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Fishing burn out? 2024

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 

I've finally hit the fishing burn out stage. Had a T on Webster yesturday from 6 to 12. @ 10:30 I let my fish go and trailered up. Just didn't care one way or the other.  Used toss and turn all night w/axiety thinking I can't wait to get there! Now passout sleep all night and could careless if I get up on time to make it.  Of course, as I'm writting this the phone rings and it's Low Budget asking if I want to head out w/him. Never thought I'd see the the day where "NO Thanks" would be my answer. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Nope, not me, but you definitely need a break.

It's suppose to be fun. When it's not, do something else.


fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

I fell asleep in the boat two weekends in a row.

I typically get home from work at 8pm. Dinner by 9pm, then shower and bed by 10-1030. Then I have to get up at 2am so I can leave in order to pick up my buddy Rick by 330 in order to be on the water by 4. So yes, I can see getting burnt out.

Our season is so short that I try to take advantage while I can.

Are you burnt out of fishing in general, or just T's? I like to hit the surf once in a while to mix it up. Nothing like throwing 4oz plugs with a 10'6" rod ever once in a while.  :)

fishing user avatar.RM. reply : 

Yup sure have.. :o

To many years fishing and working tournaments, and paying to much out to fish in foul weather. At 62 years young the early to the lake idea doesn't excited me any more. I sold the boat and took 4 years off and the only connection to fishing I had was the reel repair and the rod building when I came back into it, it is now at my pace and as a non boater only.

Take a rest and see what happens.. ;)

Tight Lines!!!

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Sometimes in midsummer I'd get that. I'm sitting in my boat, and suddenly see how ridiculous it is to be spending my time and money chasing fish! Or I start thinking about winter steelhead. Then mid-winter would come and I'd be dreaming of summer.

But that was when I fished -A LOT. Now I just don't get that kind of time, so my fishing days are much more appreciated. The sentiments sound equally ridiculous to me in reverse -Who wouldn't want to spend every waking hour chasing fish! :D  

No worries. Take a break. The joy will come back to you. Or try a switch up -go bluegill fishing.

fishing user avatarBad Fish reply : 

Na,,my job sucks too much to get burnt on fishing,,I cherish every moment on the water,,,but if you're burnt take a break,,absence makes the heart grow fonder,,

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
I've finally hit the fishing burn out stage. Had a T on Webster yesturday from 6 to 12. @ 10:30 I let my fish go and trailered up. Just didn't care one way or the other. Used toss and turn all night w/axiety thinking I can't wait to get there! Now passout sleep all night and could careless if I get up on time to make it. Of course, as I'm writting this the phone rings and it's Low Budget asking if I want to head out w/him. Never thought I'd see the the day where "NO Thanks" would be my answer. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

The older you get the more it will happen , it's just a natural progression (age).

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 

From what I have heard, fishing with LBH should cure any tournament burn out!!  :)

My opinion.....any OTHER stuff going on in your life right now??

I know that when you are loaded up with "STUFF" let's say, it pulls you away from the things you really enjoy doing. They don't seem as appealing as they used to. I agree with others. Take a break, clean up any lingering problems you may have, (easier said than done some times, I know, believe me!!), and try to relax.

Good luck brother!!!!


fishing user avatarskillet reply : 

Don't own a boat or get to fish different waters that often so maybe that's why if it gets to me sometimes (not very often) it doesn't last long. Like everyone says, take a break. The feelings will come back ;)...

                               As Ever,


fishing user avatarWayne P. reply : 

Been there, done that. A few years ago I fished three different tournament series and after several of years of that, I got bored of the travel and short fishing days so I quit most all tournament fishing. I have since retired and just go during the week days. No more crowds, no more rude tournament fishermen, no more weekend play traffic, just a lot of catching and choosing how long or how short of a day I fish. All the trophies I have ment something when awarded, but after a while they are just dust collectors. Most of the time when I travel over 50 miles to fish, I'll spend 10-15 hours on the water. I am no longer concerned with fish care or fish size, I release them all.

