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"just Search It" Replies 2024

fishing user avatarPreytorien reply : 

The search tool is great, and really knocks down the sheer massive volume of topics to wade through to find an answer. I've more than once found it to be generally helpful.


But lately I see people replying to posts and saying "just search it."


Not to cause problems, but that's a pretty useless reply.


I have done these searches people talk about, and the bigger this wonderful site gets, the more its like looking for a needle in a haystack when you do a forum search. Sometimes the searches result in exactly what you're looking for, but many times, especially for broad topics, you'll still have to wade through massive amounts of information hoping one topic will contain the information you're looking for.


Consider the fact that at the time I type this there are 22,532 topics, with 234,135 replies in the "Rods, Reels, Line and Knots" category alone. Typing in "Braid Line" results in 14 pages of topics with enormous numbers of replies. Some of those conversations have over 100 replies. That starts putting your percentage of finding the answer to your specific question about Braid Line below 1% when you "just search it."


So you can see where "just searching" becomes a whole lot more time consuming and far less accurate than just typing in a question and getting answers. Besides, I never have a probem with re-answering questions here, that's what the forum is for.


Google is for searching....

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 


But lately I see people replying to posts and saying "just search it."


Not to cause problems, but that's a pretty useless reply.


I pretty much agree.  The forum works best via post traffic.  If there is basic info out there, link to it.  If it's a really good thread, we'll add it to the "Best Of..." sticky (


Unless we're talking very basic stuff that can be found in the stickies or FAQ, "do a search" is a lame answer.

fishing user avatarslainempire reply : 

yeah and if you use search and post in a old thread that fits your topic people get mad about bumping up the old thread.  i just take it with a grain of salt.  people get too bent out of shape over the small stuff.  its like that in all forums ive ever seen.

fishing user avatarCKFishin reply : 

I agree and disagree to me its being lazy to not search I mean literally Half the time I see duplicates its on the same page in the section already. otherwise I just leave it be... I search here, Google, and then if all else fails I might make a post or PM someone. Obviously I make the search posts lol... I just think its dumb to have a different this vs this. What would you do when its 67 degrees and sunny, what would you do when its 66.8 degrees and sunny. It just seems like clutter to me. 

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Those threads have a very short shelf life.  I don't worry about it too much.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I think a lot of time you get those replies on topics that are posted frequently. It seems like every week there's a new "what 1 bait/rod/reel/line would you choose if you can only have one" or "what's your PB". While I don't like the "do a search response, there's lots of times I'll find those most recent threads and post links to them. 

fishing user avatarCKFishin reply : 
  On 12/19/2013 at 12:26 AM, Bluebasser86 said:

I think a lot of time you get those replies on topics that are posted frequently. It seems like every week there's a new "what 1 bait/rod/reel/line would you choose if you can only have one" or "what's your PB". While I don't like the "do a search response, there's lots of times I'll find those most recent threads and post links to them. 

fishing user avatarBassWhole! reply : 

I think this topic has been covered before, why don't you...

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 

I agree, I think it's rude to spend the time to reply and say "search for it". I read a lot of the topics in just about every sub forum, and if it's a repeat, I skip over it, or sometimes I add something that's not been posted yet, after all, it was brought up because someone wanted to know something. The mods here are pretty thorough, you see them comment everywhere, so if they think it's a repetitive topic, they will take care of it, and they do. Same goes for posting about rules, like bumping in the flea market section. Let the mods take care of it, they see what's going on. If you feel the need to police the site, ask Glen about becoming a mod, or pm a mod and let them know what your concern is, but leave the policing to the mods, they do it well.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

I find this topic interesting.   Right off, I'll admit to being one of "Those members" who has advised other members to conduct a search.  Looking back - I guess that's not the best example of what makes this site great.


I think there are a couple of factors at work here; and it seems like one side is fueling the other.

 From the newer members point of view;

  Without any history here behind them and perhaps being new to the sport, a newer member may have no idea how many "How do I cast" or "what's the best leader knot" questions are routinely posted here.  Though very legitimate questions than need to and should be answered, the sheer number of them often times elicits the go search it response.

 Additionally, being a newer member, one may not be very well versed in the nuances' of the rather extensive BR search engine, which further exasperates the problem.


