't speeding tickets don't, paying taxes definatly does not.  If they let one person slide because they don't have there license then when that guy tells everyone they let him slide by then there going to expected the same treatment and the molehill just gets bigger from there on.  It's not fair to the ones who did purchase there licences even if the guy only goes once a year it dosen't matter. Imagine a world without the game warden where would our fisheries be then or how our hunting seasons would be without them.  It's a good thing and thats great he got nailed should have gotten a license.  The $15 dollars a year that I pay for my licences provides me with alot of enjoyment and no worry's about being legal.  In todays world you can't get that kind of entertainment that cheap anywhere and the best part is I don't have to pay it everytime I want to go out and have fun.  

fishing user avatarNew Bass Man reply : 

It is one of life's simple pleasures for me to go purchase my Fishing license each year.  I usually purchase DC, Virginia, and NC out-of-state licenses so I can fish there too!  It just ain't worth it to get caught without a license.

fishing user avatarbassmasta7 reply : 

Srry Avid, I used it the first time so i wouldnt use ne thing worse. And then I quoted every one else that was quoting me. But NE way, I agree with LBH and MGMoore. I understand the fines for avid fishermen (no pun intended) but taking someone's car is crazy. Like Morre said it is just fishing.

fishing user avatarbgbfflochp reply : 

You may be fine with the $50 fine but it is a deterrent and merely a way to document a "first offense". Many times, the guilty angler plans on getting a license but either it's the first time out and they havn't gotten it yet or maybe a whim of the moment, getting out earlier than planned but didn't get it yet. They are not "criminals" persay but now it is documented. When you get caught again that year, you lose $500 and risk 30 days in jail. Still don't care? Still gonna go risk fishing the rest of that season? Not me!

I still don't care, you're right. If I'm that "whim of the moment"/"planned on getting one but the store wasn't open" person, they should just fine me, NOT ban me from purchasing a license for an entire year. I'm not getting any younger...I will fish when I can. When a man can shoot and wound somebody outside of the place I work, and be out on bond and later sentenced to probation because our jails are overpopulated...I seriously doubt I'd ever spend a day in jail. Don't get me wrong, I always have my license, and you can even purchase them over the phone here in SC 24 hours a day, but I refuse to agree that banning someone from purchasing a license for a year is a valid punishment. Some people don't even know you have to have a fishing license. This might be the one time in that last 30 years they've been fishing. Do I think they should be excused from the law? Of course not. But don't tell them they can't do the right thing on the first offense. If worst came to worst, I'd fish off the land with all of the poles on the ground. I don't know where those kids went that were fishing here, I'm a birdwatcher. I know I sound ridiculous, but that policy is just ridiculous. They would learn to hate me. It's like when a child grows out of the spanking stage, they just don't care and it drives the parent mad. I would be that kid. They couldn't fine me enough...but I guess that isn't the case for the ones that don't purchase a license, they probably don't fish enough to be so adament about fighting it. Ahh well, it'll never happen to me since I always carry my license in my wallet, even when not fishing. I just don't agree with part of the punishment. A hefty fine is plenty to deter it from happening again IMO.  Now if they get a second offense...maybe then would I agree that they shouldn't be allowed to purchase a license and fish for a year.

fishing user avatarOther. reply : 

My dad once "forgot his liscince" he was telling me a story of that. They gave him a fine and took all of his fishing gear. luckly they didnet take the boat or the car.

But i thin kthey should do more stuff like that. I mean its for a good reason to have a licsence. Those who try to sneak arround with out a liccence are stupied peopel that we should kill  ;D

fishing user avatarbassmasta7 reply : 

I dont like the idea of preventing someone from buying a fishing license after one offense. I see it as if you were caught speeding, going 10 over and it is your 1st ticket and they take away your drivers license. Thankfully, they dont do this. They shouldnt do this in fishing either. It takes many tickets and wreckless things to get your drivers license taken away. To get your ability to purchase a fishing license taken away should not be done until after 2 or 3 offenses at least unless you are also doing something more severe to the hurt the fishing or the fishing area.

