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RI Youth steps up to plate for C.A.S.T. 2025

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

This is the daughter of RI youth director, BR member,and close friend Mike Broggi, stratosdadri. He's doing somthing right!

Hi, my name is Delainey Broggi, I am a member of the Rhode Island Junior Bassmasters and a sophomore at **** High School. ****High School recently implemented a new graduation requirement which requires students to complete a Capstone Project. The purpose of the Capstone Project is for the student to create an exhibition that draws on a personal academic focus of the student, explores a topic through in-depth research and represents the acquisition and use of knowledge in new ways. This project must involve an external audience and offer opportunities for reflection.

     I felt that combining my love of bass fishing and my passion for supporting children with special needs would make for an extremely rewarding project. Therefore I came up with the idea to organize an Open Bass Fishing Tournament to benefit the C.A.S.T for Kids of Rhode Island. For those of you who don't know, C.A.S.T for Kids is a non-profit organization that takes disabled and disadvantaged children out for a thrilling day of fishing.

By holding the first C.A.S.T for Kids of Rhode Island Ice Out Benefit Tournament, I hope to raise enough money to be able to provide this organization with some of the funds needed to make their Summer 2007 event a huge success. This year C.A.S.T for Kids hopes to provide every participant with their very own life jacket, which is a crucial and important aspect of having a safe day out on the water

Despite being only 15-years-old, as a youth Bass angler, I've had the opportunity to experience the true commitment that Bass anglers have to the sport of Bass fishing and their willingness to support youth programs. To be successful in this, I need your help. A full field of 40 boats would allow us to present C.A.S.T for Kids of Rhode Island a check in the amount of $840.

     The Ice Out Tournament is an open tournament, from 7am-3pm at Roger Williams Park on Sunday April 1, 2007. The cost is $35 per person, or $70 per Team. There will also be a $5 lunker pool. The format is 60% payback. With a full field, first place will receive $980; second will receive $650 and third will receive $330.

Please mark your calendar and help support C.A.S.T for Kids of Rhode Island as well as my Capstone Project. Thank you and I hope to see you there!


fishing user avataredbassmaster reply : 

LBH, is there a C.A.S.T. here in Philly? It would be great...I see hundreds of inner city kids everyday that could use something positive in their lives. It would be cool to try and get Ike involved with it. He's always talking about introducing fishing to urban youth and he lives 15 minutes from Philly ( he buys his cell phones from my old store ). I would like to get involved anyway.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

SO far the closest one is the muddy/zel/brutus affair in Lehighton.  I'm sure they could use a volunteer


If you are interest in hosting an event, PM me.;)

fishing user avatarCJ reply : 

I'll bet she has hit a homerun!That's really cool.....too cool!

fishing user avatarBass Hole reply : 

LBH hope to see you and your BR freinds there RW park in april should be interesting.

Lets fill it up.

I have my first club T of the year on that date but I'll be there anyway.

We had a club T there last year on april 2nd it was a little off that day here's the results.

Name                     Fish      Lunker      weight      place      Total

Roger Pray      0      0      0      0      0

John Candelmo      5      2.94      12.62      1      12.62

Jon Curry                      0      0      0      9      0

Frankie Goss      0      0      0      0      0

Bill Wiekert      0      0      0      9      0

Bob Lake                      4      2.38      8.63      2      8.63

Bob Oakley      0      0      0      9      0

Rich Piette          4      1.75      7.63      3      7.63

Scott Balasco      4      1.75      6.25      4      6.25

Donald St.Angelo      2            3.38      7      3.38

Pat Hunt                      1      1.44      2.56      8      2.56

Marcus Pavia      0      0      0      0      0

Chris Andrews      3      1.87      5.63      5      5.63

Richard Willams      0      0      0      9      0

Mark Wallander      2      1.75      3.93      6      3.93

Marty glynn      0      0      0      9      0

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

Know here's a girl with her head on staight. Good for you young lady!

Count me in.

fishing user avatarNATHAN_JAMES reply : 

Russ you can count me and Pete in. And we're looking for more teams to join in as well

fishing user avatarfat_bass_tard reply : 

are there any restrictions on tackle used?

