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Anyone else enjoy fishing in the rain? 2024

fishing user avatarhawgchaser reply : 

Don't get me wrong, I love those beautuful sunny days but there is something about fishing in a rain that I actually enjoy. I went out this morning and hammered the bass on some *** and Yum Dingers. Yesterday they were on a spinnerbait but today it was all stick baits.

Anyway, it was calm but a pretty decent rain. I had the place to myself and man was it relaxing. Caught about 20 bass and a nice 4 pounder. Does anyone else like to fish in the rain or am i the only moron on this site?

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Not me. I will fish in the rain, but it's not something I wish for.

Slipper decks can hurt and slick rod handles can be expensive.   ::)


fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

I can't say I enjoy it, however I did have one of my best days of the season last Friday. There was a steady rain, and the LMB were tearing-up my Yo-Zuri Crystal Minnow (clown). It was a banner day.


fishing user avatarTheBeast reply : 

Add me to the ones that likes the rain.  Let me clarify, just a steady rain with no wind, you add a steady good wind to the mix and I will stay in the house and fish on the Wii.

fishing user avatarPond Hopper reply : 

Give me a warm summer rain and I will be out in it 9 out of 10 times as long as there is no lightning.  ;)

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 


All Team LBH members are Foul weather fisherman.  When most say "NO", we say "GO"!!!

fishing user avatarLakeAnnaBasser reply : 

I love fishing in the rain it almost like intensifies it. I get pumped to fish in the rain.

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 

Count me in, from Drizzle to Deluge. Hard core, any weather condition except lightning, considering the electrical conductivity of graphite. Some of my best fish came during the rain.

In addition, if I didn't like fishing in the rain, I wouldn't be living in Seattle (Contrary to popular perception, Seattle does not get the most rainfall in the country. But we do get a lot of it in greater concentrations thus giving us the perception of a lot of rain).

fishing user avatarextreme1018 reply : 

i also love fishing in the rain.  had some of my best days ever in the rain. dont like the lightning though. ;D

fishing user avatarthetr20one reply : 

I would much rather fish in the rain than a cloud free scorcher. I think the rain is very relaxing. As long as there isn't too much wind. When I go fishing I really don't care if it pours thats why there is GORE-TEX.

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

Fish don't get no wetter, but have been around too much lightening and it's not a good time. Turns your hair white and in my case, makes it fall out too.  :D

fishing user avatarbrgbassmaster reply : 

my favorite and some of my best fishing trips have been in the rain i love it. topwater, spinnerbait or senko and its money. my first spinnerbait fish was caught in the rain. it was pouring fishing this ultra clear lake threw by this laydown and there he was.

fishing user avatarDean reply : 

Actually, I love downpouring rain, whitecaps, wind, and all the above! Why some may ask? Simple, I kill em' slow rollin spinnerbaits.  Whatever puts fish in the boat keeps me afloat! :)

fishing user avatarbassmedic46 reply : 

I like fishing in the rain as well, Fish seem to bite better in foul better. :)

fishing user avatarRob.Atl reply : 

I like fishing in the rain over anything else especially like a mist rain with like a haze on a warmish day its awesome

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

When it's raining real hard and the winds blowing a gale force, most of us old guys tell you young guns, Go Gett'em! But when it clears off a bit and we've been sitting around drinking coffee and eating donuts, we say "We'll Gett'em". We're not lazy, I just don't think we're as mad at the fish as we use to be.    ;D

fishing user avatarPopeye reply : 

LBH took the words right out of my mouth!! A warm rain and the fish are a bitten' - don't get any better than that, IMO:o)

fishing user avatarBassinDave reply : 

I don't look forward to it but some of my more successful trips were during a rain storm.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Only thing better than that is when there is a fall bite going on and it's snowing.  Others say "NO", we say "GO"

fishing user avatarhawgchaser reply : 

