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Are they really pro's? 2024

fishing user avatarBimbelton reply : 

Hey guys -- as I was reading my latest issue of Bassmaster magazine something came to my attention that I wanted to bring up to see if I'm crazy or if other people feel the same way.

I've noticed that everytime a "pro" is giving his/her advice on how to catch more fish etc. it's 10% technique and 90% everything else.

For example -- I was reading something by Kevin VanDam where he talks about having some kind of sonar thingy that emits a sound underwater that to a Bass sounds like a wounded baitfish.  Are you kidding?!  No wonder he's a "pro" and is so good at catching fish -- he's got a freaking transmitter that's bringing the fish to him.  All he has to do is cast and wait for something to bite.

For those of you that are familiar with the Bassmaster magazine, they have a section in there titled "A day on the lake with (insert "pro's" name here).  In this section they take a "pro" to a local lake to show you how they would fish it.  This sound great when it's your lake that they're going to.  You finally get to see how a pro would do it.  Needless to say you become INCREDIBLY discouraged when you start to read the article.  The first 20 paragraphs are doing nothing but describing the electronics this guy has on board his boat.

I'm exagerating of course but you get the point.  These articles make it seem like unless you have 10,000+ dollars of equipment with you, you can forget about catching anything.  I'd like for them to take one of these "pro's" put them on my lake without their electronics, withouth their boat, and without suped-up lures and let's see how well they do.

Now I'm not trying to offend anyone that uses electronics, etc.  I'm just pointing out that sometimes it seems that these guys are going a little overboard.  A football pro is a pro because he has skills.  He can run, throw, catch whatever.  Are you a fishing pro when all you're doing is hitting the water and letting your electronics, etc. do all the work?

fishing user avatarGarnet reply : 

The deal is they have the stuff and can use. You might or might not have the stuff but can you use it. Pro's are pro because they take everything as far as they can push it.


fishing user avatarBimbelton reply : 

That's my point.  These fishing "pro's" are not taking and pushing anything.  Like the VanDam example -- what is he pushing?  What skill is he using?  What technique?  His skill goes as far as casting and reeling.  The sonar is doing the rest by attracting the fish to him.

fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 
That's my point. These fishing "pro's" are not taking and pushing anything. Like the VanDam example -- what is he pushing? What skill is he using? What technique? His skill goes as far as casting and reeling. The sonar is doing the rest by attracting the fish to him.

are you kidding me   the sonar he started using last year  ..drives the boat, prefishes, learns techniques,studies conditions,wins classics and angler of the year,,  

yeah its the sonar

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

VanDam is a extraordinarily skilled angler. Period. The man probably knows of more techniques, presentations, and how to properly use them based upon the conditions than most anyone else. You don't reach the $2 million dollar winnings plateau by "just using some fancy electronics". He has had to beat out a huge field of other highly skilled anglers to get where he is...and while using electronics helps measure conditions and point you in the right direction, there is NO electronic that is going to make you a better fisherman technique wise.

fishing user avatarBimbelton reply : 

I stand corrected.

You're right.

Fishing pro's are fishing pro's because they know how to watch the weather channel and drive a boat.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 
That's my point.  These fishing "pro's" are not taking and pushing anything.  Like the VanDam example -- what is he pushing?  What skill is he using?  What technique?  His skill goes as far as casting and reeling.  The sonar is doing the rest by attracting the fish to him.

::)  Good grief

Kevin Van Dam and the others have been catching LOT's of fish long before they had electronic gizmo's that emit baitfish sounds.  

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 
I stand corrected.

You're right.

Fishing pro's are fishing pro's because they know how to watch the weather channel and drive a boat.

Now you're starting to sound like an envious, bank beating, no fish catching noob that wants to diminish the capabilities of those far better than you to make you feel better about your own inabilities to catch bass.


fishing user avatarWCCT reply : 

KVD could catch fish in a mud puddle :D  All of those top pros are excellent fishermen.  

fishing user avatarBimbelton reply : 

You give me saracasm I'm gonna give it right back.

