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Catch and release, being overdone?????? 2024

fishing user avatarbassmaster8100 reply : 

Im one of those people who believes in catch and release. Of course on occasion I take home a mess of bass to eat. I just wonder if anybody thinks catch and release is being overdone??? I mean if you throw them all back , sooner or later doesnt the food source for those fish become harder to find for them and they dont grow as well. Ive wondered about this from time to time but over this past weekend as I was fishing I really started thinking about it alot. My buddy and I went to one of our favorite lakes, he had been there several times here recently but it was my first time to fish this particular lake in probably a year or more. He mentioned on the way that it had become over populated and that we shouldnt have problem finding fish but he didnt know what kind of size they would be. He was right. Dink after dink after dink. The highlight of the day was a 14 incher I caught. Thought we would be smart at one point and drop off deep and try throwing some deep diving crankbaits, thinking those dinks wont bite this in my mind I throw the Norman DD22, it dont matter, more dinks. All these fish were like about 8 inch fish. Fun catching a boat load but I really like catching big fish too. Just makes me wonder why they are not growing?????? Any opinions or suggestions on why this lake is this way????

fishing user avatarJake. reply : 

Selective Harvesting comes to mind when I read your situation. Take out a few of the small ones every time you go to that lake. The population will supposedly decrease but the sizes will increase.

fishing user avatarKy_Lake_Dude reply : 

I agree 100% that catch and release can be overdone. Ray Scott himself has even said he regrets making such a sin over keeping bass. I see no problem with keeping some bass.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 


fishing user avatartntitans21399 reply : 

I catch and release so I can catch them again some day when they are bigger.  I think everyone catch and released then you might have that problem, but if everyone took home then their would only be small fish you are catching.  I think it is a certain balance.  I think with this past years heat that the oxygen level was more of a worry then food.

fishing user avatarlinks_man2 reply : 

There were articles in March 2007 Bass Times (pg 30/31) about how catch & release has really hurt the fishing in many Texas lakes.  TPWD Biologist were wanting more people to catch & keep the smaller "legal" bass.  Basically, they were saying that the reason they set size, number,slot limits is to better manage the fishery.  I don't keep everything I catch, but I do keep lots of legal fish for family & friends.  One quote from one of the articles:

"When biologists recommend and approve a slot limit regulation, they are encouraging harvest.  They want small bass measuring under the slot removed, which will provide more food and growing room for the slot protecxted fish."

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

In some cases, yes, C&R is being overdone. In other cases, C&R is not being practiced enough ! The problem is, every single lake on the planet acts just a little bit differently from the next. The only reason each and every lake on the planet is not regulated on an individual basis, is that this would be impossible for the F&G to handle, with the resources they have available.

Selective Harvest is usually the better practice, but the problem here, is that this requires anglers to actually "think". Suddenly the correct answer goes from "yes or no", to "fill in the blank".

If you are concerned about "doing the right thing" on your local waters, contact your closest F&G Dept. Talk to a biologist and see which lakes near you are best suited for harvest, what size, and number of harvested fish would be best from those lakes, and which lakes should be C&R only.



fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

There are a couple larger lakes here in Missouri where the conservation department is encouraging the keeping of smaller bass.

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 

I am reading Bill Murphys "Giant Bass" book.  He contends that the bass that are released are going to pass traits down to their offspring that are going to cause bass to become even harder to catch as a result of being caught and then released.  Anyone think this is true?

fishing user avatarMichael H reply : 

I really don't see how it could serious affect natural lakes, because the bass did fine before people started fishing.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Ya it is being over done. I have started fishing a few Connecticut lakes like Amos or Highland which have slot limit of 12-18 inches and you can only take home one fish over 18 inches a day. I must say WOW! I have been there 4 times ow and have yet to catch a fish under 2 pounds. And the quality and numbers are there too, usually between 2-4 pounds with a few over 4 and about a dozen fish in about 3-4 hours. It seems like they know how to manage their fish. Wish the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management would try to do the same. ::)

fishing user avatarChode2235 reply : 

The issue, the way I see it, is that we are not the only ones fishing out there.  I go up to a resort town in Northern MN, where most of the people fishing are tourists and they keep every possible fish that they can.

