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Would you be annoyed or am I a jerk? 2024

fishing user avatarKsam1234 reply : 

So I’m wondering if I’m a jerk or just think old school and people should take it upon themselves eventually to learn. Wondering everyone’s opinion of this, so I have a friend who we both started fishing at the same time. We have been bass fishing for about 2 1/2 years now. I did tons of research, bought books, joined this awesome site, YouTube and just spent tons and tons of time on the water to learn as

much as I can. So we go fishing together and every time we go he is the exact same as day 1 fishing 2 1/2 years ago.. he asks what to use, what color, what do you think they want, why am I not catching them. Will tie on 5 baits in 30 minutes and if he doesn’t get a fish he gets mad. I have given him books , told him about this sight and have told him every time we go out about fish. Like today it was dead flat, post front and he was trying to rip as fast as he can lipless cranks etc. told him to try a black and blue senko and let it sit , i told and showed him how to rig them .. instead he uses a different hook and threads it on like it was live bait all bunched up and tosses it out waits 2 seconds then starts hopping it back ... and wonders why he doesn’t catch fish. I have shown him about as much as I can and every time we go on the water it’s the same so I was going to tell him to learn so he can get better himself, is that mean ?

fishing user avatargimruis reply : 

Haha.  Sometimes you can hold the hand only so long, my friend.  You can lead the horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

fishing user avatarKsam1234 reply : 
  On 5/14/2018 at 8:01 AM, gimruis said:

Haha.  Sometimes you can hold the hand only so long, my friend.  You can lead the horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

Yeah I feel bad sometimes bc I’ll say something like “ well what do you think you tell me” then he just looks at me like uuuuuuhhhhh 

fishing user avatarMassYak85 reply : 

There are two types of fisherman...those that enjoy fishing, and those that enjoy catching. 

fishing user avatarMr Swim Jig reply : 

That is a tough situation and one I find myself in with a friend of mine quite often.  He doesn't listen and like your friend he doesn't try to learn on his own.  It is very frustrating, so I feel your pain, it is a tough situation to be in.  I try my best to be as helpful as possible every time we go out, but sometimes you just have enough.


Luckily my wife has really started to enjoy fishing and listens and most of the time out catches me witch makes me mad and makes me want to take my friend out


I still take him fishing and I still try and be as helpful as possible and sometimes I do snap at him and then I feel bad and apologize. But I definitely don't go fishing with him near as much as I use to and I feel bad about that as well.  So it is kinda like a catch 22 either just grin and bear it or you just stop taking him fishing and that part is probably tougher then just grinning and bearing it...

fishing user avatarCroakHunter reply : 

What does it matter if he catches fish or not? More for you to catch.  

fishing user avatarfrosty reply : 

I can understand the frustration when people act like that but it’s only fishing. I wouldn’t get my blood pressure up over it, just say whatever you want to do and continue catching fish. 

fishing user avatarNHBull reply : 

Can’t fix stupid

fishing user avatarKsam1234 reply : 
  On 5/14/2018 at 8:38 AM, CroakHunter said:

What does it matter if he catches fish or not? More for you to catch.  

It doesn’t matter but we both go in a canoe since we don’t have a boat and I want him to have fun. He starts getting mad when I catch fish and he says he wants to leave. Or he comes over to me and stops me from fishing and asks how to do this or that. Or he gets a backlash and can’t get it out so I have to etc .. I don’t rly get my blood pressure up I just want him to have fun and enjoy it instead of getting mad and wanting to leave bc “there’s no fish “

fishing user avatarBuzzHudson19c reply : 

I openly admit to my friends that I am an a-hole when it comes to fishing. It's one of the only things I am passionate about. But I warn would be fishing buddies ahead of time,"This is how it's going to be. We are going fishing at 4:30 am. If you aren't at the launch by then, I'm leaving without you. Bring what you need, don't rely on the kindness of others. We will be out for a long time. Don't complain that it's hot. Don't complain about the wind. Don't complain about the bugs. Don't complain."