I'm not trying to diminish anyones abilities.  Like the post above mine said...these guys are great fishermen.  Far better then I'll ever be.  I'm just saying that when you read these articles you start to wonder if they are really pro's when all they're doing is sitting on the water and letting their equipment bring the fish to them.

fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 

i dont wonder or question them when i read their articles cause ive followed them and know what they have done and are capable of read one magazine and assume you know their history..  

well since kvd uses biosonix..  and you dont maybe people should idolize you     cause you are the real pro

fishing user avatarCraw reply : 

The pros have mad skills! I do however, understand your point. These guys have the best of everything, not to mention their schedules, which put them on some of the best fisheries in the country. I myself used to always think...Yeah, come on down to my local lake and let's just see what you can do. Truth is though, I have a different outlook these days. Professional bass fishing has evolved year after year, and even a non tournament angler like myself benefits from the things these guys are doing. I won't sit here and tell you that I'm a highly skilled fisherman, but I will say that I'm much further along than I would be without all I've learned from the pros. Let me say once more, the pros have MAD skills! Even if I had access to all that they have, no way I could hang with them. Could I possibly cover as much water during the course of a day as Kevin VanDam? Could I dissect a dock as thoroughly as Gerald Swindle? Could I crank a brushpile in 15' of water as effectively as David Fritts? Could I take my jig and saturate a laydown like my man Denny Brauer? My answer to all these questions is no. One thing I can do though is ask myself how each of these pros would tackle a particular situation that I am up against. I ease up on a series of laydowns and I think, OK, how would Denny approach this? I honestly believe that this helps me. My hat's off to the professional bass fisherman.

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

The equipment has been around for generations - sonar is a quite old technology.

No amount of equipment is going to bring the fish to the boat, the boat to the fish, or get fish to bite. Only the tackle in the right hands can do that.

fishing user avatarBimbelton reply : 

you're right.  I think you're starting to understand what I'm saying.  I'm a newbie.  Until last year I never heard of Kevin VanDam.  So, when I picked up the magazines and started reading I noticed that 90% of the article was talking about electronics etc... and not technique.

I should have explained my initial post better -- to someone who is new to fishing can they really see these guys as pro's when all they're hearing is what kind of new electronic is being used?

It makes it seem like these guys don't know who to fish.  That all they're doing is turning on their equipment and waiting.

fishing user avatarBimbelton reply : 

Thank you Craw.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 
You give me saracasm I'm gonna give it right back.

I'm not trying to diminish anyones abilities.  Like the post above mine said...these guys are great fishermen.  Far better then I'll ever be.  I'm just saying that when you read these articles you start to wonder if they are really pro's when all they're doing is sitting on the water and letting their equipment bring the fish to them.

So if I buy a $2000 color LCD graph, oxygen meter, underwater TV camera,  KVD signature series fish calling electronic device, throw a couple temp gauges on the dash and maybe a color C lector thrown in for good measure I can merely launch my boat, turn all that crap on and start casting right off the end of the boat ramp and start hauling in tournament winning stringers?

That sounds too easy.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

If KVD was the only one that used those gadgets and gizmos then yes I would say it was an unfair advantage. But he isn't the only one. Dozens of tournament pro have them and use them and still only one person can win. I am all for the gadgets. They help drive the industry of fishing and if there was no industry we wouldn't be fishing.

fishing user avatarBimbelton reply : 

That's what I'm trying to say!

When you're a newbie to fishing and you pick up one of these articles and all you're reading about is what electronics they're using it makes it sound like all you have to do is launch the boat, turn the stuff on, and wait.

That's it.  I'm not saying these guys suck.  I know they're good.  They're the best.

But you wouldn't know that by reading the articles.  That's all I'm saying.  I'm not putting down the fishermen -- I'm putting down the articles.

fishing user avatarBimbelton reply : 

I apolgize.

Really, I'm sorry.

