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Owner vs Gamakatsu 2025

fishing user avatarmidnighthrasher reply : 

Went to pick up some new hooks today and i noticed the owner hooks beside the gammy's. They looked prety good. Does anyone know how the Owner's compare to Gamakatsu? I was looking at the offset shank worm hooks and the ewg's.

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

I use both..usually cuz the tackel shop is out of 1 style in gammie's, so I'll grab the owners..I really can't tell the difference. Although I must admitt, I favor the gammies due to their reputation.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

I prefer Owners over anything else the vast majority of the time.

fishing user avatarBig Bait Fishing reply : 

Owner hooks are far superior to gamakatsu , i finally got tired of gamakatsu hooks flexing way to much and having fish come unhooked . i recently gave away all of the gamakatsu hooks i had to some youngsters at one of the places i fish . treble hooks , rig n' hooks (ewg) , weighted and un weighted swimbait hooks ( the Beast ) , twistlock w/cps (center point spring) , oversize worm hooks (7/0 & 11/0 ) , shakey head jigs , and the list goes on !! , owner hooks are the best , period ......

fishing user avatarFishDontLikeMe1301600221 reply : 

i like both types of hookers  ;) some do better what others dont  ;D

fishing user avatarbigtimfish reply : 
Owner hooks are far superior to gamakatsu , i finally got tired of gamakatsu hooks flexing way to much and having fish come unhooked . i recently gave away all of the gamakatsu hooks i had to some youngsters at one of the places i fish . ;)

you must be using a thin wire hook, cuz I never have them flex on me. I use the 3/0 and 4/0 g lock worm hooks and they are tough. Owners are excellent too.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
Owner hooks are far superior to gamakatsu , i finally got tired of gamakatsu hooks flexing way to much and having fish come unhooked . i recently gave away all of the gamakatsu hooks i had to some youngsters at one of the places i fish . treble hooks , rig n' hooks (ewg) , weighted and un weighted swimbait hooks ( the Beast ) , twistlock w/cps (center point spring) , oversize worm hooks (7/0 & 11/0 ) , shakey head jigs , and the list goes on !! , owner hooks are the best , period ......

Let's not forget the "sled head". It features a type of twist lock with the hook shank being the centering pin.


fishing user avatarTin reply : 
I prefer Owners over anything else the vast majority of the time.


fishing user avatarptomacbass reply : 


fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I have tried both, and to be honest I went with Gamakatsu and still use them to this day exclusivly with zero issues. If you are having trouble hooking and holding fish on ANY quality hook that is proper for the job at hand, take a look in the mirror for the problem.

fishing user avatarfishizzle reply : 

the thin wire gammys stink. I've lost lots of tourney fish with them flexing.

Owners rule and the point is cool looking

fishing user avatarChris W reply : 

Owners all the way.

fishing user avatarbass wrangler569 reply : 

I've always been a gammy guy but based on some of the opinions on this thread I'll give owner a shot next time I get hooks.

fishing user avatarNOVA Angler reply : 

The last time I was flipping grass, I bent a Gamakatsu 5/0 EWG Superline hook.  It didn't straighten but I couldn't use the hook anymore.  I was using 65lb braid and the fish was better than 5lbs.  That was the first time that has ever happened to me with the Superlines.  I haven't tried the Owners but will probably give them a shot this weekend.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
Owner hooks are far superior to gamakatsu , i finally got tired of gamakatsu hooks flexing way to much and having fish come unhooked . i recently gave away all of the gamakatsu hooks i had to some youngsters at one of the places i fish . treble hooks , rig n' hooks (ewg) , weighted and un weighted swimbait hooks ( the Beast ) , twistlock w/cps (center point spring) , oversize worm hooks (7/0 & 11/0 ) , shakey head jigs , and the list goes on !! , owner hooks are the best , period ......

I have been fishing Gamakatsu for 12 years without an issue of any

kind. I also picked up some XPoints a few years ago and REALLY liked

them, too. Our local Sportsmen's Warehouse recently went out of

business and I picked up some Owners, two 25 packs for $10!!!!!