Now I am not talking about fishing in a storm! But I love a nice spring rain. Had it this morning and they were all over the stick baits. I was acting like a dang kid! 2 new rods, 25 new stick baits, and the bass were hammering them. What else could a man want?

fishing user avatarHawg Fan reply : 

Hey Hawg Chaser, I live in Jacksonville and went out this morning. You are right, fishing in the rain is very relaxing. I was the only one out on the community lake this morning, like you said..all to myself. It wasnt only relaxing but the bite was fair as well on jigs and senkos. I was just glad it wasnt pouring like it has been the past few weeks  :o

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

I spent all the money on Gore-Tex and fleece so I'm going. I'll fish in any weather so long as there is no lightning. I don't care if it's cold or frozen rain. I've been known to break the ice at the end of the boat ramp so I could put the boat in. If there is a small craft advisory I might reconsider but it better be a hurricane.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

I've got $600 worth of rain gear, but I hate to get my boat wet.  :-/

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

What we need to talk about is the worst storm that any of has ever been in on the water. Now boy's, have I got some stories to tell ya! But I want to be sitting by a campfire to tell'em cause I'll start trembling just at the thought.

fishing user avatarHawg Fan reply : 

If i see one lightning strike i am goin home. I dont care how far away it is.   :-/

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

Some reason i hardly ever catch anything while it's rains.But 10-30 minutes before the rain the fishing is awesome for me.Usually i pack it up once the first drops start coming down.

fishing user avatarhawgchaser reply : 
Hey Hawg Chaser, I live in Jacksonville and went out this morning. You are right, fishing in the rain is very relaxing. I was the only one out on the community lake this morning, like you said..all to myself. It wasnt only relaxing but the bite was fair as well on jigs and senkos. I was just glad it wasnt pouring like it has been the past few weeks :o

I agree! When I have a day off of work, there is nothing better to me than a calm day with a slight rain for fishing. It is relaxing to the fish were hammering the stick baits.

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

Now your talkin, a gentle shower comes thru and just before it does, the fish turn on and start whackin everything that touches the water. Then during the drizzle, they are more secure with this extra cloud cover and water surface being broken up, giving them easier ambush opportunities. They are feeling like eating spinner baits and cranks and swimbaits and anything else that moves kinda like it is running for it's life. Yeah, I gotcha, now thats a good time to be fishing. Still like to have a cup of coffee while I'm out there in it though.

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

I am not a big fan of fishing in the rain but I will not let it stop me either.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

From 28 degrees/sleeting to a summer thunder boomer to a frog strangler to an afternoon shower been there do that and didn't even get a t-shirt. I grew up on the Louisiana Gulf coast where there is a chance of rain every day and while I don't like heading out during a down pour once I'm there little will chase me home.

fishing user avatarguitarkid reply : 

I enjoy it, BUT I catch more fish just after the rain.


fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

I will call in sick to work just to fish in the rain. I usually stay out a lot longer too. man i love having the lake to my self and the fish seem alot more willing too.

fishing user avatarpaulc reply : 

Fish anytime I can.  Just dont like the wind.  20+mph stuff is what i mean.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

Cold rain sucks.   Went out this afternoon thinking the rain was over.  Got in 30 minutes of dry fishing before the sky opened.  Wouldn't have been so bad had I not left my bibs in the truck.

Now the boat is completely soaked, will take two days for it to dry out.

Therefore, I prefer to fish the rain in someone else's boat.  ;)

fishing user avatarVABasser reply : 

Yep I love the rain too.  In the hot summer it cools things off, clears the lake of most other boats, usually turns the bite on and its usually very quiet and serene  :)

fishing user avatarsuede55bowtie reply : 

I agree fully. Id much rather fish in a medium/light ;D rain with no wind or lightning as apposed to a bluebird day...

fishing user avatarTheBeast reply : 

Now the boat is completely soaked, will take two days for it to dry out.

Therefore, I prefer to fish the rain in someone else's boat. ;)

So I guess I need to make sure the boat is redy to go whenever it even has the slightest possibility of rain.