Is it ok to keep some fish, sure!  But please remember that you are likely needing to release other peoples 'share' as well.  

It may be being overdone by some individual fisherman, but at a macro level catch and release has yet to fully catch on.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
Ya it is being over done. I have started fishing a few Connecticut lakes like Amos or Highland which have slot limit of 12-18 inches and you can only take home one fish over 18 inches a day. I must say WOW! I have been there 4 times ow and have yet to catch a fish under 2 pounds. And the quality and numbers are there too, usually between 2-4 pounds with a few over 4 and about a dozen fish in about 3-4 hours. It seems like they know how to manage their fish. Wish the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management would try to do the same. ::)

So get involved Mike.  With the connections in the fishing industry and the D.E.M that your family has, you're a natural candidate.  Look into the conservation position in one of your clubs.  You never know, they may want to see results first so tell them we'll work a slot limit at the main lake at the hatchery for 3 yrs and then we can shock it again and see the difference ;):D

Seriously, All in one family, the Jr Director with 2 out of 3 kids who have gone to the world championships, being one of them, qualify ;)  Get involved.

fishing user avatarbassnleo reply : 

Wow, a really good discusssion without any incoming fire!

I'm a C&R angler but DARN I enjoy some deep fried fillets on occasion. Bass are not my favorite, I prefer perch or walleye, but bass aren't all that bad if I have some cocktail sauce needing used.

In all seriousness, if I do keep a few bass I keep the 12-14 inchers, that seems to be the most plentiful class in waters around here.

Yes, I do think C&R can be overdone. Like fishchris said, I too think selective harvest is the way to go.

fishing user avatarOlebiker reply : 
I am reading Bill Murphys "Giant Bass" book. He contends that the bass that are released are going to pass traits down to their offspring that are going to cause bass to become even harder to catch as a result of being caught and then released. Anyone think this is true?

Seems like just the opposite would happen.  If you keep the gullible ones and take them out of the gene pool, you are left with bass that are warier and harder to catch to pass on their genes.

I am a strictly Catch, Photograph, and Release fisherman.

fishing user avatarZombyGuru reply : 

I catch and release just b/c i like catching them and not fileting them! :D  However, i'm down with taking a few small ones from the slot limit in chance that it'll shift the statistical curve a lil towards the larger side.

fishing user avatarJCrzy4Bass reply : 
If you are concerned about "doing the right thing" on your local waters, contact your closest F&G Dept. Talk to a biologist and see which lakes near you are best suited for harvest, what size, and number of harvested fish would be best from those lakes, and which lakes should be C&R only.



Exactly.  Well put Chris.  All it takes is one visit to your states website regarding fishing.  In Virginia it is the VDGIF and you can find them online.  Look up their number, call and ask about harvesting and which lakes are best suited.  

Around here catch and release is a big problem.  WAY too many bass are taken out of Bull Run, Occoquan River, and some of the lakes in the area.  I have noticed it is mainly a select group of people but I will not get into that on here as I don't want to offend anybody.  Put it this way.  There needs to be a balance.  The reason why catch and release is practically preached on this site and any other bass forum is because there is always going to be the people in your area who are harvesting fish that should not be harvested.  At least here in northern va.  If we don't practice catch and release the populations will be affected.  Plain and simple.  I see way too many 3-4 pounders being pulled off of live bait such as nightcrawlers and stuffed into plastic bags to be taken home for dinner... that just makes me mad.  But thats my two cents.

fishing user avatarJCrzy4Bass reply : 
I catch and release just b/c i like catching them and not fileting them! :D However, i'm down with taking a few small ones from the slot limit in chance that it'll shift the statistical curve a lil towards the larger side.