Owners are great, but I bought the heavy gauge 5/0 EWG Offset

Worm Hooks which have limited application for me. I guess I will

be fishing these occasionally for the next decade!


fishing user avatarDock Master reply : 
I prefer Owners over anything else the vast majority of the time.


    x3.  Owner hooks are very strong and very sharp.

fishing user avatarJake. reply : 

I switched to Owner recently and I'm going to stick with them. Gamakatsu makes good hooks but the points on their EWGs seemed to roll often.

fishing user avatarSouth FLA reply : 

I like both!  I use Gammy's mainly for t-rig applications.  really like the EWG superline.  I have bent some of the regular EWGs when I hung up, but never on a fish, if you have then maybe your drag is too tight.

The Owner beast series us absolutely awesome for swimbaits.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Nothing wrong with a Gammy.  I have some and have no problems with them.  

The twistlock feature is the big item with me.  

Also got a couple of packs of the Beast.  Heavier and should work well on the larger plastic baits.

I bought two packs of each size of twistlocks to use on other hooks.

Circle hooks?  I'm satisfied with either brand.  

Still learning what to use in different applications.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I generally use Owners.  There are a few other brands that I like specific hooks.  Gammy Wide Gap Finesse in 2/0 is one.  I like their Drop/Split shot hooks as well, but I'm also having good results with Owner SSW.  The cutting point on the Owners really does make a difference.  It turns a muffed or wimpy hookset into a hooked fish.

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 

I'd say that Owner's are a bit better, but if Gammies are on sale I'm not going to pass them up.

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

I've got a bunch of different brands.  Xpoint, owner, vmc, gami, mustad ultra pt.

They are all good but overall I think I prefer the xpoint as number one.  Then probably owner.  Mustad,VMC, and gami are similiar.  All are great hooks but I dont think they are as good as the first too.  

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

I've used Gamakatsu for a long time, with zero problems, so until they fail me, I'll keep using them.


fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 
I prefer Owners over anything else the vast majority of the time.


After seeing two Gamakatsu's break, and then have one of them break myself, I am slowly phasing them out of my Falcon box.

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 

I also prefer Owner.  Gamakatsu are great hooks, no doubt, but I think Owner hooks are just better.

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 

And this thread is really splitting hairs.  Deciding between the 2 best or 2 of the 3 best hooks out there...   both are far superior to the vast majority of hooks available today that the choice is really more of a hook style preference.

fishing user avatarToledoEF reply : 

I have both, I think the owners seem a bit more sturdy, but gammys have never let me down once, I use them both depending on what I grab out of my hook box!

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

The business end of Gamakatsu hooks is far too thin.  The point rolls over far too easily.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

The best explanation ever is this quote from Raul who is a doctor of veterinary medicine.

Here's a little explanation on how the shape of the point can make a world of difference: in my daily practice I use sutures, sutures that come with needle, needles are different depending upon what you are going to stitch, we have needles for everything BUT skin and needles for skin. What's the difference, well, skin is anything but soft so the shape of the point is different.

Needles for everything have a CONICAL POINT, while needles for skin have CUTTING EDGE POINT, what's the difference? try to drive a conical point needle through skin and it will penetrate if you use a lot of muscle, do the same with a cutting edge point needle and it's a piece of cake, you don't need to apply a lot of muscle to make the needle go through the skin, why ? Because while a conical point has to separate the tissue the cutting edge point SLICES through it.

Needles and hooks have the exact same application, to penetrate tissue, which one you think does a better job after the explanation, conical or cutting edge? Gammys are conical head hooks, Owners Cutting edge are cutting edge hooks.  

So don't let your supposedly brand loyalty cloud your vision, in the pure aspect of function Gammys are sharp I'm not denying it but Owner's cutting edge hooks have superior hook penetration than Gammys hands down. And not only that, they cut through the toughest baits effortlessly.

fishing user avatarbassman31783 reply : 
Owner hooks are far superior to gamakatsu , i finally got tired of gamakatsu hooks flexing way to much and having fish come unhooked . i recently gave away all of the gamakatsu hooks i had to some youngsters at one of the places i fish . treble hooks , rig n' hooks (ewg) , weighted and un weighted swimbait hooks ( the Beast ) , twistlock w/cps (center point spring) , oversize worm hooks (7/0 & 11/0 ) , shakey head jigs , and the list goes on !! , owner hooks are the best , period ......

