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Weakley speaks out on 25 lber... 2024

fishing user avatarBiglouie reply : 

***.com has an article posted on an interview they did with Weakely, the gentleman who caught the big toad on Lake Dixon. It is pretty good. Answers most everybody's questions. Sounds like a good honest guy.

fishing user avatarPond-Pro reply : 

Great interview, thanks!

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

Very good interview. Sounds like a stand up guy to me.

My favorite quote is:

"The thing that's really sad is, I feel this record's really tarnished by everybody looking at it for this big cash-in they're going to get. That's why I think the record is so popular."

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

Heh. He sounds like a good enough dude to me. It seems to me that he came clean. I respect that. But this much is least everyone knows that Perry's Record isn't as untouchable as everyone once thought it to be. Tons and tons of dreamers wanting to catch the WR. Well now eveyone knows that it exists and can be done. Should be fun to watch for it to fall sometime soon...and it looks, to me anyway, that it will happen in CA. Although TX has it's fair share of beasts. Don't know if there are any as big as that CA toad...but who knows.

Weakley also makes a good point about the IGFA. I read through the rulebook over the last few days. He is right. There are some gray areas in the book that should be refined. And I am with him on the fact that the WR fish should come out of public waters. So EVERYONE has a shot...and a fair shot at that.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
Very good interview. Sounds like a stand up guy to me.

My favorite quote is:

"The thing that's really sad is, I feel this record's really tarnished by everybody looking at it for this big cash-in they're going to get. That's why I think the record is so popular."

Who does this guy think he's kidding.

My favorite quote "He did offer to pay Kyle Malmstrom $1,000 on Sun., March 19 for a 30-minute chance at the fish.

Paying for exclusive fishing rights in public waters?   This opens a pretty big can of worms in my book.  Notice he was careful to not to say that Mr Malmstrom accepted the bribe, but this is outrageous, and if Dixon is public water and Mr. Malmstrom a public employee, then bribery or attempted bribery is a criminal act.  At the very least this guy should have his fishing license revoked.  

Not a standup guy at all.  I believe he would have submitted the bass for the world record, but after "conferencing" with his pals decided he wouldn't get away with it.

I hate to say this, I truly do, but I wish the fish had been killed.  Let the world record be caught in a fair chase manner, not repeatedly targeting this magnificent animal

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

The $1,000 was not accepted by anyone. The guy they offered the cash to even said he didn't take any money. And so what if they offered him some cash and a few rods for a shot at the fish. If the guy accepted the offer then shame on him. But he didn't take the offer because he knew what was down there. Mac admitted to making the offer so that's pretty stand up to me.

That's the problem Mac was talking about with this record. Everyone, almost everyone, is in it more for the $$$$$$$$ than anything else.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

He tries to bribe his way to a record fish and that's a stand up guy?????????

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

I really don't think the offer is that big of a deal. They could have been joking with the guy just to see what he was going to say. It sounds like they were serious but maybe they knew the guy would never leave that fish so they started throwing numbers in his face. Big deal.

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

He may not have been a stand up guy for trying to bribe the gentleman, but I think he is a stand up guy for at least admitting that he did it. He probably knows that a lot of people will see it the same way you do avid. It takes a man to step up in front of the entire world and say "Yes...I did this...I made a mistake." If he had really wanted to he could have continued on and submitted to the IGFA despite all the controversy swirling around it. Probably wouldn't have been approved, but he could have done it.  

fishing user avatarbobo reply : 

It's called karma. I always say, you make your own luck. You're seeing a fine example of it with this catch...

The only standup guy i've seen from all this is the 18 year old kid. Hats off to him for his actions. I'll admit it, had I been that kid and mac used the loophole to already be out on the lake and I was first in line.... after I showed this guy the dang fish in the first place... It may have took more than his 2 friends to pull me off him ;) Gotta kid the kid credit through all this...

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

I don't think what Weakley did getting a camping permit in order to get to the fish first was wrong. He simply happened to know that he could do that. That was fair game. If the other kid would have known the same thing he too could have done it.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Well, I don't want to beat this to death, and apparantly I am in the minority, but I think that what he did was despicable, and the fact that he admitted it only tells me that too many other people knew about his actions for him to try and get away with it.  

His whining about how sad it is that people are pursuing the record for money is gross hypocrisy.  

a "stand up" guy in my book is the one out there fishing other parts of the lake because He believes "if the lake holds one record bass maybe it holds another".  I truly believe there are guys out there doing just that.  

