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When fishing alone? 2024

fishing user avatarmichbass reply : 

I have been fishing alone alot lately and have caught myself talking to myself and the fish, tackle, rod, reel and so on. Sometimes I lose the drive to even go out by myself. I put the radio on but it gets old too.My hours force me too go alone if I want the chance to fish though.  Sometime I think one of the best things about fishing is just being able to b.s. with a buddy but lately its just myself. What are you guys fishing alone doing to stay sane?

fishing user avatarlinesider7 reply : 

I fish alone quite a bit.  I normally don't feel bothered by it like you seem to...  I'm there to fish, and I only need myself to do just that.  As for talking to myself, well yeah, I think that I do that.  I think that's just our nature.  I KNOW that I talk to myself when I'm on fish.  Sunday I remember muttering some expletives out loud after a lost a nice one.

Anyway, with that said, just get out there and enjoy the peace and quiet and oneness with nature and all that good stuff!  Take a buddy when you can.

Oh, and radio is a no-no on my boat.  (I'm a firm believer that bass don't like Molly Hatchett)

fishing user avatarOcBassman63 reply : 

I fish alone alot also. With the hours I work I usually just get a chance to go for an hour or so after work. I talk to myself and the fish all the time. I find that when I am fishing with someone else I tend to not talk unless we are moving to another spot .

fishing user avatarben watson reply : 

its ok to talk to yourself, just as long as you dont carry on a conversation.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Fishing alone is great unless you do not have a camera on the boat when you catch that monster bass.

I always leave a Float Plan with my wife so she will know where I will be. She also calls me or I call her on the cell phone during the day so she knows where I am and that I am alive and well.

Be sure to be double careful and always use your safety laynard when underway.  There is no other person to throw you a seat cushion if you fall out of the boat when you are by yourself.

Now, for the reasons to fish alone.

1.  You can go to the bathroom off any part of the boat any time you want.

2.  You can eat what you want, including candy and potato chips, etc., without sharing.

3.  You can drink any type of soft drink or flavored water that you want.

4.  You can fish anyway you want, even with a Rooster Tail, and not be embarrassed.

5.  You can take a nap.

6.  You can read the newspaper or a book and enjoy the breeze and shade and not have to keep moving all day long.

7.  You can mess up launching the boat and no one knows.

8.  You can mess up trailoring the boat and no one knows.

9.  You can get lost and then find your way back to the ramp and no one will know.

10.  You can get hung up in the bushes, trees, docks, piers, etc. and no one will know.

Maybe the guys will add to this list.

I love fishing by myself. It is relaxing and you can do what you want, when you want and how you want.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Different strokes for different folks.  I enjoy time on the water with friends, but my time alone is just as important.  As far back as I can remember, I have enjoyed being alone in natural settings.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

I fish alone all the time,i find myself singing in my head though.Nothing like enjoying a day of peace,quite and nature.

Although if i could find somebody to fish with me around shore that would be cool too,somedays i find myself getting so bored i start saying "here fishy,fishy,fishy".  

fishing user avatarFish Man reply : 
4. You can fish anyway you want, even with a Rooster Tail, and not be embarrassed.

whats wrong with fishing a roostertail?, heck i fish em all the time an dont get embarresed

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

I fish by myself 99% of the time (about 138 of 140,  8 to 12 hour trips each year), and MUCH prefer it that way.

Main reason for me is, I just can't get "in the zone" if I have somebody distracting me.... or should I say, if I'm distracting myself by socializing with them.

Then, on those rare times when I do have somebody with me, it just absolutely kills me if they make the tiniest bump on the boat, or shift one way or the other. I mean, I don't say anything (cuz I wouldn't want to sound like an arse) but I sit there thinking to myself, "I can't wait to get back out here by myself, so I can "really fish".

So anyway, don't get me wrong, stop me at the boat dock, and I'm liable to talk fish with you, until you have a headache ! Same thing on the phone. But when I have a pole in my hand, please give me my space, so I can do my thing ! :-)

BTW Michbass, you asked > What are you guys fishing alone doing to stay sane? <

When did you ever get the impression that I was sane ? ;-)



PS, I talk to myself a little bit I guess..... But more often, I talk to the fish. Especially when they come up to the side of the boat to say hey :-)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
What are you guys fishing alone doing to stay sane?