I have been fishing Gamakatsu for 12 years without an issue of any

kind. I also picked up some XPoints a few years ago and REALLY liked

them, too. Our local Sportsmen's Warehouse recently went out of

business and I picked up some Owners, two 25 packs for $10!!!!!

Owners are great, but I bought the heavy gauge 5/0 EWG Offset

Worm Hooks which have limited application for me. I guess I will

be fishing these occasionally for the next decade!


Hey RW aren't you a Swim Senko man? I'm sure you've already tried those hooks with them but just in case you haven't, they work great. That heavy gauge really cuts down on the side to side wobble.  Makes the bait run a little more true IMHO.  Once again, you've probably already tried them but just thought if you haven't you really need to give it a try. ;)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Nope, but I will give 'em a try. I have always used

Gamakatsu 5/0 Offset Round Bend for the Swimming



fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
The best explanation ever is this quote from Raul who is a doctor of veterinary medicine.

Here's a little explanation on how the shape of the point can make a world of difference: in my daily practice I use sutures, sutures that come with needle, needles are different depending upon what you are going to stitch, we have needles for everything BUT skin and needles for skin. What's the difference, well, skin is anything but soft so the shape of the point is different.

Needles for everything have a CONICAL POINT, while needles for skin have CUTTING EDGE POINT, what's the difference? try to drive a conical point needle through skin and it will penetrate if you use a lot of muscle, do the same with a cutting edge point needle and it's a piece of cake, you don't need to apply a lot of muscle to make the needle go through the skin, why ? Because while a conical point has to separate the tissue the cutting edge point SLICES through it.

Needles and hooks have the exact same application, to penetrate tissue, which one you think does a better job after the explanation, conical or cutting edge? Gammys are conical head hooks, Owners Cutting edge are cutting edge hooks.

So don't let your supposedly brand loyalty cloud your vision, in the pure aspect of function Gammys are sharp I'm not denying it but Owner's cutting edge hooks have superior hook penetration than Gammys hands down. And not only that, they cut through the toughest baits effortlessly.

I remember when cutting edge hooks were appearing on the scene.  I read an article pro and con about conical and cutting edge hooks, probably in Salt Water Sportsman.

The argument went like this.  

The cutting edge hooks will penetrate more easily, and are a definite advantage in some situations, particularly in fish with tough mouths.

However, the fact that it cuts means it creates a larger hole than the conical which pierces, then stretches the skin rather than cutting it.  Once past the barb, the conical will hold better, since it results in a smaller hole.

So the gist was, the cutting edge provides better penetration, while the conical has better holding power.

I don't recall which if either got the call as the better overall hook.

fishing user avatarCWB reply : 

I have been fishing Gamakatsu for 12 years without an issue of any

kind. I also picked up some XPoints a few years ago and REALLY liked

them, too. Our local Sportsmen's Warehouse recently went out of

business and I picked up some Owners, two 25 packs for $10!!!!!

Owners are great, but I bought the heavy gauge 5/0 EWG Offset

Worm Hooks which have limited application for me. I guess I will

be fishing these occasionally for the next decade!


Hey Kent-

You can send me those Owners if you don't want them.

I use both and don't have any issues with either.

Owners do seem sharper right out of the package though.

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

For applications needing an EWG hook, offset or straight worm hook, Gamakatsus are everything I need.  I've never had any issue with them, whatsoever.  For specialty hooks, I like Owner.  Wide gaps with twist locks, shaky heads, mosquito hooks for drop shotting are all Owners.  Never had any issues.  For Wacky hooks, I like Gamakatsus better than Owners, especially in the weedless versions.  