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Kudos Avid, you made several valid points that I visited as well.

Remember the very first story, before it was reshaped? I do.

After he landed that fish, someone else had to SHOUT aloud that it was "foul-hooked",

before he ever acknowledged the fact. I'm not implying that he foul-hooked the bass on purpose.

I'm implying that Weakley wanted it so bad, he could taste it! That's why bribery would even enter

his mind. Would you have thought to offer another fisherman $1000 for the right to catch his fish.

I give him no credit for admitting anything, he was trapped and had no choice.

Hey, we've got "stand-up" guys right here in the forum, plenty of them. Don't go for the bait,

and don't put this guy in our category. I'm afraid there's no Boo-Hoo here,

and no room on my pedestal for Weakley. But of course, to each his own.


fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 
Heh. He sounds like a good enough dude to me. It seems to me that he came clean. I respect that. But this much is least everyone knows that Perry's Record isn't as untouchable as everyone once thought it to be. Tons and tons of dreamers wanting to catch the WR. Well now eveyone knows that it exists and can be done. Should be fun to watch for it to fall sometime soon...and it looks, to me anyway, that it will happen in CA. Although TX has it's fair share of beasts. Don't know if there are any as big as that CA toad...but who knows.

Weakley also makes a good point about the IGFA. I read through the rulebook over the last few days. He is right. There are some gray areas in the book that should be refined. And I am with him on the fact that the WR fish should come out of public waters. So EVERYONE has a shot...and a fair shot at that.

We here in Georgia new that the WR was touchable as soon as Cali started producing 20lb plus bass in the 90's. I just hope the WR remains in the USA.

fishing user avatarPond-Pro reply : 

Intresting points. I feal that Weakley really wanted the fish, and 1k wasnt much to him. I think many other people would have donet things they normally wouldnt do when placed in a situation like Weakley was. At least credit him for caring for the bass and releasing it as quick as possible.

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 
And I am with him on the fact that the WR fish should come out of public waters. So EVERYONE has a shot...and a fair shot at that.

As long as the fish dosen't come from a private pond where the fish are fed for the purpose of growing bigger fish and it's left as natrural as public waters then I don't see a problem with it coming from a private water.    I really don't see why he would say that he has a more than fair chance at catching the WR than alot of other fisherman out there. The fact of the matter is we all have the oppurtunity to catch a world record it just a matter of how much effort that one puts in to it  A world record fish is a world record fish no matter if was caught in public waters or private as long as the criteria as stated above is met.

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

I understand people not liking the fact that the offer was made. But Mac could easily deny that any offer was ever made. He should be given some credit for admitting that. The fact that he bought a camping permit doesn't bother me. Anyone could have done the same exact thing. As far as killing the bass, I don't see why anyone would want that. Especially at this time of year. She is loaded with eggs. I hope people give her a break and let her spawn. The next 25 could be one of those eggs.

fishing user avatarFL_fisher reply : 

Im with avid on this. I also dont see how you foul hook a bass on a bed and not try to. If the fish takes your bait your not going to hook the fish in the side.

fishing user avatarFL_fisher reply : 

Throw in the fact that the people on the dock said he missed the fish 4 times and things really get fishy.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
Im with avid on this. I also dont see how you foul hook a bass on a bed and not try to. If the fish takes your bait your not going to hook the fish in the side.

If I remember the story right,he was fishing a 10-12 ft deep bed and the monster nosed down on his jig,he lost sight of the jig and set the hook.......I cant say that I wouldnt have done the same thing.........if I see a bass go nose down on my jig and then I lose sight of the jig,I'm setting the hook HARD!Whenever your bed fishing and you see the bass go pretty much vertical near your bait,9 times out of 10,you are about to get bit.And I'm sure at that point the dude was shaking like a leaf knowing he was about to battle with a real monster.

fishing user avatarJayDub reply : 
The $1,000 was not accepted by anyone. The guy they offered the cash to even said he didn't take any money. And so what if they offered him some cash and a few rods for a shot at the fish. If the guy accepted the offer then shame on him. But he didn't take the offer because he knew what was down there. Mac admitted to making the offer so that's pretty stand up to me.

That's the problem Mac was talking about with this record. Everyone, almost everyone, is in it more for the $$$$$$$$ than anything else.

