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Someone Stole All My Fishing Gear 2024

fishing user avatarihfarmboy-1066 reply : 

Hey y'all worse day ever today I get homw from work and was gonna go fishing and I go out to my garage and find that my side door on my garage was broke and open so I walk in and turn the lights on and look and someone broke into my garage and stole all my tools and over $10,000 in salt& freshwater fishing gear. So I called the cops and they came out took pictures and made a report and said they are gonna do there best to find the people that did this. Im so mad about this s***t I'd give anyone anything if they needed it and help people out like I just dont get it. So now I gotta replace all my stuff this isn't gonna be fun to do. Plus a few of my rods and feels were really old and they were past on to me after my paw paw past away last year. To top it off I was going to the Outer Banks in South Carolina this weekend for a fishing trip!!! It makes me sick sorry y'all I just had to vent about this

fishing user avatarmasterbass reply : 

Sorry brother.  Thieves are scum of the earth.  Does homeowners insurance cover any of this?  I know the sentimental stuff can never be replaced though.  A lot of these guys resell on craigslist and ebay.  I'd also check any pawn shops.

fishing user avatarihfarmboy-1066 reply : 

Thanks masterbass. O yeah that they so are!!I called my homeowners insurance and they told me to fax them over a copy of the report they should cover it from what I was told.yeah I'm gonna look on all on them . yeah the sentimental stuff can't be replaced ever

fishing user avatarTurkey sandwich reply : 

I'm so sorry. Get things straightened out with your insurance. Nightmares like this are what insurance is for. Good luck.

fishing user avatarjbsoonerfan reply : 

Hopefully your insurance takes care of you. I know they say to take pics and document everything you have (which I don't) but maybe you did.

fishing user avatarihfarmboy-1066 reply : 

Thanks guys. Yeah me and my wife are hoping that are insurance takes care of it. Yeah wife has pics of everything I know I should document stuff but didn't. Good thing for insurance for things like this is very right

fishing user avatarjtharris3 reply : 

Very sorry to hear your stuff got stolen! That absolutely sucks!! Damned thieves!

Hopefully your insurance company treats you right.

fishing user avatarihfarmboy-1066 reply : 

Thanks jtharris3. O yeah it sucks very bad!! I hate thieves they are the worse people on this earth! Yeah I'm hoping they do but I'll see what happiness

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I had all my gear stolen once and my boat stolen once, never got a single thing back. It's a terrible feeling, but at least your insurance is going to cover it. It happened to me when I was still in school and obviously didn't have homeowners insurance, so I had to replace it all piece by piece again. 

fishing user avatarihfarmboy-1066 reply : 

I'm sorry to hear that bluebasser86 wow that really sucks big time there. O yeah the so definitely the worse feeling ever. Yeah when your young you really dont think stuff like this will happen to you and you dont have a house of your own. Yeah atlest they are gonna do something for me buy it just sucks having to replace it all

fishing user avatarhawkoath reply : 

Ouch. Sorry to hear about something like this happening. I'm glad homeowners insurance covers this but it definitely hurts no matter what. I can't imagine what I would feel like if something happened like this to me; knowing how much time and effort it took to accumulate all the gear, maintain everything, modify stuff, etc... I feel for you and hope everything turns out for the best.  

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

OBX is in North Carolina

fishing user avatarihfarmboy-1066 reply : 

Yes I know that I posted this on my phone and I guess the auto correct changed it around on me...thanks hawkoath. Yeah it is just sickening that this happened and yeah your so right on that one the time and all that getting what I wanted and all that is now gone. Im More mad about my two paw paws rods are gone and that my tools and my new welder got stolen

fishing user avataregladding reply : 

That really SUCKS! I hate thieves! But I have a similar story. I bought a new nitro ZV18 about a month ago. I had over 3k in fishing gear in it and around $3k in electronics. A guy backed up to it in my driveway in broad daylight while my wife was putting our 4 yo to bed and took everything. I got home, called the cops, posted pics on facebook and the boat was found within 3 hours. I was pretty lucky. The guy had all my fishing stuff in the back of his truck, some of my electronics out and the cables and hoses were cut off the motor. He unbolted the motor and dropped it on the ground. The damage is almost $12k. Insurance will cover it but it will never be my new boat again. I should get it back around the July 4th weekend hopefully. It only had like 4 hours on it. The cops actually had possession of it longer than I did. I still haven't made the first payment yet. It's due in 5 days.

fishing user avatarWPCfishing reply : 

Bummer....... Some Thief robbed a Brand new canoe from me about 20 years ago. It was in the woods chained to a tree on private property.