When it comes to lures and techniques. I will openly share what I'm doing with my buddies. I don't like to critique others but there have been times where, like you said, I have watched another fisherman ripping a bait back in after it being in the water 5 seconds and I just went and said it, "Dude, slow the fudge down!" Be honest with him. You will probably both be better off for it.

fishing user avatarAC870 reply : 

Cut him loose until he grows up. 

fishing user avatarshovelmouth83 reply : 
  On 5/14/2018 at 8:01 AM, gimruis said:

Haha.  Sometimes you can hold the hand only so long, my friend.  You can lead the horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

iy is true i know the feeling. you can only go so far. i am the same way.

fishing user avatarKsam1234 reply : 
  On 5/14/2018 at 9:12 AM, BuzzHudson19c said:

I openly admit to my friends that I am an a-hole when it comes to fishing. It's one of the only things I am passionate about. But I warn would be fishing buddies ahead of time,"This is how it's going to be. We are going fishing at 4:30 am. If you aren't at the launch by then, I'm leaving without you. Bring what you need, don't rely on the kindness of others. We will be out for a long time. Don't complain that it's hot. Don't complain about the wind. Don't complain about the bugs. Don't complain."


When it comes to lures and techniques. I will openly share what I'm doing with my buddies. I don't like to critique others but there have been times where, like you said, I have watched another fisherman ripping a bait back in after it being in the water 5 seconds and I just went and said it, "Dude, slow the fudge down!" Be honest with him. You will probably both be better off for it.

You sound exactly like me haha, I am always out in the summer around 5 am and he says “oh I’ll meet you there we can get that early morning topwater bite” around 11:00 am he shows up ha .. I guess I can give it a laugh now and chuckle about it

fishing user avatarjbmaine reply : 

My ex FIL was the nicest guy but numb as a fence post. I used to take him fishing and no matter how much tackle I bought him for birthdays/ fathers day etc. he would always forget it and ask to borrow mine. I had to grit my teeth more than once with him.

fishing user avatarAngry John reply : 

Maybe taking the time to show him the ropes wile off the water and discussing you plan on the way to the lake may reduce your fustration.  He might learn a different way, who knows.  But he is a friend and there must be a reason so try and be a good friend back.  "Says the guy with angry in his screen name"

fishing user avatarKsam1234 reply : 
  On 5/14/2018 at 9:24 AM, Angry John said:

Maybe taking the time to show him the ropes wile off the water and discussing you plan on the way to the lake may reduce your fustration.  He might learn a different way, who knows.  But he is a friend and there must be a reason so try and be a good friend back.  "Says the guy with angry in his screen name"

Yeah I try my best, I did help him catch his PB bass the other day , 4 pound 7 oz smallmouth so that was fun to watch

fishing user avatarAll about da bass reply : 

He sounds really stubborn, my dad is the same way. He is JUST like that.

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

Boy, I do not envy you. My fishing buddy would ask me

questions for the first year or two, then he grew on his

own and started going and killing it without me.


We are no longer friends...LOL Just kidding, we just no

longer fish together.


I prefer going it alone or with my boys (sons). It frustrated

me to no end one night last week when I took out son

#3 and showed him how I love to drop shot in a particular

spot.... I started hooking up, a 5 pounder, a 4 and a 3.5

not to mention the sub 3s I caught. It killed me that he was

not catching so I stopped and gave him what I was using.


He had two hookups but didn't get to bring them home.


My kids I don't mind, so long as they absorb what I teach.

