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Checked Out The St Croix Mojo & LTB Rods Today &.... 2025

fishing user avatarghost reply : 

I guess these are the new shipments of the Mojo rods that the closest Cabelas store has. They've been selling them fast & was about to get the 7' MH Spinnerbait b/c rod when I looked on the bottom & saw a "Made In Mexico" sticker.

I guess the new St Croix Mexican plant is now in operation. I was quite surpised to see this sticker, I thought at least till the end of the year any Mojo's would still be made in the U.S.

Really wanted that 7' MH Mojo but then noticed that Cabelas had 1 LTB 7' Sweeper Spinnerbait. I know it's alot more but I compared it to the Mojo of the same specs & the LTB was noticebly lighter & more sensitive. I ended up getting the 7' MH LTB but was really up in the air that the first guide by the reel seat, it was "just" a hair off to the right from being totally aligned w/ the other guides. But the blank was string straight & that was more important. All the other guides were in line, so I got a very semi spiral wrapped 7' MH LTB.... :) The didn't have any 7' M Teaser LTB but I already have a rod that is very similar to that rod, I have the 7' M Daiwa Procyon w/ split grip handle. I know it's not in the same league as the LTB but pretty close to the Mojo.

I tried it out when I got home & it casts jigs, buzzbaits, spinnerbaits, frogs, Senkos & heavier topwater lures nicely. The tip is stiffer than the 7' M Teaser LTB but just enough give to launch the Spro Popping Frog easily. Then again I had my left hand Zillion 7.1:1 b/c reel mounted on the LTB. Using jigs & worms it is very sensitive, had no problems feeling the bottom. I didn't catch any bass w/ the LTB today, had a couple hits that I knew were hits. Then again my track record for using new equipment the first time seems to never land me any fish. There will be a next time for sure!

fishing user avatarsweet daddy reply : 

So you are gonna mount a reel made in china or korea on a rod that wasn't made in Mexico?

fishing user avatarThe_Natural reply : 
So you are gonna mount a reel made in china or korea on a rod that wasn't made in Mexico?

I bet he puts a Japanese reel on it.  As far as craftsmanship in reels.... Japan>everyone else.  

fishing user avatarsweet daddy reply : 
So you are gonna mount a reel made in china or korea on a rod that wasn't made in Mexico?

I bet he puts a Japanese reel on it. As far as craftsmanship in reels.... Japan>everyone else.

I was hoping he would put an Ardent reel on it.

fishing user avatarThe_Natural reply : 
So you are gonna mount a reel made in china or korea on a rod that wasn't made in Mexico?

I bet he puts a Japanese reel on it. As far as craftsmanship in reels.... Japan>everyone else.

I was hoping he would put an Ardent reel on it.

Haha...Ardent reels are so heavy, the rod would flip over backwards.

fishing user avatarskunked_again reply : 
So you are gonna mount a reel made in china or korea on a rod that wasn't made in Mexico?

I bet he puts a Japanese reel on it. As far as craftsmanship in reels.... Japan>everyone else.

i think i need to find a JA.

when that Pixy sold before i could scrape the $$$ together a lone tear rolled down my face.

fishing user avatarOvrbdgt reply : 

The three lower end in the Croix line are all made with the same blank.  The Premier is made in the USA, The Mojo is made in Mexico and the Triumph is made over seas I believe.  That is why the price points are different.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Mojos were made in Mexico from day 1, and Ardent reels are not heavy, my C400 is 8.5 oz which is about the average for a baitcaster.

fishing user avatarstrick9 reply : 
Mojos were made in Mexico from day 1, and Ardent reels are not heavy, my C400 is 8.5 oz which is about the average for a baitcaster.

Not true. They were made in the plant in Wisconson initially. I confirmed that with St. Croix. They also told me that even once the Mexico plant was open that depending on demand they may be made in both places, thats why the website says they are made in North America.

fishing user avatarshawnmc reply : 

Made in Mexico by Mexicans, Made in USA by Mexicans.  Theres no difference and to say that a rod made in the USA is somehow better than one made in Mexico is just ridiculous. Its all about materials and construction process folks.

fishing user avatarZZ reply : 

I have a new Mojo Bass Rod and absolutely love it. It is right up there with my Kistler magnesium's and lots cheaper. If it is as durable as the Kistler I will be getting a few more. Plus you can trade in and trade up  for a better St Croix rod.

I put A Swedish reel on mine.  great combo.


fishing user avatarlineslinger reply : 

Got me a mojo b/c and love it.  Says it's for topwater and jerks I think, but I've used it for just about anything.  Funny thing, never had a fish ask me where any of my equipment was made.  Once I landed them, they just surrendered to whatever I happened to be using. Hey, if it feels good, works good, why not just use it??

fishing user avatarBass Pro reply : 

I've never understood peoples response to the mojo rod.  It is the same blank as the premier.. Anyone that ever owned a premier talks about how poorly it performs, yet they just add a split grip and some purple paint and all the sudden it is a great rod?  Personally, the only st croix rod that feels better than average is the legend elite.  The others don't compare very well to most rods in their price points.

fishing user avatarsweet daddy reply : 

That's your opinion. Most people who have used a mojo like it,  you know what they say about opinions.

fishing user avatarSimp reply : 
I've never understood peoples response to the mojo rod. It is the same blank as the premier.. Anyone that ever owned a premier talks about how poorly it performs, yet they just add a split grip and some purple paint and all the sudden it is a great rod? Personally, the only st croix rod that feels better than average is the legend elite. The others don't compare very well to most rods in their price points.