It could only have been one of two people that robbed it. They were the only two that knew it was there. One of them moved to Minnesota the day before I saw that it was gone. Hmmm.

fishing user avatarihfarmboy-1066 reply : 
  On 6/18/2015 at 7:42 PM, egladding said:

That really SUCKS! I hate thieves! But I have a similar story. I bought a new nitro ZV18 about a month ago. I had over 3k in fishing gear in it and around $3k in electronics. A guy backed up to it in my driveway in broad daylight while my wife was putting our 4 yo to bed and took everything. I got home, called the cops, posted pics on facebook and the boat was found within 3 hours. I was pretty lucky. The guy had all my fishing stuff in the back of his truck, some of my electronics out and the cables and hoses were cut off the motor. He unbolted the motor and dropped it on the ground. The damage is almost $12k. Insurance will cover it but it will never be my new boat again. I should get it back around the July 4th weekend hopefully. It only had like 4 hours on it. The cops actually had possession of it longer than I did. I still haven't made the first payment yet. It's due in 5 days.

wow egladding I'm sorry brother to hear that that definitely sucks bad I glad it worked out for you in the end man. Thank God for home owners insurance or insurance in general to cover stuff like this. Wpcfishing I'm sorry to hear that what happened too you also . yeah it definitely had to be one of the two people for sure I'd put money on that one that a no brainer there .
fishing user avatargreentrout reply : 

Many moons ago on the LA/MS Pearl River launch areas there was a rash of trucks and trailers stolen after the boats had been launched. When coming back to the launch from fishing, some fishermen found no truck and trailer. Hope things work out for you.

The Old School Basser...


fishing user avatarihfarmboy-1066 reply : 

Thanks bud. d**n that is just sad and crazy there that someone would steal someone truck& trailer from the boat launch that takes a lot of guts. What is this world coming to.

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 

that's awful man, i can't imagine.  hopefully you get yourself back up and running soon enough.

fishing user avatarCrank Bait Nut reply : 

Hope The law Can Catch This Person / Persons , Best Of Luck To You Getting This All Worked Out.



fishing user avatarPreytorien reply : 

Man I'm really sorry to hear that. Thieves are absolute scum. I hope they get caught and arrested. At least you've got insurance to cover it, and hopefully you can get back in the swing of things soon. 

fishing user avatarJaderose reply : 

I had all my stuff stolen several years ago.  Luckliy I had just got into fishing and didn't really have all that much but still.  I'd be sick if it happened now.  Sorry this happened to you, Brother.  I hope they catch the scum that did it.

fishing user avatarJtrout reply : 

Sorry to hear that man that's horrible hopefully everything works out

fishing user avatarhatrix reply : 

I actually had all my stuff stolen a few years ago. It was like right after I started fishing again after a really long time. I had also just joined this site around then as I was really getting back into it and this was like new a development from the time I was last fishing. I lost 5 or 6 setups and a pretty good sized tote full off stuff. The tote had old stuff in it also that belonged to mygrandfater's like like Mitchell spinning reels rapalas, spoons, Erie deries, ect. I really didn't have anything amazing back then by my standards today in regards to lures but I had some decent rods and reels I used. I do wish I still had the old curados that got stolen. I would still use those to this day. I have never owned another curado since those were stolen though.

fishing user avatarihfarmboy-1066 reply : 

Thanks guys . I'm sorryfor all of y'all losses that someone stole from you. I'm thinkful that I have insurance and that I have a good job and i habe. Y own business so I can replace my stuff. I hope that the scum that did this gets caught. I'm lucky that my service truck wasn't in my garage or at my house cause they could of stole a lot more and could of took the trick to because I leave the keys in it

fishing user avatarstkbassn reply : 
  On 6/18/2015 at 8:25 PM, WPCfishing said:

Bummer....... Some Thief robbed a Brand new canoe from me about 20 years ago. It was in the woods chained to a tree on private property.