I should have explained myself better at the beginning.


fishing user avatarga_hawghauler reply : 

Pardon my ignorance on this but are they any stimpultaions or rules to using the electronic call (so to speak) in BASS or FLW tournament competition? These guys are excellent anglers with or without all the fancy electronic gizmos. When ever going to a new body of water most of them is already working on a game plan well before getting to the ramp. they study topo maps, time of year, ect. Then once one the water they are great drivers and well as skillful anglers.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 
Pardon my ignorance on this but are they any stimpultaions or rules to using the electronic call (so to speak) in BASS or FLW tournament competition? These guys are excellent anglers with or without all the fancy electronic gizmos. When ever going to a new body of water most of them is already working on a game plan well before getting to the ramp. they study topo maps, time of year, ect. Then once one the water they are great drivers and well as skillful anglers.

IF, it actually works. I would have the most problem with the fish calling device.  Obviously, BASS doesn't.

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

I am in no way trying to deagrade you Bimbleton so please don't take it that way. I am speaking about newbies in general. I'm a newbie myself.

Sometimes newbies need to remember they are NEWBIES. It's easy to forget that these guys have put there time in to get where they are. Most of these guys started out just like everybody else that starts fishing. Sure they may have had more access to things and been able to spend more time on the water than some but Kudos to them. They're lucky. Having all the electronics in the world will definately help you catch fish but being on the water day in day out learning about weather effects, techniques, bait etc is what makes these guys pros. I'm sure they're are plenty of people out there that have most of if not all the same electronics that the pros have that have a lot less money and caught a lot less fish than the pros.

fishing user avatarBimbelton reply : 

I understand what you're saying and I agree.

They are pro's because they have much more knoweldge and the skills to use it.  Well put.

Like I said before, being a newbie you wouldn't think these guys pro when all you're reading about is what kind of gizmo's they're using. ;)

Thanks for the reply!

fishing user avatarreelnmn reply : 

Bimbleton, you've discovered why many people on this forum, myself included, dislike Bassmaster.

Put simply, it's a sales pitch. Sure these high tech gadgets provide some edge, but it's all about promotion and sales.

If you want a truly educational magazine, my suggestion is subscribe to BASSIN. You can get a one year subscription for $4.88. Can't beat that!!

fishing user avatarBimbelton reply : 


I'll definetely look into that.


fishing user avatarBrad_Coovert reply : 

There is very little in a pros boat that is not in our boats.  We have access to all the same baits, rods, reels, line, electronics and even the boats for that matter.  The difference is they are better at using the stuff than we are.

IMO the ONLY major difference between the pros on various circuits and the rest of us is time spent fishing.  If I could spend the time on the water every year that these guys did, I would be much better at casting, lure presentation, boat control and boat positioning.  I would be much more in tune with what bass would be doing based on weather and water conditions.  These guys do this so much and for so long it is second nature to them.  IMO, that is their edge.


fishing user avatarBimbelton reply : 

good point.


fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 


Great thread!  Seriously, this is what the forum is for.  If you don't understand something lay it on the line and the people here will be able to set you straight.  Since you are a newbie, I can understand your confusion.  If I were you, I would buy Kevin VanDam's book, Bass Strategies.  Read it.  Then read it again.  Pick out sections that interest you and read those again.  You will be amazed at the logical sense this guy's ideas contain regarding how to find and catch bass.  This book was published in 1994, early in his career, before Biosonix.  He had already claimed the Angler of the Year Title.  This guy is truly an animal when it comes to catching fish and his ideas will help you catch fish.  There are others as well but since you mentioned KVD I thought I would give you some info that would expose you to some of the fishing knowledge he possesses.

fishing user avatarBimbelton reply : 

Thanks for the tip, I'll definetely look into that.

Speaking of which -- I already have his 3 disk set where he shows you a whole bunch of stuff! ;)

The guy truly is an awesome fishermen.

Those articles sometimes make you think otherwise though.

Thanks for the reply!

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

Kevin Van Dam has only used the BIOSONIX for one season. He has been sucessful for about ten years.

Check this out:

    2001, 2005 Classic Champ.

