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Another RI/Mass get together? 2025

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

First or Second weekend in August on Wallum again? Who's up for it?

fishing user avatarbassinri reply : 

You know Im in

fishing user avatarArcticCat500 reply : 

Im in!   Is my boat to small for Wallum Tin?

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

I'm sure it's fine.

fishing user avatarmadfish reply : 

this sounds good

fishing user avatarWTRDOG reply : 

Will it be a night torney?.Haven't fished wallum this year,but from what I hear the place is loaded up with boats every weekend.Night time is the way to go this time of year anyway...

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Whatever you guys want to do. Just throwing it out there. Maybe a 3-10 type deal or something.

fishing user avatarxjma99 reply : 

where is this lake located?

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Mass/RI border off Rt. 100(?) Burrillville area

fishing user avatarWTRDOG reply : 

For it to be a good bite,I'd say 6 PM to 12 or 1 AM.With the pressure the lake is getting now ,we're better off fishing late.Also after 6 the rangers are gone and their going to want to see a permit if we show up too early.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Little irony here...

My club was actually planning on going to get a permit for one of those weekend nights for a tourney at Wallum. Things are still in the works but when it is finalized I will post and everyone is welcome to attend. Myself, along with Basshole, Bassnajr, Bassinri, and Jigga318 are all club members as well as members of BR so we will all be there.

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

Depending on the date I'd be down. Would need a seat though.

fishing user avatarWTRDOG reply : 

I'm down,and have an open seat..

fishing user avatarWTRDOG reply : 

Look's like everybody is scared...... ::(

fishing user avatarDiablos reply : 

Very rarely do these ever really happen. I read a few other forums that try "get togethers or friendly tourneys" all the time and they usually begin to fizzle as the time gets closer. :-?

fishing user avatarBass Hole reply : 
Look's like everybody is scared...... ::(


fishing user avatarWTRDOG reply : 

Tin is 12:00 am past your bedtime?John I sure hope you got some use out of those spinnerbaits.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

My wife and our older daughter are going off for a week.  They are leaving the first Sat in August, and returning the second Saturday.

Weekends are usually out for me, since I fish most weekdays and weekends belong to my wife.  But since she's away the first Sunday, I should be able to make it.

Will I need an RI license or is it in both states?

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Mass or RI is fine. Had a blast there today. Will have finalized details very soon.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

The first Saturday in August works as well as Sunday.  They bail out on Saturday, and return the following week.

fishing user avatarBass Hole reply : 
Tin is 12:00 am past your bedtime?John I sure hope you got some use out of those spinnerbaits.

I did get some use out of them....About a month ago some stole two of my rods and the last one was tied to it.... >:(

but I did get to catch some fish on them..  :)

fishing user avatarredrocketier reply : 

Is this thing going to happen? I might be interested!!! Tourney virgin here. ;D

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 

Me...I am in.....I would like that. :(

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

Depending on the date I'm still in.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Ok, next Saturday night, 8:30pm to 2 am. Hope to see you there.

fishing user avatarArcticCat500 reply : 

Anyone? Anyone?   bring it Mass ;D

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

I'd love to do it, but I doubt my wife would appreciate me leaving her and our older daughter waiting for me at T.F. Green Airport.

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

Can't make it. I've got a tourney the next day at 6a. Have fun guys.

fishing user avatarredrocketier reply : 

Will I need a live well? I only have a ten foot jon boat.

Any directions how to get there?

fishing user avatarTin reply : 


There will be NO money involved in this event. Just trying to have a fun get-together and meet-up. No matter what there will be people there because we are having a club tournament at the same time. So this isn't going to be one of those no-one shows events.

NO alcohol.

If you are bringing a boat and want to weigh-in fish it must have some form of an aerated livewell (cooler..whatever keeps them kicking, no stringers) and bow/stern lights.

I think it would be a good idea if everyone brought a bag of plastics or baits to donate into a tackle pack for the winner.

So hope to see everyone there.

fishing user avatarTin reply :;_ylc=X3oDMTExNmIycG51BF9TAzI3MTYxNDkEc2VjA2ZwLWJ1dHRvbgRzbGsDbGluaw--#mvt=m&lat=42.022652&lon=-71.758982&zoom=13&q1=burrillville%252C%2520ri
fishing user avatarredrocketier reply : 

Cool think I'll pass on the live well.Think we will just keep track of our weight on paper just to see how we do.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Come on guys, we have about 6 or 7.

fishing user avatarmasssilversrt4 reply : 

I may be in... will let you know..

fishing user avatarredrocketier reply : 

Two more days can't wait!! :(

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Come on guys, weather looks good and there are tons of fish in there.

fishing user avatarredrocketier reply : 

How early should I be there?

fishing user avatarredrocketier reply : 

Where on the lake are we meeting the town beach in Douglas Ma or somewhere else?

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 

Town beach in Douglas is where the ramp is. That's where we'll be meeting. Around 7:45 p.m. sound good??

Easy in and easy out.

fishing user avatarredrocketier reply : 

Sounds good see you guys there.Hope my streak of awful fishing this year dosen't continue.

fishing user avatarArcticCat500 reply : 

I'd like to shout out a Thanks to Tin for rounding up this little get togather and 2nd seat on the Tracker. I had a great time fishing and finally getting to meet some fellow RI & Mass BR members, a good time by all was had, espically for me hitting smallies for the first time.

Thanks Tin and it was pleasure to meet all you guys.


fishing user avatarRhodyBass reply : 

Nice Smallies congrats

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 

X2 to Tin....

It was good to meet fellow local BR's and Walumn proved an interesting night venue. The smallies were biting and the company was great. My fish were too small to photograph (we didn't have a micro lens!! lol) Hope to see more locals (and non-locals) again soon!!!

ajr :(

fishing user avatarredrocketier reply : 

I agree. Good time,good wheather,good smallies and hard fighting fish.

Thx guys it was a pleasure to meet you all. ;D

fishing user avatarD3 reply : 

Thanks tin for the time you took to setup this gathering.  I wish you all could have seen the olympic fall I took when I step of the boat to the rock No depth perception at all and a slight case of vertigo leads to a 2foot fall haf in the drink and half out.  Ho serious injuries just a sore.As for the fishing I continued my horrible streak but did enjoy what I learned on last nights get together.  Look forward to hooking up again and practing some other methods I appreciate a good teacher and someone who also thinks outside the box  :-X.  Thanks again Tin


fishing user avatarTin reply : 
. Look forward to hooking up again and practing some other methods I appreciate a good teacher and someone who also thinks outside the box :-X. Thanks again Tin


It is always a good time. And it isn't outside the box as much as it is just improving a method or just taking an idea and running with it. Guys it was great, lets just have more people next year. That is one hell of a lake. I can't believe I finally had a fish die on me. Was just too warm for 10 decent smallies in the well.  8-)

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

Next year, after I get my boat for sure.


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