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Anyway to "prevent raccoon" eyes? 2024

fishing user avatarbassin_man reply : 

Does anyone know of a way to prevent or at least lesson the "raccoon eyes" one gets from wearing glasses all day while out on the water?  I could put on sunblock but then my face would be nice and white compaired to the rest of my body.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I only wear my glasses while I am actually fisshing the shallows and sight fishing otherwise most the time I dont wear um

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Sunblock is your only option man. Even if you took the shades off for 15 mins every hour, the face would be exposed more and although it wouldn't be as noticable, you'd still be a "Rocky",lol.

Besides,...raccoon eyes are a trophy of putting in your time!

Muddy-Bad news,...gotta protect those peepers.

fishing user avatarDeuceu72 reply : 

Why would you want to hide it?? I got back to Colorado from Lake Amistad and proudly showed my"raccoon" eyes to the rest of the residents here who had to suffer through freezing temps while I was gone!  ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Your right Russ I dont always listen Thick Italian head you know ::)

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

Nope. Wear "em proudly. You been fishin!!

fishing user avatarsal669 reply : 

Might whant to try some make-up from the "ladies department" ;D ;D ;D

Sorry, I couldn't hold off...

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Raccoon Eyes are a badge of honor   ;)

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

Quit looking at the neighbors naked wife next door through binoculars when the sun is shining through the window. Ya pervert !!!  :P ;D :)

fishing user avatarWayne P. reply : 

"Nice and white" is healthy. Darkened skin from sun exposure is the recipe for skin cancer. Been there, done that= quartely visits to a dermatologist.

fishing user avatarGotta Love It reply : 

Skin cancer sucks!!!  I know someone who had parts of both his ears and his nose removed before he died...  I use 30 to 40SPF everytime I fish here in Florida (applied to all exposed parts of my body)!  With that type of sunscreen, you will never get raccoon eyes!  ;)

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

Really no way around it, even with sunscreen.  Both are a must!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarradiob reply : 

Play golf with out sunglasses. That has helped me

fishing user avatartipptruck1 reply : 

Well you could always wear a ski mask. I had racoon eyes this summer and it didn't bother me.

fishing user avatardeepsessions reply : 

sounds like a big sombrero would do the trick  ;D or try a long billed hat that might help....I know I need to figure somethin' g/f has been callin' me her teenage mutant ninja turtle the last couple of years!

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 

Just wear on of these 8-) ;D!


fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

Wow, good idea. A big Sombrero. You don't think anyone would laugh do ya?,lol. :)

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 

No! You just would look like a mexican fisherman! You'll still need a bottle of tequila to take along! ;D

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Well ya' know, I am naturally very light skinned, yet I tan really dark ! Therefore, I end up with some serious racoon eyes..... But what's the problem ??? I think it's cool ! It's like my badge of honor ! :-) I know their are a bunch of in-door sissy's that might stare and think.... "Wow ! That guy looks funny". Meanwhile, I think to myself, "If they don't have the racoon tan lines going on like I do, they obviously have not been outside playing as much as I have, and geez, it must suck to be them" !  :-)

BTW, I do cake on sun screen, at the start of every trip. I'm not even a little bit afraid of dying..... But I don't want to do it by way of cancer ! Instantly vaporized by a meteor would be my choice..... right after sticking the WRB, of course :-)



fishing user avatarbigdog reply : 
Raccoon Eyes are a badge of honor ;)

I agree 100% 8-) 8-)

fishing user avatarPanamoka_Bassin reply : 

I think like everyone else here.  Sometimes I'll even go into the tanning bed with my fishing glasses so it looks like I've been fishing...j/k

fishing user avatarbassin_man reply : 

Sounds good.  I got a new job were it is important to look very professional and I'm not quite sure if raccoon eyes are the most professional looking thing. ;D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Y"all know my pictures of me in my "Ray Charles" glasses.

Anyway youse guyz been goofin on me so bad I up and changed up my look


It's very cool and the flip up glasses work great, I jes wish folks would stop shootin' at me.

fishing user avatarFishTank reply : 

Sunscreen is the only hope.  I have seen other fisherman rub that self tanning stuff around their eyes but I would not recommend it.  


Good look Avid.  Don't forget to duck.

fishing user avatarflyphisher # reply : 

quit fishing,start night fish or stop whining ::)

fishing user avatardeepsessions reply : 

seriously though why don't you look into hats...either a Giligan style hat,long billed, or straw don't have to rock the sombrero that was just a lady has a skin disease from excessive dry skin and she brings out her big Jackie O hat and it works great.

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

Osama Bin Avid? :)

fishing user avatarclipper reply : 

I use sun screen and wear sun glasses.  I've already had skin cancers removed and don't want any more.  A good pair of sun glasses will help protect your eyes from UV rays.  A wide brimmed hat will stop the UV rays from above but won't stop the ones that reflect off the water.  

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
the ones that reflect off the water.

Quite a few people fail to take that into account when they are on the water.  

As for coon eyes, they don't bother me that much.  What gets me are the white stripes on the sides of my head and the big brown spot on the back of my head where the sun comes through the hole in the hat.

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

Use sun block.  Alternate between wearing glasses and having them off if it bothers you that much.

fishing user avatarIsaiah527 reply : 

i wear a visor from   they make wide brim hats to cover your neck as well as your face

fishing user avatarSteveFinMD reply : 

1.  Wide brimmed straw hat from Wmart.....less than $10.00

2.  Sun screen, the stronger the better.

3.  Stay out of the sun.

fishing user avatardeepsessions reply : 
1.  Wide brimmed straw hat from Wmart.....less than $10.00

or you could go to Chevy's and say it's your b-day  ;D

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 

Just stay home on sunny days! ;D

fishing user avatarstroz reply : 

I jusy read this on another site as a tip

"To avoid the dreaded "Raccoon" tan from wearing sunglasses out all day on the water, here's the solution. Invest in rim-less sunglasses. With rim-less shades you can wear them all day long in the bright sun without fear of a funny sunglass tan-line.

As you can see from my avatar it's not a big problem for me ;D but I saw it and thought of your post. Stroz

fishing user avatarmud reply : 

I wear a government issued boonie hat.  Does the trick

fishing user avatarllPa1nll reply : 

Heh. Considering Im 80% Irish and 20% Sweedish I dont tan. I can manage to get a sun burn from a Half Moon. Since my Mother has had bouts with Melanoma Skin Cancer I wear and use SPF 40-50 and reapply 2-3x a day. Yea it keeps me pale white but after seeing what they have done to her, I dont mind being pale...


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