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LH or RH? 2024

fishing user avatarFrank19 reply : 

I have always used a spinning reel that cranks with my left hand and I always cast with my right hand.  I bought a cheep baitcaster last night so I can start to get the feel for it but for some reason all of the cheaper rod/reel combos that they had cranked on the right hand side.  I am new to fishing so I can really get used to cranking on either side but I always cast with my right hand.  Should I look around for a baitcasting setup that cranks with the left?  Is there any benefit to either side or is it all whichever feels better?

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

You reel in with the left get a left baitcaster.

fishing user avatarFrank19 reply : 

I just thought it was odd when I looked through the thread where people were posting pics of their rods and reels and I noticed a few people that had spinning reels that reeled in on the left and baitcasters that reeled in on the right.  I was just wondering if it is all personal preference or is there some benefit to having it on either side.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


That is the traditional set-up for both types of reels.

fishing user avatarFrank19 reply : 

Gotcha.  Just wasn't sure how awkward it would be to reel with one hand when using the spinning rod and the other hand when using the baitcaster.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 


If you run a search of this topic you'll find it comes up often. I believe it really just comes down to personal choice. Try both and buy what works best for you. ;)

fishing user avatarFrank19 reply : 

Will do...thanks.  I think personally I might end up going with a LH baitcaster.  I just don't think it is that practical to cast with your right hand and then have to switch hands to reel it back in.  

fishing user avatarbassclown reply : 

i've gotten used to the traditional ways......left hand spinning and right hand b/c. i tried to use my brother in law's left hand retrieve caster and it didn't feel right. i'm sticking to casting with my right hand and reeling with it also.

fishing user avatarSBM-RL reply : 

My spinning reel is left my baitcaster is right i believe thats the traditional way atfirst i thought about left on the baitcaster but then i relized the availability is less bc u cant always find the ratios u want in left retreve

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

I am right-handed, therefore all my casting reels are left-handed.

In this manner, I am able to crank with the same hand I use when spinning,

but more importantly, I am casting and fighting fish with my dominant arm.

I have no idea how tradition got it turned around, but I will not purchase any casting reel

that is not available in a "left-hand" version.


fishing user avatarfish-fighting-illini reply : 

I always seem to do things a little edifferent. I am right handed and have RH BC. On my spiining's I use right hand retrieve. I for the life of me could not figure out why R handed people people reel with their left hand! lol. I don't have any trouble battling the fish or strength. W/O the extra beef in the left arm I think my feel of the rod might be more sensitive.

I just wasn't corrdinated enough to reel with my left. I tried to make myself reel left and no go. Man I must be uncoordinated!

Like they said personal preference.


fishing user avatarFrank19 reply : 

I more feel like being right handed I want to have the rod in my right hand.  I feel like my right hand has more feel for the rod and cranking with the left is not a problem.  I think my next bait caster will be LH.

fishing user avatarHot n Tot reply : 

Well, I just hate to see people who are new to fishing develop bad habits and learn it the wrong way! ;)

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

It was difficult at first, but this year I taught myself to reel with a right handed baitcaster. I use this for baits that dont require me to begin reeling as soon as the bait hits the water, i.e. jerks, cranks, soft plastics.  My spinnerbaits and buzzers get thrown on the lefties.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
Well, I just hate to see people who are new to fishing develop bad habits and learn it the wrong way!

Independent thinking is not a bad habit.

Why should a right-handed angler, force himself to learn how to cast with his left hand,

and fight fish with his weak arm, while using his dominant arm to crank the reel handle?


fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
Well, I just hate to see people who are new to fishing develop bad habits and learn it the wrong way! ;)

Yeah, those that are purchasing lefties are doing it the wrong way.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 


Independent thinking is not a bad habit.  

Why should a right-handed angler, force himself to learn how to cast with his left hand,  

and fight fish with his weak arm, while using his dominant arm to crank the reel handle?

Exactly.....All 20 of my baitcasters are LH...

There was a book published on this topic called Powerhand Baitcasting by Rich Forhan in 1997...

Tight Lines All!!!

fishing user avatarbassclown reply : 
Independent thinking is not a bad habit.

Why should a right-handed angler, force himself to learn how to cast with his left hand,

and fight fish with his weak arm, while using his dominant arm to crank the reel handle?