Others? Change the times you go out to fish, LOL. :) 

fishing user avatarKjruiz reply : 
  On 5/14/2018 at 7:54 AM, Ksam1234 said:

So I’m wondering if I’m an As$hole or just think old school and people should take it upon themselves eventually to learn. Wondering everyone’s opinion of this, so I have a friend who we both started fishing at the same time. We have been bass fishing for about 2 1/2 years now. I did tons of research, bought books, joined this awesome site, YouTube and just spent tons and tons of time on the water to learn as

much as I can. So we go fishing together and every time we go he is the exact same as day 1 fishing 2 1/2 years ago.. he asks what to use, what color, what do you think they want, why am I not catching them. Will tie on 5 baits in 30 minutes and if he doesn’t get a fish he gets mad. I have given him books , told him about this sight and have told him every time we go out about fish. Like today it was dead flat, post front and he was trying to rip as fast as he can lipless cranks etc. told him to try a black and blue senko and let it sit , i told and showed him how to rig them .. instead he uses a different hook and threads it on like it was live bait all bunched up and tosses it out waits 2 seconds then starts hopping it back ... and wonders why he doesn’t catch fish. I have shown him about as much as I can and every time we go on the water it’s the same so I was going to tell him to learn so he can get better himself, is that mean ?

What’s the top two books you would recommend?


i don’t think it’s fair to you that you put the work in and now have to have someone grabbing your coattails. 

fishing user avatarKsam1234 reply : 
  On 5/14/2018 at 9:41 AM, Kjruiz said:

What’s the top two books you would recommend?


i don’t think it’s fair to you that you put the work in and now have to have someone grabbing your coattails. 

I gave him an informative fisherman book and some random book I got at local bargain store but it was rly good, talked about the seasonal habits, pre spawn, spawn and post spawn.   Which baits to throw depending on water color and temp etc , even shows how to tie knots but I can’t remmeber the name 

fishing user avatarbasswrangler83 reply : 

He should watch Bass Resource's YouTube channel. I know exactly how you feel when someone doesn't take the initiative to help themselves. 

fishing user avatarBurke reply : 

People would ask me where the fishes are ...

Im like, "so you want me to tell you everything and then you take all the glory" 


I dont think so :)

fishing user avatarKsam1234 reply : 
  On 5/14/2018 at 9:57 AM, Burke said:

People would ask me where the fishes are ...

Im like, "so you want me to tell you everything and then you take all the glory" 


I dont think so :)

Yeah I feel ya 

fishing user avatarLionHeart reply : 

You said he's your friend right?  Stay at it.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
  On 5/14/2018 at 10:34 AM, LionHeart said:

You said he's your friend right?  Stay at it.


Which is more important

Fishing or friendships?


 Not everyone shares the same enthusiasm ????

fishing user avatarKsam1234 reply : 
  On 5/14/2018 at 10:44 AM, Catt said:


Which is more important

Fishing or friendships?


 Not everyone shares the same enthusiasm ????

Ohhh that’s a tough one... haha jk 

fishing user avatarGraham reply : 

I have friends like this, we are just cut from a different cloth. He obviously doesn’t share the same passion that you and I do. Sounds like you know what to expect when you bring him fishing so I wouldn’t expect much from him when he joins and you won’t get as upset. I wouldn’t call you an A-hole for feeling that way, but if it bugs you to the point where you are venting on a forum about it, I’d suggest fishing with someone different haha.

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 

Just be gracious. And smile. You showed him the ropes. You’ve led by example. That’s all you can do. The rest is up to him. 


I dont care how good any of us are, we cannot make the fish bite their hook, lol. 


If you friend does get into those, “why am I not catching anything “ scenarios,” let it go in one ear and out the other. Don’t let his frustrations get to you. That creates negative vibes, energy and attitude and none of these things is conducive to productive fishing or mental clarity. 


You can even use a coaching t chinois when you see an example as you have described about how he hooked his worm. “You know, that’s an interesting way to hook that might work but if it doesn’t, you might want to try rigging it this.”


Like I said earlier, if he isn’t willing and too stubborn to listen, be gracious and smile and say nothing more. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t force it to drink.  

fishing user avatarNittyGrittyBoy reply : 

I agree with the others, if he's your friend just stick with it. 