It could only have been one of two people that robbed it. They were the only two that knew it was there. One of them moved to Minnesota the day before I saw that it was gone. Hmmm.


This example is something to consider. A garage is a likely place to find tools and fishing gear yes but not everyone has that much gear in their garage so the odds that this is just some random robbery seem low in my estimation. Consider the folks you know and those that knew your gear and tools. Watch local craigslist adds as well as advising local pawn shops.I'm sure you've probably covered these bases but always good to do these things. I hate to hear this man, it's really sickening. There aren't words to fix things like this. I wish you all the best and I hope your insurance company gets on this quickly for you.

fishing user avatarComcam reply : 

Man that blows! I had my car broken into In high school and had my backpack stolen. Nothing like losing all your fishing gear though =(

fishing user avatarBigmouthForever23 reply : 

Sorry to hear about that man, that really sucks. Like others have said, hopefully yourarrow-10x10.png insurancearrow-10x10.png can cover some of the damage. But like you said, moneyarrow-10x10.png can't replace the history you had with some of your gear. Best of luck to you and karma will catch up with the d-bags who are responsible.


Also, just a thought. Maybe you might consider adding an alarm to your garage. I don't have a side door to mine so I don't have one but if you have one that's visible, I'd definitley up the securityarrow-10x10.png. Thieves see an easy entry way like a side door to a garage and they know they have it made as lots of folks forget about securing the garage and just focus on the house.

fishing user avatarvmabuck reply : 

Sorry man! I recently left all my fly fishing gear on the shore of a local lake. A nice old fisherman found it and eventually found me. Easily 3 grand worth of gear.

So, I hope they find these peoe and you get your hardware back.

I'll be throwing positive vibes your way. Also, if it has not been mentioned, be checking craigslist and put flyers up in local pawn shops.

fishing user avatarzeth reply : 

bummer man sorry to hear that. I feel your pain when I was 16 my stepfather threw about 6 grad in gear in the trash and broke all my rods and then i bought everything again only to have my house broken into when i was 19 (renting with no renters insurance) so um needless to say i didn't fish for nearly 14 years after that.

check ebay and craigslist like every day and let us know how your insurance company handles it. Hopefully you get it back or you insurance company pays you.

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

Thieves are scum on earth.

fishing user avatarWPCfishing reply : 
  On 6/19/2015 at 1:38 AM, Catch and Grease said:

Thieves are scum on earth.


I hear the crime/theft rate in the District of Columbia is higher than anywhere else in the world.


I'm sure the insurance companies will not cover any of it.


I do miss that canoe.

fishing user avatar*Hank reply : 

Dude that sucks! :(

fishing user avatarMrE1979 reply : 

Sorry to hear about your gear. Time to install some cameras.

fishing user avatarihfarmboy-1066 reply : 

Hey y'all thanks. Just to update y'all the insurance company is gonna replace my door the got broke and is gonna cover my most of everything that got stolen . so I'm pleasd with that for sure and as someone said pit in cameras and a alarm system I'm having someone coming out Monday to look and see what kinda system is best for my house. I really hate to haft to live like that but in this day in age I guess we gotta

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Glad everything is working out. It stinks to have to deal with something like getting robbed.

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

Wow. Man that stinks. Hope the police

have success in tracking down your 

gear, or at least bringing the perps to 

justice, while your insurance takes care

of you.

fishing user avatarihfarmboy-1066 reply : 

Thanks darrenm&bankbeater. Yeah I'm glad its working out to so is my wife she was so stressed out about it just like I was. The police are looking into it and are doing there beat I hope they find who ever did this. My friend thats a cop told me dont get my hopes up for them to find my gear because who ever did it most likely sold it off already. I'm gonna be putting in top of the line security and alarm and camera system in my whole house out out side my house and in my garage in the next few day and I can cheack up on my house or my garage right from my phone

fishing user avatarTrek reply : 
  On 6/21/2015 at 12:51 AM, ihfarmboy-1066 said:

Hey y'all thanks. Just to update y'all the insurance company is gonna replace my door the got broke and is gonna cover my most of everything that got stolen . so I'm pleasd with that for sure and as someone said pit in cameras and a alarm system I'm having someone coming out Monday to look and see what kinda system is best for my house. I really hate to haft to live like that but in this day in age I guess we gotta

