For me the bank of my favorite lake is all sand and rock
Trees, brush, wood in the water, grass, rip rap, bulk heads, piers, docks, moored boats, stick ups, cover over and in the water, undercut banks in rivers, river channels up to and close to the bank in lakes, points, old tires, sunken boats, sunken piers and sunken docks, floating docks, where bridges meet the bank, both vehicle and train, concrete under bridges against the bank, open spaces between docks, boat ramps, where one type of grass meets another type of grass, where grass meets rock and anything unusual to the area along the bank.
Trees, laydowns, road beds, rocks, cover made from pallets, and a lot of vegetation. Some of the vegetation is on top of the water, and some is under the water.
Bikinis .
Right now it's total ice! Hopefully, in a week or two, I'll actually be able to wet a line.
Brush, sand, rattlesnakes, scorpions and on one side Mexican commercial fisherman and drug cartels.
Louisiana on the right...Texas on the left
Louisiana on the right...Texas on the let951/media/Lake/LookingatTexasontheleftLouisianaont.jpg.html]
My bank fishing lakes have manicured grass like a golf course, but have about 10 or 15 yards of thick weeds and pads that circle these lakes, and then a deep drop off. Snakes are commonly found along the shoreline either in the thick water weeds or lying out on the manicured grass along the bank, sunning themselves. Not uncommon to see three or four snakes each trip. It always makes things interesting.
Sand, Rock, Mud, Clay, and this stuff i like to call "Afro Grass", have no idea what is it though
Rattle snakes, coots, coyotes, occasional deer and bait fisherman.
Non Boaters. Brian.
oh man, why yall gotta be mentioning snakes. i dont like them dead or alive.
Rednecks in lawn chairs.
Bucket fishermen.
My boat.
The Lodge . . . . . . . on Lake Baccarac ~
Rocks gravel sand maybe a Bush or two. A couple fallen trees...wish there was more
Trees, Poison ivy, chiggers, ticks.
Everywhere I've fished, I've found that the water always comes right up to the shore.
Buck brush, chunk rock, pea gravel, boulders, rock ledges, clay, and bluffs.
All kinds of stuff from trees to beaver huts and rip rap to rock cliffs
Right now its mostly snow
Geese poop and water snakes are the two things I hate the most.
Rip-rap, trees with lures hanging from them, weeds, bushes and trash. Lots of trash.
houses/condos/docks, bluffs, chunk rock, and bars.
My house and my boat.
Docks. Which is perfect, because I like to fish them.
On 3/31/2015 at 7:02 PM, scaleface said:Bikinis .
Might be worth the drive to go check that lake out...LoL. But then again,how big are those bikinis
Duck poop everywhere you step...
On 4/4/2015 at 7:34 PM, ABW said:Duck poop everywhere you step...
Yep. Geese crap everywhere.
That and Red Bull cans. Lazy, inconsiderate @#$%!holes leave everything behind when they go. My fiancee asked me the other day why I have Red Bull cans in my car because I don't drink that #$!#!. I told her, because I picked them up at the lake.
trees,cliffs,docks, and gatorsssssss
Along the shoreline are cypress trees, primrose, pickerelweed & dollarweed.
A few yards offshore are cattails, water-lilies, maidencane, spatterdock & bulrushes.
Among the submergent vegetation is hydrilla, coontail, pondweed & eelgrass.
Ok I'm standing on a low bridge just 3 to 4' feet above the water. In front of me is a 10' deep channel that opens up to the body of open water, it's about 14' wide on the bridge, it's Rocky on the bottom. To my right is submerged weeds and the weedlines runs parallel with the channel, it's the flats in this section of the weeds. To my left is a rocky point that goes from the left corner of the bridge to the deeper water on the left side. On the other side of point there's submerged weeds again, but it drops off at the waters edge. Beyond the submerged weeds on my right and left is two large sections of Lilly pads.
I couldn't design a place that has it all for fishing. This whole area is man made by the road with the bridge. It's a great place to learn every bait and presentation. I'm high enough above to see the lures action. The channel gives me an area. I learn all the presentations here and what works here works everywhere I fish.
I pay close attention how I work the rod with the lure when I can see it. Now I do the same action with the rod when I can't see the lure at another place.
My point is everything we learn at our favorite place works everywhere we go.
I work that Rocky point by skip fan casting it. I'm catching bass from op opposite the current side. I work my jig n pig up the point from the deeper water to the bridge for more bass.
In the channel I use my 10' deep crankbaits. I use the shallow cranks along side the weedlines. My shallow cranks over the submerged weeds stopping them over the open weed pockets and jigging the cranks. I pop a popper over the submerged weeds or walk a spook.
I also throw spinnerbaits, inline spinners and spinflys too over the whole area.
It's knowing the bottom structure too. The portable cast out hummingbird fish finder showed me the depths, were the drop offs are, were the flats are, the deeper holes and the transition points between them. Now I know how to fish it.
Ladies and houses, trees, rocks, marinas, docks, mansions, restaurants.
On 3/31/2015 at 7:02 PM, scaleface said:Bikinis .
Thats where I would throw a big weedless worm. Or maybe a Whopper Plopper;