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Dogs in your boat while you fish? 2024

fishing user avatarSimonSays reply : 

Who here brings their dogs along with them when they fish?  My friend wants to bring his dog along but the dog is really active...we don't know what kinda of crazy trouble he'd get into on our 11ft inflatable  :o

To all those who bring their dogs with them...what do your dogs do while they're on the boat?

fishing user avatarPopeye reply : 

Might NOT be such a good idea on an INFLATABLE. Dogs can really get restless and figity if they've never been on something like that before, especially the first time out. 2 adults AND a dog on an 11 foot boat? I wouldn't risk it! IMO:o)

fishing user avatarCujo reply : 

My dog is pretty active at first.  When I cast he tries to ran at the lure and eat it as if it were alive.     After awhile he calms down and is pretty good.  

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 
Might NOT be such a good idea on an INFLATABLE. Dogs can really get restless and figity if they've never been on something like that before, especially the first time out. 2 adults AND a dog on an 11 foot boat? I wouldn't risk it! IMO:o)

Excellent advice! Even having dog's as well trained as this I wouldn't attempt it not even in a canoe or jon boat. A sturdy well balanced boat w/plenty of room so that casting is uninhibited and curious noses don't get hooked is a different story. Care for them enough not to take that risk and enjoy your outing. ;) Take it come from a professional

fishing user avatarfooman reply : 

Took my pointer with me once,1st cast he jumped in after the lure.Get his wet butt back into the boat and 10 minutes later he lifted his leg and peed on my console.

Back to the ramp we went

fishing user avatarlittlefisher reply : 

I love the picture with the dogs :).  My family has a black lab and she's great on the boat.  We haven't taken her on the new bass boat yet but I'm sure she'll just sit on the back half and watch us, or take a nap probably.  She gets warm sometimes though and hides under the console lol.

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 
Took my pointer with me once,1st cast he jumped in after the lure.Get his wet butt back into the boat and 10 minutes later he lifted his leg and peed on my console.

Back to the ramp we went

;D ;D ;D Ooooooooooh boy! ;D ;D

fishing user avatarSimonSays reply : 
Took my pointer with me once,1st cast he jumped in after the lure.Get his wet butt back into the boat and 10 minutes later he lifted his leg and peed on my console.

Back to the ramp we went

;D  Hilarious!

Didn't really think about the problem with an inflatable, we saw on the website that they had a dog in one of the inflatables so we didn't give it a second thought. Good point!


That's an awesome picture!

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

The bulldog has to wear a life jacket. She can swim, but is so dense/fat she sinks.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Son took his Australian Sheppard with him and the dog kept jumping out of the boat so, in answer to your qurey, no --- no more dogs in boat unless it is a fun time for the dog.

fishing user avatardeadeye32. reply : 

My chocolate lab barks at me while I reel, tries to eat lures, and jumps in the water as soon as we start to slow down.

Tried it once and it absolutely sucked.   I actually think I would rather go with my wife than our dog.  ;D

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 
My chocolate lab barks at me while I reel, tries to eat lures, and jumps in the water as soon as we start to slow down.

Tried it once and it absolutely sucked. I actually think I would rather go with my wife than our dog. ;D

;D ;D Hopfully the wife or dog don't visit this site often! ;D

Yeah as soon as I set the hook the both of them go on point. I had to teach them that if they stay on the back deck while I land it I'll bring it back to them for a sniff. If they take one step of the back deck no sniffy wiffy and back she goes. They now wait! ;)

fishing user avatarDean reply : 

Don't know if these count, but sometimes I can't fish without em'!


fishing user avatarnboucher reply : 

I'll take her canoeing, but not fishing. She'd be too much a distraction.


fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

Dogs can be trained to ride in a boat. I started taking mine out when he was 8 weeks old. He sits at my feet until I hookup with a fish or act like I'm getting a bite. He learned at a very young age to fear any kind of hook or lure. (Megabass Pop-Max in the end of the nose)

On hot days we take breaks and swim. He always lets me know when nature calls which is usually morning and evening. I wouldn't recommend putting a dog in an inflatable boat unless the dog is used to it. Could be bad for you and the pooch. ;)



fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

;D ;D  GREAT PICS!   ;D ;D


fishing user avatarDavis reply : 

That last pic is awesome Jim!