From the veteran BR  member point of view;

When new members post up very basic and often seen threads, and the veteran members all know what they are, there is a decent chance that a good majority has responded to at least one of these. Probably more than once.  And when there are 2 or 3 of the same thing up on the same page at the same time - this seems to trigger a  quick  "Go Fish (search)" reply.  Doesn't make it right and as stated previously, serves no purpose. 


 I've only been a member here for a comparatively short time when compared to many members.

The main reason I enjoy coming revolves around the "Friendly Tone" the BR forum exudes.


"Go Search" replies do not contribute to this.  As a result, I will be working harder at being part of the solution rather than part of the problem.






fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Another point.... Topics are sorted by most recent post.  A direct answer to a simple question often ends the thread.  "Use the search," functionally is just a bump.  If you don't like the repetitive simple question threads, then why bump it up?

fishing user avatarB@ssCrzy reply : 

I would agree for the most part. It can become a little cluttered when someone posts a new question and just three lines down is the same question, but that is pretty rare and I just skip over them.  On the other hand part of the fun for me is the conversation that occurs by answering questions and talking with other people.  There is value to talking with people other than just getting information from them, and that is the big reason I love bassresource.  I have very few knowledgeable bass fisherman that live around me so the only time I really talk about bass fishing is when I am on here posting/replying.  Talking about lines, lures, structure, habitat, etc is great!!  Even if I have talked or read about it a 100 times before.  It seems that there are a lot of great people on this forum that are not only great fisherman/woman, but are also great people.  So for me it is good to rub elbows with them even if it is in the virtual world. 

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Do y'all know how many times we discuss the same subject we duscussed last week?

Some times people don't search at all & I know this because I'll search & find it easily.

While we at it I can stand people who quote an entire post thats a page long just to quote a sentence.

fishing user avatarCKFishin reply : 

I guess I'm just getting crabby in my late 20's lol. This site has so much knowledge and information. Between the articles and the forums so much in covered It just irks me because I see so much where kids don't want to work for an answer or haven't even looked to find an answer just want someone to hand it to them. I get asking helps build opinions and conversations but at what point is it just enabling?

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Spoon feed me!



fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

A couple things worth noting about the search feature:


- The search box at the top does a broad match across all the forums, and only for topics that are less than two years old.


- For a more comprehensive search, click the little gear icon next to the search box, that will take you to this page: where you'll have many more search options to narrow down your search.


Hope that helps!

fishing user avatarCKFishin reply : 

Awesome info thanks Glenn

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

IMO The search function is good for 2 reasons. Looking up old threads I know I created or was a part of, to refresh my memory. It's also a good tool to look up those commonly covered subjects. BR any every other board has tremendous turnover in members. Guys who post a handful of times and disappear, or post for a few months or few years and disappear. These "missing persons" may have contributed something good during their stay, but are no longer available for comment. Guys like Catt and a few others who went on hiatus or Fish Chris and way2slow who only pop their heads in here once in awhile, have contributed a ton of useable information that may only be available thru using the search function. So, I say to the OP What you may see as a cop out, I see it as an opportunity. When I tell someone to "search it", it's out of love :grin:

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

I don't mind repeat threads, I just think its silly when someone posts a topic without looking for the same thread on the first page. And... And it's a few down from the top.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

I don't use the search tool on this site because it doesn't narrow the search field down. Now that Glenn suggested using the gear, that will narrow down the search field and helps. Knowing how to navigate the site may seem simple to folks that are computer savvy, for those of use who aren't, it's hasn't been easy.

For example the current thread about thermoclines, how many times has that topic been discussed? Lots of times! I decided to go ahead and posted a few replies and it was interesting to see some very good input from newer members, the old timers mostly sit back and don't feel like repeating themselves again and again.


fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

I have always tried to be friendly in suggesting a search, while in the same reply offering an answer/opinion to the topic at hand.


I've found the search function invaluable, while at the same time, not always bullet-proof helpful.


Early on (and sometimes even now), I was a little trepidatious to ask certain questions because there's always "that guy" who will make you feel like an idiot because you didn't look before you leapt.


Now I pretty much ignore that sort of response.

fishing user avatarpbrussell reply : 

I've got a great idea. Let's just keep everything about fishing a secret. Then we'll never answer questions. Or ask them.

We can all go back to reading magazines, because we all know how great most of those publications are.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Here's something funny in regards to this thread. If you decide to google a topic more times than not, google will direct you to a thread on BR regarding the topic. LOL. 

