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I've Lost All My Patience For Fishing Slow - Help 2024

fishing user avatarmartintheduck reply : 

Over the past few months (and after getting my new boat), I've hit a point where I'm generally only concerned with covering water. I'm trying to find spots, fish them as fast as possible, and move on to the next one. I haven't used softplastics in quite some time. My ole' trusty setup is usually a shaky head or c-rig, but I haven't even tossed one of those in MONTHS! I've hit this point where I'm just not feeling very patient when covering areas.


Any tips on slowing myself down a bit and reacquiring some patience?


I know covering water isn't always a bad thing, but strictly covering water and not properly working productive areas is just as detrimental.



fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

The next time you go fishing, take every bait, except for your "ol' trusty setups", out of your boat, and fish like you did before getting your new boat.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Fishing can be a matter of timing, being in the right location at the right time.  There is no wrong or right, you may be in the right spot at the wrong time or move and discover the timing isn't any better...........or it could be.

fishing user avatarClackerBuzz reply : 


fishing user avataraceman387 reply : 

You need to sow your mind down.I like to fish after work and sometimes i am mentally tired before heading out which ruins the whole fishing experience for me.I like to take a five minute nap in my truck before going out. Its amazing how a simple little nap can alter a racing mind. Out on the water you can try closing your eyes and doing some deep slow breathing in an out through your nose ,it has to be slow in order for it to alter your mind and your focus (awareness) Other than that, how is your stance on

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Try leaving the boat at home for a while, or fish somewhere that is too small for a boat, like in a pond.

fishing user avatarCPBassFishing reply : 

Go out early in the morning or at night. I find that the peace and quiet calms my ADD down and I am able to fish more slowly.

fishing user avatarTodd2 reply : 

This summer I was out one day and my trolling motor steering cable broke. So I was forced to anchor. Its amazing how thorough you work an area when anchored. I caught more fish off this one point than I ever had. So, just take a hammer to your trolling motor :)

fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 

do as rhino suggested and leave everything at home but your old trusty setups. covering water just to cover it doesnt usually accomplish anything, especially if youre not fishing the proper baits in that water. and if youre just out fun fishing, remember that, youre not in a tournament and there is no clock to race against or other anglers.


or you can just continue to work the new methods youre trying and perhaps come pretty efficient at cranking or spinnerbaiting or whatever method it may be...

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I have lost patience with soft olastics too. I religiously would use them and over the past 5 months I have been using frogs, swim baits, and cranks. I find fishin slow to be boring but I know it is very effective at times. When I fish soft plastics I am using Uvibe worms and rage craws fishing them fast like top water, very effective at times.

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

ultmately if you are having fun then who cares how fast or slow you fish.  Now if you are losing that then it is time to make it fun again and only you know how to do that for yourself.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

If it works for KVD...

fishing user avatarmartintheduck reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 5:20 PM, aceman387 said:

You need to sow your mind down.I like to fish after work and sometimes i am mentally tired before heading out which ruins the whole fishing experience for me.I like to take a five minute nap in my truck before going out. Its amazing how a simple little nap can alter a racing mind. Out on the water you can try closing your eyes and doing some deep slow breathing in an out through your nose ,it has to be slow in order for it to alter your mind and your focus (awareness) Other than that, how is your stance on



This made me laugh! I'll pass on the weed, man! 


It's weird how when it comes to myself, all this kind of stuff slips my mind! I'll try some "meditation/napping" for sure. And I'll try leaving the fast baits at home (maybe). The big reason I've gotten into the fast fishing is because I've never done it before... I've always been a slow fisherman. I'm trying to build my confidence in fishing fast... I've always been able to DO IT, but just never enjoyed it.


Now, I'm confident in my water covering techniques, but in the process I've started HATING slow fishing!


I need to iron this problem out in the next year and find some balance... plan to go out for Collegiate Bass Fishing next season!

fishing user avatarRoachDad reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 1:36 PM, martintheduck said:

Over the past few months (and after getting my new boat), I've hit a point where I'm generally only concerned with covering water. I'm trying to find spots, fish them as fast as possible, and move on to the next one. I haven't used softplastics in quite some time. My ole' trusty setup is usually a shaky head or c-rig, but I haven't even tossed one of those in MONTHS! I've hit this point where I'm just not feeling very patient when covering areas.


Any tips on slowing myself down a bit and reacquiring some patience?


I know covering water isn't always a bad thing, but strictly covering water and not properly working productive areas is just as detrimental.

uuuuh, same answer to every problem, beer.


