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Crazy things fishing partners do 2024

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Don 't know about you but I think most of us fish with a partner most of the time, at least I do, I have 2 good friends that have been my fishing buddies for over 20 years and in recent years my SIL 's husband has joined the gang, it 's not only fishing but the other things you do while fishing that make it a more enjoyable experience, specially crazy things they do on those trips that make them memorable; like the day one of the gang encountered a monster rattlesnake and wanted it to make a belt out of it.......hmmmmm, hey that was me !  ::); lemme think, aha! the day that one of the gang had the great idea to harvest ripe cactus fruit ( we call them "tunas" here ) for dessert, kinda tricky quest with all the thorns cactus have, but those things shure are sweet and delicious....... oooops, hey that was my idea !  ::); all right I know, the day that one of the gang suffered a punctured bladder on the inflatable boat while fishing in the middle of the lake 200 ft from the nearest shore, repaired the puncture with chewing gum and continued fishing till dusk.....geez, I must be careful the next time I take out the inflatable boat.... that chewing gum is still there !  ::); ok, I remember also that ocassion when we went to Loonkerland and the fishing was so slow that one of the gang decided to investigate what kind of scorpions lived in that part of the country and found a bunch of them underneath a rock, interesting creatures, those ones weren 't like the ones we are used to see here, they are much smaller and have large claws.......uh oh, that was me too !  ::); ok, ok, ok, the time we went to another lake and found some very cool looking cacti and instead of fishing we harvested ( illegaly BTW ) a big bunch of them for a desert garden he has in his house......dammit, that was me too ! ::)

Thinking it carefully.....the craziest thing my fishing partners have done is going fishing with me.  ;D

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

It's too bad you don't have any fun!

With all of that going on, catching big bass is probably a distraction to you. Are your friends as crazy about fishing as you? What about their equipment or is that something you furnish your guests?

If I didn't fish with friends I know I wouldn't fish as much as I do. My boys are half the fun, maybe more than that.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

I've been fishing alot lately with my buddy who drinks about a case of beer on each the middle of the trip,he's constantly throwing his lures up in trees (usually about 30' up and way too far to reach) or throwing his bait up against peoples boats that are hanging in their docks and more times than not,the people are on the dock when this happens.Last time we fished at night together,he broke off way up in a tree and it took him 25 minutes to re-rig,cussing the whole time.Then about 30 minutes later,he sets the hook hard on a bream and the hook comes back and gets stuck in his shoulder,barb and all.We finally decide to leave.....I blast out of there and his favorite fishing hat blows off,never to be seen again.

And he usually falls out of the boat at least once every year,it hasnt happened yet this year,so it's coming!He's actually a pretty good fisherman.....too bad he cant leave the brew alone.And after watching him,I'm glad I dont drink anymore.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Are your friends as crazy about fishing as you?

Gee, I don 't know, what do you think ?  ;D

When we we younger and single we fished all  year long, to the point that we went fishing at 6:00 AM, had a "quickie" and returned at 9:40 AM because we had to work at 10:00 AM, it 's raining, fish are bitin ', let 's go !; we have full moon tonight, fish are bitin ', let 's go !; it 's new moon, fish are bitin ', let 's go !; it 's windy, fish are bitin ', let 's go !, every excuse you can imagine was good for us.  ;D Later one of them got married, to celebrate the birth of his are bitin '  :D, later the girl came with us  ;D, when his son was born we just had to are bitin '  :D. We celebrate birthdays, well you know are bitin '.  Now that we 're grown-ups and have families we certainly give family their time so we go every other week, but we have 3 boyz that need training...... ::)

Everybody brings his own tackle but everything is available for everybody and with soft plastics if fish are biting a particular bait the one who brought it shares the pack with the rest of the gang, you know how fish are, today they are biting 5" Zoom Salty Fat Alberts in Margarita color we see how many we are carrying and split the ammount between the gang, the idea is that everybody has to catch fish and have a good time. The boat is the only limitation because it can only carry four persons, what we do is to split the boat time between us, 3 fish from the bank, 3 fish from the boat and after a couple of hours we switch places.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

If you could find some restraint and forgo the purchase of a new rod and reel this month, you could get another boat. How's that for an idea?

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Don't ever get caught coming around the point in the fog when you think you're alone on the lake if your partner and you are 2 adult men singing Barry Manilow archipella.

