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Do Your Kids Fish? 2024

fishing user avatarlmoore reply : 

It seems like most people start fishing because of their parents. I know the reason I started fishing was my dad and my grandpa(s), so I was wondering if the fishing nuts here rubbed off on their kids. So, for the guys/gals with kids, do they love fishing as much as you?

fishing user avatarjignfule reply : 

I 've created a monster (two of em) my boys are in their early and mid twentys, fished their whole lifes and sincerly love the sport. In many ways they're much better fishermen than I. I might not leave them a lot of $$$$ when I die,  but they can alway be thankful that their dad got them into fishing.

fishing user avatarslowpoke274 reply : 

my son doesnt care to fish neither do my older nephews but my youngest 2 nephews (8 and 11) are addicts they cant wait for saturdays during the summer to go hit the lake it doesnt matter what we are catching theyre all about it

fishing user avatarTriCityBassin' reply : 

OMG yes!!!  My little boy is a fishing addict!  He is 5 now and when we are on the water, i have to force him to stop and drink water and to eat.  He is already catching fish on slider worms and 1/8 oz spinnerbaits.  I tried to get him to use a Senko but he is just like me....aint having it lol.  I was so proud the day he put 4 casts under an overhanging tree and caught 3 bream and a bass! 


Proud papa here!

fishing user avatarTeal reply : 

My boy is not yet advanced as some as yalls. My son is 2and a half. I take him with me as much as i can. I finally got to where i can take him on my boat without taking another person and still get some fishing in. He loves to help me reel in fish. I posted in another thread but he was reeling in a popR that i casted out on his snoopy rod and hooked a 13inch bass.

My son would rather watch fishing videos on youtube than watch thomas the train or cartoons! He also seems content when hes helping me organize tackle to spooling reels.

I hope that he continues with his intrest in fishing. Oh and my son has a stuffed animal that he has to take everywhere with him,sleep with it, eat with it, you name it. It is a stuffed toy catfish. He tells the people at church that he caught it. Lol

And to answer the op, my brothers and i learned to fish from our dad

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

I have 2 kids a  6 year old son and a 4 year old daughter. both love fishing. my son does not have the patience to work on casting and I don't have the patience to untangle lines so he and his sister play in the boat while I fish and they take turns reeling them in.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

My older daughter has lost interest in fishing.  My younger one still likes to go after the panfish.

fishing user avatarwakeeater reply : 

i've been blessed with two boys, ages 9 & 7.  we fish here on the lake just about all year.  i've taken them on some guided trips when we've gone to the beach.  the trips are pricey, but the pictures are my desk are priceless to me.  the oldest is more interested and can hang in there a lot longer when the bite is slow.  the 7yr old is done when the bites stop.  i was an avid wakeboarder for about ten years & didnt fish at all.  a few years back the old knees started telling me to give them a rest & i started fishing a little.  i used to fish with my dad when i was a kid.  well, i caught the bug again.  it's one of the few sports i can do the rest of my life & with my boys.  the wakeboat is now second to the triton & i have a chronic case of the bait monkey.....but there are worse ways to blow money!  i just wish my dad was still around to "set the hook" with us.

fishing user avatarzip pow reply : 

U bet it does my boy told me were going crappie fishing tomorrow a few minutes ago. I said ok

fishing user avatarCrookedneck reply : 

Fishing is a family thing here.  My 9 year old fished a couple tournements with me last year.  My four year old hangs in for a couple hours at a time.  I bought a minnow bucket for when the youngest goes with me.  I buy a half a dozen minnows, put them in the bucket and the 4 year old fishes for hours.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

Its a family tradition for at least the 4 generations my family has been here.. My son is my tournament partner, and my dad never says no to a day out on the water.

fishing user avatarTeal reply : 

No matter the siize the first fish goes in the livewell, my 2 year old will play in the livewell all day if i let him

fishing user avatarB@ssCrzy reply : 

