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How many casts will you make to one spot? 2024

fishing user avatarjdw174 reply : 

I admit it....I'm guilty of hitting a spot once or twice then moving on, but after watching several different shows this year on the importance of making MULTIPLE casts to one tree/bush/stickup/grass clump I'm going to change the error of my ways.

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

I'll make a lot of casts if I'm confident that the area holds fish.  Hitting a spot once or twice is just not an efficient way to cover an area with a lure.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Several, and with different baits before I move on.  How many times have you been into fish on every cast, then nothing for two to five casts, then start catching them again?

Imagine if you had gone to that area, made a couple of unproductive casts, and moved on.

You also may need to cast to that spot/area from different angles.

One of the benefits of fishing from a canoe, kayak, or other boat that does not cover a lot of ground quickly is that you learn to work areas more thoroughly, and fish more effectively.

A half mile long pond is huge when you have to paddle or row your boat.

fishing user avatarfishn hard reply : 

I made 31 cast on a tree last year with a spinner bait and on the 31st cast  7pnd large mouth guys that fish with me get a little aggravated cause i work a spot over pretty good  :)

fishing user avatarBassThumb reply : 

6-10 usually.  Sometimes I'll make more if I'm using a lure that might aggravate a bass and pull them from the cover, like a buzzbait or spook.

fishing user avatarMissouribassman95 reply : 

Well considering I can only beat the bank, I make about 10-15 casts trying to fan out and if I feel like there is fish in that spot.

fishing user avatarMNGeorge reply : 

On the river, there are spots that almost always hold a fish, sometimes more than one.  If it's apparent we are the first ones to hit such a spot on a given day, we work it over from several angles and with several different baits until we find the presentation that triggers a bite.

fishing user avatarDpDvr reply : 

I have never counted casts, but I have spent as much as an hour on one spot that I believe may hold fish. I start on top then work my way down with different baits and it has paid off with some very nice fish.

fishing user avatarbassfisherjk reply : 

I make alot of casts to a spot. Sometimes I'll pull a Pop-r over 1st and then hit it with a worm or Brush Hog with great results.

fishing user avatarBlue Streak reply : 

In the good looking spots I cast until I am sure I won't get a hit there, and I will use 4 or 5 baits to cover it all. Sometimes they just need a little coaxing.

fishing user avatarJohn J. reply : 

In general, if I find a good spot, something that catches my eye and I feel a bass to be on that spot, I will make 10-20 casts to it. If however I am searching, I generally make about 4-5 casts in an area, if I come to a spot or area where it doesn't even look decent, I won't waste my time.

One year I threw a buzzbait over a tree I think like 10 times and on the last cast she nailed it! It was an easy 5 pounder, but she spit the hook  :'(

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 

Depends... High value target gets 6-10 casts and sometimes multiple rigs if I know there's something there.

Whatever approach I take I tend to be methodical and fishing all likely angles to an area.

fishing user avatarJigMe reply : 

I will cast to the exact same spot 8-10 times with one lure, then switch to something else and cast to that spot for 8-10 times. Usually I will try 4-5 different lures before I move on, or target something else close by.

fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 

Same here.Was watching the Bass Pros this morning and Edwin Evers showed a good example by throwing a buzzbait 7 or 8 times repeatedly from different angles on a tree limb in the water and it took all those casts to finally draw a strike from the fish

fishing user avatarIntrepid reply : 

ill make many casts to one spot repeatedly, as i dont have a boat and fish from shore mostly.

went fishing on my small farm pond today. the bluegill still arent out swimming around the bank in mass yet, nor the bass. i had been twice previously this year the week the ice melted off and had caught nothing. started out today working a worm around the pond with no luck. at the advice ive read here about jerk baits being good cold water baits, i tied on my rapala husky jerk. a few casts later, i pause the bait and go to jerk it again and the rod loads up and i set the hook, caught about a 4lb bass. my first of the year and first winter bass ever. next cast i made to the same spot and hooked up with about a 1lb bass. so essentially i made the cast to the same spot twice in a row and got two fish...never got another bite in about an hour more of fishing though...

