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the bass obsession... 2024

fishing user avatarbassmasta07 reply : 

everyone i know keeps complaining about my fishing addiction/obsession and all i really think about besides god and the important stuff is bass , bass , and all types of fishing. is it normal to go fishing everyday and  think about fish 24/7 ? :o

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

It depends.

Have you reached puberty?  8-)

fishing user avatarMarty reply : 
everyone i know keeps complaining about my fishing addiction/obsession and all i really think about besides god and the important stuff is bass , bass , and all types of fishing. is it normal to go fishing everyday and  think about fish 24/7 ? :o

Yes, but take into account that I am not considered normal by many who know me.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Please define "normal".

fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 

 At your age all I thought about was girls girls and then fishing. But every one is diffrant

as long as fishing isn't inerfering with you school work you should be ok...

 just my.02    

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

By Definition:

An obsession is an unwelcome, uncontrollable, and persistent idea, thought, image, or emotion that a person cannot help thinking even though it creates significant distress or anxiety.

I'll leave it up to you to figure out what course of action you should take, but my personal opinion is that you need to get a life.  There is recreation (fishing), and then there is the real world (everything else).  Very seldom are they one and the same.

fishing user avatarIdahoLunkerHunter reply : 

People will always have different opinions. Just because you think about fishing all the time doesn't make you abnormal. Many teens are very intense about what they like to do. Some think of football, girls, cars, baseball  etc... Your's just might be fishing. I fished 4-5 days a week in high school and which I still try to do today. Some say I might be addicted, but I have many friends that sit infront of the tv for 5 hours watching sports everyday. Make sure you get your school work done first, because having that diploma is a ticket. Don't let an obsession take over your life also. You need to have friends and a social life because it's important at your age. But I am sure there are other kids at your school that fish the same amount as you. Fishing can be a good experience and it can land some great conversations. Hell, I met my wife, introduced her to bass fishing, and now she loves it!

fishing user avatarbassmasta07 reply : 

yea i think alot about girls , and i make really good grades and i have a good social life , its just this fishing thing...

fishing user avatarBaconstrip reply : 
 There is recreation (fishing), and then there is the real world (everything else).

What you do for recreation is what you should obsess about IMO.

fishing user avatarRob G. reply : 
It depends.

Have you reached puberty? 8-)

Funny stuff!!  Sounds like this guy knows my wife.  Hey!  Just one minute here.  LOL

fishing user avatarSiefer reply : 

Well I'm obsessed with fishing as well, I have a good social life but I don't make good grades. Matter of fact I dropped out of highschool. I was sent to YDC when I was 14 and it cost me to stay back 2 years of my highschool. So I dropped out and I'm now waiting my 6 months, to get in CPCC (a community college) to get my Adult Highschool Education Diploma. No its not the same things as a GED it is a Charlotte Mecklenburg Highschool Diploma. From there, I will go to College in Computer Technology, Bio Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. Right now I have no job and waiting for my 18 birthday so I can go get a job laying Carpet. That is my trade of skills next to Computers. I have built 23 computers for various people I have also been doing Case mods for computer cases. Reason I tell my short life story to you is my obsession when I was 14 was hanging out with my "cool" friends smoking pot, selling firearms that we would steal from others. Look where my obsession landed me, in YDC. So what the one guy said about a "Social Life" may not always be a good thing. Just make sure you find a good bunch of people. As far as letting your obsession interfere with school work. I say who cares. You can mess up while your in highschool. Just get a GED/AHED most colleges will accept both of those. Most jobs accept College degrees. Conclusion have fun doing what you want while you can and if it messes up your school don't sweat it too much just do like I said. I mean be serious are parents going to be ticked off that you were out fishing? You could be doing a lot worse like smoking meth out of a light bulb.

My suggestion though would be, fish but don't let it interfere with school. Friends well they can always be replaced later on in life so don't get too attached to them. By all means associate with people though, or you will just be the guy that talks to nobody and everyone picks on.

P.S I just recently stopped smoking Pot because I have found something else that entertains me more than a relaxation "high"...FISHING!!! Plus after you smoke a bag you have nothing to show for it besides dead brain cells. Atleast if you spend it on fishing you can show off your new rod and reel to your buddy's. Though I do hit a "j" every now and again just I don't buy it anymore.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

If i weren't trying to get on the water at every possible opening, the folks around me would be concerned, not the other way around.  

Personally, I think it is very healthy to have a passion that involves interacting with your environment in a positive way.

If you were obsessed with beating up homeless people, ....then I'd be concerned.  

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
yea i think alot about girls , and i make really good grades and i have a good social life , its just this fishing thing...

If all of the above are true, and your "obsession" doesn't interfere with handling your responsibilities, then you shouldn't be worried.  

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

Your job right now, young man, is to make good grades. Sounds like you're doing just fine. Keep it up, and fish all you want. They'll make more.



fishing user avatarCatt reply : 


I aint got no sticking obsession!


I anit got no sticking addiction!

Passion: a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept

Now that my boy is what you have  ;)

fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 

I aint got no sticking obsession!


