the bass in japan was certified and TIES the record set by perry any thought does any one know if it will be number 1 and perry's 2 or will perry be one and his two?
Umm. Its a tie. :-?
Is this a trick question?
Oh! Oh! I know the answer! Pick me! ;D
Quotethe bass in japan was certified and TIES the record set by perry any thought does any one know if it will be number 1 and perry's 2 or will perry be one and his two?
Yea it is a tie right?
Welcome to last month.
We covered this in third grade. 22.5=22.4, it's a tie.
I don't blame him, I blame the public school system.
QuoteI don't blame him, I blame the public school system.
So true, and peer pressure is a mother....
Tie goes to the runner.
Getting in baseball mode.
Let's flip a coin!
Old news.
QuoteTie goes to the runner.Getting in baseball mode.
Can't wait for September?
Little ahead of yourself Leo? 8-)
QuoteLittle ahead of yourself Leo? 8-)
No the Sox suck all year long, never a let down. Cubs die in September. Ken knows!
QuoteQuoteLittle ahead of yourself Leo? 8-)No the Sox suck all year long, never a let down. Cubs die in September. Ken knows!
;D ;D ;D
SmokinShad, I have pasted a couple of threads below that will fill you in on the conversations about the recent world record bass from Japan. You will probably find what you are looking for there.
If you look up the world record on BASS then it shows that the Japan fish surpassed George Perry's
Sorry to be Mr. controversy, but Perry's bass never existed.
"The fish was caught on a Creek Chub Perch Scale Wigglefish, Perry's only lure, and was 32 1/2 inches in length and 28 1/2 inches in girth. The weight and measurements were taken, recorded and notarized in Helena, Georgia." Absolute BS!
Kurita's hippo was 27.2 inches long and 26.7 Girth, and they weighed the same? Hahahahahahaaha! Riiiiight. It's absolutely physically impossible for goodness sake yet everyone buys it. Weird.
Sorry George, nice try.
The IGFA should go back to school; 22 lbs 4 oz = 22.25 lbs, 22 lbs 5 oz = 22.31 lbs, not a tie. To make this catch a tie, the IGFA lowered the Kurita bass weight to 22 lbs 4 oz to equal the Perry bass weight????
It's easy to understand why there is confusion.
Kurita Bass should be #1, it is 22 lbs 5 oz or 22.31 lbs. and be listed with the correct weight. The IGFA can still call it a tie under their rules and list the weight correctly.
Read the threads listed above; IGFA requires a 2 oz difference in order to be declared heavier. Kurita's was only 1 ounce, hence they declared it a tie.
QuoteRead the threads listed above; IGFA requires a 2 oz difference in order to be declared heavier. Kurita's was only 1 ounce, hence they declared it a tie.
We know what their rules are but common sense dictates that 5>4...
And Bass Akwards im right there with ya pal I don't believe George Perry's "record" bass ever existed...
Those measurement's belong to a bass weighing close to 30lbs...
QuoteQuoteLittle ahead of yourself Leo? 8-)No the Sox suck all year long, never a let down. Cubs die in September. Ken knows!
Don't remind me. :'(At least the Sox won it in '05. Wrong thread for this.
I would definitely like to congratulate Manabu for the monster bass he caught, thing is amazing!
QuoteThe IGFA should go back to school; 22 lbs 4 oz = 22.25 lbs, 22 lbs 5 oz = 22.31 lbs, not a tie. To make this catch a tie, the IGFA lowered the Kurita bass weight to 22 lbs 4 oz to equal the Perry bass weight????It's easy to understand why there is confusion.
Kurita Bass should be #1, it is 22 lbs 5 oz or 22.31 lbs. and be listed with the correct weight. The IGFA can still call it a tie under their rules and list the weight correctly.
I read somewhere that when IGFA inspected the certified scale that was used, it was found to be reading one ounce high at 22lbs, so his fish actually weighed 22-4.
QuoteSorry to be Mr. controversy, but Perry's bass never existed."The fish was caught on a Creek Chub Perch Scale Wigglefish, Perry's only lure, and was 32 1/2 inches in length and 28 1/2 inches in girth. The weight and measurements were taken, recorded and notarized in Helena, Georgia." Absolute BS!
Kurita's hippo was 27.2 inches long and 26.7 Girth, and they weighed the same? Hahahahahahaaha! Riiiiight. It's absolutely physically impossible for goodness sake yet everyone buys it. Weird.
Sorry George, nice try.
Not to be a pain in the rear, but is it possible that Kurita's fish could have been caught during the spawn and been full of eggs. Also, although I haven't researched much, couldn't Perry's fish have been caught in the Mid summer time or postspawn causing it to weigh less than average for its length. All I am saying is that all of us, if we fish alot, have caught several fish that we could swear up and down it reached 5,6, maybe even 7 lbs but when we actually weighed it, it never reached our expectations. I'm not saying that George Perry didn't fool everyone, all I'm saying is that, in the bass fishing world, no one will ever know everything there is to know about bass fishing because it is so complex and we should always expect the unnexpected and believe the unbelievable.