Exactly.....All 20 of my baitcasters are LH...

There was a book published on this topic called Powerhand Baitcasting by Rich Forhan in 1997...

Tight Lines All!!!

i'm right handed and prefer right hand retrieve casters. i have more control over precise movement of the reel handle when cranking with my right. and about casting with my left hand.....i don't. i cast with my right and switch hands before the lure hits the water. it's become second nature. do whatever feels comfortable.

fishing user avatarlubina reply : 
Independent thinking is not a bad habit.

Why should a right-handed angler, force himself to learn how to cast with his left hand,

and fight fish with his weak arm, while using his dominant arm to crank the reel handle?

Exactly.....All 20 of my baitcasters are LH...

There was a book published on this topic called Powerhand Baitcasting by Rich Forhan in 1997...

Tight Lines All!!!

I'm with you....reeling in is the only thing I do best with my left hand  :-/

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I typically fish with four rods, all baitcasters.   I use two righties and two lefties.  I switch back and forth between them throghout the day.  I often find myself in a situation where switching hands will give a better angle of presentation.  It also balances out stress to the wrist, elbow, and shoulder joints (not a consideration for youngins, but the older guys know what I'm talking about)

Anything that improves your versatility as an angler is a good thing.

fishing user avatarFishTank reply : 

I was faced with the same decision this year.  I tried a cheap right handed set up early on and I could not get the hang of it.  I borrowed a left handed reel from a body.  Problem solved.  I was just so used to cranking with my left hand that I could not break myself of it.  

Once I figured out how to use my left handed baitcaster I was one happy camper.  Fishing has never been so much fun.

fishing user avatarBassassasin12 reply : 

Most anglers start out with either spinning or spincasing equipment so naturally they start reeling with their left hand. Once switching to baitcasting it is very hard to switch and start reeling with your right hand. I am with ReelMech and RoLo my baitcasters are lefty retrive and all my future ones will be. Why change something when you don't have to. Most established reels offer a left hand retrieve reel unless the reel is just coming out.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

I think at some point in our fishing careers pretty much everyone has used a Zebco closed face reel.They are right hand reels.That was my problem,I learned casting with that Zebco and the first baitcaster I got was the same.I never switched.When I did try to switch to lefties,I just couldnt do it and didnt take the time to learn.Now I'm trying it again (left elbow problem) and am taking only my lefty reels to the lake.It's helping,although I catch myself every now and then switching hands out of habit and trying to reel something that is not there. ;D I do know that I have better feel and am more coordinated using my dominant hand (right) to hold and control the rod.My jig fishing improved immediately.

fishing user avatarfish-fighting-illini reply : 

  I got to thinking about this again a little. I've got to fess up too I felt like stirring the pot a little. I'm not positive because I never paid that close of attention. But of the big show boys ( Martin, Houston, Parker Mc Guiness etc I don't recall seeing any of them reeling baitcasters with their left hand ( they might all reel BC's left handed I'm not sure). A couple of people on here ( I think) insisted that a Rh'd person to fish "the  correct" way "should be reeling with their left had". Again I'll double check over the next couple of weeks but I don't re-call any of the show boys reeling BC's with the left hand. If the stated "proper way" is true then almost all of the successful show guys are left handers. If that is a pre-requisite to having a good fishing show then I am definately ol. Don't take this too serious just stirring things up a little on a cold Midwest night. LOL

fishing user avatardlnie reply : 

KVD cast right handed and reels right handed

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 


If one cast with their right hand then switches the reel to their left hand to reel with their right hand is this a right handed or left handed reel?

fishing user avatargatrboy53 reply : 

all of my reels are L.h.,one day i went on the spur w/ a friend down to the lake,having to use his R.h reels.i was trying to turn the w/ all the choices w/ L.h. reels it makes perfect sense just starting out to go w/ L.h. reels.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 


A couple of people on here ( I think) insisted that a Rh'd person to fish "the  correct" way "should be reeling with their left had".
Actually the only right way to use the BC reel is the way that gets you to land the fish.

RH or LH is all a matter of the way an angler was taught or learned on his/her own, and personal preference.