Exactly... almost everyone IS in it for the money when it comes to the world record INCLUDING these guys.  Why else would someone offer a grand to get off a fish so they could catch it instead?  SO HE COULD GET MILLIONS WHEN HE CATCHES IT!  The only reason they decided to let it go and not pursue the record:

1. They caught and retained it ILLEGALLY!.

2. They KNEW there was no way it would become certified as the world record.

Now they look like great guys because they released it and are not pursuing it because "they are not in it for the money"!?!? GIVE ME A BREAK!  They just want people on their side in case they catch the thing again legally and THEN they will go for the millions.  I CAN'T BELIEVE that people are praising this guy for not pursing it when he BROKE THE LAW and it was all captured on film!!!  THIS IS RIDICULOUS!  >:( (note that i am not directing this toward you Roger)

fishing user avatarMadhouse27 reply : 

Man, I don't know what to think of all this  :o

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
Im with avid on this. I also dont see how you foul hook a bass on a bed and not try to. If the fish takes your bait your not going to hook the fish in the side.

Throw in the fact that the people on the dock said he missed the fish 4 times and things really get fishy.

Spoken like someone without much sight fishing experience.

Hate to break it to you Fl, fish bump and sweep stuff off beds all the time... with the mouth closed. And at 15 feet, I don't care how clear the water is, visibility isn't great.

This also could be as simple as the fish's tail hit the line and it felt like a strike.

Either way, many of you guys seem pretty eager to trash someone... and I just don't see why. No one here has been through life without foul hooking or gut hooking or just flat missing fish. It happens to everyone, just this time it was with a giant. That's bad luck, and no reason to kick a guy who just landed a 25 lb. bass.

Anyone remember this quote: "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"  

fishing user avatarBiglouie reply : 

I guess everyone has their own opinions, I'm sticking with my original. Sounds like the $1000 bribe really irks some folks here. What if the next WR buck comes from a hunter who paid a guide/outfitter $2500? Would you have a problem with that? What if the WR Bass comes from a guy who paid a guide $500 for a day of fishing? Would you have a problem with that too? I am really not trying to be sarcastic about this, I'm just curious. Or is it more than the money issue? I have a feeling it is.

Remember too, the other guy fished for this toad for several hours without any luck. Weakley wasn't paying $1000 to buy the fish, he simply wanted an opportunity (30 minutes) to fish for it. I don't think that's such a "bad thing". Him and his friends have been chasing a WR for years. I wouldn't have done it, but I'm not going to rip a guy apart over this one issue.

The first thing I thought of when I started reading the posts on this a couple days ago was the "Rompola Buck". Remember that controversy!

**on edit**

Amen Flechero!

fishing user avatarbobo reply : 

Evidently the visibilty was that great if he could the bass was the same one caught 3 years earlier.... i'd say that was incredible visibility....And where ya get 15 ft from flech? I guess it's like BS, it just gets deeper and deeper as the story goes along ;)

I dunno, it looks like he waited for the fish to swim near near his bait and then swung (4 or 5 times as a matter of fact), if anything, i'd say he was sight fishing intentionally trying to hook it anyway he could. I think his complaint of the small male swimming around too just adds to the facts that he was well aware of what was going on at the lure.

Did he feel anything? well only one person in the world knows that answer, him.  

As far as trashing people, I didn't see trashing at first, I saw skeptical people... the trashin is coming from the praise this guy is getting and details coming out days after.... and I, for one, haven't seen this guy do anything standup yet... releasing the fish was just common sense, not standup.

My version of standup guy goes like this... Well, I saw the fish come up on the lure and jumped the gun and swung. And to my dismay, I got the fish to the boat and saw the bad hook. So we went to the dock, got some pictures, video and weighed her, then threw her back for a chance for someone to break the record.

Lets look at his version. First, I notice a kid fishin a bass, the nice kid shows the fish to me. I try to buy him off the fish and fail. So to steal this guy's spot from him I purchase a camping permit to make sure I get on the lake before him....Well, I swung at the fish 4 or 5 times. Finally got her hooked and landed. Then we rode out the the middle of the water.... (insert own reasons here). Got back to the dock, seen if anyone called us out on the foul hook, when someone did we decided to throw her back.

heh, I feel bad for this guy actually. I think he wanted to do the right thing, and maybe he firends whispering in his ear, Hey lets see if we can get away with this....

and louie, it's not the point so much of the bribe or whatever you wanna call it. This guy was clearly on the fish. Stayed till closing and was first guy in line the next morning. You can defend em all you want. Even say he was legit in taking the spot...but that don't make it right. I mean, come on, how can you be the first guys in line and NOT go fishin, just stand on the dock and watch a guy in the spot YOU showed him! yah, that was real standup right there.....

