hey guys, first post, i caught this bass on Saturday here in NC and didn't have a scale or anything, it was just a local farm pond, i was wondering if you could tell me how big you think it is, thanks and happy fishing!
*****added a new picture on page 2!*****
that fish looks over 10 to me. thats a giant. how big was the lake, from that pic it looks like a tiny little hole
Quoteit was just a local farm pond
stated above, thanks!
thats awesome. did u spot her in the water. i bet she looked huge. what did u catch her on, line, lures, etc
actually my girlfriend saw it swimming and called me over, she thought it was a snake because all you could see was a long black line near the top of the water, i was using a blue/purple worm texas rigged and tossed it past the fish maybe 5 feet or so and started reeling it in and twitching the rod, the first 2 times the fish casually kept swimming but moving very very slow, the 3rd time i stopped it right in front of its face for just a second...then twitched it again and that's when it bit, i didn't think it was that big of a fish until he popped his head up and then i knew it was a monster!
thats a great fish,
I would say that fish would go around 9 pounds maybee more. Did you get any measurements?
Man you gotta love them good ol' farm ponds.
Quotethats a great fish,I would say that fish would go around 9 pounds maybee more. Did you get any measurements?
Man you gotta love them good ol' farm ponds.
unfortunately i did not, i was so excited and out there with just a few friends, we realized we had a tape measure about an hour later and that we should have measured it :'(
It's hard to say what your fish weighs from the picture. As many others will tell you, a good scale has a way of reducing the weight of fish.
Nice fish. It is a legitimate lunker by any standard.
BTW, welcome to the Forum.
I will give it a 10. It is well over the 10 lb mark. Nice fish. I love fishing ponds. Thats the way I mainly fish, well atleast 98% of the time.
oh i forgot.....apparently there is a much larger fish in there, "old joe" is his name according to the older gentleman who owns the pond, i'm thinking i might go back soon to see if i can take him for a ride on my hook!
I would say its over 9 1/2 lbs easy! If you dn't have a scale, measure length and girth. You can tell the approx. weight with those measurements.
I think if there is a bigger fish in that pond its going to be "Old Joesephine" Males don't grow that big!
Congrats awesome fish!
WOW!!! At LEAST a 'nine'! My '9' was 26" in length and that Bass is at least that long and I would suspect, even longer and heavier than mine. And, kodos for not giving up when she ignored your first attempts 8-).
She looks spawned out to me, I would say she is 7 to 8 but if you got her 2 weeks ago I would bet 9 or 10. Nice fish eitherway. Joey
9 ish.it's hard to tell.anyway, AWESOME DUDE!!! ;D
It looks at least 8 lbs, a JUMBO by any standards
;D 25 pounds, Dude. A new world record! :
--Poor Richard, B.S., More of the Same, and Piled Higher and Deeper.
Bigger than anything I have ever caught. Congrats on the beast...er beastess.
where at in north carolina were you fishing???
I would put her at 9-11 pounds unless she is extremely skinny. The fish in my avatar is 7 pounds 11 ounces and she sure looks bigger than mine. I am 5' 10" and 250 pounds if that gives you any sense of scale. Congratulations!
Without being able to see her belly real well, I'll say 8-9 pounds. As a few others have stated, much bigger than any I've caught! The bass in my avatar went 5lbs 12oz, when I lipped her, I would have sworn 6 1/2 at least! But the truth teller showed me how far off I was! LOL!
I have said a bunch of times that there is no way to tell from a photo. But, if I had to guess I would say 8.5 to 9 pounds. Nice fish!
jmaness - i was fishing around the wendell/zebulon area, right outside of raleigh
one of my friends just sent me a picture from his camera, thanks for all the comments guys, enjoy this picture of my big fish!
I originally said 7 to 8 because she is spawned out, but seeing the new pic 8 1/2 to 9 1/2 but 2 weeks ago 11+ Nice fish
That's a TOAD. Congrats, nice fish.
Wow, what a beauty...Nice work!
That is a MONSTER fish!!! nice job, man
In your second pic the bass is being held closer to the camera which, as we all know will add a few prounds. No doubt this is a great fish. I'll say arond 8.5lbs
Big enough to eat the shirt off your back!!!
Easily 10 lb's....
Nice fish man!
That is a BIG bass. I'd say 10+ with a full belly. Without seeing it's belly I think it's around 8 to 9 pounds. Great job!
Man, that bass has a big head on it. I think it's really pushing 10 pounds. A different time of year and it might get up to almost 12. Well done bro.
I would just roundup to 10lbs to make it easy for everyone.
Its hard to tell from the picture, but im guessing around 7.5-8. Im not too sure about a 10 pounder just quite yet. I just know it will beat my pb, 6 lbs.
I'd go around 9.5 she looks solid.
My uncle has a 9 pounder mounted, your bass lookes like it is slightly bigger. My guess is 9 1/2, if the bass had a bigger girth it would be over 10 maybe 11.
that looks like about a 9 pounder or plus
Wow man, beautiful fish. I would say that fish is around 9.5. No matter what she weighs, she's a real trophy! Congrats!
8-) Man, I just keep comin' back to this thread just to look at that fish you caught. That is one NICE Bass!
9lbs easily
nice hauss
Great Fish!
I'm sure that was hard to release (not knowing the weight) but at least you have a great picture and you'll have a chance to catch her again. Don't worry about the weight because as years go by and you tell the story about the farm pond bass, she will get a bit heavier each time. I'm guessing in 5 years from now, you will be telling your friends about the 16 lb bass you caught - at least that's what I would do. LOL
Thats a 9+.very nice pic bro keep it up.
about 10 lbs, too bad you didn't take measurements, those are had to find.