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

Cool pictures guys. If I ever game my dog my rod he would immediately start chewing it up. I tried taking my dog out fishing with me once and since he is a lap dog all he wanted to do was be held. Because he is like that I will not take him out with me.

fishing user avatarba7ss3in reply : 

My Rotti is well trained but when I put her on the boat she would bark every time I threw the lure and if I caught a fish it was hers. She never hurt it though.

fishing user avatarHUNTER19 reply : 

I take my black lab every time I go do something in the outdoors!!!! He's the best fishing partner ever!!!

fishing user avatarslomoe reply : 

Bassectomy, study bridge and target? Your dogs are trained very well.

Jim I always love seeing that picture.

fishing user avatarCujo reply : 

This is where I drew the line!   :o


fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 
I take my black lab every time I go do something in the outdoors!!!! He's the best fishing partner ever!!!

X2 Amen!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 
Bassectomy, study bridge and target? Your dogs are trained very well.

Been training professionally for decades and around dog's since the womb, came out to 6 beagles and a springer. The pic I posted in the "salute to grandpa" thread is of him and 2 of his best freinds. One of which owned a 210 acres hunting preserve in PeaceDale RI. I was a lucky little bratt! ;D Miss them both tremendously!

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 
I've got a Chocolate Lab, "Hershey"... so original I know... ::) This dog is so well trained she won't move without hearing her release word... ON LAND ONLY! Take her out on the boat and she goes nuts! Can't keep her out of the water chasing baits. She actually jumped off the Ranger into the water to chase another fisherman who threw out a bobber! This guy got ticked!

That was the last time she goes out with me...

Are there any stories out there of any of them huge muskies going after swimming dogs? ;D

Not that I'm aware of ;D Yet you reminded me of the numerous sightings and capture of Gators in Maassachusetts. :o Go figure who would have thought. So out of respect for the poster,rather then derailing thier thread I'll start another. :)

fishing user avatarfathom reply : 

the wife will tell you right quick that i am the only dog in the boat.

fishing user avatarfisherdave reply : 

I am going to try it I have a yellow lab taht is pritty calm and I think he would enjoy so I am going to take him on my next outing.


fishing user avatarBob Kavanaugh reply : 

Mine has been in the boat before, but she went nuts every time I'd cast. Rat terriers aren't just going to sit still very often. I do take her to the creek though when I'm wading for smallies...


fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 

We take our dog nearly every time we go fishing on the boat or otherwise. He's not very big at all though. And he's mostly well behaved, but once he did jump into the water after a small bass I caught and let him sniff before throwing back. I'm not sure he realized it was water, he just thought he was supposed to go fetch what I threw overboard. He was swimming around all surprised like he couldn't figure out what happened after he jumped out. While I fish, he just sleeps, or walks around the boat looking out at things on shore, rarely makes any noise, never pees or poops in the boat, and generally is a pleasure to have around. Below are some pics of him on our boat, and of the time he went overboard...


This is the time he went overboard and I had to fish him out. He was still looking for that bass when I brought him onboard again dripping wet.





fishing user avatarBig T reply : 

I have three Labs, one chocolate male and two black females. Only the chocolate has been on the boat. Can't take him fishing, jumps out of the boat as soon as it stops or he can see bottom. I did not get to train them on the boat as well a I would have liked to. The first year we had our oldest, the boat stayed broken down most of the summer. The following year I had spinal surgery, so I was broken down most of the summer.  I am going to try this summer to get them aclaimated to the boat this summer after I rehab from a second surgery to remove another spinal cord tumor,I should be ready to go in May or June.  It is hard to take them as a group because they feed off of each others energy. Individually they are perfect away from home.