  I own a company that installs alarms and cameras. My personal opinion is drop the camera idea. Unless you drop thousands you will not get a plate and most likely get a picture of a guy you don't know. Get a good alarm system with a cell phone back up so they can't cut the phone line. Also have an outside siren. Most alarm companies install only an inside siren. Who's going to hear that ? A thief has a good fifteen minutes before anyone shows up and they know it. An outside siren brings attention eemediaty and forces them to leave. Also stay away from ADT and other national brands. They cost to much and have long contracts you can't get out of. Find a company that uses in your area. It works and is the best out there. You should be able to find that in the $40 per month range. Plus it has an app for your phone that you will love and understand. I'm not trying to sell you anything because your out of my area but trust me on the it is what you want. I'm sure there are several dealers in your area.

fishing user avatarihfarmboy-1066 reply : 

Hey thanks trek for that info on all that I appreciate that a lot. Brinks is coming out to my house Monday to look it over and let me know what they can do. I dont care about the cost of it I now want to know my wife and family is safe when I'm not home because I work nights. I'm gonna go on that sight you gave me and look around and find someone from there thank you again trek

fishing user avatarTrek reply : 
  On 6/21/2015 at 5:56 AM, ihfarmboy-1066 said:

Hey thanks trek for that info on all that I appreciate that a lot. Brinks is coming out to my house Monday to look it over and let me know what they can do. I dont care about the cost of it I now want to know my wife and family is safe when I'm not home because I work nights. I'm gonna go on that sight you gave me and look around and find someone from there thank you again trek

Brinks is a national company. Their cell phone apps are not the same. But they charge higher rates and long terms. Find a local company that will serve you better. Not all companies are on the web page. Not sure why so make sure you call around.

fishing user avatarihfarmboy-1066 reply : 

Yeah I know they are my wife called them and set up a an appointment for them to come out and talk to use. I'm on now looking around I like it so far its a nice sight with a lot of good info also thanks again trek . I tried to cancel the appointment with brinks and if I do they want $100 I was like yeah no. But if they come out and talk to use and give use a price it's no charge. I'm gonna call around and see what the other companies have to offer us and make are decision based off that

fishing user avatarTrek reply : 
  On 6/21/2015 at 6:32 AM, ihfarmboy-1066 said:

Yeah I know they are my wife called them and set up a an appointment for them to come out and talk to use. I'm on now looking around I like it so far its a nice sight with a lot of good info also thanks again trek . I tried to cancel the appointment with brinks and if I do they want $100 I was like yeah no. But if they come out and talk to use and give use a price it's no charge. I'm gonna call around and see what the other companies have to offer us and make are decision based off that

Charging you $100 dollars to cancel an appointment two days early should give you a heads up on how they charge the rest of the contract.

fishing user avatarihfarmboy-1066 reply : 

O yeah I was like d**n these people are out of their minds.yeah now thinking about it I'm definitely not using them at all . I'll find a company off the web sight you gave me

fishing user avatareinscodek reply : 
  On 6/18/2015 at 12:05 PM, ihfarmboy-1066 said:

Hey y'all worse day ever today I get homw from work and was gonna go fishing and I go out to my garage and find that my side door on my garage was broke and open so I walk in and turn the lights on and look and someone broke into my garage and stole all my tools and over $10,000 in salt& freshwater fishing gear. So I called the cops and they came out took pictures and made a report and said they are gonna do there best to find the people that did this. Im so mad about this s***t I'd give anyone anything if they needed it and help people out like I just dont get it. So now I gotta replace all my stuff this isn't gonna be fun to do. Plus a few of my rods and feels were really old and they were past on to me after my paw paw past away last year. To top it off I was going to the Outer Banks in South Carolina this weekend for a fishing trip!!! It makes me sick sorry y'all I just had to vent about this

My sympathies.. it must have taken you a long time to accrue all that equipment.  Those who took these will get theirs.