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 
The last time I was flipping grass, I bent a Gamakatsu 5/0 EWG Superline hook. It didn't straighten but I couldn't use the hook anymore. I was using 65lb braid and the fish was better than 5lbs. That was the first time that has ever happened to me with the Superlines. I haven't tried the Owners but will probably give them a shot this weekend.

THERE IS NO WAY MAN! You may have gotten a bad pack or something. I use them with 65lb braid and a telephone pole for a rod with no issues! I flip NASTY, HEAVY FL slop and set the hook HARD on big bass. 8lb+ sometimes, and bully them out with no problems!

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

Owners! It's not even close for me. I have bent and straighted more Gammies on big bass than I can count before using Owners. I have only bent two Owners. One was a hookset in mid air on what looked like a nine or ten pounder and the other was a big fish stuck in heavy grass that I had already broke the rod on trying to pull it out. This is true of trebles and worm type hooks. The Gammies will also flex on the hookset which changes the direction of force applied to the tip. I stayed away from Owners for years because of the cutting point being said to cut a large hole but when I tried them myself and compared I found I hooked more fish in the hard part of the mouth instead of on the outer skin parts of the mouth. That told me the Gammies weren't sticking in the harder parts of the mouth and were not taking hold until they hit the softer tissues. Owners take less force to set the hook and are stronger.

fishing user avatarptomacbass reply : 
Owners! It's not even close for me. I have bent and straighted more Gammies on big bass than I can count before using Owners. I have only bent two Owners. One was a hookset in mid air on what looked like a nine or ten pounder and the other was a big fish stuck in heavy grass that I had already broke the rod on trying to pull it out. This is true of trebles and worm type hooks. The Gammies will also flex on the hookset which changes the direction of force applied to the tip. I stayed away from Owners for years because of the cutting point being said to cut a large hole but when I tried them myself and compared I found I hooked more fish in the hard part of the mouth instead of on the outer skin parts of the mouth. That told me the Gammies weren't sticking in the harder parts of the mouth and were not taking hold until they hit the softer tissues. Owners take less force to set the hook and are stronger.[/quote]

fishing user avataravid reply : 

Owner all the way baby

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

I have been fishing Gamakatsu for 12 years without an issue of any

kind. I also picked up some XPoints a few years ago and REALLY liked

them, too. Our local Sportsmen's Warehouse recently went out of

business and I picked up some Owners, two 25 packs for $10!!!!!

Owners are great, but I bought the heavy gauge 5/0 EWG Offset

Worm Hooks which have limited application for me. I guess I will

be fishing these occasionally for the next decade!


Hey Kent-

You can send me those Owners if you don't want them.

I use both and don't have any issues with either.

Owners do seem sharper right out of the package though.

CWB, you are such a philanthropic mendicant.  As I recall, you also offered to relieve me of the burden of some baits I wasn't using.  ;D

fishing user avatarrboat reply : 

I have and use both. I have not noticed any big difference. Owners seem sharper out of the package. I also like Diiachi trebles.

fishing user avatarTriton21 reply : 
I prefer Owners over anything else the vast majority of the time.

Me too.


fishing user avatarStringjam reply : 

Other hooks lay awake in bed at night - crying - wishing they were Owners.

fishing user avatariceintheveins reply : 

I love Gamakatsu and have never tried an owner hook. Sometimes the point on gammies does roll over, but I just throw them away by then. Many hav said the Owners don't roll over as much so I do want to try them. I have never had a problem with larger bass bending a gammie though, although my biggest bass are just under 7 pounds.

fishing user avatarNOVA Angler reply : 
The last time I was flipping grass, I bent a Gamakatsu 5/0 EWG Superline hook. It didn't straighten but I couldn't use the hook anymore. I was using 65lb braid and the fish was better than 5lbs. That was the first time that has ever happened to me with the Superlines. I haven't tried the Owners but will probably give them a shot this weekend.

THERE IS NO WAY MAN! You may have gotten a bad pack or something. I use them with 65lb braid and a telephone pole for a rod with no issues! I flip NASTY, HEAVY FL slop and set the hook HARD on big bass. 8lb+ sometimes, and bully them out with no problems!

