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Lake Champlain 2025

fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 

Hey guys I was wondering when people starting fishing for bass on Lake Champlain? I am a freshman at UVM and I am just wondering if I should bring my rods up after spring break in two weeks. School gets out early May, so is April a good time to fish the lake. Also it would be great to get out on the lake and fish so if anyone needs a fishing partner let me know. I could split gas and such. Thanks

fishing user avatarwebertime reply : 

Things start to explode right around exam time.  You "CAN" get huge Smallies off the fill/bike path in Colchester/Mallett's Bay.  The Lakers and Salmon will chase and ball up the Smelt/Alewifes in the breaks (bridge sections) of the fill. The area Smallmouths follow and poach the bait balls.  I've seen 2 6lb SM and a 12lb laker taken in the same spot in an hour.  If you have access to a car get a ride to a few of the small rivers and creeks that run under Shelburne Road (intentionally vague) for 3-5lb Smallmouths on light tackle.  PM me if you want and we can hook up when it warms up.

I lived in Harris 420 my freshman year (96-97). 

fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 

PM sent, keep the input coming guys!

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 

Yes, bring your gear!

Things will really start to get interesting then... I live in Milton and fish from Ice out to Ice up.

South Hero side of the bike path is also great fishing.

LOL @ intentionally vague.

fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 

Thanks, don't worry about it I will be exploring the area for many different spots. Hoping to fish down home over break and then bring my stuff back up for some fishing up here. This weather today makes me wanna fish even more!

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 
Thanks, don't worry about it I will be exploring the area for many different spots. Hoping to fish down home over break and then bring my stuff back up for some fishing up here. This weather today makes me wanna fish even more!

If you need a tour guide, let me know. I've lived North for several years but spent my whole youth farther south in the state.

fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 

That would be great considering I don't really know my way around the Burlington area waterways. Obviously you can't just to any spot on the lake and fish from the shore and catch fish. I am really excited to fish this area though

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 
That would be great considering I don't really know my way around the Burlington area waterways. Obviously you can't just to any spot on the lake and fish from the shore and catch fish. I am really excited to fish this area though

The area Webertime described is money in April.

Anyway shoot me a PM or whatever. When I start going out I can show you around.

Solid 10" of snow right now... But my order from TW arrived so although its expensive I won't be bored.

fishing user avatarStoweSmallmouth1 reply : 

Hey guys I am new to the forum but would def be interested in meeting up once the hard water lets up.  I have a place in Stowe, and am there most weekends.  I don;t usually fish around Burlington but would love to get out and try it.  I have some spots closer to Stowe and some past Jeffersonville but would love to hit up the big lake and some of its tributaries.  I would be more than happy to PM you with my contact info.  let me know



fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 

Indeed. Maybe we should have a VT Meet N Greet or something.

Just made a trip to Gander Mtn in Plattsburg today... Was disappointed. Did snag some basics but overall not worth the gas.

fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 

I would defiantly be interested in getting together at some point just to meet some people. Coordinate some fishing as the weather warms up. Let me know

fishing user avatargungpow reply : 

I'd be down for a meet... lower Lamoille produces good fish too if you like heavy cover. 

fishing user avatarStoweSmallmouth1 reply : 

If I had to rank the big 4 outdoor places I would put Bass Pro, Cabellas, Gander, then Dicks, I have not been too impressed with Gander.  I think you are better off using the gas (and time) and driving down to Boston or East Hartford and going to either Cabellas or Bass Pro.  As for the meet up I am 100% down, just shoot me a PM or something.  Prob hard to imagine fishing when there is 2 feet of fresh pow on the ground, very upset I am not there right now, I did manage to fish in NJ this weekend though, results where not great, but if I am not skiing I better be fishing!

fishing user avatarwebertime reply : 

I'm down for a meet up for sure!  If we can scare up some Canoes/Kayaks I have access to 2 spots that yielded a few 5lb+ LM EARLY in the season. I got a 6.6lb out of one that had ice on it the day before.

fishing user avatargungpow reply : 
I'm down for a meet up for sure! If we can scare up some Canoes/Kayaks I have access to 2 spots that yielded a few 5lb+ LM EARLY in the season. I got a 6.6lb out of one that had ice on it the day before.

Are these navigable waters of Champlain?  If so, I can take one on the boat from a nearby launch... :)

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 
I'm down for a meet up for sure! If we can scare up some Canoes/Kayaks I have access to 2 spots that yielded a few 5lb+ LM EARLY in the season. I got a 6.6lb out of one that had ice on it the day before.

I have access to a kayak and a death trap canoe...

Currently looking for a boat for this season so we'll see what happens there.

fishing user avatargungpow reply : 
I'm down for a meet up for sure! If we can scare up some Canoes/Kayaks I have access to 2 spots that yielded a few 5lb+ LM EARLY in the season. I got a 6.6lb out of one that had ice on it the day before.

I have access to a kayak and a death trap canoe...

Currently looking for a boat for this season so we'll see what happens there.

Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 
I'm down for a meet up for sure! If we can scare up some Canoes/Kayaks I have access to 2 spots that yielded a few 5lb+ LM EARLY in the season. I got a 6.6lb out of one that had ice on it the day before.

I have access to a kayak and a death trap canoe...

Currently looking for a boat for this season so we'll see what happens there.

Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat

lol soon. Not like we can use it anytime soon.

fishing user avatargungpow reply : 
I'm down for a meet up for sure! If we can scare up some Canoes/Kayaks I have access to 2 spots that yielded a few 5lb+ LM EARLY in the season. I got a 6.6lb out of one that had ice on it the day before.

I have access to a kayak and a death trap canoe...

Currently looking for a boat for this season so we'll see what happens there.

Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat

lol soon. Not like we can use it anytime soon.

Ya...don't mind me... just forward looking. In the past two days, I've spent $1800 on waterfowl means... and another $400 on bass s*&*t




On a bright note, the plow guy just showed up, finally. Looks like I'll have to go to work in the AM. :

fishing user avatarwebertime reply : 
I'm down for a meet up for sure! If we can scare up some Canoes/Kayaks I have access to 2 spots that yielded a few 5lb+ LM EARLY in the season. I got a 6.6lb out of one that had ice on it the day before.

Are these navigable waters of Champlain? If so, I can take one on the boat from a nearby launch... :)

One is, the other has no launch for a real boat, although a row/jon boat will work in there.  I might have a small Jon boat by then to go along with the canoe.

fishing user avatargrampa1114 reply : 

Guys...If you can get to the boat ramp below the falls at Otter creek in Vergennes...You won't need a boat.

fishing user avatarBassininVT reply : 

New to the forum but have kayaks and a canoe. Would love to share some good fishing with others.

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 
New to the forum but have kayaks and a canoe. Would love to share some good fishing with others.

Welcome. Where do you primarily fish? I normally frequent North LC, Arrowhead, Lamoile and whatever ponds are around.

Bring on the thaw!!!!

fishing user avatarBassininVT reply : 
New to the forum but have kayaks and a canoe. Would love to share some good fishing with others.

Welcome. Where do you primarily fish? I normally frequent North LC, Arrowhead, Lamoile and whatever ponds are around.

Bring on the thaw!!!!

St. Albans and up.

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 

fishing user avatargungpow reply : 

Both of you guys should be working, no?  Doht... what am I doing here.  :

fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 

Anyone been down by the lake recently? Anything looking good for shore fishing yet? Probably still to early, but its coming

fishing user avatarUPS VT reply : 

Don't know about up where you guys are, but there is still quite a bit of ice down here on the southern end of the lake.  I did see some open water yesterday, but not much. 

fishing user avatarwebertime reply : 

Everything is still locked up for all intents and purposes.  The Ice Guys are hammering big Northerns right now and they are still reporting 12+" of ice in the bays with the edges still holding tight.

Bullhead are starting to stage/run so the river flows are up which is good for breaking up the lake.  2 more weeks is my guess.

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 

2 more weeks sounds right.  >:)

Those northerns are some of favorite ice out targets. Not really into ice fishing though.

fishing user avatarwebertime reply : 

16-18" of Ice on Carry Bay in the islands as of yesterday. I've heard reports of 14-26" of ice around the lake. We need the wind and rain to keep going!!!! Smaller Champlain Valley ponds should be open within a week. Hopefully...

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 
  On 4/6/2011 at 9:06 AM, webertime said:

16-18" of Ice on Carry Bay in the islands as of yesterday. I've heard reports of 14-26" of ice around the lake. We need the wind and rain to keep going!!!! Smaller Champlain Valley ponds should be open within a week. Hopefully...

Arrowhead is finally starting to melt... Gonna be a late one this year. :(

Bait monkey is killing me.

fishing user avatarwebertime reply : 

I've been in the back yard practice flipping like a whack-job. My secret pond (fingers crossed) may be melted enough to hit Sunday...

fishing user avatarUPS VT reply : 

On the south end of the lake Benson Landing is open to launch a boat. Most of the bays are still frozen though.

fishing user avatarwebertime reply : 

The Fill (Colchester Bike Path)is open. Charcoal Creek (way up north) is open. The Culvert right before the Sandbar is producing Perch and Crappie (if you need a fix). Shelburne Pond, Lake Iroquois, Monkton and Bristol Ponds are melting at a good pace, open at the in and out flows of each.

I think I'm going to goof around on the Fill Sunday.

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 
  On 4/9/2011 at 7:12 AM, webertime said:

The Fill (Colchester Bike Path)is open. Charcoal Creek (way up north) is open. The Culvert right before the Sandbar is producing Perch and Crappie (if you need a fix). Shelburne Pond, Lake Iroquois, Monkton and Bristol Ponds are melting at a good pace, open at the in and out flows of each.

I think I'm going to goof around on the Fill Sunday.