Maybe the bright side is that you have the reason to get all new equipment if your insurance will cover it..

fishing user avatarihfarmboy-1066 reply : 

Thanks einscodek. Yeah i took me a few years to accrue my fishing equipment and all my tools that I use everyday for my heavy equipment repair business.yes the people who took my stuff will get theirs on day.yeah its a new reason for me to get all new equipment but for now till I can replace all if I'm gonna go pick up a baitcasting setup and one spinning setup and some tackle so I can go fishing

fishing user avatarwytstang reply : 

I am so sorry to hear this, I hope it works out for you.

fishing user avatarihfarmboy-1066 reply : 

Thanks brother

fishing user avatarTBO reply : 

sorry to hear that.  i have been robbed before and know the feeling.   dot stress what you cant control it only makes things worse.   but id suggest scoring craigslist within 100 miles radius of you.   any markings on them to identify?

  best f luck to yoi

fishing user avatarMrE1979 reply : 
  On 6/21/2015 at 5:43 AM, Trek said:

  I own a company that installs alarms and cameras. My personal opinion is drop the camera idea. Unless you drop thousands you will not get a plate and most likely get a picture of a guy you don't know. Get a good alarm system with a cell phone back up so they can't cut the phone line. Also have an outside siren. Most alarm companies install only an inside siren. Who's going to hear that ? A thief has a good fifteen minutes before anyone shows up and they know it. An outside siren brings attention eemediaty and forces them to leave. Also stay away from ADT and other national brands. They cost to much and have long contracts you can't get out of. Find a company that uses in your area. It works and is the best out there. You should be able to find that in the $40 per month range. Plus it has an app for your phone that you will love and understand. I'm not trying to sell you anything because your out of my area but trust me on the it is what you want. I'm sure there are several dealers in your area.



I like cameras and he doesn't need to put in a million of them.  A camera pointing at a doorway or main travel way would hopefully give you a picture of the person(s) who broke into your house.   Makes looking for someone easier than no picture at all.  One door in the garage than a camera INSIDE covering the door and some of the garage.  2 doors in your house than 2 cameras INSIDE pointing at the doors.  A thief isn't going to carry your stuff out a window.  Maybe a small motion sensor style camera above the door so you can see who is walking out. 

fishing user avatarTrek reply : 
  On 6/22/2015 at 3:27 AM, MrE1979 said:

I like cameras and he doesn't need to put in a million of them.  A camera pointing at a doorway or main travel way would hopefully give you a picture of the person(s) who broke into your house.   Makes looking for someone easier than no picture at all.  One door in the garage than a camera INSIDE covering the door and some of the garage.  2 doors in your house than 2 cameras INSIDE pointing at the doors.  A thief isn't going to carry your stuff out a window.  Maybe a small motion sensor style camera above the door so you can see who is walking out. 


  Just saying countless of times I have handed over video to the police and nothing came from it. Only a good IP camera will pickup a plate at a stopped position or very slow head on view. A standard anolog camera will white out on a license plate.  Also remember there are no front plates in many states. And many times they wear a mask. Lot's of noise and help coming doesn't give them the time to find what they want. Never leave easy to steel items like jewelry boxes, guns and laptops out in the open. Make them take the time they don't have to find them. It is proven that homes with alarm system the break in last less then five minutes. The homes without last a half an hour or sometimes more. They will steel the DVR if they see cameras. And yes I have seen many times where the master bedroom window is broke into and they go out the same window. Because alarms are being more common they are afraid to open the doors.

fishing user avatarMrE1979 reply : 

The other thing that you could do us get a big dog. That's my alarm system. Part German shepherd part Anatolian shepherd. Back is at 36" and he weighs 90lbs. GL getting in my house.

fishing user avatarTrek reply : 
  On 6/22/2015 at 5:56 AM, MrE1979 said:

The other thing that you could do us get a big dog. That's my alarm system. Part German shepherd part Anatolian shepherd. Back is at 36" and he weighs 90lbs. GL getting in my house.


  I've seen three dogs poisoned and one dog shot in the last few years. Good luck with your home remedies.

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 

Sounds like someone was scoping you out . This is the main reason I don't leave my garage door open. Something similar happened to my neighbor that always had his open if he was home.  They caught the guy, it was the garbage man. He saw the huge, rolling tool cabinet and returned until the door was down and then broke in knowing my neighbor wasn't home. 