I have 3 kids, two girls ages 2 and 6, and one boy age 4.  My oldest likes to fish for panfish mostly, but when we stop reeling fish in and the bite slows down she immediately loses interest.  My son on the other hand loves to fish.  When he was 2 he started wanting to collect lures instead of other toys.  We would just take the trebles off and he would put them on his snoopy pole and cast out in the yard.  His favorite show to watch was Fishing with Roland Martin.  This past year he caught his first couple of bass on his own using a senko.  It was cool to see him do it.  He also has learned how to cast a spinning reel, which I couldn't believe he actually would be able to do it, but he stuck with it and is pretty good at it now.  Anytime I would go out fishing he wants to go with me, but towards the end of the summer he started slowing down a bit.  So we will see what his interest level is in fishing this summer.  I am keeping my fingers crossed. The youngest will be introduced to fishing this year so we will see what happens with her.

fishing user avatarLunker7 reply : 

Well, my dad and my uncle both contributed to my love of fishing, and now I'm passing that down to my younger cousin.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Yep, I got my 5 and 3 yr old boys fishing, they love it. I can only hope it lasts a lifetime. My baby girl, 1 and a half, has been out with us on the family bluegill trips. She was helping me un packmy box of goodies tonight, those sparkly worms are just so pretty lol.I got started because my dad took me and later my uncle too.




fishing user avatarHanover_Yakker reply : 

Absolutely. He even has his own kayak that I won for him last year. He has been fishing with me in my kayak since age 4. His weapon of choice is a 6'3" Crucial paired with a 2500 Sienna. He has caught bass, pickerel, crappie, bluegill, croaker, spot, speckled trout and redfish on that same setup.

fishing user avatarretiredbosn reply : 

I have pictures of my daughter holding her catches. She was an excellent wing shot by the age of 12, I also have pics of her swinging on a chukker..very cool u see my dog on point her swinging on the bird and the bird. Now in her 20's time fishing is almost non existent. Her youngest brother is coming on in the fishing world.

fishing user avatarendless reply : 

My 5 year loves too but I admit I don't take him hardly any and need to break out of that.

fishing user avatarTom Walker reply : 

I am 14 and I am a fishing addict, infact I just got back from a 6hr fishing session again, I love fishing, I just started working in a tackle store.

fishing user avatarShane J reply : 

I have a 5 year old son, who I introduced to fishing when he was about 2. I love that he gets excited about going, and that he sees it as something him and Daddy can share. The time together is magical and priceless. 



fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 

Yep, my kid fishes. Started taking him at 5 yrs. old, he is now 49 yrs. old.


fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

No kids yet. You can bet that once he/she is born, they will be playing with a Shimano baitcaster until old enough to fish. (Familiarity is the key) :hahaha-024:

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 
  On 1/20/2013 at 8:35 PM, LgMouthGambler said:
No kids yet. You can bet that once he/she is born, they will be playing with a Shimano baitcaster until old enough to fish. (Familiarity is the key) :hahaha-024:



Hey LMG, in some circles, that's called



fishing user avatarStinkyBass reply : 

I dont know if he'll like fishing yet or not, but he'll be missing me on Saturdays if he doesnt! LOL, there's no doubt he'll be exposed to it! he's 3 weeks old in this picture, no one said that i couldnt bring his baby swing out by the lake! (and yes, he wasnt too close to the shore and was far enough away that i wasnt gonna snag him while need to call CPS :eyebrows: )


fishing user avatarCPBassFishing reply : 

I got into fishing from my grandpa a little bit, but I mostly taught myself. Its just what I love to do. My family doesn't even give a hoot about fishing other than my grandpa and I. I have tried to get my little brother to fish but was having none of it. My grandpa is mostly a saltwater fisherman.

fishing user avatarkeith71 reply : 
  On 1/21/2013 at 1:04 AM, CPBassFishing said:
I got into fishing from my grandpa a little bit, but I mostly taught myself. Its just what I love to do. My family doesn't even give a hoot about fishing other than my grandpa and I. I have tried to get my little brother to fish but was having none of it. My grandpa is mostly a saltwater fisherman.