And that's exactly why certain lakes implement those kinds of slot limits, to help the population shift torwards a correct balance of smaller and larger fish based off of baitfish or feeder fish and the percentage of so called game and predator fish.  It also, doesn't help that some people don't care about these rules and break them constantly.  I want my kids to have a chance to catch the fish I'm catching now, I'll be taking them to the same places and teaching them the same practice.  If you want to fillet a fish thats what there are Crappie, Bluegill, Perch, and sunfish for.

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

The true problem in Northern Virginia is that we have individuals that don't speak or read or write in English fishing. These individuals fish without a valid license and yet they feel free to take every fish they catch. These people make me extremely mad and I have begun reporting them on a case by case basis to the park autorities and the VDGIF. They fish with nets and any other means possible to catch the most fish that they can. Some of these people don't even know how to remove a hook from a fish and put them on the ground and step on them so they can rip the hook out. This is starting to have a big impact for the responsible fisherman in Northern Virginia that know and obey the rules and laws.

fishing user avatarDavis reply : 
The true problem in Northern Virginia is that we have individuals that don't speak or read or write in English fishing. These individuals fish without a valid license and yet they feel free to take every fish they catch. These people make me extremely mad and I have begun reporting them on a case by case basis to the park autorities and the VDGIF. They fish with nets and any other means possible to catch the most fish that they can. Some of these people don't even know how to remove a hook from a fish and put them on the ground and step on them so they can rip the hook out. This is starting to have a big impact for the responsible fisherman in Northern Virginia that know and obey the rules and laws.

That's a big problem there. Angering me and I'm not even fishing in your state.

fishing user avatar-hydrillagorilla- reply : 

It has to be a lake by lake basis.  I don't think you can paint it with a broad brush.  

fishing user avatarChode2235 reply : 

El problemo esta cuando nosotros pescamos nosotros no enseñar otros la cultura de 'pescamos Americanos'.  *Rough Spanish, Sorry*

The problem is that when we go fishing we don't teach others about the culture of 'American Fishing."

Instead of complaining about the foreigners, teach them, take them fishing.  Instill in them the values that you have regarding fishing.  Like it or not, these are the people who you share the water with.  It is in our best interest to get everyone on the same page regarding C&R beliefs, and fishing philosophies.  Lead by example, and don't be afraid to take someone fishing who doesn't quite know how we do it around here.

Don't blame and demonize, help them.

fishing user avatarslomoe reply : 
El problemo esta cuando nosotros pescamos nosotros no enseñar otros la cultura de 'pescamos Americanos'. *Rough Spanish, Sorry*

The problem is that when we go fishing we don't teach others about the culture of 'American Fishing."

Instead of complaining about the foreigners, teach them, take them fishing. Instill in them the values that you have regarding fishing. Like it or not, these are the people who you share the water with. It is in our best interest to get everyone on the same page regarding C&R beliefs, and fishing philosophies. Lead by example, and don't be afraid to take someone fishing who doesn't quite know how we do it around here.

Don't blame and demonize, help them.

I agree 100% except a very large majority of the spanish/latino population in my area do not even speak english.

fishing user avatarlubina reply : 
The true problem in Northern Virginia is that we have individuals that don't speak or read or write in English fishing.  These individuals fish without a valid license and yet they feel free to take every fish they catch.  .  

We have a lot of them in NJ.  >:(

I don't care what language they speak as long as they respect the laws.

fishing user avatarrboat reply : 

I am strictly catch photo & release! If you catch and keep that is your right. Most people will fish at least a couple times during their life. That alone is a lot of pressure. Even our huge oceans are being over fished. Keep in mind all of those fish released will not continue to survive. Some will get a bacteria from their injury or being handled, some may be injured and slower and cannot catch food or fall prey to other fish, birds, or other animals. Mother nature controls these things better than we can. Drought and floods, plant material and oxygen levels, polution, and predators all play a role in controling fish populations. Do what you believe in and let nature do the rest. JMO.

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 

I NEVER keep bass, unless I was to gut hook and kill the fish, I will never keep one.