I love how he says he wants a 12 year old boy or 60 year old woman catches the WR. But as we find out, he went out of his way to take away the attempt by a 18 year old kid....

The more I think about this, the more disgusted I get.

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

That is a twisted version. The 18 year old kid, Steve Barnett, is not the same person who was on the fish the day before.

Kyle Malmstrom, who I believe is 34, was on the fish the day before and he was offered the cash.

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
And where ya get 15 ft from flech? I guess it's like BS, it just gets deeper and deeper

The fist few threads had links to the story... said 15' deep approx 15 yards from the bank.

So to steal this guy's spot from him I purchase a camping permit to make sure I get on the lake before him

What part of that constitutes stealing? Seems just as easy for the "poor, mistreated" kid to buy a camping permit. Welcome to public water, that happens at all the state parks that close each night, even here in Tx.

As far as trashing people, I didn't see trashing at first

Then you weren't reading anything on this forum... he's been trashed since an hour after the story broke.

I think his complaint of the small male swimming around too just adds to the facts that he was well aware of what was going on at the lure.

First of all, define small in the presence of a 25lb bass. Either way, his view (of his bait)could have easily been obscured by either one of the fish. If you honestly believe that there is now way to miss, while sight fishing in 15' of water then you are a forum troll, pro's miss while sight fishing in 3-4 feet all the time.

Are you always so cynical?

fishing user avatarbobo reply : 

Maybe I misread that part. I thought this kid was with Kyle the previous day.

And yah, my point exactly was to make it twisted from one etreme of being standup to the other of being shady....Until I see something that says otherwise, i'm leaning towards shady... Click my name, read all my posts about this. I just don't see anything this guy should be praised for. I don't have any idea what went on or his intents.

I'm just saying from the information we've gotten, it points more toward, trying to get away with something shady than it does pointing towards this guy is so standup....

Flech... the first reports were 10, then came 12 then came 12-15.... sooo, i'll give you the benefit and say it was 15.... And never in my life, have I or seen anyone take 5 swipes at a fish and not get it.... cept for foul hooks... but anyway, back to the depth and size...

I'll even give you the benefit it was a HUGE male....even though he's quoted as saying a "very small" male... but lets say it was an epic male, 8lb, just to give your argument some merit... heh...... anway, You're gonna tell me he made the distinction that is was the same fish as 3 years earlier in 15ft of water and it not be good visibility...???? heh, i'll just leave it at that...

As far as the kid, like I said, if he wasn't with the guy that got the offer, and the one that showed the fish to him.... then I take it back. For all I know the kid coulda been trying to get there first to get $1000 to leave heh.... could be my mistake.

But, I fish on water pretty similiar. Can't even take a boat, they provide you with small boat and motor. And everyone that goes there has areas they hit first. And you won't see people doing things like getting a camp pass to get a spot someone else was on the previous day.

And I'll let you slide on calling me a forum troll. I may not post much. And yah, this story did get me going. But don't try to start calling me names or insulting me because I don't agree with you.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

The fish was caught illegal as per cali Fish and Game Law.   The guy was lucky to encounter the fish, unlucky on the hookset.   Lucky he didn't get a ticket for not immediately adhereing to the laws which they know very well as they retained the fish in possession for over 15-20 minutes.     The fish was not taken in a legal manner thus, no record, and the 25 lber shouldn't recieve any credit.

Personal scales are like personal stories, we don't know him or his scales and its not the first time that they have caught fish that didn't get credit for the top 25...........

Some might say this is trash talk, but every thing stated is a fact.   So if the truth hurts alittle.

The first thought in my head when dreaming of a record is knowing that your name will stand for hundreds of years in the top 50 all time largest bass caught on record,   the money that might come from it is an after thought.   My dream is to catch one first.    Then I'll think about the rewards that comes with it.

fishing user avatarFL_fisher reply : 
Im with avid on this. I also dont see how you foul hook a bass on a bed and not try to. If the fish takes your bait your not going to hook the fish in the side.

Throw in the fact that the people on the dock said he missed the fish 4 times and things really get fishy.

Spoken like someone without much sight fishing experience.