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

no live bait.  That one I know for sure.  When Mike gets back from the classic, I'll get a full set of rules.

fishing user avatarBass Hole reply : 


here are the rules


ELIGIBILITY: Open to all angelrs. Check in will be at launch site and will close 10 min. prior to launch.

BOATS: Boats must meet U.S. Coast Guard safety standards. Boats must be equipped with navigational lighting. Boats must have. Boats must be equipped with aerated live wells or equivalent thereof, which is capable of supporting a creel limit of (5) bass. No stringers will be allowed. All boats will be inspected at the launch ramp prior to the start of the tournament.

SPORTSMANSHIP: Anglers are expected to follow the highest standards of sportsmanship at all times and observe all state and local boating & fishing regulations. Any act by an angler, which reflects unfavorably upon the effort to promote fisheries conservation, clean water, courtesy and/or sportsmanship, shall be reason for disqualification. Anglers must remain in the boat during tournament hours unless in the case of emergency.

TACKLE: Artificial lures only!! ! No live or prepared bait of any kind will be allowed with the exception of pork rind and/or strips. No fly-fishing rods will be permitted. An Angler may use only one rod at any time. Trolling will be prohibited.

SCORING: Tournament standings will be determined by the total weight of an individual's creel (5 fish limit). Largemouth and Smallmouth bass only, will be weighed and must be 12 inches in length (closed mouth to tip of tail). Mangled or otherwise altered Bass will not be weighed. All decisions with respect to the size and/or weight of the fish will rest with the Tournament Director or his designee. All protests must be brought to the attention of the Tournament Director Before the close of scale. All decisions will be final.

PENALTY: Every effort must be made to keep bass alive through the use of a properly aerated livewell and the use of livewell additives that promote the healthy return of bass to their natural habitat dead fish can not be culled. The penalty for dead fish are as follows 1 dead 4oz,2 dead 10oz 3 dead 18oz 4 dead 28oz 5 dead 40oz. . Any short (undersized) bass brought to the scales by an individual will disqualify the entire catch.

Late penalty: Contestants who are not at the official check-in area at the appointed time will be penalized 1 pound per minute, deducted from the total weight including any weight to be counted toward a big-bass award. Any contestant more than 15 minutes late will lose credit for that day's weight.


TIES: In the event of a tie for total weight, the tiebreaker shall be the total number of bass weighed in.

If a tie still exists, the largest fish shall determine the winner.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Thanks John  ;)

fishing user avatarBass Hole reply : 

One mounth away clear your calenders.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Here is the official flyer. Any New England guys that have that itch, we'd sure like to meet you.

Thanks for reading folks.


fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

I'd like to do this Russ, but I don't have a boat... :-/ (yet)

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Matt- How about a friend with a boat?  Jon boats apply, we have 3 of them so far, including mine.  If I can get you a boat, can you get a partner?

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

My partner has a 12' Jon, but I thought a livewell was required.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 


I have an extra cooler if you need it. ;)

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

Sweet, I was just thinking that! I will run it by the other "cracker"  ;)

fishing user avatarBass Hole reply : 

Went through there this morning ice is 75% gone pre fishing anyone

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

BH-I'm up for a few hours sunday, PM if available.

fishing user avatarBass Hole reply : 

LBH-Got out today for a few casts give me a call tomorrow might get out again.

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

Russ, the two crackers are in. 8-)

fishing user avatarNATHAN_JAMES reply : 

Me and Pete are going by the park tomorrow to check things out and scope the area. Hopefully this weekend we can get a boat in there and do a little pre. I'm assuming the week before the tournement this won't be allowed, if it's more than that let me know.

fishing user avatarStatosDadRI reply : 

Off limits will start 12:01 AM Wednesday 3/28. Delainey made a presentation about the tournament at our State Federation Nation Open meeting today.  She took seven applications and checks on the spot.  She's at low 30's for boats with many verbal conformations.  Checks are coming in everyday and numbers growing.  To hand that check to Russ and see the benifits from it; at CAST For Kids  RI 2007, will be another special moment, among many in this program.  By the way Delainey was asked to fish and will be teaming up at the tournament with 2 time Bassmaster Classic Angler Joel St.Germain.  