Stick with it,my family didnt fish either and every thing I learned early on was from T.V and time on the water.From the time I was 10 I would ride my bike a couple of miles and fish from dawn to dusk on the weekends and all Summer.Now that Im grown with a family of my own I fish a local Bass club,own a little boat and more tackle than a man should have.My son happens to love the sport too so Im blessed with a fishing buddy for the rest of my life

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 1/20/2013 at 8:41 PM, hootiebenji said:
Hey LMG, in some circles, that's called


Tomato, tomahto. Lol

fishing user avatarTeal reply : 


I take mine every chance i get, there will be a day when my chances will be fewer.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I have two daughters, 8 and 3.5. I started taking my older one out for just boat rides and a little bit of fishing when she was about 4, and each year she goes more and more, and fished more and more. Usually when I take her, I keep the bass fishing to a minimum, and when I do bass fish I include her with things like......."pick a lure you want me to catch a fish on, then when I catch one, pick another one and I will switch to it" that keeps her excited for whats next, and occupied by digging through my stuff. She also really like to watch me fish a frog, I let her "call" a cadence and walk and pop the frog to her saying "eat me ribbit, eat me ribbit" LOL, and she loves to be the net man. When she does pick up a rod and fish, we usually are tossing little crankbaits for bluegills and loading the boat, or dropshotting bluegills while watching the front graph screen, it makes it like a video game for her. This year I hope to make it a weekly thing,and get her doing some basic bass fishing stuff, I never wanted to push it  and have her hate it becasue she was bored. She actually asks me to take her ice fishing now, because when we have gone she has had a ball catching fish, drilling holes, playing on the ice. etc...., hopefully bass fishing out of the boat will be like that soon. I will do the same with the younger one too.

fishing user avatarTeal reply : 


I had to add this one, my son and I. The best fishing partner ive ever had.

fishing user avatargripnrip reply : 

Just went out with my 3 year old little girl yesterday for a bit.  She got bored really quick.  So we then went to the playground equipment to swing and slide.  I have a 13 year old son also.  I just started really getting back into fishing this last year.  I have taken him some in the past but not near enough.  When it warms more I hope to find a little john boat to trick out and we can go more.  We have hunted our tales off though.  He has proved to deadlier than I with a rifle in hand.  


The best thing I could pass on to my children is a love for the outdoors my pops and my uncle's instilled in me when I was their age.

fishing user avatarC-roy reply : 

. I look forward to the day my son gets old enough to hit the water with me, he just turned 2 and I took him with me to my parents pond this past summer. he had fun playing with the soft plastics and seeing the blue gill my mom was catching, I ended up catching a 21in bass and he was pretty excited seeing one almost as tall as him lol

fishing user avatarJason_Vorhees reply : 

my son's 3.5lb large mouth on a kids shakespear rod/reel combo (which he has 3). he enjoys playing with the tackle more then fishing itself


fishing user avatarBig Bassman reply : 

I have 3 boys & 2 girls. The boys started bass fishing with me when they were each 3-4 years old. They got bait casting rods & reels, tackle boxes with all artifical baits right from the start and every Easter & Christmas thereafter. The 44 year old can't really afford a rig, but the 42 and 34 year olds both have fully outfitted bass boats and fish whenever they can. I still fish with them as much as I can, but after a lifelong marriage I finally have my wife fishing with me so we do alot of family fishing trips. Only Bass! Because we live in cold country our season starts with spring break, 4 families, 3 bass boats, 2 houses on Table Rock and a whole lot of fishing! Break'em in young and break'em in right, you won't regret it. Our family prays together, plays together, and stays together!

fishing user avatarmikeeasttn reply : 

post-29279-0-93019400-1358855014_thumb.jI have a 7 y/o grandson that loves to fish and has been fishing since he was 4 y/o.  Last year he caught a 8.5# LM.  He also loves to fish any touraments we can no matter the temperature.

The boat is not allowed to leaave if he is not going fishing.  He does not want me to fish while he is in school and wants me to wait until he returns home.

He tells everyone that we at BFBF(best fishing buddies forever).

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 

The old saying, "if you want something done right, do it yourself", applies here. If you want a great fishing partner, build your own. Like I posted above, my son and I have been fishing together for 43 yrs. We work together like a well oiled machine.


fishing user avatarRAN VAN DAM reply : 

I've taken my daughter with me a few times and she has caught bass before (shes 6 years old ) she use to hold the fish now she will not touch them i dont know why i will take my son as soon as he can walk.


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