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At What Price Point Do You... 2025

fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 

Just say no? For me, it's $199. I feel that for that price point, there are TONS of options that will be more than sufficient to keep me fishing with reliable and nice equipment for a long time. My Chronarch Es were the most expensive reels I've ever bought at $199, and I stuck those on Crucials at $159 a pop, and they are d**n fine combos. I think that with the quality and choices we now have at the $200 and below price point for rods and reels, we can get the best of both worlds when it comes to our gear. 

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

TN, $199 and less can buy you some wonderful rods and reels.


You will have to go a little over $199 for a bass boat.

fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 
  On 6/19/2014 at 4:17 PM, Sam said:

TN, $199 and less can buy you some wonderful rods and reels.


You will have to go a little over $199 for a bass boat.

Lol. Yeah a little over. I looked at a $40k Z9 yesterday. Kate Beckinsale could've been pole dancing in the middle of that thing,  and I wouldn't have drooled more than what I was already doing. 

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Nitros are supposed to be good boats but check the Power Pro location to make sure the have at least one factory authorized mechanic.


My Ashland BPS in Virginia has screwed up so many times I am paranoid about bringing my boat to them.


Last time they had one of the guys who moves the boats around replace the RPM gauge and he disconnected the speedometer and did not replace the tube.  Water on my feet, legs, boat, etc. when I hit the water. And it was cold that day, too.


The charge to do the work was the same as if a factory authorized mechanic did the work.


Just a word to the wise.

fishing user avatarskeletor6 reply : 

If it remains legitimately profitable for resale, I could care less of the price. 

fishing user avatarTywithay reply : 

Depends how badly I want it. Most of my stuff is between $100-$250, but I'm not above spending $500 for a rod/reel if it really interests me. I don't have any real habits outside of fishing that cost money, so I put my money into fishing.

fishing user avatarIma Bass Ninja reply : 

I'm in the less than 200 category too. Mine may actually be $150 as I have not spent that much on either a rod or reel. Of course I generally wait until big sales too and try to stay away from paying retail prices.

fishing user avatarthehooligan reply : 

I cap myself off at around $300 for rods. I really like the cumulus/cumara line and there typically well below that price. Id love to try a megabass someday, but im so happy with these rods that im not in that much of a rush...


Now, when it comes to reels theres no budget, lol. If i see something i want ill sell a crapload of tackle, (like im doing right now) and get it  :grin:

fishing user avatarspeed craw reply : 

Price is a relative word . I am a mechanic by nature , now in sales ... but mind when you when I first got started in automotive industry I bought $ 20-50 wrench sets  . As I saw a use for them being a work horse for me I quickly saw a difference in quality to do more than having cheap wrenches slip all the time on me so I upgraded and bought some matco and snap on wrench sets for $ 250- 500 . Same can be said for my fishing rods , I prefer dobyns rods as they serve a purpose for quality and feel . To some people that might make them choke . Quality for a price is more over where i judge my price estimation and when to walk , some options are better for the same $$$ range . There is no right or wrong answer as long as  you're comparing apples to apples .

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

Every time I set a cap my next purchase ends up going over it. I said I'd never spend more than $100 or so on a reel and just a couple of days ago I spent $150 on a ***. Now I'm looking at rods in the $200 range. Every purchase just gets higher and higher lol.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 6/19/2014 at 7:54 PM, JaxBasser said:

Every time I set a cap my next purchase ends up going over it. I said I'd never spend more than $100 or so on a reel and just a couple of days ago I spent $150 on a ***. Now I'm looking at rods in the $200 range. Every purchase just gets higher and higher lol.


You ain't kidding. I splurged and got a Dobyns champion and now I doubt anything less than that. LOL I love that thing. I guess I have to set my bar at 200-300 for a rod. I have been happy thought with the 3 BC reels I have in the 100-200 range. Think you can get a fine reel for 150-200. 

fishing user avatarsmalljaw67 reply : 

At one time I didn't care but now I have to be careful. I cap reels at $250 now and since I've found rods that work for me I am safe and don't have to climb over the $200 area for one. I think if I was going to fish more than 1 or 2 tournaments a year I might go higher but since I don't there is no reason to spend more.

fishing user avatarFish Murderer 71 reply : 

I usually spend a buck fifty for my reel and a buck fifty for a rod...  I've gotten several 80 dollar rods and they seemed to be fine, I've just come to like the micro magics...

fishing user avatarDelaware Valley Tackle reply : 