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Holy cow, great job Dee!

Looks like we shouldn't have any problem reaching 40 boats! If you are thinking of coming and havn't registered yet, please do so soon to secure your spot for the day.

As for Joel,..that's awesome, he has a fighting chance ;)

Team Low Budget will be represented in force. If the anglers boat is tin or plastic,...they're with me, ;) lol. If it wasn't an "ice out" tournament, we'd probably see an inner tube or 2 also,lol.

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

Ice is almost gone! I would think after this week it should be good to go. ;)

Here's a dumb the boat ramp there is a sign that says "No gas motors allowed" is this being overlooked for the day? I'm assuming from all the bass boats last year at the C.A.S.T event....

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

the motor can be on the boat but not in the water.  Elec. only  ;)

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

Thanx dude. Now we don't have to scramble to get one  ;) I'm really looking forward to this!  ;)

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Although gas isn't neccessary or allowed, BATTERIES may be a concern.  8 hr tourny  ;)

fishing user avatarStatosDadRI reply : 

There was a few today and there will be a few more tommorow testing there batteries out.  Some even got fish.  There must have been a doctor at Roger Williams today.  All the people who had called in sick showed up there for treatement.  ;D

72  Wednesday  and no ice at all at the park.

I'm gettting sick by the minute.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 


fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

I've been out "sick" since December 23rd. Time to renew the license and head out for some warm weather and, hopefully, catch somethin'.

fishing user avatarBass Hole reply : 


Got out on RWP today got a few on a OH NO can't tell you that now I'll tell you on april 2nd

fishing user avatarfat_bass_tard reply : 

I can't wait to out fish all those fiberglass boats...

Jon Boat clan is gonna out fish em' all day

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 
I can't wait to out fish all those fiberglass boats...

Jon Boat clan is gonna out fish em' all day

We don't even have swivel seats in ours! Gonna be a long day of standin' in the 1236 G3 Jon.... ;)

fishing user avatarBass Hole reply : 
I can't wait to out fish all those fiberglass boats...

Jon Boat clan is gonna out fish em' all day

You better get out and practice then  ;D see you on the water.

fishing user avatarStatosDadRI reply : 

"I can't wait to out fish all those fiberglass boats... Jon Boat clan is gonna out fish em' all day"

Ok there will be absolutly no side wagers glass boats vs tin boats

Only offical ones. $10.00 bucks a glass boat wins it.

fishing user avatarNATHAN_JAMES reply : 

I'll got $10 on tin to win.

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

We were on the water at RWP for 7am this morning. We stayed 'til about 1pm after only catching one, just  shy of 2lbs..... I caught it around 10am... Didn't look like anyone else was having much luck either, about 10 boats on the water today. We were the only crackers in a Jon ;)


fishing user avatarNATHAN_JAMES reply : 

Be sure to have your 2007/2008 fishing licence for this April 1st tournament

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

Good heads up! For anyone interested, I did mine online last week. Quick and easy.

fishing user avatarBass Hole reply : 


This post has gotten quiet some of you must have prefished and found it was not going to be that easy.

Tin or Glass we'll see tomorrow 8-) .

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 

I don't now Glass and only meet Tin for a few minutes not knowing who he was. I went with Tin for the win and me coming in a close 32nd! ;D

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Let's bring this thread back!

Next weekend, TIN to WIN!

fishing user avatarWTRDOG reply : 

Good luck to everyone fishing the torney,I'll be down the cape sunday.

fishing user avatarBass Hole reply : 
Let's bring this thread back!

Next weekend, TIN to WIN!

Ha Ha. your due to win one at the park

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

That could come tomorrow.  :;)

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

I am unofficially withdrawing from the CAST for Kids Ice Out Tournament on the 6th.

My sister took it upon herself to choose that very day to have her daughter (my niece) Baptized. I told her I had a fishing event already planned, and, well you know how the women folk can be sometimes. :;)

I'm gonna try to shmooze her a bit... so I still might be able to go.....

fishing user avatarBestNetManAround reply : 

WE going to be running this event again this year last year was a little bit off but would love to fish it again.


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