If someone wants to take a 2lb bass home for dinner, fine, but people that take home 4lb+ bass home to eat, is when I draw the line.

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 
I NEVER keep bass, unless I was to gut hook and kill the fish, I will never keep one.

If someone wants to take a 2lb bass home for dinner, fine, but people that take home 4lb+ bass home to eat, is when I draw the line.

I was reading through the info from the DNR here in Georgia.  They list all the lakes that have been tested and show up as clean and safe to eat fish from. Even they say that larger fish should not be taken and eaten as they accumulate more of the stuff you should not eat.  Smaller fish are the ones to take and eat.

fishing user avatart bend tex reply : 

I will make a few quotes from Dan Ashe of Texas PWL:

Largemouth mature sexually at about 10".  for most lakes in Tx, the MLL is 14", giving the young ones at least one year to spawn.

an estimated 10% of all released bass do not survive.

slots are used on some lakes to help manage the bass population


The limit (in general) inTx is 8 with no slot.  the limit on Toledo bend lake is 8 with no slot.   There is no MLL for spotted bass on Toledo, but they must be counted in the limit of 8 fish.

I think C&R is important for tourneys to be politically correct, but should not be a big concern if all fish taken are legal.

My wife and I fish many days per year, and keep most largemouth from 14" to about 18", releasing all over 18.  We enjoy filets quite often.

Last week, I saw a live 11#-14oz LM.  The fisherman tried to keep it alive, but failed, kept it to mount!

I dont have a problem with someone keeping a goodun' from time to time- I would not want to see someone taking out strings of 6-8 pounders daily or even weekly!

Larry G

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

I've only kept 1 or 2 bass to eat in the last few years.  Bluegill taste much better so if I want to eat fish, I'll try and catch a mess of them.

fishing user avatart bend tex reply : 

I made a typo above.  The general limit in Texas is FIVE bass.  on toledo Bend the limit is EIGHT.  My face is RED!

Larry G

fishing user avatarjwo1124 reply : 
The true problem in Northern Virginia is that we have individuals that don't speak or read or write in English fishing. These individuals fish without a valid license and yet they feel free to take every fish they catch. These people make me extremely mad and I have begun reporting them on a case by case basis to the park autorities and the VDGIF. They fish with nets and any other means possible to catch the most fish that they can. Some of these people don't even know how to remove a hook from a fish and put them on the ground and step on them so they can rip the hook out. This is starting to have a big impact for the responsible fisherman in Northern Virginia that know and obey the rules and laws.

That's a big problem there. Angering me and I'm not even fishing in your state.

If you EVER see this, and this goes for anyone, immediately call the police and have them give you the number to the Environmental Police and let them know about the situation. Better yet, program the local environmental police phone number in your cell phone or right it down. No person, regardless of their economic status has the right to break the law, especially when it has to do with a natural resource like fish. It's not even like you can go up to them and ask them if they are aware of the legal regualtions surrounding fishing and the outdoors, cuz they no speaky english. That really tick's me off.

If you want to immigrate LEGALLY into America(as many of our ancertors did) to better your lives or to get away from horrible governments, but learn freaking english so you can be a funtioning member of society. I shouldn;t have to learn spanish to speak to immigrants in my home country that can't speak the native language. I wouldn;t move to spain, or mexico if I didn't know a lick of Spanish.

Back to the the C&R topic, I think keeping 5 bass a day is a high amount. Maybe not so much in larger lakes and resiviors, but in ponds??? I think there should be a two bass limit in ponds. If I were to keep up to 5 bass I catch every time I fished from my local pond(and there were plenty of other fisherman doing this too) The bass would become extinct from these places. Then the Wild Life federations would have to stock more bass, using the tax payers dime, and then I wouldn't feel good about catching Hathery Bass. I like the fight of an untamed wild fish. Not a pellet nibbling hatchery sissy   ;)

I don;t think there are many anglers that fish primarily or soley for food anyways. Maybe once in awhile a recreational angler will take a couple fish home a couple times a year, but they certainly aren;t doing it every outing. Mostly the only fish I see people nap and take home for the frying pan around my parts are hatchery stocked trout that are put in the ponds for put and take action. I have only once see a guy take home a largemouth bass on a stringer and I must say, I was angery and sad at the same time. I was honestly debating on running over and releasing the fish and giving him three bucks for a can of tuna. I couldn;t kill and eat a bass, not unless I was seriously going hungry. I would rather eat a pickerel or a handful of bluegills. I just have too much respect for the bass. That and I appreciate what bass fishing is today. More of a sport and not a primative act of retrieving food from the lake.