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 
  On 12/19/2013 at 4:19 AM, BassinLou said:

Here's something funny in regards to this thread. If you decide to google a topic more times than not, google will direct you to a thread on BR regarding the topic. LOL. 

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

My favorite topic are the ones that come up 14 seconds after a new product is released, asking for reviews, lol. 

fishing user avatarCKFishin reply : 
  On 12/19/2013 at 4:10 AM, pbrussell said:

I've got a great idea. Let's just keep everything about fishing a secret. Then we'll never answer questions. Or ask them.

We can all go back to reading magazines, because we all know how great most of those publications are.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Idk people that take the time to read someone post and then reply with use the search that just seems childish

Simply give an appropiate response to the persons question and that's it. If no need to "add to you post count" lol with use the search button.

When you ask someone for directions, I'm sure you are the first person to ask them for directions in their whole entire live, do they respond ask google?


fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 12/19/2013 at 4:19 AM, BassinLou said:

Here's something funny in regards to this thread. If you decide to google a topic more times than not, google will direct you to a thread on BR regarding the topic. LOL.

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 

Whoever said about the Google search took the words right out of my mouth.   I'm also guilty of the "try doing a search" reply myself. I'm a relatively new member compared to most but I also try to be active and helpful where I can.  I understand everyone has to start somewhere but I also believe if you keep spoon feeding people answers that they"ll never learn on their own. I've came to this conclusion from being a member on another forum for about 11yrs now.  Coming from an automotive background you learn to find the answers you're looking for by reading things on the net. Generally you can't post a question at 2am when you're in the garage and expect an answer to it right away. Plus 90% of the time somebody,somewhere has needed the info you seek and the answer is right there on Google.

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

For more refined searches I use google to type in what my search is and add Bassresource

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Is it really spoon feeding if they took the time to locate a bass fishing forum (the biggest in the world), registered, validated, logged in and *gulp* posted a new thread?

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 

I see your point but I'm 50/50 on it. Yes those things take time and some effort but when your first 4 posts are...

Opinions on *** rods

Why does my line pile up on 1 side

BPS Carbonlite rod

Lews tournament pro reel

It kinda just seems like doing a search would be easier then asking for the answer. On more then 1 occasion I've been told I'm different so maybe that's just it. I'd rather look for myself then ask.

fishing user avatarbasscatcher8 reply : 

Google directed me here back in the day before the current interface and it still pulls alot from here. But as the site keeps growing and members turn over you will get it from time to time. I just dont go to those threads if its something ive read a bunch already.

fishing user avatarMarkH024 reply : 

I just don't care for lazy people.  There are plenty of them that come in here and just ask questions even though the same topic is flowing 5 threads down on the same visible page. I've come to just not read threads started by some individuals at this point.  I can recall towards the end of summer/start of fall there were literally 5 or 6 "Frog" topics on the same page with the exact same questions and answers being supplied.


It's easy to tell the difference between someone genuinely seeking help vs a lazy person just wanting an immediate answer because they're not willing to read.  And not just read the forum, but all the articles here too.  There is LOADS of info here, just take time to read.  When that doesn't supply your answer, then come and ask.


There is also a difference in a question/answer topic vs a discussion topic.  Discussion topics are far more interesting to read, I think we can all agree to that. 

fishing user avatarpbrussell reply : 
  On 12/19/2013 at 4:32 AM, CKFishin said:

Oh no captain over-dramatic is here. No one is saying don't help they are saying at least try.




Can someone tell me what they think of 2014 Curados. I have been thinking about buying one.

fishing user avatarMarkH024 reply : 
  On 12/19/2013 at 4:29 AM, J Francho said:

My favorite topic are the ones that come up 14 seconds after a new product is released, asking for reviews, lol. 

fishing user avatarCKFishin reply : 
  On 12/19/2013 at 5:40 AM, MarkH024 said:

You mean like every product listed in the tackle warehouse 25 days of savings?

fishing user avatarRF813 reply : 

One way of looking at it, and hopefully, it's how i've approached it, is from a genuine desire to know the information and be able to ask "WHY?", if something sticks out. For example, in my time here I have asked about Rods and then Reels in 2 seperate threads. There are A TON of threads about these, yes, but when I joined here, I had never heard of Shimano, Pflueger, St. Croix or ***.  I didn't know what a spinning reel or a baitcaster was.  I just bought what was suggested. So how do you search for something you know nothing about? 