    1992,1996, and 1999 Angler of the year.

    56 Top ten finishes

    99 top 20 finishes

And that dosen't count what he won while fishing in the FLW.


THE MAN CAN FLAT OUT FISH. Please don't short change my hero. LOL

Just my humble opinion.



fishing user avatarearthworm77 reply : 

KVD is likley one of the top 2 anglers on the planet as far as career goes. I do not buy into the bisonix thing. Just curious, is he sponsored by that company? It does take a lot of skill to be as consistent as he has been. Sometimes I put the word pro in quotes because some of these guys are just guys who fish the tour, there are about 15 to 20 guys who have truly what it takes to be called professional.

fishing user avatarBimbelton reply : 


Please don't take offense to my article.

I'm in NO WAY trying to degrade KVD.

I was only saying that being a newbie -- picking up and reading those articles in magazines like Bassmaster it makes it seem like the only reason any of those guys are any good is because of their electronics.

90% of the article is blabbing about what kind of on-board gizmos he has and how they work.  The other 10% contains the location they were fishing, month/day/year, and what the result was.

fishing user avatarKy_Lake_Dude reply : 

It really MAKES ME MAD when someone says a guy like KVD couldn't catch fish without that sound emitter thingy >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Before that thing came out on the market He WON 3 BASS AOY and a Bassmaster Classic and an FLW AOY and about 15 big time tournaments without it so do't say he isn't a pro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarBimbelton reply : 


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

There is no doubt about it.  Most bass pro's and certainly all of the elite series guys are superior fisherman.  

However, let's remeber why these guys are bass pro's.  Yes, they love their work, but this is how they make their living.  Winning tournaments can be lucrative at the higher levels, but it is an unreliable source of income.

Endorsements for major companies at the elite level, is a good paying, reliable source of income.

Ever visit a thread or website pertaining to professional bass fishing?

The first word a bass pro learns is "sponsor"

In addition to being outstanding anglers they are salesman for their sponsors products.  

Nothing is wrong with this, but let's not confuse who they are and why they do it.  

PS.  In case you haven't noticed, ALL magazines make their revenue by selling ads.

It's called "business"

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

That's a good point Avid. If I'm a pro and somebody wants to pay me to use their product I say what the hey. If the product works great I may catch more fish. If not at least it's helping me earn my living.

fishing user avatarFull PULL reply : 

He Said New To Fishing.... Is their such a thing? :o      I here what you are saying but theirs a lot of skill involved theis Guys Fish 24/7 to keep that Extra Edge .

fishing user avatarKy_Lake_Dude reply : 
Bimbleton, you've discovered why many people on this forum, myself included, dislike Bassmaster.

Put simply, it's a sales pitch.  Sure these high tech gadgets provide some edge, but it's all about promotion and sales.

If you want a truly educational magazine, my suggestion is subscribe to BASSIN.  You can get a one year subscription for $4.88.  Can't beat that!!

Bassmaster isn't a sale's pitch it is a very down to earth organization and as a member of a BASS affiliated Junior Bass Club with an adult club above us Juniors it offends me for someone to say it's a sales pitch or some other crap like that so with all due respect please keep that remark and ones like it to ur self. >:( >:(

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
Bassmaster isn't a sale's pitch it is a very down to earth organization and as a member of a BASS affiliated Junior Bass Club with an adult club above us Juniors it offends me for someone to say it's a sales pitch or some other crap like that so with all due respect please keep that remark and ones like it to ur self.  

I think that as a junior, you don't know what BASS was over the past 20+ years... it's not the same as it used to be and criticisms over the last year or two are well founded in many cases.  If you were a little older you might see it differently, or at least see that it was much less commercialized in the past.

No need to let your feather get ruffled.

fishing user avataredbassmaster reply : 

Sponsors...Endorsements...Free Products...thats how these guys get wealthy. They got to their level on pure skill.

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 


No offense was taken, I was just trying to show that these guys could fish long before all these gagets came into play.

