I got a few inquiries re: Cobosseecontee lake and yukon Cottages in ME. So I figured I'd post some pic's and maybe a map if I can figure it out. Here's the link for Yukon.
Goole earth it! the lake is approximately 8 mi long and 1.5 wide.
The 1st pic is of the Martinique think I spelt that correctly.
Anyway the host are awesome and very cooperative.
Most waterfront rentals have there own docks but they also have a huge main dock w/multiple slips w/elec. that's a stones skip away from all rentals.
Wish I knew how to post multiple pic's in one frame?
taken from the screened porch dock and my ride.
few of the gang though wish I was in this pic they always make me feel skinny! ;D I'm not but next to these guys looks can be decieving
This is about how far we have to go to fish the islands again taken from the porch. This is Upper sisters Isl.
30 to 40 of theses per day keep you coming back 8-)
Vibrant colors!
If you don't look like this after day 2 your not fishing enough! :-/ ;D
Outstanding night time bassin!
The nature is amazing and this little guy moved in on us while we were fishing a hump in 8' of water. Needless to say the bass moved off it pretty quick as the Loon procceded to dive back and fourth under my boat.
one more link
You can p/u topo's through:
Maine Lake Charts,Inc.
PO Box 213
Gardiner ME 04345
I have the same map!
I love that place...I usually stay at lakeside!
:-X if I don't move they'll never see me :-/
Roarin wood stove! alright thats enough. ;D
QuoteI have the same map!I love that place...I usually stay at lakeside!
To much hustle bustle and crowds there for me. Cottages ontop of each other and noise restrictions at 8pm. No to mention all the 100 boat tourny's held out of there.
Try Yukon you'll never stay anywhere else again.
this is lakeside
Lakeside cabins for $80 pp/pn
or Yukon for $125 per night not per person
How many $125/night houses do they have?
(ps- In the FAQ's there is a tutorial for posting pics. 3 sections, 1 of which is how to post multiple pics )
Nice picks man!
QuoteHow many $125/night houses do they have?(ps- In the FAQ's there is a tutorial for posting pics. 3 sections, 1 of which is how to post multiple pics
Quite a few and I think some under $125 but not on the water. The Martinique sleeps up to eight adults.
They also have a log cabin that's over a hundred years old in tip-top condition and sleeps up to ten adults I believe w/a doublewide fireplace in the livingroom. It's booked in advance for the next 2years. It's absolutely gorgeous!
Where are all the pics of Cobee largies? lol
QuoteWhere are all the pics of Cobee largies? lol
As much as I enjoy catching LM, when at cobbee it's all about the Smallies I would rather fish for SM then any other species on the planet.
But just because you asked here's a few
What time of the year do you guys head up north?Nice pics.
QuoteWhat time of the year do you guys head up north?Nice pics.
We've been going the 1st or 2nd week of June for the last few years. This year we'll be there from 6-4 to 6-8 Wednesday thru Saturday. Staying mid-week avoids the weekend rush and water traffic.
My brother and I are planning a trip in early June to here...We have heard great things about that lake. I think we found our spot at the Yukon Cottages! Its $125 per night waterfront?? Do most of these cottages come with docks??
QuoteMy brother and I are planning a trip in early June to here...We have heard great things about that lake. I think we found our spot at the Yukon Cottages! Its $125 per night waterfront?? Do most of these cottages come with docks??
I emailed them for more indepth info and If I remember correctly Waterfront houses $125 w/docks in addition to the main dock that must hold 10 boats.
Looks like we are going to try and put a grup together and give it a shot.
I'll keep y'all posted.
WOW! Great pictures, thanks for sharing Bassectomy ;D
I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I'm definitely gonna try to make a trip up there this summer. It looks absolutely gorgeous, with great fishing, wildlife, and prices.
Booked My trip for the First weekend in May! Woo hoo! Cant wait.
When is the spawn up there?
I shot karen @ Yukon an e-mail last night just to varify I had remembered everything correctly and this is what was waiting for me when I returned from work.
Hi Paul,
How could I forget you!! Lol! The rates for the larger cottages are $125 per night and the smaller cottages are $110 per night. Remember we provide pillows and blankets, however you must bring linens and towels. Upon request we will provide linens for an additional charge. Also, remember these prices are for May, June, September and October only! July and August we rent by the week only unless, there's a cancellation.
I just received an email from a Matt Gorman, he mentioned that someone was spreading the word about us. Thank you! I cannot post info about our place, due to the agreement upon registering. Any help you can give us would be greatly appreciated. You can give our email out. info@yukoncottages.com. Let's hope the ice thaws before June, lol. We have 3 feet of snow right now. My winter rental said, we are a hot spot for ice fishing, he fishes every weekend. Talk to you soon. Any more questions just ask.
Karen R_
QuoteWhen is the spawn up there?
Every year we've been the 1st or 2nd week of June and they were still on the beds There are a group of about five or so from our bass club that goes around the 15th of May and say they're also plucking-em off the beds
Concentrate on all the islands large and small, Horseshoe being one of my favorites! Don't over look the mid lake humps that come up to 8' to 12' surrounded by 25 feet of water or so The Southern end offers shallow grass and veggies and a few inlets along the way may also produce. Did I mention the Islands? ;D
QuoteMy brother and I are planning a trip in early June to here...We have heard great things about that lake. I think we found our spot at the Yukon Cottages! Its $125 per night waterfront?? Do most of these cottages come with docks??
