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Largemouth are the best fighters!!!!!! 2024

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

A big trophy largemouth is one of the most difficult freshwater fish to land. Why? not because they fight harder then a smallmouth or a spot. Not because they make long strong runs like a carp or not because they can thump and cirlce like a gill. A big trophy LMB is the best fighter because they are the SMARTEST fighters. I have caught a 20lb carp on 4lb test. I have caught big teen cats on 6 and 8 lb test. I have caught 2lb gills on 4lb test. I have caught many big ocean fish on light line. How many LMB over 10lbs do you think I have caught on light line? None. I loose every time. I have even been straightened and snapped on 20lb test. Big old smart LMB may not have a ton of endurance but they make up for it with technique. The instinctively head for cover. They jump and throw baits, the surge at just the right moment. I believe they are possibly the hardest 10lb class fish to land. They find a way to get away. Think about it. How many big bass have you guys lost? I bet you all have a story. Now to be fair I have never caught a smallie but they dont look difficult to land. From what I have seen they kind fight like a big bluegill. Tons of energy but not soo smart. Alright smallie guys chew on that!!!  ;D

Oh yeah this only referres to big old smart LMB. The little ones are easy

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

I get your point Matt but let's not get carried away, the LM still has a single digit IQ ;)

We got 'em beat by a few points (With the exclusion of Burley)

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 

You may very well have a point and there is truth in what you say, or at the very least, my experiences in the challenge of catching LMB over SMB concur with yours that LMB are far tougher to catch, let alone coax to bite. I would be more inclined to believe that the word finicky (as in most finicky vs. smartest) would be more descript.

One local lake I fish has a big bass who is pushing the 8.5 - 9 lb mark.  This is about as big as LMB are going to get in my area. She is perhaps my greatest source of LMB frustration, test of patience, skill and wits. I have only been able to hook into her thrice and loss all bouts in a span of 4 seasons.  I have not even seen her at all this season.  :'(

When I say to folks that smallies fight better, I quantify it by saying pound for pound they fight the hardest. You mention that you have yet to catch a smallie.  You will most likely reconsider when you do. Pound for pound, their fight is unreal. Even the dinks don't quit.

I am also proud to say that I have never ever lost a battle with a 10+ lb. LMB ever in my life. I have a clean perfect record there.  Just don't tell anybody that it's perfect because I have never fought a bass that big!  ;D

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

I am just having a little fun :) I know I will get flammed Ha Ha.

Honestly when ever I see guys comparing the fighting abilites of fish the LMB is always ranked lower then the fish with more stamina or strengh. However those same fish are easier to land then the lowly LMB. (again only reffering to BIG LMB)

PS I have also caught bone fish and Bonito wich NEVER give up and LB for LB they may be the hardest fighting fish. However I have caught both species over 5lbs on ultralight gear and the outcome was never in doubt.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Oh Matt you gave in to soon  ;)

I think it depends on the individual fish, I've had 3 pound largemouth bass on Toledo Bend put me on my knees when caught in 15' plus.

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 
Oh Matt you gave in to soon ;)

I think it depends on the individual fish, I've had 3 pound largemouth bass on Toledo Bend put me on my knees when caught in 15' plus.


fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

Have you ever had a LMB jump completely out of the water at full speed 4 different times during a fight? I never have. I agree with you to an extent about the running to cover part, but smallies are just much stronger, athletic, and acrobatic.

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Sorry captin the best fighters I have dealt with are in slat water  BLUEFISH! 8-)

fishing user avatarGRIZZ reply : 

Knew you were kidding when you said you  "never caught a smallie" ;)

fishing user avatarfivesixone reply : 

I've never caught a smallie either, but have any of y'all ever fought with a Peacock!? 8-)

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

I don't know maybe it's just me but they do not look too challanging to me


fishing user avatarptomacbass reply : 

peacocks fight hard especiallly when they flare their feathers ;)

fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 
Have you ever had a LMB jump completely out of the water at full speed 4 different times during a fight? I never have. I agree with you to an extent about the running to cover part, but smallies are just much stronger, athletic, and acrobatic.