Like so many anglers I started on spinning gear, they were the only reels that you could change the crank sides on when I started. After using them for so long, and finally trying my first BC reel, I naturally looked for a LH BC reel. The only ones at the time that were even producing anything in the LH group were Shimano's big Bantams (my first LP was a BKM 201 87), and some of the Garcia 5000 series reels (my 1st round reel 5001 Black 84), and they felt natural. Casting with my RH and cranking with my LH has always felt natural.

To sum it all what it takes to enjoy the sport, and feels comfortable to you..

Tight Lines All!  

fishing user avatarbassclown reply : 

If one cast with their right hand then switches the reel to their left hand to reel with their right hand is this a right handed or left handed reel?

if you turn the handle with your right hand it's right retrieve.

fishing user avatarharshman reply : 

Personally I have about a 50/50 mis of lefty and rightys . i find that in flipping situations that a lefty helps, not having to switch hands before reeling, for those instanious bites when the bait hits the water. As for other situations i found that switching helps fatigue.

my .02


fishing user avatarPapa_Tom reply : 

I use both RH and LH baitcasters.  Can't say that it matters to me very much for plugs, s'baits, etc.  I do always flip with my right hand (LH retrieve reel) and always pitch with my left hand (RH retrieve reel).  I am somewhat ambidextrous (sp) as I write right-handed, but I paint left-handed.  Spinning reels--lefthand retrieve only or it gets embarassing.  As was suggested, do what feels good to you.

fishing user avatarBean Counter reply : 

When I first started fishing with BC reels, left hand reels were almost imposible to find. So I started using right hand reels and have been using them for over thirty years. Recently I decided that left hand made more sense so I bought one. I was so used to the right hand that I only used it twice before I gave it away. LIke Reel mech said, use what you are comfortable with and will help you catch fish.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
To sum it all what it takes to enjoy the sport, and feels comfortable to you..

I think ReelMech said it all in the quote above.  It would seem more logical to use a left-handed reel if you are right-handed but there are many exceptions.  My right-hand may be dominant in most things but after you do something for a long time with your left-hand it becomes just as proficient as your right, and maybe moreso, if you do the action more with your left-hand.  In third grade I broke my right arm and I kept messing up the cast.  I had it on for three months.  I learned to write left-handed and the writing was just as good as my right-hand.  Regarding the strength of each arm, I've made it a habit to workout steadily over the years so I don't have any problems slinging a rod with either hand.  It all depends on you.  If you start out with a spinning rod you'll probably want a left-handed baitcaster.  If you start out with a spincast reel like I did, you'll probably use a right-handed baitcaster.  I do still use a left-handed spinning reel.  Enjoy whatever brings bass to your boat.

fishing user avatarpaparock reply : 

I was the reverse of Reelmech. I started learning on a right-handed baitcaster and never used a spinning reel till I was 45 years old. Learning to reel with my left hand was new but I was determined to do it and after a year, it finally felt natural. During that year, however I am sure my neighbors on the canal had some good laughs at my expense. That spinning reel sure put up one heck of a fight but I finally subdued it.

fishing user avatarChug Bug reply : 

Similiar to paparock....  I am one of very few I'm sure to have never used a spinning reel.  If I tried to left hand retrieve a baitcaster I'd probably fall down.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I guess I'm just lucky. Both of my hands work, the right hand and the wrong hand!

fishing user avatardodgeguy reply : 
Gotcha. Just wasn't sure how awkward it would be to reel with one hand when using the spinning rod and the other hand when using the baitcaster.

I prefer it that way.a spinning rod has the handle under the reel and it spins in a bigger ark.a baitcaster sits on top of the rod and has a smaller ark.i've tried reeling a left handed baitcaster and it feels retarded.switching hands when casting is no big deal.

fishing user avatarTop reply : 

I am left handed so when I used a spinning reel I would switch the handle over to the right side... then when I started using a BC the handle was on the right so it wasn't something I had to "learn" to do... I got a left handed BC and I just couldn't do it so I had to trade it off for a righty.


fishing user avatarfishbear reply : 

I am right-handed, therefore all my casting reels are left-handed.

In this manner, I am able to crank with the same hand I use when spinning,

but more importantly, I am casting and fighting fish with my dominant arm.


My thoughts exactly, I want my strongest arm, doing the heavy work, especially if you get a big fish on the other end..


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