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

I had a border collie in La. back in the early 80s. He went everywhere with me. I used to float down the Tangipahoa river all day fishing in a 14' aluminum jon. He would mostly sleep on the bow. He would wake up every once and awhile and jump in the water for a swim. He didn't bother anyone. After a while he would swim back to the boat and I would have to stop and drag his butt back into the boat. The best part was the "shake". A 60 lb border collie's hair will hold about 20 gallons of water. It was always fun. I used to say, "that dog was smarter than most people". I have been through 3 dogs since, but none that come close to old Sam.


fishing user avatarRob G. reply : 

I take my dog with me, she is fine in there.  As a younger dog she used to bark at the fish when I caught them.  Now she is pretty layed back and just lounges.  She sometimes rides under the console when under power, other times she stands on the front deck by the bow.  She only weighs 11 pounds, keep this in mind.  Just last year though, she started jumping out so she cound get to shore and run around.  Her days in the boat may be numbered now, some areas I fish have a lot of current.  I also do not want to have to beach the boat on a muddy island to find her.  That would cut into my fishing time.  I would probably not take a larger dog out in an inflatable.  My German Shorthair (R.I.P.) got a hook past the barb in the top of his mouth once, not a good situation to say the least.  That is not what killed him though.  Taking a large, high strung dog out might not be as much fun as it sounds.

fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 

I heard Jeff Foxworthy say you might be a redneck if you've got more dogs in the boat than people.

fishing user avatarmaxke01 reply : 

Had a sheltie/collie mix when i was about 12 and my father used to take him in the boat everytime we went. He never once caused a problem or jumped in the water unless he was given permission. Loved that dog  :'( someone poisoned him with antifreeze while the family was away on vacation

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

I used to have a tall skinny fishing partner that had a beagle he brought fishing with us on the boat. It was a good dog and it stayed right behind me or under the seat all day out of the way. I thought the dog really liked me since it never went on the deck where his master was but instead stayed on the deck with me. I told the dogs owner that his dog must like me better since it stayed with me all day. He pointed out the fact that the dog just knew I was fatter than he was and I made a larger spot of shade for the dog to stay in on sunny days. ;D Sure enough once I started looking the dog stayed in my shadow all day but never caused a problem.

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

No 4 legged dogs,but I've had a few fishing partners whose fishing was for the dogs.They probably thought the same about me.

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

I have often thought about taking my dog fishing with me. I did take him when he was only a couple of months old and he pee'd on the carpet because I couldn't get him to the bank fast enough. Now days, he likes to remind everyone that he sees, that he is a big tough Rottweiler, so I don't even risk it.  And now that he is a couple of years old, if he pee'd in the boat it might make my bilge pump kick on.

JT Bagwell

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

ya' know, I totally love dogs, and all kinds of pets for that matter..... But bringing one on a boat with me would mess me up 3/4's as bad as it would to bring along a human.

Whether I'm talking to / petting a dog, or socializing with another angler, either way, I'm not fishing..... So that won't work.



fishing user avatarWTRDOG reply : 

My dog loves to be on the boat.He's 5 and has been coming along ever since he was a pup.Here's a few pics.



fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

Beautiful Labrador you got there.  

Nice fish too!! 8-)

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 

Nice looking dog and good looking Smallies!

fishing user avatarWTRDOG reply : 

Thanks here's a few more......






fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

I see you have switched Trackers too.  That tannic water looks awesome.  I fish a few small brookie streams that have tannic water in them.  It is the color of tea.  Pretty cool to have a 2 lb. brookie come out of no where and smash a fly on a 2 weight rod.

fishing user avatarWTRDOG reply : 

I bought my first one new in 95 and had it for 11 years now fishing out of my new 190.Tracker is an awesome boat never had any problems .I like to fish my boat where people with glass boats would grindge..

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 

Here's one of a Trout that really liked Kuma ;D (black dog)

fishing user avatarM_Fields. reply : 


Nice pictures of the fish and your lab.  


fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 

One from when they were pups.

fishing user avatarWTRDOG reply : 

Nice pics,It's great to see the dogs on board.

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 

Unless it's a tourny or I'm sharing the boat they're always with me and wouldn't have it any other way! :)

fishing user avatarCrankhead reply : 

If my bullmastiff was in the boat when I caught a fish, it would be scared to death. She's such a wuss!

fishing user avatarRobbyZ5001 reply : 

Aw.. a bullmastiff... if that dog went overboard GOOD LUCK pulling him back in..Might as well try to yank a 6 foot man on board.

fishing user avatarDel from philly reply : 
Aw.. a bullmastiff... if that dog went overboard GOOD LUCK pulling him back in..Might as well try to yank a 6 foot man on board.

a bullmastiff huh? beautiful dog,

i have an englihs mastiff, but she wont come out in no boat

nmy little pug cut his foot the last time we went out on my inflatble and he was running around with blood going EVERYWHERE....