You have a good point, but you don't see smallies come unbuttoned as much when they jump, even though they jump more often.  Big largemouth head shake and it makes the hole where the hook point entered get bigger, making the hook just slide out.  When the smallie jumps, there's not much head shake.  

Hope I worded that right.

fishing user avatarguitarkid reply : 
peacocks fight hard especiallly when they flare their feathers ;)


fishing user avatarDan: reply : 
Have you ever had a LMB jump completely out of the water at full speed 4 different times during a fight? I never have. I agree with you to an extent about the running to cover part, but smallies are just much stronger, athletic, and acrobatic.

You have a good point, but you don't see smallies come unbuttoned as much when they jump, even though they jump more often. Big largemouth head shake and it makes the hole where the hook point entered get bigger, making the hook just slide out. When the smallie jumps, there's not much head shake.

Hope I worded that right.

Yeah, I understand. That's a good point, probably something to do with the smaller mouths not allowing a bait to jostle around as much or get clearance to shake free also. I still think that the jumps and the speed make smallmouths a better fight.

fishing user avatarSuskyDude reply : 
Have you ever had a LMB jump completely out of the water at full speed 4 different times during a fight? I never have. I agree with you to an extent about the running to cover part, but smallies are just much stronger, athletic, and acrobatic.

You have a good point, but you don't see smallies come unbuttoned as much when they jump, even though they jump more often. Big largemouth head shake and it makes the hole where the hook point entered get bigger, making the hook just slide out. When the smallie jumps, there's not much head shake.

Hope I worded that right.

Really? I never have problems with LM throwing the hook on the jump, but there are days when the smallies can do it at will.

If smallies grew 15-20 lbs, there would be no reason to fish for LM. Period. Could you imagine the fight of a 20 pound SM? The same athletiscism of a 4 pounder in a 20 pound body? LM would be looking for a new job! ;D

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

Pound for pound I'll take an Atlantic Bluefish or Albacore anyday.  ;) 8-)

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I don't know y'all ever tie into a Cobia (Ling)  ;)

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

big largemouth dont make it to the boat. they are mean hateful creatures.

salmon in moving water gets my vote for hardest fighting fish, as long as they are still silver

fishing user avataravid reply : 

At first read ofthe title I was going to strongly disagree.  Then I read the body of the post, and Hmmmmmmmmmmm  you may  have something here.  Yes, smallies are way harder fighters, but smarter??????   No, I don't think so.  I believe I have hooked into several 10 plus pounder LMB's and landed nary a one.  They zig and zag, know exactly where the nearest tangle of cover is and run for it like a bullet...When all else fails they race toward the boat and get the slack they need.  Yeah, yeah,,,that's right...they is the smartest.

fishing user avatarPigsticker reply : 

I agree that LM are the best fighters, Great post Matt

But also LM definitely have home field advantage, they are usually in the toughest cover or with thick stuff nearby, Smallmouths are usually in light to no cover,  amount of time of fight does not always translates to best fighting

Just because LM are shorter fighters doesnt mean they are not good fighters.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Ok Matt, I'll play along...Big largemouth bass, 10+, fight great for

nearly ten seconds for you guys in Kalifornia. Unless of course, you

are fishing a topwater swimbait!

The best fighting green trout are 6-8 lbs, after that they're too lazy

to care!


fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 
Unless of course, you

are fishing a topwater swimbait!


fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


How 'bout "wake bait"?

I meant that since you already have them on plane, just drag 'em in!


fishing user avatarPigsticker reply : 

I think i saw a picture of Fourbizz with a bent heavy wire treble hook around a 4/0 from a LM

Hey Fourbizz was that LM a good fight?

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

How 'bout "wake bait"?

I meant that since you already have them on plane, just drag 'em in!


I wasnt bustin you about terminology i just didnt get what you meant, lol.

I think i saw a picture of Fourbizz with a bent heavy wire treble hook around a 4/0 from a LM

Hey Fourbizz was that LM a good fight?

