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Hey guys! Tell me how you view women fishing with you? 2024

fishing user avatarlaus reply : 

I post in "women and fishing " but nobody answers. Don't know why, so I'm going to the horse's mouth. Please be honest and direct. No political correctness here please. Why isn't the women's forum working?

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

Just a guess, but there arent many fishing women that come on this board and therefor the lack of people entering that part of the forum??  Just a guess though!


fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Apathy , it's just that simple. I don't care how they spin it.

fishing user avatarUncle Leo reply : 

I guess there are two questions to be answered.

1) I have no problem with anyone fishing with me. I wish my wife had an interest, at least she lets me go fishing!

2) As far as the Women's Section, maybe there are just not enough women on board. The forum is 30,000 members. If women are a small percentage which I would assume it could not work as well due to pure participation.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

For mine and my compadre 's family fishing is a men 's only club; I, my compadre ( SIL 's husband ), my nephew and my son fish, the women ? ---> they don 't, they are not interested, they and the girls ( nieces and daughter ) come with us but don 't care about getting involved, for them going fishing is like going to a pic nic. You invite them to join once, invite them to join twice ---> no response, you invite no more. If that 's what they like ( picnicking ) it 's up to them.

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

Hey Laus,

I just now wrote something on your thread in the women's section.  I hope your questions/comments/concerns weren't directed to women only.  Ironically, it seems that men are more likely to write in the women's thread than women-hence, I think, your consternation.

I can't speak for women and I sometimes feel like I hardly represent men either but I'm fine with women fishing-so long as the emphasis remains on fishing and not something else.  As I wrote in the other thread, perhaps men need a man cave which bass clubs may be an extension of.  This may be an overgeneralization but some men, at least, have their home lives dominated by their significant other.  The honeydo lists, the home decor, the social calendar. Maybe men want something they can call their own.  I like it when my girlfriend goes fishing with me but I wouldn't like it if all her friends came along and began dictating terms, etc.  See where I'm going with this?  Maybe I'm wrong but these are just some thoughts.

fishing user avatarMFCoopHKD reply : 

My GF goes with me all the time, she fishes everything and even holds the fish.  We always CnR so she does not have to worry about blood.  I had to go with an alluminum pro team 190 so that we could use it for camping and can stand the waves and rocks all night.  Having her come with allows me to go more often, plus there is someone else there to hold the camera for me.  It works out pretty good. 

fishing user avatarCaptain Shane Procell reply : 

Quote:Hey guys! Tell me how you view women fishing with you?

I get alot of female anglers in my boat. I have found that they usually catch better fish than their husband or boyfriends. Probably because women are more patient and usually more open to learning a new or unfamiliar technique or style of fishing.

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 

I'm not sure about the rest of these guys, but my wife fishes with me all the time.  She is even coming along on the roadtrip.

We have fished in tournaments together, a Ma & Pa league that she held up her end of the catch almost every day.  Granted she will most likely complain to anyone that she can corner about how I "stole" her thunder one day by catching a bigger bass than her..... With only five minutes left!   :'(

But we go camping and fishing together quite often.  I've got a daughter and several grand-daughters that enjoy fishing too.

Now as far as why the women's section is concerned, I would agree with what others are saying.  Just not enough ladies on here to keep the post count up.  My wife gets onto her computer every so often, but I guess it just isn't her thing.

fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 

During the warmer months, the girlfriend tans while I fish.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I don't have any issues with women on the boat,

someone needs to cook & clean!


Okay, seriously...I have fished with Keri & Glenn,

Deb & Greg and almost Mary, Gary's wife. Mary is the

only gal that didn't catch more fish than me!

Two summers ago a friend of mine brought his wife,

who is a great fisherwoman, and two girlfriends.

The women I didn't know didn't know how to fish,

so I worked with them. On day two, one of the

ladies boated a 6 1/2 lb smallie! Of course...I'm

taking credit for that... ::)

Anyhow, I welcome women to the sport and wish they

would participate more on the forum.



fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 

I used to take my girl with me all the time... She has ADD when it comes to this kind of thing though.

last year she bought a kayak and she would go for a paddle while I fished.