It will be frustrating but I think catt nailed it, friends or fishing? Ultimately it's your choice

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 

I rather take a humble newbie bass fishing with me (that's willing to listen,learn, and offer help) than a arrogant fisherman who thinks he's a great fisherman yet catches fish that are nothing out of the ordinary.

fishing user avatarTOXIC reply : 

I used to love it when I was guiding to get a husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend as clients.  The men were always trying to be all macho and know-it-all about fishing to impress their females.  The differences was that the women would actually listen to what I had to say and would do what I told them.  They normally outfished their boyfriend/husband and it was a hoot.  When I would get a couple of tournament anglers in the boat as clients, I would take them to the fish and let them have at it but if they were not catching, I would give some pointers.  Usually they just brushed me off and claimed the spot was no good and wanting to move.  So, I would grab my rod and proceed to catch a few fish off the spot and tell them if they would listen to me they could do the same.  My standard saying was "I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you".  ????

fishing user avatarPro Logcatcher reply : 

I have the exact same problem. This guy uses like 800 pound flouro and hooks into every single dock we visit. Luckily, he has gotten better and now it is just one in three docks ????

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

Thats like fishing with my uncle . i just let him do his thing and hes happy , even though he doesnt have much success .

fishing user avatarNYWayfarer reply : 

You said he gets mad when he is not catching. Hopefully he is not getting mad at you. If he is then you are not being a jerk and he needs to get the boot.


If he is getting mad in general then be patient. A nice solution is to have a couple of loaner rods all set up with the same rigs you are throwing on the boat. Whenever he is getting frustrated, hand him one and say, "Try this, it's what I am using" Hopefully his luck will pick up then and it saves time rigging him up.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

If you enjoy your 'friend's' company, you can continue to fish with him.

If you do not enjoy his company, then I guess you don't.

If there are fish caught, and by who, all seems to sort it self out.



fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
  On 5/14/2018 at 10:44 AM, Catt said:


Which is more important

Fishing or friendships?


 Not everyone shares the same enthusiasm ????


This is pretty much it.  If the person is a family member or a good friend, you deal with it in the nicest way you can.  If it gets to be too much, just limit the fishing trips to how much you can stand it.  

fishing user avatarKsam1234 reply : 
  On 5/14/2018 at 10:39 PM, senile1 said:


This is pretty much it.  If the person is a family member or a good friend, you deal with it in the nicest way you can.  If it gets to be too much, just limit the fishing trips to how much you can stand it.  

Yeah I’m still going to go with him just wonder if I should keep showing him everything or kind of let him figure it out on his own that way maybe he feels more accomplished at the end of the day 

fishing user avatarblckshirt98 reply : 

The fact that he's done very little to learn, but complains at the lack of results, shows a lot about his (lack of) character.  He's the guy that will show up to the gym once every two weeks and say everyone else is on steroids.  You're not being a jerk at all, your friend is just a free-loader that wants success handed to him without doing any of the required work.

fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 

I suppose that it depends....Whose boat?  How often do you fish?  How often with him? 

I guess I'm imagining a good friend who only goes out with me every few trips....I fish for bass, almost exclusively -- but, I recognize that bass fishing is sort of a different kind of commitment than lots of other fishing....If I still wanted to fish with this friend, but I was getting my bass fix on five out of six trips, I'd maybe focus on crappie or walleye or bluegills or something when with my friend.  It might be less aggravation for you both, but still fun

fishing user avatarlo n slo reply : 
  On 5/14/2018 at 8:13 AM, MassYak85 said:

There are two types of fisherman...those that enjoy fishing, and those that enjoy catching. 


fishing user avatarFishDewd reply : 
  On 5/14/2018 at 10:44 AM, Catt said:


Which is more important

Fishing or friendships?


 Not everyone shares the same enthusiasm ????

Fishing obviously! :D Actually this depends upon which friend it is haha.


