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How often do your rods snap? 2025

fishing user avatarzbigbadaaron reply : 

How often do your rods break when fishing?

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

The correct answer is never, providing you treat your equipment right.  A rod will snap when it becomes weakened from abuse so as when your snagged up you are whipping that rod to get your lure loose.  Always release the bail or put it in free spool and pull the line(takes all the tension off the tip) , not the rod to get unsnagged.

It is possible to break a rod when not using a net for a larger fish, but most likely you won't get the fish out of the water.  I have caught 150# fish using hvy rods, 12-25 line rating and the rod may bend into a u, but it does not break.

ABUSE breaks rods, not proper handling.

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 

from natural causes... it's extremely rarely. In over 25 years of bass fishing I have had one (for sure, but possibly two) defective blank snap. In fact, I've only seen a couple defective blanks ever.

Breakage resulting from previous dings, nicks, damage, and other things like rod locker doors, weights, lure smacks, etc.... happens to some guys with regularity.

There is an interesting relationship between how a person treats his gear and how "unlucky" he is with accidents and defects. ::)

fishing user avatarBallpark Frank reply : 

I can say never with a fish. I have only broke one rod in my 30 years fishing. That was because my daughter had lain it down on the back deck, and guess what? I stepped on it. :)

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I had two rods break on the cast, the second being a replacement for the first.  They were 6' M/F casting rods, and broke throwing a 1/2 oz. spinnerbait.  They were defective.  Third time around was a charm - still have the rod to this day.

I've snapped tips doing stupid things, and even broke a guide.  Other than that, its all good.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Uhhhhh, lemme see, I 've been fishing for more than 3 decades, in those 3+ decades I 've broken 3 rods, 1 was clearly a manufacturer 's defect ( the rod literally exploded ), 2 was my fault and I haven 't broken a rod in more than 20 years, so mathematically speaking I break a rod every 10 years.

fishing user avataradclem reply : 

None yet.  But as stated with misuse and careless handling they can be damaged and will break.

Later, :)

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

So far it's one a year... :-/

All them my fault.Mostly broken tips. Still usable,only like 1" only gets broken off.Pretty easy to just replace a tip.

First time-pulled against a snag with an idiot

Second time-hit a tree by the tip trying to set the hook

Third time-I was walking up the hill,trying climbing over a rock and didn't have my rod tip high enough.

Forth time-Swung on on a hookset,miss fish but hit a rock by the tip behind me.

;D I see a pattern here....i do something stupid just about every year.

fishing user avatarChiCityBasser reply : 

I have broken one rod in my short time fishing. I got the lure snagged and instead of opening the bail and releasing a bit more line to try to work the lure loose I used the rod. It snapped and it was all my fault but Cabelas did replace it no questions asked.

Live and learn and never again would I use the rod to free a snagged lure.

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

I break one every time I do something STUPID.

fishing user avatarSimonSays reply : 

I've broken 2 rods doing things I shouldn't have  ;D

first one I set the hook into a rock and snapped a good 1ft off

the second time I high sticked my rod trying to get the fish into my kayak

thank god for warranties

fishing user avatarbigfruits reply : 

only when the car door closes on it or when my friend decides to carry it with the tip down and it scrapes cement. never while fishing.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I've broken two rods in my life.  Both were near the tip and both were my fault.

fishing user avatarKYntucky Warmouth reply : 

have broken was rolled up in a car window and the pther was the replacement that snapped first time out during a hookset...IMO the second rod was junk, apparently cherrywood isn't strong  ::)

fishing user avatarPantera61 reply : 

1 in 40 years.  Girlfriend in a car door.  It was the first good graphite rod I ever owned, bought it on lay-away, mowed lawns and beat dinosaurs.  Fenwick circa 1977 or so.  Demise, 10 years later.

She immediately told me to hop back in the car and took me to the nearest tackle shop for a suitable replacement.

fishing user avatarNHfroggin reply : 

I have Broken two, both my fault.

1. Ugly stick in the tailgate of my truck

2. Hooked a turtle with an old fiberglass rod, and tried to reel it in :)


fishing user avatarfathom reply : 


my fault.

fishing user avatarFordNFishinLover reply : 

Broke one yesterday hahaha

It was a 5'6 UL cherrywood rod, so not very expensive.

I had a knot in my line so i had to pull line out. Had the butt of rod on ground and held rod tip with one hand while i pulled line out with the other. Well it was bending the rod the opposite direction that it bends and SNAP! Bout 6 inches broke with a clean break.

O well lesson be learned

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

In all my time fishing i have only broken one rod. I hooked into a 6lb bass in THICK pads and i was so excited i pulled a little too hard! I snapped about 16in off the tip. On the bright side, i still landed her!  ;D

fishing user avatarBigBassGuy reply : 


One when I was young and dumb trying to get unsnagged, snapped right in the middle.