Cast, sip, cast sip.  It'll slow you down.

fishing user avatarClackerBuzz reply : 

it really comes down to goals.  it seems like u were a slow fisherman. you had a goal to become a fast fisherman (possibly to compete in the Collegiate?).  now ur goal is to become an all around versatile angler, fast and slow. knowing when to speed up and when slow down is a valuable trait whether ur in tournaments or fun fishing. i only fish for fun, and for hawgs, but i'm quick to go from a 10" worm to a 3" grub. it's serving me well

fishing user avatarWalleye2Bass reply : 

I had this issue, I watched too many TV shows of Pro's covering miles and miles of water at breakneck trolling speeds with crank baits and spinner-baits. Then one day it dawned on me:  I'm not a professional, I don't care if I catch a bass today (a fish in general would be nice), I am out to have fun!  You know what, I relaxed and I catch more fish and have a lot more fun.  Instead of throwing fast moving search baits I used a little common sense about structure and started throwing jigs, worms and soft creature baits.  I have not been skunked this year, not to say some fish I caught were not embarrassingly small or not the right species, but I had fun and enjoyed it.  For me it took a conscious decision to slow down and enjoy being out fishing instead of stressing about how many fish I can catch...           

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

The key is to learn when to speed up & when to slow down.

Anglers like KVD do not simply fish fast, the simply do not waste cast in unproductive water.

Pros know the available structure, they know the available cover, they know the available prey spices & they adjust accordingly.

When KVD won the last Classic in New Orleans he was anchored!

fishing user avatarmartintheduck reply : 


fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Just a reminder, keep it "family friendly" which includes illegal activities.
The policy is non-negotiable. A few posts have been removed.


-Kent  a.k.a. roadwarrior

Global Moderator

fishing user avatarredboat reply : 

Trade your Merc in on a Yamaha - THAT'LL slow you down!

fishing user avatarBig Jon reply : 

Maybe try fishing a jig? Generally you can fish those pretty slow, and though you don't get as many bites, you can get some pretty big ones. At least that's what I have seen from some of the BassResource videos and a couple KVD ones I have seen. I am just now trying to learn the jig. I am trying to figure out how not to lose all my jigs in submerged trees at the moment. I'm still fishing from shore.

fishing user avatarmartintheduck reply : 
  On 9/20/2013 at 3:43 AM, redboat said:

Trade your Merc in on a Yamaha - THAT'LL slow you down!


Bahahaha!!! That one cut me deep (cause' I already run a Yamaha)

fishing user avatarredboat reply : 
  On 9/20/2013 at 5:28 AM, martintheduck said:

Bahahaha!!! That one cut me deep (cause' I already run a Yamaha)

Lol, just kiddin!

fishing user avatarSudburyBasser reply : 
  On 9/20/2013 at 12:14 AM, slonezp said:

If it works for KVD...


And yet he's actually an excellent drop shotter :)

fishing user avatarTeam9nine reply : 
  On 9/20/2013 at 12:05 AM, flyfisher said:

ultmately if you are having fun then who cares how fast or slow you fish.  Now if you are losing that then it is time to make it fun again and only you know how to do that for yourself.


Ditto - soft plastics are so over rated anyway :roflmao1:

fishing user avatarHattrick7 reply : 

Fishing sounds more like your most hated job or chore when you're on your boat. Is there a reason why you feel the need to cover as much water as possible? Is there monetary pressure? Are the lakes going to disappear within a week?

Relax, take a deep breath and remember that fishing is supposed to be Fun. The lakes will be there tomorrow.

I just ordered some more tackle today. My point because learning to fish new baits is what keeps things fresh and interesting for me. Get that shakey head out there and enjoy yourself.

fishing user avatarmartintheduck reply : 
  On 9/20/2013 at 11:39 AM, Hattrick7 said:

Fishing sounds more like your most hated job or chore when you're on your boat. Is there a reason why you feel the need to cover as much water as possible? Is there monetary pressure? Are the lakes going to disappear within a week?

Relax, take a deep breath and remember that fishing is supposed to be Fun. The lakes will be there tomorrow.

I just ordered some more tackle today. My point because learning to fish new baits is what keeps things fresh and interesting for me. Get that shakey head out there and enjoy yourself.



I've been trying to become effective and confident in fast fishing because I'm gunning for Collegiate Bass. It seems that in my recent progress I've just lost my patience. Moral of the story - I'm now confident in some fast fishing and slow fishing, but I just get really squeamish when fishing slow.... going to be working on feeling okay with slowing it down and after that, I'll be working on hitting "virgin" (to me) bodies of water.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

After reading you last post your problem aint with your confidence in fishing fast or slow. The thought of that "Tournament Clock" ticking away in your head has shaken your overall confidence.

This completely normal!

All tournament anglers have that little voice that says "you gonna catch a!", "you need to move they aint here", "that's the wrong color bait".

Dealing with doubt is extremely hard on the tournament angler & probably harder then locating & catching fish.

It's even harder for us to tell you how to deal with it, follow your instincts, fish to your strengths.

fishing user avatarmartintheduck reply : 
  On 9/20/2013 at 5:50 PM, Catt said:

After reading you last post your problem aint with your confidence in fishing fast or slow. The thought of that "Tournament Clock" ticking away in your head has shaken your overall confidence.