I have used the Superlines for a long time flipping and never had it happen before my last outing.  I was suprised when I went to rig the next bait and the hook was bent slightly outwards (enough so that I couldn't skin hook the bait).  I estimate that I caught 50 or so fish flipping with that same hook this year before it happened.  Maybe I just wore it out.  If it happens again, I'll post a pic.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I've opened up just about every flipping hook there is, except the BMF.  Problem is, they are hard to come by.  I've been using Owner 8/0 SSW and Gammy 5/0 Octupus hooks for this lately.  Haven't bent any.

Here's an article on how to do it:

fishing user avatarUncle Leo reply : 

I do use Owner but have used Gamakatsu when Owner was not available. Both are good I just prefer Owner as my hook up ratio is better. I have to add that I never lost a fish due to hook failure on either of these brands.

fishing user avatarCWB reply : 

I have been fishing Gamakatsu for 12 years without an issue of any

kind. I also picked up some XPoints a few years ago and REALLY liked

them, too. Our local Sportsmen's Warehouse recently went out of

business and I picked up some Owners, two 25 packs for $10!!!!!

Owners are great, but I bought the heavy gauge 5/0 EWG Offset

Worm Hooks which have limited application for me. I guess I will

be fishing these occasionally for the next decade!


Hey Kent-

You can send me those Owners if you don't want them.

I use both and don't have any issues with either.

Owners do seem sharper right out of the package though.

CWB, you are such a philanthropic mendicant. As I recall, you also offered to relieve me of the burden of some baits I wasn't using. ;D

If I knew what that meant, I might be insulted. ;)

Just trying to help you guys out.

fishing user avatarcabullwinkle reply : 

The owners are Sharp Sharp Sharp.  However, despite how sharp they are, I cannot bring myself to cough up the price they ask for those.  I have used Gamakatsu hooks, and they are sharp as well and do great for me, and they are more reasonably priced for good solid hooks.  In my opinion, go with the Gams.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
The owners are Sharp Sharp Sharp. However, despite how sharp they are, I cannot bring myself to cough up the price they ask for those. I have used Gamakatsu hooks, and they are sharp as well and do great for me, and they are more reasonably priced for good solid hooks. In my opinion, go with the Gams.

A 5 pack of 3/0 Gammy EWG's are $2.99, whereas the same 5 pack of Owner Wide Gap Plus are 3.19. Does $.20 really make that much a diffrence?


fishing user avatarMaxximus Redneckus reply : 

I have most major brands if i had to choose one it be owner you can look at strike king sabre points also very good hook for the money,then again hooks ain't bad compared to many other things we buy why hold back get the best u can get

fishing user avatarbasspimple reply : 

i like owners for heavier texas rigs, but i use gams for finesse baits. both are great hooks, but its like comparing apples and oranges.

fishing user avatarPantera61 reply : 


fishing user avatarSJex reply : 

The name says it all OWNER.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

I use both but I think Owners are the better hook.

Does the word 'Gammy' bother anybody else or is it just me?

fishing user avatarBenoBreath reply : 

I like them both.

The Owner Rig-n-Hook for thicker tubes & grubs.

Gammy G-lock EWG for stickbaits & worms.

fishing user avatarptomacbass reply : 
I use both but I think Owners are the better hook.

Does the word 'Gammy' bother anybody else or is it just me?

It bothers me.  It also bothers me when people say"Gamagatsu"

fishing user avatarWillzx225 reply : 

After I lost two fish that cost me winning a BFL on Gamakatsu's due to flexing and opening up, I switched to Owner and have never looked back.  I also had problems with the Gamakatsu points rolling.  My question is this.  Would you rather pay a little more for a better, more durable hook and use one or two per trip or pay a little less and hope you don't either loose a fish or two that might make the difference between winning and loosing or break the hook all together.  Oh yeah and use 3 or 4 hooks over the course of the day?  Once you take all of that into concideration you actually pay less for the Owners.

In response to the "larger hole made by the cutting point hook" argument.  For the most part, if you keep pressure on the fish at all times it won't matter if there is a larger hole.  Slack line has accounted for most of the lost fish.

fishing user avatarvatech reply : 
I use both but I think Owners are the better hook.