Two last year both on the same day, one while I was casting a Rattle Trap, made a cast and the rod exploded about 2 inches above the handle, right where it had been damaged about 2 years prior from a deck hatch falling on it. The other one broke from the same deck hatch mentioned falling on it.

Never broke one on a fish but apparently I need to fix that deck hatch. >:)

fishing user avatarJeff H reply : 

I've never broken one while fishing.  Lost one in a car door about 5-6 yrs ago.

fishing user avatarOK Bass Hunter reply : 

Only time I've broken a rod is when I closed the door on it.

fishing user avatarlubina reply : 

I've never broken one, truck did it x 2

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
I break one every time I do something STUPID.


X2  :)

fishing user avatarHooked_On_Bass reply : 

One - setting the hook on a log.  :-[

fishing user avatarfatbass reply : 

Car door 1, Snag 1, Hookset 1 and one broke to a catfish.  Had it over the side with a shiner for bait. Fish grabs, I swing around as rod starts for the drink, catch rod with foot, rod breaks, fish landed. 4# channel cat.

fishing user avatarThe Next KVD reply : 

Not a single one yet.  If you use them and treat them properly they'll last forever.  Well  maybe not forever, cuz more than likely u'll replace it with something better 5 or 8 years down the road.

fishing user avatarSkunked in DR reply : 

2 in car doors.  (Learned that lesson and now transport them in a hard rod case on the roof).

1 on a log.  If its too heavy to be a fish, it probably isn't.  :)

fishing user avatarrfrazier reply : 

Fell down about 20 wooden/mossy/wet steps walking down to a boathouse in the rain last year. Broke the tip off my avid. Broke another the other day.. Seems to be once a year on freak accidents.

fishing user avatarIneedanewscreenname20170204 reply : 

I've only broken one while fishing and that was sight fishing a catfish with ultralight.  Yeah that was a bad idea.  I was actually fishing for bluegill when I spotted this cat and for some stupid reason set the hook like I had a heavy action rod...  I'd suggest setting your drag right especially with braid or floro.

fishing user avatarmrlitetackle reply : 

Been fishing a little over 16 years, and fished the cheapest rods up to medium quality (i never invest too much :) and to this date have not broken one yet..........but now that i say this im sure it will happen very soon.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

I've broke 3 rods in 40 years. The first was while trying to stop an 11-11 Largemouth (my first double digit :-) from getting to some submerged trees. The important part their was, I stopped the fish, and landed it anyway ;-) + the rod had a life time guarantee.

The next was when setting the hook into a very solid part of Nor CA, with braided line, and my drag (apparently) a little to tight.

And finally, I broke a swimbait (spinning) rod at the handle, casting a 5oz Hud a couple years ago.

Not bad, for as much as I fish, and the fact that I've used almost nothing but non-forgiving braided line for the last 15 years.



fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

In 20+ years of fishing I think I've had one rod break.  I'm sure I beat the hell out of a few when I was a kid, other than that I can't really remember.  Was fishing offshore in a large dolphin school and I grabbed a free rod, happened to be a very light tackle spinning rod.  15+ pound dolphin grabs it and spools the reel really quickly, rod bent just a wee bit too much and snapped.  Needless to say I didn't land that fish.  Like everybody else has said, if you take care of your equipment it'll take care of you.  There are always those freak manufacturing defects though.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

The bass hasn't been born yet that has the power and strength of a 15 # dolphin ( that's not even a big one), that's exactly why I tape my line and not tie to the spool. Worst cast scenario, lost line and lure.

The only bass rods that will break will be ones that have a defect from the manufacturer, user handling (abuse, stepping on it, etc) or maybe a Zebco kiddie spincast outfit.

Been fishing almost 60 years and broke many, each one my fault, no exception.

fishing user avatarBean Counter reply : 

IN 50 yrs of fishing I have only broken one, and I stepped on that one.

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 

I've been fishing since the '60's growing up and using tubular steel rods. In all those years...with all those fish....of all species....I've never had a fish break a rod.

There's a good saying: "Guns don't kill people....people kill people." I believe the same is true of fishing rods. People break ' don't!  :)

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

Broke my first rod last Sat..brand new bps finesse caster..I got snagged and didn't realize the butt of the rod was against the side of the boat, pulled the line rod tip bent.....then snapped. :'(

Been fishin for over 30 yrs.. :-[

fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 
I break one every time I do something STUPID.


fishing user avatarCFFF 1.5 reply : 

I haven't ever broken a rod while fighting a fish or casting a lure. I have broken off some tips but was user error.


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