This completely normal!

All tournament anglers have that little voice that says "you gonna catch a!", "you need to move they aint here", "that's the wrong color bait".

Dealing with doubt is extremely hard on the tournament angler & probably harder then locating & catching fish.

It's even harder for us to tell you how to deal with it, follow your instincts, fish to your strengths.



Well, this is accurate. My previous experiences have been covering water really fast, get a bite, and slow it down for maybe 5 minutes? Then jump right back to the fast baits. Going to be doing some work on it this weekend if the rain lets up.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Why are you equating fishing fast with fast moving baits?  To me, "fishing fast" has nothing to do with the bait itself.  Last tournament, I plied a spot that I know holds fish with jigs and craws.  Nothing.  Rip a crankbait through there, and ignited those fish.  Three in three casts, a limit in about 20 minutes - all casting to the same spot.  The wind was blowing so hard, I had to circle back a few times to make the right cast.  That ate up a lot of time, but was worth it. That's fishing slow, even though I was ripping that Flat Mini DR.

fishing user avatarmartintheduck reply : 
  On 9/20/2013 at 11:00 PM, J Francho said:

Why are you equating fishing fast with fast moving baits?  To me, "fishing fast" has nothing to do with the bait itself.  Last tournament, I plied a spot that I know holds fish with jigs and craws.  Nothing.  Rip a crankbait through there, and ignited those fish.  Three in three casts, a limit in about 20 minutes - all casting to the same spot.  The wind was blowing so hard, I had to circle back a few times to make the right cast.  That ate up a lot of time, but was worth it. That's fishing slow, even though I was ripping that Flat Mini DR.


I'm in this mindset that I can cover water more quickly with cranks, spinners, and some swimbait setups. 

fishing user avatarHattrick7 reply : 
  On 9/20/2013 at 2:50 PM, martintheduck said:

I've been trying to become effective and confident in fast fishing because I'm gunning for Collegiate Bass. It seems that in my recent progress I've just lost my patience. Moral of the story - I'm now confident in some fast fishing and slow fishing, but I just get really squeamish when fishing slow.... going to be working on feeling okay with slowing it down and after that, I'll be working on hitting "virgin" (to me) bodies of water.

Ok fishing in a tourney makes sense. I remember Iaconelli saying once that competing in those higher tiered tourneys that so much of it is mental.

At least you know where your weaknesses are. Good luck to you.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 9/21/2013 at 1:48 PM, martintheduck said:

I'm in this mindset that I can cover water more quickly with cranks, spinners, and some swimbait setups. 


I fished a tournament on Oneida yesterday.  I fished two bridge pilings in the river all day, using two umbrella rigs, spinnerbait, and rattletrap.  Came in 2nd.  Now that's fishing slow.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

To consistantly catch bass is a process of elimination & duplication!

Eliminate patterns & waters that are non-productive!

Duplicate patterns & waters that are productive!

Fishing fast or slow does not necessarily the speed @ which your boat is moving. It means using techniques (fast or slow) to effectively fish productive patterns & waters.

fishing user avatarderekxec reply : 

are you catching fish? if not then worry if you are then keep doing it...when i fish bass i fish baits that move fast and i also move fast..i cast 2 times then walk 10 ft cast 2 times walk 10 ft and i do it because for some reason for bass only i cannot fish slow but i catch plenty of fish so i dont care slow fast medium turtle who cares really

fishing user avatarmartintheduck reply : 
  On 9/23/2013 at 9:16 PM, J Francho said:

I fished a tournament on Oneida yesterday.  I fished two bridge pilings in the river all day, using two umbrella rigs, spinnerbait, and rattletrap.  Came in 2nd.  Now that's fishing slow.



Wow. That's dedication. Question - How were you so confident in those 2 spots? Were you seeing good stuff on the electronics? Have you had good success there before? What was the "confidence factors" tat kept you stuck on those pilings? 

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 


What was the "confidence factors" tat kept you stuck on those pilings?


They were actually my second spot, as another gentleman was fishing my primary spot.  He was a in a state level event, and in the lead after day 1, so I backed off that spot.  Both spots had produced limits for a Monday night, Friday night, and Saturday tournaments.  The recent rains had the river running a bit high, with pushes baitfish downstream.  Bass are already congregating in the channel in the lake in front of the river.  The rains and bait just gets the big ones to use the structure as an ambush point to take advantage of the bait getting pushed downstream.  As you take fish off the spot, more move in.  The size varies throughout the day.  You can catch a ton of dinks, they disappear, and then a few large fish. The larger fish are territorial, and don't com in a flurry.  You have to wait them out.  I didn't catch my first keeper until after noon.  That's 6 hours without a fish in the well.  I could see the other gentleman waiting it out, and seeing as he was in the lead after day 1, that helped make my decision.

fishing user avatarzwhiten12 reply : 

Only take slow baits with you, it worked for me


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