Yep, must the age related.

fishing user avatarUncle Leo reply : 

Sorry to here that, hope you work this out, we will pray for you, I think you need the passion to throughly enjoy. Take a breather and good luck.

fishing user avatartennwalkinghorse reply : 

Sounds like you need a break. Like the man said its suppose to be fun. I got like that with Bow Hunting thats why I'm fishing now. But still like to hunt. Keep the faith if you really love it, the feeling will come back. Like Reel Mechanic said "at his pace now"

fishing user avatarS I G M A reply : 

I sure hope that never happens to me...

fishing user avatarba7ss3in reply : 

Fishing the same lakes and rivers burn me out some but I switch to saltwater for a couple of weeks. Then go back to freshwater. Good luck.

fishing user avatarRedtail reply : 

Next time you're out in the boat. don't fish.  Try a little Kayak Tippin instead.  See how many you can tip over in an hour!  Only Kiddin.  Does sound like fun though!

When I'm in my boat, I don't have a job, mortgage, wife, kids or any worries.  It's the most relaxing thing I do.  I don't fish tournaments and leave when I want.  Even though the bite has tailed off some and the fish are a bit smaller, It's still great.  I hope you get the feeling back - you will - time off should help!

Can't stop thinkin bout that Kayak Tippin!

fishing user avatarCFFF 1.5 reply : 

I am semi burnt out now but still have the desire to fish but because it is the middle of the summer here in FL I only go about every other weekend. Taking my jon boat by myself is too much of a pain in the ***, so I don't do that very often any more. Just take a break for a couple of weeks and you'll have the itch again and it will be strong. I am already looking forward to fishing this coming weekend and it is only monday. Also as soon as the weather starts to cool down I'll be out every weekend again. The summer heat in FL is brutal.

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 

Thanks for all the advice and sincere wishes!

I've been fishing for as long as I could walk and always loved it. Started fishing in clubs about 15 years ago and then took a break for about 2 to 3 years. Just go back into it last year and it quickly reminded my why I took  such a long hiatus.  Fishing was something I had a deep passion for but, the hectic shedule of T's and other club issues has tainted it for me. Last year I had said "no more clubs" just wish I had listened to myself.  

Like you all said it's time to get back to just having fun and enjoy on my own time when and where I want.

I guess over endulgence of anything no matter how special can take away from it's alore ;)

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

Went through the same thing with my Mustang. Was heavily involved in a club that Rick and I founded. Went to New England Dragway every weekend. Working at the race shop 100 hours a week, traveling the country with the Outlaw car...just got burnt out... it's easy to do.  8-)

fishing user avatarMasshole Mike reply : 

everyone gets burnt out, even if it's doing something you love. take some time off, relax, clear your head and the cycle will come full circle again and you'll be out on the water bombin' them bronzebacks in no time!

fishing user avatarBallpark Frank reply : 

I usually hit burnout on Bass fishing around this time of year, but not fishing in general. Right now, I am catfishing more than anything. Catting is so different; laid back and slow. I take my daughters out for some bluegill alot too. On vacation, I hit the beach for some surf, jetty, and pier fishing. After those, fall is here and I am ready for bassin again.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Tournaments add a whole 'nother aspect to fishing.  I don't tournament fish because I don't want to get into all the other things Ts bring to my fishing. For me, it's the fishing that's fun and interesting. Having a social side to fishing is nice -in proper doses. That's just me. Some guys just love the tournament side of it all.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 


But I must admit that I like fishing by myself more and more in lieu of fishing tournaments.

I still love the fellowship of other fishing people and the beauty of nature so I will keep going out in the boat or on the bank.

I caught 15 LMB the other day and left the pond as it was time to go home for dinner.  Had I not had to go home I probably would have stayed and continued to catch the fish.  :)

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 
I usually hit burnout on Bass fishing around this time of year, but not fishing in general. Right now, I am catfishing more than anything. Catting is so different; laid back and slow. I take my daughters out for some bluegill alot too. On vacation, I hit the beach for some surf, jetty, and pier fishing. After those, fall is here and I am ready for bassin again.

Tracker is sold :D Back to the jon for fun and some leisure time on the water. What a feeling of relief it is just by selling it.