For me personally, fishing alone is what keeps me sane.  Sure I enjoy taking a friend along from time to time, but for me, going fishing is about the only time when I can just be there, by myself, focused on nothing but myself, the water, and the possibility of the next fish.

fishing user avatarrdneckhntr reply : 

I like fishing with my friends and family.  My alone time is spend in the woods...when Im on the water though I like to have someone with me to spend the time with(and so they can back up the story of the big one...)  To me fishing is a good time to spend with friends considering that me and most of my friends all fish.  When I do fish alone though I just try and get in the "zone" and power fish...  

fishing user avatarflyphisher # reply : 

If i am in my boat, I am alone 98% of the time unless i am fishing a tournament. Everytime I take someone, It reminds me of why i fish alone...

fishing user avatarCephkiller reply : 

I like it both ways, but I can say this:  The largest bass I've caught have been when fishing alone.  Probably all ten of my top ten have been caught when fishing alone.  Granted, I fish alone most of the time, but I still think that being alone allows me to focus much better.

When I am alone, I find myself talking in narrative form as if to an invisible audience.

"That laydown has got to have afish on it.  Let's see.  There she is!  It feels like a good one.  Alright!"  ;D

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I prefer fishing with a partner.

If I "fall out" someone else can call for a Hearse.   ::)

fishing user avatarAutiger1291 reply : 

Apparently I am no fun to fish with. Something about not talking or being to serious. Anyways I almost always fish alone. My friends just aren't quite as into as I am, yet anyway. As for sanity, I'm more than likely not sane when I'm fishing so...

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

I fish alot alone and I fish alot with friends, but I've always noticed I catch more fish by myself. If there is a group of guys I usualy end up only catching a few or getting skunked.

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

well lets just start out saying I am a social retard. for some reason i don't usually like people and i think my sense of humor leaves a few people thinking i am strange. in my situation (two jobs, wife, one year old son) everybody wants something from me, and i find being alone to be one of the most wonderful experiences. you can truly be yourself when you are alone. if you want to fish in one spot you can and not feel like you are ruining someones day by doing it. what ever you want to do you can do it, and I sure as hell talk to myself. i talk as though i am in a fishing show and there are a thousand people watching me ( I pee on commercials) ;D    alot of my breakthroughs are when I am alone, it's like i try something new and then something just clicks and i realize what I have been doing wrong and life improves.

anyway fishing alone rocks.

fishing user avatarBoroBass reply : 

I enjoy fishing alone. It's very soothing and a good way to clear your head, being out on the pond/lake alone. Aside from that I usually do better alone and when I'm by myself I don't have to worry about getting treble hooks burried in my shirt, a guy in the back of the boat that's about as graceful as a rhino, and I can move where I want, when I want, for however long I want. Not to say I don't enjoy shooting the **** with a buddy lots of times, but fishing alone is NOT a negative in my book.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I usually fish alone.

I like being able to launch when I want, go where I want, stop when I want, etc.

But I like fishing with others too.

I had a fishing buddy for about 8 years.  We always fished together.  It was great fun.  but like fishchris points out it was more social than serious bassin.

fishing user avatarjaskoh reply : 

I just got back into fishing this year and Ive fished a lone everytime but the las two trips.  I took a highshool buddy and a co-worker.  They just weren't in it as much as I was.  On the other hand I think if I was with someone who knew what they were doing and we were on the same page and fishing the same speed it would be a lot of fun.  


fishing user avatarRed reply : 

i always fish alone...i really enjoy it...i can walk the shoreline and cast...or i can really fish one spot hard....i do talk to myself sometimes like when i get a backlash or hung up i usually mutter some 4 letter words, directed at the reel or lake bottom...and when i get a fish on i usually talk to it..."c'mon baby..come to daddy, ah crap another dink!"  the only time i fish with someone is when i go hybrid/white fishin with my step dad in is always a good time...he has fished the lake his whole and always puts us on fish


fishing user avatar[[J4cks0n.Shr3dd3r]] reply : 

Well, you can look at it like this...

If your not fishing alone, you have more chance to catch a fish, and also you dont have to listen to complaints on those bad days... When I fish alone, which is all the time, I concentrate on the water and move around the lake/pond alot, so I plan my steps ahead. Or if im fishing for catfish, I just talk to my dog haha.

Good luck!

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 
I usually fish alone.

I like being able to launch when I want, go where I want, stop when I want, etc.

But I like fishing with others too.

