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Sonar sticky -UPDATED W/ LINKS AND PICS 2024

fishing user avatarBD reply : 

I would love to see this site have a sticky for articles on how to 'read' your depthfinder. People could post screenshots, and then explain what you're viewing. Links for books on this topic, and or, other articles would be handy too.

It seems there is not enough pictures/websites/how-to articles, etc for what you are actually viewing, or how to determine sometimes the difference between grass, rocks, road beds, sticks on the bottom etc

The pros here, you all feel like contributing please?


fishing user avatarTLBassin reply : 

I agree, that would be a HUGE helping hand

fishing user avatarGobbleDog reply : 

My cheap ($115) Eagle depth finder can be set to display the boomarangs or fish symbols. When I first got it, I wanted to see boomarangs and whatnot.

But when it's set to that boomarang mode, the whole display gets pretty dark and it's nearly impossible to read.  I never bothered to figure it out, so I just keep it on the fish symbol mode. All I'm really looking for is to see if there's any grass down there anyway.

Now, if I had a $1,000 depth finder, then I'd probably put in the time to figure the dang thing out.

fishing user avatarChris reply :

There is more stuff on the bottom of this page.

fishing user avatarMaster_Hunter_1977 reply : 

That is one of the best ideas I have heard in a while.  I know when I first got my finder I had a hard time determining exactly what I was looking at.  I also know that there are short cuts on some lowrance finders and it would be great to tap into others knowledge.  

Good idea BD

fishing user avatarBass Hammer reply : 

Great Idea!

fishing user avatarmisterpeabody reply : 

It's truly amazing how pros can interpret those things as well as they can. I just spent the weekend listening to sonar seminars by Don Iovino, the leading expert on electronics.  He sells a book and DVD that are both excellent to prime us on the basics of using sonar to locate precisely where the fish are and catch them using finesse tactics primarily in deeper water.  A few things I learned:  turn off the fish ID icon!  Use the arches, they can indicate exactly where the bass entered the sonar cone left or right and many other details, such as movement.  Adjust sensitivity so that you get a second reading, but barely, if it's adjustable.  If you are using 2 sonars, you must turn one off or you may be introducing interference.    On the LCD, the DARKER the bottom, the harder it is (more sound waves being reflected as opposed to being absorbed by a softer bottom)   ...I've just begun reading his book so there is much more but I hope this little bit helps someone a litte bit, for now...Peabody

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

The first thing you want to do on any depth sounder,

is turn OFF the fish icon and learn to decipher the raw signals.


fishing user avatarBD reply : 

Right on RoLo. I am trying to get replies on learning HOW to decipher the screen.

fishing user avatarGobbleDog reply : 

The first thing you want to do on any depth sounder,

is turn OFF the fish icon and learn to decipher the raw signals.


What's the second thing?

(insert joke)

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

apply the knowledge

fishing user avatarBD reply : 
apply the knowledge


fishing user avatarGobbleDog reply : 

I'm going to give it another try.

When I first hooked my depth finder up (many many years ago), I tried it with the fish symbols off for about a half hour. I remember it displaying a mixture of gray and dark gray and I just couldn't read it. I thought maybe it was too sentive or not sensitive enough or something needed adjusting. So I just changed it to the fish symbols on mode and it cleared up the screen and made the bottom profile/vegetation a lot easier to read. I ain't switched it since.

But I spose I'll give it another try. I'd like to see boomarangs down there. I never pay any attention to the fish symbols anyway. I usually just assume it's floating grass or bubbles or whatever.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Really the first thing you need to do is turn off the "auto" feature, and then turn off the fish symbols.  Then.... NEVER GO BACK!!  Force yourself to use it.  It's a pain in the rear to begin with, but trust me, over time, you'll love it.

Ideally, find a buddy who knows how to read sonar (your local rep is ideal) and take him out on the water in YOUR boat using YOUR sonar.... don't do any fishing.  Spend a couple of hours as an on-the-water class.

Short of that, read articles, and buy videos on the subject.  Here's a few to get you started:


fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

When you are trying to see arches on your graph,you must be at idle speed to get a full arch.If your'e going any faster than idle speed,your arch will turn into more of a straight line.The longer the fish is in the cone of the finder,the better the arch you will see.

fishing user avatarBD reply : 

Fivebass, thanks this is exactly the stuff that should be in ONE thread. The whole point was to have one 'place' to point to.