I have no idea what your talking about. I have a 6'6 fiberglass PM and LOVE IT! I've hauled in fish over 13lbs on a rattletrap with it. The rod didn't break and the hooks never come out!

fishing user avatarMitchIsFishin reply : 
I've never understood peoples response to the mojo rod. It is the same blank as the premier.. Anyone that ever owned a premier talks about how poorly it performs,


There have been a few unhappy premier owners here, but by & large most are happy with this rod. I've had mine 4 years, great rod for the price.

fishing user avatarfirefightn15 reply : 
Made in Mexico by Mexicans, Made in USA by Mexicans. Theres no difference and to say that a rod made in the USA is somehow better than one made in Mexico is just ridiculous. Its all about materials and construction process folks.


fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

I love these "Made In" debates.  Everyone dickering over where something is "made" with no one acknowledging that the "Made in" label has a vague meaning.  "Made in China" from USA and Japanese parts?  "Made in Mexico" from US parts?  "Made in China" also means "Made in Taiwan" to satisfy China's ego?  

The simple fact is the only thing the "Made In" label tells you is where the last significant transformation took place and from where the product shipped.  

And frankly, as hard as I've seen some Mexicans work, I'd take their product over some Americans I've seen any day.

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 
Made in Mexico by Mexicans, Made in USA by Mexicans. Theres no difference and to say that a rod made in the USA is somehow better than one made in Mexico is just ridiculous. Its all about materials and construction process folks.

So what are you trying to say!?!

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 
I've never understood peoples response to the mojo rod. It is the same blank as the premier.. Anyone that ever owned a premier talks about how poorly it performs, yet they just add a split grip and some purple paint and all the sudden it is a great rod? Personally, the only st croix rod that feels better than average is the legend elite. The others don't compare very well to most rods in their price points.

I've often wondered the same thing, although I don't agree about the other rods. The Avids and up are all very good rods at their pricepoints. I preferred my LTB to my Cumara as far as sensitivity goes.

fishing user avatarWar Party reply : 

Dink whisperer, why do you get all bent outta shape when anyone uses the word mexican? You make it sound so saying mexican is like usin' the N word.


fishing user avatarshawnmc reply : 
Made in Mexico by Mexicans, Made in USA by Mexicans. Theres no difference and to say that a rod made in the USA is somehow better than one made in Mexico is just ridiculous. Its all about materials and construction process folks.

So what are you trying to say!?!

Ok let me dumb it down for the few people who don't get what I said in plain english. The rods coming from Mexico and the rods coming from the US are gonna have the same build quality. They may use higher end materials on the ones coming from the US but to think that a rod made by a Mexican is of lesser build quality is just ignorant. I am all for buying Made in the USA, the fact is the though Made in the US doesn't always equate to a better product.  

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 
Dink whisperer, why do you get all bent outta shape when anyone uses the word mexican? You make it sound so saying mexican is like usin' the N word.


Asking what he meant is getting bent out of shape to you? There was another member who also quoted shawnmc about his post so why don't you ask him? What i said to you was because of the way you used the word.

fishing user avatarghost reply : 

Whoa, I'm just pointing out that the Mojo's I've seen were of newer makes.  I've heard that Mojos were U.S. made till the plant in Mexico started making them.  I was surprised to see that the newer Mojo's were made in Mexico, I was in the thought that that plant wasn't going to get making rods till closer to the end of the year, to see that it's in operation now surprised me some.

That's all I'm saying here, not saying anything if since it's made in Mexico that it's inferior or anything.  If Cabelas didn't have that 1 7' MH LTB, I probably would have gotten the 7' MH Mojo.  But as I said the LTB felt lighter & just a bit more sensitive than the Mojo.

fishing user avatarfirefightn15 reply : 

Just to clarify, I was quoting shawnmc's post for the particulars of his first sentence, "Made in Mexico by Mexicans, made in USA by Mexicans". I don't know that Parkfalls has many Mexicans working in their facility up there and I don't know that it matters, I was just wondering aloud at that statement. Is it a fact or a guess?

As to the Mojo's themselves, we can't keep beating this to death. It's been decided that it's a colorful $100 premier, either you don't like it or you do.  BTW, I like them.

fishing user avatarCWB reply : 
Made in Mexico by Mexicans, Made in USA by Mexicans. Theres no difference and to say that a rod made in the USA is somehow better than one made in Mexico is just ridiculous. Its all about materials and construction process folks.

So what are you trying to say!?!

Ok let me dumb it down for the few people who don't get what I said in plain english. The rods coming from Mexico and the rods coming from the US are gonna have the same build quality. They may use higher end materials on the ones coming from the US but to think that a rod made by a Mexican is of lesser build quality is just ignorant. I am all for buying Made in the USA, the fact is the though Made in the US doesn't always equate to a better product.

Thanks for enlightening us "Dummies". I respectfully disagree. I have seen several shows where the hosts were given a tour of the St Croix plant in Cheeseland. Extreme attention is paid to quality control. I could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure the same does not apply in Mexico, no matter how hard you work or what components are used.

Might not be the best analogy but does Swine Flu come to mind?

I've worked in manufacturing my whole life. I have seen companies open plants in Mexico only to close them and relocate back here due to quality. Taiwan, China, same thing. Japan is another story and Korea is getting close. No offense meant to anyone, just the facts as I see them.

Now back to the topic, I agree Mojo's are dressed up Premiers with a split handle, which I do not like. If you like that style handle, can't go wrong for the price.

fishing user avatarDave T. reply : 

Well, I don't have any of their casting rods, by I do have a St. Croix LES70MF and a LTBS66MLF, and they are both excellent smallmouth rods. As a matter of fact, the LTB may be the best deal in the ST. Croix lineup.

I plan on having a MLXF spinning rod custom built... probably on an LTB blank... that's how much I like them.

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

why buy a rod made in america over one made somewhere else? maybe to support america! if more people payed attention to this our country wouldn't outsource everything.


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