This is gonna be a good,...looong post,lol

AAAAt the copa,....copa cabana....

fishing user avatarbassackwards reply : 

lol, great thread...

unfortunately, I mostly fish by myself.  I went on the wagon and quit drinkin, and most of those "friends" left too...  for the better.   :D

I try to drag my dad out here and there.  but when he gets free time, I let him relax, hes always busy runnin a company.  

well, I need to push him more, now that I mention it.  

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

I have video that will crack you guys up.

Short avi files of us out on the ice praying and burning things to the gods in January.

Singing.   Somthing we can't do so I change the words to apply to fishing..  The angling rapper.  

Commentaries on the night,etc.  

We have bottle rocket wars between the other boats from our team.  Roman candles count.  Ever been ambushed at 3am entering a cove,....cornered?

We don't drink on the boat as a rule.  Also as a rule, we are "420 club" card holders.  Gold edition

we wear different socks on purpose, shorts or not.  Different colors too.  Black dress sock with white jock sock,etc

It is so true, so many funny moments are born on a boat.  Whether born of boredom or just plain too many hours afloat, it's some hilarious stuff.  Our next move is to get a voice recorder, like people use in meetings to tape the whole trip each time.  There are so many funny things I've forgotten over the yrs (again, 420 club,lol) I don't want to lose those moments.

fishing user avatarPond-Pro reply : 

       My uncle has a bass decoy. He hangs it out the side of the boat while we are fishing.  The bass always swim right towards it....   after they are hooked and pulled towards it.  ::)  He is crazy. I guess a lot of time on the water will do that to you.  ;D

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

Hey,I'm in the 420 club too. ;)

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Funny , I thought you looked familiar!  Somthing about your eyes... :o

fishing user avatarSweetwater reply : 

You gonna eat that? ;D

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

420 club????   OK, I give....what is the 420 club? ???

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Abel-I PM'd you

fishing user avatarbassackwards reply : 

having caught 420 bass in a lifetime...  lmao   ;)

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

ok, back to the subject....raise of hands,....

How many people have fallen in?

how many doing it while peeing?

fishing user avatarBASSMAN1301599783 reply : 
ok, back to the subject....raise of hands,....

How many people have fallen in?

how many doing it while peeing?

Guilty :-[
fishing user avatarCujo reply : 

never while peeing but yes i have fell in.

i use to be in the 420 club, not any more though :'(

fishing user avatarspotaholic reply : 

Two funny things I guess. One time I was fishing in the back of the boat and my friend hung his jig up in the middle of some brush and as he was getting it out ....plop on the deck about a 5 foot Cotton Mouth.After the screaming like a little girl ended he then gets his pistol and shoots 2 holes in the bottonm of his skeeter. He then tells me it is easy to fix the holes. Fils the holes with some silicone and back to fishing like nothing ever happened. The other happened this year.; I was fishing in my boat watching some schooling fish when I smell this really bad smell. I say to the guy in the back boy something must be dead around here. I here a chuckle and turn around only to see the bare butt of my friend as he is taking care of some buisness and here is the funny part. I preceed on tapping the trolling motor and watch him with his pants around his ankles fall clean out of the boat. I amsure he didn't think it was real funny but everytime I think about it I get a chuckle.

fishing user avatar7Lbass reply : 

My partner and I used to fish a small lake that had Duck blinds and the biggest bass in the lake lived in them...

So we cut off about 3 ft on a couple rods so we could lay down on the boat and fish the inside....

Caught alot of 3 to 5 lbrs this way...

[glb]Life Member 420 Club [/glb]

fishing user avatarkbj3579 reply : 

I think I am probably in Raul's position.  Most of the stories would probably be about me.  One that always comes up when my partner and I go is, me sending his hat about 75 yards down a rip rap bank.  I reared back to cast my crank down the bank, as I did along came my partners hat, right off the top of his head.  You have to do some tuning to get those hats to come through the water right.  LOL!

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

I know could get a hefty fine for harvesting the cacti but they are so beautiful that I couldn 't resist the temptation  :-X

Hang-up specialists.

Hey that sounds like my nephew, don 't know how he does it but ......oh well ya know, it may be the only brush in 20 acres and you can bet he 's going to hang up in it.  ::)

Backlash artists.

