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Any Massachusetts anglers here? 2025

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 

I'm in the Western end of the state and would just like to know who's around me  :o. Where do you fish? What do you like fishing for? I'm a dedicated small mouth angler myself, but I also enjoy fishing for LM from time to time, along with walleye, northern pike and panfish.

fishing user avatarfishizzle reply : 

heres a few

fishing user avatarmazdabassmaniac reply : 

im in the SE i usually go for LM and pickrel/muskies and do the occasional salt water fishin for stripers

fishing user avatarlunka4me reply : 

Hi I am new to the site too,

I am in Central Ma, and do mostly club tournaments around the state.  Mostly largemouth, but now trying to get into the deepwater bronze fish.

fishing user avatardallas0996 reply : 

I am in south central MA and do whatever fishing I can whenever....except ice fishing...I don't get it....

fishing user avatarRyanrn23 reply : 

I am in north central mass and fish all kinds of different lakes around the state, but mostly lake shirley and a little lake called Wampanoag those are closest and easiest to hit up right after work.

fishing user avatarmazdabassmaniac reply : 

as soon as i get my car in order,im goin to hit up

south wattuppa

long pond

lake sabathia

bear claw(ithink its called)

and a bunch of other  secret local places :o

fishing user avatarxjma99 reply : 

I'm originally from western MA but now in live in Rehoboth in SE mass. If you tell me what town you're in I may or may not be able to point you to a hot spot or two...  Western, MA is such a general term!  I'm assuming that you're meaning the pioneer valley west....not Boston people's definition of western, MA, which they claim to be anything outside of 128!

fishing user avatarDean reply : 

Right here guys. Any of you fish on Congamond Lake, in Southwick ?

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

I fish a lot from Webster east towards the Cape...

Love Watuppa, Cooks, and Sawdy...

fishing user avatar285xl reply : 
Right here guys. Any of you fish on Congamond Lake, in Southwick ?

i have, but i never have ANY luck there, i'm sure it's just me though :-/

fishing user avatarbass crazy reply : 

HI. I am in northeastern Mass and fish in New Hampshire and Maine.

fishing user avatarsmallie.huntin reply : 

I am from western mass and fish mostly for LM with the occasional SM.  I fish a few different places out here but plan on hitting up plenty more when I have my own boat.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
I fish a lot from Webster east towards the Cape...

Love Watuppa, Cooks, and Sawdy...

Hey Tin,

Those are all in my backyard. My home in Westport is only 5 minutes east of the launching area for Sawdy Pond. East on 177, right onto Sodom Road.

What you may not know is there is a small pond, only a few hundred yards to the East of Sawdy just beyond the homes on Robert Street.

It's my favorite, Devol Pond. It's about 1/4 the size of Sawdy, half as long, half as wide. It's surrounded by private property, but I have access to it.

I enjoy fishing the others for a change of scenery, but none can hold a candle to Devol.  It has nowhere near the fishing pressure of those other ponds.  I am going out on a limb, but I'm that confident.

If you'd like to fish it sometime shoot me a private message or an email.

Ditto for any other member.



fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
as soon as i get my car in order,im goin to hit up

south wattuppa

long pond

lake sabathia

bear claw(ithink its called)

and a bunch of other secret local places :o

See my post to Tin above.

fishing user avatarmasssilversrt4 reply : 

I'm in SE mass as well and fish Watuppa/cook as well as most spots in RI..

I always have an open seat and will post up if anyone wants to join.

My home pond is Milford pond in Swansea..

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
I'm in SE mass as well and fish Watuppa/cook as well as most spots in RI..

I always have an open seat and will post up if anyone wants to join.

My home pond is Milford pond in Swansea..

Hortonville Road. The Swansea Dam.

Until I was ten, we lived in Swansea on Hortonville Road.

The old Case High School was on Milford Pond.

Continue on Hortonville Road going away from Route 6, and we were the fourth or fifth house on the right, past the pond.

There is a cemetary at the corner of Milford Road, and Hortonville road. The store on the corner used to be Lovetts. Don't know if it still is.

You sure brought back some memories.

I used to fish in Milford Pond. My cousin and I would dig worms in the old neglected orchard behind the house, then continue through the orchard to the farm fields in back, then down to the pond.

The farmer(s) had dumped stones from the field to make a causeway to what was once an island. That was the area we fished with bamboo poles, a cork for a bobber, and worms.