Stop in at the Martinique if your there anytime from 6-4 to 6-8 and intoduce yourselves
I figured I get a few of the same Pm questions regarding Yukon so here's a more detailed discrption to the bestof my ablity that I copied from my last reply and hope it helps.
I sent her an email for the first weekend in May. Lets see if anything is available. Which is your favorite cottaqe on the water. I like the boat at the rear deck.
Hey ___, to be honest I like the one that's 100 years old and booked years in advance w/the fireplace ;D but stylin and luxury is not a necessity, we're there to fish and fish only. Well the morjority of time that is :
I really think the martinique is the best bang for your buck!
The Martinique is a nice rustic type cottage and w/a decore set in the 70's I would say. On the 1st floor is a livingroom w/a killer wood stove TV couch three or four cushiuned chairs a fully applianced kitchen, pantry masterbedroom w/a queen or king sized bed a bathroom and an awesome screened porch with a rustic table and surrounding L-shaped bench w/the side door that leads you to your dock. The porch is also an outstanding spot for morning coffee amongst the loons in addition to being a great place for an evening game of Poker. The 2nd floor has two bedrooms that I believe has 3 or 4 twin beds in each. Again I think the Martinique sleeps 6 to 8 adults so there's plenty of room in our case and with 5 guys splitting $125, it's a no brainer! All the waterfront houses have their own docks. You do have to run extention cords from the house to the boat for recharging but it's no big deal at all. Your other options are to moor up to the main dock system that has outlets at each slip and is 4 about houses away from the Martinique or trailer your boat every night and plug in at the house, not something I want to do when on vaccation ;)The Martininque is also the farthest waterfront property away from the main office. 8-)
It also has a nice side yard w/a charcoal gril but you may also take your gas grill as we do.
Also don't forget that Maine gas does not contain Ethanol, so come up full to the rim or empty and fill up there you don't want to mix these different type of gasses in your outboard
How long is the drive from the bucket?
QuoteHow long is the drive from the bucket?
Ive been told its a good 3hr ride from where I am Russ. You are a good 1.5hr ride from where I am so Id figure 4-5hr ride for you.
QuoteHow long is the drive from the bucket?
3.5 for us with one stop/break along the way, so 4hrs for you Russ. The UPS man should be able to do this half a sleep with one eye closed:D September is the Umbagog lake trip. Now your talking wilderness and another amazing fishery
This gal wasn't to thrilled to have her pic taken and charged me so like little girl I ran away and dove throw the truck window to get away!
An Umbagog largie
QuoteQuoteHow long is the drive from the bucket?3.5 for us with one stop/break along the way, so 4hrs for you Russ. The UPS man should be able to do this half a sleep with one eye closed:D September is the Umbagog lake trip.
Now your talking wilderness and another amazing fishery
This gal wasn't to thrilled to have her pic taken and charged me so like little girl I ran away and dove throw the truck window to get away!
Bassectomy, We already booked our trip to umbagog also! This is too funny! Are you staying at paradise point? What dates? We will be there september 4 thru 7.
Russ, how about a Yankee BR trip for those of us too broke to get to fly to Alabama? Target: smallies. . .
Its funny you mentioned umbagog, i have my trip booked the week of the 4th. Our own island
I think i am going to go to Kobee from 5/31 thru 6/2. i will take your advice and focus on most of the islands. I cant wait!!
QuoteQuoteQuoteHow long is the drive from the bucket?3.5 for us with one stop/break along the way, so 4hrs for you Russ. The UPS man should be able to do this half a sleep with one eye closed:D September is the Umbagog lake trip.
Now your talking wilderness and another amazing fishery
This gal wasn't to thrilled to have her pic taken and charged me so like little girl I ran away and dove throw the truck window to get away!
Bassectomy, We already booked our trip to umbagog also! This is too funny! Are you staying at paradise point? What dates? We will be there september 4 thru 7.
That is funny ;D but no dates set yet. I have to wait until I get my clubs tourny dates this coming Monday night. Though your dates sound about right. Ussually rent an isalnd and have the party barge drop us with the canoe's and gear then return 3 days later to bring us back. This year I think I'll rent a cabin and take the Tracker as well as the hounds. I'll let you know as soon as I get my schedule next Monday. Frigginplace is awesome and I never want to leave :'(
Those are some beautiful pictures dude! They really make me miss the wilderness of the north.
Great looking pics, love the Eagle. Always an amazing bird to see in person. Gives me butterflies on the rare chance I do see them in person.
awesome shots...where on the lake are you located? I'm on the litchfield side down in the cove with the rope swing. Not sure if you are familiar with it.
Can't wait to get up to our house and open it up for the summer
Quoteawesome shots...where on the lake are you located? I'm on the litchfield side down in the cove with the rope swing. Not sure if you are familiar with it.Can't wait to get up to our house and open it up for the summer
Yukon is about 1/4 of a mile away from the public launch at the north end on the west side diagonally across from Big sister's island. I here ya, can't wait to get there myself! It must be awesome to have your own house on the lake.
:'(Looks like I won't be making it to Cobbee this spring after all!