NO >:( That was a straight up @#$ KICKING!!!!!!!HAHA

She was about 9-10lbs warmwater. She was not impressed with me. 3/0 Owner , 150lb split ring. Bummer.


fishing user avatarPigsticker reply : 

Thanks Bizz,

Oh those fat,lazy,bloated Largemouth bass ::)

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

O please Bizz, it was a log. ::)

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Guys I didnt give up in my opinions. I just knew I would start a fight.(a friendly fight) Yes I have never caught a smallie. I have seen them caught on TV many times and they do look like strong athletic fish. They also look like they have much more stamina then a LMB. They also look a lot easier to land. A little patients and good line and drag and you win. A big LMB is a much more worthy aponent. You have to make all the right moves durring the fight or you will loose. Good equipment only gives you a chance. You have to take controll and win the fight. Big LMB dont want to fight, they want to get away!

fishing user avatarGRIZZ reply : 

All do respect, a 5lb smallie is easier to catch and land then a 5lb largemouth.... faintthud.gif

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

They the smallmouth and largemouth has been unhooking themselves on me.People tell me "oh bass are easy to catch"....i laugh every time i hear that.They get lucky...but they ain't good.I rather be good at bass fishing than lucky.

But given a choice i rather hook a smallmouth,you just can't beat the 2-3' jumps in the air.Never had a largemouth jump like that yet.

I fish from shore and i have seen both fish drag the lure against rocks and branches to unhook themselves.Talk about a smart maneuver on their part. Largemouth seem to have softer mouths than a it is a bit easier to lose a largemouth bass than it is to lose a smallmouth.

fishing user avatarthetr20one reply : 

Steelhead sre some bad a** SOBs . Very very powerful and acrobatic. since the only salt I have ever been close to was the Taunton River in Mass and I caught nothing. I have no expierience in salt and can't comment there But I have never battled anything having the power, acrobatics, speed, or willpower of a 15 lb steelhead. Freshwater drum are some tough dudes too just annoying during tournies.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

LMB are a wonderful fish to catch because they respond to so many different lures and techniques, however they are not the strongest fresh water game fish or even the hardest fighting bass IMO. Spotted and smallmouth bass fight harder pound for pound, then LMB. The fact that LMB tend to live in or close to cover or structure elements can give them an advantage to wrap the line around something and break you off.

The king of the fresh water game fish is the musky, IMO. Muskies jump, live in cover and can freight train you in a heart beat. Steelhead are salt water rainbow trout and like most salt water game fish can fight harder and longer than fresh water fish. The strongest bass is the Calico or kelp bass IMO or any of the salt water bass. Then the tuna, bill fish, jacks and snappers that will distroy most fresh water tackle.

I have lost very few big bass over the years. Big bass are not smart, wary yes, hard fighting...yes...for a minute or two.


fishing user avatarLucky Craft Man reply : 

My vote is for the Musky and Steelhead (I never caught a salmon, so I can't comment on them).  I have caught many largemouth and smallmouth bass.  The only reason you may say a largemouth is a better fighter then a smallmouth is because most of the smallmouth I have caught is in open water, which makes the landing percentage higher.  But, I would prefer to catch one 5lb. smallmouth instead of five 7 lb. largemouth anyday (unless of course, I am in a big money tournamnet)

fishing user avatarthetr20one reply : 

We catch steelhead in erie. I hooked up on maybe a new state record but it came loose 5 feet from the boat. Even lake Erie steelhead are true fighters. 1# in my book for freshwater.

fishing user avatarJake. reply : 

I agree with your point. I think pound for pound smallmouth and some saltwater species are the hardest fighters, but largemouths are the ones that get away the most.

fishing user avatarmase088 reply : 
I don't know y'all ever tie into a Cobia (Ling) ;)

Cobia get my vote for hardest pound for pound. I've caught a 35 pound paddle fish on 10 lb line. I broke off about a 30 inch cobia on 35 pound line and had a fight that wore me the heck out on a 26 incher. Mind you cobia are not fat fish in the least. Doubt it weighed over 8 lbs.

fishing user avatarshorefisher reply : 

In my admittedly limited experience I would have to agree. Smallies are great fun and run and jump and raise a ruckus but big Largemouth do seem to have a knack for getting unbuttoned or causing trouble in general.