I think that all those companies pay the pros to hawk their products. As has been stated, alot of these magazines have made our beloved sport too commercialized.

Personally, the only electronic device I have is the depth finder on my console. But I only fish the lake I have lived on for over thirty years.


fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

If a pro did bank fishing on his/her show, i think that it would be better then using all those electronics. Bank fishing is what most people do and begin with.

fishing user avatarBud reply : 

Bill Dance  use "BIOSONIX also.   KVD is not the only one.

fishing user avatarGarnet reply : 

Dr. Loren Hill is behind Biosonix and you would think his son would cleanup with dads invention. KVD is still #1 and Kenyon is not #1.


fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 
I apolgize.

Really, I'm sorry.

I should have explained myself better at the beginning.


 hu-----  Thow shall not slam KVD. Or thow will be smited this a ugly stick.

 I know what you saying. I would like to see what some of better pros would do on my home lake with

the equitment I have. Just to see :) I not every one has a fish calling thing or a boat for that matter.

I would kill to spend the day with KVD on my pond just to see how he would fish it. no boat no gismos..    

fishing user avatarKy_Lake_Dude reply : 
Bassmaster isn't a sale's pitch it is a very down to earth organization and as a member of a BASS affiliated Junior Bass Club with an adult club above us Juniors it offends me for someone to say it's a sales pitch or some other crap like that so with all due respect please keep that remark and ones like it to ur self.  

I think that as a junior, you don't know what BASS was over the past 20+ years... it's not the same as it used to be and criticisms over the last year or two are well founded in many cases.  If you were a little older you might see it differently, or at least see that it was much less commercialized in the past.

No need to let your feather get ruffled.

Please don't tell me what I know and what I don't know.Because until ESPN bought BASS in 2001 they were under Helen Sevier and Dewey Kendrick and those two were anti-change which made northern and western anglers feel like outsiders and like they couldn't catch fish as well as guys from the south.When those two were in control BASS was terrible.I think Dewey's official title was tournament director but it should have been Napoelean of bass fishing.I may be 11 but I know my stuff so please don't tell me I don't.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
IMO the ONLY major difference between the pros on various circuits and the rest of us is time spent fishing.  If I could spend the time on the water every year that these guys did, I would be much better at casting, lure presentation, boat control and boat positioning.  I would be much more in tune with what bass would be doing based on weather and water conditions.  These guys do this so much and for so long it is second nature to them.  IMO, that is their edge.

I strongly disagree.  While it is true that the more time spent on the water will undoubtedly improve anyone's skills, one only has to look at the results to see that some anglers are truly "gifted"  All the elite pros spend huge amounts of time on the water, but KVD, Ike, Aaron Martin, Rick Clunn (in his prime) Roland Martin (in his prime) and a handful of others are consistantly at the top of the pack.  Not at every tournament of course,  but at years end when the scores are tallied these are the guys who year in and year out are at or near the top.

Angling is a skill, yes one improves with practice.  But there are those among us who are blessed with the intellegence, drive, and natural ability to succeed where others who are equally dedicated do not.

It's called "talent" and it's a gift from God.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
If a pro did bank fishing on his/her show, i think that it would be better then using all those electronics. Bank fishing is what most people do and begin with.

I've seen pro's bank fish on TV. They approach it with the same zeal and dedication that they use in tournaments.  

fishing user avatarblanked reply : 

I feel that in winning tournements or any other  pro sporting event there is a very fine line in winning.  at a pro level these little devices and tricks are what it takes to beat others in a fine line.

for a recreational angler these gadgets are not going to be a cure all.  its far better to learn and use the fundementals before looking for a cure all answer.  golf is another sport to compare this with.

that $400 driver isnt didly until you got the fundementals down consistently    

fishing user avatarVekol reply : 

Don't beat yourself up about what the pro's do or don't do. They live on another planet--and you are light years away from it. Fishing is about having fun, for you to become concerned about what Kevin Van Dam does or uses on his boat is like getting bent out of shape because you own a computer, but Bill Gates is a billionaire. Like any other professional in any other endeavor, fishing pro's get there by spending most of their waking hours on the water doing something they love. If fishing makes you happy, that is the one lesson that the pro's offer to us all that is self evident--so adhere to it, and not only will you be happier, but become a better fisherman too. Regardless of the number of gadgets you have with you.

