Having a debate at work.. What knot do yall think works the best and is strongest when tying fluorocarbon? Talking straight to hook not as a leader.
San Diego Jam or the Shaw Grigsby which I believe is a double San Diego Jam
Never had an issue with the Palomar just wet your line before cinching.
Never had a San Diego jam knot break.
I use the shaw grigsby knot myself.
I used to use the double most of the time, but have since went to the normal San Diego Jam knot. Excellent knot for fluorocarbon in my opinion.
Duncan Knot, also known as a 16/20 or Pitzen Knot.
No clue about strongest but the Uni knot has always done me well.
I don't know about strongest either but I always use a Trilene knot and never had one fail. (That's actually the ONLY knot I use for line to lure for mono, fluoro or braid).
uni knot is my go to on fluoro. tried the san diego for a while, but i was doing something wrong with the number of break offs i was having. went right back to the uni and have had no issues since.
Palomar or Duncan
Great review.Thanks
Definitely going to try the shaw grigsby now that I read this
Line selection is more important than the knot you tie. That is a whole different topic with probably hundreds of threads already listed. As @road warrior posted use a site like http://www.animatedknots.com/indexfishing.php#ScrollPoint to learn new knots. To answer your question it depends on what I am doing. Spinnerbaits jam knot , jigs palomar. I have used the double jam knot for alabama rigs and it hasn't failed me yet. I like the palomar because its quick and easy.
On 3/18/2016 at 10:26 AM, SwampLife said:Definitely going to try the shaw grigsby now that I read this
Great knot just not<hah the one I like tying when its cold out and my fingers aren't working.
I use the Trilene Knot.............works for me, and I have never had it fail. I love the palomar knot for tying direct to braid, but I just had too many fail with fluorocarbon.
No love for improved clinch? It's all I use. No complaints.
All I use is the uni knot..Braid,fluoro,copoly,mono..never had this fail me,been tying it for yrs
double pitzen even use to on mono
One more for the Shaw G knot, it's never failed me yet...
Palomar for everything regarding ditect tie.
I use SDJ for all lines ( except braid which is the palomar and mono, which I don't use anymore at all)
Well, as you can see, several knots seem to work just fine. The key is this: "If the knot you tie is not PERFECT, it's not good enough."
I like the Berkley Braid knot for tying fluorocarbon line. It starts like Shaw's knot, but you go through the bottom loop, instead of the top loop.
On 3/18/2016 at 11:07 PM, roadwarrior said:Well, as you can see, several knots seem to work just fine. The key is this: "If the knot you tie is not PERFECT, it's not good enough."
On 3/18/2016 at 2:02 AM, iabass8 said:San Diego Jam or the Shaw Grigsby which I believe is a double San Diego Jam
A palomar knot is AWEFUL for FC Line as it cuts into itself ! A-Mart claims to have lost too many fish for this reason , so Improved Clinch knot , Triline knot , San Diego knots for me ...
According to knot test .com or something like that whether Palomar is srongest then uni unless using a straight shank hook then it is a snell. It seems some have had trouble with a Palomar so I use a double line uni for FC, Palomar also doubled up (4 lines through the eye) with braid, and snell when flipping with straight shank hooks. There are videos with Arron Martens and Dean Rojas tying the uni and Palomar knots doubled. The San Diego jam knot did not do that well on machine test
On 3/19/2016 at 9:36 PM, ChrisD46 said:A palomar knot is AWEFUL for FC Line as it cuts into itself ! A-Mart claims to have lost too many fish for this reason , so Improved Clinch knot , Triline knot , San Diego knots for me ...
Amart now uses a double uni.
On 3/18/2016 at 4:46 PM, crypt said:double pitzen even use to on mono
You mean the Jimmy Houston Knot? LOL
Shaw Grigsby knot
Thanks alot of good feedback
Palomar, needs tied a certain way and never have problems. Line or hook breaks/straightens out first.
Palomar, but it honestly depends on the line in question. Works great on sunline and seaguar, the more supple lines.
I never had any problems with a palomar knot.
I've also never had issues with the palomar knot and I use it for braid, mono, and fluoro. For that reason it still remains my top choice and go to knot.
Mark Zona's "shark knot". As simple as it gets and strong.
I don't care if you're Aaron Martin or not if you let your line cross each other on the original loop of a Palomar knot it will cut itself.
With fluorocarbon if you don't wet it properly it will fail!
On 3/18/2016 at 3:24 AM, roadwarrior said:Duncan Knot, also known as a 16/20 or Pitzen Knot.
What is the difference between the Duncan and the San Diego jam?
San Diego jam knot has several names;
Duncan, Pitzen, Double SD jam knot is also called Shaw Grigsby knot.
Seagaur line suggest using the improved clinch knot for their FC line.
I use the SD jam knot for FC line to tie hooks and lures unless the hook wire diameter exceeds 1/16 (.062D) , then use the double SD jam knot.
With FC line knots you must practice, practice, practice, wet the line and test it and re tie if you notice any flaws.
Palomar and double improved clinch.. If tied correctly.
On 3/23/2016 at 11:22 PM, MickD said:What is the difference between the Duncan and the San Diego jam?
The only difference is that the tag end is put through the bottom opening before going through the top loop. That extra step is intended to add strength to the line when useing braid.
However, you do not put the looped tag end through the bottom loop when tieing the double. It bunches it up too much which will cause weak spots especially for line over 10# 12#
The Improved Clinch Knot.
On 3/19/2016 at 9:36 PM, ChrisD46 said:A palomar knot is AWEFUL for FC Line as it cuts into itself ! A-Mart claims to have lost too many fish for this reason , so Improved Clinch knot , Triline knot , San Diego knots for me ...
Well if we're going off of what pros say... KVD uses palomar for fluoro and he's one of the best of all time
Jimmy Houston knot, probably the same as some others.
I've found most any useful fishing knot works, IF IT IS WELL TIED. I like Palomar, Uni, and Alberto.
Palomar and san Diego jam
I tie Palomar on everything and never have problems with it cutting into itself. If tied properly, it is one of the most solid knots out there.
On 3/18/2016 at 11:07 PM, roadwarrior said:Well, as you can see, several knots seem to work just fine. The key is this: "If the knot you tie is not PERFECT, it's not good enough."
I've felt this way for a long time, too.
I don't think which knot one chooses is nearly as important as the level of comfort the angler has in tying that knot, and more specifically, knowing if and when their knot isn't coming together incorrectly.
For that reason, I choose the improved clinch. It's super easy to tie, and it's incredibly easy to recognize when it's not tied correctly and needs to be re-tied.
On 3/18/2016 at 12:56 PM, 1simplemann said:No love for improved clinch? It's all I use. No complaints.
Improved clinch is all I use for fluorocarbon. With momo, I usually go with a Palomar.
I've only been using fluorocarbon for the last year and I've always connected it to braid via the double uni knot and used a clinch knot from the fluoro to the lure.
I've never lost any fish and landed smallmouth up to 5lbs using those knots and feel pretty comfortable tying them so I'll continue to use them for the forseeable future.
Improved Clinch for Fluoro gets my vote