To the OP: does sound annoying. Getting a little help now and then is fine, like if you're using a new technique and know your bud is more versed than you are. That makes perfect sense. But after two years he should have the feel for techniques he uses a lot by then. No replacement for practice. What I would do is what you're doing: tell him he's gotta try it himself. If it doesn't work, before switching baits, try it a different way. Then once again. Give each one some time and effort before you give up on up and switch baits. Could be the fish want it faster, slower, more erratic, less erratic. Maybe they want a zig or a zag or a brief pause. Maybe a long pause. Too many variables and reasons for why they aren't biting a bait. So I'd basically tell him to figure it out cause you won't always be around to help him lol. He should have the confidence to do his own thing and trust his instincts.


fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 

Do you ever notice that when people ask you a fishing question, you answer with so much detail and qualifying information that their eyes glass over and they change the subject to sports? You're that guy and he's a casual angler. I'm that guy too. Toss him a T rigged Trick Worm and tell him to throw at every piece of cover. Color doesn't matter usually. Sometimes he'll outfish you. 


My buddy has 1 rod that I rig for him when we go. That's the only bait he uses and he usually catches enough to stay interested. If you want to still hang out with him just tell him what you think will work. If not, push him out of the boat. LOL

  On 5/15/2018 at 1:32 AM, blckshirt98 said:

The fact that he's done very little to learn, but complains at the lack of results, shows a lot about his (lack of) character.  He's the guy that will show up to the gym once every two weeks and say everyone else is on steroids.  You're not being a jerk at all, your friend is just a free-loader that wants success handed to him without doing any of the required work.

Skips every other leg day. But to give you an idea of how dedicated I am, I quit the gym because it was taking up too much fishing time.

fishing user avatarLionHeart reply : 
  On 5/15/2018 at 12:40 AM, Ksam1234 said:

Yeah I’m still going to go with him just wonder if I should keep showing him everything or kind of let him figure it out on his own that way maybe he feels more accomplished at the end of the day 

Willing to wager, like myself, most of the info you've gathered about fishing came from another fisherman.  Yes? Pass it on to ole' buddy.  The info you now have certainly doesn't have a patent.  


You got it from YouTube, etc., be his YouTube, etc.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

@FishDewd I have a close friend that goes out with me 4-5 times a year & has for the last 30 years. After he parks his boat he seldom if ever thinks about fishing. Every trip out it's the same routine with a few advancements in technology. He loves perch jerking, I love bass fishing, so we combine the two.


It aint about the number of fish we catch, it's about the fellowship shared!

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

I have or had a few friends that loved to fish and they were good at the mechanics of casting and knot tieing and fun to fish, good freinds. Good fishermen but no interest regarding being aware of what is going on, where the bass are and what lure to use was a total mystery to them. They ask what do you want me to use today, I tell them what may work, what rigs and lures I going to use and they are happy to go along with whatever we do. I would point out where to cast, how fast or slow and what depth and try hard to put them on fish. 

Some days we did good, sometimes we don't but we always had fun enjoying sharing each other's company and catching up on life. Enjoy it while you can before your freinds are just a memory.


fishing user avatarColumbia Craw reply : 

You are not a jerk, period.  He is not stupid.  You are motivated to learn and committed to put in the time, effort and expense, he is not or at least not yet. There is a big difference in fishing buddies going out together and a fisherman who goes out with a friend.  With bass fishing the disparity is even greater because the skill levels required to cast and feel a strike are not like cat fishing or perch fishing.  If he has any interest at all, you can choose to be a mentor and help him get up to speed so he's at least proficient. End your outing with a question for your friend.  " What could we have done different today to catch em" ?  If he doesn't have a response, redefine what activities you choose to share with him.  Finally, you're not a jerk.

fishing user avatarFishDewd reply : 
  On 5/15/2018 at 4:07 AM, Catt said:

@FishDewd I have a close friend that goes out with me 4-5 times a year & has for the last 30 years. After he parks his boat he seldom if ever thinks about fishing. Every trip out it's the same routine with a few advancements in technology. He loves perch jerking, I love bass fishing, so we combine the two.