Strange but true ;)

Hey Mike got any swimbait setups for sale? ;D

fishing user avatarMasshole Mike reply : 

haha! a couple hours sooner and....

hey, i'll be a nice guy paul, seeing as you let me fish from the tracker and DIDN'T try to gimme a hair cut like kuma's....

i'll let you watch me catch all the hawgs next time we fish together! haha ;D


fishing user avatarJeff C. reply : 


take some time off and relax..


do not let this happen to you my pal..

I am just getting your test box ready !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


hope to ship wednesday,,,


fishing user avatarGarnet reply : 

I cut the grass, built a ramp, did the dishes today much for retirement......................and fishing burnout thats over too


fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
Tournaments add a whole 'nother aspect to fishing.  I don't tournament fish because I don't want to get into all the other things Ts bring to my fishing. For me, it's the fishing that's fun and interesting. Having a social side to fishing is nice -in proper doses. That's just me. Some guys just love the tournament side of it all.

Same here.  I get more than enough of the social side right here on the board.  THIS is my club, ....and it's a big one :)

Paul, The LBH crew is always looking for another "small boat, big fish kinda guy".  Friday night,...we'll get back to what it's about bud :)

Bring the big sticks ;)

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

I usually experience burnout when I place too much emphasis on "achieving."  Actually, I usually get the worst burnout in the early spring after a long winter of anticipation.  I get out on a lake and think, "It's been a long winter!  I finally get to catch something!"  But of course it doesn't usually work out that way (what, with cold water temperatures, muddy water, etc) and I "burn out" prematurely.  Then, I learn to "chill" as the water temperature finally warms up.  It's a lot more fun when I don't invest so much of my ego into things.

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 
Tournaments add a whole 'nother aspect to fishing. I don't tournament fish because I don't want to get into all the other things Ts bring to my fishing. For me, it's the fishing that's fun and interesting. Having a social side to fishing is nice -in proper doses. That's just me. Some guys just love the tournament side of it all.

Same here. I get more than enough of the social side right here on the board. THIS is my club, ....and it's a big one :)

Paul, The LBH crew is always looking for another "small boat, big fish kinda guy". Friday night,...we'll get back to what it's about bud :)

Bring the big sticks ;)

I'm so looking forwrd to Friday frigging time noisy gas motors. Just the humm of the electric and the sounds of nature!

Hopefully I'll find a SB setup tomorrow I already made plans to p/u 3 or 4 SB's in the AM  ;D

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Had a minor tournament burn out during the mid 80s; stopped tournament fishing for several years but kicking _ _ _ again  :)

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 
haha! a couple hours sooner and....

hey, i'll be a nice guy paul, seeing as you let me fish from the tracker and DIDN'T try to gimme a hair cut like kuma's....

i'll let you watch me catch all the hawgs next time we fish together! haha ;D


Yeah Mike, I gotta put you on some decent fish sooner or later our last two outings left something to be desired.

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 

The day I do not enjoy fishing is the day I put a bullet in my head. Maybe if I fished tournaments it would be different . It is hard for me to even comprehend how someone gets tired of fishing.

Maybe you should see a shrink  ;)

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

Shoot, I wish I would get burned out at least for a bit. I'm so ridiculously addicted to fishing it's kind of scary. I fish literally every single day unless there are serious thunderstorms. Get out of work, fish from shore from 6 or 7 to dark, then all day on the weekends in the canoe or from someone's boat. During the day at work I can't wait to get out and go fishing. This sport is like crack. I'm not getting anything else done in my life - I could use some burnout.

But... I guess that's what winter's for right?

fishing user avatarMasshole Mike reply : 
haha! a couple hours sooner and....

hey, i'll be a nice guy paul, seeing as you let me fish from the tracker and DIDN'T try to gimme a hair cut like kuma's....

i'll let you watch me catch all the hawgs next time we fish together! haha ;D


Yeah Mike, I gotta put you on some decent fish sooner or later our last two outings left something to be desired.

sounds like friday night might be just what you need bud! i talked with craig from NEF and i think we might be meeting up that night so i can pick up that okuma/cardiff setup he's selling, i can't wait!

ps. HEY RUSS, YOU WERE RIGHT! i'm jumpin on the bandwagon, yet another swimbait-er is born! 8-)

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

Burn-out in this sport is quite common. Without getting too philosophical: If the fish are the only reason you are on the water, than you won't last long. Learn to enjoy all aspects of this sport. The scenery, wildlife, comaraderie, and self-educational opportunities abound out here, and if you learn to add these aspects to the catching, you will never burn-out.