That shure sounds like my nephew 's daddy, I can bet that he rarely make 3 casts without having a backlash  ;D

plop on the deck about a 5 foot Cotton Mouth.

That 's a nize sized cotton mouth, you can make a belt and a wallet with it.  ;)

"No sudden moves, please."

That sounds like Maike, only problem with him is that he 's 6' 5" and weights about 280 lbs, heck, even his breathing causes sudden moves.  :D

Which reminds me of another one, we were catfishing in the night, I caught a 15 pound cat and left it on the bank while I was adding a chunk of liver to the hook when Maike comes and sits right next to me........exactly where the catfish ain 't easy trying to remove a wiggling cat from your buddie 's rear end  ;D.

fishing user avatarNick_Barr reply : 

I mostly fish by myself since my fishing buddy now has his own boat. One time we were fishing and We were heading to our next spot full throttle (15 mph) He stands up on the front deck which slows use down dramatically. I yell at him to sit down, he doesnt. so i kill the engine and he falls right of the front deck..... you should have seen his face....chuckle.  then i drive over and start fishing and he has to swim 20 yards to get back to the boat.  I told him " I couldnt hear what you said, i thought you said you wanted to go swimming"

Then a week later we have a little 2 boat team tournament with a couple of other friends, WE all started at the end of the dock and had to run jump into our boats and get going, i jumped in an dthen my partner planted his foot on the edge of the dock to jump and Splash, the siding of the dock came off and he fell right into the water. When i lived on a lake with almost no development we used to have bottle rocket wars. I got hit right in the chest with one of those and that sucked, Oh well. Its fun

fishing user avatarel_jewapo reply : 
ok, back to the subject....raise of hands,....

How many people have fallen in?

how many doing it while peeing?

I was fishing with a buddy this year who fell in while peeing, flipping the boat in the process. I won't mention any names.  ;D

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I will...It was me!

We both went in with all our stuff. Luckily we were able to save the motor, the battery, most of our tackle and some of our rods & reels. Once we emptied the boat and got reorganized, we spent the next hour or so "bottom fishing" for a couple of rods. Fortunately we boated them all.

fishing user avatarel_jewapo reply : 

hahahaha  ;D

fishing user avatarAceHigh reply : 

Here's one.

Back about 25 years ago I was fishing a tournament on Sardis Reservior in North Mississippi (which was a great lake at that time).  Out of 500 entrants I happen to draw a friend in my fishing club as my partner.  I was very pleased as he and I had fished together several times, he was a very good fisherman and together we had about as much knowledge of the lake as anyone else in the tournament; we took my rig.  As the fishing slowed in early afternoon I suggested we go to a place where I knew an old gravel road crossed a creek channel and on about the third cast I hooked a toad on a small crankbait right on the edge of the creek.  Anyway, I told my partner to get the net and slowly played the big fish until I was certain he would come in easy.  Well, when I eased the fish up alongside the boat my partner took a huge swipe at the fish and caught it with the edge of the net sending the fish a good 20 feet up in the air wher he just watched it fall straight back down in the water where the crank bait immediately popped out.  We both guessed 8 & 1/2 to 9 lbs (10 lbs wasn't uncommon in the lake at that time).  I was sick; he was equally sick and because he was my friend I couldn't kill him.  

This was in the days when Mississippi had a 15 per day limit on bass and while both of us weighted in an average sized limit, everyone in the top 20 had a kicker of between 3.5  and 6 lbs - in short that fish would have won me big bass and 1st place.  To this day when I see him he apologises for that net job.  

fishing user avatarMax-in-Mn reply : 

Well, I have 2 main fishing buddies. One is about as thick as a brick and the other is even thicker lol. Maybe us being in the "420 club" has something to do with that lol. I have done some very dumb things too like run into a dock going full throttle, that was very, very, bad. To name a few, my buddy has, dunked the canoe, ran over the gas line with prop, forgot to latch the pin for boat tralier resulting in a crashed boat, and the list just goes on and on.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
Let's see here....Hmmmmm.

FiveBass, fishing with alcohol in the boat invites accidents (possibly fatal), arguments, murder, AND/OR arrest.

FLYROD, I said my buddy drinks all the beer,not me.I quit drinking a few blue moons ago.I'll pass an on the water breath-a-lyzer any day of the week.Plus,the guy I'm speaking of is a long time close friend,not my tournament partner.....he drinks too much.

