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One Thing! 2024

fishing user avatarBoo reply : 

If you could name one thing that has improved your fishing or made you a better fisherman, what would that be. I.E. technique, bait, structure, or cover.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Understanding fish behaviour and how it reacts to the changes.

fishing user avatarWill reply : 

My casting, I am no longer scared to throw in thick stuff and when I do its a whole lot more accurate.

fishing user avatarmac7373 reply : 

When I broke down and finally learned to flip and pitch.  I never fished a jig until I learned those two techniques.  I was always a plastic worm, spinner bait, and top water kinda guy but learning just something as simple as pitchin a jig -n- pig was a phenomenal advancement in my productivity and has actually caused me to be more competitive in more tournaments.  

A close second to learning those techniques, I would say was forcing myself to use spinning gear again and then learning the right situations for using it as well.  I started out on spinning gear as a small child.  When I made the dreaded switch from spinning to bait cast, my dad use to make me go out in the backyard when I was little...around ten or eleven or so, and throw my bait cast rod and reel with a weight on it at several different Folgers coffee cans spread around at various locations in the back yard until I could at the very least hit each can pretty much at will.  I use to do this for hours and hours every day.  He wanted me to be able to use one well before he took me out with one and he wanted me to be able to deal with my own backlashes/birds nests without him having to stop fishing and untangle it for me.  I got really good with placing my lures in the right places without having to learn other techniques...but now I am glad I have taken the time to learn some new stuff cause it has made a huge difference for me.  I still go out and find a target or two and throw at them while in the yard when I am trying out a new line or something.  It's an old habit.  

fishing user avatarmullman reply : 

Reading all the fine articles and forum posts on this website.

Before I came here I knew absolutely nothing about bass fishing.  All my life I was always tossing out a hook and bobber and just hoping for the best.  After a few weeks of reading this site I went out and tried some of the ideas discussed and was mildly successful but now I'm totally obsessed and I can hardly wait to get back on the water.

It's like I just discovered a whole new world that I didn't even know existed before visiting this site.

fishing user avatarLandis76 reply : 

My first bass club was what made the difference.

fishing user avatarGobbleDog reply : 

Power Pro - revolutionized my fishing.  8)

Before using Pro (3 years ago), I needed extra thick mono line to cast into heavy cover, but I mostly used light line due to the clear water lakes I was fishing, so my casting range was limited.  But with Power Pro, I found out how many fish I was missing in thick cover and grass I couldn't get to before. Now I can cast into anything and it always comes back, sometimes with fish on it. That's with 10 lb Pro which is dang near unbreakable.  At first I was worried about it's visibility, but I'm still fishing the same ultra clear lakes and I'm still catching fish.

fishing user avatar2_Poppa reply : 

Moving off of the bank and fishing deep water structure...

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

The information here and paying attention to how fish are acting and keeping notes(LOG)

fishing user avatarHot n Tot reply : 

Learning all I can about fish behaviour

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

Finding! ;)

fishing user avatarball_coach_1 reply : 

I would have to say two things....MAKING myself start fishing a jig-n-pig when I knew I could catch fish on plastics.  I was always a wormin' fool, but have come to realize over time that quality comes more often with the jig than quantity with plastics.

I started fishing deep water with my buddy when I was in high school, a LOT, in a john or canoe.  He wanted deep water structure, and I was a bank beatin' fool.  We would compromise, and a lot of times he was right....especially in hot summer.  Deep cranks and carolina rigging were all I would do, and thank god.  It amazes me how few people fish deep water structure.  I would be one of those people if my ol' friend wasn't such a stubborn son of a gun.

I have learned or been reminded on this site of a LOT the past two months since coming here.  This site has made me appreciate the thinking part of the sport again.

fishing user avatarHot n Tot reply : 

Without a doubt, this site has definitely played a big role in shortening my learning curve.

fishing user avatarD.Taylor reply : 

Time on the water.

We all learn tricks on here etc. But until we spend the time one the water we dont become a better at any technique till we apply it.  Bass clubs, fourm sites, fishing articles and casting practice all help in hance our knowledge and ability as fishermen. Till we get on the water and apply these things its just knowledge or a skill.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

Learning how to use different baits.  Three years ago I really decided to become a better fisherman to prepare myself for a club or a Pro-AM tour once I get out of colllege.  Before I would go out day in and day out and rig up a 7 inch plastic worm, T-rigged or you might ocassionly see me with a popper or jitterbug early and late.  If I didn't get a bite then the fish just weren't there ............... I thought.  I have learned how to use spinnerbaits sufficiently and I would say that I have become pretty darn good with a crankbait.  I have also expanded my soft plastic horizon too.  I have a streak going form March 20, 2004 to present that I haven't been skunked since then.......hopefully I didn't jinx myself ;D ........... I am going out tommorow and if I get skunked I am blaming it on this post :D.

fishing user avatarSkeeter6598 reply : 

Learning to be versitale has made the biggest difference for me. Trying different things and different types of structure and water.  

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

2_Poppa/ ball_coach_1: Ditto.

Getting off the bank and fishing structure in deeper water. I used to just fish, now I hunt hawgs.

fishing user avatarLUNKER reply : 

Stay on fish in touraments. Many times anglers search for new spots when fishing tournaments. Location Location Location! Stay where you have done your homework and found fish. It certainly has increased my productivity.

fishing user avatarBass_junky reply : 

What was the most improtant factor that has helped my ability to boat bass?

1)  Learning to Pattern..this is one of the most critical elements for consistantly landing fish.

2)  Learning to use my electronics, this includes GPS, sonar, & reading the time on my watch, so the wife doesn't get stood up, lol...

3)  Generating logs for the next season.

4)  Observing bass & their habitat with underwater camera system

5)  PITCHIN" !!!!!!

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

time on the water

fishing user avatarBoo reply : 

I would say slowing down and fishing a area more thoroughly with soft  plastics has changed my fishing.

fishing user avatarChris reply : 

Fish slow and methodically. Time on the water. ;D

fishing user avatarBD reply : 

I need to use more jigs.

fishing user avatarrholstein548 reply : 

finding this site i and useing what i learn from it

fishing user avatarBassMaster reply : 

simply this site!  Yeah, i'm gonna go fishing tomorrow

fishing user avatarGobbleDog reply : 

Given the amount of serious bass fisherman who use this site, there's a thousand years worth of bass experience on this site.  From Yankee town to Florida.

I'm too old to give up my finess fishing ways, especially given the decent success I've had at it. But I still like reading all the info.  

fishing user avatarDePoy79 reply : 

i would have to say casting technique and all of my on the water experience

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I'd also have to say time on the water. Four years ago ,I really got serious about bassin'.I started bassin' Every Sat. and Sun. and during the Summer I have two and a half months off.I fish at least 5 days a week,sometimes more.even I am gonna pick up on bass behavior with that much time invested.

fishing user avatarGobbleDog reply : 

Hey Rattlinrogue, that picture under your name looks like most of the bass pictures I end up with. A small bass which looks even smaller because you're holding it away from the camera and the lighting is perfect.

;D I like it!


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