I anit got no sticking addiction!

Passion: a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept

Now that my boy is what you have ;)

100% correct.

fishing user avatarloricarl94 reply : 

Normal is just a cycle on the washing machine!! ;

fishing user avatartbone31 reply : 

Just remember fishing is a hobby unless you fish B.A.S.S. and are getting paid for it. I would fish every day if i could, but I'm not addicted because i know it's a hobby that is so much fun!!

fishing user avatarhi_steel_basser reply : 

So what if your obsessed with fishing? I am, all my friends know it, My boss knows, and it doesn't matter as long as I can do my job. Like the man said earlier, there are alot worse things in the world. Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter.

fishing user avatarbassmasta07 reply : 
So what if your obsessed with fishing? I am, all my friends know it, My boss knows, and it doesn't matter as long as I can do my job. Like the man said earlier, there are alot worse things in the world. Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter.

i like the way you put it.

fishing user avatarBassassasin12 reply : 

I am around your age and can understand what you are saying. I am the type of person that when I get into something and I like it, I REALLY get into it. It becomes my passion to be better at whatever it is I may be doing. This applies to obtaining good grades in school as well because it is a goal of mine to have a good job and make good money. When I first started bass fishing I became hooked instantly, and I am sure that happened to almost everyone on this board as well or else they wouldn't be here. I can honestly say I have tried as hard as possible to improve my fishing skills and this also applies to basketball which I also have a passion for developing my game in that.

I guess what I am trying to say is don't ever be ashamed to be dedicated to something you enjoy doing. Just continue to pursue pursue pursue. Who knows what bass fishing may lead you to? Don't think of it as an addiction but rather as what other posters have said, purely passion. You have a PASSION for bass fishing if you can't stop thinking about it and want to be out on the water all the time... and there is absolutly nothing wrong with that.  I think all of us here at have this same feeling as you do, thats why we signed up for this forum. ;)

fishing user avatarbassmasta07 reply : 
I am around your age and can understand what you are saying. I am the type of person that when I get into something and I like it, I REALLY get into it. It becomes my passion to be better at whatever it is I may be doing. This applies to obtaining good grades in school as well because it is a goal of mine to have a good job and make good money. When I first started bass fishing I became hooked instantly, and I am sure that happened to almost everyone on this board as well or else they wouldn't be here. I can honestly say I have tried as hard as possible to improve my fishing skills and this also applies to basketball which I also have a passion for developing my game in that.

I guess what I am trying to say is don't ever be ashamed to be dedicated to something you enjoy doing. Just continue to pursue pursue pursue. Who knows what bass fishing may lead you to? Don't think of it as an addiction but rather as what other posters have said, purely passion. You have a PASSION for bass fishing if you can't stop thinking about it and want to be out on the water all the time... and there is absolutly nothing wrong with that.  I think all of us here at have this same feeling as you do, thats why we signed up for this forum. ;)


fishing user avatarbubbler reply : 

Your tellin me.

My mind constantly goes over everything about fishing24/7.

I have an addiction and I alloways will.

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

I stay up late at night looking at the BPS catalog.

I sit in bed thinking about catching fish.

I spend all afternoon fishing or doing somthing fishing related.

My allowances are for funding my fishing "passion" and for that only. (exept tithe)

I dont watch TV at all. Exept fishing shows at a friends house once in a blue moon.

The only reason I do my school is so I can go fish and I can later get a job so I can buy more fishing stuff.

The only site I visit reguraly is

I wear my clothes to be comfertable when fishing, not to look nice.

I spend my evenings twittling with tackle and reading about fishing and mysteries.

I'd rather fish than play video games, chat online, BMX/skateboard, or other "cool" stuff.

Some people call this the baitmonkey, others call it the "bug". I think passion is the right word.

fishing user avatarShakes reply : 
Please define "normal".

There is no "normal." Didn't you ever seen the movie Angus?  ;D

I'm completely obsessed with bass fishing. No other fishing, but when it comes to bass... well, I'm sure you understand. My wife gives me this look every time I leave to head for the water. I know some of you can relate.

fishing user avatarFish Man reply : 

im right their with bucketmouth excpt i watch alot of tv while on the computer

fishing user avatarbassmasta07 reply : 
Please define "normal".

There is no "normal." Didn't you ever seen the movie Angus?  ;D

I'm completely obsessed with bass fishing. No other fishing, but when it comes to bass... well, I'm sure you understand. My wife gives me this look every time I leave to head for the water. I know some of you can relate.

haha lol

fishing user avatarBassBeat101 reply : 

Like everybody else said, it's more than all right to have an obsession with fishing - too many people are unable to find an obsession anything in their life - and learn about fishing, get outside, and have fun.  Friends and family (and females) are in a different category, and should be kept seperate.  But a healthy obsession can lead to a healthy and happy life.