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

Oh yea!  I forgot to mention that I only take my fiance fishing with me about half a dozen times a year because she ALWAYS out fishes me and it takes her that long to get her ego back in check before we can go again!


fishing user avatarQUAKEnSHAKE reply : 
I post in "women and fishing " but nobody answers. Don't know why, so I'm going to the horse's mouth. Please be honest and direct. No political correctness here please. Why isn't the women's forum working?

You asking why no women are posting or anybody posting to your threads in -womens fishing-

For me thats a womens place so dont go there like the womens restroom. I went in there once just to see what it looks like.

My wife doent show much interest in fishing. The times we do go, with the kids, she worries too much about them getting hurt, falling in 6" of water or germs yeah she is one of the germyphobe moms

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

My wife is quite often my partner on a lot of fishing trips.  I don't fish with any other women except for my daughters and my granddaughter but they aren't into it that much.  I've asked my wife if I could fish with other women but she doesn't seem to like that idea.    ::)

As for the women's forum, I think that most of the subjects are covered in the other forums and it doesn't leave much for that forum to discuss, unfortunately.  And the number of women members would also explain some of the lack of activity as well.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

My wife can fish with me anytime she wants. She doesn't like the seriousness of it though. She knows I don't go out there and drown bait for 8 hours while chugging beer, or floating around getting a tan, so she doesn't go with me too much.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

My wife fishes with me most of the time. There are times when I go with others and I make a couple of guys only primitive camping trips each year, but she is my main fishing partner. She does not like to operate the boat but will in a pinch. She throws a baitcaster well, and is self-sufficient when it comes to rigging, bait selection, and handling fish.

Many guys use fishing as a way to get away from wives and other social commitments to spend time with the boys. I think that is legitimate. I also think some women do not get that two people can spend hours in a boat together without saying much, and still enjoy the companionship. My brother and I used to fish together all the time before he was killed in an accident. His wife resented the time he spent with me fishing. She did not want to fish, just spend time with my brother while he fished. She always wanted to know what we talked about. She could not understand that much of the time we did not TALK. It made no sense to her. My wife gets it. We can have a great time fishing without once talking about the other problems of life; just enjoying being on the water spending time fishing, enjoying God's creation.

As to why women do not take advantage of the Women's section, I do not have a clue.

fishing user avatarshimmy reply : 

I absolutely love having my wife fish with me. I can be serious, and if i miss a big fish, she can make be calm down. Which, then helps me remain focused fishing the rest of the time. She loves it. But, like many other girls, has her limits. Considering i am a die hard fisherman, she handles it well. As long as she has a book and a bathing suit, she loves it. She loves catching though.

One thing to probably remember though; guys on this site are extreme in the sense that we talk on a fishing forum in addition to fishing. Fishing is on the brain here. Getting that time of fanaticism on this site from women is much harder.

fishing user avataraceman387 reply : 

Last time my wife came with me she brought her cell phone along and talked to half her family members while out in the boat ,unfortunately that daythe fishing was slow and she became bored and started doing pilates poses on the seat of my fishing boat .I had to tell her to stop, she was embarrassing me out there.

fishing user avatarMFBAB reply : 

My wife fishes w/ me a lot, in fact we're camping at Sardis to crappie fish this w/end.  She isn't into bass fishing w/ artificials too much but she likes live bait fishing a lot, probably because it gets the bites.  Also, she is pretty bad about waiting until I know there's a good bite going on somewhere before she comes, she likes "catching" more than "fishing".   ;)

fishing user avatarscbassin reply : 

I don't quite understand why there is a Women's section. Fishing is fishing no matter gender your are, it's the same. I am sure they have different ideas & would make some of the other sections better. I understand why they don't like that from my discussion with Deb in the women's section. As for me 99.9% of the time I fish by myself but it would not bother me which gender was in the back of the boat as long as we respected each other.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

No thank you.

Guys, only.  :)

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

My ex-girlfriend caught the largest smallie I ever netted - a 6-4 from Lake Ontario, from more than 16 years ago. Ladies can fish with me anytime.

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 

As for the women's forum, I think that most of the subjects are covered in the other forums and it doesn't leave much for that forum to discuss, unfortunately. And the number of women members would also explain some of the lack of activity as well.

X2 I post in there sometimes, but mostly in the other forums. I can't get online very often on the work computer and at home we have but one internet connection (Hughes Net) and if the step-son is logged on, well  I know it'll be awhile before I can get on line. Plus with Hughes Net, evenings are high traffic and the forums download very slowly.