Just wish I hadn't left my bibs in the truck and only grabbed the jacket from my rainsuit.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I don't mind fishing in the rain as long as its warm out and there is no lightning.  

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 

Clouds,rain,gloom,fog, it,and dont mind getting wet.

Around Florida the fishing really sucks on sunny days,high skies,it's for the birds.

fishing user avatarlknbassman reply : 

It's good with or without the rain.  In our lake the sunny days push the bass up under boat docks which is about the only cover we have.  The rain and clouds get em out roaming a bit more and you can have more luck fishing structure that's not too deep so yeah, it adds another dimension to fishing but I don't like being wet and hate having a wet behind.  Goretex is great but it's always hot in the spring and summer so I leave it packed and just deal with being rained on if it's warm enough.

fishing user avatarthetr20one reply : 

I must be the dumbest SOB on the planet. Two years ago my tourney partner and I fished a tournament at Mosquito in Ohio at the launch the weather was fair, but as we went up the lake there was a terrible thunderstorm moving in. When we got to the causeway there were too many boats hiding out under the bridge so we continued. We got back up on plane and lightning struck so close my ears were ringing. I finally had to shut down after taking a quarter size peice of hail to the lip (that stung) we TMed over to start at our first spot and fished with our flippin sticks with lightning all around us. Thinking back to then it was pretty stupid to use the biggest graphite stick I have in that weather. I caught a 4 pounder on the second pitch and forgot about the weather. We ended up 4th. Dumb yes, but I still fish until the lightning is right up on me. Another tourney I was fishing with my more sensible brother in law and a really bad storm came in. We docked the boat and sat under a pavillion watching the show and two trees got hit across the lake. That was an awesome thing to see!

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Well, you might beat that train through the crossing, too... ::)

fishing user avatarlknbassman reply : 

Well, you might beat that train through the crossing, too...  

Hillarious!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarthetr20one reply : 

I know right! ;D

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Light showers to moderate rain without wind is a good time to fish. Only fools fish in a severe stormy weather. Cold rain with high gale force winds are about a bad as it gets, unless accompanied with lightning and hail, then it's horrible.

Always put safety first. When you get a little older, wiser and a lot stiffer, you realize that it's not worth the risk to fish in storms. If you are out on the water, watch for the weather to change. If the wind changes direction 180 degrees without warning, take heed and head for barn quickly.


fishing user avatarthetr20one reply : 

Well there wasn't a whole lot we could do then. We were 6 miles up the lake and the storm just came through. We tried to get as deep into the woods as possible and were surrounded by tall trees. I wouldn't fish with the lightning directly above me again. I try not to be that foolish. A tree about 80 feet tall fell 150 feet from us into the lake as we were moving towards it. All we heard was a sound like somebody roofing and then all of a sudden CRASH. We would have never been able to get out of the way if we were under it.

fishing user avatardgquail reply : 

I prefer fishing in the rain

fishing user avatarba7ss3in reply : 

I like fishing in the rain too but have learned my lesson about t-storms with hail, never again. Funny though, I have a friend that love t-storms.

fishing user avatarJosh. reply : 

Man i caught my pb im the rain  :D

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

When you are fishing your home lakes you should know the weather patterns and listen to weather reports to determine if severe or light rain is predicted. Somwtimes we all get caught out in bad weather. Falling barometer a low pressure sytem moving onto an area will nearly always increase predator activity and bass feed by ambushing prey, taking advantage of low light conditions.

I have caught my PB bass during light rain, it's the best chance to catch a bass of a lifetime.

However use caution, safety first.