Hope they catch the guy and he still has your gear.  It'll take a while to get it back, but that beats the alternative.

fishing user avatarMaxximus Redneckus reply : 

i just put a sign up that says if your not welcome here you will be shot on sight ,,,along with no tressspassing signs never had a problem

fishing user avatarArobb2012 reply : 

Man that sucks sorry to here this. I have been through the same thing but it wasn't my fishing gear stolen it was my TV electronics, jewelry and golf clubs. The thing that made it worse was the person who broke into my home was a family member who had a bad heroin addiction we didn't know about. Our insurance covered it but a lot of stuff had no real value just sentimental value.

fishing user avatarboostr reply : 

That sucks, but at least your insurance is doing something about it. That's why I have security bars on my garage windows. The garage door is nailed shut, and there's a bunch of shmit in front of it on the inside. I have my rolling tool chest locked, and chained to a 4x4 support beam, my riding mower, and snow blower are chained together, and my storage cabinet is always locked. My wife always asks me "why are you so paranoid, nobody is gonna steal anything around here." Then I tell her I'm from Miami remember. I don't trust anybody. Also After reading this I will definitely take pics of my fishing gear for insurance reasons.

fishing user avatarboostr reply : 

And to add, I have an alarm system in my house which is wireless, and works of cell service, and all the sensors are wireless also. It works with the app, I can arm it and disarm it from my phone, and I have it set up so I get text messages from the system whenever a sensor goes off. If the alarm goes off, and you don't have a pin code a live person from the monitoring station speaks thru the control panel and asks you for the password, and if you don't provide it they will notify the police. It's a nifty system.

fishing user avatarHoosierHawgs reply : 
  On 6/19/2015 at 1:37 AM, zeth said:

bummer man sorry to hear that. I feel your pain when I was 16 my stepfather threw about 6 grad in gear in the trash and broke all my rods and then i bought everything again only to have my house broken into when i was 19 (renting with no renters insurance) so um needless to say i didn't fish for nearly 14 years after that.

check ebay and craigslist like every day and let us know how your insurance company handles it. Hopefully you get it back or you insurance company pays you.

Your stepfather sounds like a bully.

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

So sorry to hear about your situation. I am always amazed at the depth of the low life's that walk the earth with us normal folks!

fishing user avatarJosh Smith reply : 

Due to my business I purchase on the Internet a lot.  I generally only deal with one person from Jersey, but if you want to email me any identifying marks I can keep an eye out.


I agree with .  I'm not in that business.  I used to run an armed security business, mostly for a cab company, directly out of college where I'd gone for a criminal justice/law enforcement major.  It's amazing what thieves will do sometimes.  A rock through the picture window of that cab's office at night (deserted, no alarm) netted someone a locked box of cash.  A few hundred anyway. 


That was about 15 years ago and I can only imagine that as drugs have gotten harder, robbers have gotten bolder. 


Anyway, let me know and I'll keep an eye out.  I wish you lots of luck at any rate.





fishing user avatarihfarmboy-1066 reply : 

Hey y'all sorry I haven't been on to update this works and my business have me so busy. Well my insurance company paid for a new side door for my garage and paid me for almost everything that got stolen from me. I found a alarm company and I had them come out and put in a full house and garage alarm and full wireless remote camra sistom that cost me almost $9,000 but its so very worth it to me. Now I can check up on my house and my wife and kids when I'm not home. They still never found the guy that did it or my stuff. So now I'm looking at new fishing rods,reels,line,and tackle and gonna start off slow and rebuild it all over time

fishing user avatarmasterbass reply : 
  On 7/4/2015 at 4:20 AM, ihfarmboy-1066 said:

Hey y'all sorry I haven't been on to update this works and my business have me so busy. Well my insurance company paid for a new side door for my garage and paid me for almost everything that got stolen from me. I found a alarm company and I had them come out and put in a full house and garage alarm and full wireless remote camra sistom that cost me almost $9,000 but its so very worth it to me. Now I can check up on my house and my wife and kids when I'm not home. They still never found the guy that did it or my stuff. So now I'm looking at new fishing rods,reels,line,and tackle and gonna start off slow and rebuild it all over time

Starting over again buying new stuff sounds like fun.  I sometimes wish I could start over again because I've bought so much stuff I don't need and it just sits there. 


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