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Question about Competitive Fishing 2024

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey I didnt want to hijack another thread going here but I have 2 questions about competitive fishing. Are ther any Tourneys that lets say limit equipment to a boat/motor/trolling motor plus fishing tackle and a map NO GIZMOS?

 If not would anyone like to see that?


fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

Don't know of any but I'd love to see it. And to really get back to basics just for fun limit the tackle. One rod/reel, small tackle box standardized that each entry would have to use. It could be called the "Getting Back To Basics Series" Maybe I'm way off here but I honestly think that would be very interesting. Kind of really putting knowledge and instinct to the test.

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

I would love to see that. I would actually like to see them go out in a canoe with one rod and a tackle bag and watch 'em catch fish, I really would.  But how's that going to sell equipment?  ;)

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

I don't care about the electronics but I remember the days when the BassMasters Classic was fished on a mystery lake and the entrants had no idea what lake they were fishing and could only take 10lbs of tackle with them.  

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 
I would love to see that. I would actually like to see them go out in a canoe with one rod and a tackle bag and watch 'em catch fish, I really would. But how's that going to sell equipment? ;)

Instead of wrapping bass boats they'd be wrapping canoes.  

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

Hope I'm not hijacking here but it wouldn't bother me to see the pre-fishing before a tourney done away with. These lakes get so much pressure the week before a tourney there's no telling what fish are missed come the day of competition.

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

Dont they have bank fishing tournaments? The pros fish off the bank without any electronics, just their skills.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 
I don't care about the electronics but I remember the days when the BassMasters Classic was fished on a mystery lake and the entrants had no idea what lake they were fishing and could only take 10lbs of tackle with them.

That's what they do with the Bush Shootout isn't it?

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

Classic too .... I think.

fishing user avatarOkeechobee_Cracker reply : 
I don't care about the electronics but I remember the days when the BassMasters Classic was fished on a mystery lake and the entrants had no idea what lake they were fishing and could only take 10lbs of tackle with them.

That's what they do with the Bush Shootout isn't it?

Only 10lbs of tackle for the Shootout and the Classic??? is tha true

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

Now I'm confused. Are you guys saying they don't know what lake they're fishing in the Classic? Another noob question pending the answer of the first question. Do they prefish for the Classic?

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

Yea, and golfers should go back to wooden clubs and rubber balls, and tennis players should go back to wooden rackets.

Nascar drivers should go back to Model A's  without pit crews and radios.

Get real - electronics are not what make these guys good fishermen.

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

I"m just speaking for myself here and maybe I misunderstood the thread but I'm not talking about wiping out equipment in all bass tournaments forever. And I in now way think these guys can't fish without electronics but with how far Bass fishing has come and the knowledge some of these pros have I think it would be interesting to see who would come out on top in this type situation. Even a one day competition I think would be cool.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 
Now I'm confused. Are you guys saying they don't know what lake they're fishing in the Classic? Another noob question pending the answer of the first question. Do they prefish for the Classic?

The first few classics saw the competitors getting on a plane and flying to mystery lake. It was divulged on the plane where they were going.  With the classic turning into the media event that it is, it would be impossible to do that now.

fishing user avatardink reply : 

Kinda along those lines for a "limited tourney", Wizard Fishing Rods (no longer in business) in the past held "Rogue Only" tournaments on Lake of the Ozarks.  I never fished one, but I understand they were pretty popular around here.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

No Mr. Welcome : I am not knocking nor do I understand the level of fishing those Pros take it to hence I have no Opinion. I even have 2 favorites myself Bill Dance and Al Linder. I own a depth finder I use somewhat?

I am a tradionalist I play a simple 60's built 4 piece Ludwig drum kit, I hated the dy they put lights in Wrigley Field AND even worse the day they lowered the pitching mound.

I am merely trying to see if there would be intrest in ANOTHER TYPE OF COMPETION that is a little more scaled down AND I AM VERY MUCH FOR REAL and not attacking anything just looking to see if there would be intrest in another type of competition I would love to see and particpate in something like this

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 



It ain't going to happen. Bass fishing on TV hasn't really become ANYTHING. This ain't NFL football, it rates about 10 places down from soccer! The GREATEST FISHERMAN IN THE WORLD have career winnings of about the first 16 games of an AVERAGE NBA player. The total take in one NASCAR race is more than the entire purse for a year on the BASS tour.

In the 2005 Classic, all the electronics on the planet couldn't produce a 3 lb bass.

Deep breath... :)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey RW I lightend up the end of my last post. I was just seeing if other people would be interested in such a contest to actually do one someday. TV is way beyond my scope Kent :D

fishing user avatarChode2235 reply : 

If we didn't buy all the gear advertised and used on the tournament trail, the sponsors would quit sponsoring the events and we would get what we appear to be asking for.