Other than that, I'm out Fishing, or been kidnapped by the Bait Monkey. ;D

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 
Fishing is fishing no matter gender your are.

This about sums it up for me. My daughters enjoy fishing, and if they came to this forum for advice I would be surprised if they gravitated to the women's forum. That said, I can sympathize with women who love fishing and are looking for that feeling of camaraderie.

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 

My wife and I love to fish together. Here she is lipping a LM in the front of the canoe.


fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

I'm trying to get my wife to come fishing with me.  At the moment she has this thing about not liking to hurt them by driving a hook into their flesh.

Several years ago I took her striper fishing and she caught an eighteen pounder, and enjoyed it.  Funny thing, she doesn't remember it.  I can remember exactly where she hooked it and the stage of the tide.

She's retired, we love to travel, and it would be ideal.  She likes hiking, snowshoeing and other outdoor activities.  Fishing would be a natural fit.  We do play golf together.

Personally, I would have no issues fishing with women. 

fishing user avatarbassfisherjk reply : 

I really wish my wife would go fishing with me more often than she does.As for the Woman's forum I don't know what's up there.No I don't have a problem fishing with women.

fishing user avatarNBR reply : 

I have little input on this one. My wife won't fish and I truly wish she would.

My only possibilities are not many look at this forum and/or they are sensitive about asking a question they perceive as stupid. Which of course is the only thing stupid about not asking the question.

fishing user avatarGetfished reply : 

I am building jigs for a lady pro. It's fun. My wife joined the club this year to fish with me. I am ecstatic. I hope I don't flub it up.

I think a women's forum should be just that if that's what you want. What you have is a forum titled women's but men go there. The same men who say they respect women. It's sort of like saying I'll respect you as long as I can still come barging in whenever I want.I think this minimizes women participation. I know the women as a group are probably smaller. I would be interested to see just how it did if it was locked to men from viewing. I'll admit I have been there to read but I would never think of posting there. I don't think I have ever posted there.

In sum I think a realistic perception is that it is what it is and all you really can do is get in there and keep putting your best foot forward and maybe sooner or later others will follow.

I wish you well.

fishing user avatartriglet reply : 

my girlfriend goes all the time!  only trouble is she will try and catch more than anyone in the boat.  ;D

fishing user avatarK.Fox reply : 

I have no problem fishing with women. Thats one of the great parts about fishing, a woman can beat a man that has greater physical strength....

   As for posting, keep posting over here Im sure you have great thoughts and ideas..

fishing user avatarctf58 reply : 

Took my wife and daughter (8yrs) last year. Had a blast. My wife caught her 1st bass, about 12 inch. You would have thought it was moby dick. She says she wants to go again, BUT she does not like bass boats. She says she does not understand why we do not get rid of my bass boat and buy a bigger boat with more seating and has higher sides (Like a Bayliner). She thinks it would be safer and be the same, just more comfy. I try to explain that a bass boat has a shallow draft needed for getting shallow and a trolling motor is nice to have as well. She just does not get it.

I take my 8yr old daughter pond fishing all the time. I hope she enjoys it enough to continue. She would be one of my favorite fishing buddys. Very good talks.

Women are always welcome as long as they want to fish.

If any HOT women want to go boating I have a boat my wife will not ride in. ;)

fishing user avatarMudwalker reply : 

I fish with my wife all the time.  We are members in 2 bass clubs (1 is all electric).  I have no problem fishing with women.  I help out a local youth fishing club and the girls in there are great anglers.

fishing user avatarLuke at Gouldsboro reply : 

I wouldn't have a problem with a woman fishing with me. I take my neice with me all the time, but she's only 10 years old...

fishing user avatardulouz reply : 

I love it when my wife and kids come fishing with me. 

fishing user avatarhookingem reply : 

I hope I can one day find a women who at least will go with me. If she would actually drop a line that would be an added bonus!  :)

fishing user avatarNorcalBassin reply : 

Definitely enjoy it when my wife comes out. Heck, she gets bored and tans in the bikini after a while... I win either way.


fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

I take whoever wants to come with me....Makes no difference to me.

I read your other post in the women section and I can not figure out why in the world they wouldn't let you fish in the club.Makes no sense to me.  >:(

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 

I have no problem fishing with woman.  It's the wife who has the problem with them fishing with me. :o

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

To tell you the truth, I really don't want anyone else fishing with me. Whether it's a girl or a guy, wouldn't make much difference.