Fishing on unfamilar water you need to be extra carefull. I was fishing up in Ontario Canada for musky with my in laws on Lake of the Woods, nice day cloudy conditions, light wind, when my father in law said we go to head for shore and cover now! I couldn't tell what the problem was and asked, he pointed to the clouds and said heavy hail is coming, see those green streaks in the clouds. We ran the boat to shore, covered up with a tarp and golf ball hail came pounding down. It helps to know the local weather signs.


fishing user avatarwgilfus81 reply : 

Throw me in the group that likes fishing in the rain. Some of my best fishing excursions occurred in absolute downpours. The action seems to intensify greatly and for some odd reason it just gets me pumped. From a light sprinkle to rain so heavy you can barely see the water your fishing, nothing beats it! Now mind you, I fish mainly from the banks so that changes things a bit, its much easier to tolerate from shore as opposed to in a boat. Also the minute lighting or thunder enters the picture, Im out of there, Ill toe the line of sanity to stay out in the rain, but I wont compromise my safety by playing with water in an electrical storm

fishing user avatarAKFerzy7 reply : 

anyone ever been out in the rain when its coming down so bad you cat see your partner in the front of a 21 foot bass boat? i have. also have been in a creek with so much fog i could barely see him. some of the reasons i love fishing.

and btw yall can keep the rain when its in the upper 30's-40's

fishing user avataralger319 reply : 

ha this pic of me was up in kentucky in 40 somethin degrees 15-20 mhp wind....i love fishin, the other are the waterfalls in the parkinglot!



fishing user avatarVABasser reply : 

Sick picture.  I like the Curado  ;)

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

Nothing wrong with a little rain! alger's pic looks like me on sunday! Well, at least until the lightning started. That's the only time I won't be on the water! Bad mojo there!  ;D

Asked my brother if he made it out over the weekend and his response was "well I would have if it wasn't raining". So my come back to him was "don't worry, the bass are already wet"!  ;)

fishing user avatarwagn reply : 

I love a warm summer rain to fish in.

However I did get stuck out in a pond once in a canoe with my brother. It was nice when we paddled out and then just started raining lightly. I though it would make great fishing. Next thing I know it's pouring so hard I can't see my brother in the front of the canoe. I actually lost direction on where we were. By the time we paddled to shore the canoe was over a quarter filled. One of the strangest weather changes I have ever experianced

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

In the heat of the summer,I enjoy fishing in a afternoon summer shower(just so there's no lightning).

fishing user avatarMNGeorge reply : 

Not going to hope for rain, but don't mind it if it happens, so long as there is no lightning.  I much prefer fishing in rain to fishing in wind.

fishing user avatarhawgchaser reply : 
Not going to hope for rain, but don't mind it if it happens, so long as there is no lightning. I much prefer fishing in rain to fishing in wind.

Man I hate fishing in the wind!!!

I actually threw on my frogtoggs and caught a few bass today in the rain.

fishing user avatarlookatmybass reply : 

i wouldn't say that i enjoy it but It can produce some nice fish

fishing user avatarJerseyBassin reply : 

yep...its what separates the contenders from the pretenders

fishing user avatarQuinn reply : 

I don't really WANT to fish in the rain, but the small lake I fish most of the time is loaded with other folks enjoying the nice weather fishing for crappie and catfish.(not in a boat)

I have had the best luck fishing in the mist, drizzle, sleet, and snow, because I am the only "fool" (at least some of the looks from the folks driving by) and have the lake to myself.

NO lightning or hail though.

I ain't skeerd of no rain!!

fishing user avatarRichardE reply : 

Put me down for likin the rain. Of course I don't descriminate, I fish in the rain, freezing cold, high winds, low winds, low water, high water, hot summer ( I will do it but I hate it), low gas prices, high gas prices, stock market up or down. Wife's birthday, anniversary, after dr.s appointment, while waiting for oil to be changed in the truck, on the way to work ( have had others riding in my car and made them wait while I chunked a few lures while traveling). I do avoid lightening if possible, usually wait too long and let it get too close.

Yea, I got it bad  ;D

fishing user avatarBass Tard reply : 

Went today in the rain. Caught 4 pickeral, 4 bass, 3 blue gill, 2 black crappie. All in 2 hours. I guess you can say, I like to fish in the rain.


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