What techniques, strategies, or tactics are you really good at when it comes to bass fishing?
I, for example, think I'm strong at a couple things.
1. Patience. I can disect an area with a soft plastic or a jig working it for long periods of time at a pace that very well might kill some more "A-D-D" anglers. I also have no problem throwing big baits all day only to get just a couple bites, which are usually very nice sized bass.
2. Buzzbaiting. I outfish my friends 3:1 or so when we're all fishing buzzbaits over the past few seasons. I love buzzbaiting and have amazing success fishing them.
3. Accurate caster. I have become really good at hitting my target from long distance. If i try to hit a log, or edge of a weed bed, or anything else, I can put my lure exactly where i want it, and pretty quietly too.
4. Urning to get better all the time. I am always learning and wanting to learn how to get better at bass fishing. I am always trying new things and I'm not to stubborn to give up old habits and try new ones.
Howabout you?
Any type of topwater.
very accurate casting, soft plastics, and buzzbaits as well. not so much patience haha..
Locating, identifying, & dissecting structure
Differentiating between a bite or not with a Texas Rig or a Jig-N-Craw
This year has reinforced the fact I can still wear em out with spinner baits
Plastics and cranks. Having a good time just fishing, enough so that I got the "I am feeling neglected" speech from the wife today because of how much fun I have been having away at the water.
Understanding basic bass behavior, seasonal periods, lake types and catching giant bass year around with jigs and swimbaits.
QuotePlastics and cranks. Having a good time just fishing, enough so that I got the "I am feeling neglected" speech from the wife today because of how much fun I have been having away at the water.![]()
get her to come out with you. even if she just sits on the back of the boat and reads, or catches some rays.
and if that doesn't work start yelling at her for always putting the toilet seat down, you know, put the pressure back on her.
I can't say that I have any one strength, more of a jack of all baits....I won't finish that statement, too much innuendo, LOL.
I will say that ice out, prespawn, and spawn are definitely a WEAKNESS in my bass fishing. Much is due in part to only recently having this season open to catch and release in much of NY state. I can honestly say, that this is the area that has seen huge leaps in improvement the past three years, culminating in some truly great fish this year.
So, I suppose I can list constantly learning as a strength.
pitching and throwing shakey heads for sure. However i am wanting to get better at cranking and jiging
These are my Weakpoints.... :-[
Good with plastic's though..
QuoteUnderstanding basic bass behavior, seasonal periods, lake types and catching giant bass year around with jigs and swimbaits.WRB
I've got one fishing weakness right now -work!
My strengths -I don't remember!
I'm sure it'll all come back to me -some day.
I'd have to say my biggest strength is the readyness to learn. when i want to master a certain type of fishing i do everything i can to learn it. like when i wanted to learn to jig fish, for a couple months i would go out and only throw jigs, no matter what the condition and even if i wasn't catching fish. it wasn't about catching fish, but about mastering the technique. I'm doing the same thing right now with senkos.
Research. I am constantly reading about everything fishing. Having read about tubes just days before helped me to catch the 19 inch smallie in my avatar. That and putting the knowledge into practice affect my fishing far more than anything else.
I have pretty good aim when casting, usually.
Stubborn-ness. I will fish until I've exhausted every possibility, usually it's darkness that chases me off the water.
I feel like I'm pretty good with worms and senkos
Finding little fish.
Real funny...
I'm no better than average in finding fish or even enticing them to strike, my best strength is landing larger fish on lighter spinning tackle.
For me, no greater rush than having a runs of 50 or 100yds with that drag just screaming.
Picking places to cast and presentation. It's like I can feel it lol.
I'm a beast with a topwater.
1.) I can always catch a fish on a jerk bait.
2.) Soft plastics.
3.) Pin point casting.
Fishing with any soft plastic, coming up with new ideas, learning new things, and patience. By the way, I really do have A-D-D, no offense taken, and it seems like the only thing I have great patience for is fishing and things that relate to fishing.
Enjoying myself, even on slow days.
Consideration of others fishing the same waters.
Tolerance of others who are not always considerate, except for the litterbugs.
Casting accuracy with a spinning rod, though windy days can be problematic. There are times I surprise myself, casting to a small area under a tree with low hanging branches.
Harvey Pennick wrote the "Little Red Book" about golfing. In it, he coined the expression, "Take dead aim". The interesting thing is you don't actually "aim", you focus on your target, and with enough practice, you develop a "feel" for the swing.
I've never achieved it with my golf game, but with my spinning rod, I do pretty well. I don't claim to be the best, but I rarely get into trouble with my casts.
It seems odd to me, but I am more accurate with longer casts. I'm less accurate with shorter casts of 20 - 25 feet.
Not so good with a baitcaster.
Top water and shallow water soft plastics. I suck at deep water and open water tactictics.
I'll start by saying that I absolutely SUCK at prespawn and spawn fishing!
I feel like I can hold my own in just about any kind of condition other than spawn but I'm not great at any of them.
Lure wise, anything except spoons.
Buying tackle
jigs and soft plastics
Coming from the river, I've developed a lot of confidence in fishing Spinnerbaits and jigs in a number of ways. I excel at fishing at a fast pace and can maintain a high amount of casting accuracy throughout the day.
I have also been improving at developing patterns consistently, thanks to some great mentors and the guys here at BR ;D
QuoteBuying tackle![]()
Oh yeah, I'm better at that than finding small fish.
I would have to say if I excell at anything fishing it's flipping the heavy cover, many anglers pass it up because it's to harry or they don't want to lose baits, I can't get in deep enough, jigs and tubes are a staple good in my boat. But who can resist the excitement of the frog, it's a close second because it fishes heavy cover too. ;D
1. River fishing with live bait, multi-species.
2. Fishing soft plastics and jigs.
my best best quality is my overall enthusiasm. give something to focus on and it will eat me alive. my strongest starting i feel is jig n pig ;D
Fishing plastics.
Top 2 are the texas rigged chigger craw and wacky rig senko.
I will ALWAYS catch something on a topwater. my next 2 strengths are suspended jerks and plastics of any type. I am also a very very accurate caster. i learned accuracy by fishin narrow creeks.I also have infinite patience when it comes to fishing. I will also dissect and stump or grass line when other people will move spots. I am very confident in pretty much my whole fishing arsenal (with a few exeptions)
Never Giving Up! Soft plastics is always my first choice, followed by topwater(weather permitting) then I become the junk fishing king.
I'd have to say worms, worms, and more worms.
My biggest strength I feel is picking a lure/bait out of the box. Everyone always copies what i use. I believe this comes from fishing mountain trout for so long.
And when was the last time you saw a bright pink or lime green bug in the water Keep it simple.
Finding fish where others don't look. Topwater and crankbaits.