As usual, Avid and I are pretty much on the same page.  Being semi-retired, I almost always fish on week-days, when I can have my favorite small lakes pretty much to myself.

Last week-end I went to Pensacola to attend a family function.  While there, I was invited to do some Red Snapper fishing in the Gulf.  We went about twenty miles out and found a spot where we were pulling them in on almost every cast.  Needless to say, I had a ball, but to tell you the truth, the four other guys I was fishing with made it less pleasent than it could have been had I been alone.  As the saying goes, they kept getting into my space.  However, since I do not live in Pensacola and cannot afford a 30' sea-going vessel, I would say it was a day very well spent - and it didn't cost me a dime.

fishing user avatarMaxximus Redneckus reply : 

I fish alone unless i have one of my daughters with me or a girlfreind .Its really hard to find places to fish if u have  guys with ya i don't no why landowners seem skeered to let ppl fish anymore. I do have about 20 ponds i fish BUT i been fishing them alone for 15 or so yrs .i think it boils down too the owners THINK your buddies will come to fish when u ain't with um and bring there buddies and so on

fishing user avatarHunteR reply : 

Fishing alone is nice, but yeah it is nice to have your buddy along.

Here is a thought...

When you are fishing alone and the MAN wants to see your throwable...(Make sure you have it first...)

But if ya wanna get a lil rise outta him > Ask him who would throw it to you if you fell in??? :D;)

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
I fish by myself 99% of the time (about 138 of 140,  8 to 12 hour trips each year), and MUCH prefer it that way.

Main reason for me is, I just can't get "in the zone" if I have somebody distracting me.... or should I say, if I'm distracting myself by socializing with them.

Then, on those rare times when I do have somebody with me, it just absolutely kills me if they make the tiniest bump on the boat, or shift one way or the other. I mean, I don't say anything (cuz I wouldn't want to sound like an arse) but I sit there thinking to myself, "I can't wait to get back out here by myself, so I can "really fish".

So anyway, don't get me wrong, stop me at the boat dock, and I'm liable to talk fish with you, until you have a headache ! Same thing on the phone. But when I have a pole in my hand, please give me my space, so I can do my thing ! :-)

BTW Michbass, you asked > What are you guys fishing alone doing to stay sane? <

When did you ever get the impression that I was sane ? ;-)



PS, I talk to myself a little bit I guess..... But more often, I talk to the fish. Especially when they come up to the side of the boat to say hey :-)

uh-oh,....Fish, I'll be there in Sept, I totally understand your mindset.  Plan on Robert and myself taking his boat. ;)  I still plan on filming a bunch and would like a short stint on your boat for a quickie interview for the folks here if that's ok though.

As far as what we are doing to stay sane,....CATCHING FISH!!  NOT BEING AT WORK, ETC

IF you go alone, some key points


2. Action plan, TELL someone where you are and when you expect to be back, if you stray, call and inform said person.

3. Cell phone

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

If I'm in a boat I would prefer to fish alone.  

fishing user avatarVABasser reply : 

Last summer I went alone more times then with someone else.  Like everybody else said, most people aren't into it as much as I am and taking them along is just a liability when I want to fish.  Being by yourself can be great, just you and the water and you can do whatever you feel like, leave when you want, fish where you want, etc.  Despite all this, I would rather go with someone for the majority of the trips as long as they know what they're doing and can contribute something.  This is all in relation to when I take my boat out, which I consider serious fishing.  Whenever I'm out shore fishing just killing some time I always try to bring somebody along.  More people to share some laughs and good times with. :)  

fishing user avatarSWIFF reply : 

Try fishing with a 230# troll who used to hawl-seine in the Cheasapeake Bay on a 42' trawler and still thinks he 's on one when in my little 16' boat. It's like fishing with someone in a 4' chop. Slamming lids, hanging  up so I gotta back up to save a lure, boat barely gets up on plane with HIS fat arse aboard, forgets he can't sidearm cast without hitting ME, can't afford to buy even his own tackle, baits, hooks, etc. I could go on, but bottom line, his company ain't worth the aggravation and I' going to start fishing a LOT more by myself. Saves gas too, which he also can't afford to help out with....phew! A leech, and

more. Thanks for letting me rant.  