Actually, having anybody with me, distracts me to the point that I might as well have left my poles at home. Having a good looking female with me would just be 10 X's worse !



fishing user avatarCWB reply : 

It would depend on what they're wearing. If it's nice out and they are wearing a bikini, I would probably view them more often and more indiscreetly than if they were wearing a full rainsuit. Of course, this is unless it's my wife in the boat. ;D

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

If my wife would be interested in leaving the house at 4 am, walking the beach in total darkness, dealing with no-seeums and taking a whizz in the bushes, she is more than welcome to join me.  That won't happen and to be honest I'm not in the least bit upset about it.  The last time I took her bass fishing was about 3 or 4 years ago, she caught some fish on a plastic worm and my job was hook removal.  I'll take her any time she wants to go but she really has little interest  :)

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

My wife is not really into fishing, but she LOVES catching.  LOL

That being said, she will come with me to local ponds where the bass are easily located or she will come out with her ultralight when the bluegills are up on beds.

She's not real big into the process of locating fish and really fishing hard for them.

fishing user avatarSfritr reply : 

The question is:  Tell me how you view women fishing with you? 

Answer:  with little to no clothing on but that is how I view most women in my head...... ::) ::)

My wife is a great fisherman!  She is lights out with a Senko.  I love to see women in the boats on the lake.  We need more female anglers.  I thought it was fantastic to have the two ladies in the mens' Elite tourneys...

fishing user avatarendless reply : 

I have no problem with it at all. My wife wanted to start so I bought her the Extreme combo, a tackle box, let her pick out a couple of lures, hooks, etc. and now I went out and got a bigger boat for the two of us. I'm actually excited to take her with me and hope she does enjoy her self. We don't spend allot of time together doing something we both can enjoy and with this it should be very nice.

fishing user avatarlaus reply : 

I woke up this am, got on BR and was totally blown away by the honesty from you guys (no women wrote). I learned a hell of a lot. Ever since my brother said I'd never understand what men saw things I've tried to listen. "Sam", honesty, most cool. Sometimes I don't want men around either, period.  But ScBassin you hit it best: this forum is about FISHING! Why have a women's forum at all? Fishing, bassin is the focus. Most of the other replies on here echoed this. Most others said unmistakably how pleased you guys would be if the women in their lives could share their passin' for castin'!  FishChris, I understand bout not wanting to fish with anyone, male OR female. It's a time when all stress, the world drops away and things finally make sense for me too. I especially appreciate so totally honest comments like CWB problem fishing with women in bikinis!! So cool. Hey, this is the nature of things in an ancient way between men and women. And women are not weak.....they "we" excercise control in our own way. Hey! Joyful thing in our difference. But this forum is about BASS FISHING. Period. I'll write no more posts like this, and thank you all for responding. Now, anybody got an opinion about KVD and Biosonix??

fishing user avatarBass Dude reply : 

I wouldn't mind at all...but my wife really has no interest.

As far as why women don't post on that section...I recall seeing a post a while back where a woman wrote that she doesn't post on there because all she got were responses from men and she was looking for the women's perspective.  I agree with the others in that there isn't as much participation by women in the sport.  This site a small percentage of fisher-people as a whole, therefore even less participation in the forum by women.

fishing user avatarlaus reply : 

Bass Dude. Simple and true I think. The women just aren't there. Who knows why? Gotta be ok, and work on from there :)

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

I'm told there's a youth forum on Bass Resource that I cannot access. That's fine by me, I get more than my daily recommended allowance of BASSclary in the regular forums.


How about making the women's forum exclusive to women? If you're a dude, you're simply denied access. More women might use it if no one was looking over thier shoulder.

I'm surprised by the men who post in the women's forum, even when the OP specifically asks for responses from women.

fishing user avatarCaptain Obvious reply : 

My ideal fishing partner is a tall bombshell blond who loves to fish as much as I do. But do to the lack of women in this sport makes this unlikely.


Speaking of that little pain in the you-know-what where is he haven't seen him for a while.

fishing user avatarGangley reply : 

My mother in law is one of the best fishermen I know. She had two lake records for LMB, one of which I believe still might stand, but I could be wrong. Yes, i say fishermen and not fisherwoman, because fisherwoman denotes a difference from fishermen. From the fish's perspective, there is no difference in who is working the lure. Skill is not bound by gender.