What I think is interesting is how the BASS tournaments drive the rest of the fishing world.  Someone wins a big tournament on a new lure, all the sudden it is the rage.  We build our skill sets around those used in tournaments.  For instance trolling for smallmouth (and even largemouth) and drift fishing with jigs are very highly effective, but you really never see it done, or innovation done around these methods.  Some of the most basic and effective methods of catching fish are ignored because they are legal in tournaments, aren't flashy enough for the publications, and are therefore ignored.  I think places like BR and others fill this void (as it is user generated content) but I would like to see more stuff on the 'its not pretty, but it works' side of fishing.

I don't know about you but this sport has gotten incredibly expensive (my fault and the baitmonkeys fault) because we chase these things that may give us a slight advantage in special situations.  Like basketball, football and any other sport you need to get the fundamentals down.  I know that my new years fishing resolution is to simplify my fishing and return to my basics.  2 rods in my kayak, and 3 3600's in the deck (still more than I wish I was taking).  

not to rant too much.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Would make a good idea for a club.  A special tourny.

not so much eliminating the elctronics but limited gear.  I mean REAL limited.  3 rods with the lures that are on them.  You can have extras but must be same lure and same color.

Would make for some fun to see who guessed right AND got lucky AND knows how to fish.

fishing user avatarOkeechobee_Cracker reply : 

Id love to see that ;D......It could be on sure a bunch of people would tune in to see that....sponsors could still get air time.......It would have nothin got do with points........That sounds interesting some one should contact B.A.S.S or F.L.W lol :)

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Have you guys seen the tournaments Cybasser, Vyron, & Dmitri fish?

They fish 3 different bodies of water in 3 days on foot

They start at the dam and the circle is where they fished


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

WOw Is that all shore fishing?

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

"No Mr. Welcome :"

Why so formal? The implication in both these posts, (interest in such a showing aside), is that the "gizmos" are what catch the fish, not the fishermen.

That couldn't be further from the truth. The only requirement to keep any tournament on an even keel of equal opportunity, is to ensure that all players have the exact same opportunities: keep the playing field equal.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I did not imply any thing I  want to see an older fashioned back to the old days type of fishing contest I neither implied nor do I believe that Gizmos make a fisherman I think I stated it pretty clearly and never made the statement that Depth finders, Vibra whatevers put fish in the boat

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

Hey Russ, I like that idea.

A group of my fishing buds and I are having a one day challenge this coming season and I'm going to suggest that format.

Thanks for sharing.


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey Maltese I think me and my friends are gonna di the same on Mauch Chunk lake Limit the maount of Rods and reels and we will decide on the lures we will use based on the honor system

Maybe we can then get both groups together on a lake non of us fishes regularly and see how we al do

fishing user avatarflyphisher # reply : 

A Bass club out of Athens, GA used to have a drawing at the meeting before each monthly tournament. They would draw one technique/lure out of the hat per person. If you drew a slip with C-rig written on it, you had to fish a C-rig only in the upcoming tournament.

Too limiting IMHO. I think they were only trying to seem like they were so good they needed to impose handicaps on themselves. ;D

fishing user avatarga_hawghauler reply : 

it was mentioned earlier about fishing a mystery lake. Ray scott done that some time ago for the classic if i am not mistaken. But I think today the classic is to much of a business or to commercial so they publize it way in advance. I think if not someone correct me if i am wrong.

fishing user avatarBud reply : 

Every year the local club I belong to has a tournament were you can use just one type of bait.  This year it is a BLADE bait such as a spinnerbait or a chatterbait.  We also have a night tournament.  It is a lot fun.

fishing user avatarGarnet reply : 

Theres limited hp series in my area guess what the same guys win. Most are 115 hp or less and 1 partner buys the smaller boat and 1 buys the bigger boat.

The idea is "I would have a chance if buddy wasn't so good with a trolling motor, or GPS Fish finder, or all that hp".

KVD can take your equipment and thump everybody with the same equipment. The local hotshot is going still be at the top.

It's pretty much a waste of time. And the good thing about fishing is you can spend $200,000.00 and still not win unlike Nascar or horse racing.

Fishing always comes down to rod, reel, fish and angler.


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Yea muddy they start at the dam, hike to the spot circled, and then hike back to the dam   ;D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Wow thats way cool!  8-)

fishing user avatarVekol reply : 

There are clubs that hold tournaments where the style and power of the boat are limited. See I don't think there are any limitations regarding electronics, numbers of rods, etc.

fishing user avatarclipper reply : 

Why not limit line size to 6 or even 4# test.  I hate to see a bass surfboarded accross the top of the water.  That's not playing a fish, it's snatching them out of the water.   Ray Scott recently held a tournament with these rules, just to get people interested in light tackle fishing.  It's a lot more fun, if that is why you are fishing.

fishing user avatarHale reply : 
Yea, and golfers should go back to wooden clubs and rubber balls, and tennis players should go back to wooden rackets.

Nascar drivers should go back to Model A's without pit crews and radios.