QuoteQuoteThe IGFA should go back to school; 22 lbs 4 oz = 22.25 lbs, 22 lbs 5 oz = 22.31 lbs, not a tie. To make this catch a tie, the IGFA lowered the Kurita bass weight to 22 lbs 4 oz to equal the Perry bass weight????It's easy to understand why there is confusion.
Kurita Bass should be #1, it is 22 lbs 5 oz or 22.31 lbs. and be listed with the correct weight. The IGFA can still call it a tie under their rules and list the weight correctly.
I read somewhere that when IGFA inspected the certified scale that was used, it was found to be reading one ounce high at 22lbs, so his fish actually weighed 22-4.
The scale was in kilograms and accurate within 0.1%
The conversion comes out to 22 lbs 4.97 ounces.
The IGFA rules the weight must be 2 ounces greater, therefor the Kurita bass was determined to be a tie.
The problem is the IGFA listed the Kurita bass at 22 lbs 4 ounces, same weight at the Perry bass.
When John Doe catches a 22 lb 6 ounce bass, it would be listed as the new world record, because of the 2 ounce rule. Agree it's 2 ounces greater than the Perry bass, but not 2 ounces greater then the actual weight of the Kurita bass. The IGFA doesn't recognize 1 ounce as .97 ounce and decided to rounded it down to 0.
I read in my Bassmaster that any fish record under 30 pounds must be atleast 2 ozs over the original record or it ties with it.Kinda dumb if u ask me
QuoteSorry to be Mr. controversy, but Perry's bass never existed."The fish was caught on a Creek Chub Perch Scale Wigglefish, Perry's only lure, and was 32 1/2 inches in length and 28 1/2 inches in girth. The weight and measurements were taken, recorded and notarized in Helena, Georgia." Absolute BS!
Kurita's hippo was 27.2 inches long and 26.7 Girth, and they weighed the same? Hahahahahahaaha! Riiiiight. It's absolutely physically impossible for goodness sake yet everyone buys it. Weird.
Sorry George, nice try.
yeah, that does seem kinda funky, but on the other hand manabu kurita caught his bass with i think it was 25lb line and the igfa states that a record largemouth has to be caught with 20lb or less, well first i think thats a dumb rule, in my opinion, i still think that manabu kuritas bass should be #2 and perrys shouldnt even be on the list. i think that mac weakley's monster should be considered the world record, FOUL HOOKED OR NOT! 8-)
Just to clarify the rules IGFA does NOT round up weights to the nearest ounce they round down.
2 ounces more, back before digital scales and dead on accuracy. They should give the benefit of the doubt to Kurita's fish, and change the rules.
i love how one of the lakes name is "Big Fish Lake". I wonder if it produces big fish ;D
Quoteyeah, that does seem kinda funky, but on the other hand manabu kurita caught his bass with i think it was 25lb line and the igfa states that a record largemouth has to be caught with 20lb or less, well first i think thats a dumb rule, in my opinion, i still think that manabu kuritas bass should be #2 and perrys shouldnt even be on the list. i think that mac weakley's monster should be considered the world record, FOUL HOOKED OR NOT! 8-)
I think what it is, is that Kurita used 25lb line. IGFA only has line class records for largemouth up to 20 lb, thus he was disqualified from a line class record but not an all tackle record.
I thought the fish had to be more than 3 oz. heavier than the previous record to qualify him for #1
IGFA rules state that a record under 25lbs must be exceeded by 2oz or more than the existing record. To replace a record fish weighing 25 lbs or more the replacement must weigh at least one half of 1 percent more than the existing record.
Hmm. I am just a dumb newB, but foul hooking a fish on the bed hardly seems the same as "catching" a fish. I think the foul hook rule makes since....
I had read an article written by doug hannon and he agreed that there was no way that Perry's LM could have been more than say 7-8 lbs at best based on its recorded lenght and gerth....being that 4.89 is my biggest fish though make me by far NOT an expert :-/
I sent Manabu a message on facebook congratulating him on it - he sent me a nice message back and said he will plan on beating this record easy soon. He has apparently hooked what he was sure to be a 28+ pounder and has seen 30 pounders.....
Just a thought....if Olympian snow skiers can win a gold medal by 0.01 seconds, then why cant a fish be considered "larger" if only by one oz....? Is someone familiar with the rationale for the "must be more than 2 oz" rule?
"IGFA rules state that a record under 25lbs must be exceeded by 2oz or more than the existing record. To replace a record fish weighing 25 lbs or more the replacement must weigh at least one half of 1 percent more than the existing record. "
that makes more sense when looked at in this regard....