I may try the other side of the fill on Sunday. Fished part of Lamoille today... Was really enjoying the day until some lady took her two kids swimming right next to my spot. :angry: Swimming? Really?

fishing user avatarwebertime reply : 

I was out on Bristol Pond (Lake Winona) for a few hours, 80% still has ice but the channel out to the pond and the whole North side are open. The ice there was going shockingly fast probably lost 8 feet in the couple hours we were there. It was like someone dumped a 200 acre slush puppy on the pond. Saw 2 perch and a baby beaver. Highlight of the day was using the canoe as an icebreaker... "Ramming Speed!!!"

Someone doing something dumb on the Lamoille?!!!! I'm Shocked! hahahahaha There are pools on the North Branch up in Waterville/Belvidere that families literally bring bars of soap down to the river and bathe...

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 

Like Deliverance... I just shake my head and move on.

Hopefully I can scare up at least one fish tomorrow. Although the South Hero side of the fill was dead for me until June last year.

fishing user avatarBassininVT reply : 

Two days of breaking ice on Maquam shore. :D Let it rain!!!! cant wait.

fishing user avatarlou304 reply : 

Saw a guy out on the south end of Champlain the other day. Not sure where he launched, but he was in a Ranger and throwing a spinnerbait. Most of the South end is open , along with the channel.

fishing user avatarwebertime reply : 

After yesterday it won't be long now. Shelburne, Bristol, and Monkton Ponds are all fishable now, with just a little slushy stuff left. Mallet's bay is launchable too according to my buddy.

fishing user avatarUPS VT reply : 
  On 4/12/2011 at 7:09 PM, lou304 said:

Saw a guy out on the south end of Champlain the other day. Not sure where he launched, but he was in a Ranger and throwing a spinnerbait. Most of the South end is open , along with the channel.

If it was an older Ranger, it was probably my friend. He launched out of Benson Landing on Saturday. Only got one bite though.

fishing user avatarclr9933 reply : 

Hey there guys, I'm a student at Burlington College and this is my first spring in VT.  Last weekend I finally got my truck up here so I can start exploring for more spots.  To this point I have only fished along the bike path by North Ave. and some of the Winooski River.  I've been dying to get out to some small ponds...  I've done a little research using google maps.  Any advice you'd be willing to share on where to go would be appriciated!


Spent the past two weeks pitching into a role of duct-tape in my living room, can't wait to get out!

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 

Just drove up there this weekend with a friend to see the waters for ourselves.  There is still a lot of ice on there but it's going away little by little.


Funny story ... we took a rock and tossed out.  It punched a hole through the ice and we ended up practicing our jig flipping into that hole for a little while since we were there anyway.


Talk about 2 fisherman eager to get out on the waters to fish.  It was good practice and it was fun ... LOL   :eyebrows:


As for a meet and greet ... I am down for that.  I'm also down for helping to coordinate it but I am not doing it alone.  PM if you are interested in forming a committee for a Northern Meet and Greet.

fishing user avatarMainebass1984 reply : 

Guys have been fishing Laphmans bay and at Bensons too. I was up at the islands late last week and there open water on both sides of the sandbar. There was a guy in the north side of the sandbar, there is more openwater on that side. The conn river is open and has been producing some bass as well.

A meet and greet sounds like a great idea.

fishing user avatarMainebass1984 reply : 

Guys have been fishing Laphmans bay and at Bensons too. I was up at the islands late last week and there open water on both sides of the sandbar. There was a guy in the north side of the sandbar, there is more openwater on that side. The conn river is open and has been producing some bass as well.

A meet and greet sounds like a great idea.

fishing user avatarBradGuenette reply : 

Heading down to Champlain next weekend with the 14ft tinny, anywhere you guys would recommend in terms of launches/quieter spots that are not out in the open channel if she gets windy?

fishing user avatargrampa1114 reply : 

There's a ramp, just south of the Missisquoi at the rte 78 bridge that just might work for you

fishing user avatarwebertime reply : 
  On 5/26/2013 at 7:24 AM, DirtNasty said:

Heading down to Champlain next weekend with the 14ft tinny, anywhere you guys would recommend in terms of launches/quieter spots that are not out in the open channel if she gets windy?


How far up the lake are you coming?

fishing user avatarmod479 reply : 

Anyone care to share some info on what the bass are doing right now in terms of the spawn and/or water temps?  Club tournament this Saturday outta Chazy, had no oppurtunity to prefish and will be staying in the Northeast section as I am not familiar with the lake. (1 prior tournament here...did not do to well either)   

fishing user avatarwebertime reply : 

It's a MESS...  Water temps are 52 (as of yesterday up north) and water is cloudy/muddy.  The huge rains in the last 2 weeks had the lake up about a foot and water in some places drop nearly 20 degrees (Mississquoi Bay).  Fish are Pre-spawn, Spawn, and Post Spawn, fish are everywhere (not in a good way).  We have a tournament Sunday out of Kelly Bay (just north of yours, on Alburgh), lots of guys are having nearly no luck all over the lake.  I don't want to be a downer but it should be tough out there this weekend (has been for 2 weeks).  Slow and long pause presentations did get the fish that were caught. 


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2 RI Open T's, CANCELED! -- Northeast Bass Fishing