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 

Learn to enjoy all aspects of this sport. The scenery, wildlife, comaraderie, and self-educational opportunities abound out here, and if you learn to add these aspects to the catching, you will never burn-out.

fishing user avatar.RM. reply : 

No ill intent meant but, this may be the understatement of the year :-/ If you Been fishing T's for 20 years and fishing in general since I could walk. I live for 3 things, Family the dog's freinds and mother nature. Haven't climed a mountain camped sat by the water and just soak it all in or road my mountain bike in years all due to the schedule of T's club meetings pre-fishing for the T's working on the boat so I can make the T's and trying to be the best I can be in the T's and making it to evey T in an attempt to make angler of the year. Close to 20 T's  in a six month span then add the number of times pre-fishing,Sir.......I'm burntout! ;) I have nothing left to prove, I've won I've lost I've competed and hung in there with the best of the clubs(atleast the ones I was in)  it's now time to stop and smell the roses. No "shoot I gotta be up at 2AM so I can make it to the ramp for 4 or 5AM with only 2 or 3 hours sleep. No more pressure to perform no more "I gotta find one more good fish" No more "I'm exhausted but a gotta make my club meeting" Just no more clubs and it already feels great! If I chose to I can fish an open if I don't feel like it I'll stay in bed and sleep late. "WOW"  Haven't said that in years either.

Yup there it is. You now have your priorities in order..

Kudo' to you...

Tight Lines At Your Pace!!!!

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I have it right now.I haven't been fishing since spring.I've fished so much the last few years that it doesn't excite me like it used to get me.I'm gonna take off a while and deer hunt.Hopefully,next spring I'll be ready to go again.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
I have it right now.I haven't been fishing since spring.I've fished so much the last few years that it doesn't excite me like it used to get me.I'm gonna take off a while and deer hunt.Hopefully,next spring I'll be ready to go again.

Good to here from you!


fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
The day I do not enjoy fishing is the day I put a bullet in my head. Maybe if I fished tournaments it would be different . It is hard for me to even comprehend how someone gets tired of fishing.

Maybe you should see a shrink ;)

You are joking , right?????????????????????????

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I didn't burnout on fishing until I quit fishing for the fun of it  ;)

fishing user avatarhamer08 reply : 

I never dealt with clubs and Tourneys, but that would seem to take the fun out of fishing. I fish to relax not to add more pressure to my life. When I start to get bored fishing for bass, I tend to switch species. I don't have saltwater nearby, but targeting musky, walleye, crappie, catfish all bring new challenges. Another option is to go more primative, leave the electronics loaded boat at home and try fishing out of a canoe or bellyboat. This really slows the pace of fishing down and makes you notice all the other great things out there.

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 


You are joking , right?????????????????????????

I am DEAD serious. I looking at fishing as more than just catching. I look at the total experience. If the day comes that I can not find any joy of seeing a sunrise, being in the beautiful outdoors, seeing dozens of animals, spending time with my family and/or friends, and catching my little scalely friends, I think that I have lost most of what life has to offer and there is little else.

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 
Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?


fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 

You are joking , right?????????????????????????

I am DEAD serious. I looking at fishing as more than just catching. I look at the total experience. If the day comes that I can not find any joy of seeing a sunrise, being in the beautiful outdoors, seeing dozens of animals, spending time with my family and/or friends, and catching my little scalely friends, I think that I have lost most of what life has to offer and there is little else.

It used feel like this for me as well. Hoping that dropping out of the Club scene will bring back that peaceful feelling.

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

I quit for 4 years back in the mid 80s. When I started back they were still holding exactly where I left them.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Paulie Walnuts, I have found my cure. Now you need to find yours.

All I can say say is new, big, waters.

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 
Paulie Walnuts, I have found my cure. Now you need to find yours.

All I can say say is new, big, waters.

The Dr's said there's no cure for me and you know this,so why do you continue to torcher me? :D

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

Thanks RW.Nice to be back.I've just been really busy the last few months,but I've got a little time to breath now!