Just because I dont drink anymore doesnt mean he cant drink when we go fishin'.I'm a responsible enough adult to keep us both out of trouble.Thanks for the tips.  

fishing user avatarHookhead reply : 

My fishing buddy and I used to own a small bass boat.  One hot summer day when the biggin's weren't biting we decided to explore an unknown part of the lake.  We noticed how much higher the lake was after coming across a rope swing hanging from a tree about 50 yards from the shore.  I was driving the boat and he was in front navigating.  When we pulled up to the swing he instinctively grabbed it.  As soon as he latched on to the rope I floored it and left him hanging there.  I jetted out and fished afor about 10 minutes...Good times...sniff..sniff

On another one of our outtings we managed to drop a running outboard (7.5 Johnson)into the lake.  Thank God it was tied to a cleat!  We pulled it up, re-clamped it down and she started right up.  I still have the motor in my garage and fire it up every weekend!

The very first boat trip we took together was right after we bought it.  We drove directly to the nearest gas station, filled up the 5 gallon tank, dropped the boat in the water and cruised to the middle of the lake.  That's where she died.  We had never heard of "2 stroke oil"  :o  After paddling back to shore we went home and through the magic of "Marvel Mystery Oil" had her up and running again.  We learned everything the hard way.  ;)

fishing user avatarutser reply : 

chasing my fishing buddies down the river with a live copperhead they was screamin loud enough to wake the dead.  trying to flyfish i hooked myself in the butt, standing on a rock in middle of the river with my pants down trying to get the hook out, and rafters goin on both sides of the rock. trusting my buddy night fishing this great pond, till the cops came.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Somewhat related.

I used to live on Barrington beach.  Only a couple houses at the end of a public beach.  The bluefish use the whole cove to corner huge schools of baitfish and when the bite is on, it's actually"loud".  Bluefish boil on bait in football field size schools.

Anyway, I was awoken one night about 4-430AM by the fish going nuts.  I went downstairs, grabbed a rod off the wall and made my way down to the beach.  I waded out in my underwear up to my waist and started nailing fish after fish.  

Next thing I know, my watch is beeping(wake up alarm)  It's 7:00 and there are about 50 people all around having morning coffee, walking dogs, fishing,etc,...AND I'M IN MY UNDERWEAR!.  Had to high step it up the lawn, laughing to myself the whole way.

fishing user avatarrodknocker reply : 

i mainly fish by myself dont drink anymore much so most of my buddies dont hang with me im a regular participant in the 420 club i have a platinum card though very suprised to see so many who do or who just talk like they do any way no wierd stories or anything although my brother did catch a wasp nest in a cypress tree once with a heddon topwater you talkin about running a 18 horse nissan that day we found out exactly what it would do on that 12x32 flat bottom any way ive got to go outside and smoke talk to yall later

fishing user avatarSBM-RL reply : 

Me and my partner rap and ad fishing lyrics its actually pretty fun and weve gotten good might have to make a CD my fishing partner has his 420 club platinum edition card he pretty much swips his card 3 or 4 times a day

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Spotaholic, Remind me to hang on next time I drain one off the back of your boat.

fishing user avatarMax-in-Mn reply : 

Hmm..scratch that..I read a sample but I still don't see any similarities between rod's post and the writings...

fishing user avatarfireandice reply : 

Great stories from everyone.  What a good thread.  I don't have anything to amazing to tell...other than the odd pet peeves of mine of two of my fishing buddies.  One lifetime-long fishing buddy of mine still smokes a joint prior to any fishing outing that we partake in.  Says it puts him in sync with the fish.  He always outfishes me.  I don't partake in his prefish activities.

And another good friend of mine, who has flourocarbon veins with fish blood running through them, always brightens my day first thing at work with his predictable phrase"ready to go fishin'?"  Always delievered with a huge smile, because he works nights and leaves for the lake at the same time that I'm clocking in.  But to fish with this guy is like living on the edge.  When he hits the trolling motor, you'd better have your knees bent or you're going over.  And when he sets the hook, it's usually not in a fishes mouth, but instead whizzing past your left ear.  There's gotta be a whole support group of bass out there with their jaws half ripped off from this guy setting his hook.  But we all love to fish.  I suppose it's in everyones blood here.  Fish on on!

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Fireand ice- your friend is in the 420 club and doesnt even know it.


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