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

It doesn't really matter to me, I like fishing alone, with a friend, or someone new

Im very good at blocking out distractions, just ask my wife   ;)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I always talk to myself why should it be any different whan Im fishing

fishing user avatarScroGG ToGG reply : 

BTW Michbass, you asked > What are you guys fishing alone doing to stay sane? <

When did you ever get the impression that I was sane ? ;-)



PS, I talk to myself a little bit I guess..... But more often, I talk to the fish. Especially when they come up to the side of the boat to say hey :-)

HAHA FC, love the response. I fish alone about 99% of the time also. I think once you REALLY get addicted to bass fishing, you lose a nice chunk of your sanity anyways.  :D

fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 

 I fish alone to stay sane!!!  I have ridden my bike 10 miles out into no where and fished all day with out seeing a sole. Best fishing ever..... I can clear my mind and talk to the fish. With out any one looking at me like I'm nuts....  But I know how you feel. It dose get lonly out here some times.

Use to be I wouldnt go without  some one. But after some time it got anoying haveing some one wine that they want to tri this or go there or they need to be home by.  I still take my brother and some times my old fishing buddy. I love fishing with my son but he's not that much into it. He would rather hunt clam shells and shinny rocks than fish :'(      

fishing user avatarshaker bait reply : 

i'd say 99% of my time on the water is by myself. My schedule is way to busy to plan a time to bring a buddy. I most definitely talk to myself especially when a fish is on! And definitely NO MUSIC for me unless i'm singing it, who cares? No one can hear me anyway!

There is much to be said about time to yourself when everything else is demanding your attention. Nature is the only way the calm the soul.

fishing user avatarFendercaster reply : 

I like fishing both alone and with a buddy. If I'm fishing a lake I'm not familiar with I definitely prefer to have someone with me. If I'm just fishing a small pond with my cartopper, fishing alone is fine. I'll always have first choice of spots to cast to and can concentrate on the fishing. Still, it's always nice to have someone to chat with, especially if the fish aren't hitting!

fishing user avatarNJfishinGuy reply : 

i like it at times but my father always bothers me if i go alone with the

" your gonna slip, hit your head, fall in the water and die and nobody will know "

i just tell him oh well life a birch or you marry one lol

fishing user avatarBassboy15 reply : 

I have only fished by myself...kinda wierd....I know, but none of my friends fish?...

fishing user avatarDiablos reply : 

I have a brother who is 3 years older and a best friend of 16 years(i'm 32). They like to fish but don't care about the scientific side of it just to spend the day on the water. If I'm not with them I'm alone and happy.

fishing user avatarNicky Greece reply : 
If i am in my boat, I am alone 98% of the time unless i am fishing a tournament. Everytime I take someone, It reminds me of why i fish alone...

Couldnt have put it better myself.  Most of my GOOD friends arent exactly the best of fisherman, and theres nothing i hate more than having to tie someone's knot for them, or showing them how to throw a certain rig.  Think fishing alone is the one thing that keeps me sane.  Of course i always have the good ol Turkey 101 with me..:)  (not a boat fisherman, in no way shape or form do i condone drinking and boating!

fishing user avatarFisher of Men reply : 
I like it both ways, but I can say this: The largest bass I've caught have been when fishing alone. Probably all ten of my top ten have been caught when fishing alone. ;D

Oh, yes. . . I'm sure my biggest have ALWAYS come when I was alone. . . and, darn, that camera just happened to be left at home. . . uh,huh!!   ;D  JK

I'm like you Ceph.  I like to go by myself so I can really focus and learn, but I do enjoy the company and fellowship that come with fishing with a partner.  

But, as far as being bummed about it or being bored?  If you feel that way about it, maybe you need to fish somewhere else.

fishing user avatarjdw174 reply : 
Fishing alone is great unless you do not have a camera on the boat when you catch that monster bass.

I always leave a Float Plan with my wife so she will know where I will be. She also calls me or I call her on the cell phone during the day so she knows where I am and that I am alive and well.

Be sure to be double careful and always use your safety laynard when underway. There is no other person to throw you a seat cushion if you fall out of the boat when you are by yourself.

Now, for the reasons to fish alone.

1. You can go to the bathroom off any part of the boat any time you want.

2. You can eat what you want, including candy and potato chips, etc., without sharing.

3. You can drink any type of soft drink or flavored water that you want.

4. You can fish anyway you want, even with a Rooster Tail, and not be embarrassed.

5. You can take a nap.

6. You can read the newspaper or a book and enjoy the breeze and shade and not have to keep moving all day long.

7. You can mess up launching the boat and no one knows.

8. You can mess up trailoring the boat and no one knows.

9. You can get lost and then find your way back to the ramp and no one will know.

10. You can get hung up in the bushes, trees, docks, piers, etc. and no one will know.

Maybe the guys will add to this list.