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Drives me nuts but I will stay in a spot and throw and throw and throw.

And then change baits and throw and throw and throw.

So many guys float by areas and make one or two casts and move on.

Big mistake.

But it happens all the time.  :D

fishing user avatarBigs reply : 

I keep all my rods strapped down on the deck for this reason. Might make a dozen casts with one, then a dozen with another, etc.. Sometime I'll try 5 or 6 different things. I guess it's ADD fishing  ;D

fishing user avatarMottfia reply : 

Haha well I feel like the odd ball of the group but I don't make multiple casts to cover unless it's on the pattern or just plain unique. My general strategy focuses on making as many presentations to as much prime cover as possible so more than 90% of my fishing is one cast per cover.


fishing user avatarbrophog reply : 

If I knew the answer to this question, I'd know the secret to bass fishing.

fishing user avatarCarrington reply : 

i spent 3 hours today while in a tourny at my spot so id say alot of casts.

fishing user avatarhookingem reply : 

Depends how promising the spot looks!  :D I'm known to really work a spot hard if I think it holds a fish.

fishing user avatarHamby reply : 

If i'm at the lake on a weekday and there isn't another boat in sight, i'll make about 10 casts to it, move on and continue fishing for 15-20 minutes. I'll come back and try again, usually with a different lure. If i am sure there's fish there, i'll do this a few times.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

If I'm throwing a Hud, or a nightcrawler, 1 cast.

If I'm sight fishing, and it takes 900 casts to one spot, over a period of 6 hours, so be it.


PS, But to clarify about the Hud.... I say, "1 cast to a spot"..... but I mean, "to an exact spot". In reality, if I sneak up to a point, or hump, or some type of feeding area, I might make 5 to 10 casts, to fan across, and fish the whole area. But almost never will I bother to turn back around and make a cast to one exact spot in that area... unless maybe I had a hit and a miss...

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Casts? On structure I know holds fish 30-45 minutes ;)

fishing user avatarCJ reply : 

It really depends on the way I feel about the strike zone or the fish behavior for that day or time.

Reasons I would make the same cast multiple times:

I feel I'm getting reaction bites.

I feel the fish have a short strike zone.

If I'm fishing very dense cover.

If I have found a sweet spot that is loaded! :)

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

It depends on what I'm throwing, what I'm doing, and/or what the fish are doing. If I'm throwing a jig to an important, prominent cover item, I'll throw a dozen or more times. If I'm in search mode, learning a new lake, I'll make a couple and keep moving.  Especially true immediate post spawn. If the bite is on, and its a good spot, that I think holds more than one fish, then I'll keep hitting, changing angle a bit each time. And sight fishing....if its a monster, and its locked on, I might be there for days, LOL.

fishing user avatarpiscicidal reply : 

If I'm throwing a crank, I might throw to a piece of visible structure (i.e. stump) several times, until I'm satisfied I've worked it well. It might take a couple casts to get the right deflection off of a limb or stump to trigger a reaction bite on a fish that is not "hot".

If I am blind casting, trying to cover water, I'll rarely make another cast to the same spot.

If I miss a bite on a worm/frog, I might pitch back to that spot with a jig/senko (follow up).

fishing user avatardone reply : 
Several, and with different baits before I move on. How many times have you been into fish on every cast, then nothing for two to five casts, then start catching them again?

Imagine if you had gone to that area, made a couple of unproductive casts, and moved on.

You also may need to cast to that spot/area from different angles.

One of the benefits of fishing from a canoe, kayak, or other boat that does not cover a lot of ground quickly is that you learn to work areas more thoroughly, and fish more effectively.

A half mile long pond is huge when you have to paddle or row your boat.