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

You are joking , right?????????????????????????

I am DEAD serious. I looking at fishing as more than just catching. I look at the total experience. If the day comes that I can not find any joy of seeing a sunrise, being in the beautiful outdoors, seeing dozens of  animals, spending time with my family and/or friends, and catching my little scalely friends, I think that I have lost most of what life has to offer and there is little else.

It used feel like this for me as well. Hoping that dropping out of the Club scene will bring back that peaceful feelling.

It will,....starting at midnight  tomorrow,....full moon........Bring the big rods :)


fishing user avatarAaron reply : 

I haven't experienced burn out yet.  I don't go just to catch fish, I enjoy hanging out with my friends and getting away from everything.

I go a lot of times and don't catch anything or just a few fish, but I am still glad to be out there and not thinking about work or school.

fishing user avatarDavis reply : 

I'm at the burnout point. Mainly because the smallmouth fishing is pretty dead right now and I don't feel like wasting gas to go catch 16" largemouth. Been pretty busy lately so fishing is on the back burner. Lucky if I have made it out for 3 hours in a total of three weeks.

fishing user avatarBassinBoy reply : 

I have fished a ton this year, im not burnt out just starting to slow down.

fishing user avatarAndrew Coleman reply : 

It's my first year fishing and im already feeling burnt out, mabey cuz im 7 min away from good fishing, and i fished every other day, mabey cuz the gar pike a scaring everything away and the fishing is teribble. anyways im taking a break, if u do somthing too much it most likly get boring.

People tell me fishing shouldn't be a job, so im takin a break ;)

fishing user avatarjimmieO reply : 

you gotta get your mind right.

i have cut back a great deal in the past couple months. the fishing is tough mostly everywhere right now, so that contributes, but i think the thing with me was having too much other stuff going on....

I would be on the boat, just thinking, man, i should be at home doing this or that or whatever....the first time that crept into my head, it kinda killed the rest of the day. take a break or cut back. its supposed to be a release, not a stressor.

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

Nice to hear from ya LBH.You're still the ton of energy and passion for the sport I see.Me,I've been searching for the right job.I was hired this morning at Gander Mountain in the(you guessed it)fishing dept.I should be in a really good mood for a while.Keep up that passion and leadership!

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

RR, Glad to see you back. The mods were just talking about you the other day. Just wondering where you went.

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

We've been busy with my wife's legal wrangling over a Social Security disability claim.We've been appealing since '03,and happy to say she won.Got a nice settlement and back pay.We'll be adding a pretty good monthly amount to our regular state pension.To say I'm happy just doesn't do it justice.I'll be back with you guys a lot more often.Again,thanks for your concern.Things are going very well,and I thank God every night.Talk with you later.

fishing user avatarbigfruits reply : 

grab a light spinning rod, a canoe and do an overnight float with a good friend on a smallmouth river.

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 
grab a light spinning rod, a canoe and do an overnight float with a good friend on a smallmouth river.

Tried something like this last Friday night minus the spinning gear and canoe. Took up an offer to go out on a private pond out of LBH's jon to do some night fishing. Bought a new swimbait setup a few swimbaits including the MS Slammer. The Slammer was defective and never swam correctly in addition to the new Cardiff failing on about the 3rd cast. ;D So much fo rehab! :D

Will try again next Friday night hoping for better results! ;)

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

Bronzeback, I have found that serious tournament participation at all levels cause the majority of burnout situations along with guiding at an intense pace. This puts the emphasis on performance issues which in turn actually blinds your thought processes from your original intent or love of fishing.

The situation that you are now involved with like fishing for fun with LBH etc. is exactly what you need to re light the candle. And be careful not to turn it into a BONFIRE again because that gets too hot to sustain for a long period of time.

I would venture to say that if you could go back to the beginning and start reliving those times, you would get your desire back. I did and I'm glad I did.

Big O

fishing user avatarnboucher reply : 

Although I have yet to experience fishing burnout, I have experienced professional burnout more than once. It's usually a sign that my life has gotten out of balance somehow. It may not be that you love fishing any less, but that your heart is telling you another of your loves may be wanting a bit more attention . . .


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