A few years ago, I was working my deskjob answering call after call about things I didn't care about and was bored with my life, and no direction.  Work, go out with friends, have some beers, go to work, and repeat.  I had done that nearly my entire twenties.  A few years ago I started fishing, and thought about it much like you - my co-workers thought it was ridiculous how often they would see a new picture on my desk of me with a fish or a website on my monitor involving something with rods, reels, or gills.

Today, I'm fishing as much as I can, and have returned to school to pursue a degree in Fishery and Wildlife Conservation - and have not been this focused and excited about my future since I was in my early teens.  I smile at all the kids in my classes with their heads on their desks passed out asleep - if only they could find an obsession of their own.


fishing user avatarRob G. reply : 

Hi my name is Rob, and I am a BASSAHOLIC.

fishing user avatarGrug reply : 

I can only wish that everyone I know and care for had as great a PASSION for something as I do for sport fishing. 24/7 on my mind with occassional interuptions with work and family, but the joy in my mind and soul as a result of sport fishing will always have unmeasurable value till the day I leave this world....

And as I say to my wife, "hey, better than smoking crack!"

Tight Lines in mind and body!

fishing user avatarfishing man reply : 

there is nothing wrong with that. im the same, i hunt and fish all the time and still think bout it. like when i get home from school i go out to a lake neer my house fish for a couple hours, go home shoot my recurve bow. go inside and start looking at fishing stuff. thats all i think bout 24/7 too, girls think im weird (manly because killing is bad to them) but i could care less.

hey the way my parents see it, at least im fishing and hunting then out doing other stuff.

fishing user avatarGatorBK reply : 

Bassmasta07 just be thankful its only a fishing obsession ,  I have seasonal ones , Its Bass in spring and summer and catfishing at night in the summer, Then its bowhunting deer early fall , then bear hunting in NC mid fall , then back to rifle deer hunting in winter,  I take Christmas day off , Then there is rabbit hunting , bird hunting,predator hunting , then Oh yeah the Turkey hunting thing .. Then inbetween all this I like to trout fish if Im in NC . and also bass fish in fall and winter to see if they are biting when I get " OFF" time from my other obsessions .

But like these guys say work/school first , then fish. And heck dont worry about finding a woman there will be plenty come along ,and maybe one that likes fishing as well. Do your school work and enjoy your youth

Good Fishing

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

If you have the fishing obsession then yes it is normal and there's nothing wrong with it at all and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Fishing can be a very rewarding obsession to have if you're doing it for the right reasons. The biggest reward for me is the peace of mind that it can bring when you're out fishing and enjoying nature. That's what it's all about!  ;)

fishing user avatareastkybass reply : 

When I was your age I was already a member of BASS and was fishing every chance I got i even to the issues of Bassmasters to school with me.  I bought my first boat at 16 even before I owned a car so No there is nothing wrong with fishing all the time.  As long as it doesn't get in the way of things like school and taking care of other things it is not a problem.

fishing user avatarCravin reply : 

I know this is long ,SORRY.

I inherited my addiction. My father was a complete freak about fishing, he set up rods for every family member, friend, or stray he knew,  most never really fished or cared as much about fishing. almost every vacation or summer fun time was based around camping and fishing. Ive slept on river banks in the middle of the night while he chased striper to getting run off properties while pond fishing. as a child till I was a teenager I wasn't as passionate as he and I know he was well aware of it.

Later in life I was married and in the military, spent my income tax return on two fishing outfits and truely fell in love with fishing. By the time I got out the Navy my dad was fishing a local bass club back home,We spent three years going all over the state fishing and I eventually realized how un-fun it had become though My dad would never think of slowing up. getting loaded and to the lake without leaving somthing or tearing something up,scouting the lake map,setting up camp,dealing with members who dont trust anyone can be worse than a office full of women. Too much tension of competing took away the joy of the catch cause you needed two more good ones and thats all that mattered and if it didnt happen the tourny was a bust and you drag yourself home tired and defeated. My father got sick with CJD that third year fishing and died shortly there after so now Im just coming back to fishing since he died. Sure I fish every year but not like when we use too.

My 7yr old really never knew him but he knows thats all his Grandpa liked to do so now he thinks he can be as good as him one day. Here is my answer, yes it can be a bad addiction if it adds tension or you loose focus of what truely is taking place like being out deep in nature spending time enjoying the catch with the people your with. I will never put my son in a bass club unless he truely begs, keeping it in check can make for better memories.

fishing user avatarFish Man reply : 

fishing is sumtihng that is in my family too..ive been told by my family that my grandfather who i never met was completely obbsessed with surf fishing, my dad loves deep sea fishing down in key west for dolphin about 2 times a years an im the bass guy.i guess i in herited the family addiction but i guess each member got a different form of it......BTW i find all three really fun but bass fishing is more convenient and i can do it more often  :)

fishing user avatarfish-fighting-illini reply : 

There was another young person who posted a similar dilema.

As with all things in life balance is probably a good thing.

Obsession is when something gets in the way of the things that you really should be doing and don't because of the obsession.

Passion however is what drives people and can make them really good at what they enjoy. IE Bill Gates, Walter Payton, Tiger Woods etc.

just my .02 worth


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