VERY good point. I have to admit, when I had my slow moving jon boat I would spend a LOT more time in coves than I do now. It is just to hard to slow yourself down sometimes when you got half a dozen other holes you want to hit in a trip.

fishing user avatarIndianaBassin reply : 

I threw at a pair of rocks in the river one time for what seemed like a half an hour.  It was just a perfect area where two rocks formed a large V shape in the water.  I just knew there was a big smallmouth in there.  There was actually a 20 lb. flathead that was waiting in there.  Good fight in the river. 

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 
It depends on what I'm throwing

Eaxactly..... and I guess if I were throwing something small, like a jig, or a plastic worm, (which I basically never throw) I would probably make a bunch of casts too...

But IMP experience, when throwing swimbaits, a big bass is either going to inhale it the first time it sees it, or it's not, and furthermore, if it does not inhale it on that first cast, I'd rather not even give that fish a chance to inspect my swimbait any closer.... > Because I'm telling you, after a short swipe  and a miss, they will certainly follow it 2 or 3 more X's, eying it closely and really get a chance to see all of the fakeness which again, IMPO, will only decrease your odds of sticking that fish later on that day, or in the following days.

1 cast, and they will either eat it, or they won't in 100 ! least with a swimbait.


PS, Even if you ever throw a swimbait 30 X's on one spot, before getting bit, I'd bet you my truck, that that fish was simply not there when you first started casting, but moved up after 29 casts, and bit it the first time they saw it, on your 30th cast !

fishing user avatardulouz reply : 

I am bound to the bank, so I am used to working an area as thouroughly as I can.  Last fall I went out on a boat with a friend and we basically trolled along the bank around the lake.  I found it very frustrating because I was lucky to get off three casts to a good spot.  I was overjoyed when he got tangled in someone else's broken off line and I got to fish for a while. 

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

My answer depends on how long I've been on the lake and how many bites I've gotten already.  If the bite is good and I have confidence in a technique or pattern, I'll throw a bunch to a good looking spot.  But if it's been a looooong day and I'm tired and not very optimistic about my chances, I may only make one or two casts.  Not always the best choice but there it is.

fishing user avatargobig reply : 

As long as it takes to effectively cover the location. Limiting your self to an exact number of casts can be crippling. The number of casts is completely situational. IMO this is more about time, than how many casts. This is a judgement call that is honed through experience. Here are a few things to consider.

Bait size - I have to agree with Fish Chris. When throwing big swimbaits, its either going to happen or its not. The drawing power of a big bait is huge and the big girls will move a long way to get them. The smaller a bait is in size the more casts that are required to cover the area.

Water clarity - Think of it this way, your sitting in a duck blind on a blue bird day. You can see birds 500+ yards away. Now add fog to the equasion. The birds are so close you can hear them. You know they are there, you just can see them until they are close enough to break out of the fog. This is similar to water clarity, in clear water less casts are needed then in stained water.

Cover - The more obstructions there are in the line of sight the more casts that will be required.

fishing user avatarHuntnfish reply : 

I really like to cast a lot to a spot I have good vibes for. Threw a spinnerbait 11 times along side a laydown, 12th time-watched the bass hammer it.

fishing user avatarbassman018 reply : 

In the pond  typically will fish 2 spots I know hold fish, but i mayfish that spot for 10- 30 mins then maybe try the other spot and then go back i dont sit there and count casts...

fishing user avatarIma Bass Ninja reply : 

Really depends on the area for me, If it looks productive or i have caught fish there before then i will spend some time making multiple cast. If its a new place/spot a couple of cast and move on.

fishing user avatarHookSetDon reply : 

On one of my favorite lakes there's one spot that always holds fish, a submerged concrete dock. Its like clock work, two fish off it each time, but often times ill make 5-10 cast for the first fish then have to make another 20 for the other, if I don't get him ill let's the spot rest for half hour and hit it again


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