I don't know about Biosonix, but as regards sonars go most of their value is to help the angler eliminate those large areas of any body of water where the fish aren't--saving valuable time. Used by skilled anglers, they may help locate better areas to fish than others. I can't tell you, because I haven't got that good yet. At this point, once I find baitfish I turn the thing off and concentrate on fishing. As a matter of fact, I've been using a sonar for a year and a half now, and I can tell you that to my knowledge I have not caught a fish yet that I saw on the sonar first. Putting around on the lake looking for structure to be fished later though has paid dividends--and can be fun in and of itself.

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

Right on RW. All the electronic and 300hp motors in the world won't give you a edge if you don't know what you are doing and why. I can't see limiting equipment such as rods and electronics. Its not going to happen in the new age of tourney fishing anyway. Its not about fishing anymore, its sales and marketing. I would like to see some old school come back even though its not going to happen. Just two things would make it more fun for me  to watch. Limit the boats to 20', limit the motors to 150's again, no prefishing or outside help of any kind two weeks before the first day. I guess I am just nostalgic.

fishing user avatarBARON49_Northern NY reply : 

I read through this thread several times and could not stop myself from writing.  I am from the old school and a LIFE Member of B.A.S.S. Fished my first Bass Tournament in 1975.  We did not have all the electonics and fancy stuff back then.  However we all caught fish....amazing huh?

My point is the rods and reels we use today, the electronics, fancy boats and big fast motors are just TOOLS!  A good fisherman uses these tools to find or locate where the fish are or could be.  It takes years of reading and on the water study to get to the pros level.  The main thing that separates the "Pros" from everyone else is the ability to use these tools properly. To actually catch fish and put them in the boat on a regular basis under all kinds of pressured situations and weather.  Their dedication to the sport should be commended and complimented, as should Bassmaster Magazine. If it were not for these "pros" and the information they share, how many of us would be able to fish at the level we do today?

fishing user avatarboondocks reply : 

I have no problems with the pros and how they do what they do. Not by any means. But after reading this thread it got me thinking a little. Wouldn't it be interesting to see what a group of pros would do if  thown on a lake that none of them are familiar and see how well they do. Then throw in just as many average Joes that are also unfamiliar with the lake and see what happens. That would be interesting to see the results.  :)

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

KVD and many of the other pros are excellent anglers.They could catch 'em without the gizmos,but most  all of the pros are great so naturally they have to use "tools" to give them an edge.The distance between good and great is small in the big leagues so anything to give an edge is acceptable.These guys are playing for millions,and the competitive drive in these guys makes it a must to use the most state of the art equipment that they can get their hands on.

fishing user avatarhi_steel_basser reply : 

Hey, Boondocks, I see what you are trying to say. The pros DO have better equipment than we do. They got that equipment because they were better fishermen than others were when they had less equipment. If they took 20 pros and 20 amateurs and put them all in jonboats with 5-hp motors, 55-lb thrust trolling motors, and a livewell, for a 1-day tourny, the pros in general would outfish the amateurs. Some of the pros would be in the bootom 10, some of the amateurs would be in the top 10, but on average there would be more pros in the top 20, more ams. in the bottom 20. Why? Because there is no substitute for time on the water.

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 
If a pro did bank fishing on his/her show, i think that it would be better then using all those electronics. Bank fishing is what most people do and begin with.

I'm sure before they were pro's or even heard of for that matter they got there start like most of us from the bank, a dock or a Jon boat.  What got them to where they are today is dedication and alot of devotion spent doing what they love.  