Get real - electronics are not what make these guys good fishermen.

Yeah Im not understanding everyones grief about the resources and equipment these guys have available. Im willing to put a lot of money up that 90% of weekend fisherman couldnt catch more fish if KVD or Ike (or any other pro) gave them their boat, equipment (and whatever else everyone else thinks is unfair). The skills alone in using electronics effectively takes years of learning....and they dont catch fish(just like a range finder for yardage wont make a golfer hit a hole-in-one).

I think everyone that feels that their skills are only limited to the amount of tackle or other equipment they have should go out as a spectactor to an elite event. Watch their cast distances, precise accuracy, and methodical presentations. Those things will remain in these competitors regardless of what tackle you give them.

OC they did use to limit events to 10lbs of tackle. Bill Dance would actually put bricks in other guys tackle boxes before the 'tackle weigh in' as a prank.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey Hale and Others Please Im gonna say this one more time, I may not be stating this clear. I have no opinon on the Pros. I have never fished on that level so I can not possibly make any kind of statement on what may or may not give them an adge

I have one electronic device in the boat A very low end depth finder I t helps me with water temps. and to find underweater drop offs and weed beds. IT HAS NOT CAUGHT A SINGLE FISH ON ITS OWN. I also have upgraded my rods and reels over time and yes they make the day go smoother and they are lighter to use. So I know they cant catch any fish on thier own

I like old fashioned tratditional things. I still use mostly Rapala and Manns Jelly Worms. I like what is tried and true

What I wanted to see if peoiple would be interested in a more laid back and Gizmo free kind of fishing contest A throw back to the older days I am not being critical of todays tourneys Thos fellas work and buy Licences just like I do


fishing user avatardink reply : 

Hey Muddy.

As aggravating as it can be sometimes, don't waste your breath on it.  Rest assured, those who know you, know what you meant to begin with.  There are just some people who are just defensive about everything and can't wait to tell SOMEONE about it.  You seem like a very laid-back type with your head on straight.  So don't sweat it... I think your idea is cool and could be alot of fun among fellow fisherman.  Reelmn.


fishing user avatarHale reply : 

My post belonged to the other topic that is similiar to this (you know which one Im talking about).

fishing user avatarZel... reply : 

Hey Muddy, you peaked my interest.  How about a friendly competition at Mauch Chunk in the Spring The Mooks versus the Gunslingers.

Aluminum jon/row boats with a trolling motor

No Electronics, map okay

Two rods per angler (2 instead of 1, just incase one breaks)

A sandwich bag for each angler, which must hold all the anglers tackle and lures


4 hour tournament.

Each angler gets to pick the spot for both boats to fish for one hour at a time.  Flip of a coin to see which is boat 1 (boat 1 - angler 1 first hour; boat 2 - angler 1 second hour; boat 1 angler 2 third hour, boat 2 angler 2 fourth hour.  The boats will stay within 50 yards of each other at all times, with the non-controlling boat to remain behind the other boat).


Each angler throws in a 10 pack of GYCB Senkos (we all use them), and winning angler (or team) takes all.  

All determined by length of bass converted to weight: I have a conversion sheet of length to weight from Pennsylvania for Largemouth and Smallmouth, 5 bass limit per angler.

What do you think?

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Im in when we get together for the next CAST meeting we can throw this around The Only problem I can see


I now Uter fishes there from the forums and we can post it in NE Fishing But we have to be clear that this is just us having a little contest not this Site

fishing user avatarZel... reply : 

The other half of my team is a police officer trained in interrogation. We put Ron in a van after the competition, put a 400-watt light in his face, and grill him until he cracks.

Then again, there is always Chinese water torture.  

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey Zel I don't think thats gonna work Ron is retired from the Federal Marshals

he ain't crackin for anything Im in a 14 ft boat with him all the time and he says oh that happened when you weren't payin attention Maybe we will put him in the boat with you

fishing user avatarbrutus reply : 

I think this is a great idea. To be honest it would be a good learning experience,at least for me. Any day fishing with my best friend is a great day!

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

See He's Lying already

fishing user avatarJ._Bricker reply : 

Muddy- you've heard of the Snag Proof Tournement?  Only their products are used, and during one event the guy who won used a Wiggle Wog, not the frogs like most others.  Remember reading one guy complaining about the winner, who filled the Wiggle Wog with water to create a swimbait for a 30lb limit.  Oh, and it was within the rules per the judges.

Some clubs have topwater tourneys.  Good times when the bite is on..........

My take on your original post, it could only be done on a club level.


fishing user avatarboondocks reply : 
Hey I didnt want to hijack another thread going here but I have 2 questions about competitive fishing. Are ther any Tourneys that lets say limit equipment to a boat/motor/trolling motor plus fishing tackle and a map NO GIZMOS?

If not would anyone like to see that?


I think this would be an excellent idea. ;) Maybe throw in a few amatures.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I like this for us amatures only ;)


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