Tip, suggestions, things to remember, etc is what I am aiming for. It's to HELP other people.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Bd,  My first graph was a lowrance paper graph.    I found the clearest water available.   I started with muddy bottoms to see how it marked, the thickness of the black line was approx. 3/4' thick on bottom symbolizing soft bottom.

I moved to a sandy bottom, not mud, like beach sand, and it marked about 3/8", not as soft as mud, a little harder.    I graphed the dam with rocks of the facing, the rocks gave irregular black line 1/8-1/4 inch with some gray area mixed in, seen as not a solid black line.

The rule, the softer the bottom was created because some of the compression waves are asorbed by the bottom, less return.  on hard bottom, the returns are sharper, more defined black line on graph.

I found stumps and compared to a rock return to decipher the difference on screen, then bushes, like buck brush, xmas tree,   then on to trees.

I went to known areas, clear water to see with no doubt what was down there.

I went parallel down bridges at idle speed, my transducer was mounted on stern, rear of the boat.   I wanted to see how far at idle speed the bridge pilings showed up on screen as i passed them.   This gave me an ideal of the realationship of an object i passed by before I saw it on screen.

I repeated the passes, doing what the others mentioned, turn off Auto Mode, adjusted chart speed due to boat speed to see at what speed of the boat correlated to when it appeared.   I adjusted gains also to see what it did to my current picture as compare to before.  I moved further away from the bridge in small incriments to see how wide my cone angle was seeing.   I was looking in 20ft of water to see when the bridge pilings no longer showed on screen.  This gave me an idea of big an area my trans ducer was covering.  In 5 ft of water, my window was limited to a couple of yards on each side of the boat, actually, i saw more on the starboard side because of the mounting position.  As the depth changed so did my coverage area down below.   I saw more bottom and what was between.

My graph only had boomer rang symbols.    I watched the birds to tell me when baitfish were schooling, I made passes over them, large schools of shad looked like clutter, tight clutter indicated fish are feeding.

This is how I learned my old graph, the nice thing was, I could keep my paper graphs for future study.

Time on water using your graph in manual mode is the best teacher.  Don't worry about fishing while your learning, spend a day in good known structures and contours and you'll gain confidence in your electronics.  

I hope this will help you out.


fishing user avatarBD reply : 

Matt, great post, thank you. :)

fishing user avatarTriton_Mike reply : 

BD, If you live in Atlanta I have a seminar that I am doing for the Geogia DNR at Red Top MTN at 8am this Saturday. It's Power Point presenation that is all about sonar interpretation and how to use your sonar to put more fishies in the boat.

I'll tell you what. Glenn if you set the board up or however you want to organize it. I have about 100 Sonar and Side imaging pictures I can put up and explain and we can ALL learn from it. Sonar interpretation is the biggest thing that most of my clients ask me to help them with on guide trips. I'm trying to bridge that gap with my seminar this coming Saturday. I think a seperate board called Sonar Interpretation would be a great learning tool for everyone and be something other boards haven't done yet.

Here are just a few examples of sonar pictures that I have explained already.

another site

T Mike

fishing user avatarBD reply : 

NOW that is exactly the stuff we need!! I am really wanting to see this thread become a sticky!

Triton I am in OK, but I would LOVE to see the P.P.......can you email me the p.p.? I can then post a link to it.


fishing user avatarBD reply : 

Also (and not to sound brash at all) can we get some pictures from a non side by side from you all? Some of us don't have very expensive units. I guess basics of 'this is a creek channel' 'this is a road bed' etc are very helpful more over than side by side w/ GPS and all the other bells and whistles.

I hope that made sense lol

fishing user avatarBD reply : 

Triton_Mike....can you email me that powerpoint presentation please?

PM me for email.


fishing user avatarBD reply : 

I'll tell you what. Glenn if you set the board up or however you want to organize it. I have about 100 Sonar and Side imaging pictures I can put up and explain and we can ALL learn from it.