Hate to break it to you Fl, fish bump and sweep stuff off beds all the time... with the mouth closed. And at 15 feet, I don't care how clear the water is, visibility isn't great.

This also could be as simple as the fish's tail hit the line and it felt like a strike.

Either way, many of you guys seem pretty eager to trash someone... and I just don't see why. No one here has been through life without foul hooking or gut hooking or just flat missing fish. It happens to everyone, just this time it was with a giant. That's bad luck, and no reason to kick a guy who just landed a 25 lb. bass.

Anyone remember this quote: "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

Hate to break it to me lol. I have caught many bass off of beds and I have never foul hooked one of them. Maybe it was a freak thing I didnt say I was 100%sure he tried to foul hook they fish I just said the whole story is fishy.

fishing user avatarFL_fisher reply : 
Im with avid on this. I also dont see how you foul hook a bass on a bed and not try to. If the fish takes your bait your not going to hook the fish in the side.

If I remember the story right,he was fishing a 10-12 ft deep bed and the monster nosed down on his jig,he lost sight of the jig and set the hook.......I cant say that I wouldnt have done the same thing.........if I see a bass go nose down on my jig and then I lose sight of the jig,I'm setting the hook HARD!Whenever your bed fishing and you see the bass go pretty much vertical near your bait,9 times out of 10,you are about to get bit.And I'm sure at that point the dude was shaking like a leaf knowing he was about to battle with a real monster.

I didnt realize the bed was that deep but I still wouldnt set the hook just because I couldnt see my bait when you do that you are likely to scare the bass away. I know there are many times that a bass will go nose down and just watch the bait. Anyway I just dont see why so many people what the new record to be a bass that wasnt even hooked in the mouth. Eather way if he tried to foul hook the bass or not it doesnt change the fact that he didnt trick the bass into biting his bait.

ps. fbl this whole post isnt directed toward you

fishing user avatarcakes reply : 

I think he is somewhere in the middle.  Not a standup guy like Abe Lincoln who walked miles to return a penny,lol.  But not some ahole who was trying to buy a WR.  This guy has been trying for years for these monsters.  In his present state, which he was probably in near hysteria, he wanted that bass so bad he could taste it.  So what if he offered a grand to buy the guy out.  Who had admittedly fished it all day and couldn't get it to bite.  Who here hasn't bought or tipped someone to get preferred service?

As for what he was trying to or would have done is all speculation.  Maybe he and the eventual WR holder should be given lie detector tests.

fishing user avatarBiglouie reply : 

And yah, my point exactly was to make it twisted from one etreme of being standup to the other of being shady....Until I see something that says otherwise, i'm leaning towards shady...  

you summarize your feelings well in that single statement, Guilty till proven innocent.  

fishing user avatarVermonster reply : 

And yah, my point exactly was to make it twisted from one etreme of being standup to the other of being shady....Until I see something that says otherwise, i'm leaning towards shady...

you summarize your feelings well in that single statement, Guilty till proven innocent.

Unfortunately, this is how society has become.  There will NEVER be 100% agreement on a WR.  People always doubt till it's proven.  The guy could video tape it, photo it, measure it, weigh it on a certified scale, in front of 50 witnesses and an IGFA official, and there will still be doubters.  They will say "The video is doctored", or he didn't catch it legally, or "Everyone's in on the conspiracy", or "It shouldn't count because California feeds trout to it's bass, so it's unnatural"......... It's really pretty sad.

I gave the guy the benefit of the doubt, but when the facts started coming out, I have taken the side that there is no way this should/could be a record.  But at least I gave him the benefit of the doubt.  Too many people here were attacking him, even before any details broke.....

Also, I find something else very interesting.  All of you doubters who have said "These guys were record chasers, so they knew what they needed to do to certify it", well, here's something.  Do you think that world record bass chasers would have a scale that's off by 3 pounds or more????  Absolutely not.  Therefore, I am going to take the opinion that this fish was a legit 24-25 pounder, just not legally caught and not going to be a record.  Too many of you seem to doubt that it was even that big.....  ::)

fishing user avatarbobo reply : 

Incorrect louie, exactly the opposite, I thought he had, no questions. The first day. Then the story just had some things that kinda made me go, huh?

Last time i'm saying this, i give anyone the benefit of the doubt, until they show otherwise, HE DID.

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

Wrong. If the IGFA guys approve the next WR, you will not see this argument. That's what the IGFA is there for. Those so-called big bass hunters should know better than most.


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