The point of increasing/diminishing returns on reels is between $100-$250 casting and $50-$250 spinning. On Production rods, $100-300. This is not to say you can't catch fish and enjoy doing so with equipment below these prices, just an opinion on value (performance, longevity etc.) Individual budgets are personal and obviously vary widely. Don't feel pressured to spend beyond your means. That just eats into the enjoyment you get from the sport.

fishing user avatarColdSVT reply : 

250 is my absolute limit

Most of my rods are in the 120-150range and reels are in the 150-200 range

I honestly think the 150-250 market is the best as fas as bang for the buck and competiveness

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Take a look at both Pinnacle and Okuma. Glenn, Keri and all of the Moderators have

recently written a number of reviews on gear we have been using for the last year or

so. We have been VERY impressed with the rods and reels, many of which fit the pricing

parameters being discussed here.

fishing user avatarraoka reply : 

i usually look at the 100-150 pricepoint for both rods and reels, but i try to find things on least 25% off msrp

fishing user avatarMichael F reply : 

I tend to stay between $150-$250, but my limit is $300. I wont spend a penny more than $300.

fishing user avatarBrian6428 reply : 

My limit for a rod is $100. My limit for a reel is $150. My limit for a lure is $10. These are all pretty low but I feel that I can get quality, durable gear in these price ranges.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I won't go over $200 in cash.  If I have gift cards, well that is another story.

fishing user avatarArv reply : 

I stop around 200-250 depending on the item. Most I've ever spent on one piece of equipment was 260 on a rod, but it was ~25% off...

fishing user avatarDTack reply : 

Lots of good posts and perspectives here.  Value and money spent can only be justified by every individual.  I prefer to spend more on a higher priced rod versus a reel.  I feel there is more value in higher priced rods than reels, example, certain techniques I have the most confidence in rods above a $300 pricepoint.  I don't think I need those for every technique...  For reels I don't feel the need at any point for a reel over 200$  I just can't feel enough difference to justify personally.

fishing user avatarsarcazmo reply : 

For me, with rods its right around $~300.  Despite what people tell you there are a lot of rods in that price range that compete VERY favorable with the 'high end' stuff; Loomis, Megabass, etc.


Reels Im not as picky about, ~$200 or less.  As long as its reliable with a good drag thats all I really care about unless I'm looking for a specialty application ie finesse bait caster.

fishing user avatareinscodek reply : 

My most expensive rod I justified at 170 on sale as a  swimbait rod I really needed with certain attributes.

Otherwise I am an under $100 rod guy .. and the rod I use most is an IM6 I bought for $50

Money dont grow on trees and you dont need to spend a fortune to .. catch a freakin fish.

This season so far I have caught upwards of 90+ fish now and the rods which are years old keep on tickin and workin

fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 
  On 6/19/2014 at 10:36 PM, roadwarrior said:

Take a look at both Pinnacle and Okuma. Glenn, Keri and all of the Moderators have

recently written a number of reviews on gear we have been using for the last year or

so. We have been VERY impressed with the rods and reels, many of which fit the pricing

parameters being discussed here.

I've used Okuma's spinning reels for a couple years now and they are QUALITY. Those Helios reels got some pretty good reviews too. Not sure why Okuma doesn't get more love than what they do. Hell, I'm not sure why I haven't picked up one of their bcs.

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 

A few years ago, I fished with BPS Pro Qualifier and BPS Tourney Special rods. Whole rig, $100.00 on sale. Now I am using GLX and NRX rods, and shimano reels, Curado i, Chronarch ci4's and a Shimano core 100Mg7. What the heck happened? I don't know. Oh well, I'm going fishing.


fishing user avatarjignfule reply : 

I refuse to pay much over $1000.00 on a combo (NRX 895c Metanium HG)

fishing user avatarrobster80 reply : 

heck i used a $40 bps graphite series rod with a bps tournament reel for a cpl years. upgraded to some some better equipment so far this year - lew,curado E's and I's, a couple Powell rods,etc.

fishing user avatar0119 reply : 

It depends on what type of equipment. Spinning reels I feel I need to go above $200 to get a really good one that will last. Casting reels $250 to get custom tuned ones from a cottage shop. Rods are my dilemma. I am not happy with what I feel is excessive stiffness and stupid gang banger motif of all rods being made now. I will pay very little for painted blanks, stupid near non existent reels seats and poor quality guides.

fishing user avatarsparky241 reply : 

The most I will spend is $150 for rod and reel, I don't know where you guys work but I don't have the kinda cash some here have to spend, I don't have cc and I won't get another one, and like DVT said it takes away so.e for me to spend enormous money on some stuff, even is it is great stuff

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I generally will not pay over 65% of retail. Most of my rods and reels were around a $150 - $250.

fishing user avatarMike2841 reply : 

Used to think it was 100 for a rod, then 200, now I got a st croix legend elite calling my name. And of course you can't just put any reel on a legend elite.....

fishing user avatarOK Bass Hunter reply : 

Just bought a reel for $440.00. I'm starting to think I don't have a "no" point.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

If I had no limit on upside I'd be at the helm of my Viking sport fishing yacht, that isn't the case.