One year the pond dried up to a tiny creek. It was probably due in part to a drought, and the Rezendes farm taking water from it for irrigation.

fishing user avatarbluewing reply : 

I am in Templeton and hit Wampanoag, also called Camp Collier, a quite a bit though last year wasnt as good as 2007. Another favorite of mine is Whitehall reservoir which is in Hopkinton right where the Pike and 495 cross. I also had some luck in East Brimfield Lake and Long Pond at Rutland State park.. Just outside of Barre on 122.. Also went to Lake Cochituate in Framingham and had some luck though didnt get to fish it as much as I wanted to due engine troubles. I really want to go back there at is has a lot of shoreline thats undeveloped and lots or points and coves. The only problem with it is the angle of the boat ramp, its very steep. The ramp is wide enough to launch 15 boats at the same time but the angle is a little steep though it could be due to the lake being down a little when I was there. Check it out on Google maps and you will see all the coves and points I am talking about.

fishing user avatarsofakingbigbass reply : 

i'm from western all over central and western ma

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

I'm in North Central Mass. Some would probably consider it Western though. lol. I live in Athol and fish Lake Ellis a lot with my 14 ft flat bottom. I fish some of the ponds from shore and fish horseshoe dam at the Quabbin frequently. Sometimes I'll rent a boat on the Quabbin but without much experience and no electronics I don't make it out on a boat as much as I'd like.

fishing user avatartopher reply : 

hi cresty!!!! :o

fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 

I fish around Concord MA. You boys getting ready for the spring thaw!!!  ;D

fishing user avatarSaladmander reply : 

WMass guy here... from Holyoke.  I like trout fishing in the early spring from time to time, I'll head down the CT river for some shad and stipers when they're running, I fish the river for smallies, but my favorite places are in the southwestern corner of the state from around the Otis area west to the NY border for smallies and largemouth.  There's a handful of local places that I like when I don't really feel like driving or if I don't have a long time to spend fishing.  I generally like fishing places out of the way, nice scenery, not congested.  We take some vacation time in the summer and spend it in Maine around Sebago and do some fishing up there.  The smallie fishing is outstanding.

fishing user avataremti56 reply : 

I am in western MA in a little town called Lee right off I-90 many small lakes but fish Goose pond and Otis res. the most and have been to congamond a few times. Glad to see all the MA guys that are on here.

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 
Right here guys. Any of you fish on Congamond Lake, in Southwick ?

Yes, I've fished there a few times. Did very well on 2 occaisions, using the drop shot. Next time I went, I couldn't buy a fish! Nice body of water though. I especially enjoy the upper pond. It just gets a little crazy from mid-June through summer, with all the boating traffic.  :o

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 
Right here guys. Any of you fish on Congamond Lake, in Southwick ?

i have, but i never have ANY luck there, i'm sure it's just me though :-/

What do you fish for there and how are you approaching it? If you use your sonar and go early in the day, you can do quite well. I'm mainly a Quabbin fisherman myself, specializing in smallmouth bass. You can view most of my posts about the Q on  :o

fishing user avatarDean reply : 

I drove by there yesterday, you can see through the ice in certain spots its so thin. I give it 1-2 more weeks before no more ice! :o

fishing user avatarGrunt25thInf. reply : 

I live in Attleboro and me and my wife who is my team tournament club partner fish Lake Sabattia, Lake Pearl and Whitehall Reservoir frequently. But, if it's smallies your after and you don't want to drive to the Cape from western Ma. then try Lake Singletary in Shrewsbury next to Worcester or in Worcester Lake Quinsigamond. If any one is interested there is an open tournament at South Watappa on 25 April 09., just show up for 0600 hrs, pay, fish and hopefully win.

fishing user avatarsdcoll reply : 

hey guys and gals central ma here and i also have a fishing problem :o

anyways i got as far west as the Connecticut river and as far south as Webster lake also fish the mack and fished all in out of the pontoon,12'v and buddies 17' bass tracker......ill bet a 20 spot that were all roaring to get a wet line

fishing user avatarbassmedic46 reply : 

I live in Central Mass and do Quabog and the Quabbin Quite a bit.

fishing user avatarGrunt25thInf. reply : 

Hey Bassmedic, are there any motor restrictions on the quabbin? I have heard yes and no.

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 
Hey Bassmedic, are there any motor restrictions on the quabbin? I have heard yes and no.

I fish the Quabbin quite a bit during it's open season. Have been doing that for a lot of years. Retired now, so I get up there at least a couple of times a week nowadays. There definitely is a motor restriction there. Max. HP is either a 25 2-stroke or 20 4-stroke; and the motor can only be 50% of the boat's rated HP. Hope that helps some.

They do rent boats there as well, however - 15' alum open hull boats with 7 HP motors. Not fast, but they do the job. For parking, gate fees and boat rental for 2 guys, you're only talking about $35.00/day. A great deal! I have my own rig, so I don't worry about the rentals.

fishing user avatarsmallie.huntin reply : 
I live in Attleboro and me and my wife who is my team tournament club partner fish Lake Sabattia, Lake Pearl and Whitehall Reservoir frequently...

Are there any restrictions on Whitehall reservior like there are on Quabbin?  I have been eyeing this place up every time I drive down to visit a friend who lives out there.


fishing user avatarGrunt25thInf. reply : 

Thanks Crestliner for the info on the Quabbin. I'm in the process of fixing up a smaller boat to take into places like that. Hopefully it will be done by summer.