I think that more of a sport angler you are, the less likely it is that you are going to take fish home. I think its mainly the guys that only know fishing as a hook, bobber, and bait that do most of the keeping.

fishing user avatarDel from philly reply : 

Dont call the cops.....thats not a man move....GO SAY SOMETHING! I know i would if i saw such behavior....then, if you tryed and you aint getting anywhere, then maybe call the park ranger, ect...


regarding catch and release.....i HATE it when people want to push their personal views on EVERY fisherman....

Like when i post a pic and everyone has to give me crap about it.....

I know i release 97 out of 100 fish i catch.....but i also think that cooking and eating a fish every now ans then that brings me back to the roots of fishing

dont forget, fishing started as a way to eat, a way to stay alive, and it is nice to go back their from time to time....

anybody who calls themselves a fisherman but has never kept a fish, is still a fisherman, but has definately missed out on something....

i just think some people are starting to sound like PETA over here.......have an open mind

how dare some fisherman get such attitutdes when you keep a fish here and their,

if its all about the "sport", than why not go play basketball......its more than that...its fishing

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

There is NOTHING wrong with "selective harvest." In most ponds (small water), removing little fish is generally good for the management of the fishery. I think we all get worked up about people keeping "our" big fish! I know it strikes a nerve in me when I see anyone with a 5 lb smallmouth on their stringer, but I'm the guy who will keep all legal sauger and crappie, an occasional striper and catfish. I like eating fish, I just don't want anyone eating MY pets!

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

There are too many species out there that are easier to catch and better to eat.

LM bass are good to eat, I have had my share growing up.     Who or what to believe???    That is good question.

We just had 3000 anglers fish Fork for 3 day tourney.     1000's of fish caught and weighed daily for 9 hours.     With the 10% of all caught fish that are released will die theory, I should be seeing some dead bass on the water between last week end and the next few.     Normally, I don't see the death as some like to say.    I also know its not in the dead of the summer when mortality rates are higher, I don't see it then either.   IS 10% the truth?   Who knows, I just don't see the mortality after tourneys have come and gone.    Also, I see enough TX forums to know its not being reported by others.    

Maybe Lane and some other notables in the industry would give an opinion on dead bass.     Would they be visisble, are they gonna float, or die on bottom?

One must access the fishery he or she is fishing.     I also think the guys who represent the state of TX have good handle on the situation.   Do you have confidence in what your state does for you?

They are the experts, if my state was in trouble, they would change the creel limits if needed.

I think if you post your catch on here, great!!!   If you post that you ate your catch, your only gonna catch some grief to go with the hush puppies!!!!!!

I think its best to report the catch and leave the eating out of the equation, if you don't, you opened your self up for unwanted comments.

With todays society as a whole,    The man up comments where stupid.    NO WAY I TELL others to approach anyone and explain THE LAWS.


Call the Game Warden, thats what we pay them for.       This illegal immigrant as some described them may feel the need to stab your butt.     Just how did you fix the problem after you got stabbed?       Call the law, its the responsible thing to do.


fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

catch and release can never be overdone ;)

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 

Illegals the law.....I tell you what is happening in many locals, the law is just so stretched with dealing with all sorts of crap that they are not and do not deal with the illegals.  They just avoid dealing with them in traffic stops and such.  You think they are going to come down and stop them from fishing?!?!  I don't think so.

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

I'd keep and eat more bass if they tasted better.  Bluegill taste much better than bass to me.  


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