Yes please do this :D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey fellas started cleaning up and checking equipment for the upcoming season While I was wiping down my fish finder I SNEEZED on the screen Question DOES THIS QUALIFY AS A SONAR STICKY :o

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
Hey fellas started cleaning up and checking equipment for the upcoming season While I was wiping down my fish finder I SNEEZED on the screen Question DOES THIS QUALIFY AS A SONAR STICKY :o

That depends on whether you wiped it off or not. ;)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

You know I dont think Im gonna wipe it off I cant afford one of those 3D units and this kinda gives the same effect 8-)

fishing user avatarBD reply : 

Triton, are you there? :D

fishing user avatarTriton_Mike reply : 

BD Gots email???  mbucca AT comcast DOT net


fishing user avatarBass Hammer reply : 
Triton, are you there? :D

Quote Mike Iaconelli 2006

fishing user avatarBD reply : 
BD Gots email??? mbucca AT comcast DOT net


I'll email you, thanks.

fishing user avatarBD reply : 
Triton, are you there? :D

Quote Mike Iaconelli 2006

lol! ;D

fishing user avatarBD reply : 

Power Point presentation can be grabbed here:

I am going to host this for about a month, then remove it, best to grab it regardless ;)

Dial up need not apply.

Thanks again Mike and everyone who responded.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I've tried getting stuff like this going on several boards, but it's been like pulling hen's teeth to get any interest going. Is this the sort of thing you want?


Manual zoom to bottom view. 40 feet depth. Lake Ouachita.

I found the bass, belly in the mud 40 feet down, lockjawed due to high pressure from the front that passed through. So I passed on the usual pre-spawn lures and tied on a 3/4 oz spinnerbait and bumped it 5 feet off bottom after first bumping bottom. The zig zag line is the track of the spinnerbait right under the bow trolling motor transducer. I was slowly drifting with wind, so the bait stayed with me straight down. I saw the first bass rise up so got set. Then a second bass, both holding around the edge of a brush pile (blob on bottom between fish), rose to investigate. One of them took it out of sonar view, then I set the hook. 2.5# largemouth. I'm not sure what made the end buzz zig zag, maybe the change in direction. Anyway, I wanted to show ya'll about the sloped lines showing fish swimming while the boat is nearly still. Trolling speeds give fish arches. Higher speeds give slices. Also note I knew exactly how deep the spinnerbait was, and how fish related to its action. I tried other presentations, but the 5 foot rise/fall five feet off bottom around cover was best. I'm guessing the bass were buried up in the brush piles. Caught 7 bass from 1.7# to 2.9# doing that, but none of those episodes showed up well on the sonar log.


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

When going that slow, just drifting, any swimming fish will make the lines instead of arches. The lines track their movement within the 20 degree cones. Sitting still gets the lines. Spped up to 2 mph and get arches until about 8 mph, then you just get little fingernail clipping shaped images.

In the picture above you can see small red objects nearly on bottom next to the brush pile. Those are fish. I know the big object is a brush pile because it's one of a hundred I've set out, and I have all of them waypointed.


fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

That's good stuff o.b.a.,I think thats more like what everyone is wanting to see.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

This is an actual printout from my stylus graph sounder.

The dark bar on top is the water's surface and the jagged dark band near the bottom is the lake bottom.

The faint horizontal series of blips located somewhat beneath the surface are forage fish about 7-ft down.

The two darker blobs among the baitfish (indicated by two arrows) are gamefish.

The bulk of the school of gamefish (as usual) were sulking near the bottom, far below.

In this case, the main school are the blips near the bottom, lofting upward to 12 ft above bottom.

The gamefish near the surface look larger, but only because they were closer to the transducer.

They were actually smaller more aggressive gamefish that rose to the occasion.

I know that in retrospect, as they were caught both near the surface and near the bottom.



fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Some of you might be wondering how to post a sonar view here. I use a Lowrance 332C and put a 256 meg SanDisc memory card in the card slot, then turn on Log Sonar. You get one minute of logging per megabyte of memory. You can use a gigabyte card for nearly 16 hours of sonar, but it's much easier to view and manage several smaller cards.  The filled card is then put in any MMC/SD card reader and opened using Lowrance's free downloadable SONAR VIEWER. I'm not sure Humminbird, Garmin, or other units log sonar or use the same file extension.  I'm a Lowrance user and have been for years. You can watch the session play out in real time and pause when something interesting comes up. I put the mouse over a target and write the GPS coordinates down (showing on screen) to make a waypoint later. You can save a view and make a JPEG or whatever extension file of it then post it in Photobucket then paste the image link here.


fishing user avatarBD reply : 

Yes all please post more!!!




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