fishing user avatartopwaterbob reply : 

Breaking the law results in the offender paying the penalty if caught. Losing fishing privliges for one offense is like shooting yourself in the foot. The tickiting officer should be able to write a license on the spot. That is after a fine is paid. Or give the offender the choice. They still have to write anyway.  One fall a buddy and I were going up to Erie for salmon. That is about a 140 mile trip for me. The place where we were going fishing was gated and had to be opened by a fishing warden. I forgot my license and explained the situation to the officer. He told me to go ahead and fish but stay in the area as he would come back later to check us. Some times it pays to do the honest thing.


fishing user avatarKana reply : 

when i lived in oregon, the fine was 500$ and they took all your gear! not worth it to me.  the licence was like 42$ i would rather pay that then risk getting caught and loosing a lot more money when they take my gear! it doesnt make sense that one just couldnt take a few minutes to purchase a license, and if you knew nothing of fishing ask if you needed one!  not only do you escape the wrath of the WFD agent but you help invest into the future of our water and fish that live in them, so i dont mind the fee. however in japan, there is not license, just if you go to "area" fishing spots, you have to pay for teh day, and it could be as cheap as 15, or as steep as 50$.  so i stick to public areas, unless im going ona boat with a friend to a dam, then i dont mind paying.

fishing user avatarfishinyank reply : 

Its simple- suck it up, and buy a liscence.  Theres no excuse, NONE, for fishing without one. Dont like the punishments? too bad, buy the liscence. I only fish once or twice a year- too bad, buy the liscence. But they took all my equipment! AAWW little baby, there there, u should have bought a liscence huh?  :'(

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

All right, let's get a grip guys.

first. Nothing in the initial post said that the ranger took the kids gear.

Second, He's a kid. The judge knows that. So long as he isn't a repeat offender the judge will make him pay a small fine and warn him about not doing it again.

That's all that is going to happen here.

Unless of course he decides to go smart *** with the judge "Whatever"

fishing user avatargrove83 reply : 
I dont like the idea of preventing someone from buying a fishing license after one offense. I see it as if you were caught speeding, going 10 over and it is your 1st ticket and they take away your drivers license.

Well all I have to say is that they do take your DL for a first least here in PA.  I was doing 77 in a 65...lost my DL for 15 days!!!  First offense....never had an speeding....NOTHING on my driving record.  I broke the law, so I paid the fine (over $100) and lost my DL, thats what I get.  Do you think I speed now?  HECK NO!  So taking your gear I think is acceptable.  I don't think your friend will lose his stuff if he hasn't already, and the judge can have your gear returned to you after your hearing.  It all depends on the judge and your ATTITUDE!!!  

fishing user avatarbassmasta7 reply : 

Well all I have to say is that they do take your DL for a first least here in PA. I was doing 77 in a 65...lost my DL for 15 days!!! First offense....never had an speeding....NOTHING on my driving record. I broke the law, so I paid the fine (over $100) and lost my DL, thats what I get. Do you think I speed now? HECK NO! So taking your gear I think is acceptable. I don't think your friend will lose his stuff if he hasn't already, and the judge can have your gear returned to you after your hearing. It all depends on the judge and your ATTITUDE!!!

Wow, I didnt know they could take ur license by going only 12 over. Most of the time they dont and i dont know all your story so im gonna leave it at that. They definetly did not take the guy's fishing stuff. I doubt he is going to have to go to court for it. He will probably just pay the fine.

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 

In WV, they have two free fishing days in June to expose the wonders of fishing. I am going to renew my own license soon. I think the fine here is around $50.

fishing user avatargrove83 reply : 

BM7- The funny thing about the whole incident was that I was doing 80, saw the cop and tried to slow down.  Just didn't get slowed down in time.  The guy in front of me was clocked at 92.....OUCH!!!  I don't know what he got out of the deal but he never even hit the brake pedal.  Two birds with one stone I guess.  The officer had a good day!   ;D  :'(  Live and learn.  

If the warden didn't take your friends stuff then he probably won't lose it, unless he fails to pay the fine on time.  Then that is a whole other story.


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