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

This is coming from a sponsered tournament fisherman who made around 8 grand last year (not much, but its a profit), the whole purpose of the pro's using these devices, are to get people talking about them. And they are clearly doing their job. How do you think these pro's who have never placed better than 10th in a tournament get sponsers? They are great salesmen! How do you prove your worth to sponsers? By promoting them, by either word of mouth, endorsements, or just plain whoreing your name out (see Roland Martin  ;D).  Bottom line, these guys can catch fish anytime, anywhere they want to. The real money for these guys is endorsements, appearance fees, etc. The tournament winnings generally arent even enough to live off of, let alone pay for the next years entrance fees, insurances, gas, etc.

I'm sure before they were pro's or even heard of for that matter they got there start like most of us from the bank, a dock or a Jon boat.  What got them to where they are today is dedication and alot of devotion spent doing what they love.

Ike started out fishing club tournaments in a jon boat. Now look where he is. All of these guys started somewhere at the bottom.

fishing user avatargoldbug4 reply : 

The use of varies electronics in the boats have no rules as long as they are not shockers.  As a FLW pro, I have to use everything that can help me compete with the other anglers, as they also have this cutting edge equipment on their boats.  Sure it can help you locate structure and I bait fish as well as the arc's of the larger fish that you might be looking for.  It helps you to locate, but you still have to figure how to make these fish bite!  I start working on my game plan about a month prior to the tournament.  How has the lake fished over the last ten years, getting out the maps and planning how to disect these body of water in just a few days,  Time of year, normal patterns, current conditions,  all of this plays into how to attack the body of water and the electronics are a tool to help you in this.  With the high standards of the other anglers and what they are capable of, you have to do everything you can to try to stay up with the best..

Keep it wet.

fishing user avatarHuntCast reply : 

The reason it reads like that in the article, is that the pros are trying to sell you on that stuff.

Think NASCAR interview, lol.

I mean really, if he were catching fish on a beat up old shad rap, why on earth would he emphasise that?

They are going to talk to a reporter about whatever it is that pays their bills.

Nothing wrong with that............... it just is the way it is.

fishing user avatarlinks_man2 reply : 

I had been away from bass fishing other than once or twice a year for 20+ years. In the late 60's-early 80's I serious fished local tournaments, read Bassmaster, and back then thought I learned a lot from Bassmaster. Last March I got back to where I fish 2-3 times a week, no tournaments but fish pretty hard. I also subscribed to Bassmaster to get back in touch.

What I have found is that Bassmaster and most all the fishing shows (Dance, R Martin, .....) are all more marketing oriented than teaching/fishing oriented. I don't enjoy reading 5 out if 6 pages or 20 out of 30 minutes of show that is all sales. But then again, that is how the Advertisers, Magazines, TV Networks, Pro's get their money. I plan on letting my Bassmaster subscription expire, I no longer watch most of the Bass Shows on TV, I simply like to fish will learn on my own and enjoy my days on the lake. Without all the commercial BS that it has gotten to.

Also feel much of what is advertised is designed to catch fishermen rather than fish.

JMHO for what it's worth and that ain't much.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

JoshKeller and other sponsored pro's

Kindly list your sponsors in you sig line.

It tends to reflect poorly on ones credibility when a member makes recommendations without  fully disclosing their affiliations.



fishing user avatarBassBandit35 reply : 

I was reading this on another site and recall this thread on about it. So, thought I'd post it. After reading that, it didn't change my opinion about Ike cause I like the guy and I think its all about marketing.

Article posted on another site - 1/17

Mike Iaconelli, the 2006 BASS Angler of the Year (AOY), has signed a sponsorship deal with Biosonix. He joins other heavy hitters on the team like Kevin VanDam, Aaron Martens and Ken Cook.

The BSX unit from Biosonix uses an underwater speaker to broadcast sounds and stimulate feeding activity in fish. "I caught wind of the BSX unit in 2005 from talking with Kevin and Aaron and some of the other guys," Ike said. "A lot of the pros that were using it were keeping it under wraps. In 2006 I got my own unit and used it for the entire year. I wasn't paid a dime last year to use the BSX unit I used it because it just works.