I try and keep my purchases to what I think will get the job done for my brand of fishing.  My level of seriousness for freshwater fishing does not demand costs that I believe are excessive.  Not doing much bottom fishing the need for super sensitivity isn't there for me, a $75 rod is just fine with a spinning reel no more than $100.

The majority of my fishing is done inshore saltwater fishing, I do have to up my game a little bit.  On average my rods are $90-$140 and my reels are $150-200.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I don't know, some guys collect guns, coins, stamps and cars. I collect fishing gear

which is pretty cheap compared to many other hobbies. How much are season tickets

for your favorite football team? If you take your family or just your significant other I

suspect the cost far exceeds what you spend on fishing equipment.

fishing user avatarTywithay reply : 
  On 6/20/2014 at 6:23 PM, roadwarrior said:

I don't know, some guys collect guns, coins, stamps and cars. I collect fishing gear

which is pretty cheap compared to many other hobbies. How much are season tickets

for your favorite football team? If you take your family or just your significant other I

suspect the cost far exceeds what you spend on fishing equipment.

A 30 pack a week would be almost $100 a month. Some people do that or more without even trying. They could quit drinking and buy a couple $300 rods and reels a year without spending an extra dime. They've made their financial choice, others have made the choice to buy fishing gear.
fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 
  On 6/20/2014 at 3:22 AM, *Hootie said:

A few years ago, I fished with BPS Pro Qualifier and BPS Tourney Special rods. Whole rig, $100.00 on sale. Now I am using GLX and NRX rods, and shimano reels, Curado i, Chronarch ci4's and a Shimano core 100Mg7. What the heck happened? I don't know. Oh well, I'm going fishing.


With age comes wisdom :eyebrows:

fishing user avatarRB 77 reply : 

Curados and Crucials fit the bill for me so I'm right at about that same thresholod as well. I do have a little bit more expensive gear and a little less expensive as well, but like others have stated I feel that a great value can be had in that price range.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

My ceiling is around $250 ( give or take $20 ) for both, as incredible as it sounds my really nice reels cost me less than $ 250, I paid 240 for each of my 4 TDZs, 3 Pixies 2005 límited edition and such, It was a matter of timing, all purchased on sale/clearance. The most expensive rod I purchased was a GLX, full retail baby, sold it cuz I swear I felt no difference with the less expensive IMX.

fishing user avatarkickerfish1 reply : 

I guess I really don't have one. I just sort of enjoy fishing and testing gear as funds and time allow. I fishing anything from $80 reels to reels that I have over $500 in. Same thing with rods a few that are around $80 and ones that are $550.


Get in where you can and don't worry about keeping up with the Jones's. I had a good fishing buddy that I fished with 8-10 years ago that only used BPS Tourney Specials and Bionic Blades. He had over 20 years of experience including 10 on various tournament levels. Could he afford better? Yes, however he felt like he was getting all the performance "he needed" out of what he was using. It was at that point I started to realize that you can have the best gear in the world but unless you "get it" and understand what you are doing and what is going on, on the other side of line you still won't can't many fish.


Personally I have no problem picking up my Elite Tech Smallmouth rod over my Cumara though the difference in price is nearly double.

fishing user avatarJeff H reply : 

I've paid just over $200 for one reel and one rod.  The reel was used, the rod new.  Most of the reels I have now were bought used for less than $100.  All of my rods were bought new, none except the one mentioned earlier was more than $155.  I try not to spend more than $200 on either.  I don't need anything better than what $150- $200 will buy. Heck, I'm thrilled to have a bunch Daiwa clad Crucials and Avids in my rod locker!

fishing user avatarCapt.Bob reply : 

It is all relevant, some like no more than necessary to catch fish, I have a preference of spending as much as necessary for the best rods available, I have found there is a tremendous difference in performance, my limit is 4-500 dollars for a good rod even if it means Custom to do what I want it to, and some times that is necessary, for reels usually I spend more than $200.00 But the ones I have I can't buy as good for less. But you have to know what your buying, I have spent over $350.00 on reels, and some I have found I could have had better for $200.00, I can't say that for the rods I spend over $300.00 on, I have never found better cheaper! Buying more expensive name brands I have found, you can usually recoup most of your money on higher end gear, usually when you spend over $200 if you change your mind and decide on something else, the more expensive equipment from major Manufacturers are easier to sell, and bring closer to there original price than less expensive gear.  JME  :thumbsup1:

fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 
  On 6/20/2014 at 6:23 PM, roadwarrior said:

I don't know, some guys collect guns, coins, stamps and cars. I collect fishing gear

which is pretty cheap compared to many other hobbies. How much are season tickets

for your favorite football team? If you take your family or just your significant other I

suspect the cost far exceeds what you spend on fishing equipment.