Also I've noticed a big difference between individual fish. Last Saturday I hooked a 4lb LMB that I swore was a 36+ inch pike...until he surfaced. Hit a buzzbait at night like a semi and then when he got close enough to detect the canoe I thought he was going to flip me for sure. I've never had a LM fight like that before. I know exactly what Catt means.


fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 


Next year come with me to Brazil.  I'll bet a JW Blue that a 15 lb peacock will change your mind.  ;)

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

If I can afford it that sounds like fun but what the heck is a JW blue?

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

Johnny Walker. :)

fishing user avatarflatbass reply : 

It seems to me there is a lot of difference in the individual fish. Sometimes you can catch a 3lb smallmouth and they will just about break your arm,sometimes just another fish. The same way with largemouth, maybe its the water temp., or the time of year.Maybe just the way they feel that day.

fishing user avatarA+ANGLER reply : 

Largemouth are awesome fighters but Jawja we got these fish called shoalies on some of our current waters,rivers creeks,etc. Lb. 4 Lb. these fish are king in all areas.They are wicked fish with nasty attitudes and ridiculous appetites.Cross a LMB with a SMB and throw in a splash of spot.There ya have it.......Getcha arm Broke I says.  

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Welcome aboard A+

fishing user avatarTrick Worm reply : 

there are some extremely smart saltwater fish that will wrap line around propellers and everyone knows tarpon shake out hooks like its their job

fishing user avatarTournyFish001 reply : 

2.5LB smallie oz per oz is the UFC fighter of bass

fishing user avatarUrbanRedneck reply : 

Largemouth over 10 pounds do have the uncanny ability to some how get off your line.  It seems its just something they do.  They arent the best fighters, strength wise, but they shake those hooks.  Ive had entirely too many broken heart experiences with DD largemouth, but in the last few years it seems I win more than I lose.  I once hooked a largemouth that I estimated at 15 pounds.  I hooked it on a long cast in the middle of the summer.  I made it through 5 acrobatic, head shaking, water clearing jumps and figured I had her.  Nope.  The sixth jump came 10 feet from the boat and she promptly threw the bait back at me.  Thats one I will never forget  :-[  However, theres more to the story.  A week later at 2 in the morning on the exact same spot I landed a 14.5, as far as I could tell by the sound it jumped a bunch so I guess luck was on my side that time   :D

fishing user avatarway reply : 

i landed this large mouth today using night crawlers and a floater. I used regular cheap 8 lb. line and flour carbon 8lb. leader line... It gaved a good fight and it ran left and right. Then he/she ran into the bushes and stopped fighting and i pulled the bushes in to land it. It is 19" and estimate about 6-7lbs.... I caught it at Legg Lake in El Monte, California.





. :)

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 


fishing user avatarUrbanRedneck reply : 

;D ;D ;D ;D

Now that right there is funny.  The only thing you didnt include Mr. Bizz is the urban dictionary definition.  Classic.  Some things are too predictable.

fishing user avatarptomacbass reply : 

why did you kill that bass?  thats stupid.  I could go on but :-X

fishing user avatarway reply : 

^ is it bad to eat bass?

fishing user avatarJake. reply : 
^ is it bad to eat bass?

Its perfectly OK if you stay within the legal limits. However, most bass fisherman on this site practice catch and release.

fishing user avatarosbornj2 reply : 

With all this talk about being the best fighter and the most difficult to land, I am surprised that noone has mentioned the Striper (fresh or salt-water), or even better - the lowly Hybrid striper.  Hands down, I would have to say, the best freshwater "fighting" fish that I have ever caught.  

Lots of shakes, jukes, dives, dances, etc. and, like the Energizer Bunny, they just keep on pullin' and pullin'.

True, they are generally caught in more open water than either SMB or LMB, but, boy, do they use every bit of the water column to fight you with!