he was painting and tryiong to jump out....


the noise he was making sounded horrible, and people were fleeing from the area when they heard it....

fishing user avatarMemphisFisherman reply : 
Might NOT be such a good idea on an INFLATABLE. Dogs can really get restless and figity if they've never been on something like that before, especially the first time out. 2 adults AND a dog on an 11 foot boat? I wouldn't risk it! IMO:o)

Excellent advice! Even having dog's as well trained as this I wouldn't attempt it not even in a canoe or jon boat. A sturdy well balanced boat w/plenty of room so that casting is uninhibited and curious noses don't get hooked is a different story. Care for them enough not to take that risk and enjoy your outing. ;) Take it come from a professional

hahahaha great picture, thats gunna be my background for awhile

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

Here is my dog on a fishing trip to Lake Orange.  He is helping me watch for any top water action.


fishing user avatarelduderino reply : 

i have a lab and took him a few times as a pup to get used to the boat (he's a duck hunting dawg)... he's pretty good but.. as is the case with black dogs.. he gets hot in the sun and just randomly jumps in.

If you've ever tried to hoist and 96lb lab into a bass boat.. you'll understand why he only goes out duck hunting with me now ;D

Once as a pup he tried to eat the trebles of my buddies popper.... still can't believe he didn't get hooked.

He's an awesome dog though and my best bud



fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 
i have a lab and took him a few times as a pup to get used to the boat (he's a duck hunting dawg)... he's pretty good but.. as is the case with black dogs.. he gets hot in the sun and just randomly jumps in.

If you've ever tried to hoist and 96lb lab into a bass boat.. you'll understand why he only goes out duck hunting with me now ;D

Once as a pup he tried to eat the trebles of my buddies popper.... still can't believe he didn't get hooked.

He's an awesome dog though and my best bud



Very nice pic's!!!!! BEAUTIFUL PUP! As much as I love my Weimaraner I think my next will be a Lab. Zig just can't handle the cold and not to thrilled about a hike or hunt unless it's 50 or above. Now that I think of it I'm starting to fee the same way! ;)

fishing user avatarYaHoo reply : 

we have a golden ret. her name is abby

and she has been once while we were inshore fishing for redfish

she is still a young gun so she is wild but suprisingly she was okay until we started shrimping of the bow of the boat.

she jumped once and that was it for her

we let her float down current for about 45 seconds and she learned her lesson after that:)

for the rest of the day she lay under the console and didnt move

once we anchored up under the bridge my dad caught a 33 inch redfish. she was so terrified/

she enjoyed the last 69 mph run back to the ramp

i wish we would take her more often

she was not too bad

thanks for reading


fishing user avatartipptruck1 reply : 

I would take him if I was shore fishing. I would never take him on a boat. Iam afraid if he jumped of I couldn't get back on the boat. He part lab ane rot. Last time i checked he was weighting in at 130 lbs.

fishing user avatarSimonSays reply : 

awesome pictures guys! I'm glad I got to see all these amazing dogs =)

fishing user avatarjrhennecke reply : 

Took the girlfriends dog out a couple of times and it was ok.  There just isn't alot of room though.

fishing user avatarRayraff reply : 

I met a guy on a lake that trained his dog to bring the net to him every time he said "its a hog"

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

I brought my golden out in the canoe once, and he was great.  I'll try to find the pictures.  It's just a bit too much of a hassle to take him out though.

I do take him shorefishing quite a bit, for smallies in NH and for trout in CT.  It took a while to train him not to chase my lures, but now he stays by my side instead of jumping in.

I'll never forget I was fishing Moodus Reservoir in CT, and there was a guy in a pontoon boat driving around at about 35 mph.  His dog was right up front with his front paws on the front seat, head up high, wind ripping through his fur.  I'm not sure I've ever seen a happier pooch  ;D

fishing user avatarstoobie reply : 

My 8 year old black lab gets to ride with me about 5 times a year. She stands behind me with her head between my legs watching my every move. She retrieved a 5 lber for me while I was bank fishing a local pond and the fish got hung in some cattails. She went in got the fish and brought it to me without harming it. I praised her, and now she thinks she needs to bring em all to me. The heat normally cuts our trips short. She's with the ex-wife now, until I get my house anyway(can't wait to get her back).


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