I love fishing by myself. It is relaxing and you can do what you want, when you want and how you want.

+1 for everything Sam said.  When I go by myself (which is almost all the time), I can go WHEN I want, quit WHEN I want, fish the WAY I want and I don't have to worry about accidentally frontending someone.

fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 

i love to fish alone,but sometimes it's nice to have someone go and fetch the truck.    but the reason i usually fish alone is that i can;t find a decent fishing partner.

fishing user avatarbpm2000 reply : 

alone 85% of the time, but i think that has more to do with my friends not being into the fishing thing.

fishing user avataryoungangler13 reply : 

i wouldnt mind fishing alone but i have a fishing buddy dj its not the same fishin without my friend hes the catfish expert and im the bass expert

fishing user avatararmesjr reply : 

I personally enjoy doing both, and i think an equal balance is nice.  Fishing alone is good, because there is nothing more relaxing and peaceful than sitting on a lake or on a bank and fishing in complete silence.  Its nice and peaceful, and a great opportunity just to think about what is going on in your life.   However, sitting in a boat with a bunch of guys, drinking beer, and telling stories cant be beat.  Plus it is a lot of fun to talk trash when your catching fish and your friends arent.  

fishing user avatarmichbass reply : 

It does seem I always catch more when I am alone. Then when you do take someone and tell them about hott it has been you cant get on anything. I take my dog sometimes but all he does is sleep. I know when he starts talking to me though it is time to go in  ;D

fishing user avatarWhiteMike1018 reply : 

I enjoy both fishing alone and with a partner. Most of the people above me already replied with the good and bads.

But one thing is for sure, I always do catch more when i'm alone.

fishing user avatarjacksize reply : 

i go fishing everyday and most of the time it's just me and my two poles. of course some friendly competition with friend(s) is always fun, but hey, the chance to hook up with miss bucketmouth keeps me focused on the fights.

then again you ever notice that alot of people say they like to go fishing, but don't for whatever reasons. as for me, i go everyday cause i like to fish for bass. ;)

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I fish alone quite a bit.There are some advantages.I always feel like I have to produce fish for someone that I take fishing,and it doesn't always work out.The guys I generally fish with are Alpha male types that want to dictate when,where,and how we fish.As I'm also an Alpha male,it can be an unenjoyable trip.I like to be the "captain" of my ship.Also,I fish some crazy hours,especially in the summer(3-4 AM until).Not very many folks like those hours.

fishing user avatarnboucher reply : 

I'm a loner by nature, so fish alone most of the time. I can honestly say that I have never been bored for a minute while fishing, alone or not. Like Fish Chris, I love the intensity and focus of fishing alone. Yes, I'm particularly conscious of safety when I'm out alone, but, without sounding too morbid, dying while fishing, or anyplace in nature, sure beats dying in a hospital room or on an interstate mashed in a twisted bunch of metalas long as the dying doesn't happen too soon.

My second favorite to fishing alone is fishing with a kid who's never caught a fish before.

fishing user avatarhamer08 reply : 

I fish most of the time with someone else. I don't mind fishing alone. But I'm pretty busy most of the time and like to kill two birds with one stone. So I often take the kids and/or GF with me, which is a huge distraction to serious fishing. I'll adjust my fishing stragedy to accomodate all of the minor emergencies thay are bound to occur. If we're in a boat, then I just assume fishing is a secondary objective. I'm just glad to have my line wet. I do have serveral fisherman friends I enjoy going out with. We all tend to be experts at a certain species or at least at a certain location. Most of the time I feel these fishing partners are worth the minor inconveniences they bring (most are very well mannered though). With these guys, the fishing is fairly serious and they are on a comparable skill/enthusaism level.

It seems like a lot of people have trouble finding fisherman as serious as yourself, have you tried fishing clubs or other ways of finding serious fisherman?

fishing user avatarIdahoLunkerHunter reply : 

I prefer fishing with someone else. I fish about 75% of the time by myself though. I take a lot of newbies out and teach them the simple tactics on how to bass fish. That is what I enjoy most. I think the most enjoyable part about fishing is spreading your knowledge and techniques to the people out there that are having problems fishing. Watching a friend land their first 6lb lunker is about the coolest thing in the world! Plus having someone there you don't turn out with photos like the one below :)


fishing user avataramfyoyo1 reply : 

I see two draw backs to fishin alone. :'( No one to share the memories of the trip with and no one to Get The Net.