Soxfan, there is a 6mph speed limit on Whitehall. The fishing can be tough but worth it, I caught my largest LMB 6lbs.4oz there with a 5"green pumpkin texas rigged worm in 2' of water with temps in the 90's. Many 3-5lb LMB are caught there as well. It is mostly 4'-5' deep depending on the time of year, the eastside near the dam is 10' and the southern end is 20'-30'. My friend caught a 4.5lb rainbow trout on a crankbait in the southern end. Although we think it was a breeder released by the fisheries dept. It had rounded and red fins. It will be well worth the trip if you go. Sorry for rattling on, I will end now.

fishing user avatarmassbasshunter1968 reply : 

Hello evryone Im here from Southeast Mass.

fishing user avatarMJEFF reply : 

I live near the 495/Mass Pike interchange, I fish Whitehall, North Pond, Singletary and the Quabbin, Quinsigamond once in a while, as well as the A-1 site.  :o

I also work part time at Dick's in Natick in the fishing section drop by and ask for jeff.

fishing user avatarMJEFF reply : 

The restrictions on Quabbin are as follows, 20hp two stroke on a boat that has a rating of 40hp or more. 25hp four stroke on a boat that has a rating of 50hp or more.

What they don't want is guys coming up with 14ft boats rated for 10hp or so and putting 25's or 20's on them .

Years ago they never bothered with that until some guys did just that and were nailing it with site of the ramps. Also so lawsuits in previous years made them tighten up the reg's, as did 911.

They are going to raise the fee's at Quabbin this year, not by alot but all the state run facilities, golf courses, state parks, etc are going up.

Whitehall has no restictions, just a speed limit of 12mph. Be careful of stumps out in front of the mouth of the cove where the launch ramp is, in the spring the stumps get loosened by the ice and they move around alot. Not a problem with a small boat but sometimes larger boats like Rangers, Tritons etc bump into a few.

fishing user avatarMJEFF reply : 

I like Gate 43 at the Quabbin, lots of variety's of places to fish, some large coves, quite a few humps, baffle dams lots of good shore line in the spring.

There are some very nice largemouths there too and of course the smallies and in the early spring its not uncommon to get hammered by a lake trout or two.

fishing user avatarGUTT3R reply :

that's where im located... Usually just fish around here

fishing user avatarWTRDOG reply : 

My name is Kevin, I'm from SE MA and I'm a fishaholic........

fishing user avatarMJEFF reply : 

I also can add that the fee's for fishing Quabbin will be going up this year, as will all State supported facilities.

There is also going to be a seasonal pass at the Q. 62 and over $25.00 , under 62 $50.

fishing user avatarGrunt25thInf. reply : 

MJEFF, thanks for that correction on the speed limit at Whitehall. I was confusing it with another location. Anyone fish the Charles out of Waltham? I hear it's pretty good. I have fished the lower end in Cambridge and Boston, it's really tough especially with all of the rowers and big cabin cruisers heading out to the ocean.

fishing user avatarmt3 reply : 

i'm brand new and located in worcester. just experienced whitehall reservoir today. it is absolutely beautiful .... but all we caught were little pickerel. hit up a bunch on "bassy" terrain but to no avail.

anybody know where the LMB are hiding in whitehall?

EDIT: .... I FOUND SOME!!!!  :o

fishing user avatarbambam508 reply : 

Hello everyone, I'm from se MA. Fish mostly Dartmouth, Fall River.

fishing user avatarElGuapo reply : 

When I visit MA I fish Lake Ellis, Sportsman's Pond, and the Millers River.

fishing user avatarwees reply : 
Right here guys. Any of you fish on Congamond Lake, in Southwick ?

I fish there a lot but only from the pier and shore.  I've caught some decent LM (3-4 lbs) but mostly I don't catch anything.  It's usually crowded on the pier and a lot of the people who fish there take everything they catch home.  If you can get out on the water, I've heard great things.  Have a friend who lives on the lake, he says he pulls out lots of quality LM and trout.

fishing user avatarHDfree reply : 

Hi all ..............

I live in Wilbraham and shore fish MOST ponds and lakes within 25+ miles.

GL to all !!!! :o

fishing user avatarmt3 reply : 

Anyone fish Webster Lake or Chauncy Lake?

any luck? .... spot suggestions? ..... of a boat ....

fishing user avatarSir Surly reply : 

Hello all. I'm Mike from Stow & I've been lurking for a couple of weeks now. There seems to be a bunch of good people here. I hope to enjoy your future fishing stories and maybe add a few of my own.

fishing user avatarCAGolfer reply : 

Directed to Fishing Rhino: I learned to fish, row, and ski from my grandfather who rented a cottage that belonged to a farmer on Devol pond. My niece now lives in Tiverton and we're all going back there in the fall for her wedding. My grandfather's cottage was long since torn down, but I plan to take a walk around the area anyway with my grand daughter. I'd love a short chat about access.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
Directed to Fishing Rhino: I learned to fish, row, and ski from my grandfather who rented a cottage that belonged to a farmer on Devol pond. My niece now lives in Tiverton and we're all going back there in the fall for her wedding. My grandfather's cottage was long since torn down, but I plan to take a walk around the area anyway with my grand daughter. I'd love a short chat about access.

Sent you an E mail.


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