I view it as having my own conversation, and asking my own questions, rather than read someone else's thoughts who may have different needs than I do.  **Now before you jump all over me, once I get a bit of information I can then search for MORE information. ** I knew nothing of the differences between rods, and reels and getting the little clues I have learned a ton.


I fish in a bubble for the most part. I don't have a mentor to fish with, I didn't grow up fishing as a kid, so this is a place to ask.


Part of what I do for a living is teach animation to students. And just like fishing, there is so much information out there, but it's overwhelming when you're just starting out.  I remember how it was when I was a novice. Now that I can do it professionally I think it's important for me to remember not everyone starts out on the same footing.  Sometimes it's not being lazy, maybe they don't know where to begin.


That being said, I am expecting an amazing gift from Mrs. Claus this Christmas, chosen from what I have learned here on the forums from you fine people. :) I'll also be setting my boy up with a really solid setup as well. There's a lot to learn when you're bobber fishing on $30 combos, and I have learned a ton of it here.

fishing user avatarMike2841 reply : 

I think you should always search for a topic, unless its about shimano  :grin:

fishing user avatarCKFishin reply : 
  On 12/19/2013 at 6:17 AM, RF813 said:

One way of looking at it, and hopefully, it's how i've approached it, is from a genuine desire to know the information and be able to ask "WHY?", if something sticks out. For example, in my time here I have asked about Rods and then Reels in 2 seperate threads. There are A TON of threads about these, yes, but when I joined here, I had never heard of Shimano, Pflueger, St. Croix or ***.  I didn't know what a spinning reel or a baitcaster was.  I just bought what was suggested. So how do you search for something you know nothing about? 


I view it as having my own conversation, and asking my own questions, rather than read someone else's thoughts who may have different needs than I do.  **Now before you jump all over me, once I get a bit of information I can then search for MORE information. ** I knew nothing of the differences between rods, and reels and getting the little clues I have learned a ton.


I fish in a bubble for the most part. I don't have a mentor to fish with, I didn't grow up fishing as a kid, so this is a place to ask.


Part of what I do for a living is teach animation to students. And just like fishing, there is so much information out there, but it's overwhelming when you're just starting out.  I remember how it was when I was a novice. Now that I can do it professionally I think it's important for me to remember not everyone starts out on the same footing.  Sometimes it's not being lazy, maybe they don't know where to begin.


That being said, I am expecting an amazing gift from Mrs. Claus this Christmas, chosen from what I have learned here on the forums from you fine people. :) I'll also be setting my boy up with a really solid setup as well. There's a lot to learn when you're bobber fishing on $30 combos, and I have learned a ton of it here.

fishing user avatarRF813 reply : 

You're missing the point. 


Someone can read all they want, but if you want to get someone's opinion on something whether it's product or techniques, I think it's best to ask people who have been at it longer.

fishing user avatarCKFishin reply : 
  On 12/19/2013 at 6:33 AM, RF813 said:

You're missing the point. 


Someone can read all they want, but if you want to get someone's opinion on something whether it's product or techniques, I think it's best to ask people who have been at it longer.

fishing user avatarRF813 reply : 
  On 12/19/2013 at 6:36 AM, CKFishin said:

Just giving you trouble... But those articles are all written by guys who have fished longer and they are opinion.

fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 
  On 12/19/2013 at 5:02 AM, J Francho said:

Is it really spoon feeding if they took the time to locate a bass fishing forum (the biggest in the world), registered, validated, logged in and *gulp* posted a new thread?

fishing user avatarxxxblungblung reply : 

Posting "just search it" all its doing is bumping the thread. If it bothers you ignore the thread, and it will go away. No one is forcing you to read the thread or post in it. 


Posting "just search it" however makes you look like a jerk, and in my eyes discredits you. 


This is a common problem with the internet people get to hide behind a computer screen, people love to be a *jerk* to other people online. My only guess is they suck at life and being a jerk online makes them feel better. 


*edited for language*

fishing user avatarCKFishin reply : 
  On 12/19/2013 at 9:44 AM, xxxblungblung said:

Posting "just search it" all its doing is bumping the thread. If it bothers you ignore the thread, and it will go away. No one is forcing you to read the thread or post in it.

Posting "just search it" however makes you look like an asshat, and in my eyes discredits you.

This is a common problem with the internet people get to hide behind a computer screen, people love to be a dick to other people online. My only guess is they suck at life and being a jerk online makes them feel better.

fishing user avatarwhitwolf reply : 

lololololol.... it's too bad Muddy or Burley aren't around to respond to this topic.