It aint about the number of fish we catch, it's about the fellowship shared!

That's great! Always good to have that sort of friendship where you can combine both.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

IMO you have two choices, start fishing alone, or you can do what I did with my daughters. When I took them fishing I didn't expect to do a lot of fishing myself.  I just kind of sat back and ran the boat and helped them.

fishing user avatarBass_Fishing_Socal reply : 

Next time he asks you just toss him a can of earthworm and tell him guaranteed to catch fish.

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 
  On 5/15/2018 at 3:08 AM, the reel ess said:

Skips every other leg day. But to give you an idea of how dedicated I am, I quit the gym because it was taking up too much fishing time.

Fishing can be a decent form of cardiovascular exercise if you are walking a lot during the day or kayaking for several hours. For some reason plenty of guys train upper body 5 days a week and don't train lower body, which explains why many guys have a big upper body and no legs. Plenty of guys in my gym are on steroids ( they openly discuss cycles) and think they are in great shape but can't even run a simple 10K run, or swim for 2 hours in the open sea. In fact many of them are quite weak for their size and get outlifted by natural athletes that weigh 30-60 pounds less than they do. You will be better off going to a park 3-5 times a week and focus on calisthenics/cardiovascular fitness than lifting weights like a bodybuilder who neglects his cardiovascular health and is in terrible cardiovascular health.

  On 5/14/2018 at 10:39 PM, senile1 said:


This is pretty much it.  If the person is a family member or a good friend, you deal with it in the nicest way you can. 

Well said. I don't expect my all my friends and family to be good fishermen and honestly don't care. I just want to spend a good time with them and they catch fish it will be a plus. Life is too short to fish alone and not enjoy time with those that you care for you.

fishing user avatarKsam1234 reply : 
  On 5/15/2018 at 3:08 AM, the reel ess said:

Do you ever notice that when people ask you a fishing question, you answer with so much detail and qualifying information that their eyes glass over and they change the subject to sports? You're that guy and he's a casual angler. I'm that guy too. Toss him a T rigged Trick Worm and tell him to throw at every piece of cover. Color doesn't matter usually. Sometimes he'll outfish you. 


My buddy has 1 rod that I rig for him when we go. That's the only bait he uses and he usually catches enough to stay interested. If you want to still hang out with him just tell him what you think will work. If not, push him out of the boat. LOL

Skips every other leg day. But to give you an idea of how dedicated I am, I quit the gym because it was taking up too much fishing time.

Yeah that’s funny bc he does workout to but only goes few times a week hahha and I rigged him up a weightless senko and he threw that around and got a few

  On 5/15/2018 at 5:06 AM, Columbia Craw said:

You are not a jerk, period.  He is not stupid.  You are motivated to learn and committed to put in the time, effort and expense, he is not or at least not yet. There is a big difference in fishing buddies going out together and a fisherman who goes out with a friend.  With bass fishing the disparity is even greater because the skill levels required to cast and feel a strike are not like cat fishing or perch fishing.  If he has any interest at all, you can choose to be a mentor and help him get up to speed so he's at least proficient. End your outing with a question for your friend.  " What could we have done different today to catch em" ?  If he doesn't have a response, redefine what activities you choose to share with him.  Finally, you're not a jerk.

Thanks for saying I’m not ha. We always do have fun and laugh and joke threwout the day.  It’s relaxing no matter what but I enjoy watching others catch fish.  I love going with my fiancé bc that’s the only time where 99% of me would rather watch her catch fish than myself .. but of course I have to wet a line here and there ha

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 5/15/2018 at 5:48 AM, soflabasser said:

Fishing can be a decent form of cardiovascular exercise if you are walking a lot during the day or kayaking for several hours. For some reason plenty of guys train upper body 5 days a week and don't train lower body, which explains why many guys have a big upper body and no legs. Plenty of guys in my gym are on steroids ( they openly discuss cycles) and think they are in great shape but can't even run a simple 10K run, or swim for 2 hours in the open sea. In fact many of them are quite weak for their size and get outlifted by natural athletes that weigh 30-60 pounds less than they do. You will be better off going to a park 3-5 times a week and focus on calisthenics/cardiovascular fitness than lifting weights like a bodybuilder who neglects his cardiovascular health and is in terrible cardiovascular health.