Fishing is generally my alone time. It's when I can be in peace and quite by myself without having to worry about somebody else's problems. Its really the only time I can relax and have fun while doing "my own thing". Having to constantly help somebody during that time is not enjoyable in the least to me, and that is why I generally prefer to fish with a few buddies that I have fished with for a long time, or nobody at all.  IF I could ever get my wife to go, that would change though.

If I am not fishing alone, it's with buddies, and there are strict rules among us that women aren't allowed on our trips. Not because they aren't capable, but because when we get together, it's Guy Time. No matter how much a female thinks the she is "one of the guys", she isn't, and guys will act different when one is around. To keep it normal, girls arent allowed, plain and simple.

This is not to say that we don't fish with women or that we haven't fished with women. They bring their girlfriends out on occasion (my wife never fishes) and we have a good time fishing, but for the most part, the girls are elsewhere shopping or doing whatever it is that they enjoy doing while guys aren't around. If it's a trip though, no girls are present.

fishing user avatarGrundleLove reply : 


I don't bring my girl because I know that after 5 min she will be like "how long do you stay out here for?"

I don't need that aggravation.

Edit: yay! for unfair censorship!

fishing user avatarbear7625 reply : 

It could be a cultural thing or maybe it boils down to the way your brought up. Here in Wisconsin, it's common to see men and women fishing together as well as women fishing alone. It also doesn't surprise me when I see women fishing in local tournaments. Myself personally, there are times I enjoy fishing with a woman and times when I would rather fish alone or with another guy. I just love to fish.

I really don't see the need for a separate forum for women. I would enjoy hearing what women have to say on all subjects. I think the problem is either there is not a lot of female members, or they may be intimidated by posting. It also could be they just don't have the time. ;)

fishing user avatarTxFishingPlease reply : 

I wish my wife would fish with me more often.  I hate it when guys say they don't want their wife to go along with them when they do the things they enjoy to do in their spare, a la, non-work time.

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

Women in my boat? Of course they are welcome. My Gal fishes with me a lot. I just hate when I get out fished. LOL  I know why it happens though.  I focus more on them catching fish then me. 

fishing user avatardeeplaker reply : 

My wife fishes with me all the time. She is a great angler. To answer your question I view her as my wife.... ;D , But I also View here as a fellow angler with as much knowledge as any I've ever fished with.

I have never fished with any othe women.... Because I'm married :Dr

fishing user avatarB-Dozer reply : 
My wife fishes with me all the time. She is a great angler. To answer your question I view her as my wife.... ;D , But I also View here as a fellow angler with as much knowledge as any I've ever fished with.

I have never fished with any othe women.... Because I'm married :Dr

Sounds like you make a good team. It's good that you share an interest.  :)

fishing user avatarDave P reply : 

My wife fishes with me a lot. So do my granddaughters. My tourney partner's wife fishes with him a lot too...No issues here.

fishing user avatarKevinator1 reply : 

My wife netted my largest bass I ever caught last year, 8lbs 2oz. which for Indiana is a good bass. She likes to go fishing with me but doesn't have the patience that I have. The only negative with a woman being in the boat is that sometimes they like to talk too much! I'm in trouble now! ;)

fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 

Nope i think theyre best in the kitchen

Hahahahaha just kidding  ;D

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

I have 3 prerequisites for women on my boat.

1.  Must be super hot.

2. Must bring lunch.

3. Must be super hot.

That's not asking too much, is it? 

fishing user avatarB-Dozer reply : 
I have 3 prerequisites for women on my boat.

1. Must be super hot.

2. Must bring lunch.

3. Must be super hot.

That's not asking too much, is it?

Fish alone a lot do ya? ;D

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 
I have 3 prerequisites for women on my boat.

1. Must be super hot.

2. Must bring lunch.

3. Must be super hot.

That's not asking too much, is it?

Fish alone a lot do ya? ;D

By choice.   ;)

fishing user avatarB-Dozer reply : 
I have 3 prerequisites for women on my boat.

1. Must be super hot.

2. Must bring lunch.

3. Must be super hot.

That's not asking too much, is it?

Fish alone a lot do ya? ;D

By choice. ;)

Choice??? Yours or theirs??? Just kidding :)


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