Does the word 'Gammy' bother anybody else or is it just me?

I prefer "Gammie." Big difference.

fishing user avatarJeff H reply : 

If you are bending a standard wire Gamakatsu on a fish, there is something more wrong than just the hook.  I have bent hooks and lost fish but they were lightwire Slider hooks.  I have a hard time believing anyone is bending a Gamakatsu that bad, but I imagine it could happen.

I've never liked Owner hooks, I prefer Gamakatsu, Mustad or VMC and just could not ever imagine bending a EWG Superline....even in slop on a big fish.  I would have to be direct witness to that to beleive it.

fishing user avatarNOVA Angler reply : 
If you are bending a standard wire Gamakatsu on a fish, there is something more wrong than just the hook. I have bent hooks and lost fish but they were lightwire Slider hooks. I have a hard time believing anyone is bending a Gamakatsu that bad, but I imagine it could happen.

I've never liked Owner hooks, I prefer Gamakatsu, Mustad or VMC and just could not ever imagine bending a EWG Superline....even in slop on a big fish. I would have to be direct witness to that to beleive it.

I have also bent the standard wire Gamakatsu EWG hooks with a Medium Light spinning rod and 30lb Power Pro.  It's not that hard to do.  The Superline hook was very unexpected, but it sounds like others have had it happen too.  Braid makes a huge difference.  

fishing user avatarbigtimfish reply : 
I use both but I think Owners are the better hook.

Does the word 'Gammy' bother anybody else or is it just me?

It bothers me. It also bothers me when people say"Gamagatsu"

I hate when people say gamagatsu to.
fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

There is no clear cut winner between Owner and Gamakatsu hooks, they're both excellent premium hooks.

Neither hook is stronger or weaker than the other, because both brands offer many varieties.

Let's compare the shank diameters of three of the most popular 4/0 offset hooks:

Gammy Std (ser-54) Gammy Super Line (ser-74) Owner offset mod-5102

0.050" 0.062" 0.062"

The most significant difference between Owner and Gamakatsu is not quality, strength or sharpness.

The biggest difference is the method used in sharpening the hook-point.

While Gamakatsu grinds a "conical point", Owner swages a "cutting point".

Given a choice (not always the case), I would opt for Owner's cutting point

because it generates less compression during penetration.

Nonetheless, in the grand scheme you'd do fine with either hook brand, where other factors usually play a larger role.


fishing user avatarPantera61 reply : 

There is no cut-and-dried winner between Owner and Gamakatsu hooks, they are both excellent premium hooks.

Neither hook is stronger or weaker than the other, because both brands offer many varieties.

Let's compare the shank diameters of three of the most popular 4/0 offset hooks:

Gammy Std (ser-54) Gammy Super Line (ser-74) Owner offset mod-5102

0.050" 0.062" 0.062"

The most significant difference between Owner and Gamakatsu is not quality, strength or sharpness.

The biggest difference is the method used in sharpening the hook-point.

While Gamakatsu grinds a "conical point", Owner swages a "cutting point".

Given a choice (not always the case), I would opt for Owner's cutting point

because it generates less compression during penetration.

Nonetheless, in the grand scheme you'd do fine with either hook brand, where other factors usually play a larger role.


There ya go now, injecting common sense and fact into the discussion.

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

I have always used gammies and have been looking at switching. I keep bending the hook point out so that it does not allow for skin hooking the baits. I have also had problems with the point rolling over. i use braid between 20 and 40 lbs. and typically avoid the really heavy stuff. I need a heavy rod. I suppose I will go buy some owner hooks and see how that goes.

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 
I have always used gammies and have been looking at switching. I keep bending the hook point out so that it does not allow for skin hooking the baits. I have also had problems with the point rolling over. i use braid between 20 and 40 lbs. and typically avoid the really heavy stuff. I need a heavy rod. I suppose I will go buy some owner hooks and see how that goes.

When you use braid you need to switch to SuperLine hooks. The braid has no stretch and will bend a regular Gammy on a hookset into a dink!


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