I agree. Many of them die young because they're more concerned with looks than health. I know one whose liver quit on him at 30 and he was dead in a few days.

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 
  On 5/15/2018 at 7:04 AM, the reel ess said:

I agree. Many of them die young because they're more concerned with looks than health. I know one whose liver quit on him at 30 and he was dead in a few days.

Steroid abusers think that having big muscles means they are in excellent health but they don't understand that big muscles is not a sign of being in good health or being in functionally good shape! Last year a couple of well known steroid abusers died a early death that was contributed to drug abuse, their fans where surprised but anyone with any medical knowledge is not surprised. The body can only handle so many drugs and abuse before it starts to give up. Cardiovascular health is #1 when it comes to fitness and I will gladly give up a big portion of my muscle size and strength if it means I will be in good cardiovascular health when I am a old man. Besides I rather be +80 years old and still be able to walk for several hours and fish, that to me is far more valuable.

  On 5/15/2018 at 6:49 AM, Ksam1234 said:

Yeah that’s funny bc he does workout to but only goes few times a week hahha and I rigged him up a weightless senko and he threw that around and got a few

Thanks for saying I’m not ha. We always do have fun and laugh and joke threwout the day.  It’s relaxing no matter what but I enjoy watching others catch fish.  I love going with my fiancé bc that’s the only time where 99% of me would rather watch her catch fish than myself .. but of course I have to wet a line here and there ha

That's what matters to have fun with your close friends and loved ones. Catching fish is extra.

fishing user avatarBassguytom reply : 

I don’t mind when I’m asked the same things over and over. I always tell my friends that do that I’m going to get you started but you need to go from there. I let them know a good tip is to watch what I am doing and try to duplicate it if I am catching fish. 

fishing user avatarYakalong reply : 

every time he ask a question tell him to grab you a beer :beer1:

fishing user avatartoni63 reply : 

Interesting topic, I just read all the previous responses to see what others had to say.


I think I might let him know that if he continues to blast away, all speed and no control, the days of going fishing together may need to come to a close. Either you are going to listen and learn or I am just not coming out here as it really ruins my day of fishing when you act like this all day and refuse to listen and then get mad that you don't catch fish.


I like hanging out with you and yes, we are friends, but as your friend I think we should find some other activity to do together because you just don't seem to enjoy this.


I reread your initial post a couple times and it seems you have done all you can and if this is really ruining your enjoyment of fishing, maybe he just needs to go his own way and you go yours when it comes to fishing.




fishing user avatarRPreeb reply : 
  On 5/15/2018 at 4:07 AM, Catt said:

@FishDewd I have a close friend that goes out with me 4-5 times a year & has for the last 30 years. After he parks his boat he seldom if ever thinks about fishing. Every trip out it's the same routine with a few advancements in technology. He loves perch jerking, I love bass fishing, so we combine the two.


It aint about the number of fish we catch, it's about the fellowship shared!

This is how I look at it.  When I've been fishing with a friend, I'm usually the one who is fumbling around blind, but I don't ask for help except in a very general sense.  I'll ask him what he thinks I might need to have along for the trip, I'll buy it if necessary, but after that it's just friends being together.  If he suggests something, I'll try it, but if he doesn't, no big deal.  Really not much different from when we are playing golf.  Whatever activity is involved, just friends enjoying each other's company was more important than how many fish were caught or how many strokes one had on the last hole.

fishing user avatarBassNJake reply : 
  On 5/14/2018 at 7:54 AM, Ksam1234 said:

So I’m wondering if I’m a jerk or just think old school and people should take it upon themselves eventually to learn. Wondering everyone’s opinion of this, so I have a friend who we both started fishing at the same time. We have been bass fishing for about 2 1/2 years now. I did tons of research, bought books, joined this awesome site, YouTube and just spent tons and tons of time on the water to learn as

much as I can. So we go fishing together and every time we go he is the exact same as day 1 fishing 2 1/2 years ago.. he asks what to use, what color, what do you think they want, why am I not catching them. Will tie on 5 baits in 30 minutes and if he doesn’t get a fish he gets mad. I have given him books , told him about this sight and have told him every time we go out about fish. Like today it was dead flat, post front and he was trying to rip as fast as he can lipless cranks etc. told him to try a black and blue senko and let it sit , i told and showed him how to rig them .. instead he uses a different hook and threads it on like it was live bait all bunched up and tosses it out waits 2 seconds then starts hopping it back ... and wonders why he doesn’t catch fish. I have shown him about as much as I can and every time we go on the water it’s the same so I was going to tell him to learn so he can get better himself, is that mean ?

This is why I fish alone.


I use this time to reflect on myself and what improvements I can make both on or off the water

It allows me to concentrate and focus at whatever I might be trying to accomplish that particular trip

I dont have to worry about front ending someone or putting them on fish

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

The question IS, in my opinion:  Do you enjoy his company?  Not everyone has the same interests, desires, aptitudes and your friend is different than you are. can accept him as he is or you can continue to let it bug you.  It pretty much comes down to that.  Going back to my first sentence/question-if you enjoy his company, just chill (and, occasionally, roll your eyes).  If you don't enjoy his company (while fishing), confine your time spent with him to when you do enjoy it.


If you feel comfortable with doing so, just be direct with him (in a nice way).  In the moment, ask him WHY, when he asks your advice, he doesn't take it.  He may never have the same aptitudes/abilities as you but you can shape him (a little).

fishing user avatarKsam1234 reply : 
  On 5/15/2018 at 11:37 PM, Ratherbfishing said:

The question IS, in my opinion:  Do you enjoy his company?  Not everyone has the same interests, desires, aptitudes and your friend is different than you are. can accept him as he is or you can continue to let it bug you.  It pretty much comes down to that.  Going back to my first sentence/question-if you enjoy his company, just chill (and, occasionally, roll your eyes).  If you don't enjoy his company (while fishing), confine your time spent with him to when you do enjoy it.


If you feel comfortable with doing so, just be direct with him (in a nice way).  In the moment, ask him WHY, when he asks your advice, he doesn't take it.  He may never have the same aptitudes/abilities as you but you can shape him (a little).

Yeah I’m going to stick with it bc he is s good friend and we always have a good laugh.  Just want him to enjoy it like I do I guess but not everyone is into fishing that much.  Was talking todsy about some baits etc and he got excited so I know he enjoys it.  Sometimes people take little more Time. If I wanna go and catch fish I’ll go alone but if I wanna just enjoy the day I’ll bring friend. I use the time on the water to reflect a lot also. On troubles of the real life and fishing helps bring those into focus

fishing user avatarrtwvumtneer6 reply : 

I'm also in that category, and I still consider myself to be a beginner. I think it has to do with the excitement when I put the time in to learn a new approach or technique and I want to share it (with certain people lol). For the most part, I've learned most of what I know from the internet, and time on the water. I have one friend who fishes competitively and I'm grateful for every chance I have to get on the water with him.  I'd be happy to ride along and watch him fish and I'd never have to pick up a rod. 


Flip side of that, I value the guy who uses the same spinning rig for all species and owns one pack of soft plastics, and some 3/0 ewgs.  It reminds me to not over-complicate things... Which I am very good at doing!

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

Do you like this guy?  If the answer is yes, then let him do whatever he wants.  If you are out fishing him, he will make adjustments on his own, without any help from you.  Obviously he likes doing what he doing every trip.  Just let him figure it out himself.  If the answer to the original question is no, stop taking him fishing, and take someone else!:stupid:


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