Fishing is definitely not my most expensive hobby. I'm big into sports memorabilia in which I used to sell on eBay for a few years. U talk about a hobby that's expensive....
fishing user avatarHogsticker reply : 

Well it use to be that d**n lockness monster telling me tree fitty. But now I try really hard to not go over 250 on a reel or stick. Not to say that I won't. Some reels are really special. For a while I bought all high end reels used, but my OCD took over and made me go new. At least it wasn't the lockness monster.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

 My current rods are all $80 -$130 Abu Vendetta's or Veritas's, and Fenwick Elite Tech's. My casting reels are either second hand Curado's or Revos, if I do buy new, it's usually $100ish reels, I have some of the current generation Daiwa Exceler's I like, and an Abu Garcia Orra winch, that I really like. Spinning reels.........$59.99 , that is until they raise the price on the Pflueger President, that's all the spinning reel I need for bass fishing. I had an extensive arsenal of St Croix Avids, and LTB rods for a while, and they were nice, but the cheaper rods get it done for me just as well, and I am hard on gear, so there are fewer tears shed when disaster strikes now.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

My price point is not based on budget but more on experience using equipment priced all over the map.  I tailor my equipment to my brand of fishing, a rod for example needs to be able to cast a pretty good distance, have the backbone to handle the type of inshore fish that I catch.  I have used rods that are close to 3 times the price of what my favorite rod is, granted they were a bit lighter (which is not too important to me) but no more comfortable, or cast any farther or handled the fish any better.  Some of my rods are close to 8-9 years old, the cork still looks like new and I still love the rods.  I've found my niche.

fishing user avatarOkobojiEagle reply : 
  On 6/19/2014 at 9:30 PM, Delaware Valley Tackle said:

Don't feel pressured to spend beyond your means. That just eats into the enjoyment you get from the sport.



... and your marriage




fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 
  On 6/22/2014 at 7:17 AM, ww2farmer said:

My current rods are all $80 -$130 Abu Vendetta's or Veritas's, and Fenwick Elite Tech's. My casting reels are either second hand Curado's or Revos, if I do buy new, it's usually $100ish reels, I have some of the current generation Daiwa Exceler's I like, and an Abu Garcia Orra winch, that I really like. Spinning reels.........$59.99 , that is until they raise the price on the Pflueger President, that's all the spinning reel I need for bass fishing. I had an extensive arsenal of St Croix Avids, and LTB rods for a while, and they were nice, but the cheaper rods get it done for me just as well, and I am hard on gear, so there are fewer tears shed when disaster strikes now.

Absolutely nothing wrong with being thrifty or buying used. Sounds like you have got some nice gear.

fishing user avatarJohn G reply : 
  On 6/19/2014 at 9:44 PM, ColdSVT said:

250 is my absolute limit

Most of my rods are in the 120-150range and reels are in the 150-200 range

I honestly think the 150-250 market is the best as fas as bang for the buck and competiveness

Your Avatar pic makes me hurt just looking at it!

fishing user avatarOK Bass Hunter reply : 

It ain't about bang for buck. I said before if it was about bang for buck, we'd all be using cast nets. You see it and it grabs you. Then you start doing the math in your head and rearranging priorities and before you know it, you have a new shiny piece of fishing joy.

fishing user avatarlong island basser reply : 

I've been bass fishing for over 30 years and have never bought a single rod or reel that cost more than 100.00 bucks.

Totally unnecessary IMO .

fishing user avatarjignfule reply : 


  On 6/23/2014 at 4:43 AM, long island basser said:

I've been bass fishing for over 30 years and have never bought a single rod or reel that cost more than 100.00 bucks.

Totally unnecessary IMO .

 Have you ever had an opportunity to fish with "high end" gear? It my not be necessary, but it does add to the fun and makes it even more enjoyable for me.


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Spinning reels.....what kind do you use? -- Fishing Rods Reels Line Knots