As for the topic; I simply refuse to let things(duplicate threads) bother me and like some others have said, sometimes I respond and sometimes I skip that particular thread.


One of the things that make this a great place Is the wealth of Information and the willingness with which a good majority share.


I might be an idiot but for the most part I give new folks the benefit of the doubt because when I first started posting here there were many, many, genuine people that answered what I asked and gave more without hesitation.


This community Is filled with great folks and that alone makes It an enjoyable place to be!

fishing user avatarCaylub reply : 

This site is a social gathering place after all. Even if the question is redundant it opens the door for conversation. Isn't that what its all about? If you didn't feel like answering the question why did you open it in the first place? I enjoy people's responses, and read threads that I already know the answer to incase there is something new. I'm am still learning and can't get enough info inside of this noggin. I've asked redundant questions and like others have said it took me a few months to realize my questions ( which I thought were original) get asked quiet often. Just my two pennies.

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 
  On 12/19/2013 at 10:15 AM, CKFishin said:

I'm always a dick... I give repect to those who have given or earned it..

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 12/19/2013 at 10:15 AM, CKFishin said:

I'm always a dick... I give repect to those who have given or earned it..

fishing user avatarpbrussell reply : 
  On 12/19/2013 at 11:50 AM, A-Jay said:

When one actually reviews the list of the most commonly thought of characteristics attached to this term that you seem to be so proud of,  very little if any of it congers up images of respect in any way.



fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 12/19/2013 at 11:55 AM, pbrussell said:

I like you a-jay, I like your post, and I'd like to think most folks here would agree with you. However, I think posts like that are only meant to bait people. Hey, bait people- I made a pun on a fishing site. Anyhow, before this topic gets too hot (and I have a feeling it's headed that way quick), I think everyone should use the search button here and there. And, I think everyone should ask lots of questions. And I think we'd do well to answer those questions, if of course we have a valuable answer. 

fishing user avatarpbrussell reply : 
  On 12/19/2013 at 11:57 AM, A-Jay said:

I imagined they were joking - and so was I.



fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 

I'm just very sarcastic and have a lot of smart a**ed remarks. Also a very dry sense of humor that most don't find funny. I'm very opinionated and don't back down easily when someone wants to argue. I go out of my way for friends and family and would do anything for them. But I've been referred to as a dick on more then 1 occasion by these friends. It's just my personality and they all know that. They've learned to accept it over the years. As for the respect part,well I'm very respectful of others weather we've just met or not. Now if you disrespect me or give me a reason not to show you respect then that's not my fault. You did that on your own. Until then you get my respect though.

fishing user avatarCKFishin reply : 

I just say how it is sorry...

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Yup....winter has set in.....

fishing user avatarMr_Scrogg reply : 

I'll try the search function first.  If I'm not getting what I'm looking for, then I'll post.  And I'll make sure I put that I tried searching in the post to ward off any of the "Search Function Idiot" posts. 

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
  On 12/19/2013 at 2:07 PM, Glenn said:

Yup....winter has set in.....

fishing user avatarJohn G reply : 

I rarely post anything other than a simple comment because I use the search feature or Google.


Just Googleing the words


whats a good jerkbait rod


gets you all the info you need and Bass Resource is at the top of the search list. 

fishing user avatarBadBassWV reply : 

I don't want to hijack this thread,  But how do you guys fish a SENKO?    LOL

fishing user avatarNaplock reply : 

You could just search for that topic. Sheesh.

One thing that could use some improvement is the Help File and/or FAQ for using the search tool here on BR. The help link has a single screen of (IMO, very generic) info.

Maybe someone more adept with the search tool could put an article together on advanced searches.

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 

I definitely prefer someone do their homework before making a post. On more than one occasion I ended up reviving an old post as a result bringing in newer members.

fishing user avatarPreytorien reply : 
  On 12/19/2013 at 2:07 PM, Glenn said:

Yup....winter has set in.....

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 12/19/2013 at 8:51 PM, Naplock said:

You could just search for that topic. Sheesh.

One thing that could use some improvement is the Help File and/or FAQ for using the search tool here on BR. The help link has a single screen of (IMO, very generic) info.

Maybe someone more adept with the search tool could put an article together on advanced searches.


Here's the forum software help.  What is it you were looking for?


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