Any thoughts on these bad boys?

fishing user avataryankthatsucker reply : 
A big trophy largemouth is one of the most difficult freshwater fish to land. Why? not because they fight harder then a smallmouth or a spot. Not because they make long strong runs like a carp or not because they can thump and cirlce like a gill. A big trophy LMB is the best fighter because they are the SMARTEST fighters. I have caught a 20lb carp on 4lb test. I have caught big teen cats on 6 and 8 lb test. I have caught 2lb gills on 4lb test. I have caught many big ocean fish on light line. How many LMB over 10lbs do you think I have caught on light line? None. I loose every time. I have even been straightened and snapped on 20lb test. Big old smart LMB may not have a ton of endurance but they make up for it with technique. The instinctively head for cover. They jump and throw baits, the surge at just the right moment. I believe they are possibly the hardest 10lb class fish to land. They find a way to get away. Think about it. How many big bass have you guys lost? I bet you all have a story. Now to be fair I have never caught a smallie but they dont look difficult to land. From what I have seen they kind fight like a big bluegill. Tons of energy but not soo smart. Alright smallie guys chew on that!!! ;D

Oh yeah this only referres to big old smart LMB. The little ones are easy

exactamundo...everytime i land a fat one in my lake its almost like they know exactly what to do when i set them...they shoot right under the jagged rock overhang i fish by(great spot). either they get my line all tangled up in the debris down there or the snag it on a as soon as i see them shooting straight at me i make sure i keep those suckers where i want them.

fishing user avatarsteelhorse1 reply : 

it's a toss up stipers do well

fishing user avataryankthatsucker reply : 
^ is it bad to eat bass?

Its perfectly OK if you stay within the legal limits. However, most bass fisherman on this site practice catch and release.

theres alot more tasty fish out there that you can buy thats already cleaned up for you.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 
it's a toss up stipers do well

Where I fish stripe bass don't jump and although very strong fish, they tend to make a few runs and tire out fast. The fact they prefer open water, it is easy to land 30+ lb stripe bass on regular bass tackle.

We call striped marlin "strippers" and they are one the top fighting ocean fish period.

Dr Henshall in his famous book Black Bass stated that LMB are pound for pound the best fighting fresh water fish and the debate has continued sense then.

Is pulling hard the essence of a good fighter? or is the hooked to landed fish percentage a better yardstick? I loose very few giant bass after hooking them, simply because I have learned how to keep control of these fish. Big muskies on the other are very difficult to land with the same bass tackle. The fact they are twice as big, very fast, jump, try to get into cover and have sharp teeth, makes them a great fresh water game fish. Bass are my still favorite fish.


fishing user avatarJake. reply : 
^ is it bad to eat bass?

Its perfectly OK if you stay within the legal limits. However, most bass fisherman on this site practice catch and release.

theres alot more tasty fish out there that you can buy thats already cleaned up for you.


fishing user avatarBig Bait Fishing reply : 
^ is it bad to eat bass?

Its perfectly OK if you stay within the legal limits. However, most bass fisherman on this site practice catch and release.

theres alot more tasty fish out there that you can buy thats already cleaned up for you.


my feelings exactly , funny tho , thats what i usually tell people that take fish home at the local lake i fish at , i tell them '' why are you taking that fish '' when they say '' to eat '' i say ''thats what the grocery store is for , stupid !!!!! '' any how , catch and release ....................  ;)

fishing user avatarbilgerat reply : 

I'm waiting for the biologists to breed 5lb + bluegills- now that would be a fight ;D

Anyone whos ever pulled in a 1lb + gill on light tackle knows what insane little *astards they can be. What a blast.

fishing user avatarBig Bait Fishing reply : 
I'm waiting for the biologists to breed 5lb + bluegills- now that would be a fight ;D

Anyone whos ever pulled in a 1lb + gill on light tackle knows what insane little *astards they can be. What a blast.

yeah , i got to say that bluegill are the hardest fighting freshwater fish known . i couldn't even imagine pulling in or fighting an 6-10# bluegill , you would be exhausted to say the least . 65-80# power pro braid would be mandatory .....

fishing user avatarbilgerat reply : 

I did a little search- World record bluegill 4lbs 12oz caught in Alabama in 1950. Imagine that.


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