Started taking pictures which helped the first problem. Got a folding net that opens with one hand to solve the second problem.

Picture of a friend using my net.


fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Fishing alone is like drinkin' alone:

I don't like it unless I'm by myself.


fishing user avataramfyoyo1 reply : 
Fishing alone is like drinkin' alone:

I don't like it unless I'm by myself.


Yo roadwarrior

If I don't talk, can I fish with yall? ;D

fishing user avatarWaterwolves reply : 

I fish alone about 60% of the time and I love every minute of it. I almost always catch more fish. To be honest I am already too competive and when i take my best friend out we are always competeing too much. LOL So we can only stand to go fishing with each other a handful of times a year. LOL When I take my wife I am always getting her line unsnagged or putting a lure on for her. So I can forget fishing half the time and my catch rate suffers badly. I do however have a friend that I would consider a better bass fisherman then me and I love going fishing with him. LOL He always puts me on fish and I always seem to catch a big fish. LOL

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

Sometimes I enjoy fishing with a buddy and sometimes I enjoy the solitude. I do better alone as my mind is on fishing. After guiding for 17 years and having to fool with some very interesting clients,lol, it is nice to fish alone. I gave up guiding last year and tend to fish solo more and more. I still like taking people with me though, especially if they have a sense of humor because I sure do. :)

fishing user avatarRecMar8541 reply : 

Serious fishing almost always alone.  However, the prettier half goes with me time to time to sunbathe on the back of the boat.  I dont mind she is usually quiet and it gives us time to talk a bit about whatever.

I had one guy I used to fish with quite a bit.  He was a heavy beer drinker and would leave beer cans on the back of the boat, it used to really honk me off.  One day he ask me to ride with him someplace, about a 4 hour drive round trip, so I took a 12 pack of coke and left the cans on the floor of his car.  Of course he said something the next time we were out fishing.  I simply took the lid off of the trash can at our dock, and showed him all his beer cans I removed from the boat.  He never did it again.  He moved away, and I dont hear from him much, but I do miss a good fishing partner.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

There is nothing like going fishing with other people. I enjoy going with friends and I have been known to pull up to a bank beater and ask him if he would like to climb into the boat. Those have been some good memories. But I grew up hunting a fishing buy myself. My dad was deathly allergic to ticks and he didn't like bass fishing so I was by myself much of the time. Nowadays I take the days by myself to learn or get better at a different technique, or to learn a new area of the lake. I only have my schedule to worry about and I can concentrate 100% on what the fish want.

fishing user avatarbassbob08 reply : 

I love to fish alone sometimes but between my wife son daughter and friend, without a boat, I dont get to do that much.But when I do I Love it.I dont mind taking them but being alone somtimes is good.

fishing user avatareastkybass reply : 

I fish alot of the time by myself.  It can be very enjoyable.  I try not to worry about the talking to my equipment as long as it doesn't start answering me. :o

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
I like it both ways,

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Ceph?

T.M.I.  dude.

fishing user avatarcaptbob reply : 

I enjoy 3 kinds of fishing.

1. Fishing with someone better than me so I can learn something. Or fishing with someone who fishes different water so I can pick up a few tricks. It's a long process getting better by yourself by trial and error.

2. Fishing with my grandson or someone truly interested who wants to learn, and you can enjoy their company. Opposite of #1.

3. Fishing alone is great. Theres something to be said for solitude and contemplation. And fun to try out ideas and experiment with different tactics. Also when you have a tournament alone you always win which puts you in a good mood to go toast your success with friends and brag about the big one that made you a winner. Sometimes I use saltwater tactics on a lake, I once amazed a bunch of guys with Kite fishing.

CB-FL Keys & N.Y.


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Have You Fallen In The Water By Mistake=Boat Or Shore
How Long Do You Last
Monster Bass Or Numbers?
Best Outdoor State
Bass Record equals Million Dollars? your thoughts?
I Did The Right Thing.
Describe "fall Fishing" In 3 Words
Horsing/Skiing fish to the boat
What Kind Of Fisherman Are You!!!!
Not For The Weak Of Mind
Path to becoming a better fisherman

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