"The BSX unit absolutely made a difference for me in winning AOY," he added. "Everything came down to the wire this past year and the unit absolutely helped me catch a few more fish those fish made all the difference. Just to give you one example, at Lake Oneida this year, when I turned on the unit, I had fish schooling by the speaker before I could even get a line in the water."

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 
I apolgize.

Really, I'm sorry.

I should have explained myself better at the beginning.


 hu-----  Thow shall not slam KVD. Or thow will be smited this a ugly stick.

 I know what you saying. I would like to see what some of better pros would do on my home lake with

the equitment I have. Just to see :) I not every one has a fish calling thing or a boat for that matter.

I would kill to spend the day with KVD on my pond just to see how he would fish it. no boat no gismos..    

At the end of the day you'd probably be saying the following:

I never thought to use that lure like that.

I never knew there were fish that big in my lake.

I never knew how that presentation really worked.

I never thought fishing that part of the pond, it always looked non-fishy to me.

I never realized just how hard these guys fish regardless if they're in a boat or not.

Wow, KVD catches fish whether he's got electronic aids or not.

Facts are facts.  The pro's routinely show up at a tournament lake and whup up on the locals that have entered the tournament even, though those locals know every nook and cranny of that lake.  They have an uncanny knack of approaching any body of water, determining in where the fish are in relation to seasonal movements and the best presentations to achieve success.  They don't need a $50,000 bassboat or $5000 worth of electronics to do it.

They're just that good.

fishing user avatarChris reply : 

Here is the deal if I handed you all my stuff and sat in your boat using your equipment or if I where to take you to your favorite honey hole bank fishing with me using your stuff and you using mine there still stands a good chance that your going to have a hard time beating me in a fishing contest. To be honest fishing skill is just fishing skill and equipment is just a minor detail. Good equipment will help you get the job done better but it still boils down to knowledge. Most people if you sit them down and talk about bass fishing most of them come away from the conversation forgetting most of what was said. They don't retain the knowledge or only pick out parts that they feel are important to them. Knowledge is everything in this sport and what sets you apart from others. You can spend all the time on the water that you want but how much of that time is devoted to expanding your knowledge and how much of that knowledge is retained years down the road makes a big difference between average and above average. Many of the guys that are on top of their game spend most of their life learning about bass fishing. To be honest they took the time to learn as much as they could about bass fishing and never stopped learning and pushing their limits. I agree 100% that the way you fish right now is influenced by tournament fishing. The way you problem solve, how you present a lure, the lures that you use, your color selection, the baitmonkey tapping you on the shoulder saying buy this and that are all thanks to tournament fishing. Is it getting a little out of hand as far as promotions and pages in bassmaster magazine that are nothing but ads.. I think it is compared to what the magazine was. I am to the point now where I don't even read it. Does the ads and sale pitches take away from the skill of the pro's nope not even close.

fishing user avatarsquid reply : 

THE QUESTION IS......ARE THEY REALLY PRO's? the answer!! :o ::)

They catch bass to WIN a BIG paycheck...we TRY to catch bass to win our local tournament checks....and sometimes to eat....depends on what you are fishing for I guess.

Like metioned before...they are just tools to help them get BETTER.  

Kinda like Tiger Woods' new clubs make him hit farther..maybe straighter...but it is still him against the hole.

The tool in question does not help KVD catch the fish, it helps bring the fish to him.  He still has to weed out the little the bucketmouth, and catch a limit of toads.  If it helps his skills out then he is doing what he is suppose to do.  

You too can beat a Pro if you are on fish, without any electronics.  I did last season.  Beat out two FLW Pro's at a local tournament....AND...I finished in 6th place.  One of them threw back his TWO (2) fish, cause he was there only for the money and didn't have a chance.   The other Pro ended up 7th...just out of the money.  He also fished the whole season with us.  Was nice to see a pro not win all the time.  I think he and his brother didn't even WIN one event, but did cash a check in 3 out of 5 events.

Goes to show...that being a Pro doesn't alway make you